Metropolitan Police officers have been filmed threatening to arrest a Christian preacher over allegations of hate crime.

    Video posted on social media showed a group of at least five officers demanding the names of the evangelist worshippers after a member of the public alleged that they had been racist and homophobic.

    The row was filmed outside the Pavilions shopping centre on Uxbridge High Street in west London and posted to YouTube last week, where it has amassed 71,000 views. There were no arrests.

    #preaching #police #christian

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    If You Preach in here it also depends of what you say because you might be um uh you might be committing criminal offenses as well EX for example us an example any homophobic comments yeah if if you make a if you make our the B if you make a members of the public

    Harassment alarm distress yeah it’s a criminal offense I’m aware of that yeah yeah so that’s what not we’re doing that what we’re doing is about preaching going to provide me with the details yes or no what details are you are you questioning I need your name and your

    Address okay so can you explain to me why do you need these details pardon can you expl cuz I don’t understand why okay currently there’s allegation it’s an offense so what allegation was it sir hate crime hate crime section public order what was said to cause the hate

    Crime sir homophobic Behavior give me examp give me an example I’ve not heard anything I’m not saying I’ve heard anything someone’s called us okay it might be completely untrue it might be true I do not know if you don’t give me your name and address I grounds to arrest you Google it practice

    Okay app can I confirm you’re aware of the allegation now that’s made I’m still not aw that’s to ask you some questions yeah so what aren’t you sure of I can see you smiling so I think you find this I’m smiling because I’m a friendly

    Person I’m I’m I’m going to ask you one last time otherwise you’re going to be placed under arrest so I’m going to ask you for the final time sir I’m not asking anymore you’ve been asked too many times


    1. What’s happening in our beloved country. A section of it can chant in thousands and even tens of thousands for many weeks and they are not harassed. Whilst Christians are not allowed to share the gospel of love & peace.

    2. i bet 100% they have not got any details of the person who made the alegation in the first place,pathetic woke police who would run 100 meters faster than linford christie could ever do if they had to tackle a real dangerous criminal,and they would not be chasing that criminal they would be going in the opposite direction

    3. All that happened was that he was asked for his details because somebody reported a crime. Of course we should be annoyed free speech but we should also be happy to give our details because it is also the law. By all means campaign to change the law but the officers aren't the issue, they were polite and disciplined. I'm a Christian, I want the gospel preached but the law is the law so just be nice to the Police.

    4. Just to add I've found the huge increase in antisemitism in our country against minority jews alarming and distressing and frightening. But the police just allow it to go on because there's more of the antisemites than police. But one lone ranger christian preacher is an easy target for them. How cowardly of them.Thats what i call bullying with a uniform on.

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