In this video, we look at the 3 ways my german wife change me: money, food, and exercise. I think many other American/Canadian immigrants to Europe may have experienced the same. Have you?

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    Would you like to hear three ways in which my German wife has influenced me a lot over the years and effectively changed me I will tell you about them now as a precursor I might be a little bit on one end of the Extreme as an

    American who grew up with parents uh in the circumstances that I did they weren’t exactly good with money they had to work a lot and so their focus was somewhere else my wife may also be on the other hand of the extreme because she grew up in Eastern Germany that it’s

    A part of Germany that was under Soviet control or Soviet rule uh for a certain amount of time and they’ve kind of they’ve suffered from that Eastern Germany even today does not have the same kind of financial success that Western Germany does so but here are the

    The three things number one has to do with money as you can imagine so I earned quite a bit of money throughout College bartending sometimes $100 a night or 150 even and then once I started working in Germany I was also earning okay but what

    I did is I spent all of my money right away now I used to smoke cigarettes and I used to drink and so a lot of my money went to those two things but I also like to buy clothes like to buy a gadget once

    In a while and so by the end of the week or the end of the pay period my money was all gone my wife is much different she’s really good at saving money and she doesn’t buy anything unless she needs it as far as entertainment goes same thing

    We do not spend very much money on entertainment and she never drank hardly anything never smoked so in general she is just much better with money and she has kind of re raised me into be much better with money myself much more efficient with money and that’s a good

    Thing so now I’m earning full-time as an engineer and the money that I make we are quite efficient at saving and hopefully someday can put good use to that money now one thing to mention is my wife grew up in a village with just one telephone I mean they really did not

    Have much in Eastern Germany in the DDR back then they got bananas once a year so they are used to dealing with a lack of goods lack of supplies lack of money and therefore they’re also really good at fixing things so that is point number number one my wife who grew up in

    Eastern Germany taught me how to be much more efficient with money a bit more minimalistic and use money in a better way the second thing is she taught me a lot about food so I ate a whole lot of junk food and throughout College I would just eat

    Either pizza or uh frozen chicken my wife said mm you got to start eating healthy and so she even to this day for forces me to eat healthy on a regular basis cuz I still tend to want to eat chips and junk food and fast food that’s

    Just hard to get out of my system to be honest but my wife always uh I mean she had a little farm growing up they had chickens they had vegetables they had uh they could really provide a lot for themselves and so she’s used to that having her own fresh food Regional food

    Healthy food and she has imposed her will on me with that also which is a very good thing so we try to eat as healthy as we can although I still kind of influence that in a negative way it’s hard to get it completely out of my

    System and the third thing that my wife has done to influence me is to get me into exercise and you’ll see that all over Germany Germans well they do on a Sunday instead of going out for entertainment going to the movies or go to eat what they’ll do is just go for a

    Walk or go for a jog or go for a bike ride you don’t really see that in the states very much certainly not the walking part she also has taken me to dozens upon dozens of mountains we do a lot of Mountain hiking tobogganing biking all sorts of things swimming my wife has

    Gotten me quite involved in exercise and although I was never lazy was never a couch potato I was not very focused on exercise and that is the third thing that my wife has influenced me on which is a favorable thing it’s a positive thing she has taught me to do exercise

    On a regular basis to stay fit now for any of you guys out there who are maybe immigrants yourselves in Germany expats people with German wives or european wives how have you been influenced by your wives your better halfes


    1. I think your observations upon the influence of your wife on your lifestyle is more of a personal attribute of your wife and has little to do with the fact that she grew up in the DDR. I lived my first 25 years in the USA in a well-to-do family. My parents were thrifty and usually only bought things they needed. They realised, that the food products in the USA were of poor quality with a lot of chemicals, so they paid attention to what we ate. We lived in a middle sized town so we were able to do things like shopping without using a car but we walked or took our bikes. We children spent little time in front of the TV but rather we each learned to play an Instrument, joined music groups and were active in sport clubs. When I moved to West Germany I found myself very comfortable, as most of the people I met had a similar lifestyle as what I experienced in the USA. Later I grew aware, that my family was not so typical American, but we were not in any religious group or considered ourselves as something unusual.

    2. I always said I would never marry an American woman, found one from Dusseldorf here in South Florida and took the plunge back in 2011, still going with an 8 year old daughter. We go to Europe every year too. First time viewer, Berlin is amazing btw. Peace

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