After cycling the area for a few days, we come across a new campsite along the voie verte cycle path, with nice big pitches and good facilities, so we pack up and move just a few miles to ‘Camping Maisonneuve’.
    We spend two lovely, relaxing nights here….despite the blistering heat, making good use of the sites good facilities, including a fabulous pool area.
    The nearby fields are used by numerous Hot Air Balloon companies, making the landing of balloons quite an entertaining spectacle over the weekend. All good fun!!!…..and a campsite we would definitely visit again!!

    Bernard don’t look now but there seems to be a balloon over your Head so on our lovely cycle ride to lunch the other day we came down this little route here which is part of the V route and we came across this campsite on our way and we had a quick wrecking we thought oh that looks nice and it

    Actually looked like it was a little bit more spacious and little bit better laid out than the campsite we were at at the minute so we did a bit of a Swap and this one is um camping M nerve camping mve camping desan lovely and this is actually a really big campsite

    There there lots of pictures and basically this is the reception area just here so you drive down this big long driveway pop yourself to reception which is just here that’s reception very very friendly and reception no problem at all speak perfect English book yourself in and

    Then you come and pick a pitch oh air balloons you come in and pick a pitch and like I said it’s a very very big sprawling campsite there is lots of different types of pictures to choose from so there are pictures that are very well separated under trees pictures at

    The back over there are next to a little river and there is this very very big um open um field area here this is the uh field that we’re in and you kind of Camp around the edges and they are still numbered pictures there’s a couple of quite a few

    Sary blocks so this is the washing areas and they have another big sanitary block over by the reception area let’s just go over this way this one’s not usually as busy this is the main bar Reception Area um they do a really nice menu full season and then a reduced menu um offse

    And uh it’s very popular Bo W obviously you’ve got your pank court in season this really big bar pool Terrace area is open it it really is a very very nice um campsite the facilities are great actually and what I’ll do is I’ll just come over here and quickly give you a wcky of the

    Pool area which is also awesome and it is heated if you come here I’ll give you a little wrecky of the pool it’s covered over at the moment because it’s bursting in the morning but it’s like an infinity pool and it flows over the edge it’s a

    Big pool you can swim in it it’s got lovely Terra Terrace areas around the edges and then you’ve got lots and lots of sun beds and little chairs and tables out so it really is a very nicely set up um pool space it’s barrier car parking so you

    Don’t need a code they give you that reception when you book in and this is the big huge field that we’re in there’s a Nelson disposal just [Applause] there and they also have the obligatory washers dryers paid and hand washing sinks sword right let’s get back to the van

    Cuz we are actually leaving today and this is the first opportunity I’ve really had to do a little bit of filming it’s been so busy but we’ve really enjoyed it here we’ve had two nights here um it has been very very very very very hot and that’s one of the reasons

    Why we’re actually heading back North because it’s still supposed to be hot down here for another four or five days oh look there’s the balloon taking off out of the field next door the field next door uses balloon for is used for balloon trips we think and they kind of

    Land and take off from there that’s awesome let me go and run into the field and see if I can get a picture very quickly oh look at that shot near the cliffs beautiful give him a [Laughter] wave or is he going up I think he might oh he’s going to hit the

    Tree oh go go go get up over the tree that is so fun oh he’s going to make it he’s going to make it yay look at that he’s going to touch the top we’ve actually looked online um at these balloon rides they are exceedingly popular in the door do Valley here it’s

    Quite famous for it in this area and they cost around about €200 a person which I suppose is not that bad I think he might be coming down in our field next door let’s go find out he is coming down in our field over our van van balloon that is so awesome

    That was a bit of a treat on a Saturday morning isn’t it and after getting totally distracted by the balloons Landing everywhere this is all on our pitch this is a nice big pitch actually so it’s from here all the way over to this tree here nice and

    Big grassy which is nice not dirt and this campsite has been costing or1 19 a night with axi so that’s with um electricity all the swimming facilities and um easy access to all the gorgeous places in the area uh and balloons in your back Garden cool


    1. I was gifted a balloon flight for my 40th, unfortunately didn't get to do it until I was nearly 42 because of foot and mouth. Best day ever, David thought I was going to bottle it because I don't like heights and I am claustrophobic as well. it was wonderful, I would do it again in a heartbeat. So quiet and so peaceful. Lovely site, bet you are glad you changed sites lol. Take care both xx

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