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    Every weekday 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on

    The pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick Christy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news weake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else

    7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before you’ve even had your kippers M Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the

    Heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you you GB news Britain’s newss Channel Martin dney weekdays from 300 p.m. you have a a

    President in uh President Biden who’s not enforcing the law that was passed by Congress President Obama criticize him or not actually enforced the law and and was deporting people that had crossed illegally of course president Trump enforced the law and improved the law to make sure that and worked with Mexico to

    Have the remain in Mexico policy Biden has abandoned federal policy in fact he’s deliberately trying to let in as many immigrants as possible more for for the Democrats more is better and less is racist just astonishing and the statement that um Greg Abbott put out is really feisty stuff he said the federal

    Government has broken the contract between the United States and the state of Texas and in the numbers Greg are simply eyew watering 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our Southern Border in just three years Governor Abbott says that’s more than the population of 33 states in the United States

    Astonishing numbers and and Martin that’s just Texas if you add Arizona and other border states you know it’s pushing 10 million by the end of Biden’s term it’ll be 11 million a study by Yale University a few weeks ago uh three very liberal professors that did the study estimate there’s 22 million illegal

    Aliens so this is a a crisis that was created by the by Biden it’s it’s what he wants they want un unfettered access to to the Border they’re letting them in it’s it’s a real hardship on the on the working people of Texas and other border

    States and now it’s a real hardship on cities that the federal government as well as the governors of Texas and other states are sending some of the migrants to those S so-called Sanctuary cities every Sunday from 11: join Michael Portillo there will be topical discussion looking at the week before

    And the week to come so kick back and relax at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays on GB news with me Michael Portillo GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel well it’s 8:00 from the world headquarters of GB news this is Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan your weekend starts here after their by-election Triumph our labor celebrating Victory too soon with support for reform UK searching can Nigel farage bring down the conservative party and as Prince Harry says he’s

    Considering taking US citizenship is this ultimate betrayal or the good news the country has been waiting for this is Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan bring your own drinks the admission is Free on tonight’s show my Friday friends legendary entertainment journalist Nina mof and radio and Fleet Street icon he’s just jumped out of a cab Mike pory Parry also tonight Fearless former government minister Edina Curry she’s not pulling her punches the co-founder of vote leave all the way from the

    United States Douglas Carwell and the Editor in Chief of majesty magazine King Charles and Queen Elizabeth’s biographer the brilliant Ingrid Seward my Friday night’s big opinion is on the way my first on air reaction to the extraordinary results of yesterday’s byelections is Sir K starma Britain’s next prime minister find out with the

    News headlines first and Sam Francis mark thank you and good evening from the GB Newsroom it’s just gone at 8:00 leading the news this evening the UK the US and the EU have all now blamed the Russian president for the death of the high-profile Putin critic Alexa Naval protesters have now also gathered

    Outside the Russian Embassy in London if you’re watching on TV you can see pictures there of those protesters calling for Vladimir Putin to be held accountable for the death of the high-profile opposition leader earlier the leader’s wife Julia naal told the Munich security conference that the

    Death of her husband will she says not go unpunished and speaking in the last few hours President Joe Biden says he was not surprised but that he is outraged make no mistake make no mistake Putin is responsible for naval’s death Putin is responsible what has happened in theal Me Is Yet

    More proof of Putin’s brutality no one should be fooled not in Russia not at home not anywhere in the world Putin does not only target his citizens of other countries as we’ve seen what’s going on in Ukraine right now he also inflicts terrible crimes on his own

    People well in other news we’ve learned today that two men have been arrested one on suspicion of people smuggling and the other for entering the UK illegally that’s after a group of migrants were found this morning in the back of a friezer lorry in East Sussex one local resident whose home overlooks the

    Entrance to New Haven Port said that he saw a large emergency presence including a helicopter landing on the key side earlier six people have since been taken to hospital but we understand no deaths have so far been reported political news and two damaging by-election defeats have piled pressure

    On the Prime Minister overnight Jen kitchen snatched Welling bro with just over 45% of the the vote that’s the second largest by-election swing from conservative to labor since the second world war and that result came just 2 hours after labors Damen Eagan also won in Kingswood with just under 45% of that

    Vote Sakia starma says the double win is evidence that his party is a government in Waiting he says but Richie sunak has insisted that labor doesn’t have a plan and staying with political news labor have today published a summary of Saki st’s taxes showing he paid just over

    99,000 in UK tax last year that amount includes tax paid on the sale of land that was part owned by the labor leader and his father’s estate earning sakir £275,000 and that’s in contrast with rishy sunak who revealed last month that he paid over £500,000 in UK tax with a

    Total income of 2.2 million the BBC says that it has been alerted to anti-semitic Behavior by some of its staff in a note sent by the director General Tim Davey he said there is no place for racist abuse of any kind that follows multiple complaints about the BBC’s reporting on the Israel Hamas

    War and comes after contestant on The Apprentice made controversial remarks on social media about that conflict one former BBC director said it shows a significant failure from management to tackle racism Prince har has suggested the king’s cancer diagnosis could lead to a Reconciliation in the royal family speaking to the Good Morning America

    Program in the US the Duke of Sussex said he was grateful to have spent time with his father during a fleeting visit to London last week but he says the conversations he’s had with the King about his health will remain private and news from the sporting world

    In the last few hours six time Olympic champion sir Chris Hoy has revealed he is battling can the former track cyclist says he’s undergoing successful treatment including chemotherapy in a social media statement the 47-year-old said he is remaining optimistic and that he’s looking forward to the upcoming Paris

    Olympics for the latest stories you can sign up to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or of course go to GB Alerts well Chris Hoy is a wonderful athlete and we wish him a speedy recovery thanks Sam welcome to Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan after their by-election Triumph our labor celebrating Victory too soon with support for reform UK surging can Nigel farage bring down the conservative party and as Prince Harry

    Says he’s considering taking US citizenship is this the ultimate betrayal or the good news the country has been waiting for all that plus much more on Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan and first my Friday big opinion good evening now anyone that’s been married for quite a long time will

    Tell you it’s rather dangerous asking your other half do you still love me dear best not to ask because you may not like the answer byelections are the political equivalent for any governing party any given voter asked for their opinion of the current prime minister and his or her Administration is rarely

    Going to come back with a glowing report aside from the usual honeymoon period on entering office when of course that happens and you are popular governments in power are never particularly liked and therefore byelection defeats are often overanalyzed and over interpreted now to be fair the Optics of

    The conservatives losing two seats which were safer than a Volvo states are clearly not good for the Prime Minister and after a week in which labor has had to disown an anti-semitic prospective parliamentary candidates and perform a humiliating uturn over their 28 billion pound a year Green Revolution it will be

    Deeply troubling to Tory insiders that sunak wasn’t able to capitalize on an especially bad week for the opposition of course sunac has had his problems too with inflation stubbornly staying at 4% which means more misery for Brits with the cost of goods still too high and a

    Further erosion in the value of their pay packets and whilst it’s been revealed that we’re only in a technical recession which could be rounded back up to no recession when detailed figures emerge the r word is politically damaging and rightly so for a prime minister who pledged to get the economy growing but

    The latest strong retail sales figures would suggest the malaise will shortly lived in the economy is likely bouncing back so whilst there is widespread frustration with the Tories who look tired and rless after 14 years in power I detect no great enthusiasm for sakir starma and his labor party I think at

    The next election if there was an option at The Ballot Box for neither of the main parties they’re both rubbish that would win by a landslide now of course Richard TI backed by GB Newar 92 Gage will hope that that box of none of the above is

    Filled by reform UK will’ll hope to win support from disaffected Tory voters and red wall ex labor supporters disappointed that Boris Johnson didn’t deliver the political revolution that they were promised but the truth is that our first P the post electoral system means that despite their strong performance at the elections yesterday

    Reform UK should try to avoid premature celebration and however much my friend Richard TI protests support for his new party as we’ve just seen will seal the deal on Labor’s victory in the months ahead now I’m not sure how reform UK’s strategy of delivering a labor government and potentially a decade of

    Starma in power as Nigel farage freely admitted to me on this program May well happen I don’t know how that makes Britain Great again with a new electoral system based upon proportional representation Richard TI could likely become a kingm and get his hands on power orbe it shared with others but for

    Now the political reality is that it’s a straight choice between two men Rishi sunak and Sir sta neither of whom have got the country’s pulse racing now there is a strong argument that Britain needs a change and the other lot perhaps deserve a crack at power but if they win I doubt

    Celebrations will extend far beyond labor party HQ voters clearly don’t love the Tories anymore but it’s doubtful that running into the arms of Labor will make them any happier okay let’s get reaction from my Friday friends legendary entertainment journalist Nina Mish goof and radio and Fleet Street icon Mike Parry Mike do

    Labor deserve a crack up power is it their turn I remember as a youngster the um Harold Wilson had been in power in um Downing Street on two occasions and Ted Heath between and the reason he got it the first time was and I remember my mom

    And dad you know talking about it in our black and white television there was oh we’ve had 13 years of Tories it’s about time we gave the other lot a chance now I don’t think that giving the the other lot a chance is is a very good reason

    For voting for a party it it says nothing about the current incumbents in Downing Street because they’re so blinking hopeless okay but I honestly think that if you say Well they’re not very good so let’s give the other lot a chance you’ve got to examine what the

    Other lot in this case k sters labor are going to bring to the party and so far we don’t know what they’re bringing to the party if they’re bringing anything to the party and I still believe very strongly there’s a big silent majority in this country who don’t want to tell

    Pollsters yes I’m going to vote labor because I think think that if you ever come out and you know reveal your credentials as anything sort of more right than Center all of which a lot of media people now call us far rights okay we’re not far right we’re just from the center

    We’re a bit right and from the center there are a few left they don’t call the people gengas hang hang on N know they don’t call the people who go a little bit left far left but they call us far right and I’m a small C concern conservative I

    Think there’s millions of small C conservatives who don’t want to step forward and actually identify themselves who will form a very very big voting Block in the next election well it’s interesting you should raise that issue Mike Parry because we’re going to be talking to Edina curry in a couple of

    Minutes and I’ll be asking her are labor celebrating too soon and I think you’re right those shy Tory voters will come out at the next election and it could be a nasty surprise for K sta but here’s my question to you Nina M does our democracy require a change in government

    Every so often would it be good for the country to have Labor just as the natural cycle of things well I I think there is something in that because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely look at Mike Perry well absolutely that’s a bit hard

    Um but and they’ve been in power for 14 years now and I was watching question time last night on BBC and that they’ say that it’s a pretty proportionate audience a good reflection of the voting it rarely is to be honest it rarely is it is they work pretty hard on it and

    The the thing that got the biggest Applause of the night was somebody saying for God’s sake we need an election now and there was absolute wild Applause because people are just sick of it they are Absolut sick of you you talk about Nao farage Bringing Down the Tories they they’re doing such a

    Brilliant job he doesn’t need to to do anything just fold his arms and sit back and laugh you look at the the the results of the byelection you you know the over labor overturned huge majorities 18,000 they overturned yeah but hardly everybody turned out to vot

    That’s I was listening to John Curtis on the radio today he is the agreed pollster pun pundit yeah and he said oh that’s what every losing side always says in a by elction oh it was a low turnout but you you who are the people that didn’t turn up they are the they

    Were the Tory voters because they couldn’t bear to vote Tor now they but they can’t bear to vote labor either they they may not be they may not at this point be able to to to stomach in their eyes voting labor but when the election comes who knows you know and

    And let me just say labor are absolutely not celebrating they are really really taking it very carefully and not taking it for granted because they you know a week’s a long time in politics we’re not nearly November but do you identify any great enthusiasm out there among the

    British public for a labor government because I don’t for a for a labor government look the trouble is not it’s not like Tony Blair 2.0 is it this is not new labor 1997 but you but you but you mentioned Tony Blair and it’s it’s you know it’s it’s like we’re not a

    Presidency you know and Tony Blair had enormous Charisma and Kia starma Bas basically does not that’s the trouble but we’re not talking that K starma is the labor party here’s the man who’s leading the labor party I identify any great enm for the labor party no people want people want a a

    Government that doesn’t put profits before people which is what the conservative government has done they want a leader they want a leader who’s going to deal with the Practical problems of the cost of living and the NS count now I think very much more than these two byelections last night

    Rochdale is going to be very significant now we all know what’s happened at Rochdale the official candidate Azar Ali is not now representing the labor party because at one meeting at one meeting of the Rochdale Labour party there was an enormous amount of anti-Semitic bil Spilled Out now if that’s in Rochdale

    And that was hidden away by the way for a long time it only came out because somebody had recorded the comments how many other labor constituencies think like that and how much more of that are are we going to how many other conservative constituencies say that you it’s not

    Just a labor problem and and and is not a k starma has done a fantastic I don’t vote labor by the way yeah K starma has done a fantastic job of pushing Jeremy cordon and and and and the left to one side he’s kept and he’s he’s actually

    Rooted out so much anti-Semitism I don’t agree Asar Fantastic Mr AAR Ali the official candidate was a big K starma favorite and even he has come out with revolting comments psychic unless that guy said it to Kia stara himself I agree but it means it’s still happening in the body

    Politic of Labor they are still like what about the islamophobia and the conservative party and that doesn’t exist I suppose well I don’t know give me an example of it it doesn’t appear to be on the same scale Nina I mean this is a parliamentary prospective parliamentary candidate that the labor

    Party have just disowned it’s not a good look is it well they they have been if you like duped by him I mean it does happen and how many other dupers are in there I I wonder how many how many Jeremy Corbin sleepers Nina how many Jeremy Corbin sleepers are are sitting

    On the back benches of the labor part non not hysterical sleepers are they we’re talking about Rebecca Long Bailey John McDonald exact going they are all silenced they are silenced and do you know why silenced because he doesn’t want them to speak out of the election I

    Mean you know the deputy leader of the labor party is going to wreck the economy of this country she is not Rachel she is not in in in control of the of the of the economy she will be when they get into Power because she’s got the power of the unions behind her

    Rachel Reeves is the chancellor and I cannot wait for her to become uh the proper Chancellor you won’t be voting labor then I don’t have to vote labor i’ i’ I vote for another party entirely but if I were in a

    Sit we wish if I was in in a in a in a constituency where there was a danger that the Tory would not be defeated I would vote labor okay uh well listen folks are you excited about the idea of a labor Victory let me quickly run you

    By the way through the candidates uh in Rochdale next week and we have Asar Ali independent formerly labor we have Paul Ellison for the conservatives Ian Donaldson for the liberal Democrats Simon danuk for reform UK George Galloway Workers Party of Britain Reverend Mark Coleman Independence uh Michael howth independent David Anthony

    Tully independent William howth independent guy uton green party and Ravin rodent sub ortner official monster raving Looney party I shouldn’t dare to offer you my view of who to vote for but those are your candidates for Rochdale next week but coming up next after their byelection Triumph are labor celebrating

    Victory too soon do the Tories have a potential sting in the taale I’ll be asking forthright former government Minister Edina Curry edua is next 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next en election who will be left standing when

    The British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns we’ll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s election

    Channel Martin dney weekdays from 300 p.m. welcome to the show superb stuff great footage so you’re right in the thick of it there what’s the mood on the ground well I’ve left there now I’ve actually now come to that EU Council Summit that I was talking about um it’s

    Still pretty chaotic the entire city of Brussels has been completely clogged with these tractors sort of three a breast in most of the roads across the city the people of Brussels aren’t particularly happy I mean this is sort of reminiscent for some people of the justop oil protest you know people

    Gluing themselves people are unable to get to Hospital appointment and there’s a lot of upset about the destruction that’s happening on the streets of Brussels today but on the other side there’s also the protests which the farmers are saying that EU green laws simply are not able uh to bit with what

    They need to do to keep their businesses going and just before the protest happened we saw the European commission actually make some concessions to the farmers protests and this is on the the demands that were put on them to set aside somewhere in the region of 5% of their land for regrow for

    Biodiversity a lot of the farmers have said that’s not possible and the European commission has said that they can delay that coming in so they have one a small concession with these protests and Jack that there’s a feeling as well a huge dissatisfaction that the European Union has managed to find 50

    Billion euros in Aid to send to Ukraine and yet farmers in particular on the on the receiving end of Net Zero targets taxation on diesel and endless red tape so many farmers Jack saying they’re measuring ditches to see if they have to drain them or not there are minimum

    Requirements on the width of battery hen um enclosures endless red tape as Jeremy Clarkson pointed out in Clarkson’s form in Britain they’ve simply had enough and they’re shouting Ursula V Delan we are here I think the most exciting bit for me is talking to people people who I

    Think are ignored Often by the major news channels we’re going to give news they want to hear there’s a voice there that needs to be heard I think there’s a chance here for a diversity of opinion to be expressed which you don’t find elsewhere it’s really exciting we don’t

    Hold back we’re free to say how decisions that are taken here affect us all around the country only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back to Friday Night Live I’m Mark Dolan and your weekend starts here now coming up with support for reform UK surging can Nigel farage

    Bring down the conservative party but first yesterday was undoubtedly a good day for labor with saki st’s opposition party celebrating two by-election victories in safe Tory seats in Welling BR northamptonshire the party took Peter Bone’s former seat which she had held with a majority of more than 18,000 and

    In Kingswood South lerer labor overturned an 11,000 conservative majority but are labor celebrating Victory too soon let’s get the views of former government Minister and radio and television broadcaster Edina Curry hi edua now we know byelections are often about giving the incumbent a bloody nose but BBC elections expert Sir John Curtis

    Says that the swing from the Tories to labor in Wellingborough was the second largest in any postwar ction that sounds like more than just a protest vote yeah well if I’d been in Welling bro I’d probably stayed at home just like most of the electric did I mean Peter bone

    Was an idiot uh his girlfriend was an idiot and wanting to stand was a really stupid thing to do the selection committee that chose her are all idiots uh and um conservative headquarters were absolutely crazy to let that happen they should have seen that disaster h in in

    Uh in the headlights and should have done something about it and made sure that at least we had a candidate that we could kind of warm to I mean there was no campaigning there of any kind it’s absolutely crackers to let that happen you can’t let a seat like that go by

    Default um so I think um I think we’ve been well and truly punished in Welling and uh yeah I think it was deserved uh when it comes to Kingswood um I remember that happening back in let me think 1987 because we Kingswood in 83 when Margaret Thatcher had her second Victory and we

    Lost it in ‘ 87 when she had her third Victory uh so it’s always been a bit of a chop and change uh seat and I think as other people have said turnout was awful I mean turnout below 40% is dire when I fought a County Council election seat

    Here two years ago you know just a local Council seat the turnout was 55% I think we were quite proud of that actually that you know it generated that much interest uh but there were two by elections where the main result the top vote was none of yours none of years

    You’re all the same and that’s a real problem I think it’s particularly a problem obviously for the government but my advice to Rishi and the gang in Downing Street is actually just stick to your guns keep doing what you know to be the right thing because you know if you

    Change now and uh we find ourselves having to do a U-turn first of all that’s copying what K starma keeps doing uh but also if we do u-turns and we still lose then you’ve got a lose lose situation at least if you do the right thing there’s a reasonable hope that the

    Economy might uh improve quite rapidly and then we’ve got a good case to put to electorate in uh what is it probably about eight months well edn or I tend to agree with you not withstanding the scale of the losses yesterday which ought to concern the conservatives you do have the fact that

    Byelections do tend to get lost by the incumbent governing party it is an opportunity for voters to demonstrate their displeasure with what the government are up to but when it comes to either a poll in the spring or in the Autumn it will be a choice of sunak

    Versus starma and that will focus Minds won’t it well I think it’s appalling that we seem to be trying to fight an American style election here I mean I can see why but we don’t have a presidential system uh we choose a government based on voting for somebody at our local level

    Uh and we in where I am in the high peak we’ve got a wonderful conservative MP young man who works extremely hard and I’d very much like to see him there whatever is going on uh in Westminster and to con you know this is a mistake

    Here I think Mark uh you’re a highly intelligent man you will understand the subtleties of what I’m about to say um that we have had five prime ministers in the year since uh 2016 uh that has not actually been a very good idea it’s not done the country

    Any good it’s certainly not done the political parties any good and of course even within those administrations you get rapid changes in ministers which mean that you hardly anybody in the posts of importance pulling the levers of power in departments like education health or wherever it is who’ve been in the job

    For more than five minutes and let me tell you it takes a while to get to know how things work and how you can actually make things happen so changing again which I gather some conservatives want to do would it would be a Welling BR operation absolutely stupid idiotic

    Thing to do we should make sure that we are doing the right thing in government the right thing for the country putting the country’s needs very much to the Forefront uh and I think that we’ve got a really good case to put to electorate in due course I’m quite sure that that

    20 point gap will narrow when it actually comes to polling day okay um let me bring if I can ED and my brilliant Friday friends in on this conversation Nina mishk and Mike Parry uh Nina do you think our system is now more presidential do you think that when

    It comes to the election people will be voting starma versus sunak rather than labor versus Tory no I don’t think that I we mentioned this ear I said it’s not a presidential you know competition it is election it is it is about the party although the figureheads have to have

    Charisma we discussed it with with Tony Blair had Charisma Kia starm has not but I think the problem is edua don’t you agree that the the apart from the young man that you talk about that the actual standard of politicians that we have at the top in the Tory party now are so

    Grossly inferior to the people that were around in your day um it’s it’s quite impossible to think how they could Poss possibly continue oh we used to get that said about us of course when when we first arrived oh my goodness me you know actually got women in the House of

    Commons now I really I I feel like you know everything is falling to bits um we turned out to be um good at the job partly because we had Margaret Thatcher but partly also because she and many of us had very clear ideas and we had the

    Time we had the opportunity to put those ideas into operation ation now what’s happened I think more recently is that with Co and then with the Ukraine war and now with what’s happening in uh in Israel and in Gaza we’re suffering all sorts of huge International shocks and

    That’s created inflation it’s created a kind of u a break between what we’re all familiar with and what we are now facing this kind of PTSD going on it seems to me everybody wants some easy answers there aren’t any easy okay Mike Parry the clock’s against us but uh I detect

    Reading between the lines of what you said this evening that you detect a potential political upset in a few months time well no look Adu Kuru is a great conservative for me because she’s small C conservative you know we’re labeled far right but we’re just sort of

    A bit of center right we want conservative policies now edua if I’d have been in those constituencies last night I’d have been wandering the Earth trying to find somebody who expounded Tory policies to vote for and having not found anybody I might have voted for reform but hopefully just to shock the

    Tory party into getting their act together for the election when it comes and I hope reform is just a slight bubble of resentment and disaffection from Tory voters who I believe are there as a silent majority who will come back edua briefly if you can closing thoughts closing thoughts um I think

    Think there’s something in what Mike says I I think reform is probably like the drain cleaner the nasty costic stuff that you put down the drain to unblock it but actually it doesn’t run the water system and it doesn’t run the sewage system all those basic systems all those

    Things that we need and want the way the economy is run the way that welfare is run uh the way that enterpris is encouraged and so on all those things actually depend on having a Tory government in future Edina always great to have you on the show we’ll catch up

    Soon my thanks to former government minister and Edina Curry let me tell you that the brilliant Ed edua will return soon as will in the next part Mike Perry and Nina mishk now coming up with support for reform UK surging can Nigel farage bring down the conservative party

    I’ll be debating out with the the co-founder of vote Leaf yes next up we have Fearless political disruptor Douglas Carwell he’s next I’m Christopher hope and I’m Gloria depierro bringing you pmqs live here on GB news every Wednesday we bring you live coverage of prime minister’s questions when Richie sunak and Sir Kama

    Go head-to-head in the House of Commons We’ll be asking our viewers and listeners submit the questions that they would like to put to the Prime Minister and we’ll put that to our panel of top politicians in our Westminster Studio that’s pmqs live here on GB news Britain’s election Channel

    Farage Monday to Thursday from 700 p.m. lots of people have different ideas but principally a conservative approach to getting growth is to reduce taxes so that people ordinary people and businesses can spend more of their own money to invest and grow the economy so the theory is that you cut taxes and

    That then pumps more money into the economy exctly right and then people you it’s not government that are creating wealth it’s individuals businessmen companies that create wealth it’s the private sector that creates wealth that the public sector then taxes and and and spends I get the theory but one of the

    Criticisms of you sure and I think one of the criticisms actually of all political parties is they appear to be incapable of cutting government spending that’s the key I mean and I think when I look back is that we should have had a a credible plan to reduce the increase in

    Spending now that’s often a difficult concept to explain but it’s in line with inflation Etc that’s all right so so when you when you when you’re slowing the increase it means you know one year you spend £1 and the next year you spend maybe £11 as opposed to going up to10 so

    The actual level isn’t going down but you’re slowing the increase and that’s very much what I tried to do and actually looking back the one thing I wish we’d done I’d done was to present a credible spending uh plan at the same time as the tax cuts that we that we

    Announced you had AO it didn’t work out for whatever reason and and and and and that analysis will go on for some years to come we have Jeremy Hunt there as Chancellor now hinting quite strongly now there won’t be any tax cuts but the truth of it is under 14 years of

    Conservatives for a variety of reasons the tax burden has risen right to the highest since the Atley government way back in years 1951 whatever it is 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when

    The British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns will be with you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s ele

    Channel coming up as Prince Harry says he’s considering taking US citizenship is this the ultimate betrayal or the good news the country has been waiting for but first the Telegraph newspaper are reporting the reform UK the party led by Richard Tyson and whose honorary president is GB news star Nigel farage

    Now POS a mortal threat to the conservatives having doubled their share of support since last summer and having clocked up 133% of the votes in the Wellingborough byelection yesterday and 10% in Kingswood in both seats the party came third but achieved double digit support these were the best by-election

    Performances in the party’s Short history now not withstanding the threats that they pose to the Tories at the next election could they ultimately Wipe Out the conservatives and replace them as the main party of the right in this country let’s speak to the co-founder of uh vote Leaf former conservative MP and

    The man who became Britain’s first ukip Member of Parliament live from the United States Douglas Carwell now Douglas I know you’re tight for time so let’s crack on could reform UK ultimately change the political map of this country they absolutely could and I I hope they do what a shambles the

    Conservative party is the conservative party only ever seems to do the right thing under Jess they took a decade or more to finally accept that Britain needed to leave the EU they have consistently got the big decisions wrong they only ever do it when they’re forced

    To do the right thing and I think that reform is the latest manifestation of this putting pressure on them to do the right thing they frankly deserve to be annihilated at the next election given the state of the country and the state of the economy would you like to see

    Them annihilated as a former conservative Member of Parliament Douglas I I think I would simply because I think it would be in the National interest to have a proper conservative force in politics and the shower that currently runs the conservative parliamentary party in Westminster it prevents conservative

    Voters getting what they vote for so until perhaps the conservative party is annihilated its current leadership is replaced by people who actually have principle I I I I don’t see how conservative voters will ever get the thing they vote for look the modern conservative party is like labor it’s a

    Creation of a small group of people who through an A-list and through the manipulation of the political process have basically foed on the country a bunch of Third Rate mediocrities just look at the composition of the current cabinet you almost have to be someone devoid of original thought to serve in

    It surely the party of Winston Churchill and Margaret Atcher can do better and if it can’t it needs to be replaced by people who can Nigel farage though has a dilemma doesn’t he Douglas destroy the Tory party or join it after the next election and transform it which course

    Do you think he might take well I suspect it’s really the Tories who will answer that question does the conservative party have any room in its ranks for someone like Nigel farage they are the party of aists a party who has selected people on the basis of their immutable characteristics

    Rather than their Merit or their ability or their beliefs perhaps you should be asking the conservatives post election defeat would they have room for conservatives who don’t toy the party line who don’t uh tick the uh woke boxes um perhaps if the conservative party wants to exist it

    Needs to be a party that allows people like Nigel farash I wonder if the conservative party today would ever have allowed some of the great conservative leaders of the past to to to stand in its so-called a a list seats mind you I suspect the Tory party today has no such

    Thing as an aist seat of course you performed your own individual single person political revolution by becoming the first ukit Member of Parliament and uh you are the co-founder of vote leave last question to you do you accept the argument that a vote for reform UK is a vote for saki

    Starma I I think it’s perhaps only after we’ve had k Dharma and real socialism rather than the slow socialism of Rishi sunak that the center right will come to its senses so you could almost sound leninist the worse the better perhaps we need um to experience the full horrors

    Of real socialism in order to ReDiscover the virtues of the free market uh Douglas thank you for making the time we know you’re a busy Chap and we’ll catch up soon my thanks there to the co-founder of vote leave live from Mississippi in the United States Douglas Carwell

    Listen let’s get a quick reaction from Nina mishk and Mike Parry my Friday friends Nina what do you think about Nigel farage’s dilemma the conservative party is 190 years old it is the most successful political party in the history of Europe he’ll be tempted to join that won’t he well what would what

    Will be left for him to join there are they destroyed themselves they’re imploding are there is it the five different you know sections you know all fighting each other all loathing each other all trying to under so where is the cohesive party there is no party it

    Is it is a rag bag of people who are on the make for themselves indeed but if you were one in forage what would what would you be thinking at this point because what what you have a chance with the conservatives after the next election is to reinvent the thing with

    An existing brand reform UK still unproven and not really established reform UK will get nowhere now I’m a child of the 880s when the sdp started n you remember the sdp okay and it it started with a huge burst of enthusiasm and lots of people rushed to join it and

    Then it just filtered out but that to be fair sdp have to explain it was on the left it’s not on the right no it was Centrist it went Centrist it was a re moderate of the labor party mod version labor party Social Democratic party left

    Of center no no but they thought the lab party had gone too left so they tried to be cist left and against to right I’m saying is that the best option is for the Tories just to you know reboot themselves after the next election

    Whether they win it or lose it and go on from there because they’ve got such a fantastic infrastructure as you already said I think the oldest political party in the world never mind Europe okay so with that fantastic infrastructure what they look labor have been on the brink

    Of Extinction during my lifetime because of far-left infiltration to the party after Jeremy Corbin was complete disaster yeah yeah yeah but even Ed milleran was a complete disaster you see what I mean and you’ve seen them time and time again be written off completely but again they are a hugely established

    Political party in this country and if anybody’s going to come in and rebuild on center right they’ve got to do it on the framework of the Tory party not try and invent their own new party because it won’t work so if you advising Nigel farage you’d say join the Tory party and

    Fix it I I would say to Nigel farage I think you’ve got some fantastic ability and talent politically take them to an already established political structure and work from within brief no the the conservative party Boris Johnson weeded out all the wise heads because they were

    They they were not you know Boris men yeah so the whole the whole kind of foundation of the Tory party is gone all those wise people no I don’t agree it’s why you while you still got conservative party headquarters you know which has been which yes exactly which has been

    Around for 200 years like you know this is the club and we’re all in it you can rebuild it from within you can’t start again no you can rebuild it from within I’m certain you can there you go well look my Friday friends don’t agree which

    Is the whole point of the show uh but coming up next as Prince Harry says he’s considering taking US citizenship is this the ultimate betrayal or the good news the country’s been waiting for and how will King Charles feel about it I’ll be asking the in Chief of majesty

    Magazine and King Charles’s biographer ingred Seward that’s next every Sunday from 11: join Michael Portillo there will be topical discussion looking at the week before and the week to come so kick back and relax at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays on GB news with me Michael Portillo GB News the people Channel Britain’s News

    Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8il 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions

    Free Britain’s Newsroom weekday mornings from 9:30 when you listen to Nigel farage’s assessment there do you feel that maybe this is as good as it was going to get given that we had the pandemic and it was inevitably always going to be a bit of a mixed bag well I

    Think it’s a bit of a poor excuse from Nigel there that they haven’t done it properly the facts are Nigel that it’s not worked it’s not going to work yes we will rejoin I mean are we better off for it are are they can I jump in there

    Charlie we’re going to rejoin under which government because labor aren’t going to do that unless you don’t think but but I mean it’s going to be unavoidable not to join because I think it’s getting worse and worse for us out I mean let me just say this are the NHS

    Better because we’re out of Europe no they’re not because they’re not employing more staff is the building trade better off no is traveling AB Broad in you EU or staying in the EU are we better off no are we better off cuz Foods rise because of the EU no are we

    Better off with Import and Export no because they’re taking longer the overall result is that we’re not better off the killer Point here is 57% of the public would now vote to remain 33% would leave surely that’s the tell him point it depends on the poster Charlie

    Because we were talking to a very good poster earlier said there’s no enthusiasm for any change in a year maybe 10 years they might be thinking about it Belinda deluy let’s bring you in I’m sure you want to react to What Charlie said I mean who would have

    Thought that the UK wanting to run its own Affairs and making our politicians more accountable would be so revolutionary you Parliament voted a majority to get rid of the vetos the last remaining scraps of democracy that the EU had now luckily uh for for EU citizens at the moment you

    Know it means a treaty change to actually go forward but that that is the mood the ever closer Union we have dodged a federalized globalist international power gobbling anti-democratic organization and that’s worth more than a few trade and travel perks with for a few wealthy people in this country here here Belinda DUI

    Charlie Mullins great to see you both I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday nights

    From 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back now in a shock new interview with the popular us talk show Good Morning America Prince Harry has spoken for the first time about his father King Charles’s cancer diagn nosis he told ABC news that he was grateful for the time with his father during

    Their brief meeting in London he also expressed the hope that this sad news could bring the family together adding that he’ll stop in and see his family as much as he can but in a shock development Prince Harry has surprised Royal Watchers by admitting in the same interview that he has considered

    Becoming a US citizen so is this the final insult to his country of birth or would it be in Harry’s best interest to become an American let’s get the views of the editorinchief of majesty magazine and the author of a brilliant new Royal book my mother and I the inside story of

    King Charles and our late Queen ingred Seward lovely to have you on the show your reaction to this news that Harry has considered US citizenship well I don’t know that Harry really understands the implications of taking US citizenship it was a clever question um and he sidestepped it quite

    Well and said well I’m I’m here for these guys you know he was talking about the veterans uh that he is you know helping for the future inv Victor’s games in Whistler um so I don’t think he was really prepared for this question but maybe he was but he said I I have

    Considered it but it’s not my priority right now but whether or not Harry has considered it possibly he has for tax purposes um possibly he has um but what it did bring up which was something that I actually didn’t know was that he would have to renounce his British titles his

    Royal titles he wouldn’t have to renounce his Heritage but he would have to renounce his Royal titles um if he were to become an American citizen well indeed I’ll be dealing with this in my big opinion tomorrow night and I think there are a few few million reasons why

    He won’t make this move and it’s to do with keeping those Royal titles which give him Prestige and help him to achieve those Mega Bucks deals now ingred Harry has spoken in more emolient terms about his family in this interview suggesting that the king’s worrying cancer diagnosis could bring the family

    Together do you think we’ll see a different approach from Harry going forward well I don’t think it’s Harry we need to worry about I think it’s the way the rest of the family want to deal with it Harry has made some overtures but not to his the rest of his family he’s made

    Overtures to his father who of course is not going to he’s not going to say you know Harry I’m not going to talk to you but he he might say Harry I think you have to make peace with the rest of your family before we can go much further

    With this but in a 45 minute conversation which is apparently what they had there’s not a great deal you can say I mean he’s obviously going to say p I’m so I was so upset I’m so you know I’m so worried about you and Charles is gonna say it’s all fine it’s

    All going to be fine um but I don’t think they would get into a very deep conversation during that period certainly Charles would not wanted to have done so because he doesn’t like confronting that kind of thing I don’t think anybody does when there’s a family Rift and they’ve been diagnosed with a

    Potentially life-threatening illness the last thing they want to do is to delve into you know where where the family member might have gone wrong or might have been right do you know what I mean I just think it’s not that moment for that kind of conversation indeed ingred let me bring

    My Friday friends in on the conversation Mike parry and Nina mishk your fantastic book is about King Charles and his relationship with his beloved Mother Elizabeth II um how do you think Elizabeth the great late great Queen would take the news the speculation that Harry considered revoking his UK

    Citizenship well I think she take it in the way she took most things she just say well if that’s what he wants to do that’s what he must do I think um She’s So Much from another generation that um I think she would just simply have have

    A bit of a problem getting her head around what Harry did didn’t want to do so her attitude which I think would probably be the attitude of any money look whatever makes him happy and keeps him from making any more trouble he should do and I think you’ve worked in

    The United States as a print journalist do you think Harry should become a naturalized American citizen and be done with it well I think that’s a bit of a side issue to be honest I’d like to put to ingred this that um your own words

    Mark where he was a molent in his um his comments today having come back from Britain ingred could it be that when he was last here he suddenly discovered the first time actually he’s not very wanted in this country his brother wouldn’t meet him his father According to some

    Reports gave him only 12 minutes and then flew off to Sandringham and young Harry might be very shocked to find out that actually you’re not wanted very much in this country anymore get back to the United States ing well my opinion and it’s my opinion is that Harry uh

    Probably was very well aware that he’s not popular he would be a complete idiot and he’s not that stupid I know people say he’s stupid but I don’t think I think he knows that he has lost the you know the the love of the British people

    Which really was there a few years ago we all loved Harry head Nina n yeah Nina Nina you’re shaking your head well I mean the media’s done a fantastic job of of destroying Harry’s um reputation in this country and it continues to do so and I watched that little um interview that

    Harry gave to ABC and he didn’t suggest you know this is a spin on it like there’s a spin on everything everybody just watching for him to make some kind of mistake or so they can blow it up and sell more papers or get more clicks or

    Whatever and the thing is it was suggested to him by the the host who who is Sam reev who happens to be Christopher ree’s son late um Superman and so um he said I’ve found myself that many families come together W with a kind of life-threatening situation and

    What do you think and and Harry just agreed with him okay and so he didn’t he wasn’t Harry suggesting and Harry and Megan are a huge loss to this country look up Camila’s having to be fielded out all around the place interesting interesting debate interesting well look

    Ing can I congrat ulate you on the new book it’s winning rave reviews it’s got the country talking it’s called the inside story of King Charles uh sorry let me get the name right it’s my mother and I the inside story of King Charles and our late Queen ingred thank you so

    Much for join you soon again I’m sure Patrick Christie’s looking forward to tonight’s show what’s Happening well who would you have voted for if you had to vote in these byelections I know who I would have voted for and he joins me Nick the flying Brick from The Monster

    Ring Looney party at 9:00 uh some more serious stuff on though a concerning update on the king’s health and ex KGB agent live in the studio to lift the lid on this Nali death nice one well listen do join me for Mark Dolan tonight uh tomorrow and Sunday I’ll see you

    Tomorrow at 9: thanks to my pundits that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB news hello very good evening to you I’m Alex burkel here with your latest GB News weather forecast the the weekend’s likely to start mostly dry however that’s not going to last long as there

    Is a weather system waiting out to the west of the UK and it’s this that’s going to bring some heavy persistent rain later on Saturday but for the time being we are still under the ridge of high pressure that brought a quiet a day for many today however we are going to

    See a bit more Cloud pushing in from the West as we go through the night and this Cloud will bring some outbreaks of drizzly rain all the time towards the east and the Northeast some clearer Skies may turn a little fresher than some recent nights perhaps dropping to

    Low single figures across parts of Scotland but many a mild start to the day tomorrow the best chance of any Sunshine tomorrow will be across the East and the Northeast early


    1. This woman is exactly what is wrong with this country: “ We need a government that doesn’t put profit before people.” Businesses have to have the opportunity to make a profit before there can be anything for the people, but that fact seems to have eluded both major parties; the only people making profits are the Globalist corporations.

    2. This out of blue visit to Charles maybe , maybe due to Harry's worry that his dad might die or abdicate in Williams favor ? Therefore his last run to get some cash , cause he knows well that his will not see a penny from brother if he becomes king. Just a thought 😅

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