American Couple Reacts: The RUDE British Place Names Road Trip Tour! FIRST TIME REACTION! This episode was HILARIOUS!! Our inner twelve year old naughtiness came out in abundance during this! The names are so far-fetched from anything we have near us in America! Some were shocking while others were just funny & weird! Of course NOT ALL Rude places are mentioned in this video. But a road-trip from Wales to England, then Scotland 1,200 miles in total to show us many of them was so EPIC! AND if the names aren’t enough we get an entire HISTORY lesson of the origins of the names & towns too! We LOVE & have become friends with Ollie @BeeHereNowuk we ask you to PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to his channel! We can’t see why you wouldn’t want to after this! Plus he has lots of history videos and he’s a great bloke! United Kingdom you never cease to amaze us American girls! We know you will have as much fun with this one as we did. Thank you SO much for watching! If you enjoy our content, please consider subscribing to our channel, it is the BEST way to support our channel and it’s FREE! Also, please click the Like button. Thank you for your support! *More Links below…

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    Natasha Debbie show the show Welcome to it just two patriotic girls learning about the world so please don’t take us the wrong Way all right since it’s a rude video say something rude or do something rude go wanker that was rude that’s not what I expected surprise hi and welcome to the Natasha and heavy show that’s my beautiful wife who has the cleanest mouth on planet Earth typically but I do she do typically no

    You don’t she deceives you YouTube there’s there’s occasions I have yeah any time we’re not on YouTube don’t tell the secrets people on Facebook live know people on patreon know they might know a little bit more you know mhm so potty mouth over here um if you guys like our show our content please hit that like button takes a fraction of a second to do so and also

    Consider subscribing to our channel it’s absolutely free to do so okay so this is going to be a fun video we’re really excited about this and before we get into it in the description of our video here we have a link to today’s video the original video and that is by be here

    Now and that’s our friend who is super nice super cool we would ask kindly that you please go visit his channel And subscribe you’re going to want to after this episode anyway I’m I’m pretty sure but he’s got a lot of history videos and things and he’s a

    Nice guy so um for that sake only right at this moment at least until the end of this you’re going to want to run over there please go give him a subscribe a like a hi from the Natasha and Debbie show we are counting on you to do that

    So today’s video is the rude tour of Britain so we’re we’re going to get to hear some rude place names we’ve heard a couple a few and today we’re going to hear some more mm are we going to hear all of them no probably not no and is

    Everyone going to tell us that yes so I’m sure in the comments you’ll probably want to tell us more but don’t do that because there are other videos on the topic that we may want to do so if you give out too many of them then

    We’ll be like oh no we can’t do the other video I’ve heard them all yeah I don’t want to do that just yet no so it’s up to you if you want to you can but there just won’t be a part two um but yeah so we’re going to check out

    The Root tour of Britain um I don’t know what to expect at all um do you I have no idea what to expect I couldn’t imagine too many rude place names but I don’t know I’m sure I will get surprised well we get all of them will some of

    Them go over the American head we’ll find out let’s find out right now together I’m standing on top of a mountain in Wales called funny big the funny Big H it’s going to be a long video I’m standing on top of a mountain in Wales called funny big which I think we can

    All agree oh I didn’t sorry ol I thought you saying funny oh I heard Fanny the whole time Fanny big don’t say that word what not unless you wear your fanny pack it’s the name of it we’re we we call it a bum bag now we don’t call it

    Anything actually because we don’t wear one but I didn’t hear him say that now I okay sorry a mountain in Wales called funny big which I think we can all agree is absolutely hilarious but it’s not the only silly Place Nam Within These Great British aisles in fact there’s hundreds

    Of them literally and what I’m going to do in this video is something a little bit silly myself I’m going to visit some of the very best from the bottom of the country to the very very top I like it all in one trip [Applause] [Applause] so first a parental warning of course

    This video contains a lot of rude words most of which I can’t actually say out loud for fear being punished by the YouTube Gods but if you’ve got kids in the room she didn’t mind maybe don’t and secondly I’m not going to be visiting every single silly place name within

    Britain because I’ve got a better things to do in my life by on a criteria of how much they make smile or frown but if you do know any more that like honesty please let me know in the comments I just want to really quickly say when I emailed him originally about

    Doing the video he like I just been watching your stuff so it’s like super cool like I love it I love it I love his personality so far yes hello and welcome to Britain the land of Shakespeare Burns coward Bronte and Thomas a land whose language has

    Gone on to dominate the world yet a land of Stark contradictions we love a bit of smut a bit of innuendo and the occasional du on Tundra and not all of it is very subtle it’s a that you’ve got a lot of silly place names many of them just utterly bizarre

    But many of them actually quite a little less innocent than that so I’ve set off on a journey from the very south coast to the very North coast to visit some of the rudest crudest and downright serest place names this country has to offer it’s a journey of 1300 miles and 18

    Individual places taking in narrow country lanes long busy motorways bright Sunshine lashing rain incredibly distracting rainbows rainbow and lots lots and lots are sitting in traffic h traffic hear now I’m not going to include many street names because there just are so many but actual settlements hamlets Villages Hills and in some cases

    Whole towns that’s going to make this whole thing a hell of a lot more challenging myner 12-year-old’s going to love this so join me the thinking man’s Northern monkey for what promises to be quite the adventure we have the same type of he here and I yeah [ __ ] so after

    Funny big this is my first proper start to the a place thing and uh you can see already it’s a place street name there citon seems to have buled it there don’t they Al I can’t blame them imagine having your street address and the village you live

    In both that word um yeah I don’t blame them I’m sorry oh that’s beautiful this is in shitterton I know very pretty Village I don’t know what I was expecting I don’t know what you can expect uh from a place like this it’s freaking gorgeous worth a little stop

    Over do you get a discount because of the name po that’s hilarious poo corner and shitterton I want to live there well I’ll meet up there yeah you’ll find us at po Corner in shton I’ll be sitting right there that’s too funny it um but anyway yeah very pretty Village let’s move

    On next up were two places that were almost impossible to find especially in the Rain the sad little droop Farm which had just one tiny sign outside and the completely unmarked ass Hill short Country Lane that led down to a farm and didn’t even have the courtesy of a

    Signpost for me to pose next to so after the sneaky Shenanigans at the first place and two very disappointing visits to places that won’t what I really wanted was to actually find somewhere that embraced their name wholeheartedly and then I found one cocky a [ __ ] in Old English is a male

    Bird and the fact that it’s also used as a way to describe genitalia is an unfortunate Association for all domestic fowl involved but cocking in West Sussex isn’t even named after the bird but according to the cocking Parish Council website it’s named after Cocker A Saxon

    Warlord the D book calls it cocking is the word ing meaning people so the village evolved the name to me cockers people so not the thing you’re imagining yeah it is sorry but it next was a flying visit to the first on my list that didn’t necessarily make me giggle

    Like a naughty little school boy but actually a level of confusion that can only be described as quite mild donkey town is a neighborhood to the Western end of somewhere called West End which confusingly is the West End of nothing very much donkey town is a part of West

    End that was given to the housing of poor laborers working in the area at the start of the 19th century poor men many of them soldiers from the Napoleonic Wars lived here with their families and a level of poverty that stood out significantly enough that the place was

    Labeled donkey town probably as a reference to them not being able to afford horses or possibly just as a cruel bit of name calling by the local people still rame it pretty funny the fun town and then head Eastward sshing around the south of the M25 and spaffing

    Off into the Essex Village of well you can see it there for yourself okay so here finally in one of the best places on my entire list it’s this place let’s go a look around it’s real I can’t believe that’s a real place looks like yet another little village

    Consisting of mostly one road um yeah it’s very pretty some nice houses nice Pub over there it’s a one Road Town easy in and easy out deie and you can’t see the name they’re not ashamed to use the name which is good although it’s kind of a comical

    Name and it’s kind of Posh round here I’m not sure how Posh it is POS it’s quite a crude isn’t it when you think about it uh but it is one of them historical quotes because the name historically it’s got a fantastic meaning Mar rined in the salt marshes of

    Essex a small Roman Port I’m sorry I’m sorry why did I pause it no nearby town of Colchester the name is quite benign finger simply describes the shape of the land and ho refers to it jutting out into the water that might not be so obvious these days because of the

    Shifting sands of time but go back far enough and that description was probably more accurate it’s kind of what you’d imagine a stereotypical English Village would look like it’s got a little village pretty it’s beautiful Church got one Pub has a red telephone box over there as well so it is kind of

    Just one street so very small place kind of cute at the size of that tree big tree huge so I wonder how people actually who live here in all these places I’m visiting actually feel about their name yeah I would like to know it’s quite a nice name it’s an

    Ancient name and this one has you know a proper meaning to it it’s quite a nice meaning um it’s just unfortunate that it has a bit of a crude uh sound let’s say um yeah no it’s not stop it no no no no no no I’ve always wanted to join a

    Club is this a club you’re joining I didn’t say that do to meet Tuesday nights at 7 that was very specific Debbie very specific something you doing I don’t know about no I’m just you’re never here Tuesday nights at 7 actually interesting yeah what is that she looked at me like

    Yeah what’s that about sorry this microphone’s driving me nuts okay um interesting I wonder if anyone here lives in any of these places if you do please and I’m sorry we’re not trying to be jerks it’s just that we are apparently I can’t not laugh it’s just

    Funny words that’s all okay um yeah I suppose if you can just Embrace that find the funny side of it um and try not to think about it too much what’s happening here so this is small little and of course the sign here we go welcome to Finn

    My Odyssey now took me northwards that is to say into East Anglia next on the list was another Lane this one bearing this name nothing El street sign no street sign [ __ ] whole Lane is possibly the result of an Administration error sometime before the Victorian era that could the first bit possibly

    Started out as [ __ ] which is an old word for mud mhm what’s going on bro what you doing what you doing I was just trying to put my waterproof pants on why because the day has turned it’s start of beautiful and sunny this morning and now as you

    Can hear and see it’s rain I’m in North nor the next place yes North nor the next place I want to visit on the list and I need to get out and get a very quick shot of the sign post and then get back in the van but to do that I’ve got

    To put my waterproof pants on um so yeah it better be good sign this right here’s the sign in the Village Green great snoring that’s where you’re from great snoring is not only a place name I can actually say without fear of Retribution but another quaint English Village named

    After somebody who ran the land here prior to the Doomsday Book a Saxon by the name of snar or SN and all right it’s not exactly a rude place name but it’s funny and funny is good enough reason to visit anywhere my experience the road now took me Westward

    And as the weather changed again I was clearly missing something from my life I’m just having a break uh just north of great snoring admiring the non view so yeah this is nor and like the rest of East Anglia it’s just flat where are the hills most of the view actually when

    You’re driving through East Anglia is just HED RS HED RS Jo’s hro but the view the distance you can see at any given point is about a mile a mile and a half and that’s it there’s just no vantage point you can you can where are the

    Hills it’s been a long day of driving that’s beautiful that is beautiful Canal boats although I was now leaving East Angley behind and crossing the fence F thank you before bravely exploring into Lincolnshire stopping the night at a unique and quirky campsite was a welcome relief

    From all of the driving of the previous day and with the sun rising fast and a clear blue sky I was refreshed kind of and ready to take the road again I I need I need to understand I didn’t plan on visiting this is just something I’ve just happened to pass

    Through I had to stop and take a look at this so this is Anton’s gout so yeah I don’t know who Anon was but I do feel very sorry he he had gout he need some like some T cherry juice yeah lovely morning beautiful and sunny um

    Nice place to stay last night yeah very quirky very cool very hippie very me on brand um and a spontaneous visit to somewhere called Anton’s gout which I just spotted on the way which what what makes this journey so wonderful is that you just can spot things and go yes

    That’ll do um but yeah a lot of driving today so I’m heading north and all the places I’m planning to visit are quite spread out so it’s going to be a lot of driving today um I’ve already done over 500 nearly 600 miles since Fanny big um

    So yeah I’m doing all right with the driving no it’s not getting to me yet um today might be the day uh this is my morning face by the way I don’t know if you can tell I’m very tired and it’s um it’s a lot earlier

    Than it looks but anyway let’s hit the road I love going on trips like that where you have a destination but you don’t have like a time constraints so you can kind of venture off and see what else is around there that’s always fun

    To do we need to do that again very very very soon let’s do it right so you all know that there’s a Boston in Lincolnshire right after which Boston in America is named well did you also know there’s a New York not 10 miles from Boston so yeah everybody Welcome to

    New York I didn’t think I’d be visiting New York on the shrip but um there you go and a very pretty place too not very many skyscrapers but a lot of flat Farmland thank goodness and a few houses and quite a busy road the straightest Road I’ve been on in ages

    Quick potted history of these two spontaneous visits then I know you’ll be curious a gout is an old term for a water diversion like a pipe or a flood Trench which would have been very common around these parts when the F were being drained and the land claimed by

    Agriculture and while New York in the new world is named after the Duke of York New York in the old world is named after City in Yorkshire which is a different County altogether and doesn’t seem to appear on maps until after New York in the new world was established this a newer New

    York that’s and speaking of Yorkshire I now headed westwards into that County to the delightful Village of penniston oh pen P stands out because B compared on my list it’s a small Market town just outley with a rich industrial history Ling the northern powerhouses of Manchester Sheffield it name comes from

    The word peniston probably named after the ridge nearby called Penning pen meaning Hill tun meaning Farmstead pretty harmless then H at this point I could have spent all day bounding around the various dodgy Yorkshire place names but stuck with just up wait no look at these places crack

    Poot kinky overblow long tongue scrog Lan what the heck England sex how is that a question tickle coock Bridge yeah you know meet me over at the tickle coock bridge I don’t know I’m not saying the next one really oh my gosh gosh gosh gosh oh okay um these are

    Lised haven’t changed the names from these if they’re well they’re adults Debbie and we’re not so this is true this is true sex how 69 seow Avenue that’ll be Natasha you just totally missed that didn’t I did did not Natasha 6969 it’s like so oh this just got weird okay we’re

    Gonna get in trouble at this point I could have spent all day bounding around the various dodgy Yorkshire place names but stuck with just upper thong a tiny Hamlet on top of a steep hill although I could have easily gone to one of its rival hamlets lower thong and nether thong

    Hilarious luckily there was a sunny game of cricket to drop in on but all this had brought me dangerously close to where I live so at this point I turned Northeast again and power towards the famous wet Wang and of course there’s a pond yep well there has to be I mean it’s wet back in Yorkshire the sun is shining the skies are bluing and the place names keep on are coming here we are in wetwang right good place to stop let’s have a look around this place I love

    That he’s showing us the places I’m not just saying the names of it and that he got some history on it yeah you can go and look at I’m sure there’s I know there are other other videos that have just the names but he’s taken us to the

    Places we’re seeing it he took all the time to do this put all this effort in and that’s awesome and I see it and then the history as to why it’s probably named that right here we are here’s the Village Hall the Community Hall what the

    W way Community Hall quite new as well um yeah that’s about it really once again can only turn to the Doomsday Book to confirm that the wet Wang that existed in 1086 was substantial enough to be noted by the writers the source of its name isn’t clear but the prevailing hypothesis is

    That it came from the north vanga meaning a place of legal action today it sits on busy Crossroads but like many of the other places I visited it mainly consists of one road with a surprisingly l number of shops is it because of the names Wang isn’t used

    Widely enough in British English as a synonym him for well you know what so the village Embrace is the name could stoping a part of DM called Pity Me backwards Al it did feel like it was summing up my mood as the day turned grayer and the road ahead showed no signs

    Ending that still kind of throws me off yeah the bike oh we’ve seen this before long time ago at this point I’ve done quite a lot of driving and um he’s just starting to get to me a little bit I knew that there be a lot of driving

    Involved of course that’s the whole point but um I don’t think I realized like how much of time it would take like it pretty much takes my entire day between the bobbing and the weaving on the a roads and the B roads we do kind exhausting um so yeah but

    Anyway we’re getting there now we’re about halfway I think so just got to dig deep and enjoy the ride enjoy the funny places coming up um but they are very spread out now but there is something I’m going to miss unfortunately on the way that’s the town of

    Cockal over in Cumbria which is by far the greatest named anything there in Britain cocka mouth amazing but it’s just too far off my route it’s such a big diversion from this side of the country over to the other side I can’t justify it so no cocka mouth my Lon correct I agree

    With you olly no [ __ ] mouth no [ __ ] there is no cocka mouth on the natas and deie show today or any day no there won’t be there will never be a Cocker mouth on the show there will not sorry to disappoint you it’s not happening I

    Have to say this about Oli so far I don’t know if you’ll agree I’m curious and be honest I have never um if any in all videos we’ve reacted to never felt so like like dude’s like my brother from another mother yeah like you could actually go and hang out with them I

    Yeah I feel like like he gets like he and I have like the same type of humor like he seems like someone I would totally like I don’t know like could just start talking to and it’s like yeah would never stop talking to exactly like just feels like a family member yeah he

    Seems extremely friendly I love this dude Cocker M fire so no [ __ ] mouth my lamentation for [ __ ] mouth intensified as I pressed on making a quick visit to wide open near Newcastle a welcome [Laughter] distraction although by this point I was seeing crazy place names seemingly everywhere my mission to hunt down s

    Pulse of rude words like a giant game of Pokémon had led me to reflect on things not just in a existential crisis kind of way which I was but also on what makes a rude word most cultures around the world have swear words particular remarks uttered

    When you stub your toe in the coffeee table or you want to insult someone from anything from a mild to an extreme degree but this being an island with a rich history in Immigration the English language not only contains a lot of swear words but also a lot from a variety of different

    Origins the Romans brought many things to British culture not least about 800 dirty words Modern English by comparison has about 60 swear words at best and that’s when you include mild ones like boobs the Anglo Saxons cables quiet I love it you how small the font was I was like s going what

    Watermelon is a bad word in the UK If it is I didn’t know oh man include mild ones like boobs the Anglo Saxons gave us the words t fart and [ __ ] and came from either French German or Latin really and some words that are today quite offensive

    Were not all always so bad C Was Won and used even by Chara who dropped it into canterbary Tales a few times without worry there was even an alley in the city of London by the name of Gro [ __ ] Lane really there was more than one in

    Fact many towns of cities up and down England had their own version of Gro C Lane because of the association with prostitution and these weren’t Alleyways hidden on the edge of town but usually quite Central and close to where men might want to solicit such services conveniently such as near dock sides and

    Marketplaces mm many such streets still exist and have simply changed their name like Oxford’s mag py Lane like many other words such as P A lot of [Laughter] these like many other words such as a lot of these commonly used words only started to become indecent in the late

    18th and early 19th centuries the word [ __ ] was at one time used as a euphemism for God as well as well as for the penis leading to this wonderful pun in Hamlet by ailia young men will do it if they come to it by [ __ ] they are to blame England

    Went through a phase in the 19th century of extreme prudishness where even words such as stomach Bull and stallion were considered too fish for delicate sensibilities really the frankly meaningless word bloody is still considered rude to say in England even today making it a victim of people clinging to tradition to an embarrassing

    Agree and if this road trip around Britain has taught me anything is that rude words don’t just depend on the intention of the person saying them for them to be offensive but also on the person at the receiving end being intent on being offended oh that’s a good point

    Very well said well one person finds funny another person won’t very true except [ __ ] mouth that’s just pure gold oh he’s so right he’s so right hm H Hello Scotland so after entering Scotland accompanied by some obligatory drone shots of the landscape and of an ancient stone wall which may or not be a plug for my last video I headed onwards conscious of time whoa Beau squin it just feels like

    Home now I know I said I wasn’t going to do very many streets or Lanes on this trip because there’re just so many of them and the two down south I’ve already done were pretty much non-events well the reason I’ve come to this one here isn’t just because of the hilarious name but

    Because it has two Dimensions to it and the second dimension is best appreciated from up there Yep this is a short Crescent shaped Street on this gray pebbl Dash estate which on a sunny day like today seems perfectly benign and even quite harmless where we going

    With this but take a look at the map and you’ll see it sits at the end of a rather suspect which leads me to believe that somebody in the planning process when this estate was being built must have known what they were doing right from here it was time to enter the

    Highlands and a long spectacular road unfolded before me with just two places left to visit on my list a long long way away still I passed a Thousand Mile Mark and had time for another Reflection just passed the th000 mile Mark quite a milestone as you can imagine um yeah and fatigue is setting in and I know this is YouTube what I’m supposed to be like oh this is amazing this is so fantastic you should do it it’s not it’s really not it’s

    Really it’s quite boring I love the honest the places I VIs there’s nothing there to see so yeah it’s just a lot of driving and a lot of signpost but anyway we now off oh I love him I I yeah just go stop on the side of the road eat my banana e

    My banana and just say hey yeah this sucks I love it I love it I love it I love it it’s perfect love your video love your video sir great you’re a rockstar please subscribe to his channel I’ll be so sad if you guys don’t this is

    This is better than any standup comedy or anything like that this is the kind of stuff that makes me happy and smile and laugh and because it’s real and it’s honest yes yes exactly exactly I’m enough I need some proper food don’t go to that one fish and chips

    Place though hicky not a bad place to spend the night that’s beautiful a peaceful night in the kangom settled my soul a little bit and bright Sunshine the next morning on the Doro F saw me divert Inland towards my penultimate destination the Tiny Village of boner bridge now you might think this place

    Sprang up when someone put a bridge here but this narrow stretch of water has seen its fair share of historical action through pre-roman times Norse invasions and even a jackaby rebellion the name Bona can be literally translated from Scottish gelic into English as Fair forward and not anything

    To do with anything erected around Here nice play of words boner finally there was only one tour of Britain and involved driving to the very top of the country and catching a ferry which meant a chance to advance without having to do any driving yes I was now heading to Arney a collection of islands just off Mainland

    Britain that are home to an AR of wonderful Wildlife fascinating ancient history and spectacular natural geology and thanks to its long association with Norman from Scandinavia a lot of its place names are exceptional but none more so than the great finale to my long long journey the crescendo to the Masterpiece the checker

    Flag waving temptingly at the end of the race I’m very intrigued okay I feel like that was a direct uh and there you nearly 1200 miles or 1900 km which you seen us go from one corner of the country right to the absolute other which is taken in little farm roads and

    Massive motorways forests and F the Flatlands of East Anglia all the way up to the mountains of Scotland and we visited such amazingly hilarious places as sh ass Hill fing hole my and dick gens we finally made it to our destination at last TW and you know what there isn’t even a

    Sign to welcome me oh that’s so not fair here they’re telling me how to go somewhere else that’s not fair well this is it what an end what a Finish Line that Sucks oh man the church is [ __ ] Man yeah I’m never going to a few questions to ask after doing something as ridiculous as what I’ve just done was it hard yes was it worth it no no I knew he’d say no but was it funny yes and that’s all that matters so keep laughing

    Peace and love and what a fantastic country we live in You found a sign right just a quick note to end this video I actually come from Manchester which means I had to drive down to South Wales just to start this 1200 mil journey to Arney which means now I’ve got to drive all the way back down to

    Manchester just to go home and I really do want to go home but that’s halfway down the island and I’m really sick of driving I really don’t want to do it um but yeah this is definitely the most amount of effort I’ve ever put into a YouTube video but yeah I can do

    This why well that was it was awesome it was awesome it was I I know we um we’ve seen a couple um like I said a couple of the place names over there that were a lot more offensive um not offensive but harsh more more graphic in nature would

    You um than a lot of the ones that he showed but um again that was hilarious it was informative it was beautiful it was everything and I absolutely adore him now I loved that episode if you guys do too please hit the like button consider subscribing to our Channel

    Please go to the link in the description of our video make your way over to his channel and um subscribe to his channel too I mean the amount of effort I would never do that for you guys I love you but I’m not driving 1,200 miles one way

    Then back to do a video sorry not happening um but the fact that he did amazing I’m so glad that he took us along to see these places and he got such good shots of himself with all of his place names yes and he may not think

    It was worth it but I can tell you sir it was worth it for all of us I promise you that have watched it it was really worth it it was great um you should have your own TV show you should I hope you’re doing a lot more videos yeah

    Absolutely I loved it I loved it I loved it it was just great and and a lot of those places were freaking gorgeous they were absolutely gorgeous I said they smaller towns and it seemed real um you know easy to get to quiet not a lot going on there yeah which

    Would make them nice and quaint but some sometimes you might want to live again thank you guys so much for watching really appreciate you and hope you enjoy this and hope it made you laugh today uh I don’t see how it couldn’t have um so we’ll see you on the next episode until

    Then as always please love like Jas be as strong as Tyson bye guys


    1. This episode was HILARIOUS!! Our inner twelve year old naughtiness came out in abundance during this! The names are so far-fetched from anything we have near us in America! Some were shocking while others were just funny & weird! 👉🏻 Of course NOT ALL Rude places are mentioned in this video. But a road-trip from Wales to England, then Scotland 1,200 miles in total to show us many of them was so EPIC! AND if the names aren't enough we get an entire HISTORY lesson of the origins of the names & towns too! We LOVE & have become friends with Ollie @BeeHereNowuk we ask you to PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to his channel! We can't see why you wouldn't want to after this! Plus he has lots of history videos and he's a great bloke! United Kingdom you never cease to amaze us American girls! We know you will have as much fun with this one as we did. Thank you SO much for watching! If you enjoy our content, please consider subscribing to our channel, it is the BEST way to support our channel and it's FREE! Also, please click the Like button. Thank you for your support!

    2. In Co.Durham we have Shittlehope Burn , Hetton-le-hole to add to the list. On the dual carriageway in Northumberland we used to notice tyre marks for drivers that had done emergency stops, lots of them, just before the turn off for Shilbottle. A Double take definitely! The sign had been edited with sticky tape turning the first "l" into a "t"! We also have a New York, a Toronto , a Washington ( ancestral home of the Washington family / George Washington of USA fame) .

    3. Hay ladies you have got me rolling about the floor in laughter. I knew many of the [most] places mentioned and later i will send you some more, but first , the whole "Fingeringhoe" thing MUST be addressed. I know the place and had never noticed the other meaning, and that as you might be getting the idea is unusual for me. It gets much worse , my Grand father was from Fingeringhole !!!!!………what did Granny make of that ? then when the picture of the club came up i just lost it ! i am gigerling as i type, i had to pause and immediately tell you !. Do you understand what you have done ? this part of my family story and heritage , you have just made this part of the family story more brilliant . I always planned on going there , various members of the family have visited. I am now going as soon as posable . I want my Fingeringhoe heritage , i want to claim my ancient rights as a Fingeringhoevian. Do you see what you have done ? thanks a lot Ladies. I will now watch the rest and send you some more "interesting " place names at the end. 10 out of ten Ladies.

    4. I know you said not to do this but I cant resist. There is a town in Donegal called Muff. The rudeness is that it has a club for scuba diving. Yes you guessed it, it is called Muff Diving Club.

    5. Did you know, on the border between England & Scotland, the northbound sign says 'Welcome to Scotland', & the southbound sign says 'England, you're welcome to it'!!
      (Can you spot my Scottish roots?!?!) 🤣

    6. I grew up in a village called Tydd Gote, on the border between south Lincolnshire & north Cambridgeshire.
      As far as I remember, the name refers to the 'tide gate' that was built to take water from the tidal flow of the local river, the Nene, & redistribute it into man-made waterways, to prevent flooding of farmland, which is very low-lying in that area, and even below sea-level in places!!

    7. A cracking video. Wetwang isn't far from where I live in Yorkshire and Pity Me isn't that far north, in County Durham. I have been to Orkney but must have missed his final stopping place!

    8. It's not just the UK with these names. If you go to Germany you can go from Kissing to Petting and then across the border into Austria is Fugging (which is it's recently changed name). If you don't feel ready to go all the way, you can stay in Germany and go to Wank instead, riding the Wankbahn up to the Wankhaus.

    9. Great video and great reaction. I live in the village of Pity Me. Named from the Norman French (1066) for petit mere (little sea) as the area was a boggy marsh back then. So over the years, petit mere became pity me. It's just to the north of Durham City.

    10. Years ago, I worked near Conisbrough Castle in South Yorkshire, and not far away was Butt Hole Road. We used to regularly get tourists asking for directions to it. They all wanted to take photos with the street sign. The road has since been renamed Archers Way. Butts were the place with targets, where all men in medieval times, were required by law to do weekly archery practice. There was also an annual Ticklecock Funfair in the town.

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