The Old World Blues devs hooked me up with early access to the 5.0 update! Per special request, we’re going to take over the Northern Khans, a nomadic horde without a cause. Shall we settle in the promised land of Wyoming? Or return to our roots as violent raiders and bring terror to the land?

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    No copyright infringement intended. Hearts of Iron 4 copyright is owned by their respective owners which includes but is not limited to Paradox Interactive. I did not make the game (or assets) and do not claim to. I do claim recording the gameplay and associated commentary.

    Music credit:

    “Doo Dat Wah”
    by Jules Gaia
    Provided by Epidemic Sound (

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    Hey folks my name is provis welcome back to more Hearts of Iron 4 Old World Blues version 5.0 playing as the true con led by Essen the con of cons and queen of the ABS we are currently working on developing some claims so that we can

    Push to the east because it looks like there are a lot of vulnerable targets over this direction we can go ahead and start consolidating before I worry about pushing to the west and dealing with groups like MacArthur because these guys I could see is being maybe a little bit

    Of a problem we’re also working on developing some better horses because now that I have access to all of that I know that I want to get myself some Horsemen they’re not going to be quite as tanky as my enforcers once I have all my texts but they will be fast very fast

    And I think that sounds phenomenal I’m also going to start saving up some political power because Manpower is definitely an issue and it is well past time to move to things like able-bodied tribesmen and stuff we should also definitely move to things like Wasteland survival training reduce the just if I

    War gold time blah blah blah there’s a bunch of things I need I need a lot of political power as much as possible there’s never enough in this game and not only for all of your government reforms but of course for cing because there is this little button right here

    You can core a state right and I was actually talking to one of the devs the guy who got me the access we had talked before about the ransack ability and I couldn’t really figure out what it was supposed to do I believe the way it’s

    Supposed to work is you core a state and you get a bunch of bottle caps as well which like okay feels a little weird though it’s kind of like all right let me Rob you and pillage you first and then we’re going to integrate you into society which is a little bit bizarre

    Now if you’re going to do that I actually think there’s a better way to do that mechanic might be a little bit weird but I I wonder cuz you add a second button here for rans sacking and what it would do is delete two building slots permanently and kill one quarter

    Of the population but because you made it kind of destitute and pillaged it and reduced its development it’s half off Coring so it’s painful but it saves you a lot of political power and lets you stabilize your realm now that would be an interesting mechanic I’d like that

    Okay we have the Eastern approach done there were many like you shame bismar which we already own all of its territory becomes the ruins over bismar we get political power and resource gain efficiency temporarily hey that’s just more political power I am not opposed so

    We got claims but we did not get like actual War goals I still have to Tak some time to justify which is a little bit annoying but it’s fine and can I just point out some of these tribal techs are actually like really good Scavenging efforts 5% efficiency

    Retention 2.5% cap 5% more Factory output like all that for one Tech is not bad I understand that tribals are inherently at a big disadvantage compared to Someone Like The Enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel they’re never be as good I know that but this is a pretty decent equalizer some of these

    Techs are pretty imp impactful it almost makes up for the fact that we will never be sophisticated in most of our technology let’s go and start training up some riters these count of Special Forces now I didn’t know that all right that’s interesting so I actually am very

    Limited in how many of the horsemen I’m able to get do these count as like Light Special Forces cuz that’s different from the heavy Special Forces which would be um our power armor yeah I’m assuming that they must count as light but okay so actually finding ways to boost up the um Special

    Forces cap like down over here becomes a more attractive option than I was expecting yeah see now I can add on three more of these interesting very interesting anyway let’s cycle back up to building a conet start working down Essen war path getting that extra growth reducing damage to Garrison again the

    Larger that my Empire grows the less Cor for I have and the more resistance to deal with the more this helps preserve my Manpower which allows me to sustain my push at least a little bit ready for another War let’s go ahead and do that in the meantime immediately start

    Justifying on somebody else 70 days is fine boost up our Recruitment and now I should have myself a lot more manpower to work with and I’ll just kind of let Essen do her thing here we should be able to win a lot of this pretty resoundingly there are a few places

    Where maybe some folks are going to have strong armies but I don’t think it’s going to be these guys oh yeah these guys are getting fully surrounded there we go all right yeah these guys are almost entirely in circled at this point Y they didn’t s a chance well done

    Essen thank you all for me goodbye oh my gosh another really good tribal Tech integrated tribe Elders plus2 uh political power that’s phenomenal even though I’m actively doing some stuff here with our national focuses we’re still making one 1.91 per day that’s really good and what’s this final thing down here maiden

    Of the Dawn we get even more efficiency cap and growth and more reduction of damage to Garrison good God Essen you’re you’re pretty good you’re you turns out yeah you’re pretty good leader not the best I’ve ever seen I’ve seen much better but I’ve also seen a lot worse I

    Though it doesn’t exactly feel like a ringing endorsement but it can I don’t know maybe I’m just jaded cuz I have seen a heck of a lot worse all right forget a lot of this stuff just keep them in place run down here into news Lisbon let’s just go ahead and clear out

    These victory points and that should be all I need meantime we’ll go ahead and justify on vault 37 and I’m honestly not sure what else I want to focus on here I don’t think that almost any of this is going to be very important trying to get

    Some people to join a faction that I’m not using uh we could go down here with the ranger way sure Special Forces combat multiplier Act actually is useful now then we can cycle back up this Direction with things like lone Wanderers and so on which is going to get me salvage

    Motorcycles some factories blah blah blah intermediate industrial Tech now that’s something I don’t have right now and I could see that being kind of important and this is looking to be a very easy one out of curiosity really how fast are my Cavalry answer very fast that’s what I wanted to see boom

    Easy now remember though as we continue Contin here we’ve got a slight advantage in that I can stay on top of tech for the most part compared to my neighbors but there will come a point where the very sophisticated people are going to move on to significantly better

    Tech than I can so endgame characters like the Brotherhood of Steel are still going to be a major threat for me one thing I do like playing as the true cons here is apparently unlike in many other games I’ve played my people are bloodthirsty as heck we’ve still got

    100% War support people are like you know what this war stuff’s pretty good and I’m kind of like yeah no dur this is amazing Vault 37 should be our next Target let’s see how quickly we can smash through that my Cavalry do not have as good of a soft attack as I might

    Like yes it’s night time I understand but I would have kind of hoped it to be better that said 168’s not terrible it really isn’t compared to our riters at 225 yeah it’s not as good but it’s pretty good it’s okay and they’re fast they’re fast as freak once we break

    Through this line they’re doomed oh let’s actually also remember we have more stuff over here if we gone from motorcycles the way of the Earth would be the way to go but I went for the way of the lands that can lead me to better

    Horses ride like genus and then a lot of extra bra breakthrough and speed 20% more speed for my horses jesum not to mention we can then pair that up with Rangers of the conet which can get me even more spe Special Forces modifier breakthrough and so on so if we really

    Want to go hard on the horses this is the way to go the army of Raiders isn’t bad either though I do like the extra coordination and stuff that can be surprisingly useful wow vaults 37 is holding on way better than they have any right to taking me a long time to get

    Into their Capital now they’re gone only reason that worked robots they had a fair number of robots now the one problem with horses it does look like I am using them up very rapidly so we really need to start pumping out a lot of factories on the horses um

    Unfortunately they’re very prone to getting themselves killed in battle I should take care of the Church of The Silo if anyone wants actually get in there new Reno’s gone boy that’s unfortunate all right Church The Silo done thank you all this shall be mine Perfect all right so our territory grows rather

    Nicely um if we take a look down over here we now have access to Heretics no more base stability and gain a core I like that for some reason we don’t have ruins of Vault 37 though now this one’s weird all core land of Vault 37 is not

    Owned by me was that not all of this maybe there’s another territory up over here yep all right we have to go fight the Republic of Three Rivers otherwise we’re not going to be able to get that let’s go and start doing a few cores here in there random little places over

    Like this should be fine um we have to unfortunately do cores that are adjacent to existing cores which is why we kind of have to spread gradually out over here we can’t just pick the high population centers and go for that not going to work you know one thing I

    Really like about these enforcers by the way if I want to take just some basic infantry swap these out make them into my enforcers it’s only going to cost me infantry armor that’s it that’s all the equipment I have to toss on here not even Manpower and it just boosts up their

    Stats these are great anyway these guys have an ally the old Believers over here these guys are actually fairly substantial there’s a lot of territory here I hope these guys don’t end up being more than I can handle here goes nothing New Vegas is down oh really hold

    On the Kaiser actually took New Vegas they sure as heck did can’t be uh can’t say I’ve seen that happen very often and you’re still not even fighting the NCR so you just like straight out successfully were able to take them da the NCR also attacked New Vegas Oh My

    Gosh Mr House what did you freaking do you antagonized everyone it’s probably because he refused to pay his taxes am I right that’s a joke only because one of the things I remember about Mr house is he really hates taxes you can take a shot at the president of the NCR and

    He’s like do they try to make you pay taxes it’s like yep he’s like okay that’s understandable go for it have a nice day the secret meatloaf oh good I’m pretty sure I just stole the Swiss sauce yep there we go cool I get some extra note income thank you never really

    Understood the references to the sauces if I’m completely honest I might be just kind of uh showing off my ignorance of the Fallout Universe a little bit I don’t know but it’s funny regardless so I’ll take it anyway these guys are starting to go down the old Believers

    Are out for the count the Republic of the free Rivers is still holding their ground but to be honest the enforcers are doing their job there we go I I’m not saying they’re the new Power Armor I’m just saying they’re pretty darn good considering they’re not power armor

    Anyway that’s a lot more land that I now need to take care of and as long as we have enough riot gear it should be fine I don’t think I have claims on anybody else unless I am much mistaken that should be about it what about the order

    No crow Creek no that’s it yeah we have no more claims to enjoy in that case we’re going to come down over here here we’re going to kill the cult of Diana as well as orboros as long as they get called in cuz orboros has been raiding me lately and that’s getting very

    Annoying stop it and now that we have the ruins of Vault 37 we can go ahead and do this stuff get the core work toward secrets of The Silo political power gain and more Factory output I mean yeah that’s pretty good alternatively go ahead and pick up all

    The claims we’re going to need on the western approach let’s do that first and the kaisar just declared war on the NCR okay and they annexed all of Lan’s cohorts wow the kaisar didn’t die I’ll be honest I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve played a game where I

    Actually saw the kaisar die isn’t there supposed to be like a civil war between lanus and vulpa and stuff or whoever that’s is I don’t know it’s been a while since I also played the kaisar legion that was the first ever time that I played oldw World Blues on the channel

    It was a lot of fun but I distinctly remember there being a civil war of course that’s all going to be different now that Lan’s cohort is like actually its own different Nation but still the kaisar should die how are we doing as far as our compliance and everything

    Else obviously some issues in places like the Church of The Silo could toss some more equipment and some more manpower at these things Eastern marches are giving me some trouble and so on let’s take a look at non-compliance uh yeah the places we just took on yeah some of these are

    Pretty bad the kingdom of Manitoba in particular is really quite bad there everything else is mostly under control if I want to go ahead and boost this up a bit more to let’s say some extensive patrols we could do that and I can afford it how’s the war against the

    NCR and the kaisar going uh overall looks like pretty much a stalemate the Mojave area has fallen pretty consistently but unsurprisingly once you get down to the mountain ranges it’s a bottleneck the rivers are proving to be death traps two suns is doing nothing here Here Comes Ora boros again

    But this time I’m in position to deal with them yeah a bit of a stalite here it’s going to be interesting to see who actually manages to break through does the Western Brotherhood do anything anymore I know they’re like one of like the classic Nations you can play but I

    Feel like I never see them passively doing anything these days ooh this is a nice tribal ability a permanent 20% decrease in all coring costs yeah that’s good and I do want to get a conent re born The Vessel of War recovery rate justify War goal time minus 30%

    30% oh my gosh I’m be able to go to war all the time now all right let’s go ahead and attack the realm of Diana and I’m going to try to do a naval Invasion here if I can I’ll tell you what why don’t you guys go on patrol in this area

    Instead why are these ships doing nothing no assigned regions there we go hold on Naval Invasion support there we go all right that’s what I was shooting for just go ahead and drop off a few Horsemen see if we can go ahead and just kind of force them to freak out pull

    Back there’s no River Crossings up over here so this should be all free real estate or they have to pull off the front line amazingly Ora boros is actually dangerous and successfully fighting me back over here wow oh wait I think they were doing a desperate defense now we’re making some pushes

    Against them either that or actually I think they pulled their troops back they’re letting the realm of Diana hold their front line and Diana is way weaker fascinating normal C there was Blood on the Wind again though Essen could not discern the direction this time she listened and Stood Still but there was

    Nothing strange to hear or feel she called out into the dark for Melissa who had been close at hand in the days since her vision had failed entirely what do you need Essen Melissa’s voice and footsteps came to her before she felt a hand a light on her shoulder do you

    Smell that the blood what’s happening down there they looked out over the camp from the ridge where essen’s tent stood captives labored below and warriors fought in sparring matches Melissa could see nothing strange and to her the air smelled normal as well pretty sure that’s how it smells around Camp I don’t

    See anything happening your army is preparing for the next battle and everything is going good trust my eyes Melissa punctuated her reassurances by squeezing essen’s shoulder the con of cons felt a bit better at the other woman’s words though for a moment she wondered if it was actually possible the

    Camp had always had this bloody stink she Shrugged it off though putting her hand on Melissa’s and saying right this is normal yikes dude oh gosh dang it all the freaking heck I just H I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I absolutely despise the impact

    That the rivers and the mountains can have on front lines cuz now these guys are sneaking back up over here and causing issues I already knew about these guys sneaking around that’s a little annoying but not the end of the world I’ll just encircle them and kill

    Them but like this I was completely fine until I got stuck on only one side of the river my front lines didn’t transfer because of course they didn’t how I doing logistically right now now looks like pretty much good across the board not seeing anything I’m really

    Missing if I want to get more horses I could but I’ve already put so many factories into that it doesn’t feel like the best of Investments could try to go for a teeny bit of air superiority and I mean a teeny bit it would not amount to

    A lot how is the real Diana not capitulated yet for real how have they not they don’t have any of their own victory points left I don’t think so all I should have to do is literally just run in and take anything they’re sitting at like a 99% capitulation rate

    What are the odds of this why is she so dang resilient oh gosh dang it and now they’ve taken Boulder back no but like really though I don’t understand how they’re still alive 99% shouldn’t they freaking be dead by now they have none of their core territory left none of

    It is there like something coded in here that as long as Ora boros exists they can’t all die cuz that would be weird well whatever just get in here take these last victory points that’s it or boros is down the cult of Diana is still not dead the freak dude whatever we’ll

    Figure it out what’s this last tech here by the way tribal Pride extra defense soft attack heart attack and organization for every unit I’ve got wow finally good Lord I did not expect this to be anywhere half that bad all right well at least we got rid of them that’s

    Done thank you woof all right um what next right now we can actually push to the West do I have claims on medis Congress no what about the rad hazards no miscount yes so I can go fight against the miscounts a better Target honestly would be MacArthur and say this is our grand

    Push to Yellowstone The Enclave the last of them this could actually be very challenging now I’m not seeing mathur throw a ton of units at their front line yet though there’s still plenty more that they could do let’s go ahead and build out a couple of outposts just in case their power armor

    Is able to do some pushes unexpectedly then I might find myself very sad how we doing on occupations now still largely struggling with places like the Republic of the Three Rivers but we’re getting there Diana is going to be an issue or aoris is going to be an issue yeah unsurprising but

    Everything else is kind of subjugated as we go and I’m still spending political power trying to get a few more cores here and there though with only 4,000 Manpower remaining I don’t know pretty soon we may want to consider changing up that conscription law one more time there’s a justification for Yellowstone

    All right this is going to be a big moment hopefully they’re not super duper strong they don’t seem to have an absolute ton to work with if they don’t awesome um what I want to to do more than anything else is punch through right along here with my enforcers and

    Then let the Cavalry go wild and just charge through everything they’ve got the good news is enough of these riers these enforcers can definitely take on some of the power armor still a lot of defense and good soft attack but we can overcome that defense and they can’t

    Overcome my breakthrough which means we win these engagements 99% of the time but this is perfect because even something like this pins down a small group and what do I do I run in with my Cavalry and try to take these choke points in the mountains get small

    Encirclements and finish these guys off this is where I’m going to start using the mountains to my advantage and honestly every one of these power armor divisions that I’m able to crush that’s just amazing for me all right I want to get rid of these guys before they can do

    Any meaningful amount of damage so this little guy gets in circles and one enforcer should be able to come in and finish this guy off and he’s not going to be able to do anything and then we’ll just go ahead and sneak back over here using the

    Horsemen these guys who have been giving me some trouble will get surrounded and if they have no Supply in there en circled that takes care of a front line that leaves only their back line of defense here we go that worked exactly as intended all right everyone please go

    On the aggressive you find open Territory go take it they have almost no Defenders left the natives are revolting oh The Enclave this is embarrassing for you I’m just going to sit back and kind of let them do their thing here this is great I am working on the better way for

    The intermediate industrial Tech not that right now I seem like I desperately need to have the extra production and stuff but extra construction speed and blah blah blah it can never hurt right that’s kind of my thought it’s always got to be a good thing Heaven’s Gate is

    Attacking people do I have claims on you out of curiosity no do I who else do I have even claims on besides miscounts which I guess I could start justifying on but like meh but really though um did I only get claims on these two people to the West cuz that feels rather

    Insignificant okay we took over the MacArthur base so that’s great just got to get to Missoula and stuff once again the mountains are splitting everything up but that’s fine we’ll be able to test ourselves against the Western Brotherhood in just a little bit if you want to and there goes

    MacArthur so now imagine we’ve got the cons right and they’re just going to try on some of this uh super nice Enclave power armor and they’re all like look at me I’m an enclave but seriously though be afraid because the cons have your power armor anyway we’ll go ahead and take on the

    Miscounts next might as well we have a nice juicy front line against them and I don’t really need anything involving the tires what else is there The fabled Enclave there we go gain a core on the MacArthur base now see that’s just bad Mana right there I did forget that the

    Uh miscounts were actively fighting against the union of the machine they’re fighting the freaky communist brain thing maybe we’ll have to kill that thing later it disturbs me anyway next War go go go everyone go oh wow that’s a lot of green that’s a lot of green

    Beautiful I said even with all that green they’re holding on a fair bit I think they did one big Last Stand now that their line is collapsing all right this is where all the horsemen start to do their thing can I train more Horsemen

    By the way I can train one that’s not as good as I might have hoped for tell you what let’s go train a whole new Army of riers sure more enforcers can only be good let’s see I can also steal some Advanced Equipment meh me to all of that

    And more me kind of out of Manpower again gross let’s get some Supply consumption and yeah I think now is a good time to go ahead and move on to First Sons and Daughters do we lose a lot of production and stuff yeah who cares I need more manpower and I’ve got

    My horses on aggressive here so we should see that they’re just going to be pushing mostly un opposed as they run down everyone get into Calgary I know where Calgary is where’s B it should be up here somewhere right do we even see

    It here or is that just uh not a thing I do not see Ben I don’t know I um I I flew into Calgary for uh my honeymoon actually that’s where we went is uh we went up to B we went up to the um that beautiful area Saw Lake Louise and

    Everything else honestly you know it was weird going to Canada in September because it’s very much like not the main season for travel and skiing and everything else so a lot of people were kind of confused why some Americans came up there in that area but we loved it

    Honestly meeting some of the Canadians it was just Charming they were very nice folks exactly as you would expect them to be the food was good the climate was beautiful the mountains were amazing amazing I love the Rockies it was good it was a really good experience what can

    I say now I do want to justify some War goals against a few other people just to clear out a little bit of bordergore we’re going to have to surround and kill all these little peoples that’s annoying but if we’re going to be awesome true cons you can’t

    Have very un awesome bordergore this is known and by the way I’m not letting the freaky brain take any of the lands I have the most War score I can bully you thank you it’s all mine how are things going with the kaisar looks like they

    Are still very much in a stale mate though I think they’ve done couple little things with their faction down here in the Baja Peninsula they managed to cross into Farmville so they’re getting some Farmville I just realized actually that okay like pharmaceutical Ville but Farmville Bo okay anyway sorry um also

    It looks like the Republic of the Rio Grande just declared war on the kaisar is Texas going to do anything unknown but the kaisar now is going to to find himself pulled in too many directions this is like when Germany starts to fall apart in World War II they had their

    Time to take out the NCR they didn’t do it the only reason that it looks to me like the NCR is starting to fall is the sons of kaga really kaga okay so um this is I think a like a what is this kind of like an enclave offshoot kind of a character

    Sort of the chosen one yeah of the aoy yeah yeah whatever it is um he’s currently beating the snot out of them I’ve never seen this faction do this well fascinating okay well I do think this might be a good place for us to end this particular video I don’t really

    Have a lot else to do in order to make myself a lot stronger we’re kind of out of focus options I can save up the political power just for a whole bunch of cores and that’s not a bad plan but it’s a little bit less interesting in

    Some way so this is where I’m just going to start going on a big Conquest spree the question is who am I going to test myself against if the NCR is down remember we had a bonus against them that’s not going to be that the kaisar

    Is about to die are we going to go mono Amano versus kaga or texas’ be kind of weird and a really long journey to reach them but we will see we might be coming to the end of this playthrough a little bit faster than I thought thank you all

    Very much for watching hope you enjoyed if so I would ask you hit that like button leave a comment subscribe and make sure you hit that notified Bell and I will see you guys next time


    1. Kaga is an cut character from Fallout 2 that considers himself the true Chosen One of Arroyo (and which he of course is. :D). In Game he would confront the Chosen One (the Player) multiple times and would get stronger each time, leading to an last Confrontation in which he has Enclave Power Armor. He can only be encountered with an Cut Content Restoration Fan Patch which i highly recommend even for a first playthrough.

      In OWB his stick is basically to commit revenge on the People of Arroyo for exiling him and to kill the Chosen One. He can then either pardon the people of Arroyo, becoming their true Chosen One and getting advanced civilian technology or he can start to LARP as Enclave with Advanced Power Armor and Vertibirds.

    2. I don't know about the suggestion pravis made tbh as a permanent debut for the state seems like it is extremely harsh and wouldn't be used much but if they implemented a similar button but instead of destroying factory space it destroys factories civilian and military in the state for either cheaper coring cost or caps or even both by having coring cost equate to how many factories you have in the state, if you have more factories in the state the higher the coring cost.

    3. I hate that idea for coring. Coring is hilariously cheap for how much manpower it gets you, so reducing the manpower you get for a simple core reduction is never worth it, in my mind.

    4. That Mr. House line about taxes was actually just a fan edit meme. He is actually mad at the protagonist of the game if you kill the President of the NCR because is hurts his plans.

    5. Regarding Ransacking.
      1. I would make it a policy rather than a button on the tile (allowing you to see current ransacking, maximum amount you can ransack at a time etc).
      2. Choose a location to ransack (it takes time and there's a limit) and gives rewards based on number of buildings and and population.
      3. It destroys 25-50% of its buildings, kills some population, greatly harms pop growth, stability, resistance against you, compliance gains, effects from buildings in the tile and construction in that tile for 3-5 years and cannot be ransacked again for 3-5 years. I would not have it permanently destroy building slots.

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