New movie review for Moonwalker! Watch Chris J Herman do a review of a movie or TV show while getting into a lively discussion. Check out the latest review for Moonwalker. — Watch live at

    Synopsis: Anthology movie by, and starring, Michael Jackson in his prime, combining a number of music videos from his bestselling “Bad” album with a fantasy tale of Michael’s confrontation with a ruthless drug dealer known as Mr. Big.




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    He has the bunny he has this bunny uh mask on he then walks out but now he too is climi and he right before he gets on a bike and he starts pedaling away but he stops and then he starts doing that jamona he starts doing all the jamona

    Chat and all the dance moves and they’re like that’s [ __ ] Michael Jackson get him moon walker it’s written in the stars by now before we go ahead move on to the rest of the stream we got to do those reviews Chad that’s what’s next on my doc and

    We’ll talk about those clamation people Luke the boss [ __ ] creepy and weird yes sir yes indeed and speaking of those clamation people chat oh my Lord I am going to be reviewing Michael Jackson’s moon walker uh directed by a number of people specifically Jerry Kramer who has no

    Other list of credits chat he is I look this up on the Wikipedia you know because I’m like I don’t know Michael Jackson Walker I know the whiz which is the well it’s been described as Michael Jackson’s Wizard of Oz it’s also been described as the quote unquote black

    Wizard of Oz chat I actually have only seen a couple of Clips I’ve never actually watched that movie this came out after uh the wiiz chat Michael Jackson of course you know the the King of Pop Pop Star Chat uh a man of uh controversy as we all know we’ll get

    Into all that in just a bit um he he did always wanted to jump into films he did want to be an actor just kind of never happened for him um but this was a film that he was a part of and he was a producer on and he was very excited

    About this is I think originally a part of his uh Bad Tour his actually his first tour what which he did by himself chat where he didn’t have another act with him it was just him by himself and it was supposed to release during this tour but I guess there were production

    Issues and so it didn’t come out until much later on at the end of his uh bad torch at least of his bad Elum um um and uh it was released to mix critical reviews not uh negative but certainly mix people who love the music love the uh music videos in the

    Film they said that it was just well [ __ ] weird and it was a small Commercial Success chat uh I had a budget about 22 million it made 67 million worldwide so it you know made its money back and then some about three times his budget of course right there

    Uh but you probably would expect more for the king of Po chat but I I I just think the reason why this movie probably didn’t particularly do all that well is because it’s really [ __ ] weird but before I go ahead and start talking about this movie I need to ask you a

    Very important question that question being how many of you have seen Michael Jackson’s moon walker Chad you have to specify Michael Jackson moon walker because there’s actually another movie called Moonwalker starring Ron prman which I have not seen chat but I’m very curious about this what about you b w

    Says up on it there you go I seen a clip on YouTube where MJ turn Rob about he he does do that not and more and more he’s the [ __ ] Transformer chat melie Nelson good to see I did pure W me says it yes you’ve seen it gotcha late

    Weirder than Captain IO yes my uncle show me and my sisters this a few years ago and man this a really bizarre movie it is indeed says it’s really weird C says Nope good I shall tell you the tale Cas hel Burger I’ve seen the nost stalgic critic review think that’s

    Enough I know he did a review for this interesting I was in loved to Growing Up and would haven’t seen the Pearlman one saw the OG Jackson uh say I saw on TV Chando ever seen it uh or excuse me never seen it r

    P w no it’s not weirder than C I mean I don’t know man I don’t know not seeing moon walker but I’ve always wanted to play the game for JIS arcade yes nothing is weirder than that bat boy I’ve only seen parts of moon walker the only part

    I remember like is the clation by Will Vuitton C raise of Fame yep that’s the same yep exactly that’s that’s the same animator he is a new edition I agree he the least you could say is Michael Jackson was a bizarre individual I I agree he was

    Eccentric you was to see it several times and only remember the videos and I think SP spiders do play a role you are you were not wrong there are some surprises sh okay so you know I just provide you with some facts regards to the

    Movie you know how it’s what what it was it’s an it’s an anthology film chat it features music videos it features uh some individual stories within it um but it it is it is definitely uh a a bizarre film I have I had not seen this before

    I’d only watched this uh recently and um you know speaking of Michael Jackson simply as an Entertainer and as a composer of music and as a singer incredibly talented CH I mean everyone I yeah I like a lot of his music I mean Smooth Criminal and and and bad and you

    Know Thriller of course it’s like I’m ignorant when it comes to music but I know my Michael Jackson party all the time party all the time I know my Michael Jackson chat um you know but personal life weird controversial uh maybe gross I don’t know there’s so many conflicting stories

    About this man’s uh personal life Emily and the woman and the woman who is responsible for me reviewing this film today thank you Emily clap yourself let’s get some Mr eban’s Ser Hypes for Emily in the chat right now it’s because of her I’m reviewing this film tonight

    Chad and I’m excited about it but so yeah Michael Jackson’s personal life I I I mean I don’t even know there’s so many conflicting stories about him chat oh but I will say just as a as a singer as an Entertainer massively talented chat the weird ones are always massively talented

    That that is seems to be the case and this movie I will say like listen a lot of these the music video sections very entertaining they’re they’re they’re great the the choreography the sing the ideas behind them all kind of weird they stand out in your mind there’s no doubt

    The more narrative Centric ones I’m like I don’t know I I I I I’m just like what the [ __ ] is H what the [ __ ] is happening in this movie that’s all I can say Chad like it it’s weird it’s very very weird chat but hey is it

    Kept going I’m like I’m gon still give this a chance chat but uh I even I have to admit I’m like okay what what why did that happen it’s it it’s feels like Michael Jackson’s like if I had to describe this film it’s Michael Jackson’s imagination

    Gone wild and he just paid the [ __ ] bill for this movie and said make my imagination real put it into Caporal form and that is Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker that’s the only thing that that’s the only way I could poply describe this chat because there’s weird [ __ ] in here that happens for no reason

    There’s no explanation for it you just go along it just let it wash over you chat just just sit back relax and and be prepared to watch some weird [ __ ] we get robot Transformers we get uh 1940s criminals in in like pinstriped suits uh we get a murderers Joe pesi who is

    Appropriating Japanese culture all that [ __ ] is in this movie chat and um I I just let it wash over me because that’s the only thing I can do I couldn’t complain I couldn’t I couldn’t uh uh uh you know uh praise it I just I just had

    To let it go I just had to just say all right this is the way it is CH but now my friends let’s go ahead and start with the beginning of the movie Chad we start with the moonwalk which of course is the amazing physical move where Michael

    Jackson looks like appears to be walking forward but he’s walking backwards chat and I will say it’s [ __ ] slick it’s a good move has all the men has all the women feeling something weird in their nether regions Chad it just gets you horny it just gets you feeling crazy

    It’s an amazing thing to see you’ve had these people try to repeat it but some about the way Michael Jackson does it it’s absolutely incredible and not only is he performing the moonwalk in the beginning of the movie chat but he has magic sparkling shoes that shoot out

    Like laser beams and yellow sparkles this is this is the beginning of the movie and he’s shooting out yellow sparkles and it’s all in black and then we transition Shan and we are now seeing archive footage of Michael Jackson’s one of his concerts chat where he’s performing Man in the Mirror he’s

    Performing Man in the Mirror chat which is a very good song and he’s killing it on stage he’s got the band behind him everything he’s got his backup dancers they’re killing it and we see just a crowd of dirty horny poor people just fainting just lusting after Michael

    Jackson now Chad this is like late 80s Michael Jackson and so his he’s a little bit lighter in terms of skin tone his nose he’s got definitely got a lot of surgery on his nose at this point it’s not to the degree where where where it

    Was like in the 90 late 90s and 2000s sh where we looked like a [ __ ] Skeleton Man but it definitely looked like he had a lot of surgery did not look natural but he was still a sex icon people still really liked him Chad and they were Ling

    After him and he’s doing the man in the miror and he’s killing it and all of these horny uh you know girls men a various color shat doesn’t matter if you’re white doesn’t matter if you’re black doesn’t matter if you’re Asian Or Hispanic or Latino or anything else in

    Between chat you love Michael Jackson like oh my [ __ ] god and it’s that’s all it is it’s just it’s just it’s concert footage for like the first 7 10 minutes and then we transition and we then get this Michael Jackson kind of like oh this is his wardrobe room with a

    Camera pans to all of his very various [ __ ] that he’s worn in his life chat like all the sequin uh shirts and the glove and certain other items chat and then we cut to these various televisions which are all kind of look like it looks like uh Michael Jackson just [ __ ]

    Kicked into the door of peewee’s playhouse and just just beat the [ __ ] out of Paul Rubin and started stealing all of his things that’s the only thing I can think of chat where he steals peewee’s uh television [ __ ] good old tell he steals couchy and and B was like

    Don’t do it he’s like shut up and he slaps him and he takes all that he takes it back to his wardrobe room and then we watch Michael Jackson’s Life play on these various TV sets chat and where we see him um like when he was a young man

    Chad part of the Jackson 5 when his father was forcing him and his brothers and sisters to perform at strip clubs and these clubs and and you know having to endure all these beatings um during this the this biographical segment we have these rats like literal living

    Rat it’s both living rats like actual rats and animatronic rats and Clay motion stop motion rats watching a young Michael Jackson I don’t know if the rats are representative of like Michael Jackson’s life are they his father are the rats because I looked at my my father did Michael Jackson look at his

    Father as a rat [ __ ] and he’s like he’s always watching Me Maybe I don’t know but then the rats then become robots they become robots and they watch Michael Jackson uh as he becomes older Chad and becomes the pop sensation uh that that that he is Chad

    That that he is and then there’s a giant black man a giant black man appears yeah there’s a giant black man that appears and this giant black man has like these uh yellow Sparks that come out of him and they they cover all of these children all of these yellow

    Sparkles are given to uh children chat and they are imbued with the power of Michael Jackson I think and then it transitions to a parody video of Michael Jackson being played by little kids and it’s like it’s the bad music video chat that famous one you know where where

    They’re in the subway and that and that guy at C Michael Jackson of all his friends and stuff except this time Michael Jackson is being played by you don’t probably don’t recognize the name but I’m like I know this kid I’ve seen this kid before it’s Brandon Quinton

    Adams chat and he was the well he’s as he’s typically known he’s the black kid in Sandlot in The Sandlot movie which is a a wonderful film if you’ve not seen it and he’s also the lead actor in The W the super underrated um West Craven film The

    People Under the Stairs which is actually getting a remake chat from Jordan peele’s Company monkey pop Productions which I I’m going to see how that goes you know Jordan Peele I love get out I wasn’t a big fan of us really I mean I like you know the technical

    Aspects of the film didn’t really really like the story all that much uh I was not a fan of his Twilight Zone nor was a fan of candy man so I’m hoping the best for that remake chat because that original West Craven movie was really ahead of its time was underappreciated

    It’s actually quite good if you have if you have not seen it I recommend it I got to do an audio video commentary for a Chad because it’s a really weird movie but uh little Brandon Quinn Adams plays like a little Michael Jackson and then all the other characters in the music

    Video are also played by kids and the people who are AC costing and uh intimidating Michael and his friends are a little bit older they look to be maybe pre-teens maybe even teenagers certainly very young teenagers chat and you know they they come up to Michael and little

    Michael uh he starts doing the the it’s the music video it’s just with children this time and maybe it’s representative how Michael sees himself or the loss of his childhood through his art and his art is his childood [ __ ] it’s how he able to live his life I don’t [ __ ]

    Know but all these kids start dancing and it’s and they’re lip syncing because it’s Michael’s for the most part most of the song it’s Michael Jackson singing bad and it’s not until the end of the song that the kids actually start singing themselves it’s like go back to Michael Jackson because these can’t

    These kids can’t sing for [ __ ] I did notice in this this particular music video there’s this one kid to the left of Brandon Quinton Adams who can’t dance at one point and he’s like seems to not know what he’s doing and I noticed as the rest of the video went along he’s

    Not there anymore so I just imagine they just said get get get your ass out of there and they they fired him and they kept filming cheads it’s a kid in a wife beater shirt go back and look at this movie chat there’s a kid in a wife

    Beater shirt right next to little Michael played by Brandon Quinton Adams in the beginning and he’s not there for the rest of the music video and so I just that just really stuck out to me um after they perform the song they’re all like yeah yeah yeah and the bullies are

    Like wow you can sing really good we will no longer try to accost and intimidate you and they leave but then the one bully takes off his this is this stuck out to me this one bully who’s not the main bully this one bully he’s one

    Of the two that back up the other guy he takes off his hat and underneath his hat is another hat I thought that’s interesting and then they they walk away and they all start laughing uh after that scene chat uh little Michael Jackson played by uh Brandon Quinn Adams Then

    Goes uh like he he leaves the um I guess the Subway and then he has like Teenage bodyguards and they’re escorting him to this movie studio and uh he little Michael Jackson is inquiring about bubbles the the you know the ape the the bubbles like the bubbles and he’s like

    Bling bring bubbles to my trailer I wish to have a meeting with him we need to discuss a new movie and they’re like right away sir it’s like so bubbles there you go Chad I’m glad they mentioned Bubbles and he’s also said I would like a banana cream pie and the

    Bodyguards like well Michael they actually don’t serve banana cream pie and Michael request is like could could they make me one and The Bodyguard says right away sir and so I assume he’s going to get his his banana cream pie we then transition to a movie

    Studio lot I I felt like it was Warner Brothers they didn’t say it was but it’s just like I don’t know I just got to sense it was the Warner Brothers lot since the Warner Brothers lot is incorporated into like a lot of animated projects like Looney Tunes and

    Animaniacs and tun Etc it just felt like that way that way and uh Michael’s walking and we see this tour bus of a whole bunch of animated clay people and they all look [ __ ] horrific chat they’re all Abominations and as the tour guide is just doing these really bad

    Tour guide jokes like as you would expect these clation Abomination people spot Michael who goes oh and then we we come back to the uh claim people because they’re taking pictures and then we cut back to little uh uh Brandon Quinton Adams but he’s not little Brandon

    Quinton Adams anymore chat he has now become the adult Michael Jackson so I don’t know if this scene is representative of like of the press like he was his his childhood was stripped from him because of the constant attention that he I don’t [ __ ] know

    But at this point he’s like I got to get the [ __ ] out of here the problem is these climi people are rabid they don’t give a [ __ ] and they leave they’re like in these kind of like uh golf carts you know like those little kind of golf cart

    Tours and they leave the golf carts and they attack Michael Jackson’s posi where all the little kids also grew up with him the problem is though uh Michael’s started running and the kids didn’t were now adults now and they were all run over by the Hideous claymation people

    And they are killed they they’re flatten chat in typical Looney Tunes fashion but as we know this is not a cartoon and they’re they’re just dead Michael runs all around the studio and at one point he goes around a corner and he hides behind the Statue of Liberty like a kind

    Of like a life not like I guess it’s like a human size like you know it’s about 6 feet tall Statue of Liberty he hides behind it as all these weird clation people uh keep running the opposite direction and the Statue of Liberty comes alive and says the home of

    The weird ain’t it and he goes yeah and then she transforms back into like a statue it’s like okay but chat the fatties there are these two fatties chat these two grotesque fatties who are riding these little scooters who spot Michael and they’re like Michael Michael we’re your biggest fans and Michael’s

    Like no get away get away from me no you’re ignorant and he’s like Michael I don’t have a piece of paper but you can sign my belly like they lift up their shirts and their belly is just filled with like zits and like weird gross stuff and Michael’s like ew that’s gross

    That’s ignorant and they like what you don’t have a pen get him and they chase after him Chad they also call the rest of the hideous clamation people and they chase after Michael Michael then takes Refuge inside of a oh no not yet actually when

    He’s running away he runs into a a a a set that’s being used by a filmmaker it’s like a cowboy set for like a western and right before they’re like about to have like a oh a shootout he interrupts he goes I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m just running away from these

    Clamation people and they like godamn it you varant they want to call him some else [ __ ] but they did not you varman you interrupting my scene and the director who’s also claim like what the [ __ ] I can’t handle this I told everyone that I I have to have a close set and

    The director turns into a dragon and nothing like the dragon doesn’t attack Michael he doesn’t eat anybody he just turns into a dragon and that’s it Michael then continues to run because he’s still being pursued by the claymation fatties and the press and also now the Cowboys who wanted to kill

    Him and he then hides in a prop room CH he hides in a prop room they know he’s in the Prop Room they’re trying to break down the door but then Michael’s like oh my God they’re so ignorant and he spots he needs some he needs disguise and he

    Spots basically a bug’s bunny costume and he puts he puts it’s basically just the head of Bugs Bunny he takes the head of Bugs Bunny like a mask he puts a Bugs Bunny mask on his head chat and then he opens the door and they’re like oh

    They’re about to kill him but they see oh it’s it’s it’s just bugs bunny it’s fine he just and now Michael Jackson has become his name is Spike correct his name is Spike you’re you’re not wrong that’s the bunny’s name thank you for correcting me uh the stupid rabbit he

    Has the bunny he has this bunny mask on he then walks out but now he too is clamation and he right before he gets on a bike and he starts pedaling away but he stops and then he starts doing that he starts doing all the jamona chat and

    All the dance moves and they’re like that’s [ __ ] Michael Jackson said get him and then he starts riding away on the bike chat but then the bicycle which again it’s a bicycle it’s not a motorbike but chat thank God through the power of movie Magic the bicycle then

    Becomes a motorcycle chat and he Michael is then being pursued I assume throughout the streets of Los Angeles CH California as all these people are trying to take his picture kill him I don’t know um but there all the all these people are like in this one car that has all these extra

    Seats that are like on like cranes and [ __ ] you see the two fatties there trying to get the picture of uh of Michael chat uh eventually through this chase scene through the city of Los Angeles the their their car just [ __ ] crashes and the fatties and all the

    Press and all those other people they just die in a molten fire that’s what they all die uh Michael then escapes to the desert chat he then takes off the rabbit costume but then Spike the rabbit comes alive he comes alive and Michael’s like you’re my best friend Spike and then

    They start emulating each other’s movements and so Michael starts doing the moonwalk and then Spike the rabbit starts doing the moonwalk you know Michael says and Spike does he does all that [ __ ] and they start doing that and they just start moonwalking having a good goddamn time but uhoh oh the popo

    Showed up chat the popo the police have showed up and as you can see behind the policeman goes he just he literally says and behind him there’s a sign with a like it’s like a with a cross in it that says no moon walking it literally

    Has that and Michael’s like but you you understand my friend Spike he was here and it’s like doesn’t matter you both get get ticket he then hands he’s like where is he and he’s like he’s he was just here you’re being ignorant he was just here but he’s not there Chad and

    The police officer hands Michael the ticket he goes no um again Michael is filthy [ __ ] Rich so he’d be able to afford the ticket but whatever uh for a person you know who doesn’t make as much that would be a a huge detriment to their monthly income but whatever uh the

    Police officer then drives away Michael looks sad but then this nearby Hill giant rock not I guess it’s a rock formation sh it looks like he’s in Utah or something this nearby very very large rock formation then becomes the head of Spike the rabbit and Spike the rabbit

    Winks at Michael he goes and then he drives away he’s like that that was his that was his friend after that after that scene chat we then get another music video that is kind of like animated like South Park it’s like if they took carboard pieces of Michael Jackson and certain things in

    His life and kind of animate them like slightly but it looks like this Matt Stone and Trey Parker would like we would like to be part of moon walker let us animate this and we get about a five to seven minute video uh music video that is of Michael Jackson saying leave

    Me alone basically leave me alone and we get like all these all these things in the video like um Elizabeth like you know famously he had that Shrine to Elizabeth Taylor who who passed away during this period and he also had um uh he bought the the the bones of the

    Elephant Man and he mentions that in the song or it’s shown in in the music video and basically it’s just saying just like listen even though I’m doing all these things like you know was also talking about how Michael was going to cryogenically freeze himself it’s all

    The Tabloid stuff in his life and the song is basically about telling all these people just leave me alone okay let me live my life I’m not really I’m not affecting anyone else I have my weirdness I have my Kinks I have my eccentricities but they’re not they’re

    Not bothering you so why are you so obsessed with me um so that’s what that is it’s the this whole tabloid journalism critique that he’s that he’s talking about Chad and uh that goes on for about five to seven minutes we then transition chat to this Gotham City like

    Period piece environment like it has like this Tim Burton uh it’s like a combination of Tim Burton architecture and like art deco architecture from like Batman The Animated series and we start in the sky and it pans down and it’s like it’s basically goth it’s let’s just

    Say it’s it’s Gotham City and we have these various Street urchins chat we have this these three children this little white boy this little black boy and this little white girl and they’re looking for Michael Jackson and they’re also looking they also spot a star in

    The sky like a shooting star and they want to get the star so they can give Michael Jackson their wish so they can go back to the fun times that they had with Michael Jackson right and so uh they they’re looking for him in this this Tim Burton Gotham City also maybe

    It’s a little bit of Dick Tracy CH too because everyone’s wearing pinstriped suits like mobsters and we cut to this um the outside of this music shop like you can you’re selling violins and guitars and like Piccolo and [ __ ] not the DBZ guy but the the actual Piccolo

    And uh all these guys get out of this car and they have these super Advanced sci-fi weapons and they just start shooting at the shop uh that that um that Michael just walked Michael’s in a he walks out he has like a suit on he

    Goes oh and then all these guys step out of the cars and they start shooting oh and they start shooting at him they start shooting him we then have a flashback to Michael Jackson I what appears to be maybe on Neverland Ranch I’m not sure but maybe let’s just say

    It’s a park it’s it’s Michael Jackson he’s like wearing a red sweater and something and he’s with the three children who we saw earlier in the movie the street urchin and we learned that the little girl is named Katie and uh they’re just playing and stuff they have

    A they have a dog named Skipper and they’re just playing like football and Frisbee and tag and hideand-seek and things and it’s all in slow motion and it’s fun uh at one point the the two boys the little white boy and the little black boy they’re just uh they’re just I

    They’re doing something I don’t know but Skipper the dog he runs towards the woods right on the Neverland Ranch property and Katie’s like Michael we got to go get Skipper back he’s like okay and so they then hand in hand they go to find Skipper in the woods but as they go

    Deeper into the wood chat they go to what looks like um a reservoir of some kind or a dam maybe a sewage kind of likees area where this whole it’s like it’s it’s like this it looks like a it looks like maybe maybe underneath a bridge or something and the entire

    Concrete structure in the middle of the woods is completely covered in cobweb spider webs that is and Skipper they saw he went into there and as they’re going through there Michael’s like this is horrible this isn’t good this is not this is bad and they go into there and

    They and they see that the entire thing there’s giant tarantulas everywhere everywhere and then they go to the main door of this concrete structure and on the door it’s not like a handle it’s not like a door knob it’s it’s like a touch pad and the touch pad

    There’s a SP there’s like a stone spider and Michael’s like wait a minute and he touches the spider chat and it glows and it opens the door Katie and then Michael then like where’s the dog the dog how did the dog get I don’t know uh they

    Then go inside the structure and it looks like it’s a secret base of some kind Chad secret base of some kind and they’re on this giant catwalk and they look down and there’s all this SciFi uh equipment down there’s also a [ __ ] ton of tarantulas and spiders everywhere

    Chad everywhere and they look down and I did not know this I did not know this that this character excuse me this actor was in this movie but they look down and they see Joe pesi pretending to be a Japanese man in high heels uh talking about how he wants to sell drugs

    To Children across the world and all he says is like these [ __ ] kids I’m telling you I’m tell you right now these little [ __ ] I’m gonna sell them all the drugs bugs and drugs and they’re going to know it was me it was me Frank

    De Leo de gu Leo Frank deo’s the one that sold them all the drugs we’re going to go to the schools we’re going to go to the playgrounds we’re going to go to the basketball courts we’re going to go to their homes and they’re going to [ __ ] know Frank Deo sold them the

    Drugs bugs and drugs and they see all of this and they’re like w it’s really ignorant that’s ignorant uh and he has like he has a oh god he has several Doan Pinchers who like sense like if there’s trouble a foot he’s got them he’s got these these gapo looking like Nazi like

    These guys are he a drug dealer or is he a super villain uh he has these guys like dressed as [ __ ] Stormtroopers at this point uh but Michael is hearing all this little Katie’s hearing all this but then Michael spots a spider a tarantula crawling towards Katie’s hand and she us

    Just like ah she sees the Spider goes she [ __ ] screeches as you would you have a tarantula was crawl in your hand you would freak out too I’d freak out you don’t expect Chad you wouldn’t expect that you’d freak out but then apparently chat the little girl alarm

    Goes off in the base wee woo wee woo and Joe P’s like you you little blonde [ __ ] I’m coming for you and he got the and he’s I love it Chad because as I said he’s appropriating Japanese culture because he has this ridiculous like [ __ ] it it looks Japanese esque like

    Man bun that he’s wearing he also has these like super small sunglasses looks like his eyes are damaged but but they’re like super small but he looks like an anime character chat like I I I I I I can’t describe it uh and it’s funny my like oh no that’s ignorant no

    And we got and they and they start running they then start running CH but then we cut to present day we cut to present day and I I guess Michael said [ __ ] you kids you got to go into hiding you can’t live in the Neverland Ranch

    Anymore and I got to open my music shop in in Gotham City so you got to live with the pores now whatever uh uh we cut the present day where Michael looks like he was getting shot to [ __ ] and then after all the shooting from Joe pes’s

    Storm Trier gapo he he then gets out of this car and goes well you know it’s Joe pesy chap because he he has the high heels on like I’m not joking he has literal [ __ ] high heels on and he also eats a [ __ ] ton of peanuts I don’t like this guy

    Like there’s just a trail I’m not talking about like a couple of peanut shells no this guy is is just constantly breaking peanuts and just putting in his mouth and dropping like like you’ll be able to track this guy down very easily Chad you would know that Joe pesy was

    Selling drugs to your children because you can just follow all the peanut shells back to his weird Reservoir damn underground spider ha out CH you’d find him very easy uh and then he then approaches the steps at which Michael was sitting on but then the Michael is

    Gone but the suit is still there and so we now have a very naked possibly very injured Michael Jackson running around the streets of Gotham City and Jo’s like where the [ __ ] guy go go get him get check every gun and apparently Joe pesi controls I don’t know how much time has

    Passed but I am led to assume that he has ultimate power over this particular City because there is no other police force in any capacity he has control over the telecommunication systems in this city maybe he rules the world he certainly has a an incredible arsenal of

    Weapons chat which we’ll find out later on uh but he’s very mad in any case he’s like hunt down Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson is running and now Gotham City looks like 1940s Germany like Mich and Michael Jackson’s even wearing like he’s wearing the suit he’s

    Now wearing like this white suit but it almost looks like he’s wearing like a specific armband almost looks like it’s the Star of David which you know the Nazis had forced and when the were liviing the ghettos of course chat and various other people of course as well

    They had him like wear these armbands which which had the starve David to say like well that’s a Jew and so Michael Jackson is also wearing an armband as well so I’m like okay uh but he’s still running he’s running away from from all these people in 1940s Gotham City

    Germany and uh he then hides behind this like he’s in an Alleyway hiding behind this pillar Joe pesi is is still like really really mad about everything he’s like what the [ __ ] is Michael Jackson we got to get that [ __ ] I got to sell kids drugs bugs and drugs uh and the kids

    Also have heard the gunshots and they to have come to the scene in which Michael’s hiding and at one point a shooting star crosses cross to the sky and the little girl little Katie starts or I forget if it’s the little I one of the kids starts praying and they’re

    Going like what are you doing she goes I’m just making a wish for Michael I’m making a wish for Michael so he’ll be safe and then we cut to Michael then going down the alleyway and Joe pesi and the and the guy spoted like d the [ __ ]

    Get him and they go down the alleyway but yet they start hearing this they start hearing this motor like revving and then Joe pesi starts the panic and goes well go [ __ ] get him he stands behind all of his boys and then we see that a car come down the

    Alleyway where Michael Jackson was and it looks like the uh Delorean from Back to the Future chat and the guys like that’s [ __ ] cool it’s the car it’s a car from Back of the future the LA and then it just yeets itself forward chat like it has superjet engines and it runs

    Over some of the Gestapo soldiers and it just continues down the street and Jo he’s like why you doing you [ __ ] get him and they all pile into the various gestapo vehicles and they and they and they and they chase after um Michael Jackson uh after that the the we the

    Children apparently have been told uh by Michael to we don’t know why they just they just know to go to this certain Warehouse within Gotham City they then go to the warehouse chat and it looks like he was like an old Club of some kind uh Speak Easy maybe but Michael’s

    Not there because he’s still being pursued by Joe pesi and the gestapo and the the pesi Gestapo if you will and um they just start playing around they start playing pool but then the pool balls start moving on their own the the little girl goes to the the the the

    Piano but the piano starts playing they get they [ __ ] freak out out and they then leave this this Warehouse SL old Speak Easy slcl club and they then hide outside uh eventually Michael Jackson does show up but he doesn’t see the kids the kids don’t see him Michael opens the

    Door and the entire Club looks like it’s of the past chat so it’s filled with people they’re all dressed now it’s like not 1940s now it looks 1920 especially with the women’s fashion it’s very 1920 chat he very Art Deco he he walks in and everyone like fucking’s like whoa

    It’s Michael jackon and then we get a music video which I will say it’s a really cool music video of Smooth Criminal and he does his whole thing we’re doing Smooth Criminal the various people in the bar which it’s mostly uh it’s mostly uh black people I would say

    In the in in the speak I don’t know if that was speaking as like you know to like well you know obviously you know back in 1920s people of color were horrifically oppressed and they have to endure uh racism and everything else I don’t know because it was mostly filled

    With black I guess there’s a couple white people it’s mostly black I don’t know I don’t know I’m just I’m reading into a chat I’m just trying to figure it out uh but he does Smooth Criminal which is a great song even someone who’s ignorant when it comes to music that’s a

    Great song but then all of the other people like the men in the club start to attack Michael and he kills all of them uh like literally with Dragon Ball Z powers like there’s just one guy that tries to like come at Michael with like a pull queue and Michael just literally

    Goes hi doen hi doen he goes hi doen and the guy goes through the [ __ ] wall like you know Daffy Duck and some [ __ ] and he continues doing his thing he continues do his thing everyone’s like wo we love you Michael because I guess he killed all the people in there uh or

    At least all the you know the the bad guys I suppose but then after Michael and then we get a really weird part of the music video which I’m like I don’t think this part of the song where it stops being Smooth Criminal and then it the color scheme changed before it was

    Like a lot of Reds a lot of Reds a lot of yellows a lot of oranges and it’s like it’s a club it’s a club but then everything becomes blue gray and it’s almost like Zack Snider just said [ __ ] you it’s my movie it’s almost if Zack

    Snider like beat the [ __ ] out of the director and just put his blue gray color filter on the camera and just said action and then Michael Jackson and all of his backup dancers and singers and the extras just start moaning they go like that like I’m like I don’t I don’t

    I don’t I don’t I’m like what what’s happening I’m like I don’t know what’s happening they do that for about a minute and then they go back to Smooth Criminal and they back back to Smooth Criminal after Smooth Criminal is done well actually no right before Michael Jackson’s about to finish the Smooth

    Criminal song we then see the Gestapo show up but they’re like right outside the various Windows they position themselves in such away where their Shadows are in each in every single window chat and then Michael Jackson notices no one else notices Michael Jackson notices this and he then [ __ ]

    Goes and he [ __ ] does a and he produces a Tommy Gun chat and begins shooting all the window shat killing all the Gestapo Joe pesi spider henchmen and after that after that uh he then uh he then hears uh oh that’s right so while this is going on the gastao spider

    Henchmen and Joe pesi find the children and they capture them well no they captured the one they captured Katie which is Michael Jackson’s favorite chat uh after that Michael Jackson hears them he goes outside he’s like kids why weren’t you in the club why were where

    Were you and like Michael there was no one there then then there’s people there we don’t understand he’s like where’s Katie what happened to her and they’re like Joe pesy [ __ ] kidnapped her Michael’s like oh no that’s ignorant and so then they’re like all right we got to to go to Joe

    Pes’s base he has a base chat in in in in Gotham City uh Michael and the children go to the base Michael then tells the kids kids wait on the ramp parts and then I’ll you’ll know when when I need you I’ll give you the sign they like what’s the sign Michael and

    They’re like he’s like you you’ll know and he goes in the middle of the base and then Michael is then uh surrounded surrounded by the various Joe peshi Gusto right there and then they just start beating the [ __ ] out of him they just literally he

    Tries to hold him off CH he starts doing jamona and all that [ __ ] but then they just start literally beating the [ __ ] out of Michael Jackson and then we hear Joe pesi going you [ __ ] and Joe pesi comes out of this uh uh like giant tunnel if you will it’s big huge big

    White light behind him and we see him literally beating the [ __ ] out of Katie like I’m not talking about like oh he threw on no he’s literally smacking this little girl around she’s like you [ __ ] [ __ ] you he’s like I got you Michael I and the thing is like like

    It’s so funny like I’m swearing as Joe pesy but Joe pesi is not swearing he’s he always calls like Michael Jackson you pin head you uh you fool you like always like like pin head you garbage you piece of garbage you fool you fool like all

    That [ __ ] but you know calls him a pin head like multiple times and Michael sees um Joe pesi beating up Katie and this causes Michael to go no stop it stop it no I I I don’t know if Joe pesi is supposed to be Jesse Jackson maybe I don’t know because is

    Katie representative of Michael Jackson’s childhood and the way that je Jesse Jackson was so abusive towards Michael and the rest of the kids because he wanted [ __ ] money and he didn’t want to be an actual [ __ ] father Maybe maybe I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

    [ __ ] know but I don’t know maybe I I I get I’m reading into with you I’m reading into it but they all stop because Michael Jackson freaks out and they all start to approach him he’s covering his face like this and then eventually the guards get up to him they

    Nudge him and Michael then drops his hands and Michael Jackson has these giant yellow glowing eyes he like oh he’s gonna become a werewolf like he did and Thriller No he becomes a giant [ __ ] robot he literally becomes a giant trans Transformer chat where first he becomes all metallic and everything

    And then like the parts of his face come undone like like his cheeks pop out his jaw goes his eyes pop out and [ __ ] like all these parts of him and he starts like kind of looking everybody like this but he’s like super robotic and everything he’s like doing that and J’s

    Like go shoot the [ __ ] shoot him the pin head [ __ ] kill him and he throws Katie away cuz he’s like scared about Michael and then Michael continues to he’s like me he’s like Mecha Michel oh it’s a great way to put edgy Berserker he becomes Mecha Michel where he

    Increases in size and mass and he then becomes he get gets weapons shat like his arms become laser cannons and his shoulders have missile launchers and his penis is like a a laser beam and he then starts attacking all of Joe pes’s gapo Stormtroopers they start shooting all

    The gestapo and they all start CH but she’s like oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ um at one point the Gestapo find the kids where Katie finds the kids she gets back with the kids she’s fine she got a little beat up by Joe pesi but she’s okay she’s up there and then but then

    The gapo followed her and they’re up there and they’re just about to kill the children then Michael spots them and his robot form and just goes and he starts screaming and the scream apparently is at a specific frequency that it only affects adults and all of the rest of

    The G stop who are still standing their heads explode they all [ __ ] die like scanners chat it’s very weird um Joe pesi has disappeared at this point we don’t know where he is but then Michael the kids watch as as as Michael then like typical Transformers fashion chat

    He is not only he’s not a robot but he also becomes a spaceship becomes a Starship chat and he starts transforming just the walk you know that Transformers noise he becomes a robot or a Starship robot and the kids are like oh where’s he going and then

    Chat they start to hear this very loud sound and they cut to the other side of the base where these massive [ __ ] doors have opened and we see this giant Death Star Laser cannon come out of it chat which is being operated by Joe peshy he’s like yeah Michael you pin

    Head ja Bron you I’m going to kill you bugs and drugs and right before like Michael’s about to fly away Joe pesi shoots the Michael Jackson spaceship and it then crashes in like over the like over the edge I don’t know over the side the base the K like no

    Michael Jackson That’s ignorant and Joe pesi then is like I’ve did it I’ve killed you Michael and I’ll kill the kids he’s gonna kill those kids and he’s positioning the giant this is a huge [ __ ] like laser weapon he then positions the laser weapon about to

    Shoot the kids but then uh oh Michael comes up the ship Michael comes up over the base and he he he’s yeting himself towards he’s F he’s you know he’s uh flying towards joei and joei the laser Canon is too slow so he can’t position

    It to fire at Michael he goes oh Michael no and Michael fires his you know his his uh his uh uh you know goddamn Torpedoes his you know his Photon Torpedoes chat and his laser weapon Star Trek Star Wars [ __ ] he fires all the Star Trek Star Wars [ __ ] at Joe pesi

    And the laser gun explodes everybody’s like no puns and drugs and Joe pesi is no more Joe pesi is killed he’s he’s destroyed in the explosion chat and the kids watch Michael as he kind of like you know he he comes he’s like right over them and they’re like and they’re

    All like what’s he doing and Katie’s like he’s saying goodbye he’s leaving and then Michael then goes off into space Chad he becomes the star he becomes the shooting star because his career was the shooting star after he left his father Jesse Jackson who is Joe pesi in

    The movie anyway he shoots off and then the kids are still dirty and smelly and poor and they’re walking around Gotham City and they they really want to see Michael Jackson again and then Michael shows up he comes down as the shooting star as if like you know

    There’s more important things than my career and he presents himself in front of the children in a nonsexual way he this children I’m back it’s me Michael and they’re like Yay Michael and he then walks with them he then has them all hand in hand and they then go to another

    Concert they also find um the dog they also find uh skip or what the [ __ ] the dog’s name was remember the dog chat this all started when they were trying to look for a dog they find the dog at one point I don’t know how they find him

    And he Michael then hugs all the kids and says I love you and then he goes on stage and he then does a uh cover of uh The Beatles Come Together come together he does then he does that and then the movie ends and that’s it that’s the movie and

    That’s by scene by scene by scene by scene breakdown shaft for Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker it’s this is what happened this the first H review that sounds like a story of a second grade ramble it’s it’s literally what happened Emily back me up here am I wrong worth it worth it there you go

    There you go CH that was Emily’s request she’s a patron she’s a juicy game subscriber chat she got she turned her audio video commentary Quest into a movie request and I did it looks at drink I need to lay off this stuff this like just throws just throw it over your

    Shoulder oh my God I’m not wrong there you go oh my Lord trainers you good to see you oh my Lord chat Kane Ryan Rachel pleasure to have you noise it was me it’s a it’s it’s it’s a mov it’s a thing it happened it was put to film it was

    Released it made money now again you know it’s the the music video portions are actually quite good they’re well choreographed they’re fun and stuff you know the whole Joe pesi being a you know appropriating Japanese culture and selling drugs to the kids and also apparently creating a gestapo and a a

    Nazies city in 1940s America of 20 Aesthetics is weird uh but I I didn’t like I was like I never knew what was going to happen next I’m like all right movie what are you gonna do next what are you gonna do um I I didn’t hate this

    Movie it’s it’s definitely bizarre I would encourage people to see it just for the weird [ __ ] with Joe pesi it’s like what the [ __ ] is happening that’s just my favorite section because it’s just so I mean you read into it like it’s represent of this this this this

    And this in Michael Jackson’s life but it’s very amusing it’s very amusing chat so I don’t know I I I guess I I give it like a high rental I give it like a high rental I guess I give it a high rental Chad it’s fun kids deserve drugs too

    Right right greasy loines right it’s weird that’s what Putin said he was doing too maybe he watch maybe he watch it then yeah he’s trying to den naify Gotham City Michaels Love The Beatles is having D to come together and one of the kids in Shawn lennin oh that makes sense

    Oh that makes sense it’s John Lennon’s son okay yeah here in Ju do the PES is perfect thank you Ed Berserker thank you so much I hope you guys enjoyed the review there you go my friends that was my review for Michael Jackson’s moon walker a lot of symbolism in this movie

    Chat but now my friends I will be going to oh excuse me I’ll then be transitioning to my spoil review my scene by scene by scene by scene breakdown chat to YuYu hockey show epode 16 I’m just going to get a little water I’m going to get a little water CH a

    Little water to Wet My Whistle


    1. Oh man, this movie was on a loop on my house when I was a kid. I revisited it recently and was just baffled – the first 20 minutes is a micro documentary on Michael with music videos and the the rest of it is a weird scifi-noir film about a couple of kids following a RoboMichael.

      And then Joe Pesci shows up

    2. I remember watching this movie decades ago. It's a trip, to be sure. And it also has never had an official DVD/Blu Ray release due to many music rights, celebrity likenesses, and other movie licenses.

    3. In the 90s on MTV, they would show this video, in it's complete entirety on Michael Jackson's birthday August 29th, with no commercials. I love this movie as a kid, But even as a kid I knew it was hella weird😂😅 like was Michael Jackson's character a alien robot this whole time?

    4. I used to work in catering and hospitality years ago. It was 2009 and at the venue I would meet Janet, Latoya, Katherine, Joe Jackson. Michael had been there years ago. It is a hotel in my county. This film has a mixture of everything. There will be some reaction channels watching it for the first time.

    5. 1988 Michael Jackson’s MoonWalker feels/felt like a bad LSD trip

      My older cousins had this movie on VHS in 1994 & my cousin who was around my age(I was born in 1989) would have this movie on repeat every time I visited him at our grandmas house, as a kid I thought that I had fever dreamt this film because of how bizarre it is.

      Joseph “Joe” Jackson is MJ’s dads name


      It was hilarious hearing you call Joe Jackson
      Jesse Jackson 🤣

      Jesse Jackson was an important lawyer who was part of OJ Simpsons defense team helping OJ fight the murder rap against Nicole Brown Simpson

      Robert Kardahian was apart of OJs defense team

      THE DREAM TEAM is what OJ Simpsons defense team was named/called

    6. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m crying. You said “Jessie Jackson” instead of Joe Jackson, Michael’s father. I’m dying laughing 🤣 😂😅😂😅 think keep hope alive Katie while back smacking her 🤣😂😅🤣😂😂

    7. I remember going to the video store with my mom to rent this. They didn’t have it. So she called this hole in the wall joint that delivered, and they had it! I was so curious because my mom’s boyfriend kept saying how Mike is a Transformer in it, and I’m like WTF are you talking about? Michael Jackson as a Transformer? He is a liar so I thought he was full of shit. Because Michael Jackson as a Transformer is WTF! He’s just teasing me because I still liked Transformers over Monday Night Football I figured. Nope! He wasn’t fucking with me.

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