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    The Rake by: CO.AG

    #missingpersonsmysteries #missing411 #disappeared #missingpeople #missingperson #vanishedwithoutatrace #nationalparkmysteries #nationalparkdisappearances

    HeHello friends! The following is an excerpt from my latest book, National Park Mysteries and Disappearances, Volume one The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, from the chapter titled Of Wild Men and Feral Cannibals. Mountains National Park have persisted.

    These range all the way from reports of hairy wildmen to entire families or groups of inbred feral cannibals. For some theorists, shall we say, these wild, feral people are said to account for the unexplained disappearances in the national park. In particular, they’ve been blamed for the disappearance of young Dennis Martin, the

    Six year old boy who vanished near Cades Cove area in June of 1969. A cryptic YouTube channel named South Force ten elaborates on this theory and even claims to have inside knowledge, stating that some of his relatives in the area were hired by the government to hunt these people at one time.

    Even retired park ranger and legendary tracker Dwight McCarter, who was the lead in the Dennis Martin disappearance and many others during his long career. Admit that there are wild men who live deep within the recesses of the national park. Some claim that these wise men are in fact the

    Cryptid creature also known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Now, there have been Bigfoot sightings throughout the whole of Appalachia. So if the creature does indeed exist, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be the perfect area for it or them to inhabit.

    The Cherokee have legends and stories of these, what they called hairy giants, who were already inhabitants of the land before the Cherokee came into the area thousands of years ago. Other people claim that these wild men, some say that there are wild women and children

    Too, are not Bigfoot at all, but rather inbred and untamed humans that have lived their entire lives deep in the woods. They dress in animal skins, hunt and forage for their food, build their own shelters, and so on. Naturally, they don’t take kindly to strangers and have been known to kill any interlopers

    Who dare to enter their secret domain, whether by accident or design. And they’ve been known to eat them as well. Yes. That’s correct. The rumors and legends and tales from the dark hills and hollers of the Great Smoky Mountains, as well as other parts of Appalachia.

    These people are not only isolated, inbred, and demented, they lean towards cannibalism as well. Although the average person might tell you that this is preposterous and there’s no way humans, even wild, hairy, inbred ones that have the occasional craving for human flesh, could hide out in the mountains undetected.

    I countered with this have you ever been to the Smokies? Now, I’m not talking about Gatlinburg or any of the touristy areas. I’m not even talking about the myriad of trails that run through the park, which are hiked by millions of hikers every year. I’m talking about. Deep in the woods. Really deep.

    There are places off trail that it’s possible no human has ever set foot. Not even the settlers or Cherokee, or possibly even Bigfoot, if he exists. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park covers over half a million acres. Let that number settle in half a million.

    522,427 acres, to be exact, as per the National Park Service website. Unless you’ve been in those deep, deep woods where there are no trails, no markers, no anything other than you and the forest, it’s almost impossible to comprehend just how vast this wilderness is. Indeed.

    The ruggedness of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which sits on the border of eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina. In fact, it’s almost evenly divided between the two states. It has to be not only seen, but experienced to be believed.

    It’s in these giant old growth forests, so far away from civilization that you begin to realize just how small and infinitesimal a person is compared to the wilderness. There’s no wonder people die out there. Especially those that are ill equipped and ill prepared.

    Now, I said all that to say this, there are plenty of places, truly, an almost innumerable amount of places that a person or even a group of persons could hide out for an indefinite amount of time. If you had the basic rough necessities food, water, shelter, which are all in abundance

    Here. If you know what you’re doing, there would be no reason to ever leave these woods. Case in point. Eric Robert Rudolph, also known as the Olympic Park Bomber, successfully hid out in the Nantahala National Forest, which is a 533,000 acre expanse of wilderness in western North Carolina and

    Along the Appalachian Trail, heading toward the the Smokies. Rudolph managed to elude the FBI for five years. Five years. And was only caught in 2003 because he left the forest and was rummaging through a trash dumpster in Murphy, North Carolina, outside a grocery store, where he was spotted

    By a rookie police officer who recognized him from the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list. Now, if this man with only what appears to be minimal survival skills managed five years, imagine the skill set of someone who has never left these woods in their entire lives. There’s a possibility it must be considered.

    Recently, in January and early February of 2021, the internet virtually exploded with a sudden flurry of YouTube videos with theories concerning ongoing tales of feral people in our national parks, forests and wilderness areas. Also on the social media platform TikTok, a user named Ariel released a chilling video

    About a strange incident she had personally experienced at or near the Big Bend National Park in West Texas. In the chilling video, which quickly went viral. Ariel claimed that while camping with her family, they proceeded to spend one night in the Basin Lodge.

    It was during this night when her story takes a strange twist. Light into the night. Ariel says she began to hear screams from off in the distance. Now, amidst these bone chilling screams, she also states she heard a woman screaming, we’re going to die!

    And also the words I love you just know that. Ariel also says she heard what sounded like a child screaming mommy! As well as adults yelling for help. And someone pleading, call a ranger. Aerial notified the park rangers and the police, but to no avail. Supposedly they found nothing out of the ordinary.

    Next morning, Ariel states that she made further inquiries about the astonishing incident. However, park rangers, as well as park employees claim to have absolutely no knowledge of what she was talking about. Aerials video opened the floodgates, and other users of social media began sharing their

    Own personal experiences regarding strange happenings in national parks. While there are naturally no official reports or documentation at all to back up these wild claims, the stories persist. While the previous encounter doesn’t necessarily point toward feral people as the culprits,

    It does fuel rumors that many hideous and unspeakable things that happen in these national parks are covered up, either by the Park Service, the government, or both. Some theories even claim that these wild, feral people were the reason that the national

    Parks were created in the first place, a place where these people could be contained and kept away from regular society to prevent attacks on innocent citizens while letting them live out their wild, feral lives. Still other theories claim that these feral people are not actually people at all, but

    Rather, as we mentioned earlier, some type of Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Or perhaps, if you can imagine it, even a Bigfoot human hybrid. Now there are some First Nations stories which they’re reticent to talk about, of course, that some of their women did mate with these hairy beasts from the forest.

    You know, this harkens back to the stories of places like Ape Canyon in Washington state, where in the 1920s, miners claimed to have been trapped in their cabin and attacked by a group of what they described as hairy ape men. In the 1800s near the Glastonbury Mountain area of

    Vermont, in what’s known as the Bennington Triangle. A stagecoach had stopped due to the road being washed out. While attempting to dig the coach out, the driver noticed large bear footprints in the mud, much too large to be a human. Suddenly and without warning, a creature leapt from the

    Surrounding woods and flipped the stagecoach on its side. That took some power. The frightened passengers claim that the beast peered into the windows, then screamed and ran off into the woods. Creature was later described as large, black, hairy, standing over six feet tall and walked and ran on two legs.

    So what are these weird inhabitants of our national parks? Are they Bigfoot, feral cannibal humans, or some strange combination thereof? Whatever you believe or don’t believe, that’s up to you. But stay alert and stay safe next time you’re out there in the woods. Take precautions. Take protection. Take a friend.

    But live to tell the tale. Helicopters flew over the rugged mountains near Lincoln, New Hampshire for 4 days! As search and rescue crews went out looking on foot. But it wasn’t until Friday night that a couple of amateur hikers found 70-year-old Chris Staff. “I just got disorientated…

    I got on the wrong side of… there was, a wash outs and things like that… and uh I couldn’t find the right path… I’d see people across the river… and you know, I’d tell them I’m in distress… and one guy told me to come across… and you know… I thought I had it…

    I thought I had somebody who was going to help me… and I don’t know if they’re real or not… because I crossed the river and nobody’s there!” Lost in the woods for nearly a month! 25-year-old Lisa Theris beat all odds! Living off berries and mushrooms and drinking from Creeks to survive!

    Back from the dead. “When I woke up and uh didn’t comprehend what had happened” Hiker Michael Knapinski was lifeless when Navy Crews found him in Mount Rainer National Park last weekend. Lost overnight in below freezing conditions. “Just got complete white out”

    The rescue team flew him to Harbor View Medical Center in Seattle when his pulse stopped doctors jumping into action administering CPR. After 45 Long minutes finally jump starting his heart! “I’m extremely grateful everybody here at the hospital for not giving up on me, I’m alive and breathing”

    Well the big question police are asking tonight is still simply how 49-year-old Constantino Danny Filippidis wound up missing here at White Face Mountain and turned up alive nearly 3,000 miles away 6 days later in Sacramento, California. Amanda Eller, a physical therapist who was lost on a hike in Maui telling her story tonight

    For the first time since she was found after going missing for 17 days! “Um I haven’t even had time to think or integrate or figure out really what the heck happened in there… Um that’s a very grounded way to put it… Um getting like disoriented in the forest…

    But there was something bigger at play… You know, um so, Makawao forest in particular, there’s something very tricky there!” Tonight Rescuers are calling it a miracle. A teenager surviving 8 Days alone in the Washington Wilderness on creek water and berries!

    Sons John Kiparsky and Jonas Irwin feared the worst after rescue missions by land and sea turned into recovery efforts for their parents Carol and Ian. Family and officials say it was thanks to the couple’s background in the Outdoors that help them survive.

    “Mom’s like an herbalist, like a mushroom hunter, uh my dad with his background and mountaineering.” “They know how to like find things and eat so they were eating like some part of a fern.” “My mother said well… You know, I lost a shoe… So I was walking with one shoe…

    And then I lost the other shoe… And I kept walking in my socks… And then I got tired of walking in my socks… So then I was walking bare feet for a while… And I’m just… She’s 77 years old!”

    “He was laying his body flat – into that awful thorny crap which poison oak you name it so that Carol could go over him” 19-year-old Madison Popilizio never came home Sunday after hiking on Mount Algonquin. More than 60 people set out to search for them Monday fighting their way through deep

    Snow and rough terrain. 36 hours after they went missing, the hikers were airlifted from just below the 5,000 ft Summit. Tonight the miraculous Rescue of Sheryl Powell. Finally surrounded by family again. The 60-year-old who went missing in Central California’s White Mountains found alive just hours ago!

    3 days after she vanished in the wilderness! A remarkable Story of Survival! New details tonight about a mother from the San Fernando Valley who was stranded in Utah’s Zion National Park. I mean she was missing for nearly two weeks before she was finally rescued!

    Now we’re all familiar with cases where people have gone missing in the forest having left no trace and are never seen again. But what are the people who went missing and have returned? In many instances these people tend to be unable to remember what happened during their ordeal.

    Now this is understandable in the case of small children, but it’s a common situation with adults have gone missing and returned as well. Often time though even those who do remember are reticent to talk about what happened when they were missing.

    Now this may sound odd, but when you hear the stories of those who are willing to talk about it it starts to make more sense. Presented here are 13 stories of those who have disappeared yet live to return and share their bizarre tales. Let’s begin Robert Singley

    If you ask the locals in Bennington, Vermont they will tell you there is something very wrong with Glastonbury Mountain. That particular stretch of the Appalachian Trail has caused many investigators into the paranormal to come to some pretty ominous conclusions because of all of the people who

    Have gone missing there, never to be seen again. Some call it the Bennington Triangle, a reference to the Bermuda Triangle where not only people but planes and ships go mysteriously missing never to be seen again with no rhyme, reason or explanation.

    There are also tales told of a Bennington monster who attacks humans and abducts them, leaving no trace they were ever there, Others still talk of the Native American stories of rocks that open up and swallow people whole in this place, as this is where the 4 winds meet.

    None of this seemed to be of any concern though to 27 year old UBC music teacher Robert Singley when he decided to go for a hike one Sunday afternoon a couple of years ago. Robert hiked the trail often when he lived in Bennington and never had any strange experiences or problems.

    He hiked Harbour Road in Woodford Hollow and had a pleasant enough time despite the cold temperature. However, while he made his way back to his car, he suddenly became very disoriented. He attempted to make a fire once he realized he was lost and because darkness was falling

    He didn’t stand much chance of making it back to his car until daylight came. However his attempts were futile because of the rain that suddenly started almost immediately upon Robert losing his way. As his girlfriend at home worried, Robert struggled to gain an understanding of what

    Happened, why he had so suddenly become confused and disoriented. Robert stated, “I still think I got sucked through some sort of space time continuum.” He often took these long hikes but on this day, fog came out of nowhere and it was instantly dark, seemingly much before the time of night fall.

    Robert couldn’t explain how he had managed to just lose the trail he was so steadily walking on only seconds before. He spent the night underneath a tree and somehow made his way out the following day. He is one of the lucky ones, this exact spot is where Paula Weldon, a Bennington College

    Sophomore was last seen alive 62 years ago. There’s something about random inclement weather in these cases, kind of like mother nature is playing a game. What is causing all of these seemingly healthy and somewhat experienced hikers to suddenly and for no apparent reason to become disoriented and start wandering through deep woods instead

    Of sticking to their trails? That’s a question we may never have an answer to, but let’s move on. Christopher Staff Christopher Staff, a 70 year old man from Dorchester, Massachusetts went hiking alone in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. He decided to embark on the very challenging 31 mile Pemigewasset Loop Trail with no problems

    Or concerns. He had even called his wife the following day and told her he would be home by that evening. He seemed in good spirits and as though the hike had been going well. Later that evening after receiving no further word from Christopher, his wife called the authorities and reported him missing.

    A large-scale rescue effort was put in effect with 18 teams, including nearly 30 officers and volunteers all out scouring the trail and surrounding areas looking for any sign of Christopher. Fear for his life and well being mounted as the days passed by and no sign was found that

    Chritopher had even been in these woods or along this trail. The following Friday, 5 days after Christopher had initially set out for his hike and seemingly disappeared without a trace, he was found just sitting on a log covered in scratches,

    Blisters and bug bites and was only able to walk to the rescue vehicles with assistance. When questioned about what happened Christopher stated “I’m still trying to sort it all out.” Christopher was an experienced hiker of more than 40 years and thought he had been well

    Prepared for most anything that would come up while he completed the hike of a lifetime after turning 71 years old. Christopher was less than 5 miles from the end of the 31 mile loop when something went very wrong. He says he suddenly became disoriented on the path and couldn’t find the right

    Way to go. He had lost his backpack which contained water and had to resort to drinking from the river. This may or may not have had to do with him then spending the next 3-4 days hallucinating.

    “I didn’t know where I was. I thought I came home, I thought I came to get my wife’s car. All kinds of crazy things.” Christopher had lost 25 pounds and was found less than 5 miles away from the road where his car was left. He just couldn’t move anymore.

    He even mentioned hallucinating while at the river that he saw and heard searchers coming to get him and looking for him, however when he would blink they would be gone. “I just keep reliving it.” Christopher says he knew Friday would be his last day if help hadn’t arrived and has

    Trouble now being alone. He was seemingly traumatized from the event and hasn’t really recovered. How does someone end up hallucinating like this suddenly and out of the clear blue sky. Christopher had just turned 70 years old but was in great shape and healthy, so what caused

    Him to simply give up and sit on a rock when he was so close to help the whole while? After all the wandering he had done, was five miles really that far for him to traverse to get to the main road?

    Was whatever made him sick and disoriented somehow stopping him from going on? What could have possibly caused such vivid hallucinations? Story after story it’s the same thing, point of separation or going out alone and becoming disoriented and hallucinating. Here is another one. Michael St Laurent

    45 year old construction safety worker and experienced hiker Michael St Laurent was missing for 9 days in the wilderness of the North Vancouver backwoods. He scribbled pertinent information about himself onto his own arm. His birth date, name, and social insurance number were sloppily scrawled there just in

    Case he didn’t make it out of the woods alive. This all started on Nov 13, 2011 near the Grouse Mountain Skyride where, while hiking a trail he suddenly and without warning became confused and disoriented, not knowing where he was, where he was going and what was and was not even real.

    Michael’s account is somewhat confusing and even contradictory as he states he was hallucinating so badly for most of the time it is hard for him to recall most of what had occurred during his 9 days of hell in the woods.

    Michael had planned to hike a roughly 8 hour round trip trail, however he was somehow held up and forced to spend the night in the deep wilderness. Fortunately for him, he happened to have not only a dry change of clothes but a tarp with

    Him, and managed to stay at least partially dry and semi warm in the frigid Vancouver winter cold. Michael even prepared for a two day trip though he expected to only stay one, he assumed he would be fine and ahead of the game in case anything unforeseen had come up, unfortunately

    For him, something did. It lasted much longer than two days though. Michael’s mind was so foggy and muddled however, that after becoming lost and veering off the main trail he couldn’t even manage to find any kindling there in the woods, despite the ability to make fire on hand.

    For the next 7 days, he wandered aimlessly around the woods, dehydrated, hypothermic and vividly hallucinating nonstop. His hallucinations included being at work, driving home and even sitting down for a meal in his favorite restaurant. After just 3 days, he thought it had been three weeks.

    Although there were numerous hikers who passed through the area within view of him, Michael was seemingly totally unable to communicate with them in any way, not for lack of trying though as he says he called out for help and did everything he could to get their attention but to no avail.

    It was almost like he was invisible to anyone and everyone who had passed him by. The only thing the searchers believe saved him was his somehow remarkable ability to remember to cover himself at night with the tarp.

    At times he even had to crawl as he had developed a condition from wearing soaked footwear called “trench foot”. When speaking to the media after being rescued, Michael told them he had seen and heard the searchers looking for him but was unable to communicate with them and gain their attention

    And somehow he claimed they hadn’t been able to see or hear him at all. The search and rescue teams deny ever being anywhere near the area Michael stated he saw and heard them. What prompted Michael to write down his personal information on his arm “just in case”?

    He said himself it was a regular day and he had the entire hike planned out? Is it just a coincidence that this is yet another semi experienced hiker who for one reason or another was separated from his group and ended up lost in the woods?

    What is prompting these people to put themselves in harm’s way like this? Lisa Theris 25 year old Alabama resident and radiology student Lisa Theris had a couple of strikes against her already as far as anyone finding her when she became lost in the woods in Midway,

    Alabama for an entire month in July of 2017. She had severe bi polar disorder and because of the crowd she was recently hanging out with, most who knew her thought she was just trying to get away for awhile.

    After not being able to reach her at all in 5 days, her father eventually called the police and reported her missing. After searching the most obvious places and coming up with no sign of her, the police

    Then caught up with the last two people known to have been in her company who were also wanted for in connection with the robbery of a hunting lodge. When the authorities finally did catch up with these two men, one of them claimed the other killed Lisa and had disposed of her body.

    This led investigators to bring dogs into the woods behind a local Walmart where she may or may not have last been seen and where the two men said they had last seen her. The other man said she was not murdered but had jumped out of the truck and ran into the

    Woods for no apparent reason the last night they had seen her. Because of the conflicting stories given by the two men and their shady and criminal reputations, police decided to go ahead with the cadaver dog search of the woods, after all, Lisa had

    Been missing an entire month and the likelihood she could survive out there in the wilderness for that long was slim. Eventually Lisa was pronounced dead even as the police still searched for her body. Two days after this pronouncement however, Lisa stumbled into the road in front of a

    Random vehicle that just happened to be driving by at that time. Lisa collapsed onto the road and an ambulance was called. She was completely naked, covered in sunburn and bug bites and it was said he wouldn’t

    Have lasted another day had she not made her way somehow to the main road to be found and given medical attention. She lost 50 pounds and it was considered miraculous she had even survived at all. Her condition was barely stable.

    When she was finally able to recount her harrowing ordeal, he gave an extremely strange and seemingly nonsensical story about what she had been through. She claims to have survived from eating wild mushrooms and berries and drinking muddy and mucky stream water.

    When asked how she had come to be in the woods in the first place, Lisa states she believes she was drugged and left there for dead. There is some question as to how Lisa could have survived based on her claims.

    She was legally blind and didn’t have her glasses, the berries she claimed to have eaten didn’t grow in the area and mushrooms are made mostly of water and have no calories. Also, she would’ve gotten terribly ill if not dying from drinking the water she claims to have hydrated herself with.

    What really happened to Lisa, how could she have eaten berries which didn’t grow in that particular area? Was she making it all up or had she possibly slipped into another dimension or something? Those are questions we may never have the answers to. Michael Knapinski

    45 Year old Michael Knapinski of Woodinville, Washington went on a hike in Mount Rainier with a friend on November 7th, 2020. The two decided to separate below the Muir Snowfield with Michael snowshoeing to Paradise and his friend continuing on skis to Camp Muir.

    They were going to meet up at a designated time down near Paradise, close to where Michael was heading on to. Suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, Michael reports the weather turned to extreme white out conditions which prohibited him from being able to see even an inch in front of his face.

    Obviously this made it impossible for him to go any further. He recalls taking very small and easy steps to get himself slowly down the mountain while still seeing nothing but the white out conditions ahead of him. This is the last thing he remembers before becoming confused about the next course of events.

    He says he thinks he fell but can’t be sure as he totally blacked out and has no memory of what actually occurred while he was blindly snowshoeing through the blizzard conditions. Needless to say, Michael didn’t make it back to meet his friend near Paradise that evening and was reported as missing.

    Three National Park search teams went out and conducted full searches of the area throughout the night and because of the temperatures being 16 degrees Fahrenheit and the white out causing minimal to no visibility the searches were called off for the night.

    Early Sunday morning however the search teams went back out to look for Michael, though everyone’s thoughts were grim and thinking the worst at this point. Because of the cloudy weather too, the aerial searches weren’t able to be started until late Sunday afternoon.

    Nearly 24 hours after Michael had been reported as missing by his concerned friend. Helicopter searchers finally found Michael Knapinski in the Nisqually River drainage and by the time foot searchers got to him about an hour after he was first sighted to provide rescue services, he was unconscious.

    He had a pulse, though weak as it was, when he reached the hospital but went into cardiac arrest very shortly after arriving. The doctors began using the most advanced form of artificial life support available in the whole world, which included bypassing his heart and lungs.

    Miraculously, or some may say coincidentally (due to the location where he went missing and all of the strangeness surrounding Mount Rainier itself), Michael was legally deceased for 45 minutes, yet was able to be brought back to life with no long term negative effects.

    Although he remained unconscious for two days after his heart started beating again, Michael did wake up and come back to life suffering some frostbite and bruises and scratches, all which will heal. Is it just a coincidence that this man who had all of the same bizarre and seemingly

    Random symptoms as so many of the other cases we’ve talked about here was miraculously able to return from the dead after 45 minutes?!?! That’s not even supposed to be possible! What is really going on here? Danny Fillipides On February 7th, 2018 Danny Fillpides ventured from his home in Toronto Canada to the Whiteface

    Mountains of New York for a seemingly typical ski trip with some coworkers. The 49 year old firefighter went missing on the mountain when he separated from the group to go to his car and retrieve his cellphone which he had initially forgotten to bring with him.

    He went off by himself figuring he would be right back and go back to having fun with his friends and colleagues. However, that isn’t what happened at all and despite little bits and pieces that have come out since, we will perhaps never know what really happened to Danny Fillipides.

    Despite having no memory of what happened after he had started back down the mountain to go to his car for the phone, he believes he took a wrong turn on a children’s ski slope. The doctors would later confirm he did seem to be suffering from a head injury, but even

    That doesn’t explain where Danny ended up after leaving his friends to run the quick and seemingly harmless errand. Once Danny was reported missing, a manhunt of epic proportions set out to try and find him. At least six government agencies joined the two local ski patrols and several volunteers in the search.

    More than 135 volunteers searched the area he was last seen and the route he should have taken to his car, which was still parked in the exact same spot he had left it, with the cellphone inside, for a total of 7,000 hours but to no avail.

    How could they possibly have known that Danny was at that time in a big rig truck, hitchhiking across the country to California? Danny also remembers being dropped off in Sacramento, still wearing his ski clothes and with a brand new cellphone. He was eventually found wandering around the Sacramento airport rental car facility’s

    Parking lot, he had absolutely no idea or clue as to how he ended up there or why. The authorities who found him got the surprise of a lifetime when they learned he was the subject of a massive manhunt all the way on the other side of the country, obviously so

    Did Danny upon learning the same information. What happened in those six days? Where did Danny get the haircut and the new iPhone and what could have possibly led him all the way across a foreign country like that? More than two years later and these questions still haven’t been answered , they may never

    Be either as Danny has since chosen to remain quiet about the ordeal and has gone back to work in Toronto as a firefighter. Unfortunately so many of these people who go missing and are found under extraordinary circumstances choose to remain silent about what they encountered, even the ones who remember very clearly.

    Is this another symptom caused by who or whatever is doing this to these people? The inability to express what happened? Or, is it that there are just no words in our vocabulary to describe what they all might have seen or experienced? Amanda Eller

    Amanda Eller is a 35 year old physical therapist and yoga instructor who wanted to go and explore the Makawao Forest Reserve on the Northern side of Maui, Hawaii on May 9th, 2019. What was supposed to be a 3 mile relaxing hike to help her get closer to nature, ended

    Up turning into a 3 week ordeal that had her fighting for her life. Ellen was reported missing when she never showed back up when she said she would and when her car was spotted parked near a vast forest reserve in Hawaii, it prompted thousands

    Of volunteers to come out and start immediately searching the vast jungles and streams in the surrounding areas. On a Friday afternoon, 17 days after she first headed out on her hike and less than an hour after her family had announced a 50 thousand dollar reward for information leading to her

    Whereabouts, Ms. Eller was found with sunburn, scrapes, a torn meniscus in her knee and a broken leg. She was malnourished, but she was alive. So, what happened to Amanda Eller? How had she become so lost so quickly on what was seemingly a simple and easy relaxing trail

    Walk which she had gone through many times before without any problems? It’s true the area of the reserve is 2,000 acres and has such thick vegetation and brush it needs to be hacked with machetes, but Amanda was on a trail. Here is what she had to say.

    Amanda said she was going on the short trail walk which she had done many times before and really enjoyed it, it was just a typical thing on a typical day. As she went off the path at one point to sit and rest, when she got back up she became disoriented and confused.

    She stated a “very strange gut instinct” was pulling her into the opposite direction than the one she was familiar with and KNEW was right. She decided to go the way towards where she thought her car was figuring if she just walked

    Towards there at least she would have a handle on where she was headed. She ended up hiking from around 10:30am that morning until midnight that night in a desperate search for her car. She admits being ready to just give up and stop trying but claims as soon as she did

    So she would hear a very loud, strong and insistent voice telling her that if she wanted to live she needed to keep going. She stated, “As soon as I would doubt my intuition and try to go another way than where it was telling me,something would stop me.

    A branch would fall on me, I’d stub my toe or I’d trip.” So it seems the same “gut instinct” that seemed to have initially led her astray was in fact now leading her back to where she needed to be, back on the right path.

    Many people had started to believe that Amanda had actually been abducted. Her cellphone, water bottles and wallet were all left behind in her car. On the third day she had given up looking for her car and decided to start looking for

    Water instead, however she fell off of a 20 foot steep cliff and tore the meniscus in her knee while the very next day, she lost her shoes in a flash flood. She was only wearing a tank top and yoga pants to begin with and the injury and loss of her

    Shoes slowed her down considerably. At night she covered herself with ferns and branches and leaves. She even spent one night in a wild boar’s den. She survived by eating almost anything she could find, things that were identifiable and some that weren’t. She even ate moths that landed on her body.

    She began to crawl instead of walking and was then confronted with a seemingly impassable steep drop-off. Meanwhile the volunteer searchers were going through their own harrowing ordeals as the search for Amanda led many of them into fast moving streams and had them rappelling into ravines.

    Some even killed aggressive wild boars and searched the dead animal’s intestines for Amanda’s body parts. At least one searcher still was attacked by a wild boar but managed to get away and survive. She stated later that she had seen and heard multiple helicopters but despite trying her

    Best to get their attention they never spotted her. Until eventually, one did and sent rescue. How did this woman survive so many days in the wilderness with no shoes and with the injuries and mother nature seemingly against her at every single turn?

    Could it have been the voice she heard, loud and clear telling her she must choose between life and death? If so, who or what was it? Luckily Amanda chose life. Gia Fuda 18 year old Giovanna Fuda, or Gia as she likes to be called decided to go for a drive on

    July 24th, 2020 and was headed to a town about 70 miles east of Seattle. The teenager just wanted to go and take a short road trip alone to clear her head and relax. For reasons still unknown however, she ventured much farther than she initially set out to

    And ended up far past the city views of Seattle and into the wilderness and wilds of a remote area of Washington state. By 1 am the next morning when her parents had received no response back from their many

    Phone calls and texts to Gia and when she herself hadn’t returned home or even checked in, they decided to call the authorities and report their daughter as missing. At around 10 am the morning she had left her home and started her trip, she was seen on

    Video camera in a coffee shop near the town of Index. She bought a Bigfoot keychain and left. Three days after her disappearance on July 27th, a transportation worker found her car nearby that shop and reported it to the police.

    He said he only noticed the car because of the awkward way in which it was parked. After running the license plate the authorities found that the car was Gia’s and it had run out of gas. All of the doors were locked and her purse and other personal items were left inside.

    The police at this point started to think foul play was involved and maybe she had been forcibly abducted. Search and rescue teams were already out and looking for her as of July 26th, but the area made it impossible to track her by pings because it was a cell phone dead zone.

    On August 1st some of the searchers found Gia’s belongings such as her shoes, bible, bag and cellphone. These possessions were found near Scenic Creek, and just a little while later that same day, Gia was found “up a steep ravine, sitting on a rock next to the river.”

    Gia stated she had panicked when her car had run out of gas and decided it would cut some of the walking distance off were she to cut through the woods to get to a gas station. She said she was frightened and didn’t know what to do so she grabbed what she felt was

    Most important that she could carry and locked the rest of her possessions in her car. She was found ten miles away from the nearest gas station. She felt that walking along the highway was too dangerous but ended up getting lost and wandering around the forest for 9 days.

    She thought she was only lost for three days however as she lost her sense of time. When she was first found Gia just kept repeating “I don’t know where I am” over and over again as if in some sort of trance.

    She was eventually taken to the hospital though and managed to get through the ordeal with no long term effects. It didn’t go unnoticed to man people who investigated or looked further into this case that Gia purchased a BigFoot keychain right before going through this harrowing and terrifying ordeal!! Carol Kiparsky and Ian Irwin

    Married couple Carol Kiparsky and Ian Irwin aged 77 and 72 respectively, were staying in a cottage while on vacation in Seahaven/Inverness, California in February of 2020 when, on their check out date, which was the 15th came and went without the couple ever returning home or being seen leaving.

    They went missing on the 14th and left their belongings, including their wallets and cell phones were left in their room and their car was also still parked where it had been the last time they were seen. Little did they know their careers would come in handy while trying to survive 8 days lost

    In the wilderness. Carol was an herbalist and mushroom hunter while I am had a background in mountaineering. When the couple were reported missing, searchers scoured the area by air, boat and land for days but to no avail. Finally on February 20th officials said their search efforts were now transitioning to a “recovery effort”.

    This means they assumed the couple were deceased by now and the searchers were looking to recover their bodies. Then, 8 days after they were last seen, (the 22nd) the couple were miraculously found alive and mostly well in the dense terrain with only light hypothermia to recover from.

    Carol and Ian told authorities that they decided to go for a simple and romantic hike for Valentine’s day but got lost in the dark. They couldn’t find their way back and survived by drinking muddy puddle water. The couple is choosing to remain silent about their ordeal and said they may eventually

    Be able to tell of how they survived a terrifying 7 nights in the Inverness wilderness. All we do know is that at one point is a bit strange. Carol willingly took her shoes off which caused Ian to have to lay down in thick thorns so

    She could use his body as a kind of bridge to walk across. One can only imagine what they each could’ve been thinking during all of this but it just doesn’t seem to make much sense. Why not just keep her shoes on and walk across?

    Also, how does someone get so lost, even in the dark, on such a simple hiking trail that they end up in such an extremely dangerous and dense brush? Until the couple decide to recount their harrowing ordeal, we probably won’t know this either! Maddie Popilizio and Blake Aloiis

    Maddi Popilizio and her boyfriend Blake Aloiis had just reached the top of the second highest mountain in New York State, the Algonquin, when what they had planned to be just a quick day hike very quickly went all wrong. According to 19 year old Maddie, everything was fine around noon that day, the weather

    Was beautiful and the couple didn’t foresee any trouble at all and thought it was going to be a regular hike through the beautiful scenery of the area. They couldn’t have been more wrong. All of the sudden and seemingly out of nowhere a fog so intense, dense and thick came over

    The entire mountain leaving the two to be completely blind. They couldn’t even see an inch in front of them. (Sound familiar? Only this is fog and not sudden white out snow.) Maddie stated, “As soon as we got to the top, a massive fog came over the entire summit.

    It was so intense I could not see my hand in front of my face. If i wasn’t latching onto Blake, I would have completely lost him.” When the sudden snowstorm hit at the summit, the couple decided immediately that their best course of action would be to climb back down the mountain.

    However, white out conditions prevented them from seeing the trail they had followed up. They linked arms and decided then to walk towards a clearing they thought might lead to a trail back down. Unfortunately, as soon as their feet lifted off of the rock they were standing on on the

    Summit, they plummeted down 100 feet. This unfortunate turn of events landed them on the opposite side of the summit from which they had originally climbed up. Luckily, the couple landed on bent, snow covered trees and, with their snowshoes, tried to

    Climb back up the side of the mountain to get back up to the summit and reassess the situation. This didn’t seem to be working however, despite wearing the snowshoes the couple recalled, “Even with snowshoes, we were just falling through massive amounts of snow.”

    Terrified and with nowhere to go, the couple returned to the more secure spot they had fallen to on top of the trees. They then built a wall of snow to try and block the wind and light Ian’s backpack on fire with a fire starting kit they had with them.

    The intense winds and heavy snow prevented any fire or heat from being made or generated though and the couple feared they weren’t going to make it out of this situation alive. Their phones had no power but service and they spent the first day screaming at the

    Top of their lungs for help, assuming they would be rescued by nightfall. However, that wasn’t the case. They spent two more days this way, huddled together, keeping each other as warm as they could with body heat and each trying to keep the other sane.

    When they were finally rescued, they were located about 265 feet southeast of the mountain summit. Ground crews eventually came upon them, still on top of the bent and snow covered trees. The couple told of how, on the first night Maddie couldn’t feel her toes because of the

    Freezing cold snow, in an attempt to keep her warm, Blake emptied out his backpack and zipped it up around her feet and legs. Within minutes she regained feeling in her toes but useful supplies such as their knife, rechargeable crank light and “90 percent of our food” were lost forever in the deep snow.

    There were multiple times when Maddie had fallen into snow which covered over the top of her head and Blake lost his gloves pulling her out to save her life. Luckily the couple didn;t sustain any long term injuries or effects from their strange and terrifying ordeal.

    Why is blinding weather always coming along in the blink of an eye and making hikers unable to see and therefore being at risk for major injury and incapacitation? It’s the same thing over and over again and completely defies any logic or explanation.

    Some may say Mother Nature is just a fickle woman and changes her mind on a whim, but there are others, those of us that don’t believe in so much coincidence who wonder… Is there something else at play here? Sheryl Powell

    60 year old Sheryl Powell from Huntington Beach, California who went missing for four days in the remote wilderness of the White Mountains near the Nevada border says a knife wielding maniac chased her into the backcountry. Sheryl reported that, as her husband set up their campsite, she decided to take their

    Dog for a short walk. This is when she says the man accosted her. “All of a sudden, some guy pops out from behind a tree or something” she said, as she described the incident which led to her disappearance, “It was scary, I was really

    Nervous about the fact he was threatening to do my dog harm.” Though she admittedly “bolted” right away, Sheryl says she didn’t feel safe that she was alone in the woods until at least a full 24 hours later. Her disappearance kicked off an intense 4 day search by the Inyo County Sheriff’s Department.

    They interviewed other campers in the area, Sheryl’s husband of course and they even used a loudspeaker to call out to the couple’s dog, Miley. Search and Rescue also combed the area, searching on foot, with dogs and conducting aerial searches as well, but all to no avail.

    The strange part is though, that aside from not finding any evidence of Sheryl or her dog being anywhere in the area, there were also no reports of a suspicious person or vehicle either. Where had this man, described as “big, burly, bald and tanned” by Sheryl come from? Where had he gone?

    Sheryl’s family very quickly started urging the authorities to start working under the assumption that she had been abducted. Eventually it was Miley the dog’s barking that alerted the authorities to Sheryl’s whereabouts. Aside from being very scared and extremely exhausted, Sheryl was found alive and safe.

    As for the knife wielding attacker who initially chased Sheryl into the woods, there have been no reports at all besides her initial description, of any suspicious persons, vehicles or activities. Who or what was it that chased Sheryl that day?

    Could this be yet another reason for some of the many disappearances across the country and even the world? Why had there been NO other reports at all about a suspicious looking man? Was Sheryl somehow the only one who could see him?

    If so, what did he want and why hadn’t he given chase when Sheryl initially took off? Very odd indeed that he just let her run off and didn’t give chase. Could he have been trying to lure her into the woods for another reason?

    Perhaps for someone or something other than himself? For now, we just don’t know. Alma Tolman Alma Tolman was an eagle scout and experienced camper when he seemed to have vanished into thin air while on a camping outing on Antelope Island.

    Antelope Island, with an area of 42 square miles, is the largest of ten islands located within the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Alma was dropped off on the island on Tuesday April 29th,1998 and was scheduled to be picked up for his brother that Friday, May 1st.

    When his brother returned to pick him up, he waited several hours. As Alma’s canteen and backpack were missing his brother assumed he had gone on a hike. Eventually though when his brother hadn’t returned, Alma’s brother became very concerned he had gotten lost or possibly injured while out hiking.

    Searches of the island and surrounding waters were done by boat, helicopter and ground crews of up to 50 people. Dogs were also deployed to search, but no trace of Alma was found. There were reports of him cashing a check at a local Walmart after he had been reported

    Missing and also a surveillance footage of someone matching his description at a 7-11 in Syracuse. However, neither or these sightings could be definitively confirmed as Alma, and so the investigation went on. The strangeness of this case however has a total human element to it with it later coming

    Out that Alma actually did disappear on purpose to get out of moving to Italy that June and getting married. Seems Alma had a case of wedding jitters and cold feet, which is kind of an extreme measure to disappear yourself for those reasons.

    Needless to say, Alma was found alive and well a few days later and eventually admitted it had all been an elaborate ruse to get out of the move and the marriage. Holly Courtier 38 year old California mom Holly Courtier went missing in one of America’s most beloved

    And most treacherous frontiers for two whole weeks without being found. Despite the media frenzy her disappearance eventually caused, nobody is really sure how Holly ended up where she did. It’s speculated she was having some sort of mental breakdown as she left her house

    In the middle of the night without telling anyone where she was going. She later stated she was seeking a total disconnect from the world and wanted to be completely alone by herself for a while. However, Holly seemed to have gotten more than she bargained for as, while she certainly

    Got some time alone, the injuries she ended up suffering were strange enough but her story doesn’t make much sense either. Here is what we know about what happened to Holly Courtier at Zion State Park, what she said when she was found on October 18th, 2020.

    She was visibly exhausted, famished, dehydrated, weighed 15 pounds less than when she started off on her journey and was found to have a concussion. What was supposed to be a brief spiritual pilgrimage turned into a fight for her life. Her disappearance is different because the widespread panic on the internet and the massive

    Amounts of pleas for help in finding Holly and pleas from her family turned into conspiracies and hate messages, so many that the family had to cancel all social media accounts and even change their phone numbers. So, what caused all of this vitriol towards a woman who simply wanted to disconnect for

    A little while and raise her spiritual vibration? What caused Holly to, seemingly out of nowhere, get up and sneak off like a thief in the night to simply go for a hike? According to her family, Holly is an experienced hiker who knows Zion National park very well

    And is capable of surviving the extreme and rugged conditions. Holly hit her head on a sharp edge of a tree she had her hammock tied to, this happened very shortly after arriving and starting up the first trail. This knock on the head caused extreme disorientation.

    Once she hit her head she didn’t have the energy to move around anymore. Despite being close to a river, Holly refused to drink the water because of concerns about toxicity. When found two weeks later. Holly was so dehydrated she couldn’t open her mouth.

    Luckily Holly was found alive and didn’t have any long term injuries, though her kidneys were barely functioning and she had an extreme lack of potassium in her bones, she did make a full recovery. One unanswered question looms though in both skeptics and believers of Holly’s story

    Alike, why, when she could hear the searchers close and calling her name, when she called back to them, they never heard her or saw her there? They were within feet of Holly. She was too weak to approach them and they never noticed her yells nor her person, sitting,

    Literally praying she would make it out of this ordeal alive. IHello friends! In this video we’re going to discuss the strange disappearances of some of the people you’d most likely unexpect to go missing… Park Rangers! Now, we’re using Parks as a broad term in the scope of this video; as it could include

    Lands protected culturally or historically including: National Parks, State Parks and other designated Wildlife Wilderness and Recreational Area. Different countries use different names for this position. Warden is a favorite term in Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Within the United States, the National Park Service refers to the position as a Park Ranger.

    The US forest service refers to the position as a forest ranger other countries use the term Park Warden or even Game Warden to describe this occupation. Now, the profession includes a number of disciplines and specializations and Park Rangers are often

    Required to be proficient in more than one of the following: Law Enforcement, Emergency Response, Firefighting, Dispatch, Scientist and Scholar, Maintenance and Administration. These individuals, particularly those in administration, are often heavily cross trained in several of the aforementioned areas in order to allow for a knowledge of all other areas and duties

    Under their authority. As a result, when people become lost or go missing in a park the Park Rangers are usually the first ones on the scene to document the case and to start search and rescue efforts into motion More than anyone Park Rangers are very familiar with the missing person phenomena which happens

    In parks around the world and we’re actually among the first to write about it! But what happens when one of these Rangers themselves go missing? I invite you to join me now as we explore five strange cases of missing Park Rangers. With that said, let’s begin! Number 1: Ranger Ralph W. Heath

    Ralph W. Heath was a park ranger at Baxter State Park in Maine, United States who allegedly died of exposure while attempting to rescue a woman who was lost on Mount Katahdin in 1963. On Monday, October 28th of that same year, two women, Helen Mower and Ivusic, both from

    Concord, Massachusetts, took the Cathedral Trail and climbed Baxter Peak on the mountain. They reached the summit and stopped to have lunch at around 1:30 in the afternoon. When the two friends decided to start their hike again and head back down, they had a small argument over the route Margaret wanted to take.

    Helen simply wanted to go back the way they came but Margaret wanted to “bushwack”, which very simply put, means to leave the established trail or “get off the beaten path”. Helen knew how risky this was, although Margaret had more hiking experience than she did, not by much and only 3 years total.

    She thought it way too dangerous and stormed off to take Dudley trail which was the original trail they had taken to get there and let her friend make her own mistakes and go her own way. It was a decision she would later regret very much.

    Margaret on the other hand thought she was taking a shortcut and laughed off her friend’s warnings and they went their separate ways, agreeing to meet at the Chimney Pond lean-to. When Helen reached the final destination and saw there was no sign of Margaret she decided to wait but got very worried very quickly.

    Though it was a nice and sunny day out that day, a nor’easter was blowing in and the weather was about to very quickly take a turn for the worse. She started calling for Margaret at the headwell, near and towards the mountain itself.

    She was pleasantly surprised when she heard her friend respond and start calling back, despite the fact she was asking for help. Margaret yelled that she was not hurt but was stuck in the treacherous terrain and wouldn’t

    Possibly be able to continue on or turn back and pleaded with Helen to go and get some help. This is when Helen made her way to the ranger’s station and encountered ranger Ralph Heath having dinner. She explained the situation and Ralph immediately knew how dangerous that path was and how serious

    A problem they had. He was however, thanking his lucky stars, in his mind at least, that there hadn’t been any snowfall yet, as any other year for as far back as he could remember there would have been snow covering the mountain for weeks at that point in the year.

    Ralph followed Helen back to Chimney Point and yelled out in the direction of Margaret and instructed her, in a very calm and clear voice, to stay where she was and not try to move or go anywhere. Help was on the way.

    With the wind increasing like it was, Ralph knew that the situation could go from scary to deadly in a matter of just seconds. He had to act fast. He took Helen back to the ranger’s station and radioed his supervisor, Helon Taylor,

    And told him there was a hiker stranded in the upper basin on the mountain. A little background on Mr. Ralph Heath, to show what a brave man he was and how he was definitely not someone to shy away from trouble. He served in World War 2 and was honorably discharged.

    However, a house fire destroyed everything he owned but the clothes on his back, including his discharge papers. He was redrafted to serve in the Korean war before anyone could verify he had already been discharged and had finished his service.

    Ralph went without hesitation to serve his country only for his wife to decide she didn’t want to deal with another tour, especially one he shouldn’t have had to have gone on, and filed for divorce. This was a man who was seeking solitude and peace in his life after all of this tragedy

    And heartbreak and who absolutely loved his job as a ranger and the beauty of the mountain. Despite the weather outside becoming more and more perilous and the orders from the supervising ranger that they had to wait until morning to attempt any kind of search and

    Rescue, Ralph decided the risk to Margaret was too great, leaving her out there all alone at night. Snow was definitely coming and a lot of it. He decided to attempt the rescue himself, despite it being nightfall and dark outside. The temperature had drastically dropped as well.

    He borrowed Helen’s backpack and filled it with essentials such as food, a sleeping bag, water, a parka and extra clothes. He also took 80 feet of rope and at 11pm that same night, headed alone down Dudley Trail.

    It wasn’t until 5 hours later, at 4 in the morning that he reported back to Helen. He told her he had spoken to Margaret about an hour after heading out and was able to obtain her location, when he again told her to stay put and assured her help was on the way.

    She reiterated she was uninjured but very cold. More than a little scared as well I’m sure. He told Helen that Margaret was near the waterfall and he wouldn’t be able to reach her without more rope and more people. This was an area that even ice climbers considered treacherous and dangerous.

    Ralph was also extremely concerned because Margaret was refusing to stay and wait for help to arrive and was determined to find a way out herself, for fear she would freeze to death before anyone would be able to rescue her. After reassuring Helen and telling her what was going on, he contacted his supervisor,

    Heron Taylor and made him aware as well. Taylor dispatched the Maine Forest Service, two additional park rangers and a Maine game warden. By 6 in the morning, Tuesday the 29th, an icy rain began to fall and the wind had picked up drastically.

    Ralph Heath ate his breakfast and then informed Helen Mower of his plans. He was going to ascend the ravine from Chimney Pond, climb straight up the headwall and into the waterfall where he would provide comfort to Barbara and, of he couldn’t manage to

    Rescue her himself, at least she wouldn’t be scared and alone, and he would wait with her until the additional resources arrived to get them both out. He was clearly putting himself at great risk, knowing it was unlikely he would be able to

    Do anything but just sit with Margaret and wait, yet he did it anyway. He was truly a hero. While the plan was very reasonable, and despite being a chain smoker, Ralph was in great shape and a capable hiker and climber.

    However, he had hiked Dudley Trail 4 times in the last 24 hours and it was a very strenuous and hard trail to get through. He was absolutely exhausted and shouldn’t have been doing any more hiking or climbing without getting some much needed rest.

    This would after all be a trailless climb he was attempting to make! He wasn’t going to leave Margaret however so the admonishments and earnings from his co-workers and even Helen fell on deaf ears. Ralph reached Barbara just as Hurricane Ginny reached the mountain.

    He sat with her for a little while and the two hunkered down. A Ranger Sargent set out on foot towards Chimney Pond as well and stated that, by the time he got to just the basin, the conditions were white out with gale force winds.

    By noon, not even the Jeeps could make it to the trailhead, there was 18 inches of snow already and more falling fast. He even reported that, only halfway up the mountain, his clothes had frozen solid and literally cracked at the elbows.

    Having no visibility and facing merciless winds, not to mention the condition of his clothing forced him back down the mountain. He stated he knew that both Ralph and Margaret were in some very serious trouble as help could no longer get to them. It would be impossible for them to help themselves as well.

    The following morning, Wednesday October 30, 1963, Warden Supervisor David Priest returned to Roaring Brook and set up what we today call an incident command center and had at least 35 people there working at all times. All different avenues of help were brought in and explored but nobody could do anything

    As the snow was still accumulating, and fast, on Friday morning. It was November first now and 5 full days since Margaret had gotten herself stuck and 4 whole days since Ralph Heath had joined her to provide comfort and possible rescue, which we know now he was unable to do the latter.

    On Saturday, November 2nd, all teams and persons involved decided that any rescue attempts were futile and they were simply wasting resources at that point. A Mr. William Lowell Putnam the 3rd was one of the most experienced mountaineers in the country at the time and had been helping with the rescue efforts since Friday.

    Finally on Sunday November 3rd he made the statement that he believed Ralph and Margaret had most likely died on Tuesday and reiterated the waste of resources should they continue on this impossible trek to try and save them. It wasn’t until almost 6 months later in April of 1964 that Margaret Ivusic’s body

    Was found and finally able to be brought down the mountain and sent home. Even at this time though they needed chemical salts to melt the ice so as not to damage the corpse in any way and the rescue still took an additional 3 days.

    It was found during autopsy that Margaret was severely injured and hadn’t survived more than a few hours due to the extreme blood loss. Her official cause of death was exsanguination. Two weeks later on May 15th they finally found Ralph’s body. He was found 400 feet above where Margaret was found.

    They airlifted him out of there. His autopsy showed nothing at all. The coroner stated, “It looks as if he simply sat down and went to sleep.” Now folks, though this was a bit of a long one, I think it’s important we go over a few of the facts here.

    First, if Margaret had died very quickly after getting stuck where she was, how was she yelling to Ralph hours later? She had severed an artery in her leg and would have bled out within just minutes. She was still calling out and answering him hours after she initially got stuck.

    How is this even possible? She had called out to Helen as well even before that and we know neither one was under any kind of duress or sick at all so they couldn’t have been hallucinating. There were no other bodies found in the area that time and no one else had come forward

    Claiming to have been stuck up there and answering who could have been mistaken for Margaret either. This is very strange but becoming more and more common. Either search and rescue workers will hear the calls of people who are missing only to

    Never be able to find the location of where the calls are coming from or, the person who is stuck or lost will hear search and rescue and never seem to be able to find them either. The weather coming on so suddenly and so strong all at once is another very familiar factor

    When talking about the missing and the woods and or mountains. In fact, they were weeks late for any snow at all and the weather started out that day as sunny and warm. This is just one of the many parameters we now look at while investigating the strange deaths and disappearances in the woods.

    How and why did it all come on so very suddenly, almost remarkably so? Guess we’ll never really know, but that doesn’t stop us from investigating and searching for answers and the truth though does it? Number 2: Ranger Randy Morgenson In July of 1996, Ranger Randy Morgenson was working as a backcountry ranger at

    Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. He was most senior ranger in the High Sierras, having been a backwoods ranger for 28 years at this time. On this particular day, July 21, 1996, Randy loaded his pack and went on his routine and regular patrol of his station.

    He was 64 years old and in almost perfect health. Some of his co-workers even thought he was invincible and impervious to the perils that came with the job. It was just about daybreak when he headed out to patrol near bench lake, taking nothing

    With him but an old ski pole to use as a hiking stick. He was never seen or heard from again. As is always the case in these strange disappearances, a sudden rain started to fall, getting rid of any footprints or other evidence as to where Ranger Randy could have possibly gone

    Or what could have happened to him. The people who knew and loved him were shocked! Randy had been THE go to person whenever someone else had gone missing in the area in the last almost thirty years.

    It was crazy that they now had to reach out to someone else to help find Randy himself. This man was the epitome of an experienced hiker. There was no one more experienced or better trained. He had grown up in Yosemite National Park and had even worked carrying around the famous

    Photographer Ansel Adams’ equipment when he would film the area. He had been in the Peace Corps and learned high-altitude mountaineering while in India from the Sherpa. He had at one time been a winter ranger, as well as a nordic ranger and then his current gig as a seasonal backcountry ranger.

    So you tell me, how does someone like this get lost? While out on his routine patrol no less? It wasn’t even during any kind of search and rescue mission!! He was an environmentalist. He was a naturalist. It’s said he had spent more time in the woods of the Sierra than John Muir!

    He was also a writer, his mentor being Wallace Stegner. This particular season, though an experienced backcountry helicopter flyer, Randy was grounded due to the weather. He absolutely loathed this and referred to it as being in purgatory. Something to take into account here was Randy’s mood, or at least how his usually jovial and

    Not a care in the world mood seemed to be “out of sorts” immediately prior to his disappearance. Some even went so far as to say he was in a funk of sorts. Randy also had some problems with the politics of how the parks were being run and mainly

    How the backcountry rangers were mistreated and oftentimes overlooked, at least in his opinion. There weren’t even any benefits that came along with the sometimes dangerous and low paying job…. Except one. Only paid out upon a ranger’s death, a 50,000 dollar payment paid out to eligible survivors

    Of park rangers who died in the line of service to the parks, such as but not limited to during search and rescue missions. While some have speculated Randy purposely went missing to obtain this paltry sum, it’s

    Just not logical as he was never found, dead or alive so we could put that rumor to bed right now. The park’s senior science advisor recalled a strange encounter he had had with randy just a couple of weeks before he disappeared. He said Randy was “blank” and almost morose.

    He was usually so passionate about such small things as trampled grass and when the advisor brought up he was trying to save the trees in the park from some form of infectious bacteria which was killing and rotting them from the inside out, he stated randy simply responded with: “why bother?”

    David Graber, the science advisor said one of Randy’s favorite things to discuss had always been the wildflowers in the area so he decided to bring that up and try to end the conversation on a happy note. He started talking about how beautiful the flowers were this year and how nicely they

    Were holding up against the weather and unseasonably strong winds. To this Randy replied, “I don’t find much pleasure in the flowers anymore.” he claims Randy ended the conversation by somberly asking out loud of all of his years as being a ranger had been “worth it” and then he walked off.

    Graber said he knew in his heart this went way beyond Randy’s well known contempt for the powers that be but didn’t push the issue and he never saw Randy again as he went missing two weeks later. When Randy’s best friend and co-worker George Durkee received the call that Randy was missing

    He was extremely worried. He had known about some of the personal issues Randy was struggling with, even if he wouldn’t say specifically to the public what those issues were. He says he remembered three things when he heard that Randy was missing.

    The first was a time the two had almost been killed and Randy for the first time in his life and career had been reckless and hadn’t moved when Geroge had called down a large and deadly rock that was about to fall directly onto his head.

    Randy simply let the rock hit his helmet, which if he hadn’t been wearing he would have died. The other two memories were similarly strange with George remarking that it was a good day to be alive and Randy responding he wasn’t so sure and an argument about Randy’s extramarital

    Affair which George didn’t agree with. While these things at the time didn’t register as anything but a bit odd, and while no one including George thought randy was suicidal, these things were maudlin, morose at worst, or so everyone thought until the disappearance.

    Randy never brought the required gun with him and it was still locked up at the station when he went missing, while this itself didn’t rule out suicide, most people just didn’t think randy had it in him. Foul play couldn’t be ruled out either. Randy had reported feeling threatened twice.

    Once by an irate climber and again by a “cowboy”. Nothing further ever came of these encounters and while park administration to this day believes that Randy simply hiked out of the park to start a new life without having to

    Deal with anything that comes with leaving it all behind, no one who knew him well would ever believe that. Many people speculated he had simply gotten injured and because the radios were so unreliable he was unable to call for help and nobody has come across him yet.

    Again though, this theory has its problems. For one thing it’s been almost 25 years! Surely someone, somewhere at some point would have come across at least some of his bones. We still have no clue what happened to Ranger Randy Morgenson and perhaps we never will.

    Some say he fell victim to something more dark and sinister, something unknown which is either snatching or swallowing people whole. Perhaps he walked right into a portal or alternate dimension, perhaps he saw something in the woods he wasn’t supposed to and was never right in the head again.

    The possibilities seem endless and we in this community should know by now that they really and truly ARE!! Number 3: Ranger Brendan Unitt Larimer County Colorado Department Of Natural Resources Ranger Brendan Unitt, 27 years old went missing while out searching at night for a missing boater.

    While there has been nothing reported about the results of the initial missing person who Brendan was looking for, it seems a “sudden high wind event” caused him to capsize in his boat and die of what was officially said to be freshwater drowning.

    Now folks, I’m no expert but what I do know about is the strange weather events and causes of death that just don’t fit the season or the profession the person in question was in. I’m not the only one either. Many people are wondering how a professional could capsize and drown?

    And what about this so-called strange high wind event? Why is there always a sudden change in the weather? These are things many of us in this community wonder about, after seeing case after case after case. The same thing over and over again but never with any definitive or even sensical answers.

    Number 4: Ranger Jeff Christensen In July of 2005, another seasonal park ranger died under mysterious circumstances in the same county Brendan Unitt passed away in as well. Jeff Christensen was conducting a routine backcountry patrol of the Lake Lawn Trailhead

    When he allegedly lost his footing and fell from Mummy’s Range in Rocky Mountain National Park in Larimer County in Colorado. The search for the initially missing ranger lasted a little over a week and he was found on August 6th, 2005 by a hiker.

    The official cause of death was “a left temporal skull fracture that led to a subdural hematoma.” The ranger has been said to have lost his footing and died of a tragic accidental fall. He had only been on the job for 4 years and was survived by his parents.

    Is it possible for someone with at least 4 years experience to die of something so simple? Could it be that there is something out there, in our National Parks and forests hunting these rangers? Perhaps they or it wants to take out the people who are going to be able to help and possibly

    Even save the other people this mysterious predator or predators are trying to take out. We must keep searching for the truth, we owe it to all of the people who die of something that is seemingly simple and accidental but could very well be something much more sinister. Number 5: Ranger Paul Fugate

    Here is yet another tragic account of a park ranger who vanished while doing his job. Between 2 and 3 pm on January 13,1980 law enforcement ranger Paul Fugate, 41, left the visitors center to go on a routine check of the nearby nature trail in the Chiricahua National Monument in Arizona.

    He was never seen or heard from again. Paul was known as a rebel and even anti establishment. He stayed for weeks at a time in a small cobblestone cabin on site at the Monument. He was a naturalist who did small tasks such as answering the visitor’s questions and

    Putting together trail guides for visitors. Originally Paul worked at the Navajo Monument in Arizona but was transferred soon after being disciplined by one of his bosses about his laziness and slovenly appearance. Apparently this supervisor admitted in a later report that he was annoyed he couldn’t technically

    Fire Paul and also that he “hated the hippies coming in to work for the Monument.” He was charged with “Stealing government equipment” when he took some hay home for his wife’s horse. He was in an openly open relationship with his wife and sleeping with multiple women who were co-workers.

    While all of this may seem irrelevant we must look at every aspect we can think of a person’s life when they go missing under such strange circumstances, especially when people in their profession are seemingly doing so at an alarming rate, and have been for a while.

    Before he left his post that fateful day, he left instructions with the only other staff member there that if he wasn’t back by a certain time for them to close up without him. He then walked out and down towards an area of land the Park was about to acquire, one

    Which was shrouded in problems as there was much conflict about the 400 acre purchase with the local Apache tribe. He was never seen or heard from again and no body has ever been found. Well there you have it!

    What do you make of these strange disappearances of Rangers who work and in some cases literally live in these parks? If they can go missing and leave no trace, what does that hold for the rest of us? Frightening isn’t it? Hello Friends! Welcome to another episode!

    In this video we invite you to join us for a trip down the strange strange rabbit hole that some refer to as the Bennington Triangle. The area known as the Bennington Triangle, which surrounds Glastonbury Mountain in the New England state of Vermont, has a long strange history of bizarre occurrences!

    This includes UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, Eerie lights and sounds, and the triangle also happens to be the location of several unsolved disappearances during the 1940s and 1950s. If that isn’t odd enough, according to Native American lore, the area is heavily cursed the Native American tribes.

    New England have always known something was off for the area and tend to steer clear of it at all costs. One particularly chilling Legend from the Algonquian tribe cautions of the existence of water described as evil rocks in the mountains.

    Which have the ability to spring open and devour those unfortunate enough to step upon them. Now, this is rather interesting considering how people have Vanished Without a Trace from within the triangle. New England author Joseph A. Citro is the person considered to have coined the term

    Bennington Triangle in 1992 while doing a radio broadcast about paranormal and other unusual activity in the area. According to Citro findings, he states that the area has similar characteristics with the equally strange Bridgewater Triangle in the bordering state of Massachusetts which has been written about extensively by cryptozoologist Lauren Coleman.

    The Bennington Triangle is centered around the heavily wooded forest of Glastonbury Mountain and also includes the small towns of Bennington, Woodford, and Shaftsbury. And also the abandoned or ghost towns of Sommerset and Glastonbury. Over the last 200 years there have been many encounters with and sightings of a Bigfoot

    Like Cryptid in the area surrounding Glastonbury Mountain. The locals, as well as paranormal and cryptological investigators, refer to this unknown creature as the Bennington monster. The earliest recorded sightings of the Beast occurred in the early 1800s when a stage coach

    Loaded with passengers was forced to stop its Journey due to a heavily washed out section of the Stage Road. The driver of the stage coach observed that there were very large footprints in the mud which were way too large to belong to any human.

    While the perplexed driver was pondering these prints the stage coach was suddenly attacked by a large large creature that was strong enough to flip the stage coach over onto its side. The terrified passengers stated that they observed a frightening pair of large eyes peering into the overturned coach at them.

    Before whatever the creature was screamed and then ran off to disappear in the surrounding woods. The passengers would later describe the monster as a large hairy black creature well over 6 feet in height. The area has long been rif with Tales of people suddenly going missing within the area of the triangle.

    One of the oddest disappearances was that of a man named Carol Herrick in 1943. Herrick disappeared while on a hunting trip just a few miles Northeast of the abandoned town of Glastonbury. Although his body was found 3 days later, it was observed to be surrounded by dozens

    Of footprints too large for a normal person. It was also determined that Carol appeared to have been squeezed to death. Then beginning in 1945 and continuing for the next 5 years people began to go mysteriously missing from the area with an alarming regularity.

    A man named  Middie Rivers  a 74y old hunting guide very familiar with the area went missing on November 12th 1945 Rivers who had led many hunting parties in the area over decades was taking a group of four Hunters to the oddly named Hell Hollow area which is located within the Southwest Forest of Glastonbury.

    While Leading The Hunting Party back to Camp he somehow got ahead of the other four and for reasons unknown never returned to the campsite. At first the other Hunters were not overly concerned as they knew Middie to be an expert Woodsman and knowledgeable guide.

    When Rivers still had failed to return the next day, the authorities were contacted and an extensive search was held comprising as many as 300 worried locals as well as a number of US Army Soldiers who had been dispatched from nearby Fort Devans in Massachusetts.

    They searched through the Deep Woods for eight straight days but the only possible evidence found was an ammo cartridge for the same type rifle that Rivers was known to be carrying. The cartridge was found in the stream and there was no evidence of any foul play or animal attack.

    Nearby, although they had no luck with the extensive search effort many of Middies friends and those local to the area were sure with the man’s knowledge of the woods and survival skills he would eventually return. However, this never came to be and no trace of the missing guide has ever been found.

    The area from which Rivers vanished is near Long Trail Road and Vermont state route 9. The very next year on Sunday December 1st 1946 an 18-year-old college student named Paula Weldon went missing while hiking in the same area around Long Trail Road.

    Easily remembered because she was wearing a bright red jacket several people recalled seeing her that day including a shop clerk in Bennington who had provided her with directions and also a couple of elderly hikers who had been approximately 300 ft behind her on the trail.

    For part of their hike the alarm was sounded when the college sophomore didn’t show up the next morning for her classes at Bennington College. An extensive search was launched by local authorities and included more than 1,000 volunteer Searchers there were also searches conducted from the air and with the assistance of the

    FBI and a $5,000 reward was offered. When interviewed the elderly couple who had observed Paula hiking just ahead of them on the trail stated that after they watched her turn a corner on the trail she seemed to have just vanished.

    Despite the extensive searches and the offer of the $5,000 reward no trace of Paula Weldon has ever been found and her fate remains unknown. Exactly 3 years to the day of The Disappearance of Paula Weldon a man named James Tedford suddenly vanished from a bus on December 1st 1949.

    A military veteran and resident of the local Bennington Soldiers Home. Tedford was returning via a bus from St. Albans where he’d been visiting relatives when he vanished. Based on eyewitness accounts Tedford and 13 other passengers were on the bus at the previous stop before the bus had arrived arrived in Bennington.

    When the bus pulled into the station he had somehow disappeared his bags were still in the luggage rack and a bus schedule was found lying open on his now empty seat. The other passengers stated that they didn’t see Tedford get off the bus at any of the

    Previous stops and he wasn’t on the bus when it pulled into Bennington. Authorities investigated the disappearance and were convinced that no one had seen anything thing and there were no suspicious incidents which had occurred during the bus trip. One strange and interesting fact it should be noted that Tedford’s wife Pearl had also

    Vanished under mysterious circumstances a couple of years prior. Now there aren’t many details about his early life. But in 1940 Tedford was listed as a resident in Franklin Vermont with his wife Pearl who was much younger her age being 28 while he was 56.

    The strangeness began following Tedford’s return to Vermont after the end of his second round of military service near the end of World War I. Upon his return he found that Pearl had vanished no trace of her to be found and the house

    The couple had rented in Franklin Vermont was found to been left abandoned. Tedford’s family claimed no knowledge as to the whereabouts of the missing wife and stated the last time they had seen her was as she was on her way to the Amco gas station in Franklin.

    There was speculation among the locals that rather than having met with foul play. She had understandably grown tired of waiting for her much older husband to return from war and had simply taken off. Whatever the cause, she was never to be seen or heard from again.

    Tedford was crushed and moved into the local home for soldiers where he still lived when he vanished the next year year on October 12th 1950. An 8-year-old boy named Paul Jebson was the next in the area to go missing Jebson was

    Last seen in the cab of his mother’s pickup truck in Bennington where she’ left him to play while she briefly tended to her pigs. When the mother returned, she found that the boy was gone. She quickly looked for him in the nearby immediate area with no luck.

    After which she reported him missing and soon hundreds of volunteers had assembled to help search for the missing boy. Tracking dogs were brought in to aid in the search for the missing boy. The dogs were able to pick up his scent and followed it towards Glastonbury Mountain.

    However, when the scent was lost at a nearby crossroads. It was thought that perhaps the boy had either been abducted by a stranger or otherwise accepted a ride in a passing automobile. Paul’s father stated that oddly enough the boy had talked about visiting the mountain almost non-stop for the last week or so.

    The area around Glastonbury Mountain was searched extensively for the next several days but sadly no trace of Paul has ever been found. Then 16 days after Paul Jepson’s mysterious disappearance a woman named Freda Langer disappeared on October 28th 1950. Freda was camping with several other family members in the forest near Glastonbury Mountain.

    Langer, then aged 53 along with her cousin Herbert Ellner had ventured away from the family’s woodland campsite to go on a hike near the Somerset Reservoir. They had managed to hike just a few hundred yards from their campsite when Freda lost

    Her footing and fell into a mountain stream completely soaking her shoes and clothing. Due to the chilly fall temperature in the mountains Fred told her cousin to wait while she ran back to their campsite to change into some dry clothes.

    Her cousin stated that he waited for what seemed like a sufficient amount of time and when Freeda still hadn’t returned he decided to go back to the camp to see if she was okay. However, upon his return he was shocked to learn that Freda hadn’t returned to the campsite at all.

    She had instead apparently vanished in broad daylight in the distance of a few hundred yards. Freda was reported missing and over the next several weeks search parties with as many as 400 people including concerned volunteers law enforcement firefighters and Military as well as some aircraft searched for her and came up empty-handed.

    Sadly the search was eventually abandoned. Seven months later however on May 12th 1951 Freda’s body was discovered near Somerset Reservoir. Strangelyenough in an area that had been extensively searched many times previously. The advanced decomposition of her remains meant that no cause of death could be determined and her case is still unsolved.

    And then just as strangely and suddenly as they had begun, the string of disappearances stopped! Freda Langer was the last person to vanish mysteriously during this time frame and the only missing persons whose remains were found other than the geographic locations and time frame.

    No other connection has been discovered that tie these cases to one another. Although, some have speculated that a serial killer may be responsible for these strange disappearances. Some blame the Native American curse or simply claim that the Paranormal is to blame. As there appears to be an active portal here into the unexplained.

    There’s also the theory that the area is very unstable due to the unusually chaotic and confusing wind and weather patterns on the mountain which can cause people to easily become disoriented and then lost as a result. Regardless of what is to be believed, The Bennington Triangle is known to be home to

    Strange and mysterious paranormal phenomena as well as the aforementioned Bigfoot encounters and the stirring of mysterious disappearances. There are many many reports of strange peering orbs of light sightings of other bizarre for creatures and even the occasional UFO sighting. Well there you have it!

    A small glimpse into the unknown courtesy of the Enigma known as The Bennington Triangle. I hope you’ve enjoyed these stories. And if there are other strange areas you’d like for us to cover feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments below! Hello Friends! Steve Stockton here with you!

    Welcome to our latest video. Today we are going to bring you six strange cases of people last seen running into the woods! Now, the missing person epidemic is an epidemic that is affecting not just the US but the UK and many other parts of the world.

    Thankfully, most missing people are discovered alive and well, but some cases remain cold and unsolved, whether that be for a few years or decades. Number 6: Craig Frear Craig Frear was your average 17-year-old, he was going into his senior year and was the co-captain of the school’s football team.

    Craig had also picked up a part-time job and was looking ahead to the future and his future was bright. There were a few colleges interested in offering Craig a scholarship for his sporting abilities and the world was truly his oyster.

    Unfortunately, any chance at a bright future was taken away from him on one fateful day in June 2004. His sudden disappearance would turn the lives of his family upside down and as recently as 2021, the New York State Police are still actively investigating and chasing down new leads.

    Craig’s parents were happy when they heard that he had picked up a part-time job at the Price Chopper supermarket in Glenville, New York. Craig took up a few shifts and he somehow managed to fit it into his busy schedule.

    On Sunday, June 27th 2004, Craig walked out of his home for what would be the last time. As far as his parents were concerned, he was headed to work. His mother, Veronica had seen him carrying his uniform with him to his car.

    But when Veronica arrived at the supermarket where Craig worked just a few hours after he had left for his shift, she was shocked to find no sign of him. She was even more shocked to learn that Craig hadn’t been working at the supermarket for quite some time.

    Whether it was shame, embarrassment or something else that made Craig hide the fact he was sacked, we will never know. His parents were, of course, very upset that Craig had lied to them and called Craig’s girlfriend to see if she knew where he was.

    At first, she said she had no idea but after a second call, she folded and admitted that he was with her. Veronica gave Craig a stern talking to, telling him that he needed to come home right away and that they needed to have a chat, a sentence that every teenager dreads hearing.

    Craig said goodbye to his girlfriend and left her apartment located in Scotia, New York. According to his girlfriend, she watched as he walked towards his car but then at the last minute, darted off in the opposite direction. What had scared Craig and why had he run away from his car?

    Surely if he was in danger, the best thing to do would be to head to the car and drive away? According to reports, Craig walked into the nearby woods and this is the last confirmed sighting of him.

    From here, all we have are alleged sightings and a few new pieces of evidence that may finally help us piece this puzzle together. When Craig failed to return home to have “a chat” with his parents, they waited and waited and waited. As the hours ticked by, they knew that something wasn’t right.

    Craig was in trouble, but it wasn’t like him to run away and leave without telling his parents where he was going. Some people naturally lean towards the “flight” side of fight or flight but his parents knew that he would have to come home at some point.

    But that ‘some point’ never came and by 5 pm that day, Veronica had picked up the phone and had reported her 17-year-old son missing. It appears that investigators weren’t all too interested at first, as is the case with missing young people.

    After hearing about their disagreement earlier that day, they believed that Craig wanted time to cool off and that he would come back. Hours turned into days and when investigators found that he didn’t have his phone or wallet with him at the time, they agreed that something was wrong and began to investigate further.

    Investigators found that Craig had left his wallet and $40 behind at his house, something that he would have needed if he planned on spending a few days away from his family. His driving license was also missing, however, his parents explained that it had been lost

    Before his disappearance and he was in the process of getting a new one sorted. So without money, ID and a license, it was clear that Craig wouldn’t have gotten very far. All he had was his car but that had been left abandoned in the car park of his girlfriend’s apartment.

    So where was he? Investigators hit a big lead when interviewing witnesses from that day. A group of teenagers came forward to tell the police that they had seen Craig, or at least someone matching his description walking along the railroad tracks behind his girlfriend’s

    Apartment block shortly after he was seen walking into the woods. It appears that they tried to engage him in conversation, but he motioned for them to be quiet before carrying on walking. This event stuck in their mind due to his strange behavior and the bizarre nature of

    The incident and it wasn’t until news of his disappearance was made public did they connect the dots. Armed with this new lead, investigators began searching up and down the railway line behind Craig’s girlfriend’s apartment but found no sign of him.

    As the days pressed on and the investigation began to heat up, officers with dog units and ground teams were sent to the area where Craig was last seen. They also sent units to the Mohawk River, wondering whether he had gotten injured and fallen in but all of these searches showed up nothing.

    Craig had vanished into thin air as if he was here one moment and gone the next. Craig’s friends and family were administered polygraph tests and it appears that everyone passed, although polygraph tests are a debatable technique in and of themselves and are not admissible in court in most countries.

    Hundreds of hours of interviews were conducted but nothing ever came to fruition. How could a bright, promising 17 year old just vanish into the woods? Searches continued for Craig and have done so over the years, although they have been majorly scaled back.

    Craig’s family are still desperately seeking answers and two years after he disappeared, the New York State Police became involved in his case. In 2021, a new lead was discovered and investigators hope that this is the clue they need. One of Craig’s co-workers at the Price Chopper supermarket told investigators that sometime

    Between June 27th and July 2nd 2004, he saw Craig in the passenger seat of a car traveling north on Route 50 in Glenville. According to this witness, the car stopped at the traffic lights on Sheffield road before turning left and that’s when the witness lost sight of the car.

    This sighting has not been confirmed as of yet, however, it is the latest piece of information in regards to Craig’s whereabouts. Craig’s parents have never given up hope and are hoping that one day, they will learn the truth about what happened to their son.

    Craig Frear is described as a white male, red hair, brown eyes, 5’11” and 190lbs. He was last seen walking into the woods behind the Cambridge Manor apartment complex in Scotia, New York on June 27th 2004. He was last seen wearing a white short-sleeved tshirt, blue jeans or jean shorts, white Adidas

    Trainers with 3 black stripes and a gold chain with a St. Christopher medallion. Craig also had all 4 of his wisdom teeth removed in April 2004 and may wear his facial hair in a goatee. Anyone with information is asked to contact the New York State Police on 518-630-1700. Number 5: Jeremy Alex

    28-year-old Jeremy Alex was doing well for himself, he and his girlfriend were in the process of moving in together in Northport, Maine and he was working as a self-employed landscape gardener in Lincolnville, Maine. When not at work, Jeremy enjoyed skateboarding and playing the guitar and he had spent much

    Of his young adult life traveling around the US and had even gotten involved with the organization ‘Greenpeace’ at one point. By all accounts, Jeremy seemed like a fun-loving, free spirit who was a lot of fun to be around.

    In April 2004, Jeremy turned 28 years old and was at a key point in his life, as previously mentioned, he and his girlfriend were getting ready to move in together and they were excited to start this new chapter in their lives.

    On April 23rd 2004, Jeremy’s parents drove from Portsmouth, New Hampshire to his home in Lincolnville, Maine to celebrate his 28th birthday that had just passed. They sat down for a meal, spoke about Jeremy’s upcoming move and talked about any possible plans for the future.

    His parent’s world would be turned upside down just 24 hours later. On April 24th 2004, the day after his birthday dinner with his parents, Jeremy arrived at his girlfriend’s house at around 11 am to help her move. From the moment he arrived, she could tell that something was off, the once, happy, smiley

    Jeremy had been replaced with a scared and paranoid person. Jeremy was very frustrated and blurted out to his girlfriend that “bad people were after him”. No amount of consoling or comforting could change Jeremy’s mind and he decided to leave instead of staying to help her move.

    This was incredibly bizarre and very out of character and the following events of that day would bring about even more questions. At around 5:20 pm, a woman saw Jeremy running out of the woods and into her back garden

    On Pound Hill Road, a mile and a half from Jeremy’s new home that he was in the process of moving into. Now, this woman was an old teacher of Jeremy’s and she recognized him. She got closer to him, trying to console him and ask him what was wrong.

    He rambled off that bad guys were trying to hurt him and she reported that it appeared as if he was hallucinating. The woman called for her husband who ran out into the garden and kept Jeremy there whilst she called the police. The couple noticed that Jeremy was clutching money in his hand.

    By the time the woman had run inside to call the police, Jeremy had broken free from her husband’s grip and took off running into the woods once more. Witnesses reported seeing a man fitting Jeremey’s description on Route 1 and after this, he has never been seen or heard from again.

    The police quickly arrived at the scene and took statements from the husband and wife duo. The next day, Jeremy’s van was found abandoned near Pound Hill Road at the Waldo County Humane Society. Inside the van were his keys and phone, but sadly there was no sign of Jeremy.

    Searches of the woods where Jeremy’s car had been found were conducted but no sign of him could be found. Investigators then began interviewing his girlfriend and found out that Jeremy may have fallen into old habits. Jeremy was in recovery from drug addiction and according to his girlfriend, in recent months he had relapsed.

    On the day that he disappeared, he had used marching powder (cocaine) and golden brown (heroin) and that he had been experiencing these paranoid states for a while and that she and his friends were concerned for him. Was Jeremy’s disappearance and his ramblings about the “bad men” substance-related

    Psychosis or was someone really after him? In September 2004, 5 months after he disappeared, a contractor in Jackson, Maine reported seeing a man fitting Jeremy’s description walking out of the woods. According to this workman, the man he saw was acting erratically and strangely and couldn’t

    Seem to understand what was being said to him. Apparently, this kind stranger offered him some food, but Jeremy, if it was Jeremy refused. There was also another possible sighting in October 2004 where someone claimed to have seen Jeremy in the woods in Owl’s Head, Maine.

    Jeremy’s case went cold for 4 years and then in April 2008, his case took a bizarre turn. His driving license was found to be in the possession of a couple living in Northport, Maine, the area that Jeremy was in the process of moving to.

    According to this couple, they had begun building their house in May 2004 and over the years, random items that belonged to Jeremy began washing up on the shore near their house. The couple kept hold of his driving license and some money that washed ashore and it wasn’t

    Until years later that they connected the dots to Jeremy’s disappearance. What’s even more bizarre is that their newly constructed home is connected to the woods that Jeremy was last seen running into. Did Jeremy fall from the cliff whilst running in the woods? Or is there something more nefarious at play?

    His family believes that he likely met with foul play, although did comment that he knew how to survive in the wilderness. Jeremy Alex was last seen on April 24th 2004 running into the woods in Northport, Maine. He is described as a white male with brown hair, brown eyes, 5’5” to 5’7” and 150lbs.

    Investigators have stated that Jeremy appeared to be under the influence and confused at the time of his disappearance. Jeremy smoked hand-rolled cigarettes and was last seen wearing an olive-green flannel Timberland sweatshirt, blue jeans or brown corduroy pants, trainers and carrying a red backpack.

    Anyone with information about Jeremy’s disappearance is urged to contact the Maine State Police on 207-624-7076. Number 4: Willie Hodge Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information surrounding the disappearance of 39-year-old Willie Hodge in January 2019 but here is what we do know.

    On January 23rd 2019, Willie was last seen by his family when he was leaving his home in the 1100 block Island Drive in Sumter County, South Carolina. According to the Charley Project, Willie had an argument/altercation with his mother and left the house.

    This was the last time that he was seen by his family. Police records indicate that later that evening, Willie was pulled over at the intersection of Pinewood Road and Columbia Circle during a traffic stop. WLTX notes that Willie was pulled over for a traffic violation, but what the violation

    Was has not been specified. The South Carolina Arrests database does show that Willie has been arrested 5 times before his traffic stop in 2019 with offenses ranging from burglary, larceny, driving under suspension, possession of narcotics and assault. These arrests may not be linked to his disappearance, however, it may explain what happened next.

    As the police pulled him over, Willie jumped out of his car and ran into the woods. Did Willie have a distrust of the police or was he scared of getting another charge? According to officers, they searched the immediate area for Willie but there was no sign of him.

    As the days passed, his car remained abandoned and they continued in their search for the missing man. Charles Bonner, a senior investigator with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office told News19 in February 2019 “We don’t want to get him in trouble because of that.

    I just want to talk to him and make sure he’s okay because he is a missing person. I take these very seriously, so, I want to make sure that he’s okay.” There was also another person in the car with him the night he disappeared, however, this

    Witness has been unable to provide any further information. Sadie Hodge told News19 “In my heart, I don’t feel like he’s alive anymore. It’s just kind of a sense of peace that I have. In a way, it’s a good thing , but I still hold out hope.

    I just want to know he’s okay, whether it’s here, whether he’s found eternal peace. I just want to know he’s okay.” Willie Hodge was last seen running into the woods after being stopped by police at the intersection of Pinewood Road and Columbia Circle in Sumter County, South Carolina.

    He is described as a white male with brown hair and brown eyes, 5’8” and 140lbs. Willie has the letters N-T-A-B on his knuckles, Street on the back of one arm and Dreams on the other. He also has ‘Thug Life’ on his stomach along with the name Sadie over his heart and

    A tattoo of a woman on his calf. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office on 803-436-2000 or Crime Stoppers on 1-888-CRIME-SC. Number 3: Terrence Woods Jr 26-year-old Terrence Woods Jr was working as a TV production assistant for the UK production

    Company Raw TV in conjunction with the Discovery Channel in 2018 and was out on location in Idaho. Unfortunately, one night whilst filming, Terrence ran off into the woods and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Terrance was working as part of a 12-person crew who were tasked with filming Gold Rush:

    Dave Turin’s Lost Mine. Filming and production was going well with the crew following Dave Turin around, seeing what he could dig up in the remote parts of the western United States. Then on the evening of October 5th 2018, everything changed.

    According to Vice, the crew had wrapped up filming for the day in Pinman Mine near Orogrande, Idaho County when Terrance told two of the other crew members that he had to go and use the bathroom. Then, just seconds later, the associate producer, Simon Gee who Terrence worked under saw Terrence

    Drop his radio and take off running into the trees. Terrence apparently ran down a steep cliff into a forest, before disappearing into the thick foliage. Those on set called out Terrence’s name and desperately tried to catch up with him

    To see what was the matter, but the area he had apparently run into was ‘rough and unpredictable’. The crew spent some time searching for Terrence before realizing that they needed to call it in. At 6:41 pm, Terrence Woods Jr was reported missing to the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office,

    Disturbingly, the Sheriff’s Office didn’t arrive at the scene to begin their search for Terrence until the next morning. Their excuse was that the call was made “at a late hour”. This is just one of the disturbing facts surrounding Terrence’s case.

    When the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office finally arrived, they sent dog units, ATVs, helicopters as well as boots on the ground to look for any sign of Terrence. The Idaho County Sheriff’s Office found no sign of him, the dogs failed to pick up

    On any scent and sadly, after 6 days the search was called off. The Idaho County Sheriff’s Office failed to act quickly in Terrence’s disappearance but they are not the only ones who acted strangely following his disappearance. According to Valerie Woods, Terrence Jr’s mother, “The first thing Simon said on the

    Phone and when I met him in the police department was ‘I had high expectations for your son but when I met him, he didn’t stand up to them’.” VICE ran an article in 2020 about Terrence’s disappearance and the allegations of the toxic work culture at Raw TV and included an interesting detail.

    The article reads “The original Idaho County Sheriff’s Office report, seen by VICE, says that Terrence was ‘having a really hard time emotionally and had a mental breakdown earlier today.’ When the 911 call was made, the caller – who was not part of the Raw TV crew – alleged

    That Terrence had been dealing with mental health issues throughout the shoots. However, when pushed to confirm these statements by Terrence’s family in the weeks following his disappearance, they were retracted.” This article also includes information from Terrence’s mother, Valerie. She said “He was responsible.

    He wouldn’t run away without good reason unless he was scared.” The article also goes on to say “They believe Terrence, who was the only Black crew member on the shoot in Idaho, felt intimidated or was mistreated by his colleagues. They say that he wanted to return to his home in Maryland.”

    An ex Raw TV employee also told Vice “There was a lady culture at the company. There was a toxic undercurrent which made me feel very uncomfortable. There were conversations where they would make disparaging comments about people they were looking to hire. It made me feel quite uncomfortable.”

    With all of this information about Raw TV, it still remains to be seen whether they had something to do with Terrence’s disappearance. As of 2020, the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office said that Terrence’s case is still open but not active and that they are not actively searching for him.

    Terrence Woods Jr was last seen running into the woods near Orogrande in Idaho County, Idaho on October 5th 2018 after telling two colleagues that he needed to use the bathroom. Terrence Woods Jr is described as an African-American male with black hair, brown eyes, 5’9” and 150lbs.

    Terrence has a tattoo of a black oval on the inside of his left wrist and was last seen wearing a light brown jumper and black cargo pants. Anyone with information is urged to contact Lieutenant Jerry Johnson of the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office on 208-983-1100 quoting case number 1810081. Number 2: Lars Mittank

    The case of Lars Mittank is perhaps one of the most perplexing disappearances in recent true crime history and whilst there are numerous theories surrounding his mysterious disappearance, we are still no closer to uncovering the truth of what happened in 2014.

    On June 30th 2014, 28-year-old Lars Mittank and a group of his friends traveled from their home in Germany to the Golden Sands Resort in Varna, Bulgaria. This was the perfect party destination for 28-year-old Lars and his friends and parts

    Of Bulgaria have picked up a reputation over the years for being party hotspots for young, European tourists. The sun is blazing, drinks are cheap and clubs are open all night long, making it the perfect place for young people to let their hair down and that’s exactly what Lars and his friends did.

    The first few days of the holiday went by without incident with the group soaking up the sun and enjoying everything that the Golden Sands Resort had to offer. Then on July 6th, just a day before they were due to head home, something strange happened.

    Whilst out at a bar, Lars got into an argument with a rival football fan. Lars was a Werder Bremen fan whilst the other person was a Bayern Munich fan. Here in Europe, we take football very seriously and for some it’s more of a religion than

    A sport, so it isn’t surprising to hear that the argument became heated very quickly. The argument was dissipated after harsh words were thrown around and Lars left the bar first, without his friends. His friends figured that he was likely heading back to the hotel and that they would be able

    To catch up with him later. It wasn’t until the next morning that Lars returned to the hotel room with a ruptured eardrum and an injured jaw. According to reports, his friends gave investigators differing accounts of what happened that night.

    Some of his friends said that after Lars left the bar, the men that he had been arguing with earlier jumped him, causing the injury. Whilst others claimed that the men in the bar had paid a local man to do their dirty work for them.

    Either way, Lars was left with a pretty serious injury that would kick start a bizarre chain of events. His friends took him to see the doctor at the airport who confirmed that his eardrum had ruptured and that he would not be able to fly until it was healed.

    Lars was given 500mg of Cefprozil to help curb infection and was advised to remain in Bulgaria for a few days. His friends rallied around him, insisting that they would stay with him until he was cleared to fly, but oddly, Lars declined their offer.

    He insisted that he would be okay on his own, telling them to fly back to Germany and that he would see them again very soon. There were no indications of what was to come and the events of the next few days would shock everyone.

    Lars checked himself into another hotel and remained there for just one night. Employees at the hotel reported that he was acting very bizarrely and seemed as if he was paranoid and scared of someone or something. During his short stay at the second hotel, Lars also called his mother.

    In a hushed voice, he panickedly told her that 4 men were after him. His mother would later tell investigators that the fear in his voice was very real and no amount of consoling would calm him down. After a very restless night’s sleep, Lars returned to Varna Airport on July 8th 2014

    And visited the office of Dr Kosta Kostov. Lars’ hopes of returning home were dashed when Dr Kostov reiterated that given his condition, it would not be safe to fly, but Lars decided to ignore this recommendation. He told the doctor that he was willing to accept responsibility for whatever happened to him.

    Just as the appointment was wrapping up, a construction worker entered the room. Varna Airport was undergoing a lot of construction and renovation work at the time and it’s likely that the construction worker simply wandered into the wrong room.

    This situation is more of an annoyance than anything else, but for Lars, it freaked him out. His whole demeanor changed when the man entered the room and he exclaimed “I don’t want to die here, I need to get out of here.”

    With that, Lars ran out of the door of the doctor’s office, leaving behind his luggage and bags and made a b-line for the entrance of the airport. This bizarre escape was captured on CCTV and became the most infamous piece of evidence we have in Lars’ case.

    The CCTV footage shows Lars running, almost as if he is running for his life, through the airport, into a car park before jumping the fence and running near highway A2. When Lars failed to return home and make contact with his family, he was reported missing and an investigation was opened.

    His friends were questioned and the CCTV footage was heavily reviewed. Lars had been exhibiting bizarre, paranoid behavior in the days leading up to his disappearance and investigators began to wonder whether this paranoia was founded upon truth. Lars had gotten into an argument and had been beaten up on July 6th 2014.

    Was someone really after him or was it the head injury combined with the medication that he was prescribed that induced the paranoia? The antibiotic Cefprozil is known to cause hallucinations and paranoia. His family said that he never exhibited signs of mental illness before his trip and when

    His friends boarded their flight home, they said that he seemed happy and was in a good mood. Despite numerous investigations, the disappearance of Lars Mittank remains unsolved. His mother, Sandra told CrimeandInvestigation “There’s a good chance he’ll come back. He just needs my help.”

    Lars Mittank was last seen running out of the Varna Airport in Varna, Bulgaria on July 8th 2014. Anyone with information is asked to contact the BKA (Federal Criminal Police Office) on +49151 61378673. Alternatively, you can contact the Varna Police on +359-52-611-516. Number 1: Dennis Shepherd

    46-year-old Dennis Shepherd was described as an energetic and lively person who loved his girlfriend and his family. Dennis worked as a personal assistant in Port Washington, New York and was doing well in his career and private life.

    That was until a sudden onset of paranoia sent Dennis down a dark path, he became convinced that everyone he knew was working with the FBI to conspire against him. One day, Dennis’ paranoia boiled over. Dennis was witnessed running door to door asking neighbors to call the United Nations

    Because he wanted to report the ‘conspiracy’ against him. Dennis told those who opened their doors that his family, neighbors, lawyers and others in this life were involved in an FBI conspiracy to ‘get him’ and that he needed help. This alarmed neighbors who called the police and Dennis was involuntarily sectioned and

    Taken to the Stony Brook University Hospital’s psychiatric unit for treatment. During his time at the hospital, Dennis was still convinced that there was an FBI conspiracy against him and even believed that the officers who had sectioned him and the staff who were

    Treating him, were in on the conspiracy and that is why he had been sectioned. In reality, Dennis had been sectioned for his own safety and well being, but his paranoia had grown too much and he was unable to make rational decisions.

    Dennis repeatedly told the staff at Stony Brook “I want to see how I do without medications” and that he would not be taking medications under any circumstances. He did not believe that anything was wrong and the hospital was in the process of filing

    A court order to ensure that Dennis would have to take his medication and get the therapy and help he needed. On May 18th 2012, Dennis was being transported to the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center for further treatment. He intended to fight the court order once he arrived at the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center,

    But he would never make it. According to staff who were traveling with Dennis that day, he simply jumped out of the car and ran into the woods, never to be seen again. His disappearance was not reported by medical staff until several hours later and the Suffolk

    County Police Department but they were extremely hesitant to get involved. It became clear that the Suffolk County Police Department did not take Dennis’ disappearance seriously, despite the fact that he had been sectioned and his notes stated that he was suffering from delusions and possibly from schizophrenia.

    The Suffolk Police rested on the idea that Dennis had run away and was hiding from the police, although he had no real reason to do so. Disturbingly, no Golden Alert (Missing Vulnerable Adult) was issued when Dennis went missing, a fact that has greatly angered his family.

    These alerts have been proven to save lives and have been used in different iterations across countless states. Had a Golden Alert been issued, the outcome of Dennis’ story may have been a lot different than the outcome I’m telling you now.

    The Pilgrim Psychiatric Center sits across from the Oak Brush Plains State Reserve, a sprawling park of over 813 acres. Is it possible that Dennis ran through the woods and into the reserve? Since his disappearance, little progress has been made in his case and his family has since

    Filed a $5 million lawsuit against the Stony Brook Institution for allowing Dennis to escape. In March 2021, user u/alwayssunnyinupstate made a post about Dennis’ disappearance on Reddit and the post received an interesting comment. This commenter, who claims to be Victoria Shepherd, Dennis’s sister gave some further insight into her brother’s case.

    She wrote “This is Victoria Shepherd, I am his sister. The police have been of no help at all, he is still missing. His dental records and our Mum and another sister’s DNA is on record. They did not even alert the police until several hours after he went missing.

    He was a limo driver and avid bike rider so he knows Long Island very well. He lived in Nassau County when he went missing and we lived in Suffolk for many years. He really could be anywhere but we know no activity on bank accounts, credit cards or

    SS number so that makes us lose hope. Hopefully, one day he will be found. His family misses him terribly, especially his mum, she has been heartbroken since the day he went missing.” Dennis Shepherd was last seen running into the woods near the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center in Brentwood, New York on May 18th 2012.

    Dennis is described as a white male with blonde hair, blue eyes, 6’0 to 6’2 and 190lbs. Dennis may be suffering from schizophrenia and at the time of his disappearance, he was suffering from paranoid delusions. He was last seen wearing a black t-shirt, tan trousers and tan trainers.

    Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Steve Gargans of the Suffolk County Police Department on 631-852-6110 quoting case number 12-309678. Well friends, there you have it. What do you think of these half dozen strange cases where people disappeared after running into the woods? Hello friends!

    In this episode of Unsolved Disappearances we’re discussing something a little different. While the majority of missing person cases we cover involve our National Parks or forests or Wilderness Recreation areas. We offer these following cases as proof that people can and do go missing anywhere at any

    Time and this is nothing new it’s been happening for decades! Join us as we discuss: Missing Farmers Charles Ashmore, lived in the town of Troy in New York state United States with his wife mother and minor son who was 16 years old and his two adult daughters.

    Now, the family was very wealthy and respectable members of their Community. Depending on who you ask, either in the year 1871 or 1872 the Ashmores moved from Troy, New York to Richmond Indiana. And two years later Charles bought a farm in nearby Quincy which he and his family settled on.

    Right next to their Farmhouse there was a creek which brought the family their fresh Cold Spring Water no matter what the season. Around 9:00 on this particular evening the night of November 9th 1878, while the family all sat by the fire after supper either conversing

    Or possibly reading a book as a family or some type of entertainment that happened in the late 1800s. Charles Ashmore Jr. got up from the fire and for the family he was going to fetch himself a bit of water from the creek. He grabbed a clean tin can from the kitchen

    And walked out of the house. After waiting a very long time for the younger Charles to return from the stream the elder Charles, his father, took the oldest daughter Martha with him Little Lantern and went off in search of the young man. It was early November and a light snow had

    Fallen outside and though it lent greatly to the temper cold both Martha and Charles senior felt right down to their very bones it didn’t deter them it seemed the snow was a blessing in the skies however, as in its light dusting all along the ground it formed a path.

    A path which showed the footprints of 16-year-old Charles Ashmore Jr. Father and daughter team dutifully followed the path the entire time calling out the young man’s name Called to no avail, as there was no returned response, and the tracks led to Nowhere literally they led nowhere.

    The footprints of the young Charles Ashmore Jr stopped in the middle of the way from the house to the stream The snow was undisturbed after they had walked about 75 ft halfway from their front door to the creek where they got their water. Now, as this came to the father’s attention

    He silenced his daughter and calmly held out his Lantern into the darkness of the night they decided to walk around the last few Footprints in order if nothing else to preserve them for further investigation They can only imagine the stars shining as bright as they can only late at night on a

    Farm out in the middle of nowhere full of fresh air and sky is dark as an abyss. They made their way around these Footprints and then onto the creek. Now, as they approached the creek it said that all the strength was immediately drained from Young Martha Ashmore and the same can

    Be said for the air and her father’s lungs when they chanced upon what they saw next. The creek was frozen over and had been for some time it was covered even by the fresh snow that was falling from The Frigid cold skies above. There was no sign that the younger Ashmore

    Male had been there there was no evidence that anyone had been there in fact. At least not since the creek had Frozen and the snow had started to fall. The next morning brought with it not only the warmth of the Sun but also more heartbreak to an already devastated mother and Confused family.

    There had still been no sign or word from the family’s only son hours later. It’s like he was here 1 minute he went to get water and then poof gone. Four days passed and nothing had changed except the melting of the snow. Ashmore Charles Jr’s mother had went to the

    Creek to fetch herself some water no one was around at that time to get it for as they had been previously She’d been hesitant to leave the house and go near where her son had gone missing Today though it was unavoidable if she wanted to drink.

    But the closer she got to the creek the faster her heart began to beat. About halfway there in fact right around the same area where the last Footprints of her son were seen even though they had been washed away by the elements of the melting snow.

    She began to hear Charles Jr’s voice calling for help help me as sure as a mother could be not just of what she was hearing but of what she was feeling as well. Her mother’s intuition you might call it she was sure of it her son was right there near the creek

    And though she couldn’t yet see him she could hear him very well calling out for help. “help me” It seemed however that The Closer she got to the creek The Stranger Things became. As she called out to her son again and again and then silenced herself to listen from which

    Direction his cries were coming from, it suddenly seemed like they were coming from everywhere all at once! “help me” But somehow also from nowhere as she still couldn’t see him not a single sign of him. Finally the woman ran home as fast her legs could carry her wait for her husband to get

    Home so she could tell him what she’ heard. Now she was obviously very confused and nervous. After all she had just heard the voice of her son calling to her for help yet couldn’t figure out where the voice was coming from actually. Was he calling for help? Was he there at all ?

    One question later on about what she’d heard and experienced all of which was chocked up to a Delirious woman. Unfortunately, a common diagnosis at the time. This was a mother who was so heartbroken over the loss of her only son and youngest child that she had gone momentarily mad hallucinating

    That she had heard him calling to her Now, this opinion was further backed up at least by some as when she was asked what she heard she exclaimed that she wasn’t sure of what her son was actually saying other than that he was actually calling for.

    She had stated that his words were entirely clear. She heard them as though he were standing right next to her. Yet she also remembered not understanding what those words were strangely. Was something Supernatural going on here? Now in the next few months with no discernible pattern other members of the family would

    At random times hear the voice of young Charles Ashmore Jr calling out for help. Though the voice always seemed to be coming near the creek where he had seemingly disappeared the closer they got to the voice – the farther away it seemed to move, until by all appearances

    It blinked right out of existence. Again, this fell in line with what the mother claimed of experience. One thing each person in the family who heard the voice knew for absolute certain however is that the voice they were hearing was definitely that of the younger Ashmore.

    And again, no one was was ever able to repeat what he had said. Though they claimed his voice was so clear, it was if he were standing right there – at the same time, it had still been too far away for them to understand the words.

    Even if he had been giving directions to his family his family wasn’t able to comprehend them. Now this sounds strange. The sounds of help calling from the creek went on intermittently through the rest of the winter and spring and would seemingly pick a family member at random om to experience

    This and hear these words. Come summer though the calling voice seemed to come in further and further intervals, until finally at the point of around about a year later it stopped all together. Charles Ashmore Jr was never seen or heard from again and no one was ever able to say

    Exactly what had happened to him No one even had a reasonable idea as to who or what the culprit could have been. So there was no choice but for the family to move on with a devastating loss not only to their family unit but to their very hearts and souls.

    Now, in the magazine “Fate” in June of 1953 a very similar disappearance story was published. Depending on who you ask, you’ll hear people swear to the truth of the legend and still others will attest the story has been thoroughly debunked. Whatever you choose to believe about what

    Happened to David Lang and his family, whether it be a well-written story which originated in the late 1800s or a true account of something that really happened to a man in the same time period. I hope we can all certainly agree we are hearing

    More and more true stories just like this in modern times. In Fate magazine the article was called “How my father disappeared” and was allegedly taken straight from an interview with the daughter of the man who was said to have vanished into thin air and she was a witness to the

    Strange happenings that day and the days to come. Her name was Sarah Lang and the story of her father disappearing mid-step right in front of her very eyes is one of Legend whether it true or not this is what she allegedly told the journalist interviewing her. On September 23rd 1880 Farmer named David

    Lang was walking through a field not far from his house His two young children; George and the aforementioned Sarah, played in the courtyard between where their mother, his wife, stood on the porch and where he, their father, was walking in the field. Right at this moment in time, two men a lawyer

    Named Judge August Peek and his brother-in-law whose name has since been lost in the midst of time and retailing, were approaching the house in a horse tugged vehicle All at once David Lang’s wife dropped what she had in her hands and screamed While the two men in the buggy stopped open-mouthed

    And astonished at what they had just seen. Children also froze in shock and terror! Right before no fewer than five sets of eyes, which were almost exclusively on him, David Lang disappeared into thin air – in midst step right off the face of the Earth! Despite there being a very intense search

    No trace of him was ever found. There were no holes, no wells, no place that a man could have disappeared! However, it said for years after this unexplained in a terrifying incident the family, the children in particular, would hear the voice of their father calling out for help, though his words

    Seemed to be clear, they were indiscernible. And the children, nor anyone else who heard these intermittent cries could ever make out exactly what David was trying to say. A few years later, a circle with a diameter of about 15 ft appeared seemingly out of nowhere

    On the exact same spot where David has said to taking his last steps here on Earth as we know it He was never seen again, and just as quickly as the voices started manifesting they abruptly stopped and he was never heard from again either. Some people believe that the inability to

    Corroborate any details in the lying story is the reason so many still considered to be just a retelling of an old fiction story written by popular author Ambrose Bierce back in the day. While the story itself is unreliable with no record even of a David Lang or a Judge Peck anywhere in the county.

    The similarities in the above cases is undeniable, however. And the Ashmore did exist and young Christian did go missing. It’s a matter of historical record. As far as the details though? Who knows! So could each of these men have crossed perhaps into an alternate dimension? Is this why their voices were seemingly heard

    Right in front of multiple witnesses? It’s clear as day at first until they finally couldn’t be heard anymore or understood. It’s hard to simple facts and evidence in cases which took place so long ago. Any Witnesses have long since perished and Records had a way of being destroyed throughout history purposely or not.

    Example; in the county where my father is from, the courthouse was burned during the Civil War. With lots of marriage, and death records, and tax records, and deeds perishing with the fire. So in those cases there’s nothing left for posterity before the Civil War. As bizarre as it is for someone to seemingly

    Vanish without a trace, it’s even more strange and even somewhat terrifying, especially to those of us in the Paranormal Community who are somewhat aware and think we may have some answers or at least theories as to what’s happening in some of these cases,

    For this to happen to someone in clear and full view of other people. Not only does it seem in most of these cases that the person couldn’t have possibly gotten far. But it’s absolutely impossible for them to have gone anywhere without someone else seeing where they went.

    As we on this channel know and have come to understand, this seems to happen a lot Many case have been sprouting up in recent years, as well leading us to try and come up with our own conclusions, hypothesis and even just our own opinions as to what in the world is happening.

    Not only here, but other places in the world, if it’s in fact in this world and not some sort of alternate reality. Where are these people going going too? I’d like to close now with one of the earliest and most well-known accounts of what I like to call “Unconscious Extinction”

    In the late 1760s in a small English town named: Shepton Mallet There lived a man in his late 70s who by all accounts was crippled with an unknown disease He was a retired farmer, and his name was Owen Parfitt. Owen was completely unable to get around without

    Help and usually this help was given to him by his elderly sister who was also his primary caregiver. Now, this unnamed sister apparently was a very good caregiver and seemed to all who knew her to love her brother very much and who took much joy in caring for him.

    So because of his disability and inability to do anything on his own, Owen spent most of his days bedridden. But some were actually spent with him enjoying one of his favorite pastimes… he simply loved to sit outside by the doorway of his home which he shared with his sister

    One very chilly and possibly rainy day, Owen was sitting with a light jacket draped over him in his usual spot by the door outside of his house while his sister slash caregiver was keeping a sporadic eye on him while also trying to get some chores around the house accomplished.

    Owen’s sister went outside to bring him inside for lunch, but what she found was an empty chair with the jacket draped over it. At first, Owen’s sister thought perhaps a neighbor had happened by and saw Owen who maybe asked to be brought in and maybe she hadn’t heard him calling her.

    You see, Owen was entirely unable to move around on his own. So it would never have occurred to her that that’s what he did. She searched the entire house, all the surrounding property, and then asked the neighbors, but to no avail. Owen was nowhere to be found and no one had seen him.

    The neighbors did confirm that they had seen Owen sitting in his usual spot by the door in front of the house all day long just as his sister had said. They had seen the light jacket draped over him as well Although an investigation was conducted by

    The authorities at the time, to this day, no trace of Owen Parfitt has ever been found. Now where did this man go? He wasn’t able to move on his own. People observed him sitting on his porch with a jacket on and then in the twinkling of an eye jacket’s

    There Owens gone never to be seen again! Hello Friends! Today we are going to be talking about five wilderness disappearances where mysterious disembodied cries for help were heard by search and rescue teams but the person couldn’t be located. You can imagine how these disembodied cries for help

    Would have baffled the search and rescue teams when they couldn’t locate the missing person who had vanished into the wilderness. Likewise, the person calling out probably wondered why they could not be heard. As we all know, thousands of people go missing every single day in the United States alone and

    While some are found safe and sound and returned to their family and loved ones, many are never seen or heard from again. How devastating that must be, for the people who remain in the dark about their loved one. Wondering always what if and what happened,

    Are they alive or are they dead. But what about the people who went missing and are known to have called out for help, to have been actually heard screaming or yelling for someone to rescue them but were then never found.

    How does something like this even happen? Surely you must be thinking that if someone is close enough to be within ear shot and heard calling for help to search and rescue, volunteer teams or even just a random stranger wandering about

    In the area heard them, then how is it at all possible for that person to never be seen or heard from again. While I don’t have the answer to that specific question today, and we as a society may never have all of or even any of the answers to these same questions,

    Let’s review today some of these cases today. The ones in which people were so very close to being rescued or saved but then that help never came. What must that have felt like to the lost person who was lost? Hearing people who you think are coming

    To your aid for who knows how long? Knowing you’re being heard and maybe even preparing to get back home to your family but then nothing. The search and rescue teams and volunteers move on, possibly walking right past you to go and continue the search for you somewhere else.

    These are just a few of the MANY cases we found in which people were heard calling for help but were never found. They were never seen or heard from again after that. Number 5: Mitchell Dale Stahling On June 19th, 2013 Mitchell Dale Stahling, known to most as “Dale”, his wife Denean

    And his parents went to Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, USA. The 51 year old decided to go for a hike by himself to the Spruce Tree House ruins. The Spruce Tree House ruins is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and was actually constructed between 1211 and 1278 CE

    By the ancestors of the Pueblo people of the southwest. This dwelling contains about 130 rooms and 8 Kevas, which are chambers where the ceremonies of the Pueblo people were held. This dwelling wasn’t discovered until 1888 when two ranchers were trying to find some cattle that had gone astray and accidentally stumbled

    Upon this beautiful piece of history. Dale had decided he wanted to see it for himself and took off at around 4:30 pm with every intention of returning as soon as he was done. After all, the trail was less than a quarter of a mile long,

    Connecting to the Petroglyph Point Trail which is a 2 and a half mile loop with cliff exposure which takes off right from the Spruce Tree Trail. Several witnesses came forward who remembered speaking with Dale on the trail that day, but he never returned back to his family.

    It wasn’t until 7 years later that his remains were found and returned to his still hopeful and still searching family, on September 17th, 2020. But now let’s talk about the mystery surrounding this horrible tragedy. Let’s talk more about what happened to Dale Stahling that fateful day back in June of 2013.

    Dale and his family left their home in Goliad Texas in a camper trailer and headed west to Colorado, a place Dale has always wanted to see and explore. He was an experienced outdoorsman who loved to camp and hike. He was also an avid gardener and was known to spend hours alone,

    At home, just spending time with and tending to his many plants. He decided a day trip to Mesa Verde National Park was the perfect way not only for his family to spend some quality time together, but also for him to make his dream

    Of seeing the sights in the beautiful Colorado National Park a reality. And so, they were on their way. The trail was known to be a bit rough and rugged so initially the Stehlings were only planning to drive to the lookout point and experience the breathtaking scenes from a distance.

    Dale’s parents were elderly and it’s reported that his wife was overweight and nobody but Dale would have been able to hike the trail very easily. Once they got there, however, Dale being Dale and having his great love of nature and the outdoors, decided to seize the moment and finally having this

    Opportunity he had waited for for so long, to be there in Colorado in the Mesa Verde, he just had to get a closer look. 22 minutes before Dale took off for his hike the weather conditions were not that good. The temperature was somewhere between 90 and 100 degrees.

    The terrain was another worry as it was rugged, with steep canyons and mesa tops. The elevation ranged from 6,500-8,000 feet. The hike to the top of the trail, Dale estimated, would take about an hour. This was the average length of time for someone in good health to have made it through.

    Dale was reported missing very soon after he didn’t return at the agreed upon time. His family didn’t want to leave much room for anything bad to have happened and got on finding him right away. The rangers first thought Dale had just probably

    Gotten a bit off track and told his wife to give him a few more hours and if he didn’t return then, to go ahead and try again to report him missing. According to a park public information officer, “The park has never had anyone go missing for more than a couple of hours.”

    Once it had been two hours after he was supposed to have been back, the park initiated a two week long search and rescue operation which included around 60 searchers, 2 dog teams, helicopter surveillance and rope teams rappelling off of cliffs in the Chapin Mesa area.

    This is where the K-9 teams had initially shown some interest in the first couple of days of the search, so this is where they decided to begin. The Petroglyph Point Trail follows a cliff base before descending to the mesa in a series of steep sections

    Of switchback which then had some steps cut into the rocks. Though he didn’t have any water with him on the extremely hot day when he disappeared, Dale did have his cellphone, but after he was determined to have disappeared, nobody could get any kind of response or

    Answer from him when they tried to reach out. Phone records did show him trying to access his voicemail at around 7pm that night, or at least the phone was trying to access the voicemail. We in this community should make no assumptions that it was Dale at all who had tried to do this.

    For the sake of fact though, let’s move on and say it was him. It was for nothing as the call dropped and never went through. According to Patrick O’Driscoll of National Parks Media Services (intermountain region) The majority of Mesa Verde, aside from the few marked trails,

    Is uncharted territory and therefore off limits to hikers. Approximately 5-10 people go missing every year in the Mesa Verde National Park and none of the cases are officially closed, including Dales, until the person or their body is found. Authorities have shared everything from case files

    To random tips with the family but Dale’s wife, Deanan sees things much differently than Park officials do. She says she is “pissed off” and feels the search only really lasted for two days and then Dale was just given up on. She stated, “Now that it’s been a year, and honestly

    The more I reflect on it, I’m just pissed off. Their attitude was: He was there, he was lost, and what are they supposed to do about it?” Park officials say however that rangers in the park were still searching for Dale three months later, though in a bit more scaled back way.

    They insist they did this to keep Dale and his disappearance on their radar. So everyone would continue to be on the lookout for him. In 2014, Deanan returned at least 14 times to the park and is more convinced than ever that her husband had gone missing

    Due to misleading markers and signs in the park, which caused him to accidentally go off trail. She believes he thought he was following all of the signs properly but because they were so confusing, he ended up lost anyway. There is a very interesting account written by a hiker

    And writer named Jodi Peterson however, that was written in 2013 which details an experience she had while hiking the same trail on the same day as Dale was, when he had gone missing. She writes in part, “”After an hour of walking, I suddenly heard a weary male voice call,

    “I need some help.” I thought of the missing hiker. Perhaps after visiting Spruce Tree House, he’d attempted this trail and run into trouble. I called out several times, but got no response. I thought about going off-trail to look, but figured I’d become Victim No. 2 if I

    Tried to scramble down those ledges and cliffs. My cell phone had no signal. I hiked back down the trail as fast as I could, and when I found the chief ranger, I told him what I’d heard. Relief washed over his face as another staffer said,

    “We thought we heard a call for help in that area yesterday.” They quickly began planning to bring in dogs and more searchers. I left the ranger station and stood looking at the opposite side of the canyon, where I’d heard the call. I said a silent prayer.

    When I got back to my western Colorado home the following day, I checked the news, thinking I’d read that the hiker had been found. Instead, I learned that Mitchell Dale Stehling was still missing, and now, 70 people were looking for him. As I write this, it’s been almost two weeks since Stehling

    Vanished, and the search has been scaled down. “A group of us think he’s still somewhere in the park,” said chief ranger Jessie Farias. “We’ve all heard of planned disappearances, but it doesn’t smell that way.” The odds of him being found alive are basically zero, though.

    Perhaps he fell between big rocks in a place where searchers can’t see him; perhaps wind shifts made the dogs miss his scent.” The question though, is this; If Dale was heard calling for help by several different people and searches were immediately put into place and conducted as soon as this was reported,

    Then how did nobody come across him again, even HEAR him again, or find him at all? If they thought they heard a call for help in the same area just the day before, then why weren’t they still out searching? What really happened out there in Mesa Verde?

    Do the park rangers and other staff of this National Park know more than they are saying? This is something to think about definitely, but most likely something we will never find an answer to. Number 4: Dayleen “Moke” Pua On February 27th,2015 a 17 year old named

    Dayleen Pua, known as “Moke” to his family and friends, decided to go for a hike on the “Stairway to Heaven”. This is actually the Haiku Stairs in Oahu, Hawaii. These stairs are basically an extremely steep step structure which used to provide pedestrian access to former US Navy communications facilities on the island.

    This is one of Hawaii’s most dangerous trails and Moke was last seen boarding a bus in Waianae, Hawaii to get to the spot which wanted so badly to climb and see the historical sights of. Dayleen, who lived on the big island, was visiting Waianae to spend some time with his grandmother.

    His grandmother, Martha Bear, stated that the teen wanted desperately to climb the trail, which is forbidden on the windward side of Oahu. She told her grandson she had seen on the news that it was closed down and he wouldn’t be able to access it. Not to waste his time even trying.

    Martha said that when Dayleen boarded the bus and said he was going hiking, she never thought he was really going THERE, to the “Stairway to Heaven” trail. She figured she had already told him he would get arrested if he tried to go there and climb,

    That it was closed down and pedestrian access was being refused. At around 11 am, Dayleen posted his last ever correspondence when he texted some friends pictures of himself, stating that he was finally there, on the trail of the Haiku Stairs and was next planning to climb them.

    He hasn’t been seen or heard from since. His family studied the pictures Dayleen had sent them from the trail right before he seemingly disappeared into thin air extensively and there are some that stand out. These are the ones they are desperately trying to get the public’s help in identifying.

    Unfortunately, the closer you make the image the more blurry and non discernible it becomes. Almost impossible to tell what you’re looking at, though the family is fairly confident at least one of them is Dayleen. The believed they saw a man in the background,

    Far off in the distance of at least one of the pictures and theorize that the man was for some reason following him and could have somehow led to his disappearance and possible demise. The search effort included local fire departments, drone operators, community volunteers, and even the US Navy conducting a land

    And air search to find the young man. All to no avail. A few days after he was last heard from and reported as missing, on Monday March 2nd, two hikers reported hearing cries for help. This information led the fire department to continue their search into Tuesday March 3rd, 2015.

    That particular search was suspended the same afternoon but local volunteers continued to look for Dayleen, combing through the mountains, but finding no sign of him. The Haiku Stairs have been closed to the public since 1987 but are still a very popular hike with locals and tourists alike.

    What should be done with them after heavy rains and powerful storms have damaged them to the point they have gained a somewhat ominous reputation for being not only treacherous but possibly deadly as well. Some people believe they should be fixed, restored and

    Reopened to the public with others saying they should be torn down altogether. The fate of Dayleen “Moke” Pua is still unknown to this day, as is why he wasn’t found despite hikers very clearly hearing him calling for help. Was this actually Dayleen Pua crying out for help?

    Again, we will most likely never know. Number 3: Philip Kreycik Yet another unfortunate soul who decided to go out for what seemed like a pleasant and scenic hike and ended up not ever being seen or heard from again even after being heard screaming or yelling for help is

    37 year old Philip Kreycik from Berkely, California. Philip told his wife he was headed out for a run in the hills near Moller Ranch staging area in Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California. He called her once he reached the trail to inform

    Her it would take him about an hour and to let her know when she could expect him back that day. He was last seen running at around 10:45 am that same morning. Philip’s wife reported him missing the same afternoon he had headed out for the run,

    When he failed to return home and hadn’t been in contact with her or anyone else to let them know why he wasn’t back yet, which was very unlike him by all accounts. Investigators in Pleasanton stated that they had never come across such a bizarre case.

    Either he got hurt and was only able to call out or he planned all of this and purposely disappeared, leaving his life behind and never looking back. Leaving his family and friends to wonder forever what happened to him and why. According to his family, the latter isn’t even an option

    As Philip just wasn’t that type of man and loved his life. Philip was supposed to meet with his wife to attend a family gathering in Stockton two hours after he had initially started out on his run. His wife immediately knew something was wrong and called the authorities.

    Philip is said to have left his shirt and cellphone in his vehicle and although he was running with a smart watch, it was unfortunately not equipped with GPS. Temperatures rising above 100 degrees that day in Pleasanton led many to immediately begin to speculate that the heat had somehow incapacitated the man,

    On July 10th, 2021. This didn’t make much sense to his family and loved ones though as Philip was a marathon runner and was well adjusted to running under such extreme conditions as blaring heat which may incapacitate most people. His cellphone showed that his route was planned out,

    Entirely along very well maintained and manicured trails. Though the park was packed with people that day, not a single credible sighting of Philip has ever been reported. “I can’t even speculate on this one. It’s very very odd.” said Sgt. Aaron Fountain of the Pleasanton police department, who is handling the investigation.

    Philip Kreycik was a family man with two small children, not to mention a graduate of the prestigious Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. He was also listed as a third year student in MIT’s Urban Mobility Lab. Philip went missing on a Saturday, the following Wednesday a family hiking in the area reported hearing

    Cries in a canyon near Sunol Post Office. After receiving this tip, two people who were involved in the search went out to the area and heard for themselves a man screaming for help near the canyon. Experienced hikers in the search and rescue effort

    Set out to go and see if they could hear the calls and perhaps follow them to try and find Philip and bring him safely back to his family. However, once arriving at the spot where the cries for help were allegedly heard by multiple people at this point,

    They heard nothing and weren’t able to locate Philip either. That same night the search efforts were officially called off and Philip hasn’t yet been found as of this video being made almost a month later. Theories run wild as to what happened to Philip Kreycik. From demented and murderous drug dealers taking

    Him hostage to large felines somehow carrying him up trees and feasting, to him just walking off and abandoning his life, which he was said to love so much. However, that’s just what these are, theories as there isn’t even any evidence as to if this was definitely Philip who was head crying

    From the canyon for help that fateful day. Again, why didn’t the first two experienced hikers who were sent out and did claim to have heard at least someone crying for help never find him? This is another case that is completely and totally baffling and runs along the exact same vein as the

    Previous two and the cases to follow, we will never know. Surely if he was attacked and eaten by wildlife there would have been some sort of trail for either the animal searchers or even the human ones to find and follow, at least leading to some sort of explanation.

    We will just have to wait and see on this one. As of writing this approximately 3-4 weeks later though, there has been no sign of Philip found, at all. Number 2: Linda Arteaga On September 22nd, 2012 53 year old Linda Arteaga left her home in Blackwell, Oklahoma and headed out

    To the woods in the Arkansas Ozarks near St. Joe. Linda was with her brother and they were visiting with their sister when, somewhat ironically, her brother offered to take her into the nearby woods and teach her some survival skills. She somehow became separated from him

    And ended up lost in the woods for 5 days. The story she told of her experience is strange to say the least. However, in this community, if you clicked on this video or are aware of all of the strange things happening in the woods besides all of the bizarre deaths and disappearances,

    If you have been paying attention at all and can also clearly see something is wrong with not only the things mentioned above but also with the reports and stories of encounters and experiences had by the people who were lost for however long in whatever part of the

    700 million acres of forests and woodlands in the United States alone, then you’ll understand why it was absolutely necessary that we tell Linda’s story here. As soon as she was reported missing a search was mounted and almost every single resident of St. Joe; a tiny town of not even 200 people,

    And various other volunteers throughout the county set out to find the missing woman. She was eventually found, relatively unharmed, and picked up by an all-terrain vehicle driven by some of these volunteers. Linda was lucky enough to have only sustained some minor cuts and bruises but what happened to her affected her psychologically and

    It was definitely a strange story she had to tell. Chief Deputy Dewayne Pearce stated that when she came out of the woods, “she wasn’t right about her head.” Miss Arteaga reported that she survived by eating wild berries, watercress, hazelnuts and anything else she could find which she knew was edible.

    She also drank water from the creek. At night she huddled on the freezing cold ground, underneath trees for shelter, praying for someone to come and finally find her. She also repeatedly thanked her brother and insisted she never would have survived without the knowledge

    He had just been teaching her about how to survive in the wild. The strangest and scariest part of her entire 5 day ordeal though, was what Linda said she had experienced while out there, lost and alone, cold and afraid, in the unknown woods and trails. She claimed that while she was out there,

    Especially at night, she would see other people there. They would be walking around her along the trails or even right there in the thick of the woods. She would ask them for help or try to get their attention, maybeeven ask one of them if they could point her in the direction of safety.

    However, not a single one of these people even acknowledged her or looked in her direction. People were even hiding behind the bushes, like they didn’t want her to see them. While she admitted while in the hospital that perhaps some of the berries she had eaten caused some

    Kind of hallucination, she wasn’t so sure. She claimed she had managed to stay with her brother for three days before becoming separated from him and knew what she should and what she shouldn’t eat when trying to survive. She is very consistent in her story.

    Think about the people hiding in the bushes. These people definitely weren’t part of any kind of search party. Why would people trying to find a lost woman hide so she couldn’t see them. More than that, they would walk right past her and then try and hide,

    As though they were kind of hiding in plain sight. Were they playing some sort of game? Is this finally proof that there are in fact people living in the woods who either don’t know how to interact with or who just don’t want to,

    Other people who aren’t like them or from where they are from? Is this proof of ferals? Wildmen? How does this all tie in with the strange missing persons cases and deaths we see which are becoming so much more common year after year. Is this what we should be paying

    Attention to when out searching for the above mentioned missing? There was a statement made by the doctor Linda saw after being taken to the hospital when she was rescued which validates her sanity. She was not insane. How much more interesting that she was berry picking

    When she ended up being separated from her brother after three days of staying right next to him. As we all know this is a very common theme as well among the missing in the woods. Both those who are found and those who seem

    To be forever lost. Linda is not the first person, or more specifically, the first woman, to report things like this while either lost or for whatever reason, wandering the woods alone. There are many other reports of women being followed or even chased by what they referred to as “men”

    While being lost in those same woods. This is also very common east along the Appalachian Trail. Think back to the story of little Dennis Martin and how a family out for a hike or camping trip saw what they referred to as

    “a wildman” carrying something which looked like a small child on it’s back. There are also several Park Rangers in the United States who have come forward since retiring and telling stories of “wildmen” living and even hunting in the woods in our National Parks and general forested areas of our country.

    Is this only going on here in the United States though? Not at all. There is one specific report we covered in an earlier video about wildmen and feral humans in the woods where at least one park ranger was attacked by one of these “people”.

    Luckily Linda was able to keep her wits about her despite what must have been petrifying fear and she has made a full recovery after her harrowing ordeal. Number 1: Naomi Leigh Whidden On November 25th, 1994 Dwayne Whidden decided to take his son, aged six and two daughters, ages 2 and 4,

    For a hike in the Chattahoochee National Forest. He parked the car at the base of a large mountain there, unloaded his children and off they went for a day of family fun together. Dwayne and his three kids hike about a mile and a half up an old logging trail and into the

    Deep wilderness of the forest. Later on when recounting the incident of what happened and how Naomi had come to be lost in the woods he stated, “They (meaning his children) were in my full view, my sight and hearing and then she was gone.”

    He stated that they were all looking for signs of animals when suddenly Naomi, only 2 years old, was gone. There was never any explanation I could find of what actually happened and how it was possible a two year old little girl,

    In full view of her father, disappeared faster than he could finish blinking. It’s like she blinked right out of existence. Local authorities brought in bloodhounds and search teams from the surrounding counties to aid in the search for the small girl. Teams of volunteers and SAR headed out well

    Into the middle of the night looking for Naomi and calling her name but to no avail. She was seemingly nowhere at all. Approximately 25 hours after she had first disappeared, a man named Kip Clayton was searching the outer fringes of the search area he and his team were assigned

    To when he said his intuition pushed him forth to go and search another 250 yards forward, leaving the official search area he was looking in when he found her. Laying next to a large log, face down and unresponsive in mud, muck and leaves, was 2 year old Naomi Whidden.

    When he picked her up she let out a small moan. She was freezing cold; her body at a dangerously low temperature and Kip ran as fast as he could, with Naomi barely breathing in his arms, the approximate mile back to the command post. Naomi was rushed to the nearest hospital.

    She was only semi conscious and in very critical condition. While eventually she fully recovered and managed to survive her ordeal, many questions remain about what exactly happened to her. As mentioned before, where Naomi was found was only about 250 yards away from where the searchers would have been screaming and yelling her

    Name the night before, all throughout the night. Why didn’t Naomi respond to them at all? Why didn’t she alert them in any way as to where she was so they could go and help her. It isn’t possible she was face down in the mud the

    Entire time or she couldn’t have survived; surely she would have suffocated. So why didn’t she respond? Did she not hear them? If she couldn’t hear them then why? Take into account when trying to understand these things how close this disappearance was to the Great Smoky Mountains and how many children

    Have not only disappeared there, but were found facedown on the ground. Usually the ones closest to Naomi’s age are found this way. Sometimes when it’s too late. Naomi was very lucky to have survived. Also, why wasn’t I able to find a single thing about

    This disappearance with a simple search? Nothing at all came up about the girl and her disappearance and the one document I did find was completely blank. Hello friends! Today’s episode we’ve got something a little different. We’re looking into some strange cases where families disappeared! Join us!

    We see so many cases of people going missing all over the world. In the woods and out there are people just vanishing, seemingly into thin air and without a trace or shred of evidence left behind. We aren’t talking here about cases that can easily be explained away or where there

    May be some type of reasonable or rational explanation for multiple people, families mainly, going missing all at the same time. These are only some of the cases where entire families, most of them just out together to make some memories and with every intention of ending up back in their homes when the

    Adventure was over. Only they were never seen again. They never ended up home. Where they did end up and what happened to them has never been adequately explained, if an attempt was made to explain it at all.

    Come and take a walk with us again folks, and this time keep your eyes peeled and ears open and see if anything here sounds familiar to you. Perhaps you and your family were out one day doing the exact same thing as the following people were and maybe you came across something strange too.

    Only, in the end everything worked out for you and you made it back safe and sound. Here are just a few examples of families of people vanishing without a trace. John Roberts, Julie Englehart & Brook Roberts John Roberts and his wife Julie Englehart, both 49 and their 11 year old daughter Brook

    Roberts went missing on October 6th, 2019 from Hesperia, California United States. The family had lived in Hesperia but in 2017 had moved to John’s hometown of Ozark, Alabama and then back to Hesperia again in 2019. The trio were staying in a Motel 6 while they looked for work and a more permanent residence.

    Julie had a phone conversation with an unnamed relative on the 6th of October 2019 where she stated she had found a job cleaning used trailers for an unknown business in the Hesperia area. She also told the relative that the family was in the process of moving to Spring Valley Lake.

    She was excited about the new job and the move and seemed to be in good spirits. Nothing struck the relative as odd or wrong about the call and after a brief conversation, they hung up and went about their respective lives.

    Only this would be the very last time anyone had heard from any member of the family. Julie was supposed to call the relative the next day but the call never came. There is no further information about this case and no news since that last phone call.

    The family’s whereabouts are still unknown to this day. Detectives are seeking contact from anyone who may have any information on the whereabouts of John, Julie, or Brooke and are asked to contact Detective Jason Schroeder at the Hesperia Sheriff’s Station at 760-947-1500. Alan & Terry Westerfield

    On September 12, 1964 brothers Alan and Terry Westerfield vanished without a trace. Alan was just six years old and Terry 11. On this day their step-father Carl Bock dropped the boys off in front of the Broadway Theater on Hay Street in downtown Fayetteville, North Carolina.

    The boys were planning on seeing a double feature but when Carl went to pick them up at the agreed upon time, the boys were nowhere in sight. It was just about dusk and there was no sign of the young boys.

    Earlier in the day the boys’ mother, Margaret, had left them in the care of their regular babysitter, a woman named Barbara Temple so she could go to work. When she returned home, she found that Miss Temple had been dismissed by the boys’ step-father, Carl Bock, whom she was separated from at the time.

    Carl explained he had dropped the boys off to see the double feature at the movie theater. Upon hearing this the pair began to argue, which led to Margaret storming out of the house and heading to nearby Fort Bragg to drink at the NCO club.

    When she returned home it was one o’clock in the morning and her children still weren’t home. Margaret then confronted Carl and he explained to her how he had gone to the theater at approximately 7:45 pm to pick the boys up and bring them home but could find no trace of them.

    He said he had waited there until about 9:30 before considering they may have walked home or that she had picked them up instead. Margaret immediately upon hearing this called the police and reported her sons as missing. There were many discrepancies found in Carl Bock’s story including his own girlfriend

    At the time who worked at the theater telling investigators she did not remember seeing the boys at the theater that night. At around 3:30 in the afternoon one of Terry’s friends came over and asked if he could come

    Out and play, to which Carl informed the child that Terry was being punished and could not come outside right then. Also, Miss Temple claims she insisted she stay with the boys until their mother Margaret returned but he insisted even more that she leave and he would care for the boys until

    Their mother returned and eventually Barbara Temple gave up the argument and left as she was told. Margaret, Carl and at least a dozen other people were brought in for questioning but nothing ever came of any of it.

    In the year 2000 when the case was being looked at again, it has been reported that Carl Bock was brought in and was at first incredibly nervous. However, when he was told he wasn’t being charged with anything he became “arrogant and uncooperative” with authorities. What happened to these two young boys?

    While many believe their step-father was involved somehow in their disappearance and that he was somehow looking for a way to get his revenge on their mother Margaret for ending their relationship and while no evidence points towards anything he said about dropping them

    Off at the theater that night or picking them up could be confirmed, the fact remains these two little boys have never been found. No trace of them and no evidence showing one way or another what possible fate could have befallen them.

    To this day nobody has ever been charged with anything and police are no closer to solving this, North Carolina’s oldest missing person’s case. The Salomon Family On October 13, 1982 Stacy Perman, one of the neighbors of the Salomon family, called the police when she noticed the family’s pool was overflowing in their backyard.

    She and her mother went and knocked on the door first but when nobody answered they became concerned. When the police walked into the home that day they were not expecting what they found. There was no one inside the residence but everything seemed perfectly normal, a bit too normal actually.

    Even the bed in the master bedroom was made beautifully and there seemed to be nothing out of place. This was, of course, upon first glance. As the investigators looked a little further, they found 14 year old Michelle Salomon’s bedroom in absolute disarray.

    Her bed frame was broken, the bedding was missing and there were some spots of what looked like blood on her mattress. Elaine Salomon, her husband Sol, their 14 year old daughter Michelle and their 9 year old son Mitchell were all missing. Upon interviewing friends and other family of the Salomon’s investigators found out

    That Elaine Salomon never even made her bed to begin with, so the fact it was made so perfectly at the time of the disappearance was deeply concerning, according to cousin and best friend Dorene Laffer. After a brief but thorough investigation, nothing was found that eluded to where the

    Family could have gone and they were never found. After suffering nightmares for years, Stacy Perman decided to investigate the mystery on her own. She found a man named Harvey Rader, a man who had attended a car auction with Sol the night of he and his family’s disappearance.

    This man’s story was said to be riddled with inconsistencies and flat out lies. Harvey was also somehow linked to three other missing persons cases. At the end of the day however, no arrests have ever been made and the facts in this case are few and far between.

     Theories aren’t hard to come by but it remains to this day that the Salomon family disappeared, seemingly without a trace and into thin air that night so long ago in October of 1982. A whole family, a mother, father, son and daughter just POOF and gone…. How does this even happen?

    We will let you be the judge. Simon Kadwill, Chantal McDougal & Daughter Leela In July of 2007 Simon Kadwill, his wife Chantal and their daughter all vanished without a trace from their South Western Australian home in Nannup in Perth.

    The family were renting a home and a man named Antonio Popic lived on the property in a caravan. Chantal’s father, Jim McDougal, reported his daughter and her family missing in October when he was told there had been no sign of them and nothing but a note that said “Gone

    To Brazil” stuck to the front door of the rental home. He stated, “”After a few weeks I was a bit suspicious we didn’t hear so I actually contacted overseas where they were supposed to be and there was no record so I got really worried and contacted missing persons.”

    Antonio Popic had also gone missing, in November of that same year, a month after Simon and his family were reported as missing, Mister Popic’s brother reported him as missing as well. Investigators found that none of the four missing person’s passports had been used, nor had their bank accounts or credit cards.

    Nothing to indicate they were on a simple vacation as the note left on their front door had eluded. Acting Sergeant Fiona Caporn said they had settled their lease and it seems they left in quite a hurry but left no sign of where they could have gone.

    None of the four had ever used their cell phones again either. It is a huge mystery as to where any of them could have possibly ended up or why. Sergeant Caporn stated, “As far as we know a couple of days before they went missing

    They sold the car that Chantelle owned, they left their property in their house at Nannup and they haven’t been seen since.” Simon Kadwill is said to have been a very charismatic cult leader and therefore the search for the family and their friend has led to investigations into whether or not

    They had run off to join some kind of religious sect. Though many reports have come in leading the police to think this may very well be the case, no conclusive evidence has ever come to light making it a fact.

    The police have also issued a national Missing Persons alert and have continued working on the case and following up with any and all leads, regardless of how trivial, that come in still to this day. What happened to this entire family and their lodger? How could four people just vanish into thin air?

    This case also has so much rumor and speculation surrounding it but at the end of the day, when basing opinions solely on fact and evidence, there is almost nothing to go by and their whereabouts remain unknown. While all of the cases we have discussed here today contain different circumstances and

    The people come from all different walks of life and time frames, one absolute fact remains constant and the same, every single one of them seemed to vanish into thin air never to be seen or heard from again. The fate of not knowing is sometimes said to be worse than actually knowing the friend

    Or loved one has been deceased or what did actually become of them. In these cases and so many more across the world, rumor and speculation tend to twist the case and bend it one way or another and sometimes even turn it into something which cheapens the memories of the missing.

    Let’s not do that here folks. Let’s keep it respectful and continue to not only pray for the missing and their loved ones but also to come forward with any and all information, no matter how trivial it may seem to us, to the proper authorities in hopes that some closure can eventually

    Be provided, and justice if necessary, to the families and friends of these, the lost people of our world. Some very strange disappearances indeed! I look forward to your comments! But please keep it friendly and respectful! As always, be good to yourselves and each other stay safe out there!

    And I’ll see you just a little farther on down the trail! I’m Steve Stockton and I’ll talk to you next time!


    1. In the beginning of Jeremy's case he left his wallet and $40 but his mom told the cops he had lost his driver's license and hadn't got a new one yet. Then in the end those people had found his driver's license washed up by the lake?

    2. I find this to be so relaxing, despite the scary, creepy nature of the subject matter. It must be the voice. It gives relaxing vibes.

    3. I am very interested in the missing & especially in the National Parks & wilderness. I live in the Smoky Mountains area . I know the feral people existed years ago, mostly all gone now. What we have now are mostly those running from the law & the mentally unstable wondering around. There have been countless instances of regular people, hikers, hunters, home owners, police officers, seeing creatures that would fit Big Foot & many signs of them over the years they are definitely NOT people, feral or otherwise, but are animals & not supernatural but very scary. In all reports they howl, throw rocks to scare folks away. There is nothing that has aver been proven that BF or the old timey feral people ever ate humans, I don’t believe that at all .

      There are SO MANY plausible reasons for someone in the wilderness to go missing, if anyone has ever been out there, it’s extremely easy to get turned around & lost, disoriented, panicked, then dehydrated & hypothermia, drinking from contaminated waters, falling , many bug bites & poison oak , altitude confusion & more. That is why no one should go alone & always take supplies & protection & a device for sending out a SOS.

      All that said I do believe something odd is happening in the National Parks, & I do NOT believe it is paranormal, but something else , it’s Federally owned land & I do believe it probably pertains to the government, especially what we have now, & since it’s escalating so much & mostly on Federal land that seems most likely & notice it’s mostly those who go off alone. I am also very concerned about these missing people as well, & their names & stories need to be shared & I do appreciate you doing that !

    4. I know its "trendy" to try to make everything into a conspiracy, but I don't know how you can say that sudden bad weather making hikers get lost "defies logic or explanation." Some things are mysterious. I believe in the supernatural, aliens…all that. There are plenty of mysterious things regarding missing people. But when its poor visibility making someone get lost that's just about the least mysterious thing possible.

    5. Steve When you here of Millions of People that have gone Missing, to the Christian God, the ones left behind wil Say that they were beamed up to the Mother Ship by Aliens( Don’t you believe it) the Lord God Has Got them( It’s called ie the catching away or the Rapture, thoes left behind will Suffer the 7 year Tribulation.) if this sounds really Weard to you, Take Heart But the god of this World is on a Rampage Abducting Humans through Paranormal Means.

    6. Where do all these missing people Go maybe they are being Held in Suspended Annimation pm clue is some people get confused And disoriented and yes Strange Weather accompanies this in most cases

    7. What I wonder about Margaret, as ridiculously head-strong as she obviously was, she told Ralph she was going to try to climb out on her own.
      What if, on one of those attempts she fell to the location she was found & severed her artery & died?
      She may not have had that injury initially when she was calling everyone.
      Ralph could have initially made it to her & she fell down 400ft lower where she bled out.

    8. I believe these people stumble into the vail of a dimensional change. I believe your memories, while in an alternate dimension, stay in that dimension. I think it's like trying to remember a dream you had the night before. Try to remember it before it disappears from your mind for good.

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