February 17, 2024 from Bear Valley, CA.

    Where was his qualifying time he was fifth in his qualifying run svic beat the Alex Tais from Switzerland then it was anony with trouble against sovic so sovic facing for che here first two runs to determine who’s going to move into the finals and

    K L sh yeah so for che coming from a professional family background dad was a pro tennis player also George cheek was the 202 National skier of the Year also Snow Sports Hall of Fame in Colorado that’s fjor an Olympian a world championship competitor then Christian sovak Oslo

    Norway half Brazilian half Norwegian won the first event back on Saturday January 13 in Aspen 22 years of age a student athlete at a Denver University ski team that is Christian SOC over on the blue course ready to load him up Kevin and uh it’s going to be an even start this will

    Set the pace for the second race yellow yellow yellow give us some green racing under way out on track they go forek gets to jump over SOC down the pitch he goes the big strong powerful forek and really get some energy out of the ski off the first jump forche is a control

    This run clean turns on that steep pitch after you come off the jumps that’s the key right there forche pulling away over svic now over the second jump it’s still for check but here comes soic trying to make up some ground a for over to bottom bumet forek still leading Here Comes

    Soic we have to go to the clock look like soic what a comeback by SOC wins the run by15 for che led the whole run SOC stayed focused and gets it just by an arms length at the Finish Line you know the way that soet got into the bullet

    Before the last gate regardless of how fek reached down the hill that was a differential maker right there that that was going to happen no that was special okay setting the stage for the next race going to be good for the next round between those two let’s get this

    Going with kerer and shabel kerer is on the red course right hand side looking up watch out for him and L shabel the Swiss Speedster he’s on the blue course last year’s defending champion from this event David ker and then lock on that blue side okay looks like the blue course has

    A gate malfunction we’ve got Kyle rasmason longtime Legend around these parts and uh us ski team member he’s going to put that gate right back in place and we’ll get going with racing yeah these guys the way they clear the gates it’s popping out of the snow soft

    Snow underneath the top hard layer it’s not allowing the the gate to grab and stay in the snow so little Course Maintenance is that’s one of our racers actually uh one of our German Racers putting that back in there Frost is helping out David kerer probably

    Carrying the gear for him and yeah so Kyle raspon there putting that snow gate back in the snow was so good good little uh anecdote for L shabo reading his his uh bio his career highlights the only thing he put down was my future win at the world Pro

    Ke tour so looking to the Future to see what it looks like he’s he’s he’s got uh a few races two races specifically to see if he can get into the finals at least that’s L shovel from vrs France a 23-year-old ladies he’s single and he’s going up against David ker who’s not

    Who’s married to Rie stegler uh with baby and toe at home racy showed up a couple seasons ago at tals with baby uh Rosie and it was funny they’re they’re kind of passing the baby back and forth as kerer and racy were both both racing in that event rson finishing up little Course

    Maintenance and we’ll be ready to go reset nice job Kyle hip hip hooray well of course you can’t get it out of snow when you want to but uh well maybe we’ll just stick with that yeah just push it in a little deeper again second stop of three we’re going

    To go to tal ski valley T ski valley on Easter weekend approximately six weeks from now there he goes reset that the outside static pole you know what this is right here this is tremendous positive payback for all the years that Kyle rasmon knocked Gates out when he

    Was on the World Cup blistering through its speed so you know that’s just patience and tenacity thank you Kyle we are ready to race with shabel lock on the red blue course ker on the red course we’re ready to go ker buckle up looks like the wind has died down for a

    Second up there these guys make their preparations for their first run of the round of eight ker red lock shabel the blue Kevin Kylie starts the Cadence the lights go from yellow to Green see if we get the timing just right to get the jump out of the start looks like ker

    Maybe got a jump over on the red course side down the pitch they go CER if anything a little bit of an advantage on that red side as they come to the first jump ker touches down out in front But Here Comes shabel pulling alongside kerer still a little advantage on the

    Red side as they head for the second J crucial Landing there not letting the skis BS ker at the top of the turn gets really wide there here comes shabel on the blue course side towards the Finish it’s going to be ker getting it done and the advantage going to ker

    347 to David ker three three four S to ker nice job kerer you got a little Lo Lucy goosey on that last jump but did not let it affect him so kerer you have the advantage going into the next round and we will whip those athletes out

    There licky split it’s going to be F and sovic going next as soon as we get them back up top we’re going to take a small break collect our thoughts and get them back up for more racing here at be Valley e for e e for e

    In venu good to have you Aloha it’s time for the next iteration of the final four they’re going to swap sides so Philip Philip forek and Christian sovak are going to go this time soovac the Norwegian will go on the red course for the Olympian and World Champ competitor

    He’s going to go on the blue course who’s got the advantage CL so so will be carrying a 0. 105 not much of a margin so the doors will open simultaneously and we’ll if he crosses that Finish Line first it’s all soic but for check’s pretty powerful was a turnaround for for

    SOC and it happened at the bottom it was forche that led that run all the way to the final few Gates where SOC made a big charge and picked up that point one5 little over tenth of a second he dropped into that bullet tuck and that made the difference so again it’s not

    Going to be the first one across the finish line here there’s a point a tenth of a second difference it’s kind of a a blink of the eye so let’s see what happens here they’re up top cameraman Robbie getting into POS position thanks to our starter and everybody on staff

    For making this whole thing come together and into the gate goes forek he’s on the blue on the red is SOC one of these two is going to go to the final so here we go with the Cadence the second run so carries advantage over on

    The red course this run if he could get out and stay out front of for che he’ll Advance into the finals your tour leader right now is SOC but for che he’s not going to give any ground to so SOC as he touches down with the advantage needs to

    Make up a little over tenth of a second wild is for che and he’s done he’s out Shenanigans out he went on goes soic to the finals again second time this season SOC who will they be facing ker shab coming up next kerer carries the advantage he’s moved over to the blue

    Course this run y so for check we’ll take a peek back as to where it went South for him but for SOC he’s going on to another final here it is off of the top Air coming into Plain View arms getting wide Los this pole there’s the there’s a

    Downfall loses pole tries to regain it not able to make it around that last gate so out goes uh for for so for looking back not happy with that obviously so SOC the first to populate the final bracket kerer with the 347 Advantage about to see if he can get himself back

    To the top of the ladder here so let’s look and get the points SOC right now with 65 points Mike leny out with 63 we just saw four check go out in that round Simone breit Fu celander pulled out and let’s look down David kerer is in seventh in the overall point standings

    Not happy with with his result in Aspen so ker has an advantage an opportunity now to get back in the hunt for the overall yeah well for SOC this is only doing well for his overall status with a victory in Aspen and another good second place anyway let’s set the stage for

    What’s happening present on the blue course David kerer with 347 advantage over L shabel who’s on the red course so uh something to take in to consideration here ker with a lot of experience defending champ from both events last last year had the Clean Sweep lock stalling on getting it to the

    Start doors there as seems like he’s got his glove off and yeah doing what he’s got to do to get himself ready into into position goes all right getting the legs warm we’re at 4:25 local time here at be Valley quite a few races yet to go we

    Want to thank the local mountain staff for uh accommodating us we’ll get through this and in the gates here we go the Swiss competitor the red course look David ker with an advantage the German competitor 34 Advantage for ker he just needs to play a smart game and get her

    Done out on track they go looks like ker may have got a little bit of a jump on shley down the pitch they go ker out in front but not by much as they go off the first bump maybe it’s not even kerer with the advantage yeah slight advantage

    On the blue course side kerer starting to pull away but shabel not giving it up at all coming to the second bump it’s ker with the advantage touches down oh maybe switch back over to sael oh oh he’s a trouble all over the place he goes tough break over the bottom jump he

    Goes it’s going to be ker moving into the finals to face off against soad yeah ker playing a smart move there not trying to uh to get uh too aggressive knowing that shabel had a a little issue so both of them missing Gates but it was

    Shabel who went out first so shabel is going to go into the small final with fek ker will join sovic in the final Throwdown here’s a look back right here oh he got he got wide and thre that out riger and ker right there notice hey

    You’re in my Lane bye-bye no pressure on the front of the ski did not want to turn so discretion the better part of valor there not trying to make a move and and blow yourself up with those 165 slom skis you get too much on the tail

    And it’s just a launch situation so they is stiff that’s for sure we’re setting all four of those guys back up to the top we’re going to do small final and Final Four more races total to wrap up the day here at beer Valley for the world Pro ski tour we’ll be right

    Back for for you for e e almost I tell you we are ready for more racing that is my worst French accent I’ve used in a long time for you f yeah tell you what my friends Philip forek and L shabo are going to do the small final this is

    For third and fourth place this is going to be one of two races then we’re going to the big final with Christian soak and David ker what are your thoughts Kevin Clark so for che will be on the red course just first of their two final

    Runs for che uh this will be a good one these guys are pretty evenly matched uh forche was your fastest qualifier shovel was second in qualifying so this will be a battle royale all the way to the Finish if you have the energy long day for these athletes a long day for the

    Staff big thanks to everybody involved with the event a real challenge you tell it would be good Kev to have a headlamp sponsor about now yeah not just for the athletes but for the the workers afterwards you know our good man Barrett Stein right here is uh getting warm for

    Me knowing he’s got work ahead of him and the whole staff we want to thank very much Barrett high five right here uhuh thank you very much doctor uh your thoughts before we start racing get in here come your thoughts real quick uh how awesome has today been in Bears uh

    Race staff the race staff are our race staff Fair Valley’s race staff incredible job today we had every variable you could possibly imagine I think today for a race and we’re going to pull it off it looks like so very grateful for everyone a type of day

    Where you might just think about pulling your hair out fortunately you and I have none so that was not an issue whatsoever but if you’ve been through this before all over the map it’s part of the part of the deal and we’re blessed and

    Fortunate to be able to do it here at be Valley again we want to thank uh bear they’ve done a great job and the Cali pass also you FKS are watching know Cali pass four different Resorts starting in Mountain High down in Southern California and then working the way up

    To the central series you got Dodge Ridge China Peak and the last one added was be Valley and this place has a lot of history in the name of racing and we’re stoked to be here to have another go at it and tomorrow Kevin I believe there’s more racing talk to us about

    That so slalom portion of the weekend tomorrow so we’ll put the athletes into their respective bre pets according to points so GS qualifier Sol points SO waiting now for for cheek and shabel to get behind the Gates start this first run of the consolation round appreciate all you folks at home

    Being patient and sticking with us through the challenge as you can see not a nice day up there wind is it off and the seating is seeding today or the results today we’ll qualify we’ll put our ladder together from those for the slalom portion so build the ladder hey reminder to all

    Athletes after the competition is finished head back up for a for a slip you obviously tomorrow’s set will be different being a slom race and right now it’s all about look and F Che all right signal comes down to send them from television Kevin Kylie at the top with the rest of the

    Staff David McVicker and Mark Al Morano comes up from Talos heading to Talos at the end of March hopefully we see some sun yeah this has been a challenge this season for all involved every time you get to an event we bring a snowstorm with us

    Snowed the whole time we’re in Aspen and we’ seen some serious dumps here and looks like it’s let up a little out there for now so help them with the visibility yeah as we watch for che and shabel make their final preparations for che repr representing

    Ceta he holds the CU record with 15 top five GS finishes his dad was a pro tennis player he’s on the red course looking up from vr’s Switzerland L shabo is on the blue course this will be one of two races and we’re dangerously close to getting them started here watch for

    The Christmas trees to turn colors all right Kevin Kylie official starter for the Pro Tour we call him Chef something great meals for us we have a condo out on track they go looks like it’s going to be forche with the advantage coming out of the gate strong

    Forche into the first jump they go working those arms really get the energy lost the ski up there tough break for the Pro from Switzerland Barrett Stein all excited in here when he saw that ski pop off so for che still focused on his course doesn’t know no he’s back there

    You always want to keep going because you don’t know if guy could jump back in you make a mistake and go out but not going to happen today for che wins the first run he takes a 60 advantage over l so back to the top we go Uncle Le yeah

    St just set we’ll watch a replay on this as we watch L walk across the there we go so down the pitch he goes chances are there might have been a little bit of snow underneath or he just booted out and man yeah boot it out

    There yeah you can’t see too much snow in the bottom of his boot but nice uh nice tenacity right there sa off that save okay back up top kerer versus SOC it’s GNA be kerer on the blue course sovic on the red course ker won both events here last year Christian sovak

    From Osa Norway won the first event this season and Aspen like the way that felt and here he’s in the finals again so Kylie will begin the start Cadence for for the first of two runs for the finals here at Bear Valley so here we go ker blue course

    Sovic red course listen in for the golden voice of Kevin Keeley so Kylie up at the start there big bicker and out the Morano our staff and volunteers up there long day for these guys having a stand outside all day long have your heated socks and heated gloves on Kylie’s barehanded up

    There as he starts the kick here for the first run of the finals here at Bear Valley out on track they go a little bit twisted coming out the red course side with so up he gets the advantage over ker ker staying focused on his own course into the first bump they come

    It’s soic with about a ski leg Advantage as they touchdown down the second Pitch we go clean turns by SOC at the top gets a good high edge angle really running the course well over the bottom bump SOC touches down out in front here comes ker

    Starting to pour it on on the blue course side soic out in front at the bottom buet soic going to get to the line first sto by much across the line to go soic wins the Run by 518 almost Max differential your winner from day

    One in Aspen SOC on top of the charts with a0 518 over David kerer yeah kerer on before that second air had himself a a little bit of a an issue where Barrett Stein jumped back put his foot in the hot tub and was concerned for a a moment

    And uh rightfully so but cerer up against the ropes will SOC have a victory here as he did in Aspen one more race to figure that one out and also for che and shabel they’ll head back up two more races remaining we’ll be back to be

    Valley with the final final of the world Pro ski tour for e for for e e for e e e e Andy don’t only happens once a day and we’re not talking about the sunset folks nope we’re talking about the small final then the big final and we’ve already

    Thrown down one iteration of both let’s get going with the small final L shabel and Philip forek hello this is Uncle Lee alongside Kevin Clark what’s The Showdown throw down looking like Uncle Le was phip forek with a big win there 60 Advantage we saw lock lose the ski is

    Outside ski popped off he skied out of in one ski looking back up the hill dumbfounded by why ski possibly came off on that run so tough break for lock so he’s got his work cut out for him four Che with 610 of Advantage the doors will

    Open simultaneously all for has to do is cross that finish line within sight of shabel and shabel gets out front he can Pace him so we’ll update you when they cross the finish line and then it’s the finals the final run of the day Christian svic with a 518 advantage over

    David kerer right now the small final coming as yeah the only thing worse than than throwing a a shoe is having the snow move on you like in an avalanche that is actually that’s like both skis come off and all of a sudden your feet get out from underneath you but uh no

    Slides here today except for fast edge control for these two for the battle for third and fourth place and each one of these points is going to ACR more points for the overall tour so each run counts and L Shel from vrs France 23-year-old part of the Westminster College ski team

    His career highlights as you mentioned before my future win at the world Pro ski tour so he’s got guaranteed a third or fourth here that shovel and then for check the olympion the World Champ he’s on the left hand side off and running right now so out on track to go four Che

    Over on that blue course side has the advantage after the first run of 610 of a second so he just needs to ski clean and smooth and not let uh shabel get too far out in front of him so we control pretty even run as they drop down to

    Pitch this is the small final again 60 Advantage after shabo lost a shoe on the first run it’s looking like it’s for che is getting left behind now across the line let’s look at the clock sha WIS it by 423 not enough to make up the 60

    Looks to the sky and it’s for che your number three in the overall standing going to tour taking third and shabel in fourth so good race there let’s go back to the top it’s One race remaining it’s Christian sovak on the blue blue course with David ker the German over on the

    Red course this is for all the marbles the point differential is 518 held by Christian SOC so Kor has to hammer down all the way throughout it’s soc’s race to lose out on track they go ker with a powerful start soic not far behind this guy’s figured out quick ‘s your tour

    Leader right now with the advantage after the first run it’s going to take a mistake right now to unseed him so down the second Pitch they go so right there with kerer he has his 5.18 Advantage after the first run kerer needs a pull off some magic down here down the pitch

    Kerer starts to pull away now trying to straighten out that red course best he can way back on his Tails he knew he had to do something it’s going to be so bad Christian SOC with another Victory here on the world Pro ski tour David ker

    Giving him a thumbs up taking away all the money in the points today your tour leader Christian SOC starts to stretch his Advantage I’ll go out to the crow do some interviews you can take care of business in here do it go down there kerer just throwing all the marbles out

    On the race course here and SOC taking the victory the Oslo Norway native half Brazilian half Norwegian walks away with $10,000 check and a beautiful Seiko watch he’ll get high fives props and accolades all athletes all athletes that are around if you can hear this in the

    VIP Booth get back on out here it’s your course to make look real nice tomorrow so come on out here jump on the lift and do some sliding if you can get on the lift that is thank you very much and we’re going to toss to a short break and come back

    With the awards ceremony great job everybody we got it done I need to write yes for e e check check check one two one two three all right ladies and gentlemen out here in finish caral with our four finalists here been a long trying day big thanks to everybody here

    At the mountain I see Brad over there and the rest of the crew Colin rasmon everybody putting in 100% effort to make it happen today we pulled it off let’s get right to it in fourth place L shevel come on up l in the small final yeah athletes cheering along and

    Then the number one qualifier in the number three spot today Philipe forek and your tour winner two races last year here David K going to have to settle for second place today look at the energy you guys got still it was a long day up there fortunately it wasn’t super

    Cold all right and number one today number one of the tour coming into this race weekend and stretching it out Christian SOC so Christian dominating tour so far this season must feel good oh yeah feels amazing I mean I don’t know what to say that’s all right we’ll say it for you here so any other words Gentlemen let’s go down the line well thanks for a job it’s been a

    Long day but it was fun we had so much fun here that’s key David yeah I can just second that uh fantastic day of ski racing we had a lot of fun obviously when you’re in the final you want to win but tough battle with this guy over here

    And we go go after it again tomorrow unbelievable ski racing out there today Philipe thought it could have been yours well yeah I thought so too but wasn’t so that’s what it is uh I had great fun I want to say thank you to everyone participating and you know

    Helping out do these races including bar valy and all the sponsors thank you all right great day we’ll be back out tomorrow we got Chris Hill from Mazda G to come up and present the 10,000 th to Christian sovc and picking up another Seiko watch Jill janetti from Seiko presenting the

    Watch H very nice

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