With a stock of good wishes, you possess the remarkable power to transform negativity into positivity. Good wishes can turn despair into hope, doubt into confidence, and obstacles into opportunities. This positive transformations create a shift in perspective, enabling us to find opportunities, learn from challenges, and ultimately cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life’s journey.

    Years old which is where he spent his life until now um and then took Gan at the age of 35 35 and then within six months went to B um but before that was not interested in religion at all um and within when he met B um was so

    Intoxicated and has been a teacher um in the UK and there’s many many classes um on the loic level he’s educated to degree level um but now works in um the building industry but soon to retire So today we’re going to have a class I think for an hour is that right

    Um on the topic of um how to use Baba CH so so which year was it when you met B that I actually well first of all it’s very lovely to meet you all and to be in Thailand this is my first time in Thailand and I wouldn’t to be here if it

    Wasn’t for my daughter I would straight to mother so after Thailand I’m going to Mother two weeks back to the UK um yes I took G in July 95 and I I have been searching for God for a long time but not in the form of religion religion always

    But I read many many books on on God and I had the sort of Fortune to understand different religions so read many many books and and like with most Souls who come to Baba something happens in their life you know it’s a difficult moment challenging situations and and then there’s like

    You’ve lost hope in the in the old world and and it’s that moment of that well you know Baba’s talking about faith it’s that moment of Faith Comes okay Baba hears our call answers our and he certainly answered my call actually n months after that I went TOA to the whole

    Family because my wife came into young six months prior and I didn’t know she was practicing meditation for me it was um religion was a big turn off because I I found the hypocrisy just the just the M pull it out yes is that better always have technical issues

    Wherever we go no not yet have to shift it up that you might have it was this the intoxication of knowing that this was God I done the literally within one week it was literally I my wife had sort of asked me would you like to do meditation and I

    Said no it’s not really for me right I I had these like stereotype images of people practicing you know and sitting in these difficult postures so it was not something for me but she persevered she kept going and really I it was I went to keep her quiet And when I went it was like wow um it was an old it’s like an Terrace House in Inland what happens is there’s a lot of these old houses side by side so on the outside you think there’s not much here and that’s what happens with a lot of bab’s houses

    Is there’s not much and then you go in and and you feel the vibrations and something happens and at that time there were two houses in leester the original house that they had opened where they live and then the house adjacent to where they live became Baba’s house and

    It was upstairs in um Baba’s room that actually did the course and the interesting was there was a big translate a big translate of U rababa and and the brother just this is my very first lesson just went out and I thought this this person’s looking at me it’s like a photograph I

    Said he said it’s almost like he real he’s looking at me and so while he was out you know what I did I got up and I walked to the other side of the room and I felt his eyes were following me and I thought this is this is interesting so

    Anyway um at the end of the session um it was a very interesting because it’s it’s the lesson of the soul and I asked who this person was and I thought he tells me he’s God I’m going Now and um he didn’t say that he said well he’s the founder of the establishment and um it’s there as a pi of respect and I could buy into that you know I didn’t have any problem and that was the moment and then everything just

    Cliar it just came it was like it all made and literally I realized even before he told me that that point of light was CAU so that was my fortune and then I had this meeting with Baba in on Shanti B uh it those moments it was just you could

    Still go onto the stage for the first Tim is and take richy it was a big CU and I met Baba twice um I was there for about 3 weeks and Baba was coming every at that time so that was a real really intoxication I I remember it well and I

    Thought wellow here am I and there is God you I said to myself that’s God so so that was the um starting point of my journey and I’m sure you you have your own wonderful story to as well I always think as brahmins if we just wrote down

    Our own experiences and they were put into it would be amazing yeah because each one of us as like Baba says is unique and we have searched for Baba more than any other souls and we are the first ones that recognize Baba so that is the greatest

    Fortune that bab’s children have is that they recognize Baba and they recognize themselves and they recognize the knowledge that he gives so Baba comes in this most elevated most supicious confence stage and like he says he comes at his own time you know it’s not a second earlier or a

    Second way it’s absolutely precise and and he comes because he wants to make us pure yeah he’s come to to restore our own dignity our self reses and to make us realize how special we are because we over the years since the beginning of the AG we have forgotten who we are

    And and that is led to a world which is in in dire straight in terms of conflict and sorrow and so to Baba to come into this physical world is wow yeah so Baba comes and says he’s okay I’ve come to give you the inheritance that I come and

    Give you every cycle which you claim so he says I give you myself to you I Surrender myself to you and you surrender yourself to me as well but in that context we’re number wise yeah so why is it that some Souls really Excel and some Souls don’t move as fast

    As or they don’t take as much as they could do I hold here I can hold is that better so much better when I came to uh baba um you know we had that enthusiasm and Baba was talking about Zeal and enthusiasm today and once you say yes to Baba there is so

    Much that he teaches us so one of the areas that I learned a lot the sand department so I’m became pretty good uh um the sound systems so for years many years I looked after the sound system in leester as well and now that’s been given to someone else it’s a different

    You have a sister who’s in charge of that particular department so in the confidence age Baba makes himself available to his children and he’s like a resource he’s the greatest resource that we will ever access and he only comes in this one moment in the conference age

    And so he teaches us through the model and it’s there in black and white it’s not a question oh did Baba say this or I have this feeling no it’s absolutely clear in black and white through the models the Baba spoke through 1964 to 69 in what we call the U

    What will become the the Gita the 18 chapters of the Gita what we call is and like you know everything in life we’re so unique you know we take what we want and I realized that there are some Souls who seem to really Excel and some

    Souls they they go not as as as fast as they could so what is the difference and it’s all about first understanding who it is that is actually teaching us so the first thing we need to recognize who who it is that’s actually teaching it it’s like B says it’s not a

    Guru it’s not a Great Sage or or a sadu or this is him D1 the one that everyone is searching for the one the Christians are searching for or the ones in Islam are calling Allah he is here and so the first awareness we need to have is this is God the almighty

    Authority yeah and if I have that up Consciousness I can never ever doubt what bab is saying if I haven’t accepted fully B then I will not fully accept what he says and so I will not be able to access all the things that bab gives us and he

    Gives us three things in the in the confence one is knowledge second is powers and third is virtues these are the three three Treasures that he gives in the confidence then it’s just a question of using them and like everything in life if you use something over and over again

    You master it I’m sure you know how to use your cooking knife you’re chopping knife yeah you know I went to a tii cooking class vegetarian and my wife and myself and there were there were a few other students as well and she was using the chopping knif and

    I’ve never used this type of chopping KN before and and because it was so good we went out straight after class after the we bought one we bought one for ourselves for our daughters as well and she used it so much she’d become an expert in the same way the more we use

    Baba’s knowledge the more we follow Baba’s dire the more we become experts at it so when someone says and says you’re so good in using that particular tool is because they use the tool and when they don’t use the tool they haven’t mastered the art of using that particular tool so in my

    Profession I’m in the building tra I work for myself just a small set just to keep myself busy um and we have a lot of tools specific tools to do a particular job but some people don’t know how to use a tool they’re afraid they don’t

    Know what to do with it but I say go and experiment with it explore it and then everything will become easy so I’ve got to explore and experiment what B what B teaches us so listen very carefully what Baba is saying now we’re all number wise there

    Are moments when we have yeah I feel great Baba and there are no moments Baba leave me alone and and I think it it it’s about how much have I absorbed what Baba is saying and you know how many times does Baba says just keep it simple you know

    Like you said in keep it short and sweet just remember I’m a soul how many of us actually remember that we’re a soul how many of us actually say to ourselves I’m a soul tissu so I’m practicing myself when we first come to Baba yeah I’m a s i i was

    I remember the first very first lesson I went going home I’m a soul next day I was seeing all these people and saying you’re a soul you’re a soul you’re a soul you’re a soul and I’m practicing but then that that enthusiasm seems to dip a bit in management it’s called the

    Esur you know you go on a high and then and then you dips down and then you got to go up again hence why it’s called the Esco so we come to B really intoxicated yeah I’m a song you’re a song but then the old world the the old habits the

    Suncar the nature the relationships the distractions all come that take us away from being so Consciousness so the very essence of what Baba teaches us is I’m a soul you know and if I become Soul conscious Baba’s done his part he can go there so first thing I need to do is to

    Listen to what Baba said and and follow his directions that is his shat so we can can write down all the things that Baba wants us to do you know it’s like Baba said today have good wishes of pure feelings for everyone even though they may not uh

    Take those from you but still give that’s a Shri so am I following Baba shria am I following Baba’s directions you know I understand you have an Ikea store here Ike are very big you know the it’s a Swedish um store company and they all they only sell flat

    Pack furniture and they keep it simple and each of those flat packs they have instructions they have a diagrams of what to do in every single step and if you follow those instructions you should get the actual article that you that inspired you to buy but if you stop

    Following the instructions you may not end up with what what was originally that you saw so in the same way bab gives us these instructions and if we follow the instructions exactly we should get the finished product of being happy being content being intoxicated but when we don’t

    Follow about treat that’s where the problem arises so Baba the great coach the great mentor the great teacher the great uh Guru he knows that he understands he understands what we’ve been through so he he comes to our level and then he inspires us to to become at his level so

    How do we use Baba well we use Baba all the time we don’t actually sometimes acknowledge that we’re actually using Baba I mean even to come here to dress up in white it’s it’s like yeah I’m following Baba’s directions you know Baba talks about the power of the SAT the power of the

    Gathering it is much different when you come to a gathering then it is say listening on on on on screen or Zoom but but we understand people have their different um situations so we have to appreciate everyone’s situation we can’t judge anyone but still if you can um a

    Live audience is much better than a recorded audience I mean if you watch football if you like football I know ties like that football going to a live football match is different than football on on a TV and it’s the same with Baba you know you come to a Baba’s

    Gathering Baba’s house you you feel the energy it’s not just oh I listen to Baba but you engage you interact you get to know the souls so first thing is just practice Soul Consciousness as much as possible and I’m still practicing it it’s just getting into the UT and

    Then there are two things that Baba gives us one is maradas and second is shat maradas are not negotiable okay so these are like the rules these are the rules and regulations that every organization has yeah so the mariadas are the basis the foundation of a good Raman life

    You know the aim that Baba often says is to become like LX you know when Baba used to speak the m in the history Hall there would be a picture of L and behind it and he would speak and you know Baba would always come uh just briefly if you

    Ever been to a history Hall he just comes in and then even when he went out he would always be facing the audience and then he would go back and he says this is what you have to become but to become like LXI andion he says you have

    To follow all of these principles it’s like when someone says I want to become fit the aim is to become fit but in order to become fit you need to exercise you need to have a healthy uh diet so all of these factors this holistic approach to uh this um lifestyle will

    Make you healthy but the aim is not oh I I I want to give up this or give up that no the aim is to become healthy so in the same way gives us this aim and objective to become happy to become constantly pure and elevated like

    Lan so the maradas are important so I need to ask myself am I following bab’s maradas accurately or do I follow it sometimes Baba likes this word s constantly yeah he doesn’t like sometimes so I ask myself I constantly follow Baba’s mariadas and these mariadas you can get

    You know you can go on to the Brahma Kumar’s websites and you can find out what those maradas and and there are four pillars of the maradas one is obviously Purity um Good Company Pure Food and and the study so if if I if I follow the maradas

    It’s like getting my Foundation just right and then I fall into a routine and then Shri now shat is slightly different from the maradas shat is Direction according to our circumstances so this what Baba says to one soul may not apply to another Soul because that shat is particular to that

    One Soul so don’t think that I have to do what someone else does because we have to take into consideration our circumstances so let’s say I’m a mother and I have a young child a little baby can I get up and just leave the

    Baby and go to the center at 4:00 in the morning no no that would be doing huge amount of disservice uh to the yagya and and Baba so I need to understand yes I need get up but I can stay at home so that’s correct for that particular soul but not

    Correct for someone who has no responsibility who is free so sometimes people say well you know I have to work at night you nowadays people have night shift people it’s a 24-hour uh economy and then people say you have to you know you wake up at half 3 in the morning or whatever

    Time and then you remember me I can’t do that so your amra is when you wake up after you’ve come home and it could be in the afternoon so if you wake up 2 o’cl in the afternoon that’s your that’s sh so you can’t compare yourself with

    Others so it’s it’s important that we don’t compete with others we don’t compare ourselves with others we need to understand how Baba gives us teachings to use for ourselves in a in a relevant way you know it’s like if you have a knife and you’re right-handed someone may be using that

    Knife in a certain way which a left-handed person would not use so you have to use the same tool but you have to adapt it so shat is where we learn to adapt things that that’s relevant for us so don’t say oh someone said this and

    They said I should do that and I’m not doing it and I and I it’s to make me feel bad no don’t feel bad just just think am I following bab and and you know and you know when you’re following babish you know the sign of following Baba you feel light you feel

    Easy you feel happy you feel contented if it’s burdening us know sometimes like says you have to serve serve serve 24 hours serve you can’t serve 24/7 it’s not possible we have to rest we have to stay uh you know uh we have to fulfill responsibilities to

    Family to to home those who have those situations so take shat according to um our own unique C stances okay so I was very fortunate that when I came to Baba it was four weeks after that I actually came to am I love the Brahman family I thought

    They were great and I used to say I hope I don’t have any kic accounts with these how long was I rahin are the ones that we have the most karmic account with because we’ve been around the cycle for so long and I thought I I I hope I don’t have any kic

    Accounts with these of course we have S accounts and they were they were pushing me to come to the morning class and um there was a lot of resistance from my part cuz I I I wasn’t an early riser like that were thinking so they would ask and I would politely

    Say I’m really busy which you know what that means leave me alone and uh and then someone said to me oh I understand you’re coming to class tomorrow morning so that was like a trick that Baba used on me because before everyone was asking me now someone was telling me there was a

    Difference so with someone was asking me I could say no now Baba knew that we all have a lot of arrogance we have a lot of ego and when our ego is uh touched you know bruised we cannot back down so when that Soul said um I understand you’re

    Coming in the morning and I said to myself I never said I was coming in the morning I never said to anyone I was coming in the morning but now because that soul is said I understand you’re coming and so I thought to myself oh so you think I

    Can’t come in the morning then do you that’s this is the thought I had in my mind so you see Baba Baba’s using my my weakness reverse P yes psychology as as you said and uh

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