Biking the Portuguese coast from Sintra to Porto including Peniche and Nazare.
    Biked March 25 – April 1, 2023.

    This was part of a 5 month long family bike tour of Europe we did on sabbatical.
    See a playlist of all of the videos in order here

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    0:00 Intro
    0:53 Day 11: Sintra to Santa Cruz
    5:17 Day 12: Santa Cruz to Peniche
    8:39 Day 13: Peniche to Foz de Arelho
    13:40 Day 14: Foz de Arelho to Nazare
    14:12 Day 15: Nazare to Figueira da Foz
    18:13 Day 16: Figueira da Foz to Praia de Mira
    23:04 Day 17: Praia de Mira to Canidelo
    30:47 Day 18: Canidelo to Porto

    After the tough pedaling in The Algarve we rested up in Lisbon and explored the city learned about its history and how the devastating 1755 earthquake and fires completely reshaped the City we also took a day trip to the nearby town of cintra home to several castles and Gardens we returned to Central by train to start our journey northward toward Porto along the Atlantic coast making new friends in panish and encountering some offseason closures that made for some unexpected challenges Gotcha are for minutes abur sandwiches are you videoing from the Kasa the absurdo toas oh baby let’s get out all right back another little skit out okay oh all Right all right this a little more like it who is it Sandy way up here little bit o a lot Okay Rita you are Unstoppable Hey guys There’s that Is p we headed just had a nice downhill to get here and that is our road out of Here You Picking Flowers oh it’s beautiful Our destination hello hello little kitty hi hi Oh We had a really great night uh with our warm showers hosts uh Curt and Kathy um we decided not to go to bingus the island um but we are going to go to oidos which is a little town that has a really that has a really great Castle um

    We may stay there or we may push on to a campground so we’ll [Applause] See Oh Sck Break Closed is it closed app it is okay interesting I don’t know why recovering from the chocolate festival or did they just have one here what they had one yeah I think this past weekend ah hoping for some leftovers but this gate is locked so we have our nice little campsite

    Here but we haven’t seen there’s so many other campsites that have um stuff set up on them but we haven’t seen anybody else it’s really weird Like a Ghost Town Campground there all these things set up but nobody Here Okay this is nazare from above we were hoping yesterday afternoon to take this finic up to this point um but it is out of commission for a couple of months for service so that kind of took all the wind out out of our sales last night so

    We ended up staying we found a really cheap Airbnb stayed there got up early this morning and did the climb up much easier than In the Heat of uh yesterday afternoon still no big waves though he supposed to be some of the biggest waves in the world but uh not today Remember then you have to do in an accent Lunchtime found an awesome picking spot we’re halfway through our big day trying for about 80 kilm today and this is a little more than Halfway Okay we’re a few kilometers outside our campsite we are at the inter Mar which is a supermarket and we’re about to get food for dinner [Applause] got a [Applause] little getting vegetables for our tortilla bars for tomorrow’s ride granola with the yogurt for breakfast bread they keep the eggs just on the Shelf

    They don’t refrigerate them like we do but they are there all right we get some strawberries get some Grapes at this inter turn Street Hope all right this is our Spanish Tara which is basically the same thing as a fata oh my God dinner yeah so the bridge we plan to take is mostly closed for construction and we’re taking a a little bit longer way to get across the river um but then

    We’re just going to kind of short circuit and skip stuff and uh ends up being only about a 3 km difference for the day uh so not bad the Tor is being adjusted Rio Mundo looks Nice All right we finally get to cross this River oh my o and there sheep look at the what thaty do there’s baby [Applause] sheep [Applause] there oh my goodness there’s a fourth one my God this our kind of Road great lunch Break car Coming all right this is just what we needed wind should be at our backs after this turn here at the roundabout take the second Exit now exit on road take it right take it right you missed it go around again Big Ben Parliament continue straight get over here you what I said get over here oh py away away over yeah Psy away with the wind at her back that’s much

    Better he was he was scolding you first he was he was wagging his finger was yeah I’m not sure what that means in Portuguese but I can guess o big waves here holy cow let’s look at these Waves Wow where all that barking coming From is he barking at the Cat oh where’s these so I think unfortunately uh seeing elderly people uh working the land has been uh pretty common in the parts that we’ve been to here um I’m not sure exactly what goes into that but uh that is definitely something we’ve noticed we’ve seen very few younger

    People uh doing you know kind of farm work Okay don’t you go ahead yeah Yeah So we just passed the campground that we were planning to stay at last uh tonight uh we were checking the weather forecast and it calls for some rain uh in the morning so we’re going to push ahead today and cycle this uh next about uh 25k in well we still have daylight and

    Dry here and then uh make tomorrow a shorter day To the right what to the right right here what we’re going to the right is this is does do that matter with oh my goodness look at the waves holy moly let’s just look at the waves for a second Oh baby look at that water must have come through and destroyed this wall right here this guy ding give H it’s straight yeah give this guy a ding memes so he knows we’re here cesy Ding yep and then we’re just going to follow this he wants he wants us to come through got unfortunately this construction is putting up dead ends for us oh boy watch out for this there’s a thorny Branch there okay oh [Applause] Interesting okay A little bit of rain just kind of steady light rain the first real test of all our rain gear and thankfully it’s a short day just to get into Porto but it should be interesting yeah look at little layer adjustment Stop Oh memes might be able to go right around me if you can look at her go the rain was a bit of a challenge but gave us confidence that we were prepared to handle it going forward thankfully the weather improved for the rest of our

    Time in Porto as we took in the sights over the next two days this leg of our journey completed we now set our sights back to Spain along the Cino Portugues pilgrimmage route to Santiago de compostella The


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