The first vid in a 2-part series covering the 2023 ABTV Roadtrip in Wales, where we tackle some of the fantastic motorcycle roads in Wales, as well as some trail riding to get things ‘spicy’!

    We ride the Devil’s Staircase, The Abergwesyn Pass, Elan Valley, Black Mountain Pass, and many, many more.

    Hope you enjoy the vid folks, keep SUBSCRIBING, keep SHARING, keep LIKING, and keep letting me know what you think in the COMMENTS section below!

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    Hi yeah we’re here in lster or as I call it Leo Minster this is the first adventure bike TV road trip got a squad of eight Lads and we’re going off to have a little bit of fun in Welsh whales Welsh wet whales let the chaos

    Begin do you weave do you weave is it possible to save Valley without a DOD Sharks oh one one why you why you wearing the best and because I’m being bullied panty kug is that the name of this place got great bad dose of panty kog going on white green twisty it’s whels hi uh right who have we all got on comms hi

    I’m Bruce David David naan Nathan N N Dave another Dave is that us too two daes and Nathan and [ __ ] and a Bruce and a dean and know what sorry Dean Dean hi Dean so there there are the dulet tones you’re going to be hearing on this vid

    Folks I’ll put faces to the tones either tonight or tomorrow I might do it tonight after a beer or two we’ll get them on camera you know how much Everyone likes being on camera but this first once I’ve done my hair oh yeah only after we’ve done the hairs yeah

    Yeah that’s right yeah hair singular hair speak for yourself Bruce well we’ve got a bit of a selection of bikes here there’s quite a few KTMs actually isn’t there it’s usually a GS Fest afri twin oh yeah Africa twin as well y so this first ride tonight it’s

    Only about an hour till we get to the bunk house but it’s a nice run to get there about an hour hour and a half who’s that in front then on the Gs are you on comms no ah yes right sorry it’s cut some we’ve got some non-believers

    Folks here who don’t have the Pack talk or the edge so we couldn’t connect them via the the mesh after um my escapades in dranking area I just rent for my own safety to be included in the crbs there is the safety element for sure isn’t it and it’s for

    Things like you know there’s an issue as well it’s it’s handy you know you can just let somebody know hang on it or I’m just stopping because of this or oh hang on a minute you know something’s falling off the back need a poo I need a poo

    You’ll hear that a lot this weekend the road surface has taken a bit of a hammering hasn’t it know you can’t see it for water yeah yeah over with me and K you can see the roads have taken a hammer in over the winter massive potholes in

    Places yeah go on go on in go on in [ __ ] hell that’s noisy D I see it but I think it’s drying out a bit Yeah be ring yeah this one’s caught a few people out yeah straight down there yeah Superman straight down there that’s the

    One not bad view is it yeah not bad at all be fun roads if it was dry it is a lovely Road in the dry this I don’t think we’re going to escape the rain this weekend somehow how’s everybody doing then good judging my riding now we’ve done the the rapid

    Thing what was that sorry I they don’t be judging my riding now now you’ve done the rapid thing I can’t believe how far he was looking ahead I’ve tried it myself I can’t I can’t look that far ahead yeah it’s impressive isn’t it I’m looking for half bricked in the road and

    Things I always look that far ahead but I like I was saying in a viid I always scan back so I’m up and down all the time it’s changed my riding when you pick the pace up when you’re out in the Nationals if you just keep looking far

    Ahead to begin with just drop your pace initially and it’s amazing how much detail you can actually pick up with your peripheral vision F I’m looking for I’m looking for drain covers and things like that on Ben it’s hard to look that far ahead yeah but you you pick them up

    With your peripheral your peripheral vision and to be honest with you like you hit a drain cover by the time you’ve you’ve like realize where it is and you’re on it you know you’ve passed it so there’ll be a bit of movement want anything you could have done about it

    Anyway unless you’re proper Lent over it’s not going to throw you off the bike oh no no the bike will move but it’s not going to throw the cat you off the bike but these things just catch your ey don’t they you make you make your stand closer to this yeah absolutely

    Yeah yeah this is new folks isn’t it we not done this one before a lot of the roads tomorrow are like this as well oh here we go oh no going to have to put it in in Juro do I stand up stand up oh no let’s

    Whack it in in Juro why not there we go suppose better not wheel spin on their Drive should we probably not the best impression no and that’s where we’re staying that’s the both you there on the right it oh and he stalled it yeah I was meaning this place this shed

    Hia right so this is the bun Coast pretty swi here you got drying room in there washing facilities shower and toilets in there shower and toilets in there sort of living room area where we were all sitting last night putting the world to rights kitchen facilities nachos and lots of

    Beer up here this is the sleeping accommodation so this was the non snoring room and this was the snoring aboard this one was making some impressive noises last night very impressive noises nice place we usually stay at Sweet Lam but um that was fully booked this time

    So grae found this place and we tried it I think we’ll probably come back here again for the next one nice little place very tight on the phone signal though and the Wi-Fi yeah that’s to whether or not you’ll get in it but we’re only here for a night

    It’s a few beers it’s a catch up it’s a chance for everyone to get to know each other speaking of which let’s get on the road and enjoy the first proper day in Wills Wales it’s not raining a KTMs triumphs and the gs’s not that many

    Gs’s is it it’s not that GS heavy actually this one well at least RAC will get their money’s worth it I really should stop saying this one of these days car volume down hey card volume down you better off just rolling the wheel normally what we

    Get is half all through the day you’ve got people going cardo radio off yeah you better off just pressing press you press the wheel it turns it off yep yep yep so how did everyone find that last night happy enough yeah good good I I could hear the snoring from the the non

    Snoring room it was stupendous at times it was really I have no idea how I was contributing to it but when a few times I woke up it was pretty amazing right plan today folks is we are heading straight to rabaris withth to the Golden Archers for a bit of

    Breakfast and then we hit the good roads in Welsh Wales and look although it’s a wee bit overcast it’s not dinging it down happy days so far definitely get the heated socks on come on heated socks is that the case ones yeah yeah they’re really good I I have the um the insoles

    In first and they’re good as well they’re actually hotter than the top are they right yeah they’re brilliant but if you’re not careful right at the back like the wire connec in the back of them and if you’re walking anywhere right really hurts if they’re not in properly

    Yeah yeah I phone with the socks um I would just pull the wire out so that they’d end up not working so I I gave up with them in the end I think you have to uh I I do that on my right one every now

    And then you put your leg over and you feel it pop out if you like took took some of the wire into the sock give you a leeway look got to load the wire took some of that in then it gives it a bit of a pull y

    Y it’s a nice bit of Road this coming up I hope you lot can see something I’m just following your tail Lights Naal I think you’ll find that Nationals different language you think this is a Welsh accent are you Welsh I’ve never would have known what you I thought you were just chewing a brick didn’t realize you were Welsh what’s thato it’s video see that’s the one that you can’t understand that’s the

    One all right then folks welcome back just had a spot of break of past of the golden archer it was actually pretty quick to today compared to what it usually is anyone that’s been on this tour before will uh remember fondly the Golden Archers at abist with the slowest McDonald’s in the world

    It’s not food and it’s not fast pretty much sums it up but now we’re on the road now look at the good times begin it’s a nice little road this so plan today folks is we’re heading uh well we’re heading towards El Valley now and we going do all the

    Reservoirs I’m not sure if we’re going to do the little off-road stretch or not at the reservoirs it depends it’s going to depend what it’s like when we get there yeah let have a go but yeah it’s all it’s it’s it’s an easy enough stret

    To be honest it’s all just sort of slate so you can certainly do it on road Tires panty kug is that the name of this place got a right bad dose of panty kug going on I came down here last year and there was a chop on a on the road yeah got you on the road there was a chop on

    A like a 990 KTM and he had the piers on the back he was scraping his piers down this road phenomenal we wer we weren’t going much quicker than this but he just leaned the bike just never touched the brakes and just land the bike all the

    Time ah nice bit of rain up ahead to where we’re heading too good to be true Thor attack stor don’t you weave don’t you weave what’s he saying is he having a stroke is he okay yes attack me stor he was lovely DOD a weave a DOD a

    Weave yeah I was riding with my visor up quite a bit this morning and I shut the visor and literally a couple of seconds after I I shut the visor I took a stone right between the eyes got Bri an hour mhm this is the Devil’s Bridge Road isn’t it I think

    I think it is like we had some deforestation going on yeah just a bit like what is that what’s the name of this place Stitch it’s probably not is it it’ll be a something we need our our Welsh translator on I clue do you know do you not speak uh

    Well else then no not do you not no man what’s he all right all right oh that’s very beautiful gorgeous a tinge of Scottish about it as well these are the old um was it 10 10 ms down here how is it it’s old Mains

    Anyway a bit of a door up there for you yeah yeah just waterfall up there waterfall up there yeah yeah gorgeous isn’t it I can’t believe you’ve never been it’s great is it I can’t believe you’ve never been here before man I know well this is quite a famous bike

    And Road this no h probably can’t remember right gotcha gotcha have you always lived in Swansea then yeah I always in Swansea Swansea boy FY Jacky Jack really really actionable oh yeah jumped it we came down here on the 125 CC’s when fish and I did the big

    Adventure she she just that last much oh man yeah it was non-stop giggle the whole time I’m trying to get him in uh Rish V I’m trying to sort of budge him up and and get them to commit to doing another one but they won’t like narrow

    It down to right on this date we’re going I’ve got to say you lot of the quietest Bunch on the comms yet I’ll remember the lines that you give us to say right the line was Bruce you’re amazing you’re awesome you’re so much better than TMF that’s what you were

    Supposed to say can you explain how we that pit P thing I will get on that patreon certainly for the viewers for the viewers yes go to yeah oh excellent good good if you’ve joined patreon and you haven’t got your sticker yet I do apologize I’ve been

    Quite slow on that this last year so um I’ve done a bad English if English I want done it I off yeah exactly this is it if you’re a Kel you’ll get it no problem yes let together brought man with you today uh you I might have some I’ll have a little

    Look I’ve got some stickers in my bag but I don’t think they’re the clan ones this is the usual drone stop this oh one down one down run out of talent yeah just right one two three left it’s always the am lot a it it’s always the am lot come on one two

    Three I wish up now now I know there’s going to be loads of you out there going that’s not how you pick a bike up you need to do it I’ve seen the video I’m sure you HT a drop and a bike no damaged you’re good

    Right all right and here’s uh Dave the first winner of the vest of Shame for the Wales tour 2023 just want to spin around for da you were tricked there we go oh good lad why why are you wear on the vest um because I’m being

    Bullied do you need a safe place I do yes and I need a little do to show the place where the man touched us as he put the vest on definitely on the wrong tour if you are after safe spaces this is a nice we run now down

    Alongside the reservoirs into the elen valley is it possible to save Valley without a dodgy well shacket no look at that without doing the look at that Dave you’re modeling that vest particularly well I’ve got to see one question does me ass look big in

    This oh do that again what of you do you work out no but I’ll start yeah they’re big old heavy Beast those aren’t they yeah especially when it’s got lead on it in full fuel tank I think I’m going to have to speak with gam as in gra at the

    Front and um get biker Maya Along on one of these tours every time she comes along the weather’s beautiful it’s always gorgeous when she’s out in Wheels we love it s s the Corner I know am look at that oh yeah yeah wow wow look at that look at that cool better some Pike in there yeah wow the water level’s High that’s great it’s been really low the last few times we’ve been here why me they’ve taken some threes down go need it for

    Firewood they can afford the electricity now yeah true yes oh that’s fun does doesn’t it you can tell you can tell it’s fun cuz they’re all smiling oh no I’m going California in the Redwoods oh look at that Wow first time I’ve seen the um the Overflow working

    Beautiful I got some rain away just a bit look at that do a boogie board man don’t a boogie board right we’re going to go and do the off-road EV bet now most of the boys are all coming I think there’s a couple that are going to stay here see what it’s

    Like in this rain might be a bit slippy but it’s not muddy well certainly wasn’t the last time we did it it’s more like this sort of slate Shaley stuff it’s an uro Pro oh bloody hell I’ve had it in ajuro Pro All Day Jesus Christ that’s why you’ve been so professional

    Cookie off you go gentlemen that’s it I’ve had enough can I go back now yeah that’s it that’s the offroad done couple of Puddles if I come off here you hear a splash that’s why I bought me bins yes right have you got them with you well yeah brilliant might need them to

    Recover a bike you never know it’ll be mine I noticed Steve I’m a professional racer me 4 you went racing you ever been a such and such bit race at wday oh yes he sat on his ass scratching his nuts back at the dam what happened no faster than walking P

    The grae loves all this stuff I’m sorry lad I’m holding you up but I’m not that good you say don’t worry about it m I’m no off-road God either I thought that was a sheep coming at me then it’s waterfall hi ay power does it get any better or worse

    Than that uh it gets a little bit Rocky around the corner but nothing drastic this is pretty much it done this my car I think I’ll call it a day here are you sure I’m positive M okay are you going to turn around and go back I am yeah

    Okay man all right just take it easy oh well why me car coming yeah car coming it’s like a walk in the park for you this it yeah when we can do one footed thank you oh was that man down did you say yeah man down you okay yeah

    Okay it’s all got very quiet isn’t it folks I do apologize look at [ __ ] that’s about as bad as it gets that little bit of shale there so from what I remember it doesn’t get any worse than that just going to be the same I

    Want have carried on guys oh i’ got uh loose Boulders I thought could wet loose Boulders they’re not the I have to do wet loose Boulders but as far as a w SP so what happened to you you professional RAC you we’re aing that a long way away

    We yeah that’s crazy isn’t it how we can all of a sudden we can join in and link up yeah I feel what does make a difference I used to be into CB Radio and if you if you park next to a body of water like I used to go to brington you

    Could get a real long way with the signal like back into Hall which would be I don’t know 30 miles or something like that quite quite easily as soon as you moved away from the seat it stopped and it was the water that did it what’s

    The physics behind that then why why is that what’s the water do I’m not sure it’s it’s to do with something called Ground FL and I don’t know it just bounces off it right bigger I’m sure someone in the comments is typing away feverishly now with

    Plate I got number plate was it number plate I think Che right easier can stand up de just trying to keep the heart rate under control at the [Laughter] moment I find when I stand up I can’t I can’t work the rear brake yeah yeah he

    Does need to be higher you a go too low gotcha that’s it he’s standing up now he’s there he’s there he’s nailed it good lad D good lad the is Curse feel there and if you just steer with your feet now just press on your right P if

    You feel the bike go right bike go left so you can just steer it with your feet you stay St still point point your hips the direction you want to go isn’t it like if you’re going around the corner turn your hips into it that way it Chang

    Moves the bike yeah I’m quite I’m doing Morocco Offroad in July and I’m I’m kind of looking forward to it but also myself the subject yourself myself to go back genuinely honestly going back just seems to go so much quicker I don’t know why but it does nice one boys well done

    One drop who dropped who dropped a bike oh was it you g was it nice that’s Su nothing to it all right we got a puncher just sorting it out now trying to find where the puncture is thankfully I think most of us have got a puncture

    PA kits it’s in the tire thanks for that Dave everyone’s Everyone’s an expert aren’t they everyone’s really helpful not look entirely legal ask no questions not even bought at dinner that’s new job look at that are we having a snoring and not snoring division why line on the grand Bridge uh

    KTM anyone else want to break down please work please work Top Gear rules yeah


    1. The enjoyment of this video would be improved immeasurably if you edited out that shouty Swansea boy – can’t tell a bleeding word he’s shouting. Very annoying.

    2. I want to be in your GANG. Brilliant laugh 🤣🤣always makes my day. Although I think I would be wearing the coveted Yellow Vest all the time, but hey who cares 😂👍Stay Safe

    3. Salt water contains Na+ and Cl- ions. Because these ions are free to move in the solution, salt water is electrically conductive. Increased conductivity attenuates the radio waves as the freely-moveable ions absorb and reflect the wave

    4. Nice video again Bruce, hmmmm I remember days when we got on the bike with a rucksack and tent and hit the road…..but HEATED SOCKS I'm shocked LOL 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Great video. Good to see you enjoying the roads in my neck of the woods! Great video. Next time you come down let me know, I’ll organise some better weather 🌦️! 🙌🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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