Georgia Bell has been one of the revelations of the indoor season and won the UK 1500m title in Birmingham in 4:09.66 ahead of Revee Walcott-Nolan and Sarah McDonald.

    She is now gearing up for the World Indoor Champs in Glasgow but says she still likes the idea of squeezing in some duathlon (run-bike-run) competitions into her schedule this year.

    🎙️ Jason Henderson

    Okay George you’re well done how did that go today pretty well obviously yeah no I’m pretty happy with how the whole weekend’s gone um it was I didn’t know how the race is going to go I hope that I would be able to get that inside Lane

    And hold it um bit of a tossup the means you are leading quite a lot of the race they’re doing quite a lot of work but for me that was going to be the most important thing coming in 600 to go I wanted to make sure I had a clear run to

    The finish so I’m very happy I’m very happy with today felt good today as well felt great felt really good I knew that I knew the PDS were there but it’s nice to know as well I can Championship break through and do rounds and keep calm and

    Get the job done so that’s G me a lot of confid so I guess that’s that’s about 6 seconds or so out outside your PB today is it so yeah today was never going to that feel easier or is it still still quite hard still quite hard still hard

    Um I think over a certain amount it just feels hard all the time yeah so even though um yeah it wasn’t about the time today it was about the Str but yeah always a hard race in a final at chance it’s your is your coach here this

    Weekend here I actually got a really big support crew some of them are up there actually you probably heard them screaming that year theace end which is great so I think I gave next and I went to undergrad at University of Birmingham so it’s a little bit of an extra Oh okay

    Little push being back in my old ground yeah you’ve obviously got the jeon cycling background when you’re in such terrific shape are you not tempted to jump in a je one yeah I will do a couple this season I have to negotiate with Trev and Jen because I know they want me

    To are they mainly in the spring or summer do you have yeah they’re all throughout the year but there’s big competition coming up in May um there’s a couple in the summer as well it’s got to be careful about staying outside of accident but um yeah I I think it helps

    F a lot for running so I want to keep do yeah apart from that what’s your what’s your main goal this year what would you really like to do which distance and and what’s your what’s your dream um I think we’re going to be playing around with

    Distances I’m going to be going back 800 which I haven’t done for like years um but I think the goal is definitely going to be to try and make so what was your PB for 800 it was 203 from 10 years ago okay you’re probably going to smash that yeah how

    Training’s been going we’ve done some specific sessions where like I’ve run like 400 PBS and stuff so I think I think there’s some time to take off there but I’m also not saying no to the 5K either I think there’s time to take up there so we’re just going to see see

    What fit better lot of Versatility yeah yeah excellent well done thank you very much

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