Here I eventually found the footage I had for the commissioning phase of Apocalypse, the sail from Lorient to Cadiz and then later some footage after the Cannes boat show to Corsica.
    I hope this gives you all some helpful information.

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    I’m having a cup of tea ter Terry’s got the traveler in his hands I’ve got the main sheet and a cup of tea and MK my has got the the J1 in his hand currently do 20 knots and also T’s on the phone this is tiry with his family yeah

    Having a great time so TI’s one of my heroes been helping me with the electronics and the kids smashing away look at that new generation you now you see why I work out the forearms h hammering along okay there we go just the wind so at the moment I’m here with Benjamin

    And Benjamin is the after sales uh gentleman for orc catamarans and maret and Composites and Benjamin is here on board just finishing off some bits and pieces and I’m going to turn the camera around the other way in a second and and show you a little bit about what

    Benjamin is doing so Benjamin show how why don’t you show us what what’s going on here well uh I was replacing a pump uh which was not working and uh I to modify the the hoses and the wiring which was not great to me and

    Uh I was almost ready to test it uh let’s maybe try it uh in live yeah and and it’s because I put a camera in your face that you’re know not able to work but um yeah so the purpose of this pump um was one of my own ideas

    Which was basically for the maintenance of the air conditioning which actually sits uh Down Under This floorboard and on on against this panel here the air conditioning is there so what my idea was that you can see Benjamin holding the pipe in your hands very similar to

    What I’ve done in C on which is just have a very simple pump with a filter pre- filter which once you switch it on allows you to get the very last bits of water and helps with the maintenance of the uh the the system because we all

    Know Marine air conditioning it uses the salt water for the maintenance and um every so often you have to clean out the filters from the sea life so Benjamin’s just being an absolute hero and um and and fixing that all up for me make sure everything’s working great um and we’ve

    Been talking a little bit about a fuel polish system which is set up as well and uh Benjamin is probably going to test that later on once we get some time maybe not today perhaps tomorrow definitely in the future thanks man so Ben man tell me what you were were just

    Saying to me there now well when I need to connect cables with uh shrinkable like this ones uh I always I always use more cable uh to make around with uh tie wraps like this this way the connectors won be never pulled and only the wire

    Will pull on the on itself but not the connectors so the connection are safe and this is the same way here okay and it would be easier also if you have to redo the connection you will have more C and would be easier to access and you’re suggesting to use these type of

    Connectors here yeah those ones um and so these These are basically once you put the heat on them they’re waterproof uh waterproof connectors like this you can use a heat as well a bit long to react but and they are soft and they put some glue around the wire so it’s completely water

    Tight okay perfect one of the other advantages of of doing the cables like you suggest over here is that the condensation that may run down the cable also drops down into the build rather than lying on the cable itself and I always uh link them with a cable not

    Which is not cut this this way the the the protection uh will also save uh the the connectors oh I see what you mean so because if you pull on the wire only the tie wraps and the protection of the wire will be uh pulled on and the connectors

    Are still loose I see what you mean so you put the cable tie on you cable tie onto wires that are not cut already so that the strength there there’s no danger that they’re going to be pulled yeah genius genius well thanks for that tip double safety many more to come

    Thanks a lot Ben good to go so your one from muscle and Composites here uh is just patching up a a little bit of a repair and I thought it would be great for you guys to see the master the M um at work uh because this is a skill um

    That is actually very very difficult to do and the reason one is is um is doing this work is because we’ve moved part of the anticap siai system to be uh more effective and uh we’ve moved an capiz system here next to the winch and in another location just to be perfect and

    As a result we’ve left some small holes which need to be dressed up and um the there’s been a bit of epoxy before this stage and you can see what he’s done he’s done a like a hash marking with tape um and um now at the moment the gel

    Coats going on across the top so you can see the screw holes are here and there was one there one there and you’ll see he’s just about to pull the tape off but later on I’m going to show you the next stage of how how he done it what I

    Think is quite interesting personally is that he’s used you know the guide so there’s less um gel coat going on and making the job messy so he’s going to let it dry a little bit pull the tape off and then start the the the the sanding down basically and then the

    Polish one’s just um pulled off the tape and so that’s what it looks like when he’s pulled the tape off so there’s now you know a fraction of the work you know the fairing work the sanding down and and post work so he’s just marked it out

    So he’s let that dry um and then sand it back probably nicely by hand standing standing here next to me here but yeah let’s let’s work basically work smart um as one you want the pronunciation it’s very difficult it’s he’s got Celtic blood for sure Celtic Celtic blood the same as myself

    Wait and so yeah the anticap size system so the reason is that we basically moved the location of the anic cap size system to be um to work better so whenever whenever it dumps it dumps you know the the sheet of the traveler properly um so

    The you know the reparation is just done the repair is done from from where we mve these um you know the actuator for the anticap size system so that’s it just thought it’d be interesting to see I just want you to see uh somebody who’s who does this all day every day doing

    Jael coat repair and and Fairing and the hard you know the cosmetic repair but making sure that it’s watertight it’s not every day you have somebody that that that is really specialist at that on board and I thought it’d be good for you to see how the master does

    It I’m here again the next day with Yuan and uh Yuan has in his hand the uh d c it’s uh 240 grits sandpaper and you can see that after his prep work we’ve dried let it dry and we just got a little bit of fairing now if

    I I just rub my hand and move away the uh thing you can apart see a little Fleck there that he’s going to going to flick up you can actually see you can basically barely see where there was any any um you know drill put before unbelievable um so yeah absolutely

    Incredible um so yeah it’s just hard work basically it is [Applause] okay okay so so so effectively the next the next grit sandpaper is uh which is three three uh 320 uh it’s and then 600 grit sandpaper so it’s effectively just you know getting finer and finer the grit of the

    Sandpaper and just pure hardw work and skill um which which gets that back to to be unbelievable like I mean you just can’t see it from I got my naked eye here and then after a Polish that will get a nice shining white um so yeah

    Looks great so there you go that’s how it is so the answer is hard work so your want’s just uh prepping it up for a bit of um painting now to finish the job make it look perfect he is I got a camera in his face [Applause] Again the plan is to put this uh small uh uh rope in here yeah just to have a a fixed Point okay and then we’ll have this D going through this p over there okay fixed on the seats right and locked on the cleat in here okay this will prevent

    The seat to to tip over okay so at the moment there’s the the the bolts are already fixed here so that the seat when you if you’ve had a lot of weight you can basically uh um move the whole seat so it’s basically a safety precaution to

    Make sure that the seat doesn’t doesn’t tip over basically when you’re yeah and it’s it’s not that strong because it may be used as a fuse if you missed your maneuvers you may be able to raise the seats and to give to get some space on the side oh I see when

    You’re coming into Port yeah yeah if you have to go between two poles yeah uh you may be bothered with the seats so you will have to fold them and if you forgot this will break and then you won’t break your seat genius genius well thought out thank you benjam man you’re

    Welcome so this is Frank Frank’s just um fitting a ledge over the top of um the autopilot electronics and the’re waterproof anyway um but I thought it was a good idea that uh just to put this waterproof ledge basically just to make sure the water drips down away from Over

    The Top of the electronics just in case there’s a bit of leaking or somebody leaves the hatch open or whatever it just gives a bit of extra protection so Frank has just basically made this um ledge let’s say and then he’s just going to fix it and fast set it on um just

    Right above the auto pilot and everything that’s there and gives a bit more um safety little finishing details the main power cable the core from the DC batteries so there’s 1,100 amp hour on apocalypse and the the main battery is is got quite a big um feed basically to

    The to the junction box let’s say which you can kind of see down there just in front of tierry and um what what tierry found out was we we were detecting voltage when things were disconnected um apart from the battery and and they shouldn’t have been like

    That and what ti noticed is that there’s basically induction of the cables running alongside each other and um yeah it’s just a massive amount of knowledge and experience um and dare I say it tiar intelligence too yes not so often not so often but you’ve from from a little bit

    Of Sherlock Holmes work and you managed to Deuce what’s what’s going on here so yeah I think it’s pretty pretty interesting for for everybody to see that you know the induction in cables is definitely a reality we were picking up 24 volts um and um detecting that by and

    By process of elimination T is going through the whole boat painstakingly trying to remove um bits from the equation we have a leakage Monitor and and you know just it’s painstaking work to have to remove each bit from you know from the junction box to see which bits

    Are leaking and then try and juce from that tributary where the problem is so um yeah let’s see how it comes along as as a journey and we’ll we’ll show you what we find this is Ja from iaz uh you may remember ja because he was on board

    Um when we were doing the rigging and on the maiden voyage we were testing the engines and Ja was still setting up the rigging um so he obviously he’s got a business here right in the center of the sailing Mecca L’Oreal and he himself has

    Come at the end of the day on a Friday to finish off uh fixing up uh my traveler so uh I thought it might be interesting for you to see the way this is attached um so the traveler let’s get the strong Sun here but you can see the

    Way sha is lashing this on so he’s obviously done his splice what’s what’s the millimeter of that that dyo you’ve done there yeah three 3 millim 3 mil 3 mil 3 mil For Good finish you’re a knife yeah yeah super okay job done super that’s how you do it like a professional yeah thank you I’m here this morning with franois just before we depart on our maiden voyage uh this is franois and franois is a Saddler here in um Laural and in case you don’t

    Know um saddling is the skill of uh manipulating textiles basically for for boats and um I just wanted to catch franois on film he’s been very kind and made some slight modifications to things like mosquito nets for us and remember on apocalypse we try to keep everything

    Very simple um but at the same time I was just saying to Francois that he’s kept it simple and at the same time there’s Beauty in the work that he’s done so let me show you some of the things that France has done first of all

    He’s added the um the the guards so privacy screens but they also block out the wind a little bit and uh some of the Dust um and then we’ve got you know the waterproof cushions that that you’ve seen maybe in my previous videos um from

    Uh Mr C which was hell number one of course apocalypse is number two and also this this system again pretty simple but we get a privacy and uh a little bit of a Wind Block as well and so that just attaches to to the lifelines at the back

    Here but perhaps most interestingly um with the shipyard and with France I’ve designed um something quite unique for the orc range um and if you come across and have a look over here um what we’ve done is um France has added with his skills we put a a metal bar over the top

    Of the seat and obviously I’m I’m follicularly challenged um and so I would get burnt a burnt head and Eva finds that after long period she gets bad headaches from the wind in her ears so franois and um the design team at orc have actually helped um create this um this basically it’s

    A a cover for the for the helm seat but this this system of that that’s why I was designed that I can take off they’re not velcro now there buttons but it’s a very very efficient system and um you know we’re just about to head off uh and

    Actually slip the lines here from L’Oreal for our maiden voyage and it’s we’re going to have a good test of this system and means you can spend long periods because remember with this type of boat you know you’re going to be less on the autopilot purely because it’s a

    Pleasure to sail it and you more in with the boat so you want to be spending more time up here so anyway if you happen to be in lauron or near larell and you’re building a new boat I highly suggest that you get in contact with franois and

    He can he can do any custom design that you really want and in any material you choose as well so anyway I thought it’d be interesting for you guys to to meet franois so just say Cheerio to franois here and again he’s been working working um you know the lake shift last night

    Just to make sure that we had everything ready uh before we head off and he stood by his word and he was here by 9:00 this morning with all the bits and pieces ready for us to go again you can see these very simple um mosquito Nets um

    That front just returned after making some modifications and very simple not going to get broken while we’re in um in the Pacific somewhere and yeah so you can you can see he us he us holding one of them very simple you just put them over these kind

    Of mushroom things on the corners job done go pretty much matching the speed of the wi G Up in here that’s where we go so we just screamed across that that just that whole passage took us just just a little bit over 24 hours about it was just about uh 28 hours nearly to get down and we decided just to keep going we we was

    Good good morale it was a bit frisky at the beginning bit frisky around here um and then we screamed across perfect conditions you know the wind was from the northwest um and then we kind of we got close to kunun around about here and then we decided uh that morale is pretty

    Good on board so we just kept going um and then we we were scre you Jing down down here the wind again continually from kind of north northwest um and then I think was around about here around the spot um we’re having problems with our the genica up

    Actually maybe I think of was here with jica up um and uh there’s a problem with the profile Hooks and and in connection with the linaa Mast and both owned by the same company by the way M this current company um and yeah so the jica basically cut through even though we

    Have locks so we’ve got to figure that one out when we get in and lost the heliad for the jica and therefore we can’t put up the Code Zero but um yeah we’ve just we screen past Porto then um and this tack you know going South Southwest is a very fast

    Tack uh so we’re screaming along as you can see our average speed is you know we’re easily easily pulling off 200 mile days um and uh you know in the north of L’Oreal it’s incredible it’s just the J1 the Genoa and the main sale if it was

    Five knots and low wind speeds we were beating the low wind speeds by one knot with just the J1 and the Genoa and the main s it’s just extraordinary performance um and although although you know you can obviously Hammer this boat and really really push it very hard um

    And you know I’ve been on this boat we’ve got 21 knots that really trying when we were in lauron but I think the real advantage of this boat is the fact that doing what we’re doing now you you don’t have to Tire yourself out you know it’s not like we’re not

    Racing um and sometimes like even if we put out the j3 so you have three jibs basically janola and two jibs let’s say um so with the j3 and two reefs in the main um we were still getting extraordinary speeds you know like averaging 10 10 11 knots when we wanted

    To relax and I think that’s really where the where this really shines is you know when you want you can absolutely gun it but your you know your average speed all the time in almost any conditions as long as you you know you’ve got a if you

    Got 12 knots you can expect to get about 11 12 knots of of average speed so You’ be planning for you know more relaxed weather um but again like I said even at five knots we’re doing six knots uh speed through the Border open so I think

    There’s just three of us on board um and I think Fernando’s a professional Captain um I’ll leave his information in the description um and if you want to get in contact he’s one of my close friends obviously um and uh Eva the three of us we’ve adapted very very

    Quickly to the systems there’s only three of us on board and when we’re on watch it really is no problem doing a drive and even easier is attack uh uh when we’re on watch um and I’m really proud person of how quickly e is adapted to the to the whole system because you

    Know buing it’s obviously she’s a much bigger girl you know the the the Mast is bigger the boom’s bigger and the reing system you know we go up to the m because on these bigger boats you you would better off to make sure that your

    Reap is is perfectly in which is what we do we put a piece of Vine around the the Pringle and lock it in um much much safer and yeah so just adapting to it you realize when we’re in here in the saloon and all nice and comfortable it’s

    Much smarter to reap a bit earlier and we’ve been very cautious with uh very cautious with the reefs and and when we do that but yet we’re still almost every day uh we’re still smashing out even with light winds easily 200 m I think that’s where this boat really

    Shines and a lot of the time if we just want to get a breather as well um to get a bit of personal space go onto the helm switch off the autopilot just Helm a bit and you know it’s not about tiring on the helm you know the balance on the

    Boat is excellent so yeah we we’re all really joying at bu re and crew I’ll take the camera and get these faces let me take the camera off you get these faces with um let’s see we’ve got the bo unit yeah so so what how how’s how’s the

    Morale how are you guys feeling now at the moment how’s the morale on board super good mag better yeah absolutely and and um Fernando you know your your super modeling career isn’t affected by the the SP yeah yeah no it’s good it’s good I just have to call the your your guys

    You know for the next advertising they have to put some makeup here that’s you’ll be fine yeah cuz one of the one of the SP my absolutely it always been in your insurance I know you’re you’ve got the insurance on your face but um um Eva how’s how’s how’s it

    Going feeling feeling a little bit tired bit weary feel fine feel cool no little tired I think I can do a workout right now yeah yeah you feel like a workout great great okay absolutely going to join you for that one [Applause] [Applause] here in Al marimar and this is one of my

    Close friends have a lot of respect for Andy uh I’m joking with him because there there’s many uh people that I curse when I’m at sea for having um made more problems for me but Andy is um from No Limits rigging and I met Andy uh

    Nearly 5 years ago here in El marar correct and on carry on we’re in Apocalypse at the moment and um Andy uh helped basically just completely sort out uh all the little issues uh there were some significant ones that I needed to sort out remember commissioning a new

    Boat takes a while right so on carry on um you know you’ll remember there was the self-tacking jib uh actually was one thing that you couldn’t really get the sail trim right on the self Tacker on K and Andy designed with um daa uh lashings and stuff so that we could get

    The sail trim on that self-tacking chip perfect and there was sometimes I can tell you when I was crossing Morocco getting the perfect sail trim for the right angle I was just saying God I was so grateful to you know for Andy for what he did um and how we set that up

    But anyway what we’re here was a little bit of background noise so apologies some people are having fun right it’s summertime and having fun in the dark here in Al marma and it’s roasting hot um so not quite as hot as Mexico but um Andy I’ve actually deliberately sailed

    Here with apocalypse so that I could get Andy on board and to get his his eyes on things and in my opinion he’s the best there was no one better I’ve specifically sailed here to see Andy and and immediately we’ve had some little issues with for example the the way that

    The the four sale Howards go in and out of the Mast from larima um and what’s different on um on apocalypse from normal is that we have oh oops stood on the sit on the on the winch that but we have these very thin hels and all they do are really yes

    They’re haads but they’re just to to take the the the for saale up because we have locking we have a locks basically you know a furling lock um and once you get it close enough you just give it a yank and it engages well what I found is

    That some of the the the locks aren’t just working as as as as I would like and they’re not that obvious but Andy of course has found out what the others couldn’t and and what Andy’s noticed is that some of the rigging isn’t quite set up perfectly so Andy why don’t you

    Explain tell me what we’re trying to do is the the we’ve got a serious amount of uh prebend on the m so every time we put in any of the fores here what’s happening we to get the tension on we’re actually pre-bending the Mast to maybe

    200 mm which is too much so what the plan is now what we’re going to do is we’re going to actually bring back on the actual intermediates straighten the m a little bit so when we do deploy these other furlers we can still get the really high tension but not bending them

    M as much as that that’s the idea at the moment we’re still tweaking we’re having to play around this is a high performance boat so it’s a lot of tweaking but I think we’re getting there we’re going in the right direction at the moment which is good yeah so one of

    The things I just want to explain when you get the right guy with good morals what we could do do is we could be cutting holes in the Mast and speaking toing and throwing between the Rema because you know we have different views and what’s right and what’s wrong but

    Andy has basically found the right way in our opinion sure we have to still test it but in this instance he’s actually saving me uh time and money doing it this way and doing it the right way so Alo it might not appear at first

    The right thing to do uh you know to you think you’re saving by doing everything yourself clearly he’s got a lot more experience than me and he’s a professional wigger right so the point is we’re not going to have chaed Howards as much we’re going to have um not be

    Doing any major um structural designs to the Mast and um also because we’re in Port Andy’s been up the top of of the sale and watched while I Engage The this these locking mechanisms to get ahead around really this quite Cutting Edge Equipment and to make sure that that

    It’s that it’s working now and you actually you you sell profile uh stuff yourself you think exactly you feel it The Profile Systems are really high up there I mean you are you’re still paying a premium for them um but you do get what you pay for um it’s a it’s a PR

    Premium product basically and and it’s been well proven so with the amoka 60s around the world these B guys are really pushing it all the time so we know that the profill work stuff works it’s just that we’re having a few teething problems but we’ll get there we’ll

    Definitely get yeah well and and that that’s again another point we were talking about it while we’ve been doing this work that um the reason I chose profile uh for um the kind of let’s call them the flying fellas but even my J2 and the j3 and my my let’s say the storm

    Jib setups and and the higher wind jibs um the reason I chose them is because the the actual furling drum so come on up Andy and we’ll show show ready so this is the failing drum from profile all right and the reason a nice selected profile over what was from the factory

    Carver was the the wheel itself is bigger right so that means it takes less effort because the wheel is bigger you get more rotational torque let’s say more torque force and um also if I’m totally honest I did a bit of research online and saw in the forums what

    Everybody else enjoyed and it’s funny I’m happy with myself that I’ve that I’ve made the right decision because I come back to a man that I respect and he’s also of the same opinion sure you pay a premium but when you cut corners on things like this you’re going to end

    Up yeah it’s exactly it’s going to it’s going to cost you in the long run you know you’re going to be chafing HS you’re probably not going to use that nice um um sale that you’d spent the money for anyway uh you know you were

    Thinking it was a good idea to buy it in the first place cuz you needed it but because it’s so much hassle to set up you know if you haven’t got a good system it’s going to be a hassle to set up so remember these are quick release

    You know I’ll see there’s a little bit of tension in this one but um I can just very quickly remove this drum either E From The Bottom or the top hoist it and and drop it very quickly and that means that you use these sails more and you

    Get the better performance and you save time and yeah so that’s basically what we’re doing and um so we’ll we’ll show Andy just going to put a bit more tension than some of the the shrouds let’s say the the stays you know um on on the port starbard side so I’ll show

    You Andy doing that so a lot of people say um you know when I was in in L’Oreal you know commissioning the boat and you know check up the rigging a lot of this is just experience and feel you can’t um although there are pieces of equipment

    That you can measure within limits it’s one of those things you there’s just no substitute for experience and um you know again if you can understand I’ll try and show you from this side so Andy’s putting a bit more um you’re actually loosing them aren’t you Andy or

    Tensioning these onioning these on these are being tensions we’re trying to take a bit more uh pre- Bend out of the Mast because obviously it intersects up the top there yeah and at the moment when they were off they just felt a little bit too loose right so ideally so next time we

    Start to tension the furlers we’re going to be pulling against this and we’re not going to be bending the M as much so that’s the idea um like I said it’s we are tweaking so we’re going to have to play around a little bit but uh yeah

    Like I said we’ll get there sure yeah thanks thanks so there you go um and and I’ll maybe try and see if I can if I’ve got the skills with my editing skills to show you you know how how what Andy’s talking about you know one’s relaxed and

    You put more tension in the other um and we’ll try and make it a little bit more clear so that hopefully you can learn like I’m learning um you know how this is done right like I said it’s you you really need somebody like Andy that’s that’s very skilled in the art of

    Rigging um and that’s what we’re doing so from the laser Jacks to the top and M we had one failure and and what it was generally the last the one that failed we had the the lashing through here right and then as the Rope came through it was obviously cutting or

    Whatever causing it to to actually break so what we’ve done up there’s now we’ve done the same actual anti friction eye but we’ve done it in this system where we wrap it round and tie it like this so then the actual actual furling the actual laser Jack goes through and

    Cannot actually touch anything apart from the ceramic eye okay so there’s no cha basically no and that’s how it was actually designed but somebody’s just you know again this one this one is designed like this cuz it’s a bigger ring but it’s also got this thinner line

    Here yes so that’s that that ring is is correct but these rings with this flange High flange is designed to do like this way okay so that one’s correct in its own right that one’s correct but this would be wrong if he did it if he did it

    That way on this eye I got you so it’s an easy mistake to make it’s an easy mistake to make and it’s it’s but even though we’ve just proved it’s after a couple of months it it failed so and it shouldn’t have you know so yeah yeah

    Yeah cool well thanks obviously so just would show you what’s a little bit different um if e can pan around here so what’s a little bit abnormal about apocalypse is we have the lazy jaxs holding the boom up all right we don’t have a topping lift at the moment um and

    There’s a debate debate between myself and Andy do we think it’s a good idea we might even just add another helard so we have a bosen’s helard for sending either up the Mast or Andy in this instance um and we have the main Hood which lifts

    The main sail up but that’s it at the moment and then what holds the boom off the deck is the lazy Jacks and when we were on our way here um either my fault or nearly clearly now it’s um Andy showing that it’s not actually uh you

    Know when I put a lot of tension to hold the boom off on the lazy Jacks one of the lazy Jacks snapped um and so the boom was then following the day so yeah just these these things you see like every boat you know the thing about apocalypse obviously she’s Cutting Edge

    And we’ve got a lot of cutting edge equipment and you know getting her getting your head around some of the things that’s pretty important but again if you want to do it right and you want somebody that for me obviously I can communicate great with Andy and you know

    We can test things with our own eyes and you know think and think through these problems together and find Solutions and uh this is the place to do it that’s why I sailed here few alterations today of the actual dagger boards so we’ve got a little slight problem that we we got

    Over the first one already so we’ve done star side and um I think if I just show you maybe the camera might be able to see down the side but if you imagine there’s a housing down the side when we lift it up we’ll be able to show you maybe a

    Little bit better but um there’s Teflon which is um houses the dager board to allow it to slide up and down and um the pulley weren’t quite aligned uh and you know when we were doing an inspection Andy’s as part part of Andy’s inspection of Apocalypse he

    Noticed that when noticed there was a bit of chafe on the uh the daggerboard you know up and down you know the the lines raising and lowering the dagger boards certainly on the starboard side so uh we investigated a bit further and found that actually even even with the already incredible upwind

    Performance I was actually only using the dagger boards I had another about another what was it 1.2 M isn’t it Andy we we calculated you yeah 1.2 and we’ve actually gained another 1.4 m in depth of what we already done so we think we’re drawing nearly 3 m now whereas

    Before you only like you said 1 and a half Max and and the performance was that we were obviously matching true wind speeds at 25 a parent already so once we finished this we’re a little bit excited to see what actually the performance can be um and uh We’ve

    Looked at the dag board charts and it was 10 true for 100% dagger board wasn’t that right Andy yeah yeah 10 true so um yeah so anyway listen we’re using the at the moment uh using the at the moment main helard um just connected to the

    Board and um we’re raising the board up and he’s just using the Jammer there just to lock it off for the that’s for the main main helard right yeah and um yeah we’re just she’s free now yeah and basically Andy’s just going to raise this raise this up I’m going to

    Help him so that we don’t scratch the board on the back and the front you can see it going up and down there quite clearly and so the D board’s working but the point is because there’s like a pulley on the side of the dagger board

    So that it can go up and down just kind of it’s catching a little bit um and uh yeah because of that we just want to make a bit more space in the Teflon the housing let’s say um to account for Less chafe and also just to make it slide up and down Easier it’s fight to good job buddy Jason’s just uh using the compass here a perfect location we’re just heading to South directly south hammering along cust come in there pull up light yeah feel the power right it’s a good response power launched missiles just feels like a fighter jet

    Basically it doesn’t matter so responsive it’s the closest thing to a super bike on the ocean faster than yeah just sticking nicely above a perfect pointed sail there there you go 1 and A2 near 1 and a half above wind speed we’ve just got the main sale the J1 up working nicely

    It’s saf for at night time you know if you really interested uh to learn more about what it is that myself and Bobby do don’t forget that we actually do offshore training on board apocalypse and um you know that’s if that’s something that you’re interested

    In you can catch uh catch me on saling Caron


    1. 🎉🎉🎉 Finally! You've been edging us for well over a year now so let me go grab a drink and a snack and enjoy these 45mins. Plz don't take so long to upload again😊

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