Police in Florida opened fire on a suspect handcuffed in a patrol car after mistaking the sound of a falling acorn for a gunshot.

    Marquis Jackson, a 22-year-old black man, was trapped in the back seat of the vehicle and was forced to “play dead to prevent getting shot in the head”.

    Officers had arrested Mr Jackson on the morning of Nov 12 on suspicion of stealing his girlfriend’s car.

    Although “verbally non-co-operative”, according to a Sheriff’s Report, he did not offer any physical resistance as he was handcuffed and walked to the police car.

    Bodycam footage shows one of the officers, Deputy Jesse Hernandez, standing outside his vehicle when an acorn strikes the roof of his vehicle.

    Apparently believing Mr Jackson had started shooting at him, he threw himself to the ground, shouting “shots fired” and “I’m hit” as he emptied his semi-automatic pistol into the car.

    He then crawled into cover behind a different vehicle, telling his colleague that he was unharmed but may have been struck in his protective vest.

    #police #crime #usa

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    TR fire just fir shot fir sh fire shot fire shot’s fired I’m I’m here what in the car shot through the car oh are you I’m good I’m good oh I don’t Know I might have hit my vest I’m Not I don’t know I it felt like it Jessie move me I got you move over to me Jesse come back uh right dude am I hit come


    1. It’s a miracle that guy wasn’t hit! How in the hell did he think he shot a gun that made no sound louder than a thud? Has he not heard a gun being fired from a silencer before? It’s not as loud as a regular gun shot but it’s louder than an acorn hitting a car

    2. The biggest problem with all of this is that the officer was allowed to quit without charges or legal penalties. We want to support law enforcement, but we must support those who fall prey to excessive or improper use of force as well.

    3. The level of retardation shown by U.S Police has gone way past being amusing.

      I would trust the actors who star in Brooklyn 99 to be a more competent real-life police force.

    4. So they determined that the officer didn’t act maliciously but clearly we all see that he did…he staged a whole shoot out and lied about getting shot and he almost killed a man and he gets no jail time but if it was a civilian would they determine the same thing? Absolutely not…More proof that the police are just another group involved in organized crime…

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