The Fiido C21 e-bike is up for grabs at just 99p per ticket. Imagine winning a premium bike for less than the price of a London bus journey! Visit to secure your tickets

    WHEN – Monday 19th February 8PM
    WHERE – Instagram – @Londoneats10
    Fiido C21 Specs –

    MERCH –

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    Talking about the strikes now it got a lot of people angry fees are never going to go up with people having four or five deliveroo accounts I hope these are people that are paying tax people that have their own accounts and the people that actually use thermal bags yes yes

    Peeps welcome back to a brand new episode today is Friday and the time is just coming up to 700 p.m. I’ve got my first order in picking up from wagger Mama paying Β£7.33 day is a little bit different and I say different because I am on a bike

    That I’m only going to be using for one time only this is the fedo c21 and it was currently on my website right now you have a chance to win this exact bike here in front of me for 99p I’ll run through the specs quickly we’ve got a

    28w hour battery which is the battery extender this isn’t the main battery the main battery is in here an integrated battery again 208 WS so 400 116 in total now this is not designed to be a food delivery ebike or anything like that it’s literally a commuter ebike at the

    Top we’ve got the display with the different modes so 1 through to five 250 W legal motor so everything is legal on here and it’s got nine gears no suspension 700 C tires very very smooth and this is so silent I cannot explain to you how silent this bike is like I

    Can’t even hear the motor humming in the background it weighs only 18 kg we’ve got a built-in front light all arounder it is a beautiful commuter Ebike thank you cheers doubling up on the spart un pack bags as well we’ve got the Hydra sling and the backpack combo for the most effective way of keeping customers food hot lovely talking about the strikes now did you participate in the strike or did you

    Get out there and make the most of the high paying orders I know a lot of people on Reddit were posting their orders of how much money they was making during the strike day it got a lot of people angry to be honest I don’t think

    It’s going to change anything and I say that because and when I say change anything I mean the fees the fees are never going to go up for three things number one Uber does not stop onboarding Riders and I’m saying this for everyone that’s protesting for Uber specifically

    Uber doesn’t stop onboarding Riders and that also goes on to number two is if you have a delivery Uber Eats or Stewart account or just eat account and you’re running more than one account you’re directly impacting the fees with people having four or five delivery accounts most people have free they’re directly

    Impacting those fees because deliver looks at it and goes oh there’s enough Riders on the road we’re just going to keep the fees the same the customer is still getting their food the same time as they normally would and then number three is always the use of thermal bags

    If you think about it you get a delivery and your Rider doesn’t have a thermal bag that customer then reports the cold food to Uber just eat deliver any of the apps that you’ve decided to order from Then That app has to pay the customer back a certain amount of compensation

    And that directly impacts the fees that Riders are paid yes I’m not saying it’s black it’s not breaking the bank for them for all of those people that are protesting I hope these are people that are paying tax people that have their own accounts and the people that

    Actually use thermal bags then you have a a right to moan you know the amount of people that I’ve seen on Reddit as soon as they are approached about paying tax they get all defensive and it’s like well yeah you’re clearly you’re clearly not paying tax you know

    You don’t have any right to moan about the strikes there’s people out here like myself that is doing everything by the book and then you get people that are just dodgy you know and then they think that they can moan and complain doesn’t work like that all right that’s my rent

    Over let’s go up to this customer and get this Friday night shift underway All right we are here keep going keep going keep going there we go the last person I expected to see it says to not lock it here but I’m not going to the underground car park to deliver some wagger mama left hand side thank you probably can’t see anything because GoPro is

    Absolutely terrible in low light conditions however that is all going to be fixed very very soon because I have something special that I have ordered and paid for myself it’s not a a sponsored deal that I’ve got from this camera company I cannot wait for it to

    Arrive where’s the entrance to this calf is it here oh my good God where is the entrance man she said on the left right if you live in a complex like this why don’t you just meet me at the front makes my job 10 times harder hello hello hi it’s your delivery

    Rider um I just wanted to know what block is your one you told me to come across the bridge yeah correct so after the bridge there is a car park on the left yeah yeah and it should be the last uh tall building on the left okay no

    Problem I’ll see you in I’ll see you in a second okay thank you bye thanks sporting the uh deliver jacket I was going to wear the Uber reach jacket but it’s too small for me cuz I got the hoodie on underneath all right just in there for

    You all good thank you have a good one a really cool feature on this battery booster is This little light and I only noticed it the other day after unboxing the bike is you switch it on just look at how bright this light is you can adjust it as

    Well look look at the the building look at the spotlight on the building like it’s absolutely insane I can’t I can’t put it into words how bright this light is like I mean that will come in handy if you’re commuting home and I don’t know

    You need to find your door key thank you very much open oh you opened okay I got to anyway thank you mate oh we have a order coming in Β£348 nandos O do I chance it and go to Nando I say that because this Nando is known

    For being a nightmare but it’s right here anyway so I might as well go there is an order ready as well I can see it in the fridge fridge in the hot cabinet 690 thank you .6 miles away it’s close this customer is super close it is kicking off mate kicking off

    Just like the merch dropped over 50 t-shirts have been bought by you Legends and shipping is going to commence on the 1st of March so if you want to get your hands on some it’s kicking off merch head over to the website they are on there now and I’ve price them at Β£15

    Pre-launch Price they’re only going to go up to Β£ 2020 and to be completely honest with you after all of the printing and buying of the t-shirts I’m making about Β£3 on every t-shirt now most people price their merch at like Β£ 2530 a t-shirt I’ve seen even Β£5 a

    T-shirt I am shipping worldwide however there is going to be a postage fee if you order in Europe or America however if you order in the UK Β£15 free shipping we are here right where is my customer hello hello hi is you’re a delivery Rider is it a block that you

    Live in no it’s not you have to go onto um Street okay yeah it’s taking me into an a state okay I’ll be with you in two seconds F thank you bye-bye there we are thank you have a good weekend cheers still got five bars of battery 416 W hours of battery isn’t

    A lot when you put it into perspective my himiway zebra is think 900 and something W hours so it’s 500 W hours less but I think finner tires and with the bike being really lightweight I think I might be able to get some decent range on this is that going no way in

    Hell am I cycling to broccoli there we go there’s a good one Β£ 581 picking up some pizza which is only 1 minute away yeah put it like you know in this way inside so I will put just on top yeah that’s fine that’s fine yeah no worries black a

    Glove all right pizza is loaded up 1.3 mil away I’ve literally just discovered something by mistake if I press and hold down I’m going to have to pull over and show you this cuz this is crazy if I press and hold down see the little symbol that popped up

    There that’s a rocket I don’t know what it is it changes everything there’s a massive increase in the speed now this bike is a 250 W legal ebike I don’t know if this is time limited or or what I want to see what the top speed is cuz I’ve got no

    Throttle on here it’s just literally a torque sensor a chain and nine gears it’s still giving me assistance it’s still giving me assistance change gear 19 mph I am putting a little bit of effort in but not not a lot then if I turn it off yeah it stops giving assistance at

    15.5 mph so that’s like a little little hack a little Easter egg next weekend I am heading somewhere getting on a train for 2 hours with my ebike and I’m going to be delivering in another location somewhere that I’ve never actually been to before all right drinks are in that

    One po can I get your code yeah I don’t know what it is tonight but my customers have uh really awkward Addresses what’s wrong with some people man all right I’ll take that one deliver hop it’s going over the other side of the River some Riders here all right this one’s 7 minutes a pretty heavy one I cannot wait to uh get this camera that I’ve ordered it’s going

    To be an absolute game changer for the content and it was it was a little bit expensive I was going to buy the new GoPro but when I saw what this camera can do I was like nah not saying I’ll never go back to GoPro I will use my GoPro in the

    Daytime London is looking spectacular tonight very nice we got Lambo Bridge matching the London Eye same color thanks yeah you got it can I get your code 39 39 thank you all right there’s a double order there picking up from the same deliver hot I didn’t see how much it was paying but

    The delivery is on the South Side so that’s a good thing all right just arriving at deliver hop and look at the battery down to two bars and this one as well this one all right this one 1.4 miles 8 minutes okay so the weirdest thing just

    Happened the bike died but it didn’t switch off what’s happened it switched over to the battery booster so if you look on the display now I got a full battery so they don’t drain down down together like in sync it uses the main battery and then once that is empty it switches over

    To the booster which is also removable as well that is crazy so all of the miles that I’ve done so far today during this shift I can do it all again I have done a total of how many miles today it’s saying 17.9 mil today but I think

    That might be from my commutant as well cuz I did leave this on charge whilst I was at work that’s um that’s really impressive so that means you could probably get about 40 miles out of this so yeah I’m confident you could get 40 m

    Out of this now I would do a range test to confirm exactly how many miles I could get however I don’t want to put miles on this bike because it is going to be won by someone on Monday uh the drawer is at 8:00 p.m. on my Instagram

    And you can join the list of winners like the most recent one Josh who is from Cardiff he is coming to pick up his Sosha Nitro and he bought 13 tickets now 13 is normally an unlucky number everybody knows that but not for Josh he spent less than 20 and he bagged himself

    A 4 grand ebike also for everyone listening and uh who is still watching I am going to be giving away a ebike for nothing it’s a it’s a giveaway it’s going to be zero pound to enter keep an eye out join the newsletter on the website so you are notified of when that

    Goes live high delivery right good thanks cheers can I get perfect have a good one cheers mate thank you all right then on to the next customers address There you are mate thank you cheers man all right peeps I’m going to finish up the shift there in total I have made Β£ 2767 that’s in under 2 hours not too bad this will be the last episode filmed on a GoPro keep an eye out to see what I’ve

    Got coming uh you you can find out first by going over to my Instagram and get dropping me a follow on there cuz I do post a lot of updates on there but yeah the fedo c21 really good commu ebike is definitely not built for the purpose of

    Delivering food it hasn’t got any suspension it’s comfortable but for long periods it does hurt your ass overall the build quality is really nice for the price point of a ,000 it is really really well priced I give fedo props on uh the components and stuff that they

    Use on these bikes and also the price points but don’t forget you can win this bike for 99p head over to the website grab your tickets the draw is going to take place this Monday which is the 19th of February at 8:00 p.m. on my Instagram I look forward to bringing you another

    Episode soon and the next episode is going to be way better quality than this keep an eye out for it take care people Peace


    1. It’s not just the riders paying tax they are not gonna raise the fees because the drivers are not even meant to be working here and driving with no insurance no licence in uk to drive a bike on the roads you have to take a cbt and have a provisional or full licence to drive and most riders especially in London doesn’t have it so they screw us because they know all this stuff

    2. Beforehand I had so many terrible experiences with riders that I wouldn't tip. Had some say they are on bikes and have been on escooters, left food outside as they didn't want to climb stairs up to my flat. Even had one guy turn up with our pizza box folded into his open bag and when he pulled it out half the pizza fell into his bag and he just grabbed it with his gloves and tried to give it to me. Thanks to your videos if I get a rider turn up with thermal bag and prompt they are getting tipped. I certainly couldn't do your job but if it continues perhaps another method is build a base of employees, do full checks and pay a base rate and add a commission rate on top.

    3. I reckon at least 50 percent of the workforce in the gig economy are illegal migrants.
      Hardly any of them speak English in London. I'm prettty sure the authorities are aware of this but they capitalise on the situation. This is a little like modern day slavery.

    4. Just eat have never get me any money back fir food what cold or missing my order over Β£40 on my son birthday I add to go out to my local chicken shop to get him food to eat what was over Β£20 more

    5. As a counter argument, it is worth considering that they are still fundamental for the operation of the business. So they have a lot of leverage especially if it’s organised. Which I’m surprised to see that so far it is.

      There doesnt need to be some kind of appeal to workers rights because they could compel better fees by shutting down companies operation. It’s worth noting that many of these people could also probably work other jobs, or they could switch to Prime delivery which is even easier to sign up to during those strike days.

      Either way I’m interested to see if this develops.

    6. idk but that rocket is likely an off-road/for contries with fewer restrictions mode, still seems in a sensible amount of power and speed know one whould complain about.

    7. Glad you’re using your platform to voice the issues. I’m not a rider but I often use Uber eats and always tip, it’s a luxury to have food delivered when it’s cold, raining or tired especially because it’s some people’s only income. Shame on the people that always try and refund orders for no reason, just as bad as stealing from a shop.

    8. Yep! The UK is full of people like this. People who are involved in criminality & then complain that they are being discriminated against! If you are involved in criminality, you have ZERO right to complain about anything! You have negated your rights! Tis all!

    9. If they want permanent roles with base pay guaranteed then theres dominos and the like surely. I only use the apps when theres vouchers otherwise i go to my local and pay cash, much better deals.

    10. The problem is why the fees are not decent like they used to be is because they are too many people doing it … I been doing it now for 4 years and I only use Uber and Deliveroo from full time to part time hours now also what’s changed is what u said in the video. People have to many phones with different accounts …

    11. My issue with these delivery firms is they offer very little in the way of customer service. I was stood next to my rider the other day but the gps woildnt let him complete the delivery, even though i had the code. Trying to get hold of deliveroo to sort it was impossible!

      I had a cafe ring me one morning to say they couldn't complete my order as they didnt have the ingredients. Just Eat kept telling me to wait for the driver to arrive….the cafe rang me a few hours later to say different riders kept showing up but there was nothing I could do.

      Finally I ordered a Β£2.99 drink recently as part of an order, when it showed up I was shocked it was just a can. I left a bad review and the shop apologised saying its because they only get Β£1.70 and deliveroo take the rest! If that is true then that is a crazy percentage.

      Also if my delivery is a bit far or awkard I always tip and to date I have not had a single rider say thank you.

    12. It's crazy I've been uber since November 2022 using one phone and a legit account yet in my area its the drivers with 3 phones all running hired accounts and bags for life instead of thermal bags that was telling me they'll slit my bike tires if I work during a strike

    13. A lot of these guys are just brainless. If you need to provide for a whole family and Deliveroo isn’t doing it, get a new job. Name me one job that gives you the same level of freedom this one does and pays more. There isn’t one. Considering the skill level required of the job anybody can do it, if you don’t want those order I’ll happily take them. I was stopped collecting orders the first time but never again. Money to be made out there, cry or grind. Your choice.

    14. Quick tip: You can chuck a pocket warmer in your thermal bag and it will 'prime' your thermal bag and make a huge difference to how warm the food keeps because the food doesn't have to waste energy warming up the bag.
      You can get electric ones but the disposable ones last 6-8 hours.

    15. You want to come deliver in Japan? I've been wanting to start doing deliveries just for fitness in my spare time and I think it would be funny if you come to Japan and do it here. I can buddy up with you and you can use my account so you don't get lost but Japan doesn't have street names so it might be a laugh.

    16. Deliveroo made nearly $2bn in 2022, but paid their execs millions in shares. So shares get further watered down. Their financials look like they lost Β£200m but their operating costs aren't broken down. Trust me, deliveroo is making a fortune but paying it to their executives.
      People with multiple accounts, once discovered should be banned. It completely skews the numbers.

    17. So my solution is… Ok Uber Deliveroo etc etc, .just clampdown on consistently slow delivery drivers, they obviously have a number of accounts and are very easy to identify. Verbal warning etc.. then delete their account/accounts. Fast and Hot food is the most important thing for the customer and the bottom line is the most important thing for the rider/driver. It needs to be regulated(to an extent)random id inspections, proof of identity must be a passport….

    18. Brazilians won’t stop recruiting more illegal immigrants online, promising that anyone can easily earn 200Β£+ a day doing this job. I’m on many WhatsApp groups where I see hundreds of β€œnew riders” coming here and easily passing through immigration weekly. (They just say it’s tourism lol)
      Too many riders = low fees.
      I wonder how many of this workforce will join organised crime if somehow deliveroo/UberEats find a way to remove illegals from working. They just won’t leave here.
      Source? I’m Brazilian. Apparently the only one that speaks English

    19. video editing – this was cut a lot shorter and sharper. would be nice to space it out a bit. good video tho enoyed it overall

    20. I have all the information I need, and I appreciate your being open about it. Ultimately, I am going to have to stop my paid subscription, because I don't give money to strike-breakers. It makes me sad that you're talking about everything but the actual problem, which is that these companies are endangering your lives and refuse to up the compensation.

      I'll still watch you and I wish you well, but I can't pay strike-breakers. Please get around to removing my name from the credits, I don't want it to be there anymore.

    21. The strike was never going to change anything, usually you would need someone representing drivers/delivery people negotiating with the gig companies for certain changes or conditions, there were no talks or anyone being the figure head to negotiate

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