Zontes 310M scooter. The perfect scooter? Or just a used motorbike bargain!!!!!!! This bike has a little over 300 miles on the clock and because of that you save a load of money on the new price. This bike is being sold by @in2moto480 and the saving is big! Over £1000 saving on this bike! Follow the link if you’re interested https://www.in2moto.co.uk/

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    It’s another day back at into Moto in Warrington let’s just have a look at the weird and wonderful machine I’m on today it’s a bit different let’s Go now look at this thing it’s only a zontes 310 310 cc scooter now you know my love for scooters if you’ve seen the channel before especially these bigger engine ones anything kind of 300 CC and above I absolutely love them this apparently will do 110 M an hour I’m not going to

    Try that today but I will take it on the motorway so we’ll see what it’s like when it’s getting up at those higher speeds but let’s just have a look around it for now there’s our closeup feet down or you’ve got a cruising Peg or kind of putting your

    Feet forward probably be perfect for the Motorway stretch the legs out like every other scooter you’ve got a center stand you’ve also got a side stand that’s always good for storage this is where it gets a bit weird eyes it’s like a big mouth it’s strange looking or different

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I know but yeah find that a little bit different don’t know whether it’s different good or different badet was a very very clean bike this absolute Whopper of a seat even my big backsides going to have loads of room on there got dual shocks

    On the back as well disc brakes as well at the back and the front and they are zontes branded it is a motorized screen I’ll show you that when we’re riding the seats massive you’ll definitely be fine getting someone on the back of this but nice little action that so hidden away rear

    Peg when you do it too quickly it’s not going back but when you do it nice and gently it stays there now there’s not usually loads of stuff to play with on a scooter but this is a proper fully loaded loads of stuff to play with and

    You’ll see shortly I mean as far as the buttons go give you example this side we’ve got your horn your indicators your hazard lights a high low beam we’ve got a flash that is for your electric screen going up or down we’ve got a mode button

    We’ve got a set button you’ll see how those work shortly when I go through the screen other side again normally you just have two buttons don’t you a cut off switch in a engine start but this has got an engine start we’ve got your lights we’ve got an eco mode we’ve got

    Your engine cut off we’ve got a steering lock we’ve got open your fuel tank we’ve got open your seat there are lots lots and lots of buttons compared to your average bike it’s like something you’d get on a big adventure bike or a big touring bike loads of stuff to keep you

    Entertained It Is keyless as well we just press the lock button and there you go screen comes to life it’s a lovely little TFT screen really nice so you’ve got your rev meter both sides we’ve got quite a big Speedo we’ve got a fuel gauge you’ve got

    An engine temperature we’ve even got the range left in it for your fuel so this hasn’t got a lot of fuel left in it to be fair looking at that we’re nearing on empty but it says we’ve got a range of 64 miles which is pretty good we’ve

    Got total miles so this bike has got 385 M on so it is for sale at intoto this bik bike as a used bike and these bikes are I believe just a little under five grand brand new but this is It’s 3699 or I’ll put the price on now if

    It’s not 3699 but that’s what I think it is that’s a massive saving near enough ,400 saving on a new bike for something that’s got 385 miles lots and lots of things to play with so we’ve got an interface a clock a backlight we can check change the units from miles per

    Hour to kilomet we can change the language it’s got Bluetooth now the only thing left for me to do now is to take this bike for a ride I’m not going to see if I can get to the 110 mph that this bike claims to do however I will

    Stretch its legs on the motorway get up to those Motorway speeds so we can see how it performs it should be fun let’s go for a ride and see what it’s like looking forward to this one oh no you’ve got to stretch to get your leg

    Over lot of scooters have got that step through you can’t really do that on this you it is quite high that don’t know whether this will be suited for someone who’s really short I would suspect not it does say lower pressure in the tire but that’s just being checked so it I

    Think it just needs a little bit of a run this bike to get that off so hopefully it will do while we’re out and about currently the screen is in its down position so it’s still pretty high so I I would still expect it to be

    Pretty good but it does raise a little bit so it raises a couple of inches there if you get it excited if you know what I mean so if it raises like that it should make it better for the motorway for now round town I’m going to keep it

    Down when I get to a Motorway I’m going to get it excited to get it up a bit and then we’ll see if it makes a difference let’s take it on to the supermarket car par shall we let me just show you another little trick it’s got up its

    Sleeve I did mention the buttons before but it has got a little bit of underseat storage not a lot you can certainly fit a helmet in there but I’ll show you so you can have a look cuz I forgot to do it in the W

    Round I’m My Own Worst Enemy you know I get these bikes and I get too excited to actually jump on and ride them that I actually forget to do simple things like show you things like that so my bad sorry but I’ll show you now as far as

    Bag hooks go you’re struggling a little bit you can’t really put anything there which you can on Vespers and a lot of other scooters underneath decent bit of storage this has also got like a a cover in there and the idea is you can put your helmet in and it’s not going to

    Scratch your helmet or anything I like that it’s a nice nice touch to store your helmet but it will certainly fit a shopping bag in there which is good there’s a tool kit in there as well so decent fur few beers in there let’s try a little bit of sneaking

    Scooters are the best for me for doing a little bit of this sneaky stuff because they are quite light and Nimble just make sure wherever you are with whichever country you’re in that filtering is legal because as I found out very recently in some countries it’s

    Not legal and you can get yourself a whopping fine so just make sure you research um something which I failed to do properly when I went on my last tour so I won’t do it again because I’ve not got money to burn I don’t want to get

    Fine for the UK roads where it is nice and legal to do some filtering just make make sure you do it safely I can confirm this bike is fine perfect for it nice light little machine little gaps like this you don’t have to rock it through

    Here just crawling through as I am I’m actually moving faster than all these cars that are stuck in that quebe so it’s a winner winner chicken dinner for me straight to the front and away we go I went all Super Mario High pitch there don’t don’t know what’s going on with me

    Gets the 40 m hour quite quickly but because it’s so comfortable on here it doesn’t give you the thrilling excitement that you would get from other bikes but for me that’s not what this is about this is a scooter that is built for commuting it’s built for probably a

    Little bit of touring as well performance is good enough but it’s not going to be the most exciting ride in the world I’ll get us up to 70 M hour and I’ll see what the comfort is like I’ve already said it’s quite windy so it’s not perfect for Motorway

    Riding but so far the screen’s doing well I’m doing 60 M hour 70 M hour now at 70 mph it’s quite blustery I do feel like I’m blowing around a little bit now it has got some more power in it it apparently will do 40 mph more but it is windy today and

    I’m blowing all over the place so I’m happy at 70 mph but it’s even happier at 60 MPH the engine’s not struggling at 70 but you are blowing all over the place in 70 60 MPH it feels really comfortable and one hand riding I’m not blowing about because this big

    Screen I’m getting a little bit of side wind that’s blowing my body about it’s a bit of a funny one this because the top speed is quite impressive however just that little stretch there and pretty much Full Throttle Down it doesn’t pick up speed as quick

    As some bikes that have been on so the the best for 300 G GTs for instance that seems to pick up speed a lot quicker than this does the Vesper seems to accelerate quicker it picks up speed sufficiently you know you get to from 30 to 50 very very quickly but it just

    Doesn’t feel very quick it’s it’s a strange feeling I think I would compare it to something like the BMW GS with that no no it’s a very strange comparison to make because the bikes themselves are nothing like each other but what I mean is the BMW GS the

    1250 you pick up speed very quickly as you’d expect it’s a big engine bike but you don’t get that oh my God feeling with it the excitement the thrill because it picks up speed so smoothly that the excitement disappears I wouldn’t say it was boring in fact I

    Think I have referred to it is being boring once or twice but I wouldn’t say it was boring The more I’ve got to know those bikes and this I wouldn’t say boring I would say more comfortable that it just takes away that sort of thrill fact you can see the speedo moving up

    Quite quickly as you would expect it to from a 300 but because it does it with little to no drama and it’s just very comfortable it just feels a little bit tame if you’re after a comfortable bike to ride that’s going to eat loads of miles and you’re going to be comfortable

    Doing 60 70 M an hour and you’re going to be comfortable around town then this bike might be an option for you but if you’re looking for a scooter that’s going to give you all of the Thrills of motorcycle riding that’s going to give you that little bit of a

    Buzz every time you twist you throttle kind of like how that Vesper GTS feels for me because I I like the looks of that bike but it also gives me that little bit of a twinge when I twist it whereas this it goes as well probably if

    Not better but I’m not getting the same thrill Factor I’m I’m it’s just comfortable and that’s that’s why I compare it to the GS it’s the same kind of thing it’s a perfect bike that and this could well be the perfect scooter because it’s comfortable and quick but you just don’t feel like

    You’re riding particularly quickly when you actually are the seat’s really nice the sea position’s lovely you will be able to sit on here all day long now are you going to have a smile from ear to ear after riding it well I would say myself no it’s not a bike that Thrills

    Me I felt the same way about the BMW GS I’ve already told you why it just feels that good that it kind of loses a little bit of the excitement perfect for the job perfect bike but it just loses the excitement if you are looking for a

    Scooter that’s going to be able to do Motorway way speeds on the regular then this bike will do it and it will do it in sheer comfort that really sums up this bike and if you’re just looking for a bike that’s going to be a tool to get you to and from

    Somewhere and you want to do it in as much comfort as possible then I don’t think you can beat something like this you know it is just Practically Perfect and that’s the best way to sum it up so this bike is certainly worth the money

    That in Moto have got it up for sale for and that’s going to do me I’m back here it’s up for sale with these guys if you’re interested just give them a call Link in the description laters bye for [Applause] Now


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