In today’s true crime documentary, we’re covering the case of Ethan Windom and analyzing it from an educational legal and psychological perspective.

    My mom puts dinner on the table I’m asking you no not okay and no forget that in a few seconds you’re going to witness some of the most shocking interrogation footage that we’ve ever received I might think you’re hurting pretty bad I’m thinking you ain’t know nothing

    You telling me you understand we make mistakes no no here let me spill it out for you n oh relax no forget that I did do it wife K you know we’re all put on this Earth the incomprehensible story behind it will prove to be all the more horrifying

    I know how to use a knife real well real well right here right here Le thatt on January 24th 2007 the quiet confines of Boise Idaho would be changed forever when 42-year-old mother J wendam is found gruesomely murdered in her own home her 16-year-old son Ethan wendam

    Would ultimately be the one to stumble across the horrifying scene and so begins one of the most disturbing investigations we’ve ever seen however as authorities sit down with the distraught teenager they can’t help but wonder if his terrifying story is just a ruse hiding something much more

    Sinister in the early morning hours of January 25th 2007 Craig wendham is frantically woken by his wife she tells him that his son Ethan wendham has arrived at their house in hysterics Ethan lives with his mother Craig’s ex-wife Judith wendham also known as Judy Ethan had left his home

    That morning setting off to his father’s house on foot in the freezing winter temperatures all for one terrifying reason Craig quickly gets out of bed and runs to meet Ethan in the living room where his son can barely speak but when he finally does he utters a disturbing

    Set of words his mom Judy is dead Craig immediately calls police who were dispatched to Judy’s address as well as to his own home however not a single person could have anticipated the absolute nightmare that was just beginning to unfold hi Ethan Dr Stevens were you at your mom’s house tonight

    Were you sleeping I’m on my couch on your couch on my on my chair okay I sometimes fell asleep watching the movies okay I understand and where was your mom out when you were when you were sleeping or you hanging out she in her room she’s in a room when was the last

    Time you saw her what time 9:00 I believe came home from my friend mat okay and that’s when 9 o’ tonight yeah and that’s when you saw your mom sry she was in her bed okay was she fine and awake when you when you talk to her yeah

    She was in her bed yeah she was okay you just try to take it easy and we’re going to get Medics over there and we’re going to get police over there and see if she’s okay if you just stay calm and breathe good you should be okay Ethan

    Seems to struggle to comprehend The Unbelievable sight that he’s just witnessed but authorities are eager to speak with the 16-year-old and he has quite the story to tell they quickly take him in for questioning while another set of officers make their way to Judy’s home on Normandy Drive what they discover is

    Is disturbing beyond belief everywhere be there’s dry blood on The there’s pictures of a couple kids in the on the kitchen uh cabinets and there’s a bunch of there’s a bunch of cards for St Luke’s Medical Clinic like all these kids are freaking whacked out on some kind of medication yeah these are the boys right there that one right

    There that’s your suspect the bigger one it’s something straight out of a horror movie 42-year-old Judy has been murdered in her own bed authorities later reported that her face was disfigured beyond recognition and it appeared that someone used a shotgun in the incomprehensible crime however police will soon discover

    That the deranged killer used more than just one weapon the following interrogation has never been seen before it’s been analyzed by a qualified team including a licensed professional counselor a licensed clinical psychologist and a former detective former licensed polygraph examiner and former hostage negotiation commander and instructor the detectives now sit across

    From 16-year-old Ethan and they read him his Miranda writes in the state of Idaho Police are generally free to interrogate miners without any limitations Beyond constitutional Provisions that would equally apply to adults in a similar situation the minor doesn’t have to have someone present to represent their interests prior to questioning until and

    Unless the minor specifically makes a request for counsel or the presence of a parent or Guardian in that case an interrogation would have to stop upon the request the detectives ask Ethan if he would like his father to be present during the interrogation but Ethan states that he would like to continue

    Without his father in the room can you tell me what happened tonight um I was sleeping in the chair in the living room you know lights are off and everything I got woken up to this kind of you know you know a really loud just Bud kind of

    Noise and you know I have no IDE what that is you know the detectives jump right into questioning Ethan without spending any time building Rapport this can be very detrimental as Rapport building is not just about getting the other person to talk but also to build a foundation of a

    Relationship which can then minimize the person’s anxiety and get them to relax open up more or even to trust the interrogator I I saw my mother earlier around 9:00 uh be find but when I right before I started watching a movie and I watched the movie you know sleep but on in the

    Chair but then I came saw then you know like it was all the lights were off in the house anyway but you know kind of got a glimp that something was going on you know and um you know what going on was whacking her and stabbing her

    It’s noteworthy that Ethan not only says the guy was whacking her and stabbing her but that he also motioned the actions these movements were remarkably in sync for him allegedly just seeing the actions we been to the house okay so we kind of to have an understanding of

    Of what happened and like I told you before we kind of know a little bit about everything went on tonight before we even came in to talk to you you understand that Ethan yeah Ethan’s fast and repeated head nodding here is likely an indication of anxiety however he may be reeling from

    His traumatic experience of finding his mother dead know quite a bit about you and your mother your relationship yeah so what I’d like to do Ethan is kind of kind of rewind a little bit to the beginning you know to tonight all right you uh when you’re at home with your mom

    And kind of have you kind of have you start over because I think what’s happening is you’re kind of going down the wrong path it’s no secret that Ethan and his mother had a tumultuous relationship to say the least but authorities have only scratch the surface of the horrifying

    Nightmare that was hidden behind closed doors did you go to school today I on Wednesday I did but I had to go home early because I was having this weird spasm over my body L even though he’s answering the questions Ethan is still pretty closed off with his arms tightly crossed though

    We can’t totally see his legs it looks like they’re also crossed and aimed away from the investigator indicating that Ethan has his guard up and isn’t super engaged with the investigator the investigator should have engaged in Rapport building before he started questioning him because it may have prevented him from being quite

    So closed off I didn’t really want to go around full day you know take my weird step you know kind of just have SP in one leg so I called up my dad home what happened after that Ethan after that after you woke up sleeping front this afternoon when your

    Mom come home I don’t know mainly around three or so just sitting there in chair just kind of watching some movies kind movies you watching like what happy accident happy what accidents happy accidents you ever seen that no your mom watching this together no she you know Ethan goes into a long

    Tangent setting up his timeline he shakes his head no when saying the time his mom came home as well as that he was watching some movies indicating a slight brain and body disconnect I don’t know mainly around three or so watching some movies notably he thinks about it and

    Then names a movie he said he’s seen over and over which is an easy way to keep a story straight if he’s lying sometimes CH Trum you know it’s I actually do watch some of the movie she take a nap yesterday being Wednesday after school Ethan had a rather interesting

    Taste in film but there would be one movie in particular that he favored Above the Rest authorities will soon learn exactly which movie that is and Ethan’s terrifying reasons as to why he loved it so much uh a little later I worked out with my friend he livs across the street and

    D usually work out in my house because I got the you know Little Gym set up in my house but you know I just said go work out with him said you want to work out and you know you’re a big guy and looks like you’ve been working out pretty hard yeah arms

    Should girls likey chest Ethan’s recent interest in Fitness was growing into borderline obsession over the last several months he had gained a significant amount of weight according to Official Police documents the teenager was consistently drinking Weight Gainer and may have been using steroids although there was a strange explanation behind his sudden Newfound

    Hobby as he continues with his story he states that he returned home from his friend’s house around 8:30 that night Judy was reportedly asleep in her room at this time Ethan decided to sit down in his chair in the living room where he supposedly watched several films before

    Falling asleep he would apparently be woken to the horrifying sounds of his mother being gruesomely murdered when I told you I will up right what I told you is a referral statement and Ethan delivers it pointedly in contrast though he does a few exaggerated head nods and a slight one-

    Shoulder shrug when saying when I woke up I will which indicate his anxiety and low confidence in what he’s saying along with the intense eye contact he’s making with the detective it’s clear Ethan is really trying to appear honest Ethan understand understand thinks okay yeah we’ve been over to your house right we

    Have a pretty good understanding of what happened yeah I’d like you to tell me what happened e okay you need to be honest with me and tell me what truly happened today or yesterday okay can you do that Ethan I yeah do that for me I want you to tell me something that’s

    That’s been made up or anything like that I want you to tell me the truth I understand do that e yeah I understand so you want to tell me the truth about what happened yeah told you did you notice that Ethan repeatedly nods his head again once the detective applies

    More pressure as he talks his hands and arms are moving like they should be involved with his words but he’s keeping them tight across his chest so that they can’t betray him he very rarely drops the barrier and allows his hands to be expressive as you would in normal

    Conversation watch when he does use his hands though as there often an exaggerated slightly unnatural movements as though he’s thinking too hard I told you well no you didn’t tell me the truth yet I need you to go ahead and tell me the trth well then what’s the

    Truth I understand you you’re having you have some issues okay I understand that that you uh you’ve had problems in school I understand that that uh that uh you’ve had some fights with your mom in the past but that’s normal I me that’s what that’s what teenagers do right we

    Sometimes we don’t get along with our parents and that’s understandable okay but I honestly need you to rewind what happened yesterday I need you to tell me see that’s the part listen that’s that’s the part you’re not listen understand I’m I’m listening but you’re tell you’re not listening because

    I am because you’re telling but you’re telling me that you want to hear you know the TR I’m telling you I just want to hear the truth and okay then I want to he I know I’m not going to tell you what everything that I know okay that’s not

    How the process works all right Ethan is attempting to get the detective to tell him what they know and what evidence they have so that he can get his story to match and not give away more than he has to what I want what I want to do is

    I want you to tell him I want you I want you to be an honest man okay I’m trying to me online tell me exactly what happened there okay I think you I think you feel bad okay I think I I’m not calling you a liar okay no you just I’m

    Not calling you a li no no no no no I’m not calling you a liar Ethan you just no no no I’m not calling you a liar I’m saying I think we need to go back and revisit what happened so we can walk through in your words what exactly

    Happened over there Ethan sticks to his Alibi but the detective is under the impression that there’s something he’s holding back and by the end of this shocking interrogation a crazy and completely unexpected revelation will be made for now Ethan is confronted by the other detective in the room I’ve been

    Working homicides for 30 years and there’s a couple things that need to tell you everybody makes mistakes life okay and I want you to listen to me you’ve made a big mistake and we understand I want you listen to me first okay we already know what went in there

    Here’s something you need to understand number one you don’t know look at me you don’t know that there wasn’t a surveillance ban outside that house that we’ve had planted there working on somebody else it has a 360 Dee camera facing on your front door nobody went in or outside of your house

    Period 10 you left nobody despite the interrogator not sounding particularly convincing here about the 360 camera Ethan’s facial expressions give them away it’s like the look that a child gives you when you’re calling them out on a lie he clearly thinks he’s got it together and has a good story but he

    Doesn’t and it shows all over him especially in his incredibly conspicuous and exaggerated facial expressions secondarily I know your fascination with Mr Ellis and the whole thing there so I okay and you changed the answering machine are you listening to me the detective references the author brat Eon

    Ellis who’s most notable for his 1991 novel American Psycho Ethan is a big fan of his work however his fascination with the fictional story has transformed formed into an unsettling Obsession the story is said in Manhattan in the late 1980s and it follows the life of a mid 20s wealthy investment

    Banker who lives among the Wall Street Elite the well educated and meticulously well-manicured Patrick baitman who narrates the story earns his fortune by day but is a ruthless Serial Killer By Night In addition to its novel form a satirical psychological horror film was released in 2000 of course to Ethan it

    Was much more than just a book or a movie as you’ll see he’s not calling you L but what he’s saying is we know what happen didn’t happen everybody makes mistakes everybody makes mistakes you hurt your mother and I know you well that’s what we’re here to do why that’s

    We’re here to talk to why would I hurt her listen to me everybody makes mistakes for no reason first of all do you know the difference between right and wrong of course I do you believe in God no okay after Ethan makes more attempts at trying to get the detectives to tell

    Him what they know he has a massive shift in his behavior prior he seemed okay but he’s suddenly talking differently and even using a different accent he’s also dropped his barrier one thing to not is that he appears very uncomfortable with the detective being in his personal space and he’s backed

    Into the corner with no easy access to the door however this is a strange reaction to have being asked if he knows the difference between right and wrong wrong it doesn’t make logical sense as a trigger for the average person so perhaps it’s something that’s been said

    To him in the past your’s camera outside absolutely shows nobody went in or outside of your your house do you understand that okay what am I telling you that you guys prot check the back the only person no there is no back the only person there’s no back door lock

    With the thing I I locked that back door listen to me the door was locked i b guy can’t lock the door on his way out I locked the bad door you’re not listening to me listening to me if you say you know the difference between right and

    Wrong then the judge is going to have to make a decision on what to do with with this answer Ethan throws his hands in the air known as a gravity defying gesture which is a bit of an odd reaction he’s clearly agitated with his body completely turned away from the

    Officer the officer is intentionally interrupting his lie so that he doesn’t get entrenched in it but it does seem like this officer is doing a lot of the talking and not allowing Ethan to fill in the story you understand that he’s going to say DET detective dou detective Smith

    When you had the ability to go talk to you to Ethan was he remorseful in what he did did he feel bad about what he did or did he go you know what some other guy I already know this I already know these things because I’m getting charged

    With battery the 16-year-old was a top-notch student at Bora High School where he took several advanced placement classes and excelled in his academic career however his favorite subject to study was that of the Criminal Mind serial killers to be exact and what you need to do now is take a step back and

    Tell us why you hurt your mom she did something to you or this was some Fascination that you have here watching these movies that you acted out do you not understand this book hey tell me about this book this is a book okay have you never even have you never even heard about

    Books like these have you never even heard about books like these tell me do you not understand the concept tell me of the idea of the business World itself tell me what he why don’t you look at Patrick bman as a as a business himself what does he do anyone they gets

    In his way he knocks out what do big business in Wall Street what does Walmart do the modern pop shops they knock it out you got to understand I’m in AP English I’ve been analyzing this stuff beyond belief because this is my author study it’s clear that Patrick

    Batman’s fictional success in the world of Wall Street banking has had a profound effect on Ethan and he seems to think he’s of the same mindset however his other likenesses to the character are far more disturbing because you know I understand what he’s doing if you’ve seen his books he’s making something I

    Do understand there something I do understand I think right now you’re scared I’m scared but you’re scared I’m wonder you’re scared of what you did and you’re afraid of what’s going to happen to you A and B you’re not willing to admit that what you did the detectives

    Have missed the a couple of opportunities to build rapport with Ethan which could have aided their interview for example they could have tried to relate to him over his interests it seems like they’re pushing too quickly without Rapport and at this point it’s just making Ethan more and

    More angry because of this we’re missing key parts of Ethan’s background such as why exactly he started bulking up do you have a conscience do you have a conscience do you feel bad about what happened in there I’m not sure you do I’m not sure you feel bad about what

    Happened in there reason it’s eating you up inside isn’t it what’s eating me up wa what you did to your mom when that you my mom what you did to your mom was you hurt her very bad hurt her very bad living I know she isn’t why isn’t

    She that’s that ain’t hurting very bad why would I kill my mom you guys you know what okay the door was locked hello do you not understand that when I get home I lock the doors so you had some 360 degree camera in my house huh is that what

    You’re saying that you can see that someone coming in from the back you’re not the detective had tried to minimize and it backfires resulting in Ethan getting upset that he doesn’t acknowledge that his parent is dead for being so young Ethan is challenging the detective in a very bold manner he

    Hasn’t been emotionally broken down by the interrogation process and seems to be trying to hang on even though he appears to be struggling with his speech fingerprints those are my weights I I didn’t hear anything about it what happened to the weights the weights did you not see that I saw her I

    Saw the bo I saw her relaxing and relax no how am I supposed to relax when I saw what that person did to my mind what happened to the wage what happened to the wage yeah you really want me to go into this Ethan is doing a lot of self- soothing

    Leg rubbing and he also finally squares his body to fully face the officer this can sometimes mean someone is engaged in the conversation but in this case it’s a very aggressive stance and he’s clearly anxious what’s interesting though is that when Ethan hits his hand on the

    Table it’s way before he starts talking which shows that his nonverbals are mistimed again you really want me to go in through this his emotion while still slightly elevated is suddenly much flatter than it was previously this rapid emotion change generally indicates that it was a fake display by repeating

    The questions asked by the detective it seems like Ethan is trying to buy himself time to come up with an answer I want you to relax how am I supposed to relax when someone crushes bir skull and rips out her brains with a weight so tell me how how they did

    That how did he do that what did I tell you what th was hello do you not see the blood splatters can you not make I thought you were a detective if you’re such a detective why can’t you see both sides I saw everything when I turn on our

    Lights dear oh my God you got to be up and kidding me and now you’re trying to pinpoint this on me it’s a little strange in telling of his actual emotional control that he self-c censors here few teens are going to actually censor themselves in the heat of genuine

    Anger this more than anything indicates this display is an act he’s not actually angry he’s acting angry you know what tell your p p that I don’t have remorse I don’t care you don’t have any remorse for this I don’t got no remorse for you you

    Know but you ain’t got nothing to better to do with your time huh you you listen to my dad is that what my dad tells you you want to know what my dad doesn’t work homes is tripping if you don’t understand that guy right there don’t give a care about me you

    Want about really it would have been better for the detective to agree with him rather than disagreeing to further damage Rapport or if not agreeing then he should have asked for more information however this may be the root of where his anger is coming from here he thinks nobody cares about him and

    Sees himself as a victim he me out of this house the other weekend because his wife that I didn’t appreciate them I watch the kids all that time no you don’t don’t tell me you know you do you don’t even know what makes this interrogation all the more

    Disturbing is that the detectives are only getting a small glimpse into Ethan’s short temper but his family is all too familiar with the teenager’s intensifying anger as investigators sit down with Craig Ethan’s father he provides a brief insight into the troubled life that his son is leading

    What I feel like I need to tell you right now is um past oh god well that’s something we’re trying to piece together sir I you know I’d like to chat with you i’ give you some time here to kind of collect yourself I’m ready to chat he said he’d been

    Wandering around all night or walking around all night and I called to the Poli he’s s dead and I couldn’t get out of them but I can tell you the first thing that came to my mind is he’s responsible apparently Ethan initially started to walk to his father’s house

    Following his mother’s death however he apparently hitchhiked the rest of the way when he arrived Craig’s wife opened the doorm she was shocked to see that Not only was Ethan incessantly crying but he was also wearing a Kevlar vest the protection gear made his visit all the more

    Suspicious when he spoke with his father Ethan told him that they should not go to Judy’s home as her face was beat down horrified Craig immediately called the police sitting down with investigators Craig mentions that Judy had confided in him on several previous occasions that

    She was scared of her own son and not for just one reason alone as it turns out Ethan was living a shocking double life and behind closed doors he was anything but your typical teenager my M puts dinner on the table she gives me nice clothes I have no reason to do

    Nothing to her I have no reason to do nothing at all that woman can I ask this Ethan what do you want to ask for chance is there another part of Ethan I can tell there’s a part a part of Ethan another part another part but I

    Some Arin personality I’m going tell you homes MPD work fd’s got more than a bunch of personalities Ethan makes some very strange mouth movements like he’s talking faster than he means to and isn’t sure what to say his fake laugh ends as quickly as it begins and signals

    A rapid shift in his expressed emotions this is pretty similar to the Patrick baitman laugh in the movie and is one of many indications that Ethan is trying to act like the character though the similarities only become Eerie as the interview continues unfortunately the interrogation methods are being poorly implemented and the

    Officer is jumping all over the place Ethan is literally laughing at all the interrogation techniques because they’re not being executed properly you want do some little schizophrenia in my head homes I’ll tell you CU I know all the symptoms don’t tell me there another part of Ethan Ethan is eating and that’s

    It Ethan has shifted the ways talking which is a marked change in the interrogation by saying MPD he’s referring to multiple personality disorder but the detective probably just means how everyone has a good side and a bad side Ethan takes it to the extreme so it sounds completely insane which is

    A common tactic among individuals trying to be deceptive and is a form of manipulation the tactic is to take something small and innocuous and turn it into a mountain so you can deny it without actually lying Ethan was facing a multitude of personal struggles though he doesn’t

    Mention it in 2006 the year prior he was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and struggled with anxiety he was prescribed various medications and began seeing a counselor who became very concerned in regards to his condition they believed him to be a psychopath technically psychopathy isn’t a separate diagnosis from antisocial

    Personality disorder though a psychopath is part of a small percentage of individuals with aspd who would be at the extreme end of the disorder Spectrum however as he’s 16 Ethan would not technically qualify for aspd but in extreme circumstances individuals may get labeled as having a personality disorder with antisocial characteristics

    A bit younger than 18 I take you’re hurting pretty bad I think follow the no tell me about you tell me what you’re thinking I’m thinking you ain’t know nothing okay you tell me you understand we make mistakes know do you know how many Ethans I’ve talked to that’s been

    Sitting in that chair in 31 years of police work thousands of really conratulations do you know how many Ethans have sat right there and told me I don’t know nothing about nothing and I put him in prison for murder every one of them every one of them of

    Them every one of them you’re not going to be an exception normally the detective shouldn’t remind a suspect of the impending consequences at this point in the interrogation what appears to be happening is that the detective is getting irritated with Ethan and taking it personally he’s not cooperating and

    He’s being pretty disrespectful and it almost comes across as threatening yeah you want to know what prison is I sit in a Cell my full time you okay with that are you dumb do you not understand how that system works that’s when D correctional system

    I ever heard of H I can sit in a Cell for the rest of my life and be happy and know your name okay but no you you think you’re you’re somehow smarter than me you you’ve been on the for for 30 years you know what I talked to your game

    Detective too guy was an idiot think I’m from some gang or something trying to tell me I like f Cent you guys don’t listen you detectives it’s like you know what I could save this 20 minutes there of your BS by telling you I don’t like the I

    Don’t really like this full club scene all that gangster scene it’s all just music it’s all just show but no Holmes is trying to tell me what it is because he’s so smart typically an innocent person gets angry when they’re being accused of something they didn’t do but

    Ethan is unusually combative rather than being a sign of Innocence Ethan’s faked and exaggerated anger is an indication of his immaturity and apparent social skills deficits innocent people get truly angry and real anger or emotion doesn’t flip back and forth like a switch Ethan switches it off and on as well a mature

    Liar knows that getting angry makes people not like you and that affects whether they believe believe you or not it’s why typical liars and Killers don’t react as much to accusations and interrogation because they know it will affect their chances of being believed teenagers for the most part haven’t had

    The time to perfect it as well Ethan has learned aggression and anger gets him his way something that most people usually learn doesn’t work as effectively as sweet talking by the time they’re a bit older however this is of no surprise given his past although Ethan was mostly

    Compliant to those in positions of authority most notably his teachers he didn’t show the same level of respect for his mother their relationship began to deteriorate when Ethan became controlling and would apparently bully Judy into getting what he wanted for instance he told his mother that he

    Would like to use the master bedroom as his own and supposedly forced her into moving her belongings into the smallest room he then took over the living room where he apparently pushed all of the furniture to one side of the room so he could place his chair in front of the TV

    Ethan would mostly use it while playing video games and watching movies on the occasions when he didn’t get his way things would supposedly escalate and in a most violent manner Ethan’s Brazen comments and interrogation show his lack of respect for authority which is a red flag indicating possible conduct disorder or

    Oppositional Defiant Disorder he could be diagnosed with either of these disorders at his age and their precursors to aspd this isn’t going to go away this is your guys St whatever this is going to go away yeah we’re going to make a decision on what to do with you

    When we leave this room what do you think we should do with you actually think I want to let me go the officer walked right into that one Ethan seems to be running this interrogation notice the shift in his hand gestures to more lively movements this is a marked change that he’s

    Feeling more confident just let me go let me be let you go where wherever after you just asked me what should we do what kind of question so you think for what had you did what I did what I did because I told you what I

    Did nobody goes in the front no one goes in the front no one goes in the back and it’s just you really it’s just you in your oh okay so uh nobody so what we you know so what we could be saying here is uh you’re going to be arrested for

    Murder there’s no one that could be hiding in the garage no be hiding no nowhere no of course not because you guys are all smart you guys got you guys got Taps all over my house or something are you ready to listen to me now for a minute no

    Will you no will you listen to me for a minute did I just tell you twice no if for chance I brought your dad in here would you talk to him too yeah right would you yeah right did you not hear me I like I said No at

    Least how many times does that not compute no no no no no no here let me spill it out for you n oh would you explain this to me little bit next the interrogation moves on to the topic of one of Ethan’s greatest Fascinations there’s there’s an idea of Patrick

    Baitman but he’s simply not there think of it this way business business he’s a business he’s a big corporate business like Walmart is this right here a movie is that American Cy is that a movie yeah it is does something happen in that movie did somebody get H in that movie

    Are you trying to tell me what I I don’t know I haven’t seen of course but if you don’t understand do somebody get read in the movie it’s a book too you have to know the book before you can watch a movie same thing with any book I guess

    Question is help me because I haven’t seen the movie who gets hurt in the movie people they get in his way and and and how is it they get hurt any way they can does he HT his mother does he man it doesn’t even mention his mother barely

    In the in the movie it doesn’t mention his mother nothing in the book it mentions mother but their family’s dysfunctional if you don’t if you don’t follow his reading you don’t understand nothing about nothing tell me how you see your family in relation to this do

    You see your family I don’t see my family in relation to that Ethan’s favorite movie would turn out to be the film adaptation of his most treasured book the controversial yet popular American Psycho Ethan soon began to emulate Patrick Batman’s character he apparently forced his mother to buy him

    Expensive skinc care products like those that Patrick baitman uses in the movie in addition Ethan supposedly bullied Judy into buying him a white comforter for his bed Patrick baitman also had the same one there was also Ethan’s obsession with Fitness yet another similarity between him and the film’s main character

    As well Ethan’s mention of Patrick Batman’s family being dysfunctional is a further indication that he relates to and feels a strong affiliation with the character as the interrogation progresses the detectives will learn that there were even more ways that Ethan tried to become Patrick baitman you’ll notice that Ethan also has the

    Book without conscience too and some other fairly Advanced clinical and forensics books either he’s trying to understand himself or he’s been planning why go to my dad’s house and go and talk to him about this you know if I did this know why why because I’m supposed to feel guilt did you feel

    Bad you haven’t talk to my my uh therapist have you can I can you hell no how you know they didn’t get out on I really you feel sorry for me I me do I feel sorry for you okay well I’m not the one that’s going to be charged

    With it yeah but you’re the one that’s living in world you’re controlled really because you got you got cameras on that side we haven’t processed the SE yet to see exactly what you left in there really yeah we have’t what tell you what we will do we will go process

    It and then we’ll come back and talk to you and tell you what we found okay you find there is that it’s only fair to go I I already tell what you find in there I covered up everything okay I covered up everything because a horrible sight I try to wipe off the

    Blood why why why would you call the cops and say my mom sir because what the first thing I see happen you guys are going to accuse me like you’re doing right now relax no forget that because you know what you’re not thinking of other Alternatives they could Escape through

    The side window the detectives do have to consider that Ethan may be telling the truth if there was an intruder it’s possible that they could have committed the heinous crime and escaped through a window but investigators find this to be unlikely especially given the fact that

    It would have been a random killing Judy was not the kind of person to have enemies the dedicated mother worked as a special education teacher at Eagle High School family friends and her fellow co-workers described her as the epitome of kindness however Judy’s life was full of trials and tribulations she and Ethan

    Father divorced after having two children together and in the year 2000 she was reportedly hit by a car while walking the incident would almost claim her life it was following her recovery that she went back to college and pursued a degree in special education wanting to help others overcome their

    Disabilities she took on what she felt to be the most rewarding job teaching to think that someone would want to take her life was almost incomprehensible but evil comes in all forms and it knows no bounds just asking what you want to fight well we’re going to go and take a

    Look at she what you want I don’t know what there is to find in what room all of it all of it every room my room every room my room on my white sheets can I get you a glass of water you want want aass water I didn’t drink

    Water I already drink enough water today would you like some more why would I want some more I already tell you are my white sheets we going right are my white sheets no you don’t want to listen yeah I’m listening on my white sheets there’s a stain of black and the weights

    Okay I love that bed like no other I made it white for a reason now wouldn’t I wipe that black off if I did that myself it’s bad timing to interrupt and leave when Ethan is ready to talk this specific officer hasn’t been doing well with Ethan so far and he probably should

    Have left earlier however though this tactic may seem counterproductive Ethan is escalated and the officer hasn’t done anything to deescalate him and he’s still not responding well to him walking away letting Ethan calm down and trying again with someone else is actually the best course of action at this point as

    You’ll see they’ll next try a good cop Ploy and try to calm Ethan down this attempt will have a bit more success you talking what black stuff on your sheets there’s black stain on the end on your that are made by the weights I saw when I’m getting out okay just relax man

    No Charlie here thinks he’s he’s he’s number one top cup okay he’s gone it’s I’m not understanding there’s there’s like from a like from the weight to how they create that that black stuff yeah they make a black s on and off and changing all the time they made a black

    Stink on your sheets but how do they get on your sheet CH whoever comes in there brings puts it in my room to make less noise what kind of weight was it was it a weight or a barbell or a dumbbell or what they do

    With it was they put it as a barbell and they put one of the thing right here no one the one of the spinny things on this end oh I got you two FS or are two1 I can’t remember I think it’s two two t I can’t remember

    Two two tens on each side no on one side 110 and then a 10 so 20 PBS one side that has weights on it and they CL you one have you ever seen that how they get on your bed how did they get on bed

    All they have to do is just bring the weight put on my bed are you saying to put to put the weight together on your bed yeah you’re a smart kid okay trust me you know and you know you’re not kid you’re you’re a young man aren’t you and you’re a very

    Smart young man I’m smarter than anyone I know this may be a touch of narcissism showing or it may be Ethan mimicking bait’s character at this point it’s hard to know what is actually Ethan and what is the character that he’s wholeheartedly embraced as his model Street smarts I got better than

    Any stupid idiot anyone I do everyone’s too easy to figure out figure out what they want what needs are what to say them the ability to understand what people want and the right things to say and do to manipulate them to do what you want is a trademark of a budding psychopath

    You had to learn a lot of that right you no I didn’t I just had to watch them and I can see you learn you’re a smart you’re a smart young man you learn this stuff yourself didn’t you write books yousure out people Street smarts come Street smarts are CA Street smarts for

    Either right people around here don’t so you get educated on the street I get educated being myself and I can see people I can see their needs their wants their desires if I want someone to to even you know deci that that I want them to you

    Know maybe like them or do a favor for them I can easily say what they want to hear I do that all the time for people I cover for my friends all the time when they she their girlfriends tell them exactly what they want to hear okay

    Fun fun to be cuz people are stupid if Ethan’s rambling is true this is the definition of someone with antisocial traits individuals with antisocial personality disorder have a keen awareness of people’s needs their wants and their desires Ethan likely feels a bit more comfortable with this detective so he’s essentially divulging important

    Information about his personality and his ability to be manipulative and to lie it’s disturbing the way he views other people just by what they can offer him but this is also very classic narcissistic traits people’s value lies only in what they have to offer this could also be another moment of Ethan

    Mirroring bait’s character Ethan is brought up how he uses people such as his mom spending money on him that his friends are only useful to him for better weights he also claims that he’s smarter than everyone and is always telling people what they should do and

    Points out that he sucks up to teachers and attempts to manipulate them let’s just forget about the cameras okay we’re getting so hung up and so mad about these C all right yeah let’s just forget about right let’s let’s talk about your relationship with your mother you guys

    And you guys want to look through all the clothes I have I have a lot of nice clothes she buys me nice stuff my colog and my and my clones are Ronnie code that’s $70 right there jnod I spent $100 on that and some deodorant she spends nice money on me

    Okay like no one’s saying that she’s not doing that okay yeah but but now they’re telling me that I’m killing her for the dear God fund that I’m that I’m so dumb I get influenced by books you know there’s a lot of people a lot of things that influence our lives

    There’s a lot of things you know that right people get influenced you’re stupid you influence your friends a little bit my friends yeah you should because you’re a nice guy and so people if you have friend you have friends you have friends every all your friends kind everyone kind of

    Influences each other right that’s why you have friends because you have things in common that’s that’s why you’re friends I ain’t got no things in common with my friends nothing at all because he has better weights he just wanted to work out I just needed a

    Better you know since he’s got a better weight system why not take advantage of gu’s a little small little guy he said anything different from what I said he knows I take them do you think that influences him a little bit though that if you he knows you can beat him up I

    Don’t care if I influence my friends because I don’t like my friends well when don’t get back was you said that only stupid people are influenced my friends are stupid okay my friends are dumb I don’t know your friends they’re idiots I don’t know your friend so I’m

    Not going to say with when I you know what anything when I give them a piece of advice we tell them what they should do they never listen it always turns out the way that I told them that happen if they didn’t listen like you’re right

    It’s like no du I know how the world works I’m not freaking rarded like you guys even though it seems like everything is making Ethan mad he seems to be intentionally pulling the detectives into arguments to distract them and it’s working really well as a great deflector they’re caught up trying

    To argue points with them and engaging in a power struggle so you make all your choices no one influences you at all I can develop little little little portions the way I I develop that sure but I don’t change my whole character upon that I can I can

    I can change any character to any character I want to be because that’s easy to do right typically when an interrogator offers a theme such as being influenced in this case they would move on from it if the suspect doesn’t agree however the officer may be trying

    To agree with them so he will calm down and move on he’s also trying to stroke Ethan’s ego since he’s probably figured out by now that Ethan has narcissistic and antisocial Tendencies one thing that is particularly interesting is that this disdain of his friends also is reflective of the Patrick baitman

    Character it also sounds like he’s getting this from his books on psychopathy he’s molded himself into this person and just built his world around it people with antisocial traits are often considered chameleons in the sense that they can adapt them eles to practically any situation and can warm

    Up to other people easily in order to manipulate them and get what they want it seems that Ethan did just that however when it came to his mother he supposedly felt that intimidation alone would be enough to control her according to police documents Judy would become upset on various occasions

    When Ethan’s friends were at the house supposedly a few of the high schoolers would use substances and Judy did not approve however Ethan grew angry and regularly argued with his mother even reportedly punching a hole in one of the home’s walls but this was just the tip of the

    Iceberg your budy over there you know doesn’t hasn’t done his homework on you know just because I watch movies does he not understand that most of my books my reference books are all on Psychopaths okay the psychopathic mind right because I’ve always been trying to figure this

    Out who are some of the greatest and smart well actually Don was a Daisy do die how many people did he kill what was he he was he was a a hired Deputy at times clown knew knew different people Ted bunny he had a great life this man did so many

    Things great lawyer represented himself really great even the judge but he said I’m sorry to do this because I would have loved to have you practice in my court oh yeah I didn’t know that part yeah he said that the guy worked with the Republican part party for a little

    Bit he worked with some that he did a lot of things that were just out and amazing of of character but it all continues down to one thing how does his mind work American CLE that’s just because that’s what my author studies on we got to do a big

    Project on this author I like BR e Alex he’s a good writer but all this stuff I don’t know the the name they call for there the wrers call for it but it’s all about making fun of the way certain things are because you know it’s it’s

    Truly there but you know they kind of take it to a point of I mean you see this is truly truly I mean you know absurd though these are accurate observations it seems that Ethan has taken the contents of the story to heart but just because a p is a book doesn’t

    Mean that’s how new their life is going to be let me ask you this Ethan have you ever heard of cases before or people before and you’ve had you’ve read a lot so you probably have have you ever heard of people before who have been influenced by everyone’s heard shoting and

    All that’s that that was all those but people use uscape codes anyone can use that as skapegoat right sure it’s just they don’t they’re too dumb of course they want to hurt someone but they’re just too dumb to create their own way okay that’s how it is people just

    Don’t understand it like that that they’re not smart enough to create their own way they have to be driven by somebody else they’re they have that drive they’re just too dumb to actually make it happen without have seeing something or watching something any of those stupid qu tearing team movies dear

    God I I hate that guy with a passion it seems like Ethan is going off on a tangent but the detective switches gears and further questions him regarding his relationship with his mother my mom and I have been getting along for a while now you know there’s been times where you know

    She gotten on my nerves because she said my friends were too loud or something like that she like you know shut your door that’s normal but you know and we got into arguments like that but whatever my old man saying about her calling him up man she wouldn’t even

    Call that L up if you ever had um arguments with your mom and your dad had to come pick you up you stay D yeah she does that all the time but that’s because she’s a whiny baby she get in the drama yeah she’s a whiny baby my dad

    Comes up the next day and I was ticked cuz I’m watching this one we had Dre TV I was watching the The Longest Yard the old version I never saw that before I can’t rent that he makes me turn it off he’s trying to talk to me he calls up an

    Officer because I walk out I’m like you know what you’re full crap because he’s trying to tell me how I should deal and tell me how life is has been around since I was six he’s been dog since I was six I mean him cry when the officer left no I mean

    Him cry before but he tried to hold it in and when I went outside the offic like well it looks like your’s about to cry like yeah they kind to do that it’s like well you know you been you seem to be a nice person and you know you seem

    To to do good just you know be careful he you know they didn’t he didn’t tell I don’t think he told the officer the actual situation all I’m sure all he told the officer was that I was being disruptive said is taking money from

    Me how long ago was that was a year ago year ago Ethan fails to mention the terrifying reason behind Judy’s concerning phone calls to her ex-husband but that will be revealed shortly you think that both your mom and your dad are kind of real dramatic they kind of

    My mom she you know she’s depressed and I’m I’m pretty and I’m pretty that she was on a scale but I mean I couldn’t you know she was at least on the scale by the way she acted I knew it but par sometimes it’s tough man being

    16 getting along with your parents all the time isn’t it I remember well I don’t know I remember being grounded for a year back in those days that’s what the parents did they they take ass at you until you learn how to cat that hand it’s like uhuh you know

    You you catch that hand they Ain got no power to Ethan claims that he can’t remember the last time that he and Judy got into an argument he states that recently they’ve been getting along however his definition of a harmonious relationship may be drastically different than that of his mother’s you

    Know I talk to my stepmother about getting in with someone because my therapist I can’t see him every week I can barely ever see him every two weeks if I’m lucky but you know he says to me me my dad you know I’m like well I’d

    Like to you know get in with someone that’s you know every week and and I was like well we just do two weeks you know every two weeks be a lot less cheap I was ready to slap that I swear to God that St doesn’t even work he plays music at

    Bars to get little lra cash the money that’s made it’s made all by the wife you know I already know when I went in there he already thought that I did that that that I was the one that did that I could tell you know I know tell why the way he talked

    To look on his face I ain’t looked at man I at at all no I I was trying to hold up bom trying you know B my eyes out and stuff I ain’t never I seen dead people I ain’t never seen dead people real life before I left you know I covered up

    My mom I started to wash out the walls you know but as like you know there was too much it was a big too splatter you know I I put the for the dog and the cat in her room I mean dog and cat were already in her room but dog was

    Shaking you know cat I had a I saw her she she usually she’s usually in that room but she was in the way she’s all right and stuff might put her in there and just had some stuff full of dog food and Cat I just dumped

    On the floor put some filled out some water stuff put a candle in there and just close the door try not to light there’s a strange Sudden Change in his speech patterns here almost like a different person is talking this is probably more normal speech for Ethan

    And his other speech patterns have been him acting like a character modeled on baitman it’s an unner display and perfectly demonstrates the way that a psychopath can be a chameleon mimicking mannerisms and gestures that aren’t inherent to themselves Ethan states that he used a couple of wash rags to wipe

    The blood off the walls but it’s still extremely suspicious that he even cleaned part of the crime scene before going to his dad’s house get anything else out of that house or anything like that I know my mom always TT cigarettes you scared well I saw my neighbor one of my

    Guys one my neighbors he saw me but you know I try to play off like he didn’t see me you know I knew he was going to turn a certain way or if he didn’t I can make these duck under some brush question all go back

    On how did you feel when inside the house apparently on January 25th 2007 while Ethan’s neighbor was driving around at 1:30 in the morning he spotted Ethan walking along the street according to police documents he shouted Ethan’s name out of his car window it was loud

    Enough to where there was no doubt that Ethan could hear him however the teenager kept walking why do that sadad your mom feel back yourself this officer is really doing a much better job with Ethan he’s much more relaxed and there are no major signs of anxiety so I’m saying I don’t understand

    Why I want this I mean you’re the only one there and we’re just trying to trying to understand there something to me if I really wanted to the easiest possible way I don’t know I mean truly I mean but what would that way be what would be the easiest possible

    Way way she went okay what would be the easiest Poss I don’t know thank you man anything that would be ever misery in an easy way I know fine do you guys have guns in the house all I have some air KN KN and stuff like that I got one my Got what who do you think I don’t know you know cuz it’s a terrible thing that happened to your mom I she like you said would have happened to me it didn’t but let’s let’s think about you know how terrible this was to your mom they had they had a

    KNE okay they had I don’t have knives there I I couldn’t see this person who was dark I know they had a knife okay and this I know it’s long long it’s a longer knife than any of the ones I am but he made me S the one knife that is

    Semi why you do that make you look like I did it it’s my wavs it’s my life I mean truly check it check it I mean truly you I mean cuz I don’t even know there probably not going to be nothing on cam I don’t know to do that put out of no

    She was dead by that time before you put the knife in her head she was already dead yeah okay she was already dead but your knife what kind of knife was it it’s a small Winchester Ethan claims to have got the knife from his father and

    He States that he keeps it in his bedroom at his mother’s house the only thing I can show that it wasn’t me look look how deep the knife Cuts were that knife couldn’t do deep knife cuts too D to do the Deep knife cut no no I mean it’s not do lengthwise

    Lengthwise that’s what I’m saying so the blade and the knife is not long have to do I don’t know I mean truly that’s the only way that I mean if if camera shows something different I don’t know what to do man so so all you did with that knife

    Was stick it in her head yeah he far into her head did it go I don’t know he made me just was had a knife on head when cracked your gold there was a brain that was I don’t know what it was where’ you stick the knife in out he

    Cracking around here man so her eye was closed but you could see that she saw had the eyes but you know you could see inside m l it just put it in there inside her brain inside the skull or was it inside the brain cuz it it must have been

    Cracked cuz there was blood everywhere she loved you I mean that’s I loved her man I I did it might have been brother I don’t know but you know earlier I I don’t I mean I’m sure it wasn’t cuz earlier you know she went out to get

    With him to buy groceries for him so me during the afternoon of Wednesday January 24th just before her death Judy her son Mason and his girlfriend went grocery shopping together around 6:00 p.m. following their errand run Judy made her way back to her house house while Mason and his girlfriend departed

    For their home once they arrived Mason realized that they had accidentally taken some of Judy’s food and he quickly drove to her house according to police documents Mason only saw Ethan at the house but not as mother it’s unclear as to what time this took place however Mason left the residents thinking

    Nothing of the situation little did he know he would never see his mother again listen you know what I’m talking about is being able to say everyone in this world does things you look back on and say but I didn’t do it you both know there was another person in house no

    I’m man just H me and Bs me we know that okay we know that I know you don’t I do I know the truth I was there I saw her [Laughter] face there’s a delay with his illustrators here his words come out before his hands hit the table which is another instance

    Of brain and body misalignment but I didn’t do it Ethan seems to resort to aggression when he’s angry and emotional he may have been having an emotional moment here and then it’s like a switch has flipped this is a red flag indicating that when he gets angry angry he may not

    Be able to control his impulses he seems very used to using his size and aggression to intimidate and control others like his mother the officer handles this perfectly by not even seeming to Blink and stands as ground but he also doesn’t push just allows Ethan to react and show more of

    Who he really is I I you all Ethan turns dark here as he maintains unwavering eye contact with the detective the teenager’s intimidation tactics are like those of someone much older and far more experienced at victimizing others he inquires about the detective’s personal life but the detective leaves

    Before Ethan can beray him any further while he’s waiting Ethan begins a string of odd Behavior shirt for shirt finally the detective re-enters the room where Ethan appears to have calmed down you woke up and went in and your out loud he went in and um saw this guy in the Mom’s room he said it was real dark and could make out who it was or

    Anything but but he stabbed your mother right said she KN aim at you what did he do with that Ethan claims that he has no idea what the person looked like but he alleges that it could have been his brother Mason makes go to my

    Room KN is in my room makes you go to your room okay grab he grab that night makes me Winchester wincher just around came back G knock the door when you came back inside um you were afraid of this guy how come you didn’t run out the garage

    Door yeah run right out the door was I have no clothes no I and I had like some shorts and t-shirt I had no at all could you run over to some friend’s house or something like that call police there’s a man in my house when he’s confronted with

    Something Ethan keeps saying yeah but he’s trying to weakly justify what he did and the detective is slowly poking more and more holes in his story want you to go back inside huh what would prompt you to go back inside with the guy with a knife

    You you were out in the garage of the the door closed you couldn’t kill you if you out yeah I mean the detective is is likely under the impression that Ethan’s spinning a complete lie however he doesn’t want to outright confront him again seeing how the teenager emotions can go from one

    Extreme to the next why change the message on the phone why because I didn’t know where I was going I didn’t you know I didn’t know I didn’t want anyone you know coming over to house or call you know CU her cuz I tried to find her cellone I couldn’t find it but

    I why your any to see that by surprised by acent so you know if they call ahead or if her work calls or my school calls that’s the message yet we’re out somewhere else because I was just one streets I didn’t know first strangely enough following his mother’s gruesome

    Death Ethan decided to change the voice message on the answering machine for their home phoney this is the win res if you’re trying to reach Ean we’re actually out in Washington right now I a little couple of family problems so we had take a ship out there I’m sure

    Back by next week bye but this was only one of two messages that Ethan made in another chilling recording were able to hear what he sent to one of his friends the same night his mother died I don’t know I’ll talk to you guys later so I’ll call

    You the Es are caused for suspicion to say the least but the disturbing fact lies in their similarities to the movie American Psycho during the film after murdering one of his victims Patrick baitman changes their answering machine stating that they would be out of town after taking the lives of several other

    Victims he calls the secretary informing her that he would not be coming into work the next day the Eerie resemblance between Ethan’s Behavior and the film character’s actions have AU authorities extremely on edge as they brace themselves for what’s about to come next how did your ski GLS get all

    Bloody this guy said he’s smaller than you and you got a knife in your hand and this whole time inside the house and you never once try to take him off never want he a smaller guy than you kn besides if he’s that me going take no chances I I

    Onece for that think got your house I have ide’s window our backyard a lot of window back window window any explanation for this a known person coming into your house doing this people on drugs just randomly pick yeah’ know I live you’ve SE around my Ethan is again saying you know which

    Is another sign of deception because he’s trying to convince the detective a question that he never really answers at this point is why he didn’t try to attack or stop the person who killed his mom the officer does a good job getting him to admit he knows how to fight and

    Take care of himself which is a great way to confront this inconsistency in a story there’s a reason you and I just can’t come understand didn’t tell me your reason I don’t know the reason that’s why I want to talk to you that’s Ethan’s attempt to put on an innocent

    Facade is masking an array of dark and twisted Secrets but little does he know authorities are learning new information as they speak Judy’s best friend has plenty to say about the Disturbed 16-year-old he bullied her and and she said he scares me she said that I’m not

    Making it up and that’s what I told her I said you know it’s not normal to be afraid of your own kid and I said he need his ask kid what I said and I said we could arrange that but you know she’s my best friend and I don’t

    Want to I don’t want him to be hurt or anything and neither did she I don’t think she wanted um him to hate her anymore than he already did which is sad because she was the only one that did anything for him ever how did she spend her time after

    School she came she left depressed people do that a lot she didn’t like to do things in her house she I know she was out in her backyard turning over the dirt and said well you going to plant grass or she was no I was just digging I’m like

    Okay and she walked a lot did she say why she like to be outside so much you know I kind of now I was back and I think well she didn’t want to be in the house with Ethan and you know that stress that tension and cut it with a

    Knife even when i’ go over there I it’s an uncomfortable feeling apparently Ethan’s concerning Behavior had drastically escalated during the force of the previous year the once quiet teenager was transforming into someone completely different he reportedly became abrasive while puffing his chest out at everyone not only that but

    According to police documents Ethan was supposedly using various substances though this has never been confirmed in an anonymous statement given to authorities one of Ethan’s assumed to be friends stated that he’d apparently taken some of his pills to a party there he allegedly handed them out to other

    Students the reason being so that the partygoers could snort them and the behaviors yet again mimicked those of Patrick bitman during the course of the story Patrick’s dismissiveness substance use and aggression all increased in intensity much like Ethan’s alleged recent conduct but that wasn’t all one of Judy’s neighbors recalled The Roaring

    Arguments that could be overheard at Judy’s residence they stated that the altercations seemed to have recently leveled off however Judy apparently expressed her feelings of Terror to them in regard to her youngest son despite her fear Judy never gave up on working towards a better relationship with Ethan but he was not so

    Willing in fact Ethan’s rage was supposedly morphing into horrifying acts of violence against his own mother he’d allegedly hit Judy at one point although the incident isn’t clearly explained according to police documents he would reportedly go so far as throwing her against a wall during an argument before spitting in her

    Face according to one Anonymous statement Ethan reportedly claimed I hate my mom I want to kill her in addition police would learn that Ethan apparently told his brother that Judy would eventually get what she deserved she had no control she had he had no discipline I thought before I heard the

    The weapon thing earlier that day I thought you know he just I bet he just snaap they were arguing or something and he just snaap and de throw the crap out of her Judy was living in constant fear yet she still wanted nothing but the best for her child and everyone could

    See that but Ethan he wouldn’t be satisfied until he got exactly what he wanted even if it meant committing the unthinkable would come into your house and sneak around go to your waight room I mean how how would anyone know where your weights are if they come to that window then you you

    Just down the Ws okay so if you were going to you were going to come to someone’s house and have to upon these weights and you manipulate these weights to use a weapon what would make you pick those weights up from the room that you’re already in go into an adjoining room or

    Not joining room but another room and then manipulate those weights in another room before going out into the hallway see that doesn’t make any sense whatever yeah it sounds like someone lives there great big guy like you big strong guy sitting in a chair in the living room

    And your small little mother sleeping in her bed and this guy comes into the house with a weight and manipulates this weight in your room as a weapon and then comes out of the room why would he choose your mother over you aren’t you the threat to him I

    Don’t know aren’t you the guy why are you asking me these questions how am I supposed to think of it in his way I’m not this guy because you’re the one who’s telling me this I’m telling you as about as much as I can figure if you guys have got some other explanation

    May maybe he didn’t maybe change the way it’s that maybe I don’t know I can’t I don’t know all I can do is assume but that’s not it you’re assuming that you know and that’s why you’re I know why you would know pick the weight up from one room take it into another

    Room use the bed so it doesn’t make a sound can tell I’m speculating some guy’s going to come in and Rob he going to already has a knife is going to take the time to manipulate a weight and now he has a weight and then knife what happens if you don’t stand

    The person in the right spot they don’t die that’s right they make noise man I’m only speculating okay what are you guys doing see I can just say the same thing about you you know everything you’re telling me how do I know know you didn’t do

    This I can tell you where I was at so it wasn’t a your house Ethan begins another attempt at deflection but the detective doesn’t play his game instead he questions Ethan about a most unsettling topic my question for you is a guy who studies these psychology books that you

    Have yeah and these crime scene evidence books that you have and all these videos what crime scene evidence books crime scene investigation books in your room what crime scene investigation books and the videos that you have no what crime scene investigation books the one that’s in your room I got one forensic book

    That I’ve never read you want to know who gave that to my my grandparents I never read that all right still in your room okay okay you have your psychology books we have all these videos on serial killers you have all these books on serial killers I have all these books

    Have no I don’t so how many books do I have on a guy a guy who reads all that stuff how many books do I have on serial one one out of all the other ones and top of that what’s that book called we call it

    Marano okay so on top of that okay so you read all this stuff right I read that book yeah what are you do in the morning every morning when you get up what do you do wake up 6:45 I usually sleep in a little bit take a out will put my contacts

    In take a shower then I go you know sometimes I have my clothes already out other times I just you know grab my clothes as I go you ever put any stuff on your face not usually I don’t have enough time okay we’ve done that in the past it’s

    Kind of routine when you get in the morning you put this cream stuff on your face cream stuff mask mask up I’ve used a mask I’ve used mask pill it’s relaxing for your face this is intriguing considering that Patrick baitman had a very elaborate morning routine that included exercise as well as a

    Multi-step skincare regimen that he followed religiously of course what 16-year-old boy wouldn’t enjoy using a calming face mask or at least Ethan would like us to believe that he wasn’t modeling his own behavior after that of his fictional bloodthirsty Idol it only becomes more eerie from here I tell you

    How little stunning I done on actual serial killers all those books if you’d like to read through them one I’ll tell you which books I’ve read and two if you read two of them most of them aren’t about Killers most of them are about the a manipula

    Type A type that just live on every day they’re everyday citizens don’t get in big trouble which books are these which books the psychopath Books Okay by Robert D hair is there a series on he’s he has he’s the one that actually created the pclr it’s the psychopathy

    Checklist it’s ironic that Ethan talked so much much about how most of the books he reads are about manipulative people and he starts to describe himself he’s been playing semantics and going down rabbit holes to avoid talking about the real issue which is who killed his

    Mother even at this point Ethan is still trying to manipulate the officer and trying to take control of where this is going however the officer does a good job staying focused Ethan’s fascination with the Criminal Mind was of particular notice to his teachers during one class Ethan apparently expressed to his fellow

    Students that he was having thoughts of killing chillingly he went on supposedly claiming that there would be times when the thought was so overwhelming that he was unable to sleep Ethan reportedly mentioned that he doesn’t feel love or any emotion for that matter and allegedly confided in two separate

    Anonymous sources that he wanted to be a psychopath and a famous serial killer in addition he apparently spoke with one of his classmates reportedly stating something along the lines of ripping her head off before supposedly laughing in her face American Psycho isn’t even have to do with real psychos you know how

    False that is from how actual psychopaths are I know I’ve never been on that that guy that guy is so he’s so perfect and so well mannered that it would it’s impossible most psychopaths are impulsive than they don’t respond well to irritability this guy is too well nice and and acts good around

    People and he you know he’s not as manipulative as the natural psychopath is it’s just a book it was almost as if he wanted to be exactly like Patrick bitman Ethan supposedly began to dress in business suits while carrying a briefcase just as the fictional character does but most perplexing was

    His shift in Behavior as his cold and callous demeanor was something that he wore almost as a badge of honor and she would be you know in tears and you know altercation generally it seemed like it was Lo friends over and she’s wouldn’t allow it and I mean just

    Normal stuff to I think that he could push her around get away with that I never had any problems like that a week or so ago he had kind of a blowout with my and they’ both got along all right but that was the first time I was aware

    Of seeing it firsthand that I mean he exploded and was like she was like get him out of here take him home he said he was homicidal than one he had an alation at school where he was brought to the do old tension for hitting a kid or pushing

    A kid or something and that’s still beening like at that time he said something like so I’ll just I’ll just act psychotically I’ll put in m and so I mean more than once he’s threatened or made comment about being committed according to police documents Ethan apparently wished to be committed

    To a mental institution but his request was never granted although it is unclear if he truly believed that he needed help she called me up FR and and said you enough to come getan because I can’t handle them I’m afraid I’m afraid I thought she should be over dramatic she’s like I’m

    Afraid he’s going kill me in my sleep despite Judy’s fear it seemed like no one was listening however the shocking information that Ethan is about to divulge will undeniably prove that she had good reason to live in constant fear you’re a psychopath man as a psychopath I’d be truly

    Impulsive I get I don’t gain fights off you I’m not having promiscuous sex then on top of that you can’t diagnose someone under the age of 18 as a psychopath is there anything else you want to tell me decent anything you want to talk about like what I’m asking you

    Because I’m getting ready to walk out of here so I’m I’m giving the opportunity for anything you want to ask about today I do have K I’ll arrange for you to go to the restroom here in a second no no wait okay so what happened where okay how long will I more in

    Here Ethan I’ll be honest with you okay you and your mother were in that home okay I already know what you guys’s opinion is and only you and your mother I already know what you guys’s opinion I’m just asking I didn’t ask what your opinion was I already know

    What it is what you ask me how long am I going to be here and then where am I going from here not longer I’ll decide where you’re going to go from here huh and I’ll decide where you’re going to go from here where’s that okay well you going to be in

    Jail or out I think you’re going to jail do I get my own cell you’re not going doal attention either oh do I get my own C I don’t know I don’t run the jail why do you need your own C well no I just like to be more alone and have to

    Share with some guy I could actually get them sleep I don’t have my contact Cas either Ethan doesn’t seem to understand the magnitude of the harrowing situation at hand his own mother is dead but he simply doesn’t care I’ve been nice but you know I

    To no want to be me you don’t have to be me no I don’t I get you but why are you why I being me how am I being me I sending you to jail no I didn’t say no for evening me of that then telling me that I do these things

    Then tell me I’m a liar and then also your tell bud I can tell when people are mad tells a big big thing trust me it’s not personal all right you killed your mother you’ll you’ll tell me that tell me the truth and I can arrange for you to get your

    Own sell that I can promise you there is a law in a few states that is called the hope of benefit Clause basically it says that a confession is inadmissible if it was induced by the remotest fear of injury this is very rare and it usually involves a statement made after the

    Person is threatened to be physically harmed or promise that they would receive a lesser sentence if they confess in this case Ethan asked for a private cell and the officer said he would see what he could do the officer also said tell me the truth and I will give you the

    Cell however it’s important to remember that the Supreme Court has said that police can lie to suspects and the officer could be lying in this case though it’s not coercion because Ethan said he would tell the truth if he got his own cell and the officer knows that

    This is a juvenile case and because of the charges would get his own cell anyway all sure I guess I did I guess I did or I did yeah you did how did you do it I whack in the head okay how’d you whack her in the head easily okay how easy was It that’s how easy it was tell me about it what do you want to know start from when it what what started it I was up night at night I’ve been having muscle to I try to take calm myself down it was just a calling it was a

    Growing inside me I told my psychi just my there this this been going inside my full full time and listen CH that’s time happened it’s a growing inside of me what’s growing inside of you e killing a killing and need for this is almost a direct quote from

    Patrick baitman it’s growing inside of me the need for killing and that fostered into you last night with pains in your body I don’t know way it happened I don’t know what it was the pain in my body I don’t even know what the hell those were they weren’t even

    Pained they were just fnny EGS made me off bounds guess what happened last night tell me is it couldn’t see nothing it just happened from there Mom do something to to make you mad NOP so you whack it with the weights where in the head how many

    Times I didn’t count approximately yes I couldn’t I don’t remember she me it was either she was making noise or bra was making noise like what kind of noise is a is a noise a hissing sound a hissing sound I’m pretty sure was freaking brain it’s kind you know kind

    Kind of thing okay gurgling gurling and a hissing sound yeah okay as you hit her with the weights no how hard did you hit her real hard just both hands both hands on the end of the dumbbell yeah okay and you don’t know how many times it’s real

    Hard yeah I just wacked her yeah end in one shot the I wasn’t sure if she was going to stream or not okay one wasn’t good enough I guess not cuz I wasn’t sure if she’s m or not I couldn’t tell if she is alive not make them noises sadly Judy’s worst

    Fear came true and worse Ethan doesn’t seem to have the least bit of remorse in fact it seems that he may have been planning the sickening act all along throughout the confessions he’s coming across as a defiant and confrontational but what he’s not showing is emotion instead it seems like

    He’s telling this officer that he doesn’t care at all and in fact he’s proud of what he did St let’s at what nin Char you give me something extra I tell you where it is what else can I give you now you want me to stand before

    What man what else can I give you I’m giving your own cell man do so I’ll have my boss I’ll have my boss call over there as soon as we’re done here and make an arrangement for you to have your own cell all right and

    Do I have to so I’m going to have to go to court is this true yeah you don’t have to go to court that’s part of the system Charlie I’m already guilty well you still have to go to court and say whether you’re guilty or not I mean come on dude you know

    Do I get some wait h i wait I don’t have no no things I ain’t got no Shavers I don’t have my deodorant or nothing we can get just personal body hygiene stuff yeah my my my personal hot body hygiene your personal stuff can you do that what kind of personal hygiene

    Stuff come onani je Paul I Ethan was fantasizing about killing someone for quite some time authorities would eventually locate his school planner where they found several drawings of women being horrifically tortured and murdered in the right hand corner of one of the pages was a chilling to-do list it reads one kill

    Everyone two cut them into pieces three fry organs like the heart and brain and see how it tastes and four heart is an okay organ to eat if fried it seemed that Ethan wanted to do much more than just commit murder this is almost identical to the American

    Psycho movie at the end when the secretary is looking through Batman’s planner you said you hit your mom twice with the dumbbell more more than twice more than twice I I don’t know how many times I less than 10 more than 10 probably less than 10 I wouldn’t have

    The strength in my body so we just weren up to that she still making noise i s in the heart a couple of times with what the knife which knife the Winchester knife or a bigger knife special knife okay what special knife where’d you get the special

    Knife so my brother when he moved into his into his uh into that new house that that house was owned by some crafing those knives were just lying lying around he didn’t use those okay I took them from I took that one from because it was a special butterfly

    Knife with a ring fing okay not many people have much of this I know how to use a knife real well real well but I couldn’t get in the angle for the three shot kill which is what’s the three shot kill what you talking about right here and

    Right here and right here it’s a one two and a three and You’re Dead all in the same quick motion one two three but you couldn’t get that because of the way she was laying how was she laying she’s on side okay and she turned

    Over I sted in thought I stabed her in the heart because I was checking what my own heart was I thought I around there still there was hissing coming from there girdling I don’t know what the hell it was so I st in the lungs and I

    Maybe I SL Thro before I stab on the lungs I can’t remember I think I st stab the lungs and then SL throw lot of stab there and they are more than just superficial okay they’re real good deep St on what you’re saying like I never I’ve never seen

    Actual skin be torn apart like that it’s like paper but worse wor yeah you know Clay type thing you spread part it’s how is kind of elastic it’s weird kind of rip or oh no I just I just went right in there you know it just got through there no problem pretty Shar

    Butter KNE oh butter fly knif this thing this thing is a monster I had the I had the glove over her mouth the full time what I thought was her mouth what glove blind one not sure if you splitter Thro I thought I did but I wasn’t sure

    You know I try to make the motion it’s harder than it looks okay did you do anything else after that I think I whacked it once more time what a dumbbell yeah how does the Winchester knife come into it that was just another night stuck in there okay where’s the

    Butterfly very close by very very close by your pass another pass by the mall okay there’s a bridge and gos M try to I try to hug it over little fence didn’t even make it over there unfortunately the butterfly knife used in the gruesome murder would

    Never be found what did you do your clothes what clothes clothes were wearing when you did this was it the same clothes yeah how’ you get the blood off you it was no blood no blood at all on you they all got hold my arms on your gloves yeah you know I made

    Sure it didn’t h all over I mean though there was some splatters I got lucky what’ you do afterwards afterwards what after you stab and cleaned up clean myself up put the blanket over Stu over fed the dog cats H their water put it in that room candle in

    There didn’t find no money keep so just grabbed as many energy drinks I could grabb some medicine just got all booted uped strangely Ethan also scattered cat and dog food on Judy’s bedroom floor before making his way to his father’s house Ethan murdered his mother in the late night hours of Wednesday January

    24th but he wouldn’t arrive at his father’s house until early the next day how do you feel about what you did nothing you don’t feel nothing about it feel good about it I feel good about it I told you I don’t feel nothing I don’t regret

    Nothing I already knew it was get in this way I had my guy sent him a letter I know what letter said I’m supposed to I’m supposed to M with next week Friday funny thing is though he’s the psychiatrist at the jail that’s it’s pretty

    F kind of ironic it’s pretty fun I told I’ve been you know these thoughts been always there eighth grade always there always there just growing inside just eth grade yeah that’s how it’s always been that’s just life I continue to ask him can you give me something for impulses really could give me

    Some too little too late you know why your mom what this person I was thinking of going downtown inste a couple of bums too they’re work for bumps you know you live on Street make up all these excuses for why they can’t work this is another American Psycho

    Movie reference I thought of going downtown to stab a couple bums the interrogation has revealed countless ways that Ethan is trying to be the same as baitman in the movie baitman kills without provocation and purpose Ethan said that he wasn’t provoked by and did not have a specific purpose for killing

    His mother throughout the movie baitman tells people of his homicidal thoughts and Ethan shared his homicidal Thoughts with many people as well baitman tells people in the movie that he is insane and Ethan told friends and students he was a psychopath baitman states that something horrible is happening inside him and

    That he cannot explain it and Ethan made eerily similar statements about something growing inside him and having feelings he cannot explain after killing baitman changes es the answering machine to reflect the victim being out of town after killing Ethan does the same thing to their answering machine it’s unclear if Ethan

    Even knows which parts of himself are real and which are just trying to copy a fictional character mom was the closest yeah she was there I was just going to leave but she woke up and heard me leave because she wakes up quite easily then that would interrupt some plans

    So besides I was going to go kill a couple of BMS anyway finally I add to the list what uh so she woke up and you were getting ready to leave no no no she was asleep she would have woke up to say to leave so probably she probably would

    Have woke up I thinking my that well you know you done watching TV no I’m trying to go to sleep in bed trying to sleep or on the chair trying to sleep in bed you don’t feel bad about what you did at all you okay with it buddy there’s

    Things in lives that want to understand I want if I was meant to be born I shouldn’t have I shouldn’t have been been around I should have been in a hospital most time at least a l part of it how screwed up I was it’s just called

    Luck that’s just how it is you know all this this God this big thing ain’t there ain’t there you either get lucky you don’t and get lucky following the unbelievably shocking and callous confession Ethan is placed under arrest and taken to jail consistent with what

    We’ve seen so far in no way does he even show one ounce of regret for his monstrous actions after taking a closer look into Ethan’s home a mountain of evidence was uncovered in Ethan’s bedroom were two toy figures one of a man holding a chainsaw and a shotgun

    While the second was none other than a replica of Patrick baitman they also discovered a rolled up dollar bill with white residue next to his computer in addition they also found a blue American Body Armor Bel istic vest in the living room according to one of the reporting

    Officers he noted that from his training and experience it’s common Behavior amongst many previous School shooters to have owned a vest of this type while also murdering one or both parents this discovery LED authorities to believe that Ethan may have also been planning a school shooting not only that but investigators

    Located the many films and books that Ethan grew to love some of the most notable movies being that of American psycho gasy Ted Bundy dmer serial killers Natural Born Killers and the shining his book collection included many famous titles of course American Psycho but also bad men do what good men

    Dream the psychopathic mind snakes and suits and forensics True Crime Scene investigations it’s clear that American Psycho made the biggest impact on Ethan and in the end police shockingly found 25 different ways in which Ethan imitated the character Patrick baitman in addition to the previously mentioned similarities Ethan would also

    Share thoughts of committing a homicide he would regularly control Judy he idolized material possessions such as high brand cologne and body wash he apparently bragged about having meaningless intercourse he expressed how he wanted to murder the homeless and how he believed that his friends are stupid

    But most eily of all the teenager wanted to fulfill his disgusting desire to murder someone in Cold Blood and he chose his own mother and December of 2007 Ethan wendham was charged as an adult with first-degree murder he eventually pleaded guilty to Second deegree murder and was sentenced to life

    In prison without the possibility of parole however in 2012 the US Supreme Court ruled that life sentences for juveniles were in violation of the eth amendment where cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited as a result in 2019 Ethan was resentenced to 26 years behind bars he’s already served 16 he

    Will be eligible for parole in 2033


    1. I hope you're enjoying the new releases, the goal is to get one video released on this channel every week, which has been a challenge, but we are working hard to make it happen. Our main objective is to not sacrifice quality for quantity. Stay tuned, we will continue working hard to produce new content for you. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

    2. As a person who was psychopathic when I was 6-14, I know even then I would be disgusted by this. Even I had morals, I would protect my family no matter what, even against myself. (I went to the Lord and got better overnight while I was 14. Now happily 18 and no longer acting like Douma.)

    3. 42:22 although this veteran detectives tried and true, methods did not seem to be effective and was reduced to petty accusations and fabrications, and even seemed to get beat a little in a sense that it seemed this murdering idiot got under his skin but… just like an old pro, trial by fire, experience always prevails… eventually, through the back and forth of wits and posture, the detective has an immense advantage which grants him all the leverage he would ever need, he believes what hes saying, murder doesnt and cant believe his own words… which means, he must lie.. about something, and any liar knows, even the best of us, will trip up somewhere especially if enough lies are told, or the wrong lie is told.. its hard to keep them all straight… its sometimes just as hard to keep a single lie straight, LONG TERM… at this minute mark, imo, is all i would ever need to see, to know his dead to rights guilty.. no body.. and i mean NOBODY, even mentally ill, would think to clean up a crime scene IF THAT WASNT THEIR OWN CRIME TO CLEAN UP!!! theres just no other logical explanation and if ever were to be decided by a jury, or Jim Bob walking down the street, anyone would say.. guilty… GG EZ… Detective Old Head 3001 – 0 boom shaka laka

    4. 42:40 sociopaths are common detached from reality of their own self and therefore lack awareness of it and the consequences and reactions sometimes just moments even seconds later.. the big yell "FORGET THAT" and SMASH on table, are all internal feelings and thoughts vocalized and acted out, in reaction to the realization that what he just said was incredibly stupid and very well could become damning… it makes more sense to me that hes yelling forget that, almost wishful thinking, to make the detective literally forget/hopefully dismiss, what he just said and the smack on the table is meant to be a deflection or diversion from this past transcribed moment, that just happened seconds prior… he realizes he fucked up, and vocalized it… very telling, must be a terrible poker player..

    5. There's so much wrong with this commentary.
      For one, there's no such thing as a "budding psychopath." You seem to have confused it with "sociopath."
      This kid is neither.

      He grapples with anxiety which excludes him from psychopathy.
      He emulates Bateman and likely wishes he was Bateman. Excludes him as well.

      He had no problems with authoritarian figures in general earlier in life, only with his mother/parents which indicates that he's hurting, resulting in rebellion. He was asking for help on multiple occasions and felt he wasn't being being heard or taken seriously. It's likely that he saw killing his mother as the ultimate act of rebellion.

      While conduct or oppositional defiant disorder MAY be a precursor to sociopathy (not psychopathy), it's not a given, as you stated here. With proper intervention, it doesn't have to culminate in sociopathy.

      The psychologist who initially diagnosed him missed some very important points and sounds rather like a quack. They didn't even catch on to the kid's psychosis and jumped to conclusions.

      The kid was subsequently diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia–not once, but twice, and has responded well to treatment with antipsychotics, which would've backfired if he wasn't psychotic.

      At least do your research before armchair-diagnosing people with disorders you seem to know little about (and condemning those who do struggle with the conditions in question).

    6. What's going on in America? This is exactly where the fantasy world of victim mentality, permissiveness, entitlement, being a walking "selfie" leads and "identifying" with hallucinations leads.. This arrogant, dangerous 16 year old bully was in complete denial of the fact that he brutally murdered his mother to silence and stop reality from disturbing the delusions he "identified" with.

      His mom went along with the mistaken notion and prevailing view that if you feed and pacify the bad wolf, it will turn into a good wolf.

      Since when does nurturing weeds produce roses?
      God bless the cops and detectives dealing with this. Very eye opening. We all have to wake up.

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