In this weekโ€™s Fozcast, weโ€™re joined by good friend and former teammate Jay Rodriguez! We talked about the incredible moment when he was called up to the England squad and Jay reveals the unforgettable advice Gary Neville gave him before his international debut.

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    Just want to let you lot know that if you’re watching this clip on the fast YouTube channel the full episode is now available to watch exclusively on Spotify and it’s free come on I’ve got a date for you Jay Rodriguez um that I think you might know what I’m talking

    About the 15th of November 2013 do you know what this is you should this England yes England debut 2013 G 2013 and the worst over 10 years ago yes see he’s right mate James Trafford knows what he the old the old Fox wi Fox um so you made

    Your England debut um we’re going to talk about the actual game and the debut itself sou first but I want to talk about that that whole sort of selection procedure when you knew you were getting called into that first team how did the call come where did it come from how

    Proud of it were you your family all that kind of stuff yeah it was obviously just turn up for training um walking past the office you’re at Southampton at this time yeah you always walk past the off manager’s office and then you got a knock on the window through the BL and

    You you don’t sometimes you don’t want that cuz you’re getting hooked here yeah so I go in and then they kind of like who tells you Jay it were yeah it were marito and Theon and Nicola CES as well yeah so they they were like pleased to

    Say well they kind of brought me in and everyone looked a little bit down Jesus migy Tony they they’re unbelievable people I love them to it and I’m thinking I’ve done something wrong here what was happened and then they they go yeah you’re in England and I was like

    What and then they I said like f off I was like I couldn’t believe it no way not a chance it winding me up and then they like yeah big hugs in that and then they right go to training and that was it and obviously sent a few texts go to

    Training and you’re just on cloud n you think what the hell and then obviously when it happens it’s it’s surreal like people that you’ve you’ve looked up to and like you you’re warming up and I I always remember he sticks in head just warming up and throwing you know doing

    The volley going to get next one I’m throwing a ball to Lampard and he’s giving it back in Gerard I’m thinking this is not normal I lot from Bley is doing this I think I want like I want a ticket or something it’s mad and the other

    Strikers in that team at that time so Wayne Rooney Jermaine defo when you get to see them up close and personal what what was the standard like that’s that’s when you realize that it’s a different level to what you’ve experienced you know it’s the training is different

    Level I mean Jer def’s finishing is like the best I’ve seen just to see it and how he hits it instant and how hungry he is for goals and just in training I learned so much in that week and then with with Rooney was I just think he’s

    Just a different level of of player what was it what was it about Rooney he just the way he hits the ball and the way but then the way he plays we’ve got a small side of game and he was so like so aggressive to win the game and like I

    Remember Gary Neville was you know like the the referee almost and he were hammering him because he didn’t give him a decision I’m thinking this this guy’s like the top of his game probably could could relax but he wants more and more and I just really looked up to him then

    You know to see him and learned so much in that week and uh did did Roy so Roy H was the manager at the time did he um pull you before the game in the days leading up to the game and tell you that you’re going to be starting yeah so he

    Pull me and adds l in um him and gar nille said you’re going to be starting tomorrow and I think gille say something like don’t yourself sleep there so many people at these little comments that never love it and to be fair I did myself there I was

    Like I can’t believe it I I remember speaking OB was to and my parents and that and we just just a surreal moment we played Chile so obviously they were an unbelievable team and we got battered and I remember coming off the pitch like really disappointed that I felt miles

    Off it yeah felt really miles off it why why cuz they were so good and it was you know you always doub you always doub yourself don’t you always want to try and improve and you know establish yourself and I just obviously getting beat two n and didn’t really I don’t

    Think I got a shut off and stuff and I’m you know really debating you L miles off it but um look I got called up again so it was it was nice what was the most nervous part of that whole kind of in the lead up to the game was it the

    Actual game was it in the tunnel was it the night before I think probably the night when you’re playing everything goes in you look at it and you’re playing just a game of football I think that’s always the case with myself is I think it’s more the night before than

    Obviously singing the National Anthem yeah don’t get the words wrong even though you know the words it’s like don’t don’t mess up were you a quiet or were you a b out I I was quiet but I think obviously as you get older you’d be belting it out yeah singing loud and

    Proud but it’s um yeah things like they’re the ones that know but as soon as the whistle goes it’s like right I’ve got to I’m on it then what is what is the nerves where do they come from though what is the what is the worry is

    It the worry of kind of you know you know you’re going to have the nation’s eyes on you you know you’re going to have all your family’s eyes on you’re going to have a lot of people watching is it the worry of kind of not performing basically is that what

    Automatically takes over your head that’s the one thing yeah like not embarrass yourself not form um I never feel it from a family or friends they’ve always they always support you no matter what they’ll tell you if you you’ve played or played well um but I think it’s when it’s saying England it’s

    It’s a totally different you feel the pressure from the you know the Press is it’s just a massive occasion and um yeah it was it mainly that to not to not do myself jce that that was In fairness that was a tough time to be an England

    Player wasn’t it you know remember back in that time where Roy hodman was managing it was still it was very different to what it is nowadays with G Southgate isn’t it that was the time when you felt like the media were out to get you it was horrible wasn’t it yeah

    Like I said some like the players that we had there was just incredible the the talent but yeah it was it was difficult but like I said Chile was was unbelievable um the L players was now Lawrence vargar he was on the bench actually was yeah he’s a ledge guy as um

    The goalie that actually played for chile at that time was cladio Bravo um so I remember the game I remember it really well actually uh we got beat 2N Alex Alexi Sanchez scored I think in the seventh minute and then the 80 or 90th or something like that anyway um but

    Their style of play Chile was incredible very technical very sort of pass a move pass a move very pep esque really U but cladio Bravo I remember he was popping the ball around from the back he was cutting out the the Press from England it was phenomenal to watch so much so

    That that actual individual performance is what earned him the move to Man City yeah it was it was incredible like to go on press him and they were just getting out of a tight situation but then working so hard without the ball they were they were ruthless without the ball

    You didn’t give you a minute aggressive as well CH K yeah kicked you off the park you obviously you love it now you love to see it but not when you’re playing you just give me a break I said B was fire fire that if for you say that when you talk about

    Getting getting called up with England um you even said when you were there in your earlier days Ben that it was a bit clicky so was it nice nice to go with a couple of teammates obviously Ricky Lambert and Adam Lano and yourself all got called up at the same time right

    Yeah Luke shw yeah Luke Shaw as well so obviously we just stuck together like he walk in we walked in with his track seats as well like Prof a little busy things so well your Southampton oh you’re horrible I know we didn’t know what to do so you would have played the

    Game on a Saturday or Sunday then for Southampton and then just reported straight to the England set up from there got picked up on Sunday straight there yeah in your Southampton tracking I think we learned a little it since that Southampton team sorry you just mentioned a few of the names there

    Though but do you remember how many of them play that was some Southampton team by the way Mar I want to talk about him in a minute as well um but that Southampton team you had some players it was that era of of Southampton players that they were just milking Liverpool

    For money every every transfer window can we have another 50 million there’s there another one can we have 50 million quid please it was yeah I mean obviously when when poino came in and then the way we played you know High Press attacking football I think we took it a little bit

    By storm I think um we had a really good team like great group of lads like I said I love I love Mario and andus migy and Tony the really top people great people um and yeah what they did for my career and what I learned in that time

    With was it stuck with me forever thanks everybody for watching we hope you enjoyed this clip of the fast if you would like to watch the full episode it is now available exclusively on Spotify for Free h


    1. Loved JRod at the Albion, what a goalscorer! Just unfortunate that we got relegated and couldn't get promoted the following year but I remember it upsetting a lot of people when he left. At least he left in a professional manner

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