Hello and welcome back to the channel! In this episode I’m talking about a subject that comes up often in the comments of the videos. What tyres I use. These have been bomb proof and have lasted two seasons now! I also head out for a solid training ride and get some sun…

    This ride – https://www.strava.com/activities/10741008943

    The last time I punctured on this setup it’s around 15 months Ago [Applause] He [Applause] [Applause] he good morning welcome to another Ultra cycling related video if you watched any previous ones thanks for coming back if this is your first one my name is Andy and I’m an ultra cyclist on the south coast of England the videos I make are about Ultra cycling training and Adventures

    Right now I’m in the thick of my training for the Transcontinental race a 4,000k race from the rubay vome in France to Istanbul so if you have endurance goals of your own subscribe follow along I’m sure there’ll be something in there for you and if not hopefully you teach me Something on the C of today got a pretty chilled ride to be honest just a few hours out of Portsmouth through the South Downs to a place called Petersfield and then back so with this being a shorter ride today it gives me a chance to talk about

    Something I’ve been meaning to for a little while question that comes up probably more than any in the comments and actually one I’ve wanted to talk about for a while my tire set up cuz honestly it’s been absolutely bombproof for so long Now I’ve had this setup for the last two winter seasons the last time I punctured on this setup was around 15 months ago so based on that I’d say it works pretty well I’m fully aware as well making this I’m jinxing myself pretty hard and I’m going to have puncture after puncture

    But that’s a risk I’m willing to take I’m also going to try to head back and catch the last few laps of the perf pedal race it’s not called that anymore but in Portsmith we’ve got a pretty decent Road Race happens every February it’s kind of the season opener for road racing in England pretty much generally known for being grim

    Wet cold it looks like they got a pretty beautiful day for it today believe Alex dson is racing today and he won the race before few years ago was won in the past by Shan Kelly as well so if you watch Euros sport Toral France coverage Shan Kelly is one of the

    Commentators and a proper Legend I’ve also got a couple of friends racing in it from my Cycling Club so be good to go and cheer them along started already but I think I got Time It’s so peaceful up here kind of skirting around the edge of buer Hill which is the highest point in the South Towns love it up Here Probably best luck get off the bike for this bit but the reason I wanted to make a video about these tires they’ve been half surprising me and half baffling me for a little while I’ve had the same tires on this bike for two Winters so not the

    Same brand and size the same actual tires every Sunday I ride at least around 100 miles sometimes further to lay a bit shorter so it’s pretty important to me that I don’t get pun and flats stranded in subzero conditions in the winter ideally if I can avoid it I

    Want to keep rolling don’t we all and these tires have been absolutely faultless so I’m using the Continental Grand Prix 4 season in 32 mil it’s quite big quite chunky but so much more comfortable and just find I can roll through just about anything do try to avoid potholes and flint and whatever

    Else still try to avoid that sort of stuff but if I’m about to roll through a pothole don’t have to worry generally they suck up most potholes and stuff like that still hear the crack of flint in the tires and think great that’s going to Flap pretty soon doesn’t

    Generally I’m usually waiting to start getting punches the more often I get punches then I know it’s time to change the tires and getting now to the end of the second winter these tires have been on I think they go more to be honest I’m probably going to put these wheels and

    These tires onto another bike when I build this one up for the Transcontinental race probably going to put some new wheels and tires on this with a Dynamo Hub and stuff before I’d share that credit where credits due and people do ask quite often about tires so

    That’s what I use the last puncture I can remember in full disclosure I did get one on my 400k aax preparing for PBP in the middle of the night the whole group came across a ginormous poth hole in the middle of the road and took out several bikes bodies on the

    Floor one guy I know flipped over his handlebars managed to get to the end of the ride the group I was in all three of us hit that pothole and snake bike punctured um you can probably see there the rim is dented so really smashed my

    Rear wheel I punctured to that point but then you’re going to puncture on a pothole like that aside from that the last puncture I had on these tires was November last winter so about 15 months hope that helps a few people it’s February now so probably the wrong time

    To be talking about winter tires maybe I’ll bring it up again going into next winter but this does affect what I’ll use for the TCR based on how these are performed normally I’d use 28 mil GP 5000 and I think I’ll probably use GP

    5000 but go up up to 30 or 32 mil for the TCR those gravel parkours are going to require something like this just some food for thought for you and to answer a few of your questions there’s anything else you’re interested in my setup let me know and I’ll try and cover [Applause] it oh and if you’re interested in knowing how much clearance you need for 32 milk ties with mud guards not very Much The reason I made this one shorter one today just really fatigued trying to juggle this training plan and normal life can be quite a challenge usually getting through the first 3 weeks of my training and into the rest week kind of walk in a fine line with fatigue already so last

    Weekend I had some decorating planned in whole renovating part of my flat fortunately got to do that sore thing myself they ended up burning about 7,000 calories that day just in rollering walls sowing wood jumped on the trainer on Thursday through my warm up felt all right right going into threshold I

    Managed about 10 minutes before just mentally didn’t have it in me to suffer so it’s usually a pretty good warning it’s time for a break unfortunately it’s too much for one week so I’ll take it easy today and crack back on as of Tuesday to be honest makes a nice change

    From always pressing on and no time for cafes and no time to stop nice to have a little chilled ride every now and then Yeah Yeah Yeah Show [Applause] Yeah well just went to watch the race if they’re going really well or I’m really not probably the latter but I think they’re all finished got a few groups looks like they were just warming down so missed the end of the race lived here 40 years now never watched that race but

    It’s always next year oh bumped into a a viewer earlier first time ever on a ride Andy thanks for watching and thanks for saying hi all about do it for this one hope you found that useful have a good week I’ll see you on the next one


    1. Andy – I notice many US ultra cyclists have a 3rd bottle actually bolted on the underside of the frame by the bottom bracket – looks like some endurance bikes have bolt holes for this – haven't seen any in the UK though.

    2. Thanks for the insight to the tyres Andy, always good to hear others experiences with tyres and another great video 👍. I’ve been running Vitoria Zaffiro Pro’s now for must be over 8’000 miles and had 1 puncture caused by an altercation with a badger (yes a badger 😀. Not the fastest of tyre but bullet proof for me. Going to try the Rubinho Pro next. Look forward to seeing the next video 👍

    3. nice vid Andy, cheers – always good to get a chilled ride in – looked nice going up to Petersfield. Good news with the tyres but let's hope you've not jinxed it now! That downhill past QAH is well worth it after climbing up Portsdown – respect to those racers smashing it up there!

    4. I have had a set of GP4S on my bike for ages now they refuse to die no punctures yet the back is starting to square off a bit. i think the replacement for them is the GP5000AS no idea if they are as good though.

    5. 7 minutes of BS to get to the start of starting to get to the point, then ending with 3 mins of JRA. I think you can do better. Tires and getting punctures are mostly dependent upon the roads (cleanliness) and the ability of the rider to navigate around areas of debris (vision). Much in the way optimal tire pressure is dependent upon road surface and rider size. We no longer promote 115 psi for everyone, and if somebody did promote this we would immediately discard their opinion. So, everyone rides different roads and has different vision. By vision I am not talking about Rx, I'm talking about looking at the road, versus looking at the countryside or videoing/taking pictures while riding. But, vision and attentiveness is a huge factor in punctures. Hence, why large group rides and big pelotons tend to see higher rates of flats.
      Still not sure why YouTube cyclists think we want to see them riding around while listening to bland muzak.

    6. I’m really enjoying your videos. Just before you said ‘ I’ve probably jinxed it now’ I was thinking that it was dangerous talk, saying you’d had no punctures for ages… haha!

    7. Great video, I ride tube less. I pack plugs just in case of big hole. I only use the plug once to fix big hole all seal and back cycling within a couple of minutes. I still a spare inner tube just in case., but never use it yet for last three years

    8. I use my definition (same colour by the way) with reserve 44|40 and use 28 gp5000s tr. On these rims they blow up to 32mm and because the rims are so wide you’re not breaking the aero rules. But these rims are tough very much in keeping with the Mason mantra ride fast far (or is it the other way around) and very much rated for gravel use not just road and have no weight limits. Either way they’d be amazing for the trans continental. You can buy the reserve as rim only if you want a dyno hub but got mine with the dependable dt 350 hubs

    9. …back again with another nice ride, thanks Andy. My milage is goin`up as well, winter setup with Gatorskins,- since i had three punctures just in november on Schwalbe, Michelin and Conti GP5000(best for me). The Gators still look brandnew after about 1100km, they can take some hits and ride "ok", but they seem to be a bit slippery when it`s wet…so

    10. Hi Andy,I've got a new bike on order for Winter riding and i'm aiming to do a few audaxes this year! The tyres i'm having are the Conti 4 seasons 32mm. Interestingly my local bs advised me to run at about 60psi as you're doing! Here's hoping i can get the same results! 😊

    11. Part of me thinks punctures are much more random rather than tyres and I’ve been extremely lucky, had a spate many years back on thin road tyres but can’t remember how many years ago I punctured since going 28+. But I ride average sub 100 miles a week unless touring/bike packing.
      In any case hope you haven’t jinxed it!

      And I very much enjoy watching you cycle around and get a lot of useful stuff from your videos. Have you tried to get any sponsorship for the TCR?

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