After some calls for Rob to run for Prime Minister, Rob shares his 11 Ways to Fix BROKEN Britain! This isn’t content Rob thought he would ever create but after witnessing the state of the UK, he couldn’t stay silent and talks about why he would do drastic things such as completely reforming education and abolishing most benefits.

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    If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything

    I have never done a video like this I risk being cancelled and deplatformed and demonetized by the system also known as The Matrix but if I’m known for saying if you don’t risk anything you risk everything I have to live by my own Mantra the death of the UK and if I were

    Prime minister what I’d do to fix it since March 2020 those words we cannot say that begin with c and end in oid and begin with L and end in oown and begin with v and end in aines since this time thousands maybe tens of thousands of people have been

    Calling for me to run for prime minister because they believe I have some common sense solutions to this broken country and broken economy I have never done a video like this but I’m going to share with you 11 things I would do to dramatically change the UK now for years

    I’ve dismissed the idea of being a prime minister the thought of being a politician I couldn’t think of anything worse it would make me projectile vomit through my nostrils however I might have some news on this coming soon as an entrepreneur for nearly two decades owning 340 rental units probably bought

    And sold another 350 run the UK’s largest property training company authored now 19 business and property books I speak to thousands of peers who are entrepreneurs like me and they’re all pissed off with the UK they all want to leave the UK in fact many of them

    Have left they’re going to Dubai they’re going to Lisbon they’re going anywhere but the UK now I know the UK isn’t the only place in the world like this many people are leaving certain states in America in their droves and this saddens and shocks me whilst I wouldn’t say I’m

    Hugely patriotic there are so many things about the UK that I love and to see it die and to see all the people that have funded the growth of the UK in the last 20 years all want to leave it really upsets me now since I’ve been an

    An entrepreneur I’ve got to know some very powerful politicians in fact the most powerful politician in the UK right now with the greatest influence by a mile is someone I know very well I believe the economy is not being run like an economy I believe the core Hub

    The engine of the ship of the government and of the country is the economy and the economy is being ruined so having hired in total thousands of staff and currently around 150 and doing more than a quarter of a billion in sales in the last nearly two decades let’s get into

    This I’m going to share with you the 11 dramatic changes I would make to the government right now that I believe would transform the UK and stop everyone leaving and in fact draw in investment and Technology from other countries around the world dramatic reform number

    One I would rip up the tax code it is thousands of pages long it is unnecessarily complicated I have to hire 12 people in my finance department mostly for vat returns mostly for tax returns mostly as a police mechanism to pay hmrc and our government way too much

    Tax it justifies thousands of staff that the public sector government hire most of whom aren’t needed Progressive taxes do not work they are actually not fair and the people at the very top avoid the progressive tax because they pay 4% or % and the people at the very bottom get

    Hurt we need to change the hierarchy of how tax is tax vat is 20% corporation tax has just gone up to 25% income tax for a high rate taxpayer which isn’t High anymore is 45% you have business rates you have National Insurance for the employer National Insurance for the employee you

    Have levies insurances and licenses and all these fancy names they’re all taxes I roughly worked out with what you earn and then what you buy with your tax paid money up to 70% of everything you earn and spend is tax for the government yet they are in trillions of debt how can

    This be so why can’t we have a flat rate Progressive taxing does not work let’s simplify it down let’s have a 20% flat rate you earn a 100 Grand you pay 20% you earn a billion you pay 20% and you actually make the billionaires pay the

    20% you earn 10 grand you pay 20% you earn 150 days as a beggar cuz Beggars earn 150 a day professional Beggars you pay 20% now of course in the current government this isn’t going to happen cuz they can’t blind you with stealthiness and confusion they would

    Have to get rid of I don’t know a quarter or a third of their Workforce that are Justified to keep this tax code Running Bull baffles brains that’s what my old boss used to say let me just read you these shocking statistics in 2018 the top 100 UK companies generated

    Profits of 312 billion and this is according to Merchant machine assuming these companies are only paying 4% Corp tax in reality what if they paid 10% Corp tax in reality just an extra 6% of 312 billion is an extra 12.48 billion in 2023 the UK generated

    1,07 billion so a trillion in Revenue so this would be an extra 12% in Revenue without any drastic or unfair changes or increases so the working class the middle class the new Rich the small business owner and the entrepreneur they’re all being penalized and paying

    Far too much tax even though 55% of the whole economy is small business owners but then you’ve got the billions who are paying 4% out of 25% Corp tax doesn’t make any sense of course the broke people and the victims are going to be in the comments saying oh a flat rate

    Tax that is not fair the more you earn the more you should pay but the problem is the more you earn and the more you pay you get to a point where you are not incentivized to earn anymore and you either stop earning more cuz you’re

    Going to give 70% of it to the government or you’re going to leave the the country and go to Lisbon and go to Dubai where the taxes are virtually nil and you’re going to start a business out there and it’s worth all the time and

    Cost and set up to do it like I’ve got family my parents are still alive and they live in the UK and I’m seriously thinking about leaving this place the second big reform I’d make if I were prime minister this is a nice easy one I would walk in and immediately fire half

    Of the government there’s far too many public sector sponges now it’s not necessarily the fault of the individual it’s the fault of the system there are no incentives for growth in the public sector in fact there are often incentives for wastage do you know that

    Over half of hmrc now work from home and we have a bloated constipated government with thousands of Staff moving paper around I would immediately go in and fire the lowest producing half now the third dramatic reform I do when I immediately walked into number 10 is I would reach out to the most

    Successful business owners entrepreneurs you know the influencers who’ve been decades in business think of the dragons in Dragons Den or Richard Branson or Elon Musk or whoever had run a real big business for decades and I would offer them a role full-time or part-time or consultant for the government the

    Government runs a legally insolvent business it’s called the economy now as an entrepreneur or a business owner it is illegal to trade insolvent trading insolvent means knowingly trading at a loss well most people know that the UK government is more than three trillion in debt and America’s government is 10

    Times that debt so everyone knows that the government is running a legally insolvent business yet they’re allowed to and we can go to prison for it or get struck off as a director for it doesn’t make any sense one rule for them one rule for us so I’m actually going to get

    Some advisers into the government who’ve actually run a business for decades who have generated hundreds of millions and billions in profit in a real economy called a business so if I have hire everyone who’s never run a real economy and I bring in some of the best advisers

    In the UK and the world who’ve run billion pound and billion dollar economies we can actually make our economy a solvent trading business that makes profits the economy should make profit the problem is when something is not for profit it ends up being for loss now this part is going to shock some

    People I’d love your thoughts in the comments I would actually pay the good politicians much more salary the Prime Minister and the senior politicians get a very low salary for the amount of hours that they work and the amount of stress and pressure that they have they

    Should be paid much more the senior politicians who are going to run our economy because our economy is the fuel of everything oh no but the NHS is well what funds that the economy oh no but the police well what funds that the economy so I’m going to dramatically

    Increase the salaries of the top politicians so they actually want to change the country njel farage told me there are two types of politician the politician that wants to be something the politician that wants to do something the be something is oh I want to be famous after and get paid a

    Quarter of a million pound for an after din keynote speech and I want to go and I’m a celebrity get me out of it and get paid half a million pounds uhuh we do not need those type of politicians we need the politicians who want to do something they want to change the

    Country they want to make a difference they want to put a dent in the universe now to be fair to many politicians I’m sure they come in wanting to do something and then the system beats it out of them so we need to change the system the government is a for loss

    Making legally insolvent non- economy we need to turn it into a for-profit private sector business the fourth dramatic reform is these hundreds of billions that have generated in Revenue just by getting a bit more tax off the billionaires and the billion pound and dollar corporations I’m going to invest

    That back into entrepreneurs startup businesses and workers who learn a new skill and trade the UK used to have br brilliant Apprentice schemes if you wanted to be a carpenter a plumber a builder you wanted to be in construction now these are jobs that have been taken

    For granted now if there was a war that decimated much of the UK like there’s been in the Middle East we would desperately need construction workers Builders Brick Layers plumbers actual valuable trades we would not need people with a lip filler and massive tits and hips going oh look at me on social

    Social media on Instagram we wouldn’t need any influencers we would need people with genuine influence we would need men to build Rose and we would need nurses and doctors and real professions and these professions are dying because The Apprentice level has gone in the UK and real trades have been

    Overlooked these hardworking core workers in the UK should get paid more money now people moan that nurses and valuable trades do not get paid enough they would if I was hiring I’m an entrepreneur I in a private sector and the the more valuable someone is in my

    Company the more I pay them who pays the nurses the nurses are paid by the public sector so actually what I was going to say is well the government pay the nurses no they don’t you pay the nurses but the government control the salaries the fees and the pricing so they’ve got

    It all wrong because they’re giving backhanders here and there and billionaire corporations are paying virtually nothing and the core level workers are not earning enough money this country has been decimated since March 2020 when you know what happened it’s also been decimated since brexit when a lot of decent European workers

    Who actually wanted to work hard they all left this needs to change this is the backbone of our country and then there’s the startups the entrepreneurs these people are getting punished and wiped out and exiled or anyone that wants to start their own business and passion they’re thinking what’s the

    Point you know these new taxes come in to tax you if you rent out your room and to tax you on your secondhand clothes that you own I’m just waiting for the breathing tax and the thinking tax so this government needs entrepreneurs employers needs people in Tech it needs

    A thriving startup Hub and no one’s going to do that if there’s a 90% failure rate on starting your own business and if Corp tax is 25% and vat is 20% and income tax is 45% and then there’s business rates and Nation Insurance why is anyone going to start a

    Business remember more than 50% of the entire compan is generated by small business so why are they biting the hand that feeds them so I would create incentives tax breaks subsidies apprenticeships and mentoring as a staple government service to help start up entrepreneurs all the way through

    Your journey you’re going to get support from me and the more successful you are the less tax you’re going to pay not the other way around the problem with progressive tax is it’s essentially a voting tool because if you think about it from a pure incentive point of view

    You are going to be less incentivized the more your penalized tax is a penalty and the more you earn the more you get penalized so you are less incentivized to earn more but but progressive tax is great for getting votes from the masses who are pissed off with the billionaires

    But if the government taxed the billionaires fairly and I’m not saying over taxed I’m just saying fairly taxed and then under penalized the workingclass to start up entrepreneurs this attitude would completely change the fifth dramatic reform let’s have another load of bitching and moaning and complaining in the comments I would wipe

    Out most of welfare now if you have a genuine disability that is proven and you are incapacitated and you can’t work you should be entitled to some welfare you should also be incentivized and educated on what you can provide for your nation now bear with me here this is important

    I did calls on Christmas Day boxing day and all through to New Year I’d do it every year as a way to give back and help people and I spoke to one man who had a motorbike accident and he was bound by a wheelchair I spoke to another

    Man who contracted a rare disease and he’d become paralyzed from the neck down neither of these two men wanted to go on welfare these two men wanted to learn from me how they can be valuable how they can contribute and how they can earn so I help them think about the

    Knowledge they have in their mind because as long as you’ve got your mind you can earn money and you can be valuable and you can contribute another quick story I often walk around my city center interviewing people for my Tik Tok Channel and I often give money away

    And when I give money away you see lots of people swarming me who are on benefits or who have welfare and I regularly ask them why don’t they work and one or two of them say that they can’t work and I look at them and I

    Think well you probably can work and you can come here and be interviewed by me and collect money so you probably can and then many of them tell me it’s not worth it they can earn more on welfare if they got a job they’d earn less I

    Mean what the while I was doing one of these interviews I went up to my local community support workers there’s a lot of people on the streets in my city and I said to them how are we able to get these people off the streets and he says well they’re all professional

    Beggars I went what do you mean he said they’ve got their own houses paid for by the government and then they come and profession Prof Ally beg and earn up to £200 a day as a professional beggar how much tax reckon they pay Progressive no how can it be that the government is

    Stealing your money and giving it to people who are gaming the system this needs to change and I’m wiping out half of that welfare at least now I’m not a cold insensitive bastard what I’m immediately going to do is I’m going to put that person who was on welfare on a

    Training program and I’m going to teach him a core skill whether it’s a brick layer a construction worker maybe they work on the roads or I help them turn some kind of passion or skill that they have into a profession I believe everyone on welfare wants to be valuable

    And doesn’t want to be a sponger to society and it’s only a small few who actually should be on welfare everyone else can be valuable number six dramatic reform is I would completely reform education there would be no Tutors or lecturers who are theorists who’ve never run a real business teaching business

    Economics and finance they would all get fired there’s this saying those that can do those that can’t teach and we have many people who are theorists and I would replace the theorists with the deists I would have people in education who’ve actually run a business who’ve actually run an economy who actually

    Know how to make money and handle money and manage money and the school system would be dramatically changed where there would be more trades and more skills necessary for the growth of the nation and there would be compulsory Financial education building personal wealth managing your own money budgeting

    Managing your money emotions all of this would be compulsory in school imagine if everyone could manage their money well imagine if everyone was wealthy and it’s possible people say oh it’s not possible because there’s inequality of wealth distribution there isn’t there’s inequality of knowledge on knowing how to get wealthy that’s where the

    Inequality is and that’s actually created in the school system everything that you are born with there infinite unlimited potential you’re create ctivity your rebelliousness your entrepreneurial flare your resourcefulness this is all banged and hammered out of you and by the time you’re 18 that’s all been unlearned and

    You are indoctrinated and now you are just a consumable product for the government maximum tax revenue from you maximum interest revenue from you do not question do not challenge own nothing and be happy so I will run the governments and the school system like a real business not like a charity the

    Thing with a charity is have you seen all the salaries that the people and the charity Zone these not for profit organizations so there would be incentives in government for politicians in the school system and the better someone is the more they get paid there would be commission structures and no

    Ceiling incrementally increasing rewards for nurses for teachers for politicians and most of the public sector would become like the private sector I don’t know what number we’re on we’re on number seven or eight but the next dramatic reform is I would let the banks go bust if they’re insolvent now the

    Reason I’ve included this one is because Banks and Central governments are supposed to be independent of each other they are not they are one entity so when Banks legally trade insolvent granted by the government there is no incentive to become solvent because if they go bus which they know they won’t because they

    Know they’ll get bailed out but if they do get bus they’ll get bailed out and who will bail them out oh the government and who pays the government oh the taxpayer and who’s the taxpayer you now look I know it would hurt some Savers so

    What I would do is I’d do a big PR campaign and warn people that Banks can go bust and it’s an individual’s responsibility to ensure their own money diversify their own money protect their own money like it would be if you put it into crypto or any other decentralized

    Class I would promote Banks as a decentralized asset class and if banks went bus they would go under now all of a sudden if banks knew they could go under and they didn’t have this safety net they would start to perform like legally trading businesses now what

    Angers me is the banks make trillions and they can go bust and they can get bailed out so they’ve got no downside and all upside and the only risk is your money not theirs that’s wrong that needs to change I have what 130 active staff

    In my business and I know that if I financially line up the desires and goals of my staff member with the desires and goals of the business they’re going to make more money I’m going to make more money and then when I make more money they can get paid more

    Money and then when they get paid more money they’re going to make me more money and it is a virtuous cycle and this does not happen in the banking sector and in the public sector and in the government I probably should have put this one at the start but here we

    Are but in fact thinking about it from the helicopter view the entire political system needs to change the problem right now is there is no democracy the last three UK prime ministers the people did not vote the controlling party chose out of 200 people there are what 70 million

    People in the UK we should all have a choice and we should all have a voice and we should all have a vote if we have chosen a democratic system so we do not have a democratic system we have one that’s pretending to be and the last

    Three prime ministers we had no choice this is wrong I believe anyone should be able to run for prime minister I believe there should be really strict Financial rules on how you raise money for donations for campaigns I believe there should be more competition to get in

    Power I believe it should be harder to get in power and then once you’re in power I believe you should be given more time if you like football football managers are often in out in out and when Club higher and fire like man united have done for a decade the club

    Doesn’t move forward you need someone who’s given a budget a long-term plan they’re given maybe a season or two to fail because they’re taking on the legacy of someone else’s problem yurgen klopp at Liverpool is a great example he’s been given time his first season wasn’t very good Alex Ferguson’s first

    Season or two was not very good at Manchester United but they were given tenure and length you need a decade to make a difference in politics and to be fair to the politicians who I’ve been quite tough on here they’re not given enough time and they’re just picking up

    The legacy of someone else’s mess okay look I could go on forever here so now I’m just going to summarize and finish this off with listing a few more things I think the government should start paying back their debt they never pay their debt off with their money they pay

    Their debt off with your money through quantitive easing and inflation and I believe political incentives should be in place to reduce the national debt when you have a company your assets are in a balance sheet it’s called a balance sheet because the liabilities and the assets should balance and if you have

    More liabilities than assets you are in debt and you are trading in solvant the books are never balanced they’re always in the negative and there’s no punishment for keeping them in the negative and no reward for bringing them back into the positive because after all if the economy is thriving and

    Profitable and not in debt everyone benefits number 10 or whatever number we’re on I would completely refund the police the police is so underfunded 2 to 3% of all rape cases actually get convicted pretty similar with theft and knife crime for example that needs to completely change we need to model some

    Other countries that are much harder on crime but the police get a really bad R but they are so underfunded same with the NHS the NHS doesn’t need more funding it needs a complete reform the model is broken it’s a bucket with a massive hole in it that we are pouring

    Hundreds of billions a year what 200 OD billion a year I don’t know hundreds of billions we are pouring into the NHS it’s got the biggest hole in the bucket out of probably any public sector service it needs a complete reform we need to look at the insurance-based

    Model or even the privatization based model because it is broken there is no NHS there is no public sector healthare because you cannot get in and then you have to go private and then the final one and my friend Nigel might not be happy with me about this but I would

    Look to reverse brexit I want to encourage Tech Innovation foreign overseas money investment back into the UK I want all the best workers from around the world to come back and work and build this great nation and we exiled them all through brexit and I think that needs to be reversed right

    Now I’ve got a double hernia and I nearly popped my jugular sharing this content with you as you can see I’m passionate about it I was born in the UK I’m very proud of this nation and it hurts me to see it sinking like the Titanic now look if you disagree

    With me and you think there’s still great things about the UK let me know in the comments and I’m not going to beg you to like subscribe and share I’m going to tell you to thanks for tuning in and remember if you don’t risk anything you risk Everything


    1. fuck the uk 🇬🇧 it’s a 💩 hole . i’ll be leaving in 3 months and i won’t be coming back . so many better places to live like Dubai no crime tax free , clean , hot , beautiful

    2. Where have you been all my life?? First time hearing you and your like music to my ears, the epitome of common sense, it's put a smile on my face knowing there is still sane people in this crazy place ❤

    3. It is already 10yrs too late to stop what is happening, and will continue to happen, this country is already finished, people just haven't recognised it yet. Crying like babies about it now is already too late.

    4. Rob…you need to understand that the elitists want the UK broken. By destroying the nation state they can take control. You need to get all these entrepreneurs together to fight against the WEF

    5. Rob,you should be an advisor for Sunak🤷🏻‍♀️. Brilliant,you make a great deal of sense 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

    6. Out of every Pound you spend in a Pub over 0.50p goes straight to the Government in one tax or another, its one of the reasons the High Streets are a tip, and its destroying the fabric of Britain

    7. I dont disagree.
      The UK Government from 2026 has failed the people.
      It started with Cameron and the most idiotic idea to hold a Vote on membership of the EU.
      The referendum and the campaign was proven to have overspending and illegal activities yet the vote and outcome still stands.

    8. Aint nobody voting for you after what you did and are still doing with the chris eubank footage your a leach who profits from filming the mental brakedown of a national treasure

    9. Rob you are an absolute diamond! My only disagreement with you is on Brexit. Considering what a sh*tshow Brussels is that's one thing I would OPPOSE. I mean look at what's happening in continental Europe Rob most or at least very many Europeans are VERY, VERY UNHAPPY with EU policies and that putting it mildly! However, you do make some excellent points about making it super easy for bright intelligent EU workers to work in the UK without overly complicated, stressful and EXPENSIVE Visa procedures and applications. So I put it to you Rob why can't we completely reform and rewrite all the laws to do with hiring the brightest and the best from the EU to remove all barriers to that end? Sincerely Rob I REALLY don't want this failed state/nation of ours to now concede it's sovereignty to Brussels! Sorry Rob but UK sovereignty MUST REMAIN with the UK!

    10. We are in the shit because we sold of everything the state owned. All the social housing, all the means of production. The private owners have been and still are literally bleeding the country white. Yet Rob wants to privatise what ever scraps are left. The uk is literally a dead rotting carcass now. The damage done is looking irreversible. By my reasoning the rot started with Thatcher, now the chickens have came home to roost.

    11. Points 2 to 11 sound fine but point 1 sounds dodgy. It is well known that humans are greedy and entrepreneurs are super greedy. Entrepreneurs think that without their businesses the country will come to a grinding halt. Thus they have a tendency to take out more from the business kitty and share less than they should with the rest of society. To make the utopian society you are talking about you need to wipe out greed from mankind first.

    12. While I agree with 100% of this video the likelihood of it happening is slim to none, there are far too many useless people high up that would perish when forced to bring the same level of value to survive as those lower down in the pecking order.

    13. The first thing I would do is make sure nobody like you could exist in the UK. So yeah No.1. stamp out aggressive opportunism at its core. That places you in the same category as the Pakistani droves who come to Britain purely to make money and don't give a toss about our culture.

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