I ride from Mbale city to Iganga, in Uganda, in Africa. On the way, I meet many cyclists transporting goods, and I race with some of them. I stop for lunch at Esther’s restaurant, a really lovely woman who serves me some delicious goat meat.
    Then I continue across beautiful Uganda, until I finally reach Iganga.

    My book (in English and in French): https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B096QVMXWZ also https://www.amazon.fr/~/e/B096QVMXWZ

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    #africa #uganda #lovely

    Mbale, Uganda – Morning, my friends, from Mbale City. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. – Yes. Well, goodbye. – Bye. Yes. Let’s go, guys. Let’s go to Jinja in this video but first today to Iganga. It’s 107 kilometers. So a long day today. Let’s go to Jinja and Iganga today.

    – Bye. – Hello. Hello. – Yves. – How are you, Fred? Good. – You are now… – I’m leaving. – You’re about mooching. – Yes. – Up to? – Up to Iganga today. Jinja. Yes. – But if it rains, how do you do?

    – I have a jacket. – Yes. So now why can’t you capture us as you go…? – Ah, okay. I’ll capture you. Yeah. – Yeah, yes. – Yes. – Great. Very good. – Friend. – Yes. My friend Fred. – Friend. – Yes.

    – Yes, you capture me and you… – Okay. – I know you’re touring. That’s what I know. – Yes, I’m touring. Yes. – You’re touring. – Yes. – But did you go to the mountain? – I came from the mountains. Yes. – This mountain here. – Ah, this one. No, no, no.

    – What about Sipi Falls? – Sipi Falls? I was there. Yes. – You were there. – It’s beautiful. Yeah. – Yes. – Okay. Have a good day, man. – So now safe journey. – Thank you very much! – You are welcome. – Yes, sorry. Have a good day.

    Let’s go. – Safe journey. – Yes, thank you. – Hey, man. – Hello. – Hey. – Let’s go. – America! Where are you going? – Welcome! – Hello. – Hello, hello, hello. – Hello, hello. – Hello. – Hello, hello. – Hello. Yeah. – Yeah, yeah, yeah. – Yeah.

    – And this is the clock tower, which is the center of Mbale City. – Hey, hey, hey. – Hey, how are you? – I’m fine. And you? – Oh, where are you going, mzungu? – Yeah. – Mzungu, mzungu. And look at these beautiful statues. It’s actually funny because in…

    Yeah, in busy downtown areas, people would think it’s dangerous to ride this bike, but… I find it very nice and very funny actually. – Hey, hey, hey. – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. – How are you?

    – Hello, mzungu. – Hey, mzungu. – Hello. – Hello, man. Hey. – Hello. Hello. – We all need to ride. – Hey there. – Hey. – Hey, man. Stop, stop! Stop! Stop right there! – I need to go. I need to continue. – Stop that! – Sino Ugandan Mbale Industrial Park.

    It looks like the Chinese are investing heavily here. What a gate! Oh, they are going fast. – Hey, mzungu. – They’re overtaking me. Yeah. Hello. Hello. – Mzungu. – Hello. Hello. – Hello, hello. – Hello. – Yeah. – Come today. – What is this? It looks like some sort of root.

    Maybe, it’s dried cassava. Hey. How are you? – I’m very good. – Hello. – Hi. Hello, hello. – Wait, wait! Wait there too. – Mangoes. Nice. – Mzungu. – Mzungu. – Yeah, hey. – Yeah. – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A bit of enthusiasm. Hello, hello. – Hey. – Hello. Hey.

    Hi. – Mzungu, hello, hello, hello. – Hello, hello, hello, hello. – Hello. Hello, man. – Hello, hello. Oh, look at those jackfruits. Wonderful! Wow! Hello. – Yo, yo, yo. – Okay? – Okay, okay. Hello. No, it’s okay. It’s okay. Oh, man. Big jackfruits. – Where are you going?

    – So here, there are a lot of jackfruits, oranges, and mangoes. – Hello. – Hello. Hello. – Hi. – Hey. – You. – Hi. – Hi. – Hey, mzungu. Wait, wait, wait. – Wait, wait. – Oh, oh, oh. – Hey. – Hey. – Man!

    – Hi, mzungu. Okay, that’s my friend. – Mzungu. Yes, yes, yes. – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. – There are some sofas on the road. – Hey. – Hello. Hello. – Hello, man. – Hello, hello. – Hello. – Hi. – Hey. Mango. – Mango. Mango. Yeah. – Hi. – Hi. – Hello.

    – Hi. – Hi. – Mzungu. – Okay, I’m arriving in a village. Let’s see if… And it’s lunchtime. So let’s see if I can find some lunch here. Hi. I don’t see any restaurant. Hi. Okay, so let’s go to the next village, guys. Hi, hi. – Hi.

    – Hi, is there food here? – Yeah. – Yes? – Yes. – Maybe, I found a restaurant. It’s a restaurant, right? Okay. – Welcome, welcome. – Thank you, thank you. Ah? – Should I appear on the camera? – If you want. – Yeah.

    – That’s exactly what I was looking for. – Everything is there. Mama is there. – Mama is there. – Yeah. – Very good. Does she cook well? – Very well. – Very well? – Yeah. – Okay. – It’s a nice bike. – It’s a nice bike. Yes. Oh my god.

    Tired. – Hey there! Good to see you. – Ah? Good to see me? Good to see you too. – Yeah. – I was looking for a restaurant. – Looking for a restaurant? – Everyone is looking at the bike. – Yes, everyone… – Is it a special bike?

    – Yes, it’s a special bike. – That’s a motorbike, yeah? – No. It’s half a motorbike, half a bicycle. It’s electric. – Half bicycle, half motorbike. – It’s an electric bicycle. – Electric? – Yes. – Oh. – So I have assistance.

    Okay. – Half. It is half. – Exactly, half a bicycle, half a motorbike. – Half “gaali”. We call it “gaali”. Bicycle. – Ugali? – “Gaali”. – Oh, “gaali”. – G-A-A-L-I. – Oh, really? Gaali? – Yeah. – Gaali. Okay. – Okay.

    – Do you have a menu or something like that? – Yeah. We don’t have a written menu, but we can talk. – Okay. – Do you want to sit outside? – Yes, I want to sit outside, so I can see my bike. Yes. – My name is Esther.

    – Esther? – Yeah. – Nice to meet you, Esther. – Nice to meet you too. – Oh, oh my god. – Do you want to take a rest first and breathe? – Ah, maybe… Do you have juice or something like that? – Yes, juice.

    – Oh, you have a juice. – Yes. – What fruit? – Passion and mango. It’s a mix, a cocktail. – Yes, I’ll have a cocktail, please. So I’ll have juice first. – Yes. – So I’ll rest and then I’ll take food. – Okay, okay. – Thank you very much! – You’re welcome.

    – So I did most of the ride actually this morning. I already did almost 70 kilometers. Oh my god. Oh my god. Yeah, 70k under quite a strong heat, and with just a small breakfast in the stomach. Oh wow, that’s a big one. – Yeah, these are two glasses. – Two glasses.

    – If you take one, it’s… – Okay. Thank you. – You’re welcome. Just a minute. – Passion and mango. Oh, good natural juice. That’s awesome. Oh wow. Fantastic. – I don’t know if you like this. – It’s okay. I’ll drink it like this.

    So what do you have for food? – For food, we’ve got goat meat. – Goat meat. Yes, okay. I like goat meat. – Stew. It’s a stew. – Oh, it’s a stew. Yeah, okay. – Yeah. – With what? – With rice. We have the pilau, then the white rice. – Okay.

    – And you have… – With potato. – Do you have…? Potato. – Irish. – Irish potato. Do you have vegetables? – Vegetables? Yes. Mixed. – Mixed? – Yes. – So can I have…? – Aubergines, Dodo, green leaf vegetables. – Ah, okay. Whatever you have. Yeah. Goat stew, yes? With rice. – Rice.

    – White rice, white rice. – White rice. – Yes. – With potato. Boiled potato. – I don’t know. I don’t want the potatoes. – We have kalo, what we call “kalo” here. It’s brown millet bread. – Millet bread? – Yeah. – Oh, I’ll have this. Yes. – Millet bread? – Millet bread. Yes.

    So the goat meat with rice, millet bread. – Millet bread. – And some vegetables. – Yes. – Perfect. – Okay. I hope you’ll like the millet bread. – I’ll try it. I’ve never tried it. So it’s good I’m gonna try something new today.

    – Okay, give me the next 10 to 12 minutes. – It’s okay, it’s okay. I have time. I’m just going to Iganga today, so I have plenty of time now. – Okay. – Thank you very much! – Let me do you the bread. – Okay. – Okay. – Ah, lovely Esther.

    Oh my god, this juice is awesome. – Here you go. – Oh wow. Nice. – Here. The millet bread. – Millet bread. – Rice. – Okay. – White rice. – Oh wow. Oh, okay. Wow. White. – This is the goat stew. – Okay. – And these are the vegetables.

    – So it’s like posho but with millet. – It’s millet with a little cassava. – A little cassava. Oh, okay. – Yeah. Taste this. – This is… I will taste it. Yeah. – That’s the goat stew. – Goat stew. And that’s a…

    – We don’t fry it. We boil it. – And that’s… – Quite a lot. – Ah, okay. That looks beautiful, guys. The millet bread is actually kind of… It kind of looks like what Gamer tastes actually in Khartoum. This is really good. Wow, I love it. This is so good.

    How do you call the millet bread? – Kalo. – Kalo? – Yes. – Kalo. Okay. So that’s… – But in this dialect here where I am… – Ah, in the dialect here. – …it’s called “owita”. – “Owita”? – “Owita”. – “Owita”. Okay.

    So it’s “owita”. – Yes. – Okay. And what’s the dialect here? – The dialect here is Lusoga, Lusigini… – Ah, people are Luso here. – Lusoga. – Lusoga? – Yes. – Ah, okay. – And then, the inner part is called Lusigini.

    – Lusigini. Oh, okay. – Lusigini. Yes. – And the name of the people? – Basiki. – Basiki? – Yes. – Basiki. Okay. Thank you. – You’re welcome. – So you are Bantu or Nilotes or… – No, no, no, no, no. Bantu.

    – Bantu? – Yes. – Okay. – Bantu. – Bantu. Okay. – Yeah. – The millet bread is also… I forgot the name already. I love this. It’s very chewy, very elastic. I love this texture. Let’s have some of the greens. This Sukuma something is really good as well. Sukuma wiki.

    So millet actually is a cereal that grows, that is originally from East Asia and also from East Africa. And look at this beautiful stew. Let’s try it. Oh, she even gave me some chili. Oh yeah. Very good. You know, the goat never fails. Oh yeah. The broth is fantastic. Wow. The marrow. Nice.

    – Thank you very much! – It’s okay. You can keep the change. – Keep the change? – Yes. – Oh. Thank you. Thank you. You… You… – Yves. – Yves. – It’s the same sound as Eve, the exact same sound. But it’s a different name.

    – Yves with “Y” now. – Yes. – There is a French, I think, perfume. – Yes. Yves Saint Laurent. – Yeah, that one. – Yes, it’s famous… – I’ve seen it since I was a child. – It’s the same. – It’s the same name. – Yes.

    – Ah, that one was very popular and it still is, yeah? – Okay. It is still popular. Yeah, yeah. – So, you’re journeying from this one to this one. – I came from Mbale. Yeah. – Ah, Mbale. – And I’m going to Iganga today. – To Iganga.

    – Yeah. – But you are going beyond. – I came from Kenya. Yeah. – You passed very far the border there at… – In Suam. Yeah. – What’s that border called? – Suam. – Suam? – Yes, I was on the other side of Mount Elgon.

    – That’s now far. – That’s far. Yeah, yeah. – So you… Oh, you didn’t do the shortcut here. – No, no, no. – From this… – I came around the mountain. – Around the mountain. – Yeah. – Mount Elgon. – Mount Elgon. Thank you, Esther. Goodbye. – That one’s for the GPS.

    This one is so interesting. – Oh, nice. Very nice. Thank you. Bye-bye. – Bye. – Thank you, Esther. – Bye. – Have a good day. Good luck. Let’s resume our journey. 37 kilometers left to Iganga. Hello, hello. The joy is back. Hi. Hi, hi, hi. – Awesome, guy. – Nice. Orange land.

    Hi, hi, hi. (Driver trying to kill a cyclist) – Fast. – Hello. Hello, hello. Yes, yes, yes. – Guy, stop here. Stop here, and you’ll see. – Stop here. – Stop here, and you’ll see. – No, I need to continue. I need to continue. Hello, hello.

    – Hey. – Hey, hey. – Hey. – Hello. – Hi. How are you? – Bien. – Good. – How are you? – Good, good, good. – TrΓ¨s bien. – Hello, we go with you. – Hi, hi, hi. (Another driver tries to kill me) – Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. – This is mental. I mean, did you see that? It was those guys. They had to go off-road because of this stupid car. Oh, the driving is very bad in Uganda. Nice jackfruit. Hello.

    – Listen, man. – Yes. – Tell me. – Tell you. – How are you? – I’m good, I’m good. Nakalama. So here I am rejoining the main road. The main road leading to Kampala. – This is Uganda. – This is Uganda. Yes. And finally, a bit of chapati.

    It’s the… Yeah, the most common street food here. Chapatis. And here we reached the main road. Hi, hi, hi. – Hello. – Hi. Let’s go. – How are you? – Good, good. How are you? – Hello. – Hello. And we are arriving in Iganga, guys, our destination for today. Yeah. – Yeah.

    – Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. – Hey, hey, hey, hey. – Yes, yes, yes. – How are you, my man? – Hello. – Let’s go faster. – Hi. Okay, let’s find a hotel now, now that I’m in the center of Iganga. Traffic jam. What’s going on? Wow, a very messy town.

    So I’m looking for Continental Hotel. And I think it’s here. Let’s find the entrance. Hi. Thank you. Hi. Do you have rooms? – Yes. – Yes? For how much is it? – 80,000 ($21) for a single room. – 80,000 for a single. – Yeah.

    Then a double is 100,000 ($26). – That seems fine to me. Hi. Ah? A single room. – Yeah. Welcome to Hotel Continental! – Thank you. Thank you. – I’ve seen you arrive on a recumbent. – Oh, yeah. Okay. With a bike. – Yeah. Yeah. Fantastic. How far did you come?

    – Good. Ah? I came from Mbale today. From France with the bike. – Yeah, yeah. You came all the way from France. – Yeah. – A few miles there. – Today from Mbale. Yes. – Overland from France? – Yes, yes. – Wow, I’m impressed. – And where is…? Okay. So that’s the single.

    There’s hot water? – Yeah. – Okay, good. So here is my beautiful hotel – Continental Hotel. So that’s my room, guys, that you saw already. All my bags are here now. Okay, so a very, very tiny room. Maybe I should have taken a double room. Anyway, see you tomorrow,

    For the second part of the way to Jinja.


    1. I've been watching you for a long time, it's incredible how you can ride a bike for so long. For such a journey you probably need to have sports training.

    2. My goodness Esther is a star ! I'm in love with her hospitality, her warm heart, her aura is so welcoming and her food speaks of her character. God bless you Esther ! You are famous now !

      @KinoYves I've completed watching every upload of yours within the past 10 days lol … I binged it all and I feel my life and my bucket list has transformed .. ! It's a beautiful world thanks so much for these videos brother God bless you ! … I have to wait now patiently for your next upload .. I'm here with you all the way to capetown. Take care.

    3. "driver trying to kill cyclist" was so funny πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜……..

      This drivers are so inconsiderate by overtaking on the wrong lane… And even they don't slowdown when they see the cyclists

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