In this weeks vlog, we stepped it up a gear and headed to Foresterseat to do their 90c ODE. But not all went to plan…


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    Hello and welcome back to our Channel as you may guess I’m bathing Skippy and that’s can only mean one thing it’s another venting Vlog Woo so it’s currently Saturday evening I’m getting Skippy ready for some early time tomorrow we are off to Forest to seat to do the five I think it’s five hunt Pony Club and they’ve got an OD that they’re running and we’re doing our first 90 which I’m not going to lie

    Pretty nervous about the show jumping is a bit of a demon for me at the moment and when I say a demon I’m just going to get on with it and do it but I feel a bit nervous about it but we have we’re going down the center line for our dress

    At 9:00 so that means we need to be there by by 8 which means we need to leave our yard at about 6:30 closer to 600 if we can so that means we’re having another sleepover at my parents house and we’ve got evening Planting it’s too late we should have been asleep quite a while ago probably yeah guess what we’ve been doing watching videos of ourselves that so self so self it’s started off with some review of today’s ride to give me some confidence for tomorrow what I need to do what’s the

    Difference between Skippy slamming on the brakes and her flying over a fence turns out the problem is me and the fact that I if I don’t see a stride I freeze and I put the brakes on but it’s fine we know what the problem

    Is we’re going to fix it in one day but it’s quarter 11 our alarms are in 5 hours time less than so we’re going to go off to sleep and have a good fun day tomorrow yeah I’ll see you in the Morning morning can I see you just arriv oh good morning good morning darling Oh you look sleepy oh you look so sleepy oh my goodness so bright so cute good you’ve been lying down or scratching I’m so glad we didn’t do your for loock last night skiy is all ready completely

    Practical other than her birs shiny Girl We the person ride we’re almost there oh God this was a good jump not too high Good tight bit mean I really look over it for that Is yeah to be fair that and Four finish like banana always we’ve just watched the show jumping yep quite a tight course us always is but it’s not as tight as I remember it’s fine it’s fine come Grand she’s taking your time BL that’s a much bigger ramp than you’re used to Grass immediately grass hello hi are you

    Okay excited excited we’re right next to the course it’s fabulous nosy bugger don’t know if we mentioned it might be obvious we didn’t come alone today so yes we are not in the Jolly box we are in a yard owner Claire’s box which if you’ve been watching for a

    While will not be new to you we used to come in this every time before we had our own transport so Tilly our yard owner’s daughter is here as well with her Pony Quinn who has featured on the channel before they’re just walking the course we’ve got slightly different time

    Because she is doing the other class 80 so could be a bit different today different Skippy to Cle different Skippy you’re Fine this is the Arenas as you can see and a little bit of a slope we are number two we have commenced warm up ground’s a little bit slippy just keeping it nice and conservative for now good girl that’s really nice that’s it good l so this is the be

    996 in a 20x 40 Arena Skippy and I were actually first to go down the center line and she had just warmed up really nicely and the minute we went down the center line I think we lost it so this down Center Line we got a 6.5 with Comet a fairly

    Straight unsteady in contact with which just carries on throughout the rest of the test we were then to go round to F in working Trot 6.5 with the comment we need more balance from a to c we were to do a three Loop Serpentine actually so disappointed because we had been

    Practicing these so much we’ve done loads of them in the warmup and and we got 6.5 with could be rounder and steadier in contact between CNM we pick up working counter right and again a 6.5 with the comment of could be rounder who would

    Have thought then at B we were to do a 20 M Circle right 6.5 could show more Bend and suppleness that F we would come back to working trot and the comment for this was that we fell into Trot and we got a six for it I think we for both of our

    Downwards transitions we got the comment fell into Trot and I think they were maybe a little bit harsh on that I didn’t think they were too bad um but our downwards transitions could always do with some work we then come into medium walk at K we got 6.5 Fair steps

    Could take the rain forward we’re doing the free walk on the long range from k e to M at M we’re to pick up working trots 6 .5 slightly Hollow and then between C and A we were to do a 3 Serpentine again and of course we broke into counter

    Which Skippy literally never does unless she’s in a show jumping warm up and we got a four for that because obviously we um broke the face so disappointing so I think actually the rest of that Serpentine rides quite nicely then working counter left between a and F we

    Got six for that with comment balance obviously need to work on our balance at B we pick up Circle left 20 M encounter 6.5 again St those Balance and come back to working Trot six and again that fell into Trot comment then hxf woohoo finally a seven

    No comments on that cuz I don’t think they have to give a comment over the seven everything else has a comment on it and we got a seven for our change of rain and then at a we come down the center line H with a six the comet was

    Abrupt turn which I think having watched that back I don’t actually agree that it was too abrupt but and then X halt inability salute with our quarters right and a 6 10 for that so our overall comments for the test was that it was a little rushed at

    Times more balance in transition will get us the sevens more to come for our Collective marks our Paces we have a 6.5 are impulsion we have a six submission we have a 6.5 and position and seat of the ride use of the AIDS was a 6.5 also so that got us a

    37.5 whilst a dressar test in the 30s is not something to be found upon for me I’m still fairly pleased with the 37.5 it’s very clear from the test that it wasn’t our best and I think the sloping Arena and just being first down the center line wasn’t conducive to a good

    Test so 37.5 Is she starting now she’s finished oh I didn’t realize a video I thought she was practicing once they’re in sorry well done hello well done you I haven’t got any Polo today right back to the Lorry you got to let it go you got to let it you got to let it go you got to let it let go go I’m ready let it go you SE Mass done Cross Country course walked how did you feel the test went um it wasn’t our best I am feeling a little bit of calmer about it now but at the time I was very frustrated CU we had warmed up so well the warm up was like

    Really really nice for scy and I um and I I said like okay I want to go in now I went in early because she was just going so well um and then we got in there and the first ENT of line was lovely and actually coming down in the minute I

    Started doing a serpentine she started arguing with me and I think it was it was a bit of tight in there the ground for seat is very undulating and not very flat for them to do a test on so it’s probably difficult to she just

    Got a bit argumentative I would say um I think probably felt worse than it looked but I’m not hopeful for a high yes or those Skippy’s bad day is is still a very very reasonable day so yeah she she did she did I can’t be too mad

    At her cuz I it was very nice and we have come with someone else for the first time and actually her being in the warm up and behaving like that when she knows and someone else over here she’s still a professional yes should jumping now we have however decided that we

    Never want to come with another horse from our yard again because the tacking up and the leaving each other has been a little erratic you have to do it once to find out and it might have been today when there is literally no pressure so big fans of

    Skippy number one time yep here again sorry absolutely SK it says it’s go time Speaking away speak speak nice leg on Lovely no problems loving it woohoo okay so here we are are going into the show jumping so this show jumping round is basically the start of well no it’s an accumulation of all of my demons put together to show jumping

    And actually calling it a show jumping round is very generous because we didn’t get round as you’re about to see so this actually I think is very unfortunate we come around the first turn and she slips and then breaks into Trot I was panicking not able to decide whether we

    Were going over or representing and then we fed into it and took it down Skippy has started to stop like this if she does stop she slides into the fence and it is a very uncomfortable experience it is my riding I know that and we’re working on it but yeah coming off at

    Champ flurry at the at the Riding Club jumping wasn’t helpful in that situation so we represented to the first we did actually come over the first and get a nice jump over there after the second time and actually a very nice jump to number two as well we then come around

    To the corner to number three and I think both Skippy and I went that’s big that is big and this turn is not nice and this ground is slippy and again we had that sliding stop into it at this point I think I did look over ay a bit

    Like I don’t think I want to carry on I might retire but I did come around one more time and represent the fence but I think I’d already checked out I think I did try to ride didn’t it wasn’t conducive to a good jump Skippy had

    Already said no and we stopped and I think I did put my hand up to retire but that would have been me eliminated anyway came out of the show jumping and went back into the warm up she tried to rush at a fence um but I didn’t allow it

    And we came back around and she absolutely flew it so we can do it we’ve proven to ourselves since this that we can jump together but not going to lie after this we had a very very big wobble went off around the car park on Skippy

    Kind of giving myself a bit of a talking to for being so upset about it but because Skippy is on loan I don’t want to be handing back a horse that has started stopping and I think that really got into my head that day that I’m creating problems for

    Skippy which I don’t want to be doing and it’s not fair on her we’ve got all wi to work on this now after a talk from ay and my mom we were lucky enough that they said that we could still go out cross country there was a very low-key event this so

    We were allowed to go out across country and kind of see if we could get our mojo back good thing about OD Pony Club is is we are still allowed to go cross country HC so so far that’s the plan this is your hobby girl you look you got

    This hope this just jump this and we hold F perfect Go On Girl bye Bye happy [Applause] Done woohoo woooo go for It come here that ar your way no grass is way more important good girl influencers in the wild Skippy is the world at peace again PLS out all sweat away eating my ha what was the problem the problem was you so that was our day at Forest De

    Seat I think most of you will be able to understand that I wasn’t exactly in the frame of mind for filming an outro for this event so this is your outro right now it was very positive day in that we have definitely come away with a plan

    And know what we need to work on we have since found our stride with dress Asel little bit so I’m not worried about the dress it was annoying at the time but it wasn’t a big deal show jumping there’s lots to work on we know there is but

    We’ve got all winter to do it we started to have lessons with David Harland so we’re going to fight those demons and cross country will just always be fun and I was really grateful for her this day that she gave me a very nice feeling cross country and we were

    Still able to come away with that buzz it definitely made a difference to my attitude coming away from that event thank you very much for watching this video I hope you’ll come back and join us on our winter show jumping confidence Mission and our dress Mission as well

    We’ve got so much planned so many evening show jumpings lessons dress series show jumping Series so come back and watch out for those Vlogs and you’ll also be able to be updated on our Instagram which is @ to Jolly joies and until next time see you soon Bye


    1. got to love horses it doesnt always go well haha i dont jump im a dressage girl had recent event i didnt even get to the dressage arena they aint perfect still did well atleast you werent like me all balls of tears since then we have managed to do same tests still very tense keep going (from Australia )

    2. Nice video! We all have ups and downs, and she did look unbalanced in the dressage. The only thing to do, is what you're doing, is working on it. I will watch all the dressage and show jumping shenanigans this winter.
      Wasn't there supposed to be a video on Nelly?

    3. Is it deceiving on video or is that jumping area way too small for that size of jumps? I would be pooping my pants if I had to jump a course in that tight of space. Sorry for the trouble you had. ❤

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