Join Tod and Jim for the monthly live show, with MTB gossip, banter and a giveaway



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    Back to front ohir it was really wide wow that’s on the narrowest setting as well I look like I’m uh what you going to say small person little person go up hello everybody it as my seat goes top chat we want it on we want it on live chat we got zero viewers

    Wow so if you’re watching this on repeat you’re the lucky ones because you’re watching before the live viewers which is kind of weird because they’re going to come on now and one viewer yo Anthony Fox someone trying to R me on Whatsapp that’s not happening yeah baby all right Johnny

    Anthony djm Adventures Ralph Davis how are you how is that picture because it’s um I’m actually using the DJI osmo 3 as a camera looks kind of weird who is it I don’t know some random foreign number what that answer I’m live yeah go on so uh hello yeah let’s see if it’s

    Answer okay up so live show hello uh a bit of a weird start because we had it all set up then we went to press live and uh it wouldn’t go live so we had to redo it all there always a problem so um last time there was a problem

    With the HD webcam just died after about five minutes uh and then we had to use the phone but hopefully this time it’ll be all good because you’re live on the osmo that’s a DJI camera that we use for actually filming our riding so that’s why it looks kind of I kind of

    Like it being that wide it looks kind cool looks very flat doesn’t it the the color color you can’t really do anything about that because like that’s how it comes out when we’re riding but then we edit it in uh editing editing yeah that looks really funny so it’s

    Sort of it’s it’s the same room we used a month ago but with that last camera it was like cut in really tight so you couldn’t see the room now you can sort of see everything there was nothing too dodgy no um yeah so I hope everybody is doing

    Okay I hope everybody is battling through this horrible winter which is it’s not really cold just wet all the freaking time is it it’s been right a dry week last week that’s cuz you work indoors I don’t work indoors you do you working in an outdoor mechanic

    Yard most of the time yeah are you yeah well you you must because you’re like 10 miles away from where working you must been in a different dry all week last week no it wasn’t uh hi guys happy ride day I mean Friday how are you butly bad boy um so

    What’s everyone doing this weekend I want your comments tell us where you’re going we’re off to where is it we’re going tomorrow Stoke yeah we’re going to Towers Alon Towers but the uh for riding not for going on to what was it what’s the latest ride called alen

    Towers last time I went was like uh the log flume in the 80s you’ve been since oh no we went with family day didn’t we yeah yeah not really it’s all right is it uh off doy for the weekend so that’s Richard oh you’re going to enjoy that

    Greno Fred Proctor grde we got fun yeah uh Ane Fox off to camper Mar suay need a bit for camper for M ah you’re early yeah yeah well get it sorted out early well I haven’t still haven’t sorted out my trailer yet so I’ve got to finish

    That off quite a lot to do well a few bits to do to that did you see what John gave us for it yeah so Jenny we had a delivery this is how nice Fenwick is you wouldn’t get this off any of the big Brands so John who owns f that’s the

    Bike cleaning stuff that’s amazing that we use um we wanted to see if we got them again this year and he was over the mo that we asked really that’s a nice he is and he’s been quite poorly this winter and now he’s sort of recovered and he’s

    On the men which is fantastic he go I’ll bring you the products around to your house um and he brought loads of Fenwick and and I was telling him about my race trailer and about how I’ve got what this that and the other in it I’m going to

    Take a Jenny because you got a decent Jenny I it’s all right cuz I got a decent one you can have it and it was like a two grand Yamaha massive thing uh so yeah I mean I didn’t even ask for it and he’s like you can have that that’s

    For you know foring our brand he’s just such a nice guy so big shout out to Fenwick for that it’s really cool um going Berry ditches always fun there that’s one of them places we know where it is I don’t mind talking about it but when we are there I don’t mind to

    Say where we are because it can upset some of the it’s a bit like bit like tomorrow we won’t be saying actually on the Vlog where we well say we’re staff it you me so off um and hi guys this is djm Adventures I met you guys at a

    Western andur race I only did one stage but hopefully get some more races in this year Well that’d be good fun yeah we’re uh what’s our race racing where’s our first race Todd I don’t know I do it might not be our first one but where’s our first decent

    Adventure way riding uh lag so it’s the first round of yeah yeah it’s actually 40 minutes north of Fort William uh it’s the first round of the British andoro put on by tweedl uh it’s actually a trail Center laging but it’s not like a trail center

    It’s I think it’s pretty gnarly uh have ridden there once before I really enjoyed it um so we’re heading up there and we’ve been invited to stay by a subscriber absolutely buzzing about that thank you very much we’re going to stay there and um and Sunny’s coming as well

    Isn’t he that’ll be good yeah I lost my donkey not up to much today boys bit Dusty saw Carl Cox last night epic a local ride tomorrow be an awesome summer in New Zealand wow so what yeah Co Cox I could tell you about K Cox when

    I was raving in the early 90s I used to go to a place in Stoke called um entropy no Shell’s and he was resident DJ there before he was famous was he he was big time yeah boring fact uh this I look a really funny shape it with this camera

    Yeah look I do look like I’m it is head on the really weird is it you like wonder if we sit it down here if it look better should we try it it’s not attached so it doesn’t really matter no what if you put it on that’s

    All right if I did that and like so or on like a little box if I go like that and then what not working is it so that’s even more weird show around the room actually cuz it’s um here you go this is what we’re looking at so you know what we’re

    Looking at this will be that’s weird that’s like when you got loads of mirrors isn’t it so there’s all your comments coming up there there’s my other screen this is what I edit on that’s a microphone there’s the compter and uh that’s me Kitchen in there that’s a daff picture of me Miss

    Is look was Photoshop that’s not actually here she doesn’t look like that someone photoshopped her face onto cuz you to weight lifted yeah try it try it bro that’s not bad is it it’s better yeah I’ll do we’ll get a uh we’ll get something to like a clamp for it next

    Week trouble is I can’t see the comments now can you see it yeah you we come and reader there oh we got a we’ve got a bit of a um competition a few little bits to give away later on um 7:45 745 yeah sorry anybody you saw on the media

    Originally me saying 8:00 we’re going live and then Todd turned up back from work and uh even though I told him we were going live tonight he’d arranged to go out for a meal his misses so yeah good L Todd um yeah so sudden change of

    Plan uh I can read the upper being up laging in the summer right before they did the work there it was sick that rock roll was narly oh have you seen Dave jeny Lately from divad uh no think I want to see him anymore my mate Co still watches him all

    The time and he thinks it’s all a bit of an act he thinks he’s putting it on and he’s but then I look around his house if those older videos I’m like he’s not putting it on he’s [ __ ] got like sofa’s pointing at walls yeah and then

    He’s got like all weapons on his mtal piece for notes written all yeah like posed notes everywhere someone told me the Flying Scotsman is out of action on the stipers did you explore when you up there the other day uh no actually when we did that stipers run we were toying with

    Either The Flying Scotsman or that Ridge Run and we went with a Ridge Run um after you’ve said that I’m glad we did now because yeah I have no idea that was the case I don’t think anybody’s really sort of maintained that trail in a long

    Time some older GE are um from around here he he made it years ago and then it was never maintained so yeah one it s got better got more Knack though got narli yeah Anthony Fox used to go to ktic inste kinetic wasn’t kinetic um was that entropy originally or was that did

    It turn into I used to know the lad who ran that L called Gavin uh yeah more boring information yeah in Stoke I used to go to Shell’s in entropy back in the day one arm looked bigger than the other actually actually is it actually is not longer one of my

    Biceps is bigger than the other from a crash I had in summer and I I think I damaged my muscle on the arm so yeah more crap information um someone I’ve read that already connetic with class Todd has a misses how uh I think I think she

    Transgender Todd yeah is she chny or real she made up she a real one she’s not real h when I say TR obviously I mean Transit van I wouldn’t say anything that was you know like that no definitely not that was Cent um do you want to show them

    Something new that we’ve had C to us here we go so we’re super lucky to get these you know how a couple of years ago and for a few years we ran WTB tires uh which had amazing grip um but at that time you especially

    When in Spain a lot doing a lot of gnarly [ __ ] we would slice them a lot and we always said why don’t they do a downhill TI well guess what they are doing notice I say doing it’s not coming out till like summer um and we’ve been

    Sent some prototypes hence why if you look it’s these newer ones do actually say WTB on them but they don’t have the models if you see I’ve written it on that’s the judge why did you write it on because when I talk about on the video I

    Know which is which so the judges area I don’t know what they’re called uh but this is a downhill tire there some serious technology got into these I’ve been told about that but I’m not allowed to tell people the technology till they’re released and then the other one

    Pass is a verdict the verdict the verdict is a front and these are proper downhill tires now we have got a couple of they a front he said it’s that’s a designated front tire is it um we have been testing another set like this even

    More Proto than even say WTB on on the rocky ebite for like three months aren’t we two months yeah and they are Mega aren’t they really really good so yeah uh we’ll keep you posted about them um about when we can properly you know what

    Do you know why they were meant to have actually been released by now do you know why not why because of the hoties the hoties the hoties uh in that sort of wherever it is it sewers canal they’re like um killing people and all sorts of

    Stuff going on so they’ve had to do a huge detour all these ships have and the WTB shipment is part of that so it’s taking like months longer so they’ll probably cost more money because of that do you want to know some well let’s talk about some downhill things intense

    Factory racing they got announced yeah change still got J Breeden a new manager of it now no I thought he was no he’s sort of organized like even in Andy setting it up but he’s uh got him got Oscar griffi British lad and L Ferg bird from Scotland she’s

    Quick and an American lad so that’s that’s that for intent MJ got announced and they’ve completely changed loads of stuff they got Ronin done um Ryan pinkton and what’s his name on intense I don’t know Dakota n this this is why I say told you can do this

    Bitak I sort of glance past stuff like this on Instagram and I don’t take any of it in I’m not really that bothered to be honest so they’ll probably do well because they’re all like Podium Riders yeah and what else I about some ni Brook McDonald got announc on forbidden I saw

    That I saw that today forbidden are splashing some cash this year then aren’t they they must have done well last year Ry HS back on YT yeah that’s good news and where she came from F her first five years signing with with YT weren they oan staying on so

    Sean orange is back yes orang he’s got saved so that’s uh the owner of orange we know him Ashley absolutely love bloke uh also our mate Nick mck works for them and buzzing that he’s kept his job and uh yeah it’s really good because I don’t know orange they just like this iconic

    British brand they got incredible history behind them and it’s sort of like when you know the people there it’s it’s a bit different you think I wouldn’t want them to lose their job and I wouldn’t want that to go and uh Ashley who originally just owned the fabrication company is now conglomerate

    Ated it basically all together um so it’s not two factories anymore it’s one which makes more sense don’t know why they didn’t do that in the first place NCA media that’s all I M know is filming for us not noi uh noi please can we have Todd with bleach

    Buzz cut back again no maybe excuse me Boris someone’s down here as Boris Johnson going up Fort Bill to shred the World Cup Downhill track practicing for World Cups next year Well fair play to you is Leo still on YT Todd yeah and why is what’s he doing tomorrow why why you

    Around him about coming [ __ ] you’re not ride with him anymore he doesn’t ride I thought he was back riding again he come with us to that would he good boy okay two nights Mand go Elon Musk what two nights mandingos I like the comment but I don’t know what it

    Means and uh thanks for joining Elon Musk nice one mate yeah uh we’re after a bit of sponsorship so what other news what other news have you guys got have you got anything you want to tell us you got anything you’ve been up to who’s been training have you been doing any special

    Training uh anyone who took on New Year’s resolution and has kept it up um did you have any New Year’s resolutions um really I did mine was give up uh two not totally give up but a lot less bread a lot less sugar and no snacks when I say snacks as in crisp

    Chocolate and biscuits um to be fair stuck with it well done yeah and uh yeah definitely feel healthier for it I mean I’m able to get out on a pedal bike and it was quite weird last weekend when I went out we did 32k round canic doing

    The off piece stuff on the Saturday then the Sunday when I went for a little rip on the ebikes that’s when I was knackered I was really knackered on the ebike from the day before and had no energy at all but i’ had a Savage job at work on Friday

    Did a tree job which I’ve done for so nice easy job today at work so let’s see how I am Sunday doesn’t f up Friday no it doesn’t really close I’ve only worked four day week this week as well oh you slacker where’s the best place in shopshire to ride from Doris gamer

    1963 um depends what mood you’re you know always think depends what mood you’re in R never fails yeah true yeah just the climbs a [ __ ] yeah I wouldn’t want to do the rec I wouldn’t not go to the r on a regular bike even though I’m riding a regular

    Bike again I just I’ve done it even when I was fit like three climbs and I’m done it’s a horrible climb up in it if you go right to the top it is and it it’s not that bad more bad in your head when you

    Say it is but it isn’t why does it isn’t bit come into it because you always think it’s going to be really bad then you do it it’s like 15 minutes at the top maybe I should try it um I just went for 17 17K run Jesus fair

    Play and go 7:40 oh you now can’t push our reservation back where are you eating you boys do you want to say uh whose sister your girlfriend is Noki yeah it’s not a new thing he’s been going out since the Morin is it pretty much yeah

    Uh right what else we got Clarks and MTB 30 13 y e60s nicked from swinley it was a new hire Fleet lasted two days wow goody hell wow thing is like bikes are um why is that pinguin did you you turn I turn that on silence they’re all

    Whx demos so you have you they all YX so you’ve probably ridden them the funny thing is like bikes are worth buer all second hand now so imagine what a niit bike’s worth a ni e yeah it’s like a tener issues with it and you can’t take

    It to a shot they’ll be swapping their uh ebikes for like a gram uh Sam pulsford you racing the valleys and joro Series this year not the full series we might do the one um really enjoyed them last year but we are our main one this year is going

    To be the Welsh injo and also we’re going to do quite a lot of the Southern inoros I might do more of them than Todd uh the reason for that being that all Bay are actually sponsoring the southern nin Euros this year so they’ve said they’d like us well they didn’t say

    They’ like us to be said it’ be nice if you could come also news on the mulvin uh um or B weren’t going to come to the Mulin and I had a word with them and now they are how good’s that such how good

    That that I spoke to the mo spoke to um Ora and they were like all right then let’s do it as a collaboration so we’re going to be set up with them uh I think they’re having a 6×3 easy up not the massive one like they usually have and

    We’re having all our bikes there and we’ll have all the new bikes by then and it’s going to be Mega and at some stage soon I’m going to have my own affiliate code mvin tickets with I think 20% discount so keep an eye out for that I

    Think he’s doing it with a few different um influen no only doing with us I wish it was only us make a fortune yeah um so what else have we got wild Riders just bought full Su giant transx 29 to try get back into biking after

    Broken leg footy been riding a white 905 for the last 6 weeks just to get a bit of confidence going again well partly I’ve got it for you doing that to your leg but partly if you’re playing football you know what do you expect um stick to bikes uh no good on

    You Fair Play It’s I I’m seeing quite a lot of this I’m seeing quite a lot of people who like me went to ebike they’re going they’re kind of missing missing the regular bikes and they’re going back and doing either both or just getting back on a regular bike definitely have

    Had a choice it would still be eike sure nothing to do with bikes this have nothing to do with the bikes didn’t he no he’s just getting back into bikes well let’s pretend he say that uh how’s the Ron nowadays but loads of trails there in the in the

    Naughties and big jumps in the Arles suddenly I moved away from my home and missed that place so much is thriving new SK tracks and then arle jumps are still exactly the same as they were probably I don’t actually know but 20 years ago and Alfie broke his Le

    On few weeks it says on there ads will run shortly for some viewers yeah so does that mean we stopped talking when the adverts come on or they just like delay it so we go in 5 seconds we’re going to give you a little ad break yeah does that mean we

    Have an ad break no people will be what some viewers will be sh out that’s what I selected when you said select that top one so if it’s not blame Todd dunk all right Lads where do I get to get pinned t-shirts keep the vids

    Coming rock on from D you have to rob it off that yeah sorry we’ve actually stopped doing much it was it was a headache it was a nightmare just didn’t have time um Todd’s busy doing his life I’m busy I have a full-time job and um just didn’t

    Have time to do it and it was not like a massive money earner and it just got to be almost a bit of a stress to be honest so I I sort of cut it out so apologies for that although having said that if you come to any races this year and

    We’ve got our stand there we have still got some much left and I’m lefts just gonna take it to the races now it on display there and up for like silly cheap money so um yeah maybe send us a message about where you’re going to be if you’re going to be anywhere where

    We’re racing coming have a look right uh what else have we got Where’ve got Clarks and MTB they’re all referb X demo so I mean they ain’t going to be worth much are they man for the average person who doesn’t know about m bikes you know any ebikes like

    Worth a fortune you know if you tell them any bikes over 300 quid they think you meant um what’s C up to nowadays uh you’ve gone way down too far way down no we haven’t how is the evil or have you gotten rid of it from Brian

    Howell the evil is gone the final part of it has gone out today is it frame so I just want to say because I have had a couple of people give me a bit of crap for this oh you shouldn’t be selling that if it was given to you blah blah

    Blah total uh meaning conversation with Ian who gave us the bite offered to send it back offered to give him the money he said no it’s Todd you do what you want with it or be didn’t want us promoting that bike for obvious reasons because

    They’re giving us a load of bikes um so he said we could sell it so I’ll tell you what we got for it which is mental um we got I think it added up to three grand in the end yeah six 650 for the frame yeah that’s with no shock 500 for

    The forks yeah that’s boxes 500 for the cranks that was those uh titanium th000 jobbies 500 for the shock yeah that was an EXT and the wheels 300 was it uh no the wheels went for 600 600 that was EnV with Onyx hubs and then Sunny bought the Shram breaks for 15 and

    The only bit we’ve kept is the last year’s model electric gears which are now on my current or um so yeah that’s what that’s what’s happened to that basically not for any reason other than with yeah B couldn’t it so Clark MTB after8 months on the E I’m going to go

    Back out midweek on the leg powered weapon takes 10 minutes to figure out if it’s not broken yeah I know exactly what you mean I think I’ve realized it’s all in my head for ages I’ve been saying I don’t ever want to ride ebike Saturday

    Regular by Sunday and then I had to do it not last weekend the weekend before and it was like it was fine it’s the first climb for about five minutes like what the hell minutes yeah uh I got an ad right so what’s Todd up to nowadays from Doris gamer what’s to up

    To mechanic yeah uh make it sound a bit better a apprentice apprentice mechanic car technician car but I haven’t actually started my apprenticeship yet I’m working been working a few months and you training a lot every day gym four days a week uh then go do your muscl do muscles for

    Everyone oh bless him uh uh riding a lot riding couple times a week it’ll be more it’ll be three T yeah I’m going to definitely have at least one night a week on the bike when the cops go forwards once I got e bik like most days right after work um

    Jay how’s canic Chase at the moment well we went two weekends in a row and kind of R the same place which was the older side where you’ve got all what they call the Fisher tracks local Fisher we made most of them real good fund St trying to

    Get us to go back there this weekend I was like dude I’ve been there twice uh but I said I’d have gone if the older tracks the older off piece was still there with all the jumps but they’ve all gone most of them have gone so I’m sure

    They’ll turn up back again soon um and obviously normal kamuk sort of Trail Cent just crap in it really makes sense of or as a sponsor I had one but was far too much bike for me yeah it’s a big rig that evil but it was quite good

    As a park bike yeah just needed I think what would have made that bike like unreal is the only thing that I wasn’t a big fan of on that b was because it had boxers and quite a chunky thre they had like hardly any turn in circle made a

    Bit weird in the air on jumps but was a SI I will miss it uh we be going to you you’ve missed one J have you ever rolled a Reliant Robin no no you can’t get them in the rers uh how’s got that to the what B

    Skyline that’s the one that rap Bo Running and you’re if you’re available not sure i’ like to do that when it depends what it is it’s in September maybe we should have it I booked Mory i b my accomodation in Mory I’ve just got replied to that I have

    Actually never been in a Reliant Robin I’d love to have a girl one uh me and jib are going to go out in the van hopefully yeah but not to uh not to I just reading that one about we going to be doing Mega Avalanche from Wild Riders

    No I did that in I don’t know when it was 2015 16 and I got that wet year when it was horrendous and I hated it uh it took me well it’s you met average you know a good times like I don’t know hour 45 or

    Something like I think or 45 I think it’s an hour and 45 I can’t remember but it took me two and a half hours because you could couldn’t roll the wheels couldn’t roll the tires every time you do once you got in the wood um because it was like soaking wet

    Clay it it and also pine needles it built up that bad that you you could you do literally like two rolls of the wheels and everything blocked up it was horrendous I hated it and the bloku won it it was there was no 29s at the time

    It’s just you know 650 was newish and somebody got a 650 and they put 20 6 in Wheels in it with the old school narrow spikes and they were one of the few people that could actually roll all the way down without the tires getting clogged that’s how bad it was so I

    Haven’t really got very good memories of Mega I don’t know bet it doesn’t appear to me it’s not it’s such a massive risk as well it is up for AG leg but yeah France this year yeah however lot I’ve book two weeks of accommodation with submit and then doing whatever however

    Long me and Dad do so I’ll be there three weeks maybe a month yeah cool um what race are you guys plan on this year we’ve already answered that yeah yeah well no we can add a few probably so we’ve got like said most of the Welsh Welsh Southern

    Uh OD Rock I am doing the main event on the Saturday on the regular by and then I’m going to do a fun one on Sunday on the ebike so that’s like my big challenge this year uh although I’ve done it five times on a regular bike so

    It’s not like I don’t know what it’s like um mulvin obviously we’ve got the NM thing that NM thing we got him on the phone last on the last one a month ago and ago it’s a it might have been the second week in

    January that we did it but I want what I want to do with these live shows is have always have them on the first first Friday of the month so now you know when they’re going to be um but yeah we’ve got the NM Weekender or whatever it’s

    Called but that’s going to be really good um oh I’m G to show you what I’m riding didn’t show this there’s a Hu huge shortage of EV taxs recommend looking into get in your IMI level free training more money for you in the long run electric

    Cars a lot of good money in it yeah it definitely is cuz dangerous dangerous so I’m going to race normal bikes and retro bike at Nar n Nar is like a retro place we used to race in the 90s and I’m just trying to find this can’t

    Remember John John John Fenwick so this is John who owns Fenwick this is what I’m racing that’s sick so that I don’t see it that is an original Tomac he’s got to finish building it up 8 Ines of travel front and rear and that is a super rare bike and

    He said he’s going to build it up and I can race it for him so I’m quite excited about that I I’m G love leave you oh he’s got to go Gotta Go I’m very sorry viewers uh well I’ll carry on for probably another 15 minutes see you

    Later buddy have a good date what are you going to eat burger burger yeah very imagine imagine so come on guys keep me going with some questions here because now I’m on my own I might run out of things to say uh Coy Robert loin a up Lads can you drop a big

    End he’s he’s something that sounds like a big end um Coupe Canal you going to napar Retro Quarry run boys yet that’s what I was just done about so yeah really looking forward to that like I said going to do it on a Tom Tomac original downhill bik

    Speed force Sim racer my son is five and wants to come mountain biking with me going to take him to landler his first ride any advice you could give me um how old five just don’t push him too hard and just be patient and ah God that’s young like Todd didn’t ride

    Till I think he was like eight when he rode landler um yeah he just kind have to be patient and I I did sort of reverse psychology with Todd when he used to go when he was young instead of like really pushing him to get up the hills I used

    To say oh this is a tough one I don’t know if you’ll do this and I mean that won’t work with all kids but it worked with him because he’d like try and prove me wrong and then he got really strong on the client so yeah it worked

    Well uh Annie hints on future content coming out yeah I could tell you got look one second I need to go to YouTube and then I need to go to P TV manage videos so new Jump line at the Primo riding spot uh that’s the 8th of February and that is

    From um cwoods over near a lot of these places you don’t say on them where we are that’s one of them um so that’s sort of North Wales kind of way I love that spot it’s amazing uh canic Chase’s best flow Trails uh that was from last weekend um with Stu and

    Crookie and yeah that’s that’s all we’ve got sort of lined up for now we’re trying try and stay at least two videos ahead um and yeah that’s where we are any hints on future content got that what’s the new WTB tires like really really good I’m so impressed they were

    Everything the old ones were but they don’t punch you uh and they’ve got more support they’re really thick downhill tires like proper weight to them I wouldn’t want to do probably wouldn’t want to do a massive ride on them they’re more down hilly but you know ebike or fit on a

    Normal bike or normal bike and bike par perfect um great advice thanks Jim his name is Sebastian he said Hello Maybe he might get to meet you on the trails all right Sebastian welcome to the world of mountain biking I’m sure you’re gonna love it with your

    Dad um right okay what’s has happened to Joel haven’t seen him in your vids lately nice to see Stu hit B went well and Ace to see sunny out with you again just one of them things it’s like you know some people you lose touch with and

    Some you don’t and we’ve kind of lost touch of bit with Joel uh he’s I mean he’s still about I saw him saw him over at church stron just over a week ago seems all right still with Laura still working for jte suspension technician um yeah that’s about as far

    As it goes really and Stu yeah the difference in Stu since having his uh hip operation is unbelievable I mean he’s always been a good Rider but I’ve seen over the last few years you know his limp getting worse and worse and then when you’re following him you can

    See he’s like on his whatever side it was when he was going around that way he’s like knee was coming out like he was on a road bik because of the pain trying to counter the bad hit uh so I think at racing he’s going to be on fire

    This year you know we’ll go back to like the old you know Speedy when he was like a pro back in the days maybe wild Riders who are the top three Riders groups do you’d like to collab with this year um that’s a good question actually obviously I’d like to do one

    With some of the big boys that’s probably not goingon to happen you know Matt Jones um I’d like to do one with Jon O Jones because I know jonno his brother uh I would like to do one with OE Wilkins get on well with him he’s good fun who in fact while

    I’m on that olle Wilkins who has listen to that their ride Companion podcast been getting into them a little bit and then they had the Warner one on and that was absolutely amazing I’m going to say about Rob Warner I’ve known Rob Warner for years uh you know just to say hello to

    Brief conversation a did mate yeah all right that sort of thing and I’ve always thought he’s a little bit sort of arrogant you know or I don’t know almost a bit rude but he’s friendly but then conversation never lasted very long and then I listened to that podcast

    About how he had severe autism and how he couldn’t he can’t talk to people for very long now and his struggling life and now he got depressed when they Saed him and it was like really really sort of heartbreaking I thought and and I got massive respect for people who are that

    Honest in front of people I mean he was in tears about five times and then I last night I I actually sat up and I I watched his new film about it from Mexico go and then I went back and watched some of his older Vlogs and I

    Was like I’m not now a massive fan because I know what he’s like now and I know why he’s like how he was I’ve got loads more respect for him and um I’ve actually still got his phone number from years ago and I sent him a message saying mate that was fantastic really

    Good um you know great honesty blah blah blah and he he did message me back saying thank you mate I can’t keep up with the messages right now so that’s really good um so check it out that’s ride companion and and all the Rob Warner Vlogs

    Brilliant uh who else other ride i’ like to do some again with Tommy C maybe um I don’t like to try and push too hard to get collaborations because it sometimes it comes across a bit desperate I just we just go out and ride and we film it and that’s it there’s

    Very different types of vloggers you got the vloggers who will go out and do something specific for a vlog I never think that’s as good as if you just go out and ride and film it because you it’s almost like you’re pretending um yeah fantastic that um

    Right companion on it Paul T dirt pinned on the cards yes been thinking about that rich uh how you doing mate look forward to riding with you tomorrow um yeah we need to do a tour depend we need to do uh I have been talking to somebody at Strat and who’s got a

    Campsite about renting it out and having two days there but we’ll see might not do it there yet but it’s yeah it’ll be in a summer nice summer one uh Rob Warner’s Vlog on the vitus days with class yeah they really were anyway um what AM we going to do for this I’ll

    Show you what I’ve got to give away it’s not much but better than nothing one second oh bit snotty anyone else got everybody seems to have a cold at the moment I’m battling it I’m on high strength vitamin D high strength like 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C every day

    That nearly makes me sick and eonia and I’m trying to beat this cold I’m not going to let it get me anyone else there feeling rough anyway pinned snood that’s one of them some ion knee pads there these are tods old on but I’d rather give them

    Away they bit [ __ ] but they’ll do for someone for spare uh size large like a hard shell 3M whatever it’s called inside it uh brand new pinned bucket hat for the summer and uh pinned let’s say uh pin TV stem cap and finally these were sent to me by the people who

    Sent me the um all the Troy Le stuff must be another brand that they do but uh never heard of them before to sportful just some gloves nice to have some spare gloves for somebody they’re a size large so uh right what I haven’t even thought about what I’m going to ask good

    At this aren’t I that’s it that’s what I’m going to ask so this retro do where’s it at what’s the place called first one on my screen fact I can turn it around look so you can see there we go where’s it at can we buy you probably buy can buy

    Pin snood we got an ad got an advert going uh can we buy top caps yes probably no no where’s the Retro race at this year that I’m going to not the right place mils I’m afraid come on someone knows right someone’s even talked about it before you see me as well

    No Kneads what the [ __ ] I rather give them away than throw them away napar wild Riders yeah you got it Well Done mate uh yeah so wild Riders me an email it’s got to be an email to Jim and give me your address and I’ll

    Send that stuff outf also I’ll send a load of stickers pin stickers and bits and pieces um I have got a few of those stem caps and I have got a few oh I think the stem caps were like a tenner I think these are a tener as well

    Because I’m not doing the site anymore um so if someone wanted just contact me contact me via email if you want to buy them like I said Jim pv. and I will do like a bit of a you know something maybe on PayPal so to you not a

    Problem uh you’re welcome you W uh what else we got you guys are Dro yes I’m doing this like so for doing the Saturday the main event on the push bike pedal bike and then I’m going to do the uh fun one on the Sunday on the eite so

    I think that’s it for the show thank you very much for watching really appreciate your time and uh support and keep watching the Vlogs it’s uh it’s amazing that I’ve got these subscribers and people actually want to watch us talking crap and doing stuff on bites so see you next

    Time keep your PIN guys


    1. Hi Jim great video as normal. Question did you record that in your downstairs toilet 😅 sorry but I notice a tap to your right hand side. 😝

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