Escape To The Country Season 17 Episode 36: West Sussex

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. I agree with the couple on House 1 – the downstairs let it down. It was a lovely place but if it's too dark or low ceiling that's gonna bother you. House 2 was lovely – liked everything. Mystery house, wow. Loved it. Loved that it wasn't out in the middle of nowhere (need those amenities close by when you get older). Shame it was too far for the commute for them.

    2. It's a shame that people didn't know, when this show aired, that in just a few more years everyone with desk jobs like Chris's could work from home a great deal or most of the time!

    3. I think their expectations weren't realistic. His desire to live on the coast cou0led with a short commute wasn't going to happen…or so it seemed to me. But I'm not living in Britain.

    4. Difficult to "retire" to the country if you're still working. I actually liked the first house; second was also beautiful. The third was like a hotel, and when she said get my bags, she nailed it. Lots of nice choices if you have a million to spend.

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