We are Live from Crossgates British Legion in Cowdenbeath for Beath Boxing Club Presents ‘The St Valentine’s Day Massacre’ with Live Stream Host Jamie Alexander O’Neill and Ring Announcer Vincent Keane

    JATV Live’s Interviews are now EXCLUSIVELY SPONSORED by Southpaw Boxing Socks. Visit https://southpawofficial.com to get your Boxing Socks Now!!!

    JATV Live is Sponsored by; AB PRO Training, Aamer Anwar & Co., Antonine Boxing Club, Armstrong Angel Trust, AWHBXING, Beath Boxing Club, Cairellot Learning Centre, Glenrothes Boxing Club, Harte Electrical Contracts, Hollywood LUXE, Itri Gelato, Kelvinside Motor Company, Lanark Boxing Club, MB Cuts, Men Matter Scotland, Myles Electrical, O’Connell’s Bar and Diner, Premier Sauchie, Pro NRG Supplements, RSS Security, RINGTEK RING HIRE, Southside Boxing Academy & Community Hub, The ECO Broker, The Western District and Total Tranquility

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    Visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/jatv-goals-young-mentoring-project to support JATV Goal’s Youth Mentoring Project.

    I’m Samantha meres I am Scott’s proud Mo and I’m also the founder of his charity the Scott Martin Foundation Scott was a lovely boy he really he was a wonderful person he had a really big personality really large character he was the the life and soul and that was apparent even

    For he was a small child he was a type of person that even if you only met him once or you just met him briefly you never forgot him you always remembered them he was really caring he was just a lovely boy to have around he was really

    Family orientated so he really loved like being around his family and he get togethers or stuff like that he loved that kind of thing and he also loved being around his friends at school I would say Scott was never really academic he struggled quite a lot through school right for primary school

    Right into High School anything Sports Scott excelled it it was just natural it was just a natural Sports person boxing and football was obviously his main things but any kind of sport at all whether it be snowboarding cycling fishing anything that he kind of put his

    Hand to he just he was brilliant at it referee J he stops this contest in round number two in favor of the winner who is now Scottish novice school boy Bor 405 62 kilo champion in the blue Corners Scott [Applause] Martin Scott first became out and started to voice what he was

    Experiencing when he was he was around about 15 coming up for 16 and a lot of the things the kind of doors put down to just being like his age hormones and things like that then when he turned 16 he started to to say and voice more that

    That he was really struggling with his mental health and probably like most parents locally we thought that the process would be quite straightforward to access the mental health system for children going to the doctor and we thought it would just be an assessment and then he would he would receive the

    The care and support but as I said like a lot of other local families we found that that wasn’t the case at all it was so hard to access any support for him we felt as a family that they weren’t really taking things serious with Scott

    And even though we were seen in the house how much he was struggling and we were relating to them everything that was happening he still wasn’t deemed like he was Ill enough for to receive immediate support in the May 2020 that’s when Scott had his first attempt to take

    His life and even following that and everything else that Scott had um presented with they still didn’t think he was high enough risk so we were then left as a family just to kind of care for him ourself so following his appointment in May after his first

    Attempt to take his life Scott was placed on the waiting list for cams we were told that it would be at a minimum 18 weeks before he even received a letter he waited until the December to actually see someday face to face that was the 21st of December so for all

    Those months Scott had struggled with maybe just a phone call every couple of weeks for somebody for cams and obviously us his support in that time we had another um suicide attempt and his health just deteriorated rapidly as I had said before we just couldn’t get help anywhere we couldn’t get support

    Anywhere even though we were screaming out and Scott was openly asking for support he was actively trying to take his life there still was no support there at all for us he had his appointment at cams in the 21st of December and 9 days later Scott took his own

    Life he had went so long with no support that he obviously thought there was just no other way in the weeks that followed Scot suicide loads of people contacted me through Messenger or sent me a text message or came up to me in the street and told me their story with their

    Children or their child and just said that it was the same kind of story as what Scots was you know they’ve been trying it hard to access support they felt like the one had been taken serious or their child wasn’t deemed ill enough they didn’t meet the criteria for the

    Support for camps as a family we we sat and we kind of thought you know there’s there has to be something locally there has to be something better that can be put in place that can support the kids immediately if they need it if they’re brave enough to ask for support then

    They should receive it so we decided to take the money that had been donated to us through the GoFundMe at the time when Scott died and we put it into a charity and what we do is we pay now private counselors or therapists to see the kids

    Straight away the kids still go to their their GP and then the referal sent through cams once they’ve either been placed on the waiting list or they’ve been told that they don’t meet the criteria for support they can then contact us and we can step in and

    Support mean time as a stepping stone so that no child’s left for any length of time with no support at all like what Scott was the support that we put in place comes for private counselors and therapists which means that there’s a better chance that the support can be

    Given to the kids immediately they don’t need to wait any length of time as a foundation as well we work in partnership with Scott’s own gyms Spa boxing Academy we fully fund boot camps that run during the kids’ holidays so that alleviates the pressure from the

    Parents to be able to afford it because every space is fully funded by Scots Foundation as a family and as a foundation we recognize the importance and the need for immediate support to be there for the local children that are suffering for poor mental health or suicidal ideation every penny that we

    Receive to Scots Foundation goes towards securing the support that we’ve already established in the local area for local children there’s no formal criteria for support So any child that is brave enough to ask for help and support receive support every referral that we receive is completely confidential and

    It’s filtered through to the best therapist or counselor for more information or to access the support that we offer locally you can contact us via our website or through email or through our social media platforms thanks for listening to Scott story and the work that we now do in his memory

    Our aims are to raise awareness of Youth suicide and to support youths and children through mental health and we hope that with your support and the continue support of the local people that will’ll be able to do this for a long time and so ladies and gentlemen for the the

    Hundreds in attendance SE at ringside for all those watching live on J TV the officials are ready the boxers are ready are you [Applause] [Applause] ready we’re almost watching live on J TV the officials are ready the are ready He Are you ready [Applause] For And before we declare the champion will we please show your appreciation both our [Applause] young we go to our judges we have a unanimous decision the winner who now will fo C SK girl 44 kilo champion in the blue G hello good afternoon and welcome to the beef Boon just the KE in the ring Bo number one of the afternoon is’s a cup contest boxed over three one minute rounds making their way to the blue Corner representing M tagout Scott har MW Now making his way to the Red Corner representing the boxing [Applause] Club the morning rains up my window and I can’t see it All The first part of the afternoon is a CB contest sponsored by AJ joiners let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents MC tager Scott he is har mamas his opponent facing him across the corner representing the Beast Boxing Club he is boy

    Ja three one minute rounds of referee charge is Mr Tommy [Applause] Winters go Tommy went BS both boxes together as we kick off this opening C Bo that’s as the beef Boxing Club presents the St Valentine’s Day Massacre got a few days to sort your Valentine’s Day

    Gifts remember Tommy wat will be keeping a close eye is a c out w’t be letting get too aggressive there but as always as boxers opportunity to get in front of the crowd get that ring [Applause] Experience’s finle 10 seconds around number one that’s when they get all the energy so hello once again good afternoon and welcome to the beat boxing club home show I’m going to have to read this cuz I always forget at the Crossgates British Legion and Crossgates C in beef with me Jim

    Alexander uh if you want to check out our upcoming event head over to GTV live.com events if you’re interested in becoming a sponsor you see the sponsors um details will pass along the botom this game throughout the night throughout the day rather but let’s have a look so big

    Thanks to all our GT live sponsors including EOB broker miles electrical at the top Southpaw boxing socks is sponsoring all our interviews for the rest of 2024 so thank you so much to them this week cus never miners Boxing Club we’ll be at their home show in a few months

    They’ve came as one of our club sponsors along with anonine Jonesy Southside boxing Academy beef boxing where we are and Lan here we going round number two Tommy Winters the referee in the ring so har Midas from TAG got Scott in the blue corner and R Jack from beef boxing in the red

    So this is our first uh beef boxing show in 2024 however for the season I think it’s the third we’ve been here twice already you can check out previous beat boxing club shows at GV Live’s YouTube channel nice SW from B Jack I don’t know how much you seen the the fireworks in the way in but always always make a big effort to make their boxers feel special as to make their way to the ring and I have tested it there is no way it can catch fire it’s like cool

    Magnesium that goes in it except for round number two so I’ll just show you what we’ve got coming Up he will start with well would it we a St I showed you the first half so there we go B and Jack had a m Miss Flynn kwin and diar Kuka Lea Isa and Lily haston Cameron MCO and Adin BR Ry F aen Brown Alfie B and Liam Smith I think that’s

    Possibly been changed um and then Robbie nelon no no no that one I was going to hit Robie nelon Robert Stewart and then in the second half Jimmy Marin and Tyler mccan Charlie bourgh and Lloyd Clark Adam Murphy Josh G Alexander Townsley and Alex Murphy Ken Kik and Ibrahim

    Ashad and Chris Clemens and Aon for safe here go third INF final round just a quick shout out to Aiden Asad I know you scheduled to to box um I’m senior we brother I’m not quite sure what the reason was but it last minute changes then Asad and Zan Asad picking

    Up um the Western District gold last weekend can also watch that back in gttv live we had near off 80 bouts over the two days so we har mid M come swinging it’s know it’s great for me you see them at this age and then see about five 10 years

    Time you see the progression of development and then about 10 years after that when they become world champions I’ll probably be selling sing these videos to Sky News Sky Sports Rather so we go last 10 seconds of the third and final round there we go well done in both boxers will pass to vinent Kean and the [Applause] ring do we have the sponsor AJ joiners in the room AJ joiners if you want to present trophies please come to the r EG

    Joiners ladies and gents what a fantastic way to start off the afternoon two Future Stars show your [Applause] Appreciation ladies and gentlemen this is a CB contest to here the winner was boxing once again show your appreciation for Harry and B and a big thank you to our sponsor AG [Applause] joiners Number two the afternoon it’s a still contest box over three one minute Round And while they’re making a way to the ring h b and Jack um a we about to get it started you really wait for it there did you enjoy that I it’s brilant work yeah what about your opponent what

    Do you think you was good so plan we going to see you again May the next show just sck in at the gym back in and and Monday tomorrow and then when you back in Monday and Wednesday Monday Wednesday just stick at it and then

    We’re back here later in the year I I see you boxing our boat yeah who we get a show with to who’s been supporting you my mom my dad and much set and my siblings and my gr and all that oh you man and just finally this interview has

    Been sponsored by southp boxing shs let’s see your trophy before you go hold that up there you go my man it’s B Jack thank you so much for talking to me I’ll catch up with you shortly here we pass back to the link [Applause] everybody all together now B number two the afternoon is a skills contest boxed over three 1 minute rounds you’re sponsor for this onew transport let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents the sparta Boxing Club here is Dimitri [Applause] K facing him across the ring boxing out of of the Red Corner he represents the beef Boxing Club he is Flynn K the refere in charge is Mr Tommy winter three one minute rounds so this is uh the second of our BS I think there’s been a change to the the blue

    Corner and fln um a skills bout he has been a regular supporter his dad is the one that picks us up at the at the chain station we when we come but he was preparing the day so I see the day and also once again shout out to

    The horse he who’s been here I’ve just seen pictures here and I need to get a shot next time I come up Al I think she’s like taller than me she’s about maybe Seven 8 9 ft so we go uh just going the first round Tommy winter continues as referee

    Just again big shout out to all our GTV live sponsors including coros bar and Dan there at the bottom they’re not far and Kaki should check them out and RSA Securities if you need any Security Services here we go first round that’s SCB [Applause] nice movement there already from the blue

    Corner just hold him back looking for an opening he goes that over hand right nice F from the BL Corner jumping a nice left swing there from FL [Applause] if you’reall watching online click that like thumbs up and give a you subscribe nice right overhand Landing you can see that that movement

    Which I know they walk on in the the spot gym cuz they produce some great videos for us to watch n a job there from the blue Corner fin 10 seconds around number one well done both boxers there in the opening H round young Flyn kwin and they’ve they changed the

    Spelling of the names I’m not even going to try and pronounce the names I only heard that when Vince shouted out so next week uh breaking new new will be at the blueville boxing club home show as well as the Glen office Boxing Club home show may as well just

    Stay up here um I got to Glen office for here it’s not F it’s two three stations down the road so up next will be Leila Isa and Lily hon and then Cameron Mall Adam bra Ry F Aden Brown Alfie bar Liam Smith Robbie Nelson and Robert Stewart this side of the [Applause]

    [Applause] interval blue Conor Contin continues with that that Jab there walk F tries to get in left of his own bit differ Styles find swinger tries to get over the gloves the blue Corner Spartan boxer thr the Jabs perfectly very accurately as well as I said nice movement very fluid movement he’s he’s

    Hands and his feet fin 10 seconds around number [Applause] [Applause] two so you may have seen the opening the Scott Martin Foundation uh we have pled to play the that video at the beginning of all our streams I need to time it a bit better cuz videos about 6 minutes um so we need to try and get and get set up

    And then get it out but we’ll be added to any edits and you should watch if you can check out Scott Martin Foundation uh they’re based in and around fock um and they do fantastic work it’s supporting young young people in particular young athletes as well and I know um from

    People that I know who have reached it to them for for support um they have they have been G advice and stuff like that as well so um AO the Bas in F if you are about outside area you do need support around mental health particular supporting young people then do get in

    Touch with Scott Martin Foundation or you can rewind this video back and watch um the video there we go young F try to break through this is a skills Bo Tommy Winters will again be keeping an eye on the action and but so far so good both boxers just slightly testing each other

    Out great work again from the blue corn getting in and out fly much more a big Power swinger yes [Applause] [Applause] can we have our representative the spons onw transport into the ring please hand out the prizes aw transport ladies and gentlemen another fantastic contest show your appreciation for both these boxers your referee Mr winter Rings both boxers together you go Lance this was the skills contest ladies

    And gentlemen so please show your appreciation for Dimitri and I’m sure we’ll be seeing these two Lads out about that was a fantastic skills contest there well done [Applause] r So this interview is sponsored by sath PA boxing socks F just put your seat in and it’s been a long wait fun here we go first of all enjoy that skills yep it was really fun I’m thankful for him coming down from F it’s been bright man and he was a nice

    Job but he was thr the TR for the job nice movement in the ring but I I would saying there we bit difference you’re m a big hitter you swing up and over the the gloves as well but listen what’s the plan where we going to see you next this

    Year um home show in May probably and do you know you’ve got the Fe February and then the October championships probably the October championships right my man and who we g a shout out to um shout it to all the coaches and all the boxers for beef um without all them I couldn’t

    Do this what about your dad my dad he’s been a big and ha the horse hey have you been on I’ve got these big guns because of got these big guns because I’ve been pushing our real let you go I’ll catch fun we’re back in the Lea Isaac and L

    Hting the Sparks are flying 31 minute round sponsored by smart Travel to be part of the wave can wonder if it’s All For You The One I Love The Chain i h to be proud of the wave can’t stop com and tell me when it’s time to sweetart is beding in the Snow number three is an exhibition box over three one minute rounds your sponsor for this one is smart trouble let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue Corner she represents the sparta Boxing Club she is Lily [Applause] his so just adjusting um gooss the ring

    Representing the beef Boxing Club she is Lea who that your refere CH is Mr adby Scott three one minute rounds three one minute rounds is it and Lily hon from Sparta referee start Adam Scott Here We Go Round number one crowd already getting behind the Red Corner [Applause] boxer storms across that that ring throws those left Jabs get right through as L fails back ni head movement there from the right corner oh L Landing a nice front hand there nice H again from Le completely the very happy with both these um young boxers they both just kept going final

    Few seconds around number one a very close opening round to this contest so far I think both GS have gave as good as they got and be to see what goes on and we know what amate Bo is like in flipping its head as we go to round number two and then number

    Three and so that’s is Lea is and lar haston once again just another shout out to all our sponsors that make all this happen with an amaran waren Co Pro energy the fitness supplements the war Wall Sports cup will be in there in July heart electrial contracts MB cuts and yoka awh

    Boxing Premier saki 365 ml service center Kelvin S Motor Company the Western District I say that cuz I’m in the eastern district well Western District is one of our GTV live sponsors refy Adam SC rest starts the boat again nice walk there from from Le just fighting straight down the

    Middle well as well no backing down she’s really trying to get through there you about a difference nice walk there from the blue Corner If you’re watching online uh just give some comments let us know you’re here you can hear us all right that’s it for round number two again I think a very very close round both box I could see landing and nice accurate shots um again slightly

    Difference in in Styles um l in the Red Corner just try to fire right in the middle um with his l in the book on her she’s finding success and just these slight swings what she’s throwing so and who we got online who’s been watching there’s like not even one

    Comicy man if you’re watching on your phone fair Enough oh we get Brit KS let’s go white so I’m assuming she is supporting Lloyd [ __ ] from Ain vro and some other clubs are appearing today we’ve got spot that’s been in already tager Scot per freway and Southside boxing Academy Community Hub Highland boxing Academy nefar of in Vine bro Joneses and for

    Rudy and that’s it that’s who taking us through 13 boats in total Felman has been supported by our JTV goals um youth mentoring project working with young refugees and assal Seekers new migrants in the west of Glasgow specifically in and around Kingsway Court we got your shout out to

    To kingsby community connections which is our local community Hub big shout to to Lany Beth step Joe yahong and the team at kingsby Community connections and our gttv goals youth group we all argue who’s coming to cover which show um we ibraim is here today I see we taller than me so go

    Great there this is the first official bow of this afternoon we’ll pass to vinent ke in the ring with official announcement to we our representative of the sponsor smart travel smart travel if you’re in the room please come into the ring ladies and gentlemen sh your appreciation for both these young

    Boxers your referee Mr Scott brings both boxers together ladies and gentlemen women’s boxing in Scotland has taken over the last couple of years and another fantastic two stars of the future to get appreciation for Lily and Lea this was an exhibition boat and what a fantastic exhibition boat it was smart travel with the sponsors for this one do you want to take your pictures taken your pictures taken there ladies and genten once again Lily and [Applause] Leo B number four of the afternoon is a

    School boy contest box of one and a half minute rounds and while this Bo comes out first of all interview spons by sou for boxing socks hey just put your SE later first I just want to say absolutely brilliant boxing and the straight Jabs in the middle for the get

    Go and I thought it was a a problem about but it was a an exhibition but what an exhibition that was how you feeling I’m feeling good I’m feeling I felt that was my best one best one yet um would you have liked that to be a

    About or like one a proper about it be good to see that again as well yeah that’s it you got an Nemesis now she’s going he going to you going to see each other through all the competitions and then eventually we’re going to see a

    World title f f that will H him may be C and beef for the trees um so what’s the plan next where we going to see you um I maybe in May their next home show get her back on you box her maybe um and who’s been here supporting you I know a

    Few people there shouting for you but who’s been supporting you for that my dad my mom my whole family all my coaches and friends every just everybody brilliant F brilliant iist said I’ll let you go rest up and and celebrate and I’ll see you back here on me take

    Care that was Lea as we going to pass back in the ring as we got to boat number four camon MCO and Aon [Applause] [Applause] B [Applause] B number four of the afternoon as a schol boy contest walks over three 1 and 1/2 minute rounds your sponsor for this one is Barry hurry painter and decorator let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents the spa Boxing Club here is Aon [Applause]

    BR his opponent facing him across the ring boxing out of the Red Corner he represents the beef Boxing Club he is Cameron M the referee in charge is Mr Adam Scott three one and a half minute rounds what’s coming So cheers for all the likes that been coming in this says Adam B from Sparta in the blue Corner camon MCO from beef boxing both boxers off to an early start nice work get again we see that for all the spot boxers I need really and Sh

    Them and commend them for that a great Ring presence but one thing I’ve always said about the beef boxers as the stamina is brilliant nice SWAT here from Aon B again but Cameron not giv up he’s to tell to get through there great what girl from Cameron

    We can just see aan just switching up what he needs to do doesn’t mind boxing in the back foot bring his opponent in and then he fires like three or four at a time brilliant Walkman better 10 seconds around number one o hey another great Bo do you know

    The thing is each time I come to be boxing I need to shout them out as well like um I’ve had a busy week with the rest of distri last week um and then I’ll be covering my M’s phone shop in RL running my youth group at night time and

    Then there was at alawa for the saai professional show which again was another Bel you can see the highlights on my Instagram page so I was feeling a bit done in this week um and it seems to be each time just before I come to beef

    I’ve had like maybe ups and downs in a week and then I come here and you just see how much it means this predom is the younger boxers and at this show um and you see how much it means to them they all came lining up for the um to get way

    Down in that L check your doctor and and the w got a great positive positive attitude and the the matchup is always brilliant I mean that’s AR BR the walk he’s doing just watch it be good to see what’s going to happen we got to round number two Again AR be just feeling very comfortable in there getting in and out you know I think these two must know each other I’m going to ask that I feel like they’ve they’ve maybe been in the ring before they just few Maneuvers I’m seeing that they just

    Looked as if they they know what to Expect Kam putting the pressure up just talk that about that stamina in round one see what other camera we’ve got this one thank you all the guys that being booking is and supporting a work we do put the money back into improving when we can been a few seconds of round number

    Two another great round there box should be proud of that JTV live is sponsored by the ecob broker miles electrical Kelvin side Motor Company 365 M and Service Center RSS secuity not far from where we are H Premier s southp boxing socks you can get 75% off your southp

    Socks at Southport official.com the Western District of boxing Scotland total Tranquility they do amazing back I’m not been but I’ve seen a lot of people review it campus n miners Boxing Club recently just joined as one of our sponsors I’m and Co beef boxing where we’re at today southide box Academy

    You’ll see them later Armstrong Angel trust does fantastic work and Armstrong and head coach dun hamers and Scotland’s only professional female Coach K lot Learning Center anon9 boxing club we go pass back in the RS we got to third and final rounds as you’re watching GTV Live’s coverage

    Of the beef Boxing Club home show the St Valentine’s Day Massacre hope there’s the massacre today Crossgates British Legion is where we’re at in Crossgates and Cen [Applause] [Applause] Beef [Applause] in the ring Cameron m in the Red Corner from be boxing and Aon bra from Sparta in the blue that’s B is sponsored by bar H painter and decorator you see the paers ever slowed down for the blue Corner used a lot of energy great work the first and second

    Round but I said one of the things I know that the beef boxers do is they they stick to that that regimented running regime nice walk for blon he does still have that that power in there as I said he doesn’t mind loading his opponent back just leading into the ropes and

    Fighting back with frees and fors cam we just try to keep as many punches he can to watch that low B I see I don’t know if it was Adam Scott his his eyes covered and and here we go final few seconds of round number three there we have a winner for [Applause]

    You oh D fing Boxing Club sorry you pointed out my apologies I’m going to be up the G office next week I’m going to get my ass kicked and I know who’s going to do it so go pass back in the ring Vincent ke with the official announcement don’t

    Go anywhere guys you’re watching JTV coverage of the beef boxing cup home show to be a representative of the sponsor bar H painter and decorator are you about come into the ring and present these trophies ladies and gentlemen what an absolutely fantastic vot that was trly appreciation for both these [Applause] Boxers your referee Mr Scott brings both boxers together you judgy scorecards are in and the winner by split decision and the blue Corner ladies and gentlemen takes two to make a marvelous vat with that show you appreciation for his opponent Cameron MCO responsible for this one bar Harry painter and decorator get your pictures taking Lads a fantastic birthday well done Aaron and [Applause] Cameron good man so guys this interview

    Sponsored by South Paul boxing socks before we go to the next p and Ain absolute your right I know why absolutely brilliant walk great in there and you could see your even on the back foot the front foot you just you just maneuvering R the ring the way you had

    To be tougher point to be the ring as well I know his stamina I know his they like it but what’s your thoughts did you enjoy that yeah it was fun really good it’s mad to see you can the right go oh how was that you go oh it was fun but

    Listen bro um I said I can see that I I know a lot SP a lot of stuff online a lot of training stuff you can see the stuff he are doing in gym and and you’ve seen that for all your boxers that have came but I think you just you’ve

    Absolutely nailed it the maneuver between your the FOID between your hand movement your head movement is brilliant and I need to see you again when is it going to be whenever I’m ready tell let me get you you you be boxing week in week out man and don’t tell yourself but

    Um if you any plans to go to any the the National Tournament have you already competed uh I don’t know any H about that I might I might be in the next time but I don’t know do mind I’m going to wait for that wait um and finally who’s

    Been supporting you who we g a shout out to uh my mom and dad my sister my friends at school by my man listen honestly great boxing man get back in that gy listen to what they’re saying I know the coaches are BR listen to them and we’ll see you very very soon

    My man afternoon is a super boy contest box over three 1 and 1/2 minute rounds your sponsor for this one is gbss let’s introduce you two the boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents the path Railway Boxing Club he is aen brown his opponent facing him across the

    Ring boxing out of the red col he represents the beef Boxing Club here is Riley Victor the refere charges Mr Ste Morrison three one and A2 minute rounds guys here we go Ry fitter and Aiden Brown P freway just want to give a shout out to the P raway crew um met a

    Few of them the other night um in AA as look bbby walks his second professional fight shout out to Luke can check out the interview and the highlights on gttv Live’s Instagram [Applause] [Applause] p Good to see Stevie Morrison back in the ring refere I know he’s been refere but I haven’t been covering the shows that he’s been [Applause] nice work there from the blue Corner good match up with these twoy try to get through Landing the gloves aen just Bing his time ever so slightly just

    Picking when he throw those shots better 10 seconds around number one aeden tries to turn up the play shot Nice swe Shot Landing there great work again for both [Applause] boxers so guys you’re watching JTV Live’s Conference of the beat boxing cup home show here at the I’m going to read

    That again Cross Gates I can I never remember that Cross Gates British Legion and Cross Gates and cow and beef shout to everybody that’s watching online and if you’re watching back um don’t forget to click that like And subscribe button and if you want to be really um

    Supportive then you can consider sponsor jttv you can head over at JTV live.com for/ sponsorship shout to all our sponsors up including okon baring Dina and Kodi Glenn Roy Boxing Club is also a sponsor Wai for Stephen MCU to send me a logo that I can use but he’s going until

    Next week and then I’ll probably just try and recreate his Z one for the the his [Applause] vest we go round number two reallyy F and Aiden Brown Aiden in the bo Corner R in the red that’s crowd you can see them there on the background they’re also doing the sides really getting

    Behind the boxers in the ring great work here from the blue Corner again referee has said Stop [Applause] [Applause] just getting news coming in as we speak refur Robert M he secured the second round stoppage Victory against Sweden’s Yousef Morad you can see the highlights on Boon Scotland’s Instagram and Twitter pages shout to Robert MCN who’s featured on JV since we launched to be back in [Applause]

    2019 oh Big Shot there Landing the blue [Applause] Corner six in round number two [Applause] and that’s a b so let’s have a look at where we are so currently about number five reallyy F and Iden Brown Next Up Alfie bar from beef boxing and Liam Smith from

    Southside Robbie nson from beef and Robert Stewart from Highland boxing Academy and then we will have a little in of v and in the second half Jimmy macki goes head-to-head with Tyler McLean from neth hary Charlie Bon who had me crying at the last show uh wases

    Against Lloyd Clark and know he’s got some supporters online from Al Vine bro and Adam Muffy and Jo Josh G from Jonesy Alexander Townsley great young box boxes Alex Muffy from udy Ken kusik and Ibrahim ashad and CH CL and a in for Safe main event I think they’re both 15 years old

    In the main event at this club short this is the third and fin round what I think is a a close B and nice walk there coming from the red could come down to this cuz Aiden done well in the second round as well here we go again he just thrown

    That left right and then stepping back really starting to learn from that [Applause] Maneuver both oh you can see what both forg was going to say they both need up the game we but just keep a bit busier but think this could be working for for both them just to keep that pace as it is and just throw those accurate shots don’t get too

    Char f 10 seconds of round number three and they’re going to go for it they’re going to try and tear it up the last 10 [Applause] seconds wow great work there from both Bo as we pass V in the ring with the official [Applause] announcement Could we have a sponsor gbss to the ring please ladies and gentlemen what an absolutely fantastic way to start this could to the B anywhere in the country to absolutely super boxers well done L that was a brilliant V your referee Mr Morrison brings both boxers together the winner on a split

    Decision from the blue Cor ladies and gentlemen it takes two to make a fantastic B that once again show your appreciation from his opponent r [Applause] f and a thank you to our sponsor gbss well done lad that was an absolutely amazing B well done S he so guys that’s of out of VI is sponsored by South for boxing socks before we got to the next bout um Aiden Brown we heard that there off V ke said that’s could have to the Bell anywhere in the country I think both of you

    Probably could have top the B anywhere in the the world how you feel you enjoy that yeah I felt really good obviously it was a rematch cuz he beat me in the championship final so I just wanted to get is it one each is it one

    Each I think I said that I think I don’t I’m s with this on the B before but I see one of us I feel they two know each other because the Maneuvers are just like they’re s anticipating with the other box where they’re going to go and

    What’s going to happen uh last time I fought it was just a total scrap it wasn’t just it was like I tried to keep my punching straight but I’m so happy proba I said it was it was amazing oh wait wa wait I’m done and so other day Luke BBY was

    Boxing and in AR I was there and I put the highlights on GTV live i’ seen some of your coaches they were at that show as well I went to the one this first fight so um what’s you like having him in your gym and watching him you look up

    Him and go that’s what I want be like yeah I look up to him a lot he’s a Briant guy as well man and I think your style your style but bro if you said the first one was a scrap that one was a proper boxing match that was a proper

    Like boxing match and there well are we going to see you next what’s the plan I’m going to be at the district Districts The Districts yeah um and who we g a shout out to who’s been supporting everybody from everybody go celebrate we’re up live so

    You can watch that back I’ll catch up you short my man take care that was aen BR pass back Vin in the ring out of the blue corner he represents the sou side boxing Academy here is Leo [Applause] SM facing him across the ring boxing out

    Of the Red Corner he represents the beef Boxing Club here is Alfie B the referee in charge once again is Mr steevie Morrison three one and A2 minute rounds just is three one and a half minute rounds Alfie bar the righted corner Liam Smith from souths

    Side let’s give a shout to both these clbs are both GTV live [Applause] sponsors and no messing about what’s the over with these two [Applause] Get a head guard F referee stev Morrison restarts the boat head guards came off they’re just going to swap the head guard over where they do that just have a chat with you so we’ve got one more bout after this then we’ll move into the interval then have six after that if you

    Are watching click that like And subscribe if you’re interested in sponsoring GTV live and by all means get in touch you want us to cover your event dates are filling up fast we’re trying to I’m trying to build a team so we can cover at least

    Two and then maybe two three big shots are landing from both [Applause] boxers referee stops the boat telling both boxers to watch the Slaps [Applause] [Applause] great head movement there both these boxers start to find the Rev 10 seconds to round number one fantastic what girl from both boxers again another great match Up so guys if you are interested the sponsor JTV starts from £150 and some of our sponsors are listed there includes all your advertising hit promote Scottish boxing as we do support GTV lives development and I don’t know if it last year but we eventually um what a boxing Development Fund that can

    Start supporting Grassroots boxing that’s my ideal goal if I se myself about 5 years time that’s what I’d like to be um a fund that sponsor get sponsorship back towards boxers and clubs um and covers the course things like traveling and T tournaments and stuff like that um there is other ways I

    Can do it I mean but I’d prefer if we we raise about the money ourselves here we go second round [Applause] 14 [Applause] a See Z Asad down the [Applause] back he’s support asso team m that’s a B for the second [Applause] round so one of our new sponsors just came on South southp um Sports socks details are up this game they sponsoring everyone of GTV live interviews you get up to 75% off at Southport official.com

    Think there’s a few weeks left in that and shout out to all the rest of our GT live Sponsors this is where we are Alfie B and Liam Smith Robby nelon and robot Stewart left this side of the interval and we go third and final [Applause] round nice work there from the blue Corner left right A side step both box are still looking for those big shots see keeping that close

    [Applause] eye [Applause] Big Shot The Landing from the blue [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Corner 10 seconds third the final round [Applause] you can see that exhausted get what for both boxers will pass def ke in the ring with the official [Applause] announcement Can we have a sponsor BL build developments block build development of you there come into the right get these prizes ladies and gentlemen once again show your appreciation another Bo that was rough entrance fantastic ref Mr Morrison brings both boxers to go your judges scorecards are in and the winner by unanimous decision

    And the blue Corner [Applause] the Ladi and genten please take your applause gr for his opponent Alfie ball let sponsored by D B developments H done L Fantastic coming out of my cage and been doing F got be down because I all right guys this interview it’s sported by South ball boxing socks Liam Smith you put your heart and soul into that about I can see just at the end probably oh thank God that finish the soap but try

    Some up how you feeling I’m feel good always easy compan some to show and getting the one but did you is that what you expected time you thought I’m just go go in there and get them all yeah that’s what I thought I was going to go

    On get our second one last weekend last weekend two to right my man too right um what is the plan new when we going to see you uh golden gos probably go to Scottish gold and who’s been supporting you know Z are there you’ve got ibrahim’s boxing

    Later as well F F’s boxing but who else supporting you uh mostly just in Mel here and all that but that’s about it a good B te man it so you get behind you something very loud last weekend I mean at the the Western distri she are loud

    As hell but it’s good for you to have that support and so that’s up for me you go and rest upop and I I’ll come see just a bit K after this and I’ll come again take care you that was Smith from Southside we pass back and the ringers

    We have Robie Nelson and Robert Stewart coming out of my cage and doing play number seven of the afternoon is a junior contest box over three two minute rounds your sponsor for this one is for Construction Services let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he

    Represents the Highland boxing Academy here Robert Str his opponent facing him across the r boxing out of the right corner he represents the Beast Boxing Club here is Robin your referee charges Mr Tommy winter three two-minute rounds this is three two-minute rounds to end the first half of the beef Boxing

    Club home show the St Valentine’s Day Massacre and the Red Corner Robie nson from beat boxing the blue Corner Robert Stewart from Highland boxing Academy shout to everyone’s tuning in watching around Scotland if you’re watching outside of Scotland let is know where you’re watching from

    You can see there Robert try Get Up and Under Robbie just keeping his Co you see what Robert try to do though he’s try like unload and be very very quick sh punches but then we’ve get Robbie just keeps to that jab from straight down the middle ni SW again

    I just feel like Rob in the blue just waiting for the right the right moment if he can get it but Robbie as I said keeping his calm thr no straight shots again land a nice backand Robbie’s almost dictating the pace I can see Robert a bit frustrated he’s try to

    Get through he try to throw twos and threes mixing up with a we body shot he’s try to throw in he’s just not quite getting there but using the ring space well not get caught up and too much just think Robbie just again setting the pace [Applause]

    Just so that’s it for round number [Applause] one and and this will be the end of the first half and I’ll show you what we’ve got coming up in the second half so guys you’re watching GTV live the beef Boxing Club home show here at the Crossgates British Legion and Cross Gates great walk coming again for these two boxers in the second [Applause] round robot now finding more Rhythm you see that loosened up a bit start to find his rhythm Rob St from Highland sending more success in this round nice walk there Getting a bit Tangled here and there Tommy W tell the boxers to stop wrestling Robert just looking unfaced by some of these shots that are landed keeps that Focus as I said was getting a bit frustrated in the the first round using that ring space now star to find his rev he’s following

    Up just sometimes just a half a split second there we go nice work but just a split set quick with the L big [Applause] shots and prob probably now making it a closer contest I think definitely for me um one each for round number one and two we got one

    More round left which could come down here to determine uh the one Up Here go third and final round my estimation is it it is one a piece got support coming in from Michael and Steven [Applause] online [Applause] There we go Robert really starting to find his re he stuck to this this game plan wasn’t he finding much success in round one but from round two on was these big shots are just getting through Big Shots [Applause] Landing B great going to get a count now

    In the favor of the blue Corner let Bo restarts robot is now going to use all that fuel in the [Applause] tank shots Landing can be le for Tommy wi’s keeping a very close action eye in action the big strings will take a lot out robot when he’s throwing [Applause]

    Them and the bell is just ready sound well done there to w box I think what turn around for the blue [Applause] Corner good pass back de in the ring with official announcement we have a representative of the sponsors for construction services to the ring please

    I know I say this a lot ladies and gentlemen that this was a top of the B contest but that truly was show your appreciation for both these Boes your referee Mr Winters brings both boxers together your judges scorecards are in and the winner on a 3-2 Split Decision in the blue Corner Robert Stewart ladies and gentlemen takes two to me a marvelous contest that show you appreciation for his opponent Robbie Neelson our sponsors for this one Ford Construction [Applause] Services fantastic V done ladies and gentlemen your officials are going to have a short Comfort late and and during that time you are going to do the raffle if you do not have raffle tickets yet this is your last

    Opportunity I think the guys at the table are selling them so if you do not have your raffle tickets yet I put your hand up somebody will try and get R to you or come up to the to table remember everything goes to all supportting this club so guys this interiew sponsored by

    Southp boxing socks H Robert Stewart what a t of him man I think the first sounds you find about frustrating to get through but set the for man you just you you took it about for then on start I think maybe you him as well um but what

    Was your thoughts on that I thought bit SL in the first round waited beit too long then Liam to me in the corner up the tempo get out there pushing back thought get enough yeah definitely hurt him in the first second round gave him the eight count F did it for me come

    Yeah Bri BR advice for your corner as well I think like you cuz you want to change it so much up for your style you just like you just did up the tempo as you were going on and I I just H that P you just you just said it and it was

    Brilliant to watch man and what’s the plan for 2024 where we going to see next H golden gos two you good for I you got it bro you got to be brighten there you remind me of Martin KY r i don’t if you you try watch some of his videos and and

    Sometimes he’s in the ring with boys that are tall and big and he just get up and under them throw these big Power shots and it’s crippling man so watch as C take bits for the best people you can get but um and who’s been supporting you

    We get a shout out to H my whole club at HBA for all the training hard work and all the sparing yeah definitely they’re the ones that got me to this right my man listen um leg go Ser really excited to see again man I think you’ll be

    You’re going to be one to watch and the Golden Gloves but let I you go say thank you for talking to me that was Robert Stewart H we’re going to now go for an interv and I’m going to let you watch if you get time watch the Scott mtin

    Foundation video it’s just about to come up H I’ll be back in about 10 15 minutes or so I’ll see then I’m Samantha meres I am Scott’s proud Mo and I’m also the founder of his charity the Scott Martin Foundation Scott was a lovely boy he really he was

    A wonderful person he had a really big personality really large character he was the the life and soul and that was apparent even for he was a small child he was the type of person that even if you only met him once or you just met him briefly you never forgot him you

    Always remember remembered him he was really caring he was just a lovely boy to have around he was really family orientated so he really loved like being around his family and he get togethers or stuff like that he loved that kind of thing and he also loved being around his

    Friends at school I would say Scott was never really academic he struggled quite a lot through school right for primary school right into High School anything sport Scott excelled it it was just natural it was just a natural Sports person boxing and football was obviously

    His main things but any kind of sport I all whether it be snowboarding cycling fishing anything that he kind of put his hand to he he just he was brilliant at it referee J stops this contest in round number two in favor of the winner who is

    Now Scottish noas school boy B 405 62 kilo champion in the blue Conor Scott Martin Scott first became out and started to voice what he was experiencing when he was he was around about 15 coming up for 16 and a lot of the things the kind of doctors put down

    To just being like his age hormones and things like that then when he turned 16 he started to to say and voice more that that he was really struggling with his mental health and probably like most parents locally we thought that the process would be quite straightforward

    To access the mental health system for children going to the doctor and we thought it would just be an assessment and then he would he would receive the the care and support but as I said like a lot of other local families we found that that wasn’t the case at all it was

    So hard to access any support for him we felt as a family that they weren’t really taking things serious with Scott and even though we were seen in the house how much he was struggling and we were relating to them everything that was happening he still wasn’t deemed

    Like he was Ill enough for to receive immediate support in the May 2020 that’s when Scott had his first attempt to take his life and even following that and everything else that Scott had presented with they still didn’t think he was high enough risk so we were then left as a

    Family just to kind of care for him ourself so following his appointment in May after his first attempt to take his life Scott was placed on the waiting list for cams we were told that it would be a minimum 18 weeks before he even received a letter he waited until the

    December to actually see somebody face to face that was the 21st of December so for all those months Scott had struggled with maybe just a phone call every couple of weeks for somebody for cams and obviously us as support in that time we had another um suicide attempt and

    His health just deteriorated rapidly as I had said before we just couldn’t get help anywhere we couldn’t get support anywhere even though we were screaming out and Scott was openly asking for support he was actively trying to take his life there still was no support there at all for us he had his

    Appointment at cams in 21st of December and 9 days later Scott took his own life he had went so long with no court that he obviously thought there was just no other way in the weeks that followed Scot suicide loads of people contacted me through Messenger or sent me a text

    Message or came up to me in the street and told me their story with their children or their child and just said that it was the same kind of story as what Scots was you know they’ve been trying it hard to access support they felt like the one they had been taken

    Serious or their child wasn’t deemed ill enough they didn’t meet the criteria for the support for C as a family we we sat and we kind of thought you know there’s there has to be something locally there has to be something better that can be put in place that can support the kids

    Immediately if they need it if they’re brave enough to ask for support then they should receive it so we decided to take the money that had been donated to us through the GoFundMe at the time when Scott died and we put it into a charity

    And what we do is we pay now private counselors or therapists to see the kids straight away the kids still go to their their GP and then the refer will still sent through at cams once they’ve either been placed on the waiting list or they’ve been told that they don’t meet

    The criteria for support they can then contact us and we can step in and support me time as a stepping stone so that no child’s left for any length of time with no support at all like what’s Scot was the support that we put in place comes for private counselors and

    Therapists which means that there’s a better chance that the support can be given to the kids immediately they don’t need to wait any length of time as a foundation as well we work in partnership with Scots own gym Spa boxing Academy we fully fund boot camps that run during the kids holidays so

    That alleviates the pressure from the parents to be able to afford it because every space is fully funded by Scots Foundation as a family and as a foundation we recognize the importance and the need for immediate support to be there for the local children that are suffering for poor mental health or

    Suicidal ideation every penny that we received to Scots Foundation goes towards securing the support that we’ve already established in the local area for local children there’s no formal criteria for support So any child that is brave enough to ask for help and support receive support every referral that we receive is completely

    Confidential and it’s filtered through to the best therapist or counselor for more information or to access the support that we offer locally you can contact us via our website or through email or through our social media platforms thanks for listening to Scott story and the work that we now do in his

    M memory our aims are to raise awareness of Youth suicide and to support youths and children through mental health and we hope that with your support and the continued support of the local people that will’ll be able to do this for a long time and so ladies and gentlemen there’s over

    Hundreds in attendance here at ringside for all those watching live on J TV the official are ready the boxers are ready are you [Applause] [Applause] ready we’re almost watching live on J TV the officials are ready the are ready Oh Are you ready for [Applause] The E And before we declare the champion would you please show your appreciation both our [Applause] young we go to our judges we have a unanimous decision the winner who is now r still girl 44 Kil champion in the blue Corner so guys hello welcome back to the beat boxing C home show we just going get sh back V ke in the ring make plenty of noise as they’re coming into the ring for the second half of this Valentine’s Day boxing exhibition Point number eight is a school boy contest boxed over three

    2-minute rounds the sponsor for this one nmp plant Sales sometimes you just feel TI naan was W to the blue Corner representing in the valy boxing club Ty M as you feeling to the day that I Dr you never say that I’m not killing cuz when I KN down I’m making his way to the red represent foxing Club Jimmy [Applause] mop hipop a minimal swap the cop millions of leners you coming with me feel it or not going to like I show the spirit of God L another you hear it a lot lyrics the sh is it a miracle or Just like magic a feeling you keep when you real and you speak people the feeling it this is your moment and every single minute you Speak play number eight on this St Valentine’s Day boxing exhibition contest is a school boy contest boxed over three 2 minute rounds sponsor for this one MMP plant sales let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents the nth Valley Boxing Club he is Tyler

    McLean his opponent facing him across the ring boxing out of the right corner he represents beef Boxing Club he is Jimmy M the referee in charge is Mr Tommy Winters three 2 minute rounds so once again you watch JT VI cover the beef Boxing Club home show this St Valentine’s Day

    Massacre at the cross British Legion and Cross Gates Cen beef we meet jimy Alexander Neil shout to Jack McGarvey online Tyler Tyler McLean from NE far in the blue corner and Jimmy macki from beef Boxing Club home boxer in the red quick start again from both we’ve seen very very early starts

    Throughout this afternoon [Applause] Nice footwalk there from TY in the blue Corner Jimmy try to catch him with that lead hand the l [Applause] to So let’s have a look at we got coming up on jammie Maki and Ty mcleay next up Charlie boner and Lloyd clar from oven vbro Adam Muffy and Josh gram from Jones e Alexander tley and Alex from URI k kik and fade Asad from Southside and Chris CL and Adam for toping the

    Bow here we go second round for Jimmy Mark in the Red Corner T M clim from the in the blue jmy Watch Brian Allison is asking so fed will be on four BS [Applause] time here’s aultimate contest so we’ve got four boats a few of them so say maybe about half an hour 40 minutes that’s as a FB of the second half Jimmy Mar and Tyler mle [Applause]

    Nice SW girl from Tyler in the blue Corner CH Brian Brian Allison on the coaches at soide are a Allison and also the occasional raner camera man zooming right into that watch wait to see what kind of watch it was So um shout out to all our GTV live sponsors including beef Boxing Club there we also get Southside boxing Academy and Community Hub anony Boxing Club Jonesy Boxing Club Lan and the William War Sports cup and just this week campus St miners joined our Boxing Club sponsors list also our longterm sponsored men

    M am and Co Armstrong Angel trust K lot Learning Center awh boxing we’ll pass back to the action we more from the sponsor soon round number two or three is this round three [Applause] that’s is schedu three one and a half minute [Applause] rounds [Applause] [Applause] Been a lot of 50/50 matchup see you all this afternoon one of the official just s him in the back it’s is good to see also have a club show if you go in a a split decision or a close bout it’s going to cut away slightly so that’s our policy when Roar

    Is getting any sort of medical treatment here we go Tommy [Applause] [Applause] Restarts [Applause] [Applause] 10 seconds around number [Applause] three well well done both B P def ke in the ring with official announcement I’ll be back in just a moment with a winner can we have the sponsors MMP plant sales to the ring MMP plant sales to the ring ladies and gentlemen what a fantastic

    Way to start off this afternoon’s box in the second half of it [Applause] your referee Mr Winters brings both boxers together your judgy scorecards are in and the winner by unanimous decision and the blue Corner Kyler McRae pleas you down please keep your applause going for his opponent Jimmy

    Mar our sponsor for this one MMP plant sales get your picture taking Lads Jamie get a picture of your sponsors number n is the hey guys this interview sponsored by sou4 boxing socks Ty M look at you M your face this is what you want to look like when you can a

    Wall like that but listen to you put absolute s that was brilliant and trying some up for me how you feeling [ __ ] Brillion one can’t believe it that was like the best scrap of the night definitely what a scrap yeah man it was bright to watch man and this

    This this audience you took him in a journey as well and even you got the respect for the home crowd as well which is is brilliant man it’s but listen both you even your B can leave his head TI but listen you got the the one H remind

    You again what’s your plan for 2024 [ __ ] when I’m going Scottish so hopefully win that I’ll try my if you box like that man you’re going to take him that gold and who are we going to shout to my dad my mom my aunt name Stars Mar Co and Mark for like

    Teaching me and training helping all that Tyler I’ll see you very soon I’m B to up me the show so I’ll be there as well don’t forget your trophy my man we pass back in the ring so Charlie B and Lloyd Clark from Of look another round number nine is a school boy contest boxed over three one and a half minute rounds your sponsor for this one Charles beanan pler and R [Applause] Caster let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents the Iran bbra Boxing Club here is L claw

    His opponent facing him across the ring boxing out of the Red Corner he represents the beef Boxing Club he is Charlie B the referee in charge is Mr Adam Scott 3 one and a half minute RS well that still down was intense here we

    Go Charlie B on Red Corner L CAU from of V BR in the blue you go round number one a referee Mr Adam Scott the r quick start from Charlie [Applause] Bor [Applause] I said throughout the the afternoon a lot of 50/50 bouts good matchups lyd Clark very very capable a

    Boxer being taught by Alec Mullin fromin V bro I can just hear that calm calm voice come from Al in the corner just giving his his boxer instruction and then on the opposite side in the Red Corner JP hind head coach at Beef boxing been a few seconds of around number

    One I’ve been looking forward to this this bout since I seen it was on a card a few days ago um both very very capable boxers very comfortable in the ring um we’ll see how how it goes going round number two I think very close round number

    One so guys you’re watching jttv Live’s coverage of the beat boxing club home show this is the St Valentine’s Day Massacre at Cross Gates British Legion and Cross Gates C beef shout out to all our GT live sponsors including the EOB broker and Miles Electrical shout out to South PA box and socks you can get 75 sent off your pair of boxing socks at Southport official.com You go back in your ring for round number two J B the right corner and L CAU from oven V BR in the blue Char Charlie to put the pressure on up in the tempo as I said Lloyd knows what to expect very capable walks up big shots there coming from Charlie

    Last time we seen him his his CL show he had main tears he just seems Charlie’s just a a young H boxer but very very mature very beyond his years reminding everybody look out for friends and family and look out for signs of any mental health issues or illnesses during Christmas and New

    Year nice SW girl from Charlie St to find his reev to L Clark setting a shot to the chin there no look fed by it [Applause] nice we match up this not one that I would have mind seen again been a few months think both boxes are Le from this regardless to the

    Outcome just in the Bell you see them touch gloves there you sign the respect between Both uh so the stream is is show me excellent it does seems to be jumping slightly on my end um I don’t know if that’s just a playback but we will be recording we’ll put it out um again tonight the fil fire [Applause] BR star to hot up Now [Applause] Spe nice SW from Charlie there from the left and right and then just take duck to anticipate was coming back L Co still looking determined right there Landing right on the button again Lloyd just looks completely unfaced by it ly just needs to be that buy if he wants to pick

    Up points in this round few seconds these to scrap out towards it in wow great work there for both boxers like for me the Red Corner done enough for the one but we’ll find out in just a moment we have our representative of the sponsors Charles beanan plasterers and

    Rough casters to the ring [Applause] [Applause] please ladies and gentlemen another about worth the entrance money Le once again show your appreciation for both these [Applause] boxers your referee Mr Scott brings both boxers together your judges scorecards are in and the winner by unanimous decision in the right corner Charlie B ladies and Gentlemen please keep your

    Applause going please opponent Lo Clark a fabulous boat LS fabulous the sponsors for this one Charles banon plers and Ru casters get your picture Tak in there Char you Get another standing contest ladies and [Applause] [Applause] gentlemen B number 10 is a school boy contest box number three one and 1/2 minute rounds the sponsor for this one Robert Posley Landscapes so guys this interview is sponsored by southp boxing socks Charlie R up in once again I told you the last time you got

    Me emotional because you put your heart and S and everything and that’s emotion just buies off you and and it was hard to talk to get emotional myself but listen try and sum that up for me how are you feeling oh I can’t I just I’m

    Just so happy the first the first one for the club so far so just putting a mark down showing where the club is and Sh our best club in F just and again and again and again it’s just proving it proving it proving it um Brant box you

    Were in the ring with I seen that respect that you said towards each other at the end what’s your thoughts and how you done well enough together really good Fighter for a really good club I was h i was boxing in the Scotland the island

    Select run by his club and it was just just lost there but a good performance and just need to set my marker back where I am how good a box I am and set my marker down really and and what it part this this year we get e districts

    Coming up you getting into that yeah Eastern districts Golden Gloves as many championships I can get into and really really happy performance well done my opponent just really good fighter really good bout just and finally as always who we get a shout to who’s been supporting

    You who’s got your back in that right my whole family my friends Irvin Marx SCH Michael Jamie who lost his fight before me but he’s improving every time and that’s what it matters and Adam and you just been here like I said last time I let you go and celebrate I’ll see

    Before I go but Charlie as always thank you so much for talking to me cheers let’s introduce you to boxers pass back to Vincent in the ring Adam and Jo blue corner he represents John’s Boxing Club here is J gam his opponent facing him across the

    Ring boxing out of the Red Corner he represents the beef Boxing Club he is Adam mph the referee in charge is Mr Adam Scott three two-minute rounds guys this is the third bout of the second half Adam Muffy from beef Boxing Club and Josh G from Jor three one and a half minute

    Rounds here we Go Not Good one [Applause] So guys this interview is sped by southp boxing SS and listen Lloyd I could not let you leave having a catch up with you because I think like you were in that R Charlie B both you put your abs heart and soul it’s brght to watch um did he

    Get the one but listen there Lear you’re in with a good a good boy um but get me better for the next fight to man say again second just gets me better for the next fight that’s what it is man it’s we never see losing it’s always a bit

    Learning um but what’s your plan this year what we going to see you what’s your your plan 2024 I’m just going to try my hardest from the SC and just get bit better yeah You’ been walking well we are yeah I’ve been working very hard and pads yeah what’s

    It like working with him yeah it’s good he’s got a lot of knowledge in it I was saying that um he has this calm voice in the in the background where you can hear it throughout the room but it’s it’s probably Dred in your he you you pick up

    And who’s been supporting you who we going a shout out to I’m g a shout out to Brook for giving me a lot of PS right my man listen I’ll catch up with you shortly I Go pass back in the ring and I go Ser I wanted to chat you before you

    Left bro all right that was L clock from OV Vine BR we pass back in the ring during rounds number two Adam muy and Josh G So Adam M in the Red Corner and Jos from Jonesy in the blue big shot they Landing from the blue Corner nice left Landing as well I’m just learning from that be T set back sry try to switch it up it speaks volumes of the the boxers

    Technical ability in boxing IQ when they’re adjusting to each other’s Maneuvers constantly throughout the ring they might be getting caught they’re not going to try that maneuver again going to try something else try and mix it up it’s constant you see it and sometimes in their eyes are just calculating went

    To throw there we go nice movement there for Josh just stepping in stepping back out when he needs toit and then FL freezing Falls there but Adam Murphy try to keep that pressure up try to just keep Josh in the back foot where Josh right now has been

    Very very comfortable 10 seconds of round number two Josh tries to get a few Big Shots Landing Adam tries to retaliate with some of his own great work there very impressed with h the these two like for me Josh though just at the the end there starting to find rev

    Switching free and force body body head head um which they’re bound to bound to land Adam try to keep that that pressure on but as I said Jo look very very comfortable in the back foot guys you’re watching gttv Live’s coverage of the beef Boxing Club home show the St

    Valentine’s Day Massacre on your screen as information about Southpaw enhancement boxing socks although I heard are very very good with other sports as well uh you can get up to 75% off at South PA official.com so check that out we’re looking forward to working more with southp the coming months we

    They sponsoring all of our GV live interviews and speaking of sponsors here is all our GV live sponsors if you’re interested in suppor on GTV live through sponsorship then you can message us J me at jtv.com or Whatsapp me 0793 860 363 also get in

    Touch if you want us to cover your show and you can check out our Instagram page and also we’re about to update JTV live.com events you can see when we’re [Applause] busy and you can fill in any gaps to see when we can if we cover your short great movement continues from Josh

    Gram a lot of great matchups here beef boxing doesn’t play it safe I was seen us to one of the the officials in the back the chat well they will give the the boxers a a l in on a challenge and Josh G certainly has been that from

    Jones you see him just moved in there getting a big body shot in for a camera to keep up Adam M try his best keep that pressure up shot there landed from the right corner it looks like sometimes like Josh is just setting a trap and Adam’s just getting caught in

    It I’m just holding a we bit of distance he’s going to in that big swing try to catch Josh out himself you see Josh is waiting now for Adam to swing and then he’s try to count up heading into the causing moments of this bout these big shots continue to come

    First B Vincent ke and the [Applause] r can we have the sponsors Robert Townsley Landscapes to the r these Robert timesy landscapes your referee Mr Scott has asked me to show your appreciation for another talk class box and [Applause] ex super your referee Mr Scott brings both boxes

    Together your judgy scorecards are in and the winner by unanimous decision and the blue Corner J K again ladies and gentlemen it takes two to make a marvelous contest like that show your appreciation for his opponent Adam Muffy sponsor for this one Robert toley [Applause] Landscapes talk class is Fantastic All guys this interview is sponsored by Southpaw boxing socks H Josh G how you feeling good good my first fight say first win in [ __ ] listen man I don’t know why that is because in there you just look comfortable as hell I think Adam was he was trying put the best shot

    And put you in the back foot but you look very comfortable there man you just sometimes you just waiting and your C and punching in you were both trying to learn for each other you just said that up behind I you just said I was saying there your boxing IQ and that you’re

    Just analyzing it as you go along and he just found when I mean you letting him come forward and then you just waiting for the big swings and then just punish them is that what you’ve been working on in the JY I definitely it’s just I noticed it the first round didn’t like

    Getting hit with power so I was just waiting for him to come in every time and I was just catching him man smart boxing in there you said that was your first one in a while I so I won my first two and then I fought for my third one I fought

    A British champion and then the fourth one I lost noice in the final so it’s good to get back on winning way you know I was just saying there it’s not about um it’s no losing it’s learning and you’ve clearly been learning because in there bro you look like a very mature

    Experience composed boxer and what’s your plan for the rest of 2024 get back into the nor try and win that try and win the W I’ll be there I just keep going try get more WIS and then hopefully gets into some bigger fights and all that

    So and and finally who we a shout to who’s been supporting youone round and my mom and dad watching my man listen I know there’s been a few people St Finley do you know step Finley he’s been watching online so he’s been supporting you so you have fans you don’t even know

    Personally but listen I’ll let you go celebrate tell everybody I was asking from Jones and I’ll catch up you short my man cheers represents the Beast Boxing Club here is Alexander Hy refere CH St Morrison three 2minute rounds so guys we got three Bs left including this one Alexander Townsley

    And Alex Muffy from INRI Alex verse Alex Stephen Morrison a referee Char of the Action Ken Kik and fed Asad from south side and then Chris Clemens and an from will be up next [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this be backing forward so far alander try to hold that Center ground in the ring see I’m just waiting to counter um Alex muffy’s movement shout to Steen Steven Reed CL

    Davidson Caitlyn Townley wonder who you’re supporting H Joseph mcy Robert Townsley and stepen finle J MCG is all watching online and commenting thanks for keeping the comments nice and clean we not to moderate any nice walk there from Alex mph in the blue corner nice s opening around there for this

    Bo 11 Bo 11 I just had a quick count fast Ms um so you what do I said I’ve had a very very busy week I’m I’m feeling it like I’m exhausted inside at the Western districts last week last weekend walk to my M’s phone shop fix it

    In rather Glen if you going there just drop my name you get a discount but at least it better a disc he was in Dubai technician and the partners um so I was covering the show then running my youth group at night time which is a he it in

    Then s boxing had the show Pro Show and alwa it was on th Friday done on our shift yesterday home the youth group and then came here I think I’m going to have an easy week uh the week coming forward so second round Al Ander towns and Alex [Applause] Mu and the game of PC is supporting Josh from Team Joneses who we just spoke to just before this about nice SW girl from Alex M said everyone of the the boats I need to I need to say every one of the boats has been a a good challenge for

    Each of the the beef boxers the only way boxers will develop and Progressive they are boxing the best um around the district and the country there was a great female um turned out to be an exibition between l h and has it [Applause] earlier you’re watching online hit that Thumbs Up [Applause]

    Button final few seconds around [Applause] guys you’re watching JTV coverage of the beef Boxing Club home show here at the Cross Gates British Legion and Cross Gates near or and c and beef I’m not quite sure exactly where we are but I’m sure it’s C and

    Beef two boats left after r k is up next and ibraim fed Asad from souths side be boxing Chris Clemens from and sorry and then Chris Clemens will be boxing ad for to it’s been a long Week H hackers is supporting Alexander today keep the comments coming in we’ve had one more like since I asked you to hit that like button if you’re watching on your your TV fair enough we go back in the Ring third and F [Applause] [Applause] around nice luck here coming from Alexander Red Corner [Applause] [Applause] go go T being very composed through the three rounds but great work coming from Murphy in the blue corner now Murphy to try to put the pressure up but again like I said to Josh G for

    Jones he um Alex is is very comfortable in the back foot as well very very good counter punch as tley is exactly what he’s like in the as he has very calm composed very polite young man to to chat to it can be dangerous in the ring as

    Well we see that here big shots landed off try to find some shots of his own the bill was just about to go there we go pass to in the ring with official announcement of the winner and I’ll have the winner with me in just a moment guys

    You’re watching GV Live’s coverage of the beef Boxing Club home show don’t go anywhere I’ll be back in just a sec to give a representative of the sponsor be fry to the ring please be fry to the ring ladies and gentlemen another fantastic display of boxing so we appreciate for both these

    Boxers your referee Mr Morrison brings both boxers together your judges scorecards are in and the winner by split decision and the right corner [Applause] Alexander ladies and gentlemen it takes two to make a but right once again show your appreciation for his opponent Alec muray the sponsor for this one is beef [Applause]

    Fry he so guys this interview is sponsored by South Paul boxing socks Alexander tley Great there man feel I like that one I was saying just at the end I was like you’re very cool com and collected outside the ring and inside the ring but towards the end you

    Can be dangerous as well from Big Shots um we got a lot of support coming in online for you ka to KAIT hi my cousin say hi hi Kaitlin and there’s been a few otherwise I can’t I can’t even see Robert my brother Robert um so listen every time I

    See you box I love watching box I think you’re really start to find your your in r in there you’re growing bigger as well is this you’ve been walking in the gym a ey but see my last F I never really boxed my best a good F that was with my

    Last F that was I never really boxed my best though list see you’re going to come across Bight like that we keep saying it’s there’s no losing it’s learning and developing and you guys you st put in the work I know you train hard and none of the bouts today have been

    Easy bouts they’ve all been challenges and that makes it even more sweeter when you your hand is getting raised at the end and what you think of your opponent [ __ ] brilliant fight I love that wayy I would like to see him again he’s a good F him yeah man ran um and who’s

    Been supporting you my my mom my dad my brother Robert my cousin jander my cousin my my my brother-in-law McGregor hi by man where we seeing you next uh honestly I don’t know man there Eastern dist coming up you a got a home show in May I’m boxing a lock in in the

    18th good luck to that man listen as I said I love watching your box I’ll look out for you the tournaments as well but um I’ll see you back at the home show definitely yeah I want to show my Uncle Steven he passed away on the 31st of the

    This month last month that’s I won this for him Brant my man Brant rest in peace Uncle St man take catch short spor for this one is nck Bings let’s introduce you to your boxers boxing out of the blue corner he represents the Southside boxing Academy he is Mohammad he [Applause]

    Rae his opponent facing him across the ring boxing out of the Red Corner he represents the beef Boxing Club here is K the referee in charge is Mr Steven Morris and three 2minute rounds there you go guys you’re watching GTV lives coverage of the beef Boxing Club home show that’s it our penultimate

    Contest fed Arad as he’s known as from his friends in the blue Corner takes on K music in the righted corner I’ve been waiting for this H the whole day should be a great bout fed just coming off the back of the Western District Championship [Applause]

    One as I said to Fed in his interview last week he’s really starting to find come into himself he’s he’s obviously been growing um just R tweaks to his his rev and his face um he’s became Leal and I think this could be a big year for him

    But King kic been a regular on GTV for years which is why this boat is so far up the [Applause] [Applause] C St M pulls both boxers together have a chat if to just not get carried away getting a bit Scrappy nice counter punches there coming from the blue Corner [Applause] back Do hey just a camera person um has been trained up as part of JTV goals youth mentoring project they’re still learning and we are still growing developing we really need to start developing more a support so we can cover on more shows he has H filmed the whole event

    Himself I’ve just sat here chatting away here go second round F Asad the blue corner from southide boxing Academy Community Hub and k k it from beef Boxing Club this is other camera you get which is just standing there we can’t really change it And I see what you’re saying there is a lot of lag that’s coming in um online we will post the whole event we weren’t we were told there was no Wi-Fi in the building we’ve managed something so um that’s a b you’re going to get just

    Now there’s only one more boat left no point me changing any settings so we might end up going offline for a bit like we did at the Western districts it’s not the camera that’s laggy it’s internet [Applause] connection Good walk coming from the blue Corner a nice right hand f up with a left of the body again try to get through there just ever so slightly shot in that back [Applause] hand oh no great round there for both these boxers um I think Young fedar Shad

    In the blue corner is really as I said really starting to find his his feet um and this is a very very exciting as well um I just remembered did oh this is how this is how t i don’t did um fed is he still got another final to go the West districts

    Some let me know Brian you know as he start started boxing a final was that did he did he won the final um let me know in the comments B I know you know so you better let me know and meanwhile H check out our Sponsors here go th f [Applause] [Applause] around nice mve again from fed switching off from body head to Body [Applause] nice movement in the ring for fade he’s um pull up for Mor and just make sure it’s within the rules K try to fire back now this could be close but face doing great stay in and throw those body shots in between going for the head [Applause] being slightly more

    Accurate great work to both Bo with the pass to V in the ring with official [Applause] announcement to the representative of the sponsors n Bings nly Bings to the ring please just like it’s just like ladies and gentlemen another top quality but show appreciation for both these boxers the [Applause]

    Your referee Mr Morrison brings both boxers together your judgy score cards are in and the winner by unanimous decision in the blue Corner Muhammad ibraim this keep your appuse going for his opponent Ken k a sponsor for this one n Bings you want to the trophies here our

    Sponsors the trophies are done before the decision Ladi and gentlemen [Applause] muhammadan ladies and gentlemen before the final boat of the of the afternoon just a few thank yous to say firstly a thank you to all eastern district officials around the ringside the OIC Mr Paul colan we all give up their time fre hi guys this interview is sponsored by southp box and

    Socks that make World great performance in their look very very comfortable your ring movement your speed accuracy is all just coming into place SP you last week I know you still got find go the rest but how you feeling good good man get my in and I’ll be ready for the

    Final when com to me would you think about your opponent he’s all he’s tough he just keeps coming forward but Han I just I’m I Bo more technical than him absolutely sure this is promoting boxing so thank you to Jamie the T in the so do you have any idea when the

    West IND fin be probably the so I’ll be there 17 I’ll be there and I’ve got you here squeeze squeeze you boxed earlier so you can just wave we spoke to you already Z we’ve been heing you for the other side you enjoy that performance I that

    Was good by fed he performed very good I thought he’s ready for next week’s W in District finals going to smash it he’s going to be there supporting of course we will and are you going to land them your southp socks or you going to get

    Them up here yeah he needs to get up here it’s up to 75% off souths at southp official.com I know I got see listen Who We going show to your dad here who else Anon shet Bri everyone man me for oh my L I’ll see you back doing the Lord man as always

    See shot you pass back as we got to the main event and spring became the summer would have believe you come along PR here you ladies and Gentlemen The Boxers want to hear you touching hands let’s go reach it out touching me touching you go taking his way to the right corner

    Representing be [Applause] Ch look at good night the don’t seem so lonely it up I ladies and gentlemen B number 14 this is to of the B Valentine Day shootout there can be only one winner the officials are here the coaches are here the boers are here ladies and gentlemen are you here for your volentine [Applause] shooting this is a junior contest box of

    A 3 2 minute range of sponsor for this one GI and J demolition let’s introduce you to your boxers box it out of the blue corner he made in at 71.6 kg he is wearing the black shorts with the red CH representing of Ry Boxing Club a [Applause]

    For his opponent facing him across the ring boxing out of the Red Corner he weighed in 70 kg he’s wearing the white shorts with a green he represents the beef Boxing Club he is the refe in charge for the final time is Mr Tommy winter three two minute

    Rounds so JTV live viewers this is the final B of this afternoon Chris clemenson from beef in the righted corner and adding for safe from INRI in the [Applause] blue need move there early from the blue Corner as the Red Corner tries to turn up the pressure think both these guys heard was 15 years old or top in about is great great Grassroots walk in [Applause] promotion [Applause] I know seems a bit laggy online we also that um when we

    Upload the F Tomy Winters tailing both boxers get a warning if they continue the hold in get a bit Scrappy but this comes jine say at the age as well of the boxers Tommy Winters P both boxes apart yet again 10 seconds number [Applause] one that’s a bell there we about SC upy

    First round there Tommy winter stopped him a few times and he did warn was a pre-warning like a a verbal warning to both boxers that they continue the hold in h they will lose a point I’m paraphrasing that wasn’t exactly what he said so we have got all sponsors along B on the

    Screen check them out if you interested in sponsoring JTV live to support us to do more um then get in touch Jamie at jtv.com if you want us to cover your event same thing or you can WhatsApp is 0793 860 363 or you can message any of

    Our social media Pages if you want to buy any particular about you going have that edited drops a message it’s £35 or you can book it on the website jttv live.com here we go second round of the main event Chris CL in the right corner adding for CFE and the blue corner from

    [Applause] INRI another warning for hold foxers need to watch that the L appointment has been this Close [Applause] [Applause] shot Landing for the blue [Applause] corner Cy boat so far you just need to watch what they’re doing as I say Tommy wers has gave numerous warnings for hold in I think we Mak see a point deduction though [Applause] had the point deducted from the Red [Applause] [Applause]

    Corner refy Chinese best to make sure both box are stick to the Box in they can get Scrappy you know what it’s like round number Two hey guys we about we got to the main event final boat the final boat I always say that’s the wrong way again guys we’re going on the final round of the final mess up again final round of the final vout how difficult is that of this

    Afternoon AR for in the blue corner and Chris Clemens from beef boxing in the red don’t forget to visit gttv live.com events for booking details terms and conditions or to help us what or to help us do more Vis www.jtv.com sponsorship yeah I’m shattered I’m the only one it’s still working right

    Everything else um if the online camera is lagging a bit H the live camera then we’ll have the full event up for you later on here we go third and final round of the main event [Applause] both Poes do have nice move they get nice um maneu qu accurate with some of their

    Shots but they’re just running getting tangled up just need to get about space between [Applause] them nice body shot coming from the right corner to tangled up yet again Tommy just getting right in the middle of them nice SWAT G from the EMP Ry box [Applause]

    Needs to watch he’s been warned to and every time there’s a gap and box comes back [Applause] off we got again big body shot there Landing just needs to get busy he does have it in there big left Landing needs to keep that head up as well few second around number Three uh Bill there b can’t be times but you can see the potential on both boxers we pass to V again for the final time this afternoon see the winner of our main event can we have the sponsor giant J demolition giant J demolition ladies and gentlemen fantastic me to

    Finish off this valentine day massacre show your appreciation for both these box your referee Mr Winters brings both boxers together the winner by Split Decision in the blue Corner a for [Applause] side ladies and gentlemen keep Applause gr for his opponent Chris Clemens a fight fabulous [Applause] There [Applause] ladies and gentlemen that ends a fabulous afternoon of boxing I think you’ll see that the schools and juniors of this club are absolutely fantastic toal a lot of superstars there keep supporting this club our next one will be in the spring if you look forward to

    Seeing you all there so guys that’s interview spons southp boxing socks they get a for scyth they wi out of the main event and bit Scrappy at times but the I mean the the potential that he he’s both have was was big Power shots coming um

    Referee had to get involved a few times opponent got a point pulled off for for hold in um how how do you feel try Su up from me I felt I could have done better but he was coming in with his high guard every time so I couldn’t like move as

    Much as I wanted to but in the last round I heard my coaches he’s done so I just went for it and it is hard when you’ve got um something that is coming at you like that um I mean as I said how old are you 15 you’re 15 years old right

    He are both Main Event in um a boxing home show which you don’t get much of travel or in the country don’t get much it and but Brant as I said potentially to I I felt maybe the both styles are clashing know you but he was want to

    Come in was at a spa and but I think you done well keep your C try to like execute and the thing is every time the referee put us apart you were going in with big like power shots um so it was to your advantage in the the end um but

    Listen Bri walk H what’s your plan for 2024 we’re going to see you I’ve got the golden gloves at the end of the this month I think so I’ll go there and I’ll just take it from there right my man and who’s been supporting you my mom and my

    Dad they’re here today they here yeah we can watch it all back as well we’ve got it out live and we’ll put our HD version up later um but listen stick at it man you’re going to get tricky opponents sometimes H but just keep your Cal what

    You did and you’ll pick up many these trophies bro all right thank you so much for talking to me and I’ll catch up with you again shortly and so guys that’s it for me here at the B po cup home show I will be back next week Glenn roace

    Boxing Club home show and the blueville boxing club home show don’t miss it and until then I’ll see you later

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