Hello everyone we’re talking about World War II CC cycle 3 history week 19 actually week 19 we’re talking about the uh NATO but since this 19 and 21 is talking about cold war with walk in the moon so we’ll just uh pushing more talking about World War II this week so

    You guys can understand fully so uh um let’s do some revieww let’s start with some review okay what happened in after World War I in America the Great Depression yeah what is about Great Depression Joel it’s when people lose their jobs cuz the the I don’t know so during the World

    War I what what did people how do they have job what did they do weapons to sell to friends and yeah right they’re producing lots of weapons in the factory right so after World War I do they they still producing weapons and wall uh supplies no don’t have to right

    So a lot of people lost jobs and the economy other countries uh after World War was pretty damaged so they cannot really do trade and buying American stuff so American economy was really pretty bad so people American people uh lost their money and their jobs and as

    Well as their confidence and hopes even banks failed and factories have to cut their uh wages and un unemployment sold so pres Hoover at the time had uh have to solve the problem how did they solve the problem did he actually solve the problem no what did they do he said

    The government shouldn’t do anything instead like like Charities and rich people should help instead of the government yeah why not government helping he thought people will permanently depends on government if federal government trying to help them so he asked State Governors to fund construction project like building

    Highways and bridges to create jobs like for example is who who uh H sorry Hood Dam on the Colorado River but it didn’t really help uh recovery the economy even the depression got steadily worse and some homeless people who cannot pay for their uh houses uh for their mortgage they

    Built Hoover Village you guys remember hover Village no electricity no water they’re building this uh homeless town in their cities and they use a uh newspaper as a blanket they call it Hoover blanket and Hoover they call it heartless men who ignore the problem of average people so people are eager to choose

    Different leader so who was next president Ros roselt yeah Frank Franklin D ruselt in the 1932 president uh Franklin Roosevelt was elected and then he say we have to help immediately with a new deal for the American people we have to immediately help was very different than President

    Hoover right after he became president even just in one week economy was already improving people are very surprised so let’s see what was how what did he do with his new deal there was we call it the New Deal relief and reform and Recovery for the first one the uh relief

    Program is hiring jobless young men the young people young guys who are very physically strong and ready to work president uh he created jobs like cleaning uh clearing the roads and trails and um fighting fires or the building the picnic areas and the public workers such as a construction schools

    And City Halls and and uh public gardeners so that was a relief uh program and second is reform project the reform project is like Banking and stock market investor investing in the Star Market and banking it is safe so people because of the stock market really whoever invest in

    The stock market they lost huge money right so and then like whoever put their their money and say save in a bank the bank was all closed and all money was gone so people don’t trust the bank anymore but present rules r that is very important that people trust the bank so

    The Federal Deposit Insurance is the federal government that would uh ensure People’s Bank deposit against bank failure so if chissy put some money in the bank and you’re so afraid oh our economy is not set I’m going to lose my money but federal government promise if that

    Happen to you we will pay up to like $5,000 per account so there’s something government the federal government ensure that it’s okay feel confident about keeping your money in the bank and third one is recovery program it’s uh helping the agriculture and business so the goal is to boost the

    Farm price by reducing production and the program ended child labor remember a lot of kids work during uh before the world war one even ended and so no more child working the child go to school and learn so you protect child labor so that was a new deal and even New Deal America

    Was doing uh well with a lot of culture and dancing and are together people are becoming like unified together in uh become very close to each other making America stronger and in 1930 something happened in Europe in America we have a president Rosevelt who

    Had a great deal saying a new deal so it really helps like recovery but how about in Europe after World War I it was pretty damaged right so what happened in Europe when people were very weak and suffering people want to choose very strong leader when you’re very very weak you want oh

    We need to have a very strong leader so we can be stronger so that happened in Italy and Germany and Japan right so we call it the rise of dictators and especially the what happened uh after World War war we had a some organization it’s called the League of Nations what was the

    Purpose of League of nation they’re like the parents of Europe let’s say like if something happens then the league of nation has to do something yeah like Peacemaker right yeah but they’re pretty weak right they were weak they didn’t have any military power so if some other

    Country had a conflict in fighting each other they’re just talking very soft talking but there is no not much action so the league of nation formed after World War I to promote a peaceful International problem solving but it was so weak organization because you know why United States did not

    Join why the Congress yeah why cuz they didn’t want to involve any more people’s problems yeah America just just was about to solving the their own problem so it’s enough we don’t want to we don’t want to join any other War if they sign up if they join the League of nation

    There will be a lot of War they have to involved so Congress disagree so when the league of nation was uh formed United States did not join and the military uh dictator Rose to power in Italy who was the name what was the name of the dictator musini musolini and

    Germany Hitler Hitler and Japan um too right and neither the US government more the American people protested about it and no country seems to have the will to stop them because everybody was so suffering and there was no big brother to helping other countries when they’re having hard time so there was a

    Dictatorship coming dictatorship Happ happing Italy and Germany and Japan and later they are the one causing the World War II and then uh we call it totalization what is totalization um total is more important than one individual yeah individual right individual will and freedom is not important only the unity with iron and

    Blood musin saying right with the only fighting and War bleeding blood that’s the only way to United the country stronger so there was a totalization the dictatorship happening so let’s talk about it in uh 1931 in Japan after World War I what did happened what happened in Japan Japan

    Didn’t really have the raw material of the iron and coal and when the Japanese want to be like industrial uh broom in the country and want to make the more developed country with the Industrial Revolution what happened they didn’t have enough iron and coal because canot trade anymore after the World War I

    Everybody having hard time so when you are having hard time and you cannot really get the food they didn’t even have food right we talked about it last week a lot of Japanese eat rice but they didn’t have enough rice to eat for the people why because trade trade wasn’t

    Easy so the strong leadership military took over the government and then what happened they went to China invade China called manua Japan uh conquered the Chinese province of manua because they want to get the raw material of iron and coal for their factories right and Industrial uh business in 1935 Italy

    Invade Ethiopia Ethiopia was only independent country in Africa and when they when when musulin Italy attack Ethiopia they went through where SS Cano SWS canel belong to where England yeah and so when when the Swiss canel belonged to England they are the one had to give the permission to Italy but then

    Great Britain they actually give the permission that’s kind of like big questioning why they did that right cuz they wanted money they want money yeah because of Great Britain also had a like a pretty have a hard time in economically and after World War I so and and after then somebody’s watching

    In Germany someone Somebody’s Watching oh Japan attack invade China and Italy musolini went to Ethiopia but then the organization of what league of nation didn’t do anything so the hler from Germany is watching what happened to Japan what happened to Italy but nothing actually happened to them so okay ha the league

    Of nation is pretty weak they’re not doing anything so it’s okay for them to attack other countries so 1938 Hitler sent his troops to Austria why they wanted to capture Austrian Hungary back yeah why they lost that because Hitler has a big dream he want to make all the German Empire again

    All the German speaking Nation we have to be together make a big nation again like before so Hitler sent the troops to austrialia because there was a lot of Germans speaking people there and took over and the France and Great Britain protested but just protested no action

    There was no action and Hitler said oh there’s no action they just say they come kind of complain but there’s no action so Hitler demanded on another place it’s called Czechoslovakia he said only just a part of part part of the Czechoslovakia he wants because there are also two millions of German living

    There and September 1938 same year there was meeting there was musolini and Hitler from Germany and uh British leader and French leaders they get together in Munich because they’re watching oh what is Hitler is doing the they’re kind of afraid that German will start World War III again so

    They have a meeting and Hitler promised that this was the last territorial claim to make in Europe this is the last one I’m not going to demand any other place this just part of the Czechoslovakia because we just purely just want our nation our people to be together our

    German speaking people to be just together that’s it I don’t I don’t want anything anything else so British prime minister claimed that he remember he has a picture he hold a paper he hold the paper and then say peace in our time but 6 months later what happened in March

    1939 6 months later Hitler broke his promise broke the promise and what happened Hitler’s troop took over the rest of czechoslovak okay so then um French leader and British leader watching this and they kind of sense okay they’re making the war they already sense that he broke the promise and they’re making another

    War right so September 1939 Germany attack Poland by surprise two days later Britain and France declare war on Germany that’s how it started so when Germany attacked Poland do you guys remember where is Poland Poland is between is a squeeze between German Germany and Finland no Russia right yeah it was so the

    Poland Germany before Germany attacked Poland Germany asked Union hey Soviet Union Why Don’t We Fight Together why don’t we invade Poland together and we share we just cut in half so the east side of the Poland will belong to Soviet Union and west side of Poland will be

    What Germany’s right so oh what a good idea so they attack together to Poland and Britain and France declared the war that was World War II officially begin so when the actually the when the Germany attacked Poland Britain and France they declar the war but it wasn’t

    Really really hot War when there like when the the French France and Britain s soldiers to the fighting they’re kind of like a lot of doing game and it wasn’t really they promis hey Poland we’re going to allies together if something happen to you we’ll help you but it

    Wasn’t really actually very active uh fighting yet and let’s see what happened in America America was watching this and some World War II begin officially what happened to America who was president still President Roosevelt was present what did he do when he heard about the World War II happening he

    Called Congress into special session as soon as the war became official and he asked for emergency change we have to do something change emergency change to the Neutrality Act what what is Neutrality Act is Britain and France They will receive weapons from America but cash only no credit card

    Nothing in credit it but you the you Britain and France you receive the weapons only cash you have to pay cash you cannot oh can I actually use my credit can I borrow it and pay you later no way we still will be with your friends and help you it’s called Neutrality Act

    But cash only isn’t it interesting so uh Britain and and FRS could receive weapons and they can buy military supplies but only cash only cash to cash paying for the supplies rather than using a lawn and taking them away they also when they receive they how do they

    Receive American ship will never deliver you have to use your own ship to come and get it that was the deal so a April 1940 Hitler the German Soldier was even powerful and stronger although the Treaty of ver said you cannot build you cannot you have to limit your military

    You cannot use suar you cannot use aircraft you canot use some things but somehow H Lord built his military St strong even stronger so eally inv Denmark Norway Netherland and B Belgium and Luxembourg even even on May next month nais invaded France so later you I will show you

    There’s a picture of the AEL Tower AEL Tower and the uh access leaders are there in front taking picture showing their power we invaded FRS before France was very it was it wasn’t easy to um invade France right during World War one but World War II was very easy they just so quickly

    Invaded friend so who only left here Britain Britain Great Britain Great Britain only by themselves fighting against all this Excess power in Europe very lonely the great FR is so small country but super powerful right so America found all even na just invaded the FRS we have to help we have

    To help but let’s not join the war but just help how did America help before it was cash only right it was before cash only it was a Neutrality Act cash only but later after the Nazis invaded France something CH had to change because Great

    Britain has no more cash no money to pay okay we change Le land lease program so replace you you can use our military supplies but you have to promise US replace it after the war I know you have no cash I know but we’ll be so generous you can borrow it

    And pay me later that was American position right pretty amazing how America how Britain uh Great Britain fight by themselves so Great Britain stood alone against the military uh mighty power of Nazi Germany and strong British royal Air Force battling in the Skies over Britain the Germans abandoned their

    Invasion PL Germany say okay this little country I knew Great Britain is so strong whenever they trying to attack and cross the uh English English Channel the German uh the British the Great Britain is so so well they are prepared they know very they know how to fight so even air for

    In the sky and in the water they are just most powerful Nation so nais okay let’s just stop here for a moment and we have to change plan the Great Britain is way stronger than they thought so they have to change plan how did they how did

    They change plan 1941 na the Hitler said we need to have rooms to leave we don’t have any more room here to expand we need to have a bigger house we need to have a bigger room oh there’s a huge there’s a huge house next to us who

    Is that Russia Russia Soviet Union they’re huge if we get them we are the most the biggest biggest Nation we will be the most powerful but they were friends before they said even they promise okay Germany and Soviet Union we together become friends let’s attack Poland right it was their friends

    Neighbor betrayer Nazis they need more bigger house so they change plan no more attacking the Great Britain but so they’re not not anymore sending the air air forceing Air Force but still they are trying to attack great ger Great Britain through the submarine but they has huge change plan they’re attack

    They’re start attacking Soviet Union that was a huge mistake for them you know why the Russia is a huge is a huge land and their weather is so cold in Winter even Napoleon trying to invade Russia and fail because of weather they didn’t know how big Russia

    Is and how cold it is the soldier cannot even hold cannot hold their guns too cold see Hitler second the Germany second mistake I mean the second mistake people they um nerus Hitler didn’t learn from history so went to attack Russia but it wasn’t easy War it wasn’t easy

    Right so the rul belt Administration was worried about Japan because Japanese so they know what’s going on in Europe but in Asia Japan also was very actively like invading and becoming so powerful so president roselt was worried about Japanese and in September 1940 all these three access power agree to declare war on

    America Next Target is America Germany want attack and also if there’s there’s a big gap between America and Asia what is the Ocean Pacific Pacific Ocean right if you go from Washington where we are from all the way to West you first place you will see is

    Japan and if you Japanese if Japanese just cross over all the way and attack America they can’t be even powerful the Japanese too he agree okay we’re going to attack but between Japan and America the mainland there’s a some some the islands right what is the island why

    Hawai right so despite the desire of um excuse me the Japan attack where um haror nearly 400 Japanese plans bombed the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor it was surprise attack in the morning it destroyed and killed more than 2,000 people right that’s something really big so next day president roselt asked

    Congress for a declared war that’s how America joined the World War II so do just as imagine how American people feel want to Revenge Japanese right let’s go attack Japan right but although there is a huge desire to Revenge Japan against Japan the United State has actually better

    Idea decide America decide that Hitler Germany must be must be defeated first this is not a time to attack Japan yet they have to attack they have to defeat the bigger brother who is Hitler Germany Germany seems a greater thre threat to the Western than um um Japan did so US

    Government forced a lot of Japanese American why you know know why when uh in Hawaii when in Hawaii there was a lot of spice a lot of Japanese people live there too There Are Spice they’re getting if they know where is the base military base where is the

    Uh Naval Base they knew all about it and telling to the Japanese to Japan government so American was worried about us US Government move all the Japanese American you know a lot of our friends nakamas they also grandparents was living in know uh Washington State and

    They are moved to the camp special Camp all these Japanese because they are afraid there should be some of the spies they will tell the Japanese so it was very sad event so later if you have a chance uh uh study about it and read about the a lot of Stories the true

    Stories anyways so during the war American people had a strong sense of unity and purpose woman working so hard making the uh Factory um in the factory making World supplies even more than World War I and even the woman go to the war fight taking the military

    Jobs so American people responded to the war with a very strong sense of unity propose so they knew their CA was just helping the helping liberate people from totalization Total to totalization and the dictatorships American rapidly learn how much sacrifice and effort was required

    Because a lot of men have to to go to war fighting the World War I a total of 15 million men and woman more than one of every 10 Americans serve on the military more than one out of 10 is how many person is 10% of the people you see they

    Have to go to military that’s a lot of people in Spring of 1944 the Allied troops would cross the English Channel and invaded occupied France this would force Hitler to fight two front War so now Hitler have to fight against who Soviet Union and America America America Jo of course the

    The military join and fighting against Great Britain in June 1944 what is dday the dday lead by American General Eisenhower Eisenhower so that was pretty um big deal the day right so um all defeated acc’s power but so after that 1945 after the dday after they uh Hitler U Nazi they gave

    Up Yalta Conference happened it’s a big three allies leaders roselt and Churchill and Stalin they met in Yalta on the Black Sea and when Germany surrender Germany would be divided into four four Jun so now you just imagine there is a German land they are going to divide by

    Four American British and French and Soviet Union so there will be no more no more rule by Germany no more freedom they’re going to divide later they will it leads to Cold War anyway so we going to talk about in week 21 week 21 they also made plans for United Nation

    Organization it’s a because the league of nation was very weak so the United Nation organization is more military power and more a stronger Peacemaker and this time did US did the United States join no this time join because before United States us didn’t join that right so the organization the

    League of uh nation was very weak but this time okay we we should not have have another big war like World War III so we have to have something bigger and stronger organization and unlike the Treaty of remember the Treaty of vers was pretty Bal to Germany right pretty damaged

    Cannot even pay that much money just it was too much it booster it a kind of poison to Germany right but this time we are not going to be too harsh to Germany but it were more emphasize rebuilding postwar in Europe in April 1945 the Russian enter

    Berlin and ruselt suddenly died in April 1945 he suddenly died so when president died what happened who beid vice president who was vice President Truman became president and Hitler kill himself yeah may8 Germany surrender the war of Europe was over in 1945 right so President Truman learned

    That it was so secret he learned that us actually had a develop new weapon is called atomic bomb it was super secret even vice president even didn’t know roselt knew roselt started the atomic bomb the bomb could end the war but it could cause enormous lose of Japanese

    Lives innocent yeah all the yeah all the people and the citizens the civilians so president gave one last warning to Japan hey Japan this is last warning you stopped the war but Japan refused to surrender and president with a difficult made a difficult decision okay it’s time to

    Invade Japan using top secret weapon atomic bomb in August 6th 1945 the first atomic bomb call call Batman Fatman this is Fatman is it yeah this is Fatman I went to the museum auto test mum and I have this magnet it looks like this first where did it drop hirosima hirosima

    Nagasaki no just Hiroshima Hiroshima yeah the first first bomb was dropped in a Japanese City Hiroshima and killing 80,000 people and the Japanese military do they give up they stop surrender no they still refuse to surrender so three days later August 9th the US dropped second bomb on

    Nagasaki what is the name of the bomb little boy little boy killing 35,000 people such a little boy can kill 35,000 people that’s a that’s just a name August 15 1945 the Japanese finally surrendered and World War II was over pretty sad right why people have a

    War to build up their own Nation yeah it’s not just building their because greedy and like our heart is what is our heart so evil right and uh during the na na was having the war what was a Hitler’s idea want to have a he want to prove that the white

    German they’re race they have a superium race right that’s how Hitler believe but because they are mixing their blood with Arab and Jewish people that’s why our country our nation become so weak and failing so how about let’s get rid of all the Jewish right so

    How do we call it Hol hoc Holocaust do you know how many people died with the Holocaust about a million six million people died six million Jewish died do you know how many people in Washington State live here Seattle all up to like Eastern Washington where we

    Live here it’s over a little over 7 point over seven million people so just imagine most of people in Washington state washingt Teran died without any reason because how you look like how your skin is color like if you’re short if you’re disabled if you’re are sick they all

    Kill Whoever has your DNA oh bad DNA just kill everybody that was a Hitler anyway why do we learn history why do we learn history Joel because it’s God’s history yeah and his yeah what do I what do I say here always a mistake is an opportunity to more but Lear making

    Mistakes is failure a mistake is opportunity to learn right we’re learning history so we don’t want to make the same mistake in the later right people already made mistake in the before so we can learn from that so we can so we don’t have to have another dictatorships and

    Totalization to uh sacrifice so many innocent people right anyway that was our uh week uh 19 but talking about World War II so we so far cover World War I World War Two and I hope you guys fully understand and uh next time we’re going to talk about Cold War thank you for


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