Today we report on a small travellers camp in stoke on trent, we find that they are dumping there rubbish/trash into the surrounding area.

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    Hello guys and welcome back to the channel uh today we’re reporting on just over there in the distance we have some Travelers that have been there now for about 12 months I would say and um they are causing a lot of rubbish and stuff um you can’t see quite that good on the

    GoPro so in a minute I will switch to the zoom camera and we will get in there and have a look but um now I just want to say that obviously I’ve got nothing against Travelers that isn’t that isn’t the the point of this video the point is

    All the mess that they’re leaving um and obviously uh they’ve got no water point or anything I would say that the cassette for the toilet in them Caravans um they’re probably emptying somewhere on the grass briges somewhere or maybe even coming down and emptying into this sort of water I’m just going

    To show you where we are a little bit now this is a new road that is was built was finished being built about almost 12 months ago and it leads on to the A500 which then goes up onto the retail Park um now I have been asked

    By quite a lot of people in Stoke on Trent uh to report on this because although it has been in our local paper The Sentinel nobody has actually come and done any sort of reporting on this um the council don’t seem to be bothered now what my issue is is now let’s say

    That The Travelers get moved on you see all this rubbish that is left around that I’ll show you on the other camera in the in um that to be cleaned up that’s going to cost those taxpayers money to clean all that up and soon as I zoom in you’ll get

    Got more of a a closer look at what that is now I’m doing this video sort of standing back uh because obviously Travelers have got a reputation I’m not saying that they like that at all I’m saying that I don’t want to get in any form of sort of

    Altercations or anything like that so I’ve done it from afar um so yeah let’s switch to the other camera and see what we can get now we’re over on the other camera now guys the zoom camera um now it’s not going to be as good quality as a GoPro

    And it might be a little bit Rocky but let’s zoom in and have it take a good look I’m going to zoom in slowly and as you can see I’m hoping you could just pick up the rubbish that is making its way onto the grass Verge um now I’ve got

    No proof that it’s there rubbish but obviously it’s going to be ented um and then we can just see up in the tree line behind the Caravan fans that there is rubbish there we can see obviously them walking about and stuff like that there you go um now the council haven’t even

    Approached these people and done anything yet there is a lot of um people in Stoke on Trent there we see a nice big pile of rubbish there um that’s got to be theirs and then down on the grass Verge yeah a lot of people of stok on Trent

    Have sort of got involved with this but no one’s ever done a video um the council haven’t done anything um we have a train line just below there if I go that’s where the train line is see the D Ro just above but yeah so what I’ll do I mean

    I’ll I’ll do what I can I’ll send this to the council uh with proof of the rubbish I’ll ask them why they’re not doing anything but um you know to clean up that rubbish is now going to be it to the cost of the taxpayer if they get moved on that’s an

    If they get moved on uh they are actually if I just go back to that car that car is fully parked on the path that is and the Caravans are on the grass but the car is on the path now that path um is actually a du path so

    Cyclist and pedestrians I mean I can’t see many pedestrians going down there but let’s say somebody vulnerable is is going to go and walk down that path you’re going to be pushed onto the road um which is not good it’s always like a little I would say a

    Little pet to miners full pavement parking um can’t zoom in anymore guys that’s the full Zoom but you can see the litter down on the grass birge I wonder where they are emptying now the cassette that they have in the toilet is obviously you know the go toilet it gets

    Mixed with chemicals and stuff like that now if they are tipping that down the grass vge or anywhere like that it’s going to be a um an environmental Al Hazard it’s not good for the Wildlife and you can see there probably is a lot of wildlife that knocks around I know it

    Doesn’t look too good now but when you think about it in the spring and in the summer it’s going to be flourishing a’t it uh so there you go there’s the big I can’t get you even more in let’s zoom out a little bit um yeah uh so there you go anyway guys

    That is The Travelers in STO on Trent um yeah you can see it’s making its way all the way down um so there you go so we’re back on the GoPro now guys um much Stabler picture um than the zoom camera let me know if if you like the

    Zoom camera um anybody who is uh sort of um watches a lot of the videos of the channel uh let me know what you think of it um it’s always good to get some feedback let me know in the comments just down here we’ve got like a

    Little uh I don’t know what it’s a stream I don’t know it’s a bit big for a stream it’s not a river I don’t know what it is but I wonder if they’re coming down emptying the cassette into these Waters I don’t know guys I’m probably just speculating a bit too much

    There um but what I wanted to show you and this is whilst I’m just on some like sort of wasteland here um but what I wanted to show you while I’m here you know cuz I’m very patriotic um is uh I’ll just get up a little bit

    Closer um I haven’t shown this before uh so since this was built so I’m just going to jump up there got some people shouting I think they recognize me um yeah and that is the model of the Spitfire there and that’s what I wanted to end this video with on sort of a

    Positive note sort of thing um I really do like that um remembering the Spitfire and what they did for us um with the old rollsroyce engine in there uh yeah so anyway guys if you do like this video please do give it the thumbs up I will

    Keep on top of what’s happening with these Travelers and uh see what is going on but anyway guys do give us a thumbs up I hope You’ like this video and I will see you on the next One


    1. People seem to forget theydon,t have weekly Bin collections for the site.Imagine if you didn,t get your bins collected for 6mths?.and don,t have a connection to mains sewerage or mains water etc.i don,t excuse the dumping .

    2. Litter bugs everywhere. Community spirit gone.Please take note of homeowners too..gardens full of beds,furniture, dog poo ect..council does nothing,but will follow folk until they drop a fag butt's.. fine because they know easy target and will pay.Nothing done too drunks late at night when they litter bottles,pizza boxes dangerous..pick on the easy cashcows.On my estate the scum are just left rent on benefits can't afford to pay fines.Not all but a high majority.

    3. The image of the traveling community would be enhanced if they chose to take responsibility for the mess they have created! It's "unacceptable" that the tax payer should be incurring any cost for this!!

    4. You are right Joe vloggs. It’s at the cost of the TAX PAYER to clean it up. People are dumb. It’s just because you are pointing out something bad they have done. Half of them commenting are travellers, from what I’ve seen, they can’t spell and are uneducated. Might help you decipher the comments mate 👍🏻👍🏻

    5. Why don't logic counsel help them in sted of billions on fuck paky foriner build no site for them o sorry no money for travilers got to go to the foriner fuck you and your kamala go to the street and video the paky land and see let the reel Britain no what reely going no in this country foriner for ever thing no reel British people pal you go to foriner in this country pal your don't get 200 pas and go you go to jail you itdeit

    6. They have a careless attitude to life and little regard for others . Whilst at the same time demanding their rights and evoking antidiscrimation laws. Thank you . Cheers

    7. Go and pick up the small bit of rubbish if you're so worried about it it's a dual carriageway you clown go look at your town centre and see how much rubbish your lot leaves throwing around and get your camera and shove it where the sun don't shine and travellers homes are 10 times more cleaner than all you lot

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