Calpe, Spain cycling and triathlon training 2024 trip kickoff! The secret summit broke us…

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    Good morning hello my name is Daniel this is the triath on Dan YouTube channel we are on day two officially in Cal aren’t we but day one of proper big riding this is Jason this is Lee Dan Smith will appear here in a few minutes when he get rolls out of bed we’re

    Heading out today for a big ride we’re going up the perto Del’s cabon and the CER rats including the secret Summit which can’ta be that secret cuz stra with it in so yeah we’ll see what that’s like should be 95 Mi 10,000 ft of climbing Lee you’re not quite dressed

    For the occasion you’re having a little jog to a b shop first thing aren’t you going to start it off with a run I think you know really really ramp up the tra on training he’s got to go and get his bike from a bike shop and pressure them

    To fix it this morning and then he’s going to try and Chase on and catch us all yeah which might not be a problem catching me these boys might a bit further up the the road but we’re going to have a great day out it is freezing

    Right now I know we’re not going to get any sympathy for people in the UK it’s going to warm up in an hour or two is what we’re telling ourselves isn’t it so let’s go there for a great ride we’ll see you later can’t me in all right I’ll see you later you

    You you oh well tell you what getting down from the 11th floor that hotel when every oap wants to go for breakfast at the same time when you rent The Penthouse site and I’ve got a bike in a lift and they’re like right right this is absolutely Mega seeing

    Like pro teams and team cars following them it’s quite surreal actually I mean I’m waving like a madman OB just a massive fan of them all absolutely awesome now now we don’t quite have a team car we do have Chris the camera guy in a f 500 now that doesn’t quite look

    Like the same thing but we’re going to take it morning morning morning time tr day Dan needs a screwdriver for his speed play CLE and he won’t ask to suit our quickstep team they got TT bikes out that guy doesn’t need an englishat asking for a speed play

    Screwdriver well neither do I but we got it So we are about an hour and a half in it is a lot warmer it is absolutely beautiful feeling so so happy to be out here I feel like it’s been a long time coming I know I’ve droned on about it for weeks and weeks that’s only been

    Because I’ve been so excited so now we’re out here just oh just soaking it in so an hour and a half here we’re just coming up to the base of the big climb for the day which I don’t know how long it’s going to take to be honest probably

    A while but I’m just going to settle into my groove and just you know just enjoy it instead of looking down at the numbers and my stem I’m looking up and around me and chatting to the guys and just having a having a good time no

    Message from Lee yet so we don’t know where he is it’s possible that I haven’t seen it if it’s not popped up but uh hopefully he’s chasing hard by the time he catches us he’s absolutely on the ropes is the plan all right so we’re at the top of

    The first climb the ptoa tons th000 met of elevation we’ve climbed about 5,000 ft up to yet I know I’m mixing measuring ways there but is like life we now got a short descent short climb and then a long descent to the cafe stop which is

    At about 60 mi in but this Summit looks incredible all right yeah I think so some sort of noise coming from Jason’s bike look at that that’s Mega isn’t it as you can hear Dan isn’t in the best of health he’s had a illness for a

    Couple of weeks and you thought he shook it didn’t you but not quite it’s just the the last bits dragging on I think so I just played it safe just keeping it steady and uh well just see what happens basically bit of sunshine solves all mate we going the wrong

    Way F we’re doing a descent but not this one that’s a good job I noticed now not after 10 minutes of descending back up to the top one more time he so we had a message from Lee 5 minutes ago saying he’s setting off it’s 12:00 now so I

    Don’t know what rout is going to do whether he’s going to do this or not but he’s obviously had a bit of a mer at the bike shop but we’ll See As we were descended we saw a bit of smoke in the distance and then a helicopter came really close to us it was filling up water to go and dump over what we can only assume is like a wildfire so I mean cool to see I guess

    But hopefully it was all resolved but he had really close and in the thick of the action all right we had a cafe stop on like the world’s busiest roundabout but real nice little Bakery we’re now heading up I think it’s the back side of the CER rats and to the secret Summit

    Dan’s winging that there’s a lot of red on the climb I don’t know how big the climb is but you reckon it’s like well I can tell you 2600 ft total elevation from here okay I mean that’s not bad is it that’s not a huge amount it’s about

    An hour an hour of climbing yeah and it is about H Us 2 3:00 in the afternoon yeah now you’ll notice that we haven’t seen Le T Cliff yet I’m going to let him fill us in later on today but we think he’s about 3 hours behind us and Chris

    Tells us that he’s doing the full route so we’ll see how that’s going but the plan for this climb is just not go too hard do the super steep bail to the secret Summit and then there a long descent and flat back into car so this

    Is like the finish line for me at top of this hill that’s a good way to looking at it yeah 10 miles to go there yeah exactly shame it’s uphill you feel okay Jason yeah doing well mate just doing about four weeks of bike volume in one

    Day well it’s a big time to have after four hours 45 of riding so we’re hanging in there we are good Work okay so we’re at the top of the coder RS but we’re just going up the secret bit so don’t tell anybody straight up I think it’s up there D you well it’s straight on I don’t know exactly where you’ve got winter tires on you be

    Fine isn’t this where um there rft C oh no it just C from New York AR it okay we all graveling now um this might not be as Road ready as I thought it’s okay it goes back into toac now it’s okay calm down it’s here about there no oh my

    God it’s still like another 100 or so met yeah I guess we’re about 2/3 of the way up yeah I don’t even know how to describe that steep it’s got be like 15% just Relentless yeah there’s no rest bite I was absolutely on the edge and

    Just looking at the thing how far we got to go 6 of a mile oh God I mean what a view there that’s the colder rat down there where we’ve come from oh my God oh I cannot quite explain how difficult that was Jason any words to add to uh

    Describe that climb definitely the steepest climb of the day Relentless we com from all the way down there it was relentless where he stopped once and just got a breath back a bit and then he struggled a clip in it so steep don’t you yeah really hard to get going yeah

    Dan turned around cuz he’s he’s coughing his guts up is not in a good way so fair enough but this is essentially the end of the ride because from here we’ got a long descent and flight back into car I think I hope so anyway 6 hours on the

    Pedal so far so a long all day I wonder if Lee’s going to do this extra bit up here he’s he’s a game man if he is fair play I hope he does hilarious you know the sun’s setting and he’s sending us photos from up the

    Top oh dear we’ll see I know we going to have a minute now I’m going to just descend this so cautiously because there’s like no wall big drops Rim Breaks Well do that man good afternoon sorry good evening for those that can’t see Pitch Black outside they are that weren they got your aren you yes mate well what a day you hav’t seen each other all day have we no tell us what you did how’

    It start well uh I went to pick your bike up from the bike shop and set off about 10 to 12 and uh I sat off down the road and the bottom bracket something felt a bit wrong like it felt like more wrong than it being look at Bird yeah I don’t know

    It just felt a bit like wobbly really but I sort of moved it when foot and kicked it a bit and it seemed all right so I carried on and I thought well at least it’s shifting silky smooth everything’s working yeah awesome everything’s great instead of river

    Water I’ve got greas oing out of it now so that’s much better perect but then I got got about 15 mil in and there was like a a little rise to the right and I just pressed on a bit up the rise and uh then the the cranks sort of offset the

    Themselves so that this one was they weren’t no longer at sort of 180° and it was still solid on but obviously it’s a bit unnerving so I pulled over at the side of the road bike shopped near me rode nearly a mile back down the road one-legged yeah went in this bike shop

    The guy looks at it and he he couldn’t speak English he’s talking into his translate all the time and he said it’s been installed incorrectly well I’m thinking the teeth are going to have gone inside the crank arm or something and I’m it’s got power

    Meter on it I’m thinking I need a new crank arm or Worse still a new chain set and I’m really worried about it anyway he undoes it all whacks it with a hammer a bit yeah you do TOS a few times yeah puts it all back on again puts it

    Together Tor wrench proper Pro this guy I talks into his translate I says is it damaged he says oh no it’s okay it was just installed in correctly right so and I’ve carried on and this oh it’s been amazing man not skipped to be so you set

    Off 3 hours behind us and uh and another mean done you’ve done 99.2 mil 6 and 1/2 hours and you’ve normalized 242 wats you had a good ride Lee yeah good Stu do awesome and you even went up the secret Summit oh man how bad is that oh my God

    Absolutely I was regretting me Life Choices riding up there we stopped halfway up cuz it was well I nearly had to but I thought I need it’s the straa time is it you know I mean to be honest I nearly just sacked it off and went back down yeah

    Well we thought you would have but I said I’m not going to doubtly I’ve seen well I I want to do all the RO I didn’t want to miss anything that’s why I’ve gone around and ridden the whole thing on my own and come back in the dark

    Because I don’t want you guys to have done something that I haven’t done perfect well so that’s determination for well we have other than you not being there we’ve had a brilliant day good so awesome route isn’t it seeing all the pros out as well teams and stuff are

    Awesome you see many a few lot yeah and a lot of Destiny as well his team and uh all s happen today but yeah I think they’ all packed up and gone on by the time I got oh my God so we was cooking to L um Absolut brilliant

    Day really enjoy being out with the guys what a play for cycling the climbs aren’t too steep people are friendly drivers are courteous what a what a brilliant day can’t wait to ride with you tomorrow I could have done with that Lun startop though yeah did you

    Not well I’ve stopped for water and a a Coke right and that’s it really stopped at the top of that Summit to put me kit on yeah good stuff what a day one thank you very much for following on if you made the end of this video it’s probably quite a

    Long one stay tuned for plenty more action left go rest this week stuff right I’m going to stop this boiling yeah subscribe and like


    1. Although I’ve joked about blocking you guys on socials during your trip, I am enjoying these videos and it’s making me more determined to do one of these trips next year.

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