Elvas is a charming and historic town nestled in the heart of the Alentejo region in Portugal. Known for its well-preserved military fortifications, Elvas stands as a testament to its rich past and strategic importance. The town boasts an impressive star-shaped fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which once played a crucial role in defending the region.

    Wandering through the narrow cobbled streets of Elvas, visitors can admire the blend of architectural styles that reflect its diverse history. From medieval structures to Renaissance and Baroque influences, the town’s buildings tell a captivating tale. The aqueduct, an engineering marvel, adds to the town’s allure with its grand arches spanning the landscape.

    Elvas is not merely a historical treasure; it also offers a vibrant cultural experience. Local markets, traditional festivals, and authentic Portuguese cuisine provide a glimpse into the town’s contemporary life. The warmth of the community and the hospitality of the locals create an inviting atmosphere, making Elvas a destination that seamlessly weaves the past and present into a tapestry of unforgettable experiences.
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    #portugal #thiefs #robbery

    You’ll never using Saab ever again dry  January after that I don’t know I feel   fit don’t fit is right crazy woman  to late night Dan my face could get used roll up roll up to the greatest show in the  world so we got his first stop hey it’s just off  

    The motorway and you can park all the way down  there in the motor homes and literally you’ve   got your toilet wst gray wst yeah that’s it get  that blow job done and you’ve got a basketball  

    Little park and you park all the way down there  cholate so I had no intention of showing them   you empty in there is a petrol station here  no LPG but we don’t need fuel anywhere but  

    Yeah he’s just doing all his [ __ ] jobs I’ll  put in the the next destination on my so I’ve   put in my new destination but absolute bonus  G just knocked open and and said there’s a   bin just up there so I’ll go get rid of all  my rubbish as well properly because remember  

    People when you are in Spain there are bins  everywhere so if you happen to do come across   one of the park ups that don’t have a bin  don’t be a douche make sure you take your [Music] rubbish oh you go you  go people stopped and put the  

    Stickers on that out it look  more way that’s crazy that’s my it Crossing that side of road it’s not  happy it’s not the biggest of to take   the next left onto then turn right so  you’re going left that’s where it says

    Castell Jesus Christ Lord that M  say you f though yeah we need to   pack up for a 9 m m there is one  at the top near the castle [Music] barely how pack for Night Never tells light going night going down there going  

    Up [Music] here following this road  right up across the [Music] castle this is actually at church Che then  it says you’re going up there and   then to are you sure you want me to go  through there I don’t know I feel fit um she look but I don’t know if

    You’s looking at doing it wrong out fit is right about get killed today take the [Music] next turn left then take the next FL was a  lovely little town that we didn’t fit in G almost  

    Killed me why are you stressing out cuz you just  took me through a Portuguese town that only cars   fit up and I’m a 9 M motor room you didn’t even  scratch it you didn’t even ding anything honestly  

    I was 4 foot that’s not four that’s not 4 foot oh  what oh sorry 4 foot front balconies I know that   far front walls but you didn’t eat anything  so why are you stressing out but he’s back  

    In there things out you can’t do a 90° bend in  a 9 M motor room when a car’s having a problem   turning that corner anyway I did it yeah but you  did it so why are you stressing out that’s what  

    I’m saying you’re never using Saab ever again  your directions are the problem was cuz I saw   the castle so I pressed it on the map I didn’t  actually put in coordinates I just pressed it we  

    Don’t have a height and you know we have sat I’ve  said you would fit and you did fit technically useless it was fing there it I got a little bit  put it down when you started swearing rot the  

    Motor I didn’t write the mot because you didn’t  want to walk up the beding out you didn’t write   the motor home off though did you well now  you can walk to it no I’ll just watch this  

    I’ve Just Seen A little cafe bar over there  that’s open I go nowhere you met me a strong   coffee I need an Irish coffee Shad no I need  an Irish coffee I thought you was doing dry  

    January dry January after that so there we are  parked up in elvisa can’t see it sun but I don’t   want to turn around just yet cuz I want to show  you in a second so we’re probably going to do a  

    Couple of nights here because this is where  I’m parked right now let me show you look at that it’s really good look at that what a pack up and I think it all lights up tonight  so I’m going to show you but not very far  

    About 15 minutes that way 10 15 minutes not  far at all um there’s a fortress a five star   Fortress five star I say it’s not five star  like that five stars in The Fortress it’s an  

    Old military Fortress so I want to go there  it’s not up about 10:00 in morning 10 more 5   it’s open tomorrow so we’re going to probably  stay here tonight then go over there tomorrow   we stay there again this is amazing this it’s  just like a giant Viaduct it’s probably not  

    What it is maybe I should have looked online  before I come out to talk to you about it I   don’t know it’s amazing and up I tried getting up  top of that hill in the motor room and then G had  

    Don’t attack as you have seen you’re never using  satav ever again don’t fit his right dry January   after that it didn’t even crash it so I don’t  know why he’s worried but these five of is here  

    So far and this is a free park up in Portugal  in El elvisa elvisa Elvis elvisa Elvis I think   it’s called elvisa have to let me know in the  comments it’s sunny today but it is a bit nippy  

    I’m not going to lie I put my jeans on shorts  have gone away G’s just doing a little bit of   editing I’m not climbing that Hill I’m too lazy  we’ll see how much editing he gets done and what  

    We get done but I’m definitely going in that  Fortress tomorrow guys he’s in his office look hey how you doing swear he does his editing  so I came in people and I had a read up to  

    See what it was and it is actually an aqueduct  it’s called the Amor area Aqueduct and it’s a   16th century Aqueduct that was built in 1573  and it used to bring water from a big well   Down Yonder up to the fortification that’s  what it was for don’t work anymore hav worked  

    Since 1600s apparently but it’s stunning so  they left it they not wrong it’s definitely   stunning I can’t wait apparently it lights  up on a night so I can’t wait to see it l up   tonight that look beautiful and there’s a bit  of information relaxing in the sun we’re back

    Girl do you want to go for the walk do you want  me to get ready I don’t know I’m not going up the   hill what’s coming over the hill is it a monster  you’re a monster would you like me to get ready to  

    Go out and to get ready it’s cold out there well  we can go for a walk or just sit mot room in the   sun together personally I’d rather go for a walk  we want to be together not in there I don’t we C  

    Up up I’ll get ready where’s your boish here she  never wants to go out for a mo sunny as hell in Portugal it’s just an ill is it  it’s impressive that though is it we go for the moot see what we can  see this to me it’s not that steep in

    Ill he’s a liar he’s huge he proper goes on for Miles wow a  while but I made at top of [Applause] it gooss over there I don’t know what this is oh wow look at that view the [Music] town wow wow this is amazing cracking view down there

    Andrew you won’t believe these are streets  I last brought me down at mot room earlier   but there’s one that you did not this one  look look at him you was fine I we fine yeah  

    You was fine put your arms straight out yeah  this is what she took me down at motor an in   side of the motor room yeah but you didn’t  scrap it at all either side it’s all these overhanging mad oh we’ll do the YouTube

    Thing stand it there while we walk past it  he’s coming up in a van yeah he’s coming in   a van not this is the corner what she got me  on look at car is just making it through oh  

    Yeah this is the corner this little s Bend  so so she brought me down there oh okay she   brought me down here then she made me go  down there and then she made me go down there crazy woman I don’t like these buildings Center see what we’ll find it’s an  

    Impressive pathway more s  another F maget magnet Kim what [Applause] Kim so there was an Engish guy that  had that shot yeah that I got theet from and   he said cuz I asked him and so in Portuguese  how do I say thank you so I say obligada and  

    You would say obligado men speak different  to women probably it’s easy to speak to a woman quirky Little Village if  you want to buy an apartment it’s 36,000 can we get one oh lies who want to pick them believe it  or not in Spain if you pick them growing  

    Wild it’s Le is it yeah I didn’t  know that big fine of police so I   don’t think you can see me but I’m just  going to show you this little up on a night look at that it’s quite the view unfortunately you  can’t see my beautiful face cuz it’s too  

    Dark see you tomorrow so me it up the hill  to his next stop which is the castle I’m   going to show you in a minute was a slight  issue and was coming up the hill may have   bottomed out a little bit bottom out going  back I’m going to record him going down it  

    For you guys coming out um I think we may  be stuck I’ll let you know later come up   here to the Castle St louisia but I just  wanted to show you the other one we went  

    To yesterday Miss flipp down and show you he’s  over there look look at the view of that from here and then the one that was lit up  that I tried to show you last night   is the one up there this town of Isa  is just beautiful there’s so much to  

    See here and there’s a little as well and  loads of free parking this is where he is now and there’s a little bit about Aisa elvisa  Elvis elvisa Elvis there are nine things to see  

    Where up at the first one at the moment up at  Fort I’m sure it’s called Fort De Santa louisia   I think that’s how you pronounce it might be wrong  you’ll have to let me know in the comments guys um  

    There’s a little thing here that shows you the for  it’s massive to be fair you can’t really see cuz   the um condensation that’s how big just the fo  is elas I think it’s elvas it’s pronounced the  

    Town it’s beautiful though so when I’m looking  I don’t think it opens just till 10:00 I’m going   to get my stuff on and have a walk out maybe see  if I can get in anyway we’re not going in the St  

    Louis Castle cuz there’s some going on today  we’re not sure what it is cuz we don’t speak   any Portuguese whatsoever they’re cing off the  roads as well got seems to think it might be some   sort of bike event that’s hissteria so wishes  luck because we might be stuck got down coming

    In I can’t believe you took me up here  well to be fair to me you don’t fit up the Drad that is steep on that bit in [Music] it amazing we got down now we’re really bottomed  out going up um amazingly sailed down but there   is look at the the C car here this is the  police car by the way that’s the car that’s the

    Copper and these are the cones they’re  starting to Cone off everywhere so we’re   Ching we don’t know what’s going on  so on to the next destination guys see there Us toate night Myer could get  used to Long [Music] D your


    1. Two videos in one day! Best day of my life! 🎉Glad to see your better Gareth! I wouldn’t manage to navigate those roads in my astra never mind a motorhome! 😂 😊 sending love to you both from Scotland! 💙

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