The electrification of bikes has meant a lot more people are going by two wheels because it’s better for the planet (and it’s easier than pedaling!), but… is it wheelie our best option??

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    Script: Holly Maley
    Editor: Jasnik Moreno + Kirsten Stanley
    Project Manager: Lurana McClure Rodríguez
    Host: Levi Hildebrand

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    Now i am willing to bet that most of you watching this video right now learned how to ride a bike as a kid but that core memory of what felt like flying for the first time often fades as we get older when biking suddenly becomes this frivolous children’s activity but today

    Those dreams could be rekindled because there has been a huge resurgence in bike interest and particularly e-bikes the electrification of bikes has meant a ton more people are deciding to go buy two wheels because it’s better for the planet or it’s better than pedaling or it’s just because they’re searching for

    That bit of happiness that they felt when they were kid and they didn’t have to pay taxes and remember to brush their teeth every night but as the momentum builds behind this new movement we need to take a step back and see whether or not this movement is really all that

    It’s cracked up to be that was a real pun Now we were not expecting this but apparently electric bikes have been around since the late 1800s i honestly didn’t even know the batteries existed back then but uh here we are learning stuff obviously these bikes were not a huge commercial success back in the literal horse and buggy days being quickly

    Overshadowed by something you may know as the old automobile it would take a totally different cultural and technological landscape for e-bikes to really get rolling but that wouldn’t stop innovators from tinkering with the idea for a full century before it really gained traction over the years e-bikes have improved

    With their design and their weight and superior batteries and in 1993 yamaha which is a motorcycle company introduced the world to the first ever pedal assist model which is sort of the norm today see with most previous e-bike models the motor was controlled by a throttle just like your standard motorcycle but

    E-bikes today ride like a normal bike with the motor kicking in as you pedal because of these pesky things called laws however e-bikes are often capped at speeds of about 20 or 28 miles per hour however we have technology to make them go a lot faster than that whether by

    Pedal assist or throttle these things can reach speeds of over 70 miles per hour by the early 2000s the term ebike started entering public awareness and interest has steadily been rising through to 2019 government and corporate incentives to ditch the car and get a bike continued to fan these flames and then

    Kovet hit initially most e-bike consumers were baby boomers and people who just needed an excuse to get out of the house but now electric bicycle companies are seeing a large shift towards younger customers living in cities who are using electric bicycles as an alternative form of transportation but we children of the

    90s have something that our 1890s counterparts didn’t the complete and utter dominance of car culture in north america and the ever-pressing reality of climate change i don’t know why i made that sound exciting today most of north america gets around in cars and more and more commonly trucks

    However people are starting to realize that the freedom depicted in the car ads we see on tv is not exactly the reality of driving around in the streets uh what is this traffic traffic that’s some kind of national holiday you mean to tell me this happens every single day

    A lot of people are spending a lot of money to sit in increasingly insane gridlock roadways in cars that are statistically very dangerous all while contributing to the destruction of the world oh and gas prices just hit another record high it feels like the perfect storm for a new fun sustainable

    Transportation mode to take over but there are some things that we need to clarify before you put the fun in between your legs that’s like a hashtag um for like biking like the bike is the fun um probably just cut that part out e-bikes are like the spork of

    Transportation let me explain they are faster than a normal bike but they’re slower than a car they lack the storage of a full-size vehicle but they cost significantly less you don’t have to work as hard to get to where you’re going but you’re still exposed to the elements this weird middle ground means

    That e-bikes are very good for certain kinds of people in certain contexts now as a person who rides a bike regularly without electrical assistance i can say with complete personal bias that bikes are awesome and that everyone should ride them but i am a 30 year old who is

    Already a very confident bike rider who lives in a city with a lot of bike infrastructure the choice to ride bikes for me is pretty easy the e-bike is appealing to people like me as well as the people who i like to call bike curious people who buy e-bikes are

    Typically the ones that are looking for an extra push to make biking a feasible form of transportation or maybe just a little less work ebikes are a wonderful tool when it comes to accessibility because it gives cyclists of all levels an opportunity to go further and faster

    Than they would on a normal bike i’ve also seen a lot of people who already ride bikes buying e-bikes to replace their commuters to make their trips a little easier or to help transport their kids or cargo so these bikes are just widening the scope of what people might

    Be able to do and accomplish via bicycle and this is good across the board because the more people who ride their bikes to commute the more likely a city is to build the infrastructure to keep those riders safe which means that more people feel safer riding bikes which

    Means that more people do which means that the city makes more bike lanes which leads to more people riding bikes which you see what i’m saying here it’s it’s a bit of a positive feedback loop and e-bikes could be a huge push for that to start but let’s just be clear

    For a minute i’m not saying that everyone should just go out and buy an e-bike right now because there are some challenges of course with everything and one of the things that makes an e-bike and e-bike is the battery now of course electrifying our society and moving away

    From fossil fuels is an extremely important step to stop the planet from becoming a real-life rendition of mad max there is a very common misconception that drives me insane that if the thing you’re driving doesn’t have a tailpipe it’s somehow more sustainable it’s this kind of mentality that allows leonardo

    Dicaprio to own five different cars and call himself an environmentalist because you know they all have batteries come on leo like if you’re gonna be the spokesperson dude then do better in reality as many of you probably know there isn’t a battery tree that we’re getting all of this technology from

    From unethical and unsustainable lithium extraction to questionable sources of energy to power these places and the inability or willingness for frigging anybody to recycle these things batteries have their issues the emissions that we tend to over focus on is a big focal point for whether or not

    Bikes are considered to be green from a sustainability standpoint e-bikes are definitely lower impact than cars but the thing is they have to be replacing car trips because if you just buy an e-bike and it sits in your garage for a year all of the environmental impact that went into creating the physical

    Product is wasted so if you are going to be buying a bike make sure that that thing is being used because otherwise you’d be better off just riding the bike you already have the reality is that a standard pedal bike is going to be way better for the planet than any e-bike

    Will in most cases someone riding their e-bike back and forth to work every day is going to work off the carbon footprint of that bike within a matter of months but the thing is on top of all this no matter how gung-ho you are about this major lifestyle change whether it’s

    For saving the planet or saving a penny or becoming more physically active or whatever an e-bike just might not make sense for you and that’s because where you live has a huge impact on whether or not you can actually ride a bike safely if you live in the u.s or canada chances

    Are your city is not even remotely designed to be safe or effective for cyclists pedestrians and e-bikes the youtube channel not just bikes summarizes this way better than we ever could but basically a lot of streets and roads or as he calls them strodes are unsafe and inefficient for pedestrians

    And cyclists alike now if he were doing this video for example he would probably say something like this strodes are hostile to people outside of a car traffic engineers are concerned about drivers hitting a tree hitting a cyclist is expected dangerous or restrictive infrastructure like this doesn’t exactly

    Allow a lot of people to adopt different modes of transportation these cities and suburbs make riding a bike electric or not completely impractical while riding them for recreational purposes is fine and dandy we need to look at the bigger picture here and focus on urban development that encourages the use of bicycles in

    General if you’re at all interested in this kind of subject matter you should definitely watch not just bikes we’ll leave a link to them down in the description thankfully many cities across north america are making strides to improve bike ability including my hometown of victoria where we have seen

    Bike lanes pop up all over the place and just like i mentioned before when those bike lanes went in bike ridership went up and e-bikes are a huge component of this more people on bikes whether they’re e-bikes or otherwise increases the number of people using it which

    Means that more people are going to get on board after the fact so should you buy an e-bike and i’m here to tell you of course definitely with absolute authority that it depends the problem with new trends like ebikes is that it’s easy to latch on to them

    Regardless of whether or not it actually suits your lifestyle especially when there is that comforting green label and association attached to it it can be really easy to forget that it’s never a green purchase decision if it’s not something you really needed or have no

    Use for if you were looking to move away from driving and there’s just like that one hill from you to work that you keep avoiding maybe try out your old bike and see if it’s really something you enjoy and maybe an e-bike makes sense after

    That but let us know what you think of the e-bike trend if you liked this video make sure that you literally like it and we will see you in the next one transport they’re chilled out


    1. Just an awesome video and so well put. As someone that is drawn to the shine glowing light of ebikes like moth to the flame, I really appreciate videos like these that are within a greater context and that let us truly sit back and analyze things for what they are. Thank you!

    2. We purchased this Vivi 27.5” electric bike and a Tentaquil 26” electric bike for our 13 and 14 year olds. The Vivi was much easier to put together. With the Vivi, there was a video link to assist with assembly which made the process easier to follow (we did put the handlebars on upside down, but it was a quick and easy fix). With the Tentaquil, the assembly was not as simple to follow, but after we messaged the company for an assembly video, it was easier and they did respond quickly. The other major differences were that the Vivi has a grip throttle on the right handle (like a motorcycle) and the Tentaquil has a push throttle that you use your thumb to activate. The monitors were also different, so if you’re looking for something specific in terms of changing the bikes functions, pay attention to what the monitor offers. We were really impressed with the overall quality and functionality of both bikes, but if you’re looking for more power and an easier assembly, definitely go with the Vivi!

    3. We replaced 10000km of car rides in 1,5 year with an electric cargo bike. It is fantastic for most hauls in an urban area, but the real problem with e-bikes IMO is that they SUCK at maintanance. The car industry is capable of delivering new cars that run 30000-50000km without a single issue. With ebikes expect to visit a dealer every 2000km. THAT is the real problem with e-bikes. Reliability is trash.

    4. This bike was really easy to assemble and required very few adjustments out of the box. The wheels did not require any truing/adjustments. The frame had some small scratches, but nothing major.I did replace the seat though – the seat it came with was very uncomfortable. The tires need to be re-inflated every 4-5 days, but this appears to be quite common for the narrow 700×25 tires.Overall, in my opinion, this bike looks and rides like a much more expensive bike.

    5. I think e-bikes suitable for older people or with some disabilities. Or for a really hilly cities like LA. For me 32 years old man a regular bicycle is a way to go everywere in 30km radius. Also it is more convinient to lift it on a third floor than heavy e-bike.

    6. Recycle infrastructure … not just mobility justice! So really any bike is also fueling climate and environment destruction.

      We need infrastructure for past and current and future alternating mobility modes for everyone. Globally.

      Nonelectric nongasoline bikes use up prodigious amounts of material resources including the gas powered manufacture of steel and metal alloys strong enough to support human powered bikes.

      This problem affects way more than the energy source of daily usag. Manufacturing and refining are far more costly environmentally than any form of bike power.

      What we are attempting to do now is only a tall order because we have not been building inclusive infrastructure all these decades since Rachel Carson et al sent out the alarm in the mid to late 1960s and the EPA was established. We started Earth Day (you know… where we all live and since we are at least a century from colonizing other planets to live on). That happened 1970 April 22nd. What have we done since? It has been loads of finger wagging and not enough improvement in the right direction. Sunk cost fallacy rules in the form of continuing climate change denialism and most people just don’t have the bandwidth. Make these fun pods worth the time expenditure. 🎉

      What does inclusive have to do with infrastructure? Many populations have little if any freedom let alone mobility equity. Think of youth and other groups who have no mobility other than hitching a ride (unsafe) or walking in said ubiquitous traffic (unsafe) or waiting around for someone they trust to chauffeur them (also not particularly safe).

      Equity because many cannot afford car payments, repairs, insurance, uninsured collision damages, polluted air, and exactly no one has access to another planet that is not burning up from gasoline usage.

      E-bikes are far more Earth friendly than no bike. I have a knee injury from trying to stay active and I also need to stay active. Hence the consideration of the e-bike. What about allll the people who want to stay active and out of their fumey gas powered vehicle? Nope? Wait until many people your age have aged a bit more. You’ll see what I mean. For all our current 30 somethings, the landscape looks very different when you gain a couple or so more decades.

      So this is a cool vid delving into e-bike pros and cons. I hope you feel inspired to delve evn more deeply into these gnarly issues.
      ~Sincerely, friendly X-gen’r

    7. I live in a small town so i travel long distances so ebikes are not practical. Shoot even electric cars are not viable yet either. The commute would mean charging constantly but there is no stations.
      Ebikes around here are just for fun. Yay 2k for fun…

    8. Just ran in to Levi at Fully Charged Live over the weekend. I wish I had watched this video before our encounter. Would have made for a more interesting conversation. Just the same, thanks for indulging my intrusion on your day. Consider looking in to the channel; I think you’d make a good panelist when they come back next year.

    9. Living in the countryside in Germany I use my Ebike (a legal speed version that can go 45 km/h) to commute to work 25km 2 – 3 times a week all year through. It´s just a perfect compromise between a Car and a normal Bike. To me 😉 But still the small City I have to ride through is the scariest part. I still think if you use the bike as a real daily vehicle it makes sense instead of using a (petrol or electric) Car.

    10. Not to mention that the company you bought the bike from has a special battery with a special charger with other special electronics, that when the bike is no longer being made, you have to throw it away when you cant get a battery replacement. This is what happens when we don't want to follow a standard for the sake of quick profits. We are at the mercy of what the company says is the life span of the device, not what you say it is….

    11. thanks for sharing the reminder to i that the batteries on ebikes are something to consider… so might as well keep riding one as frequent as possible to make up for the child labor that went into extracting the rare earth materials of my ebike (: and so i don't ever have to deal with road rage and car loans 🙂

    12. Hey Good video Bro 👍. I was born and live in Victoria BC. I have Severe Graves Disease with osteoporosis. I also broke my back two summers ago. I bought an e-bike a little over 6 months ago and I already rode over 6100 km. It has changed my life completely. 😎

    13. thanks for this man. .the message at the end.. if "ebike easy to latch if there is a green label attached" whew.. that was different kind of prespective.. i used to think Ebike will make my commuting faster. but i come to a conclusion it is more of a Liability introducing mechanical problems and electronics…

    14. My city (which is basically a small city with a surrounding suburban area) is pushing biking hard, even though there is no budget for road improvements that would make biking safe, or even safer. I am a old person and I can't imagine, even if I could find a decent bike that's comfortable for my 4'9" body, having to share the road with all the young hipster would-be Greg LaMonds who think a ride to the Harris Teeter has to be like the Tour de France.

    15. as a proud ebike owner, i will say that if you have max 30 kilometers (both ways) of daily commute then its glorious to have a bike, but for rainy days you have to have a good bus or tram line.

    16. I think they're a good start for anybody who's serious about trying to get back into shape because somebody like me who's weighing 270 pounds, and hasn't been on a bike since high school, could widely benefit from electric assist pedal bikes.

      But I'm trying to go on a slightly more sustainable route by looking into converting the bike I already own, into one. But it requires repairs and there isn't a bike mechanic in my town anymore.

    17. Did the presenter actually tell us what "the PROBLEM" with E-bikes is ?
      Buying things we don't need and hardly use (consumerism) is probably the largest driver of planet destruction. This is not peculiar to E-bikes.
      Cities in the USA are built for cars, not people. So not an E-bike problem either.
      So what is "THE PROBLEM" with E-bikes I am still wondering?

    18. Yep it seems that all the top environmentalists have multiple cars, (multiple) huge houses, take private jets but everyone else needs to suffer for the planet… . Side note, everyone loves those mandated awful extreme low flow shower nozzles that most people would never break so they can get a normal shower.

    19. Mine is used as a commuter bike. I have a 10 mile round-trip to work and back. My energy costs are about 5 copper cents a day. This is much less than my gasoline cars. My car costs me about 2 dollars a day in fuel for the same trip (40 times the cost). I can't bike every day, due to weather. However, I can (and do) ride an eBike to work over 50% of the time.

      If I went straight eBike, then I could dispense with vehicle insurance, tags and registration as well. Should your eBike break, a repair bill will be typically less than that of a car. If you are moderately mechanical, repairing your own eBike is less technical than working on a car. For those making a 400 dollar a month car payment, the relief would be even greater.

    20. If you haven't seen the NotJustBikes channel, it's mostly about how much he likes Scandinavian cities. I don't recommend it unless you have wet dreams about Stockholm.

    21. I am considering getting an ebike, especially if I get a job near where I live. However, after doing some research, I now realize I need to do more research. Picking the right bike and especially ensuring the company/parts availability long term seems to be an issue. I would have NEVER considered if I lived where I used to in Northern Virginia – as I dont want to die. However, where I live now, it might be a viable option.

    22. There are many roads I feel safe to e-bike on and do not feel safe manual biking on, acceleration makes all the difference. There’s even weather where I’ll e-bike in but can’t motivate myself to manual bike in. And I say that as someone who loves manual biking and has been doing it in an urban setting for 10 years. This video’s wishy washiness will have a negative impact on people moving out of cars and into e-bikes. Almost anyone in US/Canadian suburbs and cities would be well served to replace a significant portion of their car trips with an e-bike. The embodied carbon of an e-bike is also truly minimal. An ebike battery is typically half a kwh. Volvo estimates the lifecycle emissions of lithium batteries at 90kg/kwh – meaning 45kg for an ebike battery. The average American is responsible for 14,400kg of CO2 per year. A single gallon of gas burnt emits 8.8kg of CO2.

    23. I have both a regular bike which is a Rockstar Beach Cruiser bike and a small folding electric bike both were bought second hand off of Facebook marketplace. I love using both, if I'm in a hurry or have an appointment or really not want to have the bigger bike I'll ride the folding electric. The electric is small and light enough I can pedal it without any issues if the battery dies and is also small and light enough I could carry it if I had too.

    24. I ebike to work because I have difficulty focusing on everything when driving a car. With my bike, I am more aware of the consequences, I have an empty lane all to my self most of the time, and I can do it by myself. Sure, the time it takes to get to a place is usually twice the time it takes to get there by car. However, by have that bike, I don't have to work around anyone else's schedule as much and I have less of an excuse to not go out if there is a purpose for an outing.
      I hope to move to a city that is more bike friendly and has a warmer climate or more motives of transportation that is close by

    25. I don't think anything in this video is wrong exactly, but I think you're missing a bit of a chicken-and-egg issue. Cities will not become more bike-friendly without the public asking for it, and ebikes are potentially a great gateway to get people thinking about transportation/land use reform.

    26. After getting an e-bike, I moved from using my car to making it my daily commuter for work and shopping. I do live in an area of the US that is expanding bike infrastructure rapidly however. I still have my car too, but now it's used for longer trips or work that is further than 20 Miles out.

    27. My e-bike doesn't replace my pedaling bike. However, it does enable me to live car-free in an otherwise largely car-dependent region. The environmental impact of manufacturing this one bike + battery is so much less than what it would take to produce a whole entire car (electric or gas-burning), so I believe it is the best choice in my situation.

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