Another video in my installment of cycling through North America. Riding to the Yukon border from Fairbanks is what it’s about.

    At the North Pole so I’m heading to the Yukon border Canada here I’ll be there in a couple days left beir Banks yesterday got about 50 Mi out of town and it’s a beautiful day to be right had some breakfast put a little Bailey in my coffee that was

    Good uh that’s about it so I’m at the beginning of the Alcan Highway which is the road that’s going to be taking me through Canada back to the States there’s the sign for it all right so day 19 I’m um about 90 Mi out the little town of uh Delta Junction which

    Is not too which is I don’t know about 100 miles out of uh Fairbanks I was in Fairbanks for about a week hanging out with some friends and I almost got stuck there I was just having so much fun partying and drinking and just having a

    Good time that I almost didn’t want to leave so I had to get out and I was able to do it now I’m back on track um found a little rest area which is pretty nice it’s got a roof so I don’t have to have my rain fly

    On I don’t have to cover my bike with anything it’s made a lot easier I’m really looking forward to oatmeal every morning now uh the reason being is no more instant oatmeal it’s real oatmeal that helps I got cane sugar cuz it’s plain raisins almond slices and the coup gr coconut

    Shavings and it makes one pretty damn good breakfast just boil in some water now on my dragonfly MSR dragonfly and getting ready to eat so I’m riding riding out of to uh last little town before the Yukon border had dinner there got a campsite got a shower had some

    Breakfast is just expensive there totally knocked me down a couple bucks I’m going to try not to do that again head to the Yukon border got 90 miles in exhausted but I’m going to make it today can’t wait to get there I’ll keep you posted and I got a beautiful view on the

    Way so yeah so I’m in Canada right now now I’m in the US back to Canada back to the US

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