I the way the fact to these streams are always just me and you are we live what’s going on are we up someone says waiting saider yeah yeah here well here we are we are finally at the last round of season 1 it’s it’s 21 it’s League of

    Ireland It’s the final round of season 1 we have a championship battle on the on of on our midst now again it’s a tough Championship batt because Philly is in what has to happen now but ion c as Prett usual and I’m join by of course my par requirement everywhere I go looking

    User everywhere virtually I should probably clear that up yeah lucky how things not too bad we’re looking forward to a nice ending nice Championship deider yeah so speaking of championships the two men who have a possibility year in the championship Brandon is in P1 he is in

    The lead by 24 points he needs to he he needs to finish p8 tonight to win the championship but he only needs to finish PA if section wins the race if section doesn’t win the race it’s over it’s over anyway Andy it’s been an absolute pleasure watching you 100% you’re two

    Time champ you’re going out with a bang as per usual you’re going to do some crazy lap here tonight and fight the sh Elvis one last time but um It’s been a pleasure watching you and it’s been a pleasure not racing against you because I don’t think I’ve ever once raced

    Against you and I don’t think I want to make a show myself lucky what you reckon make a show against Andy do now Andy it’s been a pleasure been great to have you around from the fastest natural dri probably ever seen reckon I’m fairly accurate on that

    One lcky I feel like I am it could be I don’t know not entirely sure to be honest we do have a nice Al who’s going to be four going to be the Mercedes of dilder the it’s I I tried to race around here last I say try I wasn’t very

    Successful I made it show myself got five seconds in the pits apparently I took off track which I think he aive but anyway oh D’s lighting up the tires as look going to take us away with d for the final race of the season I you go

    Lucky yeah well here we are down the main straight of the alar turn one and two are not the finest corners and very easy to invalidate but let’s see how he takes it oh yeah easy easy to do in fness we go back yeah yeah

    Off you go take us away yeah oh [ __ ] difficult traction Zone up the hill here but looks like he’s held it well go to the line as well now track limits there next corner is easy enough just get the car rotated not is enough for Mouse

    Car next next corner should be just flat out of he holds it yeah and then slow it right down I like to that third gear rather than fourth maybe he’s just being cautious for now as it is only the his first lap but who are we to [ __ ] comment anyway again may just

    Isues there going downhill he’s do while there not exactly lining up the apexes but people have some different lines around here B easier the corners on to the line now bit yeah maybe turn the a bit later next time but as he said to 11 16.4 I see

    Sandbags right behind them let going sandbags as he’s going to say he’s on the mediums never mind I hate when they do that be honest it grinds me up and saying that I do an inter as I do see look we have some guests in the chat

    Again we have the T Traer King himself we have NXX Montana he’s back he couldn’t get enough of us last week he had to come back for around two maybe so again we must GD instead we he’s not over I don’t think we must have

    Put on a show we must have put on a show last week they must enjoy the shoting I say sh or put on a show of ourselves that were both of us both both of that but as here is col B but I will say though like whether he’s here for

    The nice shooting voices we’re not very shoot in a race Lobby were very different as Brandon set to 16.4 I missed that didn’t even know he was on a LP to be honest as Montana’s first comments was for for Brandon very very very nice uh phrase I must

    Say as here is Callum be the mighty Williams imagine that the very successful teams this season in League of Ireland me and me me and looky absolutely dominated the thir Tre construct CH to very very very big achievement very very big achievement you know is that house on on a lap Dylan he

    Is isn’t he no he’s not we go back on board of col anyway up the hill into whatever Corner number this is I really don’t know let Apex gets on the power nice and early we found is gone a while is my found can you hear my S ding no good as

    Here come the mighty cman Callum B what can he say I see I see the championship attacking this right behind him at Andy actually mind we’re going B and col 6 a P3 with 16.7 we’re going B it the main man of his last race we know he’s going

    To be going to do about 16 qualifying laps anyway so we’ll give him the fourth one yeah just just sit on it just watch watch the master oh how he not I don’t know how he kept that on the track there to be honest oh lovely little

    Aex how’s he got on the power like that yeah he’s on off do you see it Ian he’s giving it fall and lifting a little bit I mean it’s there’s a very obvious reason why oh we missed the aex by m but anyway that’s probably again Andy

    Thinks I see a a couple of M coming to line we got b r oh he’s on the medium then mind is he going to give his teammate a toe here he isn’t he a very medium to we go back on Bo Andy as see see what

    He said in the last sector how was he able to get on the power like that maor skill is he’s 310 up on Sashi time he this is on for I think about 161 lucky this could be a mega mega lap for oh my he’s slow drifting around the corner a

    Little bit this could be a mega lap by the way cuz from what I can tell he’s 310 up on sauage through the middle Tor so am I right say 16 oneish I am exactly oh prediction skills who is that off the track by the way is that colum

    B what are you doing colum we got Bo c b just went P5 we have dild Ariz on a lap It’s Kind ahead of them h no it’s op gamer oh was it okay we St B so again we say it every week is the seral protagonist not seral like the seral the

    Just seral like [Laughter] seral I swear to God I I just come up with this find the spot sometimes yeah Jes as his his the main man f f f as just as a as a quick little tip he was having a wonderful time 10 minutes

    Ago a short qualify as he missed he’s gone so deep in Tom one it’s actually unbelievable but you know what he somehow I I invalidate so con here coming down onto the straight do we really want to watch that oh you never know what he might do he’s

    Coming out of field anyway he’s crash oh no he’s not no no he’s he’s still line as he goes P9 we go back is there anyone behind on a LP they should be know op gamer he’s inv C I had a feel was a Red Bull he’s

    Now two alpha section on one no he’s not he’s valid he’s going oh look at Andy Andy’s G that se a toe look at this playing the team no he’s not a I think maybe he Tau SE definitely thought Andy would get set up for a to 100% we got maybe Andy

    Was look Andy’s Andy’s back out again that’s weird anyway we got sure yeah there’s an Al d s lap D I think he’s coming in yeah we go back on board with um section where’s Fano lightning grip Fano goes P5 great lap from fanjo he was he was only saying a few

    Minutes ago how unconfident he was how a section looking so far Mr for seor oh he’s he’s tidy oh that’s no again I know the fourth sector split Andy done a 51 uh one I think in the fourth sector I know what when I see it whether it’s a

    Good m on it’s it’s he’s down on Andy he’s down by 10th on Andy I think but he could be on for P2 could be on for P2 very good very good cuz Andy Andy won’t hold Andy will play the team game though Andy’s made that very abundantly clear after last

    Week that he’s playing the team gu now he’s here to help he’s here to help section along to win the championship now again it’s not in section’s hands this week it’s in Brandon’s hands but all section can do is do what he’s been doing the last three races as he does

    Stick a P2 Brendon has some s some sort somewhat of a revolution at this season as but Andy going to go again here and fall La all after so expect about a 15.5 maybe as he’s going to have oh there going to be S one

    Oh chaos I mean the I think it was Dill that came out and went to overtake the Red Bull that was in front of him realized Andy was there moved out to overt and he’s going validated but um yeah it was actually interesting I’m R is here back on our

    Lap we won’t miss him this time but get him what what’s his he’s down oh he’s up on his time but he’s down on the end section so he needs to have a mega last there which I think it’s not not not a whole lot of time between him and

    Section so you would imagine he should come up to P2 here I don’t think he touching any time though yeah I think he’s fairly close here though he half aemp in this can you Spider-Man for me can as he does stay with stay he’s got to the exact same time of section exact

    Same time wasn’t going to be the D is on a lap is he yes he is but no he’s not he’s derating like Howell is he derating already no he’s not on a lap R is on one we g board at R again a very very clean and very good driver

    Everyone knows how good rain is again it’s a lot of a lot of drivers to se just haven’t had the rub of green uh but as we all know is a future very successful driver here should he stick around which he will is the one you’ll

    Have your eye on for next season I’d say and next season is looking wide open I won’t won’t say anything yet but there stuff happening as R is going to the line can he disrup the front tree I think he will you out he will he goes

    P2 he goes P2 is a Red Bull right behind op gamer op gamer with the PO M from last night so we going board here oh that yeah we stay board op gamer here just about holds on to it in turn two up the hill now how did they get on

    The power I’m just petrified to get in the power like that but again op gamer is a successful driver in his own he is a two former 22 Champion we going go offb for this lap should we see what camera angles the other guy has

    As up the hill he goes and down the hill how quick can he get the power down lovely and early actually he’s number three so he’s Danny R fan obviously this Spiderman you want not like he’s going to take P qualifying anyway well just get him in as op Gamers

    On a good lap here he’s on a very good lap he’s actually matching reain I think through the middle and he has matched his sector times now he’s pit at the end yeah know dead on op gamer is going to challenge here by the way he’s coming to line he

    Definitely going to be challenging for f three top three anyway if not Paul P tree he’s he’s feeling good again I wonder what’s changed well I know what’s changed but we’ll see all of a sudden it doesn’t look so Rosy anymore look how close to top top eight ER con go

    12 yeah top 12 top eight is just crazy as I see colum B in the final sector he’s two and a half T up as col B so he’s going to be joining that pack can he have a really good last seor he’s going to want to col B could go P3 here

    By the way cuz he’s two and a half T up through the middle sector uh so depends on his last sector he’s in the pit he’s down he’s not open enough he backed off as I see deals are coming to the line he’s invalidated he

    Will not be on a lap who else I see a Ferrari who’s that that’s Brandon another that’s Fano I wonder people are coming out a weird times for the last lap yeah I think fanjo is your next Andy be out now for his out lap anyway Andy always comes

    Out early for his final lap yeah next is he on a lap no he’s on an outl everyone on Main laps all right well when when Andy’s lap last lap comes around we will go on board his last qualifying lap in League of irand back

    Back F now I don’t think back to be honest I think he’s going the vent in some other Esports type of things as true to one or two go fanjo very nicely I will say that was very slick from fanjo get them the power lovely up the

    Hill he go very very slick there ISP very slick to turn on the traction or something he’s a 10th and a half up to sector one so that’s that’s enough to make him one position let’s see how much time he has the second sector as here he comes up this dodgy

    Double right hander a very nice very nice from fan I have to say that was very very good very tidy as up the other right the down hill right hand there again oh getting power a little bit but very he’s oh he’s this is good he’s matching op gamer and he’s

    Up there and op gamer this is a Sol laugh from fro s far let’s hope nobody does a Carl to him now here what happened here me me spinning yeah this is where KH lost oh yeah oh well don’t be listening to me oh what’s he doing I think this is a competitive

    Lap a P4 we G Andy backed off already Andy Andy’s Andy’s already backed off we have three drivers four five that’s crazy isn’t it as who was next I see a h coming is that Dyan Dylan’s on one yeah no he’s not no he’s not the game is glitching see section behind Dylan’s

    Going to get out of the way I would have went cheeky with the old good evening lad Jesus Christ it’s l big sler two on the Trap how as on his out laap where is Section we go back on board the championship protagonist now the man who needs a win

    Need to continue a streak or three make he needs to make a four on a row tonight and then even then is still of his hands so he see what he can do he’s gone out early to give himself the luxury of a second lap if he needs it so here comes

    Section what can he do can he trouble his teammate at the front of the grid you would think he has a bit in him wouldn’t he cuz he’s very solid through sector one very solid that was a very nice second he’s going to have a bit of traffic baby he’s bar

    Barely up there so you imagine the middle te the middle Tech SE has a bit of time as we stay on board he’s I don’t think he’ll catch that traffic but you never know it’s supposed can he get the power down he can but he’s still a little bit

    Tentative on it I wonder how what his middle te split he is looking tidy but I don’t know how tidy Maybe that nicely gets on the power a that’s nice he’s down though he’s down he’s not up Mercedes gets out of’s way what can section deal can he have a

    Really good last set there which is effectively just one corner can he nail it and make up maybe a 10 cuz if a 10 gets a P2 but again you would expect ran and Opie gamer to improve who’s next lookie D is it watching them he got P4 yeah Dylan is

    Dylan go P6 I see a Mercedes of dzer I presume no it’s R it’s just stand I see Andy coming to L where is he starting out is he oh yeah he backed off didn’t he is he no he’s not he won’t get B the battery is he he’s actually going for a

    Qualifying lap he’s going for AAL no way I see a red behind C op gamer he’s just there again will is up up up 210 yeah a PA for colum B I don’t think You’ be too pleased with that to be honest with you well up four good to 410 working

    Here you go stays where he is wow I see Mercedes re say P2 Dills across cross lineid no way that is it for Brandon oh wow as here is op gamer CBU is he where is CBU there he is he go P1 to C I see uh Mar two10 where would he go

    Stay P1 I see McLaren of KH where he go P10 everyone’s going P10 the obsession of P10 Here Comes SE is it se’s coming in the say P4 I see again oh here’s r r goes PO with 16.1 that’s and that’s that’s that’s qualifying everyone isn’t

    It unless op gamer has a la in it’s op have it in to take power position back to back kns oh he’s very very it’s not enough it’s tight have P3 now now now this is interesting look how by the way it’s signaling to me how close that is from

    P1 to p12 yeah no that’s unev is crazy there’s three1 separate 12 it’s actually a it’s it’s actually a really good chall from Khan I know St that’s a very good lap like one more 10 and he’s up five positions that’s how that’s how close it is like yeah that’s

    Very good lap for him at his level like you know so he tell he has more in it there two times con has two t in that lap 100% in that lap Conor has a P3 in her here yeah and the invalidate too yeah I mean

    Look it’s an easy track to in validate let’s be real look it’s so easy I took at the two half in tandem P so P Warners I let you do it yeah right you’ve got r on PO tonight for the final round we’ve got Andy in P2

    Op gamer in P3 section in P4 fanjo P5 sandbags P6 Brendan p7 colum B p8 Diller P9 KH P10 Saucy P1 SE books p12 danom p13 and Spidey surprise surprise the resident Pacman the thought he was actually going to do it this time to be fair he probably just

    Invalidated lucky I’ve just found out a little bit of information as to maybe why Brenda didn’t set a a lap there was a miscommunication in the Ferrari garage Believe It or Not There Was An attempted T that apparently didn’t go overly well oh can you say Irish wristwatch the I can Irish wristwatch

    See I’m a fluent I can speak very well NXX mon I’m a fluent speaker I don’t know that’s a word but anyway Irish WR watch or what or was it Irish Irish I didn’t what we Irish Irish Irish wrist watch say say fast like say it say it on Irish Irish

    So look let’s let’s stop laugh for a second let’s um we have a championship to predict can do it can can will will it go for se you think he can win the race for of all cuz that’s the main thing you think he has it in a tobac

    Four in a row and I I don’t think he can win this without some very good fortune I think he could be on the podium but I think the win might just be Out Of Reach but to put it simply if he doesn’t win it’s game over Brandon wins the

    Championship that’s that that that is number one if he if SE does not win yeah you’d be very surprised that Brendan doesn’t make up a lot of positions early on as well Brendan doesn’t need it Brendan he needs appear and Brendan is very comfortably quicker than OB he he

    He will if the opportunity is there he will driver on the limit yeah he will go which again I may not be the wisest thing in the world but I think maybe this week knowing what’s on the line and now one what’s coming I think he might

    Be a bit a little bit SED yes I mean you would hope so he hasn’t been in with us in a few weeks so he’s he’s going to going to have to come for a chat NXX Montana is only in here for one reason as we have the car on the

    Grid as we are five lights and away we go as Andy got actually got a good start for once but everyone see oh my God the Ferrari Fano up the inside very very swiftly F at position two oh there someone yellows where’s the yellows car it con’s off

    Yeah con’s off as everything else seems relatively tidy so far sections dropped a couple of positions in the ha tires the section’s going long I know I what strategy I’m predicting there anyway with the lads on the ha tires big bunch of cars oh it’s K go so by to Brandon

    Yeah he’s going to get out that D is right behind K now lot of early breaking there in this sector for sure we go back forward as R and Andy Got Away relative actually everyone got away pretty well and fan got away very well and speaking

    Of Old Friends Andy and Fano have quite a history on this track D and Ds are whale to whale here yeah go over oh D Taps the re oh how oh my God how is he catching that as Here Comes Andy looking B the h

    Andy on the head you don’t need to make this move he’s going to go for it he’s going to go for it R is probably like why why is this happening oh they got a touch oh my God to me that was unnecessary as panjo hits Andy panjo hit the back of

    Andy Andy is very very Andy got one there 100% Andy’s gone for it again up the inside the hair pin and I think Way’s going to hang that yeah he is I think I don’t think that was wise for Mandy to go I thought he’s in the pit he must have

    Damage oh oh Andy Andy Andy’s struggling Andy is strugging oh frano just tagged the rare he has he has oh this could get tasty this could get very tasty I think F going to try the inside he does F’s on the me oh F near gone

    Theide oh my God F near lost can cost himself a race there with Andy as Andy is dting already by the way I don’t think he’s close enough this time to have a go at R cuz R is he though oh he is got Fano all

    Over him now look at this F’s going to go for f wants it oh yes he’s going straight past him no no no defending that is Fano going to take GRE as well surely not s P4 took Op game where section he’s sitting there behind Op game it and look kills right behind

    Them yeah that’s an interesting one these two side by side I mean stranger things have happened looky stranger things have happened a very good feel a very good feel for song actually stranger things have happened how to get theot reference in hopefully people now would have been in

    As again Andy is on 10% the back Andy is all over the place oh he’s gone off quite a lot I don’t know if if youve noticed that he’s gone up the same place I think on every lap now so I’m anticipating maybe a two seconds for Andy but we’ll

    See he’s he’s maxing out the rev limiter a lot rather than yeah he does oh he does yeah but seem it’s almost like it would Hur you here as R is still kind of sitting pretty out of front so I mean I don’t know anything can

    Happen yeah he is he’s going to BN it he’s going to go straight past Andy Andy I think just BN the Al he wanted the lead he was a little bit eager to get into the leader race but I mean you know Andy he’s going to try

    Mate he’s going to go very long on this strategy and he won’t he won’t throw on a off at the end it will be mediums even if it’s only one speaking of Andy he’s actually have to get in a nice B oh oh my God alight section just needs to keep in

    Touch of this he does and look I think once he hangs in the DRS he’s okay for now but with Brendon being on the exact same strategy Brendon does not Brendon now all he needs to do now follow section doesn’t need to do any anything

    Extra and you know first of all he knows B you know brenon know SE has to make five more over there to so only thing i’ be worried about VI was Brandon now is if section or if op clear is Andy and section is let through

    And Andy Andy will Andy will defend yes yes he will will thing is that’s not going to happen let’s be real look at Op game by the way 94% of battery he gone past Andy he’s gone for it I think there isn’t he no just a bit on the exit I

    Think he’s happy sitting in the DRS for the time being oh he’s Bing it he’s Bing it get it over yeah he’s going he’s going is he is Andy quick enough in a straight line to defend it I don’t think so surely not no’s still B section needs

    Section needs to needs to B it now section has no battery himself though so I wonder will Andy will Andy try and drag section in while not falling out of DRS cuz the the important thing here is DRS they cannot fall out of the DRS

    So sections born in oh he has to Born the 3% that he has but um I mean a it’s tough on you have to say it’s very tough to think of cuz section needs to get in I wonder what Andy EAS off to try little bit to make sure to get Section back

    Into DRS he will P2 to P6 on just a set tire offset and five laps is insane there a fa I don’t know if you heard that Jesus Christ will SE will and the E off a little bit to give give his teammate a little bit of help down the

    Straight I think no he’s not going to have it will he it’s very Teter and very close to the edge but where’s the where’s the DRS line he’s not going to have it really oh it’s close I think he’s just outside yeah he’s not going to have it

    No he’s not going to have it is Brendon going to go for it I don’t think he will you know I don’t think you will no best not to I think he could he’s too far back too far back if he BN yeah but what’s the point the B he’s got col B

    Two one mistake and he’s behind the another and he’s position him in his clutches as well yeah I mean now Colin I know oh K’s off again at home one I expect to see him in the pits next lap as we go back forward as R and find

    Kind of just bringing each other along here they know they don’t really be make need to be making any silly moves so control the PA yes he is R may have slightly dipped the tower off to track it um there’s a couple of gaps for the two alas section really needs to get

    Behind and he I mean when I say behind him he needs to be in position to overtake him he’s gaining during the lap but that the RS is so powerful it’s so it’s unbelievable honestly it’s just so vital to actually make as I think we could see an exchange lead here looky I

    Think F’s close enough now and I think he might burn it if I know Fano I think he’ll be pressing the other button now momentarily I wouldn’t even B I need you won’t need the DRS is going to be helpful enough but if I now find you

    Might give himself a little extra kick up the ass no he won’t I don’t know if and apparently is no oh no you don’t I’m [ __ ] not like watch 12 weeks that’s track limits for would say there did complet the move after he no no they very margin oh by the way

    Oh two to one that was by the way look I don’t know if you know was the championship Championship Rivals exchanged positions I didn’t see it I was watching the top I only noticed the Ferrari sliding in front of an hang on a second as we will stay here with this battle for

    P6 as you be okay for yeah section just maybe to have Brandon to him a little bit yeah I mean it’s not going to be the war thing of the world but the undercut is on for anybody in the top 10 at top nine at the moment Spiderman just have undercut territory

    But honestly dillz is in the under territory of everyone ahead like that’s how close it is at the moment but Brendan needs to they they genuinely it’s so important for them to get the DS of Andy look they will the Gap will just keep on growing g off oh yes he was there

    Contact no no he’s last that and he spun up the hill okay as r no back over it R backs over it as we have the two Corman fighting up see Bo into the point positions and the oh Op game off op gam has had a spin unfortunate

    For him don’t with her cuz you’re having a very good race so far just one little spin Spider-Man changing them ti so that’s that’s unfortunate for Opie game right he was going very well there I don’t know if was contact we’ll see I think I think he’s

    Got the pace to get back to get himself back up here he’s only he only what three seconds after theack second off the pack I think he be back on the on the back of the the meres of DS in now time has Andy slides through that that corner oh my

    God just keep him with them now he is Andy’s doing very well to be fair I think considering he had a shaky he’s very shaky and and saying that the car isn’t stable at all but I think that’s the way Andy likes it on the edge so I wonder what will transpire is

    Dre about to go for the lead I think he is he is you know he’s in the to he’s in the F stream he’s going to go for it going to be Take the Lead back in this Grand Prix s rocket ship can’t stop

    That as SE is oh just came on to the back of that that was very close nothing silly that nothing silly oh Brendon drifts around the corner if that was me now I’m I’m like instead of the gearbox facing section it’s the front of M facing section I’m probably sections weighing

    Stuck in your GE oh yeah ex as everyone is still again they just can’t look how that DRS is just so big Brendan cannot get back into that DRS Andy’s Andy’s being trucked Along by this THS I actually don’t think Andy’s the quickest I think the THS along a

    Little bit could could these two sling shot each other around the track for long enough to they haven’t got enough battery between them though that’s the issue they haven’t got enough battery between them to help help them along like the middle sector is where they’re going to make the difference but they

    Just they can’t they can’t get close enough on the street the section has a drift yeah had a little drift here didn’t he he’s got a he’s he’s got a very safe drive in coling B behind him he was under a lot of pressure from DS

    Are out D are burn Colin yeah Colin has a lot of battery to oh my God that’s yeah that’s going be I won that is Colin going to fight this no he is not he doesn’t want to not yet even though the flashing light is

    There it’s a bit early I think to be doing that type of fighting you do that in the last five six laps no point doing this type of fight in lap 10 or totally true like there’s still a lot of racing as speaking of section is on the back of

    Brandon here now he’s gone for it DRS erss can he go up the inside he’s going to go for it he is can Brendon try around the hold around the outside I think se’s going to have me now oh he can get the power down this is going to

    Be dodgy yeah Bry gets out of it now he for that no need to battle that not one not one need at all they’re only screwing themselves here by battling here like this anyway I would for that move like the the only place you should be overtaking each other is down the

    Main Street where they’re not going to lose any time that was just they lost half a second there longone so I I don’t know about you looky but at this stage I think they’re only losing each other time and section section is obviously M

    Cuz he needs to win I don’t think so I think the more uncomfortable positions that Brendan has put into the better section chances are section has to win the race so he hasn’t look oh going up there Brandon speaking say you right Brandon had a snap going to go for

    Back yeah he’s going to go straight back yeah straight back oh my God hero Wows management is not your be TR oh that was nice right I think col has lined them up as well oh he’s by the way that was a very slick overtake by the I will say I wasn’t

    Expecting it call it call it call it oh I I think he was thinking about it you know I think he did cuz cuz he had the run but he the hill he actually Boke a little bit earlier than I thought he could have to be fair oh Colin’s looking a slightly racy

    Here isn’t he say b a little bit cautious from my lik and I’d like the same sand fanjo has a full battery at his disposal to attack R if he needs it veryable is he we have a big gap now between the alphao so I think it’s almost like

    Andy’s hanging on for their life though yeah I think I think Andy Andy’s not not overly comfortable here with this setup I don’t think but I think more than I think Andy wants to be in here one last time with us I think I think we’d get him in

    Anyway but um we’ll speak about that in 21 laps oh me back is killing me looky from carrying the Williams no that’s should be [Laughter] when I do no carrying this season except for me belly not even that F carrying myself to the Chinese like not even that it wouldn’t even do

    That oh well P’s going to have a look on Brandon here as well and starting to get a little bit worrisome yeah it is and it is like again Brandon’s comfortable as long as section isn’t in P1 if SE gets to be one that’s when brenon St to worry the more

    Battling that goes on it just makes you feel a little bit less oh listen yeah I like look if brenon was to get clipped for example and those position all together I mean do you think the boys ahead of section if if he gets himself back into

    Range you think they’re going to find that head cuz I don’t I’m not they not out of letting them win the championship I mean they’re not going to you don’t want to inter it’s it’s out of an abundance of being careful as well like you don’t want to be the one that

    Ruin exactly you don’t want to be that guy as is no again the front Flor is just sitting very pretty and he’s kind of looking a bit more comfortable even if he is born on the F life yeah he’s going to go for now he is right past him is he is B

    Going to try hold the turn the outside surely not doesn’t need to he should he knows appear pation he know section has to win the race race your own race brenon you don’t need to put any extra pressure a in yourself as we have a change of lead or true Fano

    That’s a bit of a I’m a bit surprised to see that I’ll be honest I think R maybe had a little moment it’s the only way I can see well oh section oh my God no I don’t think so but he he um broke a little bit late and just the

    Space was there he put the car where he saw a gap and I mean a little bit of contact but they’re about okay so again them two are now going a party together SE D so I don’t think there’ll be a my pH not Inland oh [ __ ] wasn’t the whole time

    My bad hope he can’t of here though could you hear them things looking my phone was going wild a few minutes I think honestly God I can’t hear anything that’s all right that’s all right by the way just help me window though that’s a s track I watching the

    Race but just not I can look over an astro me football team is training over there bunch of sh bags over and join them with this bun of sh bags this is very col B is buring it a little bit I don’t think going for the inside yeah zero battery again

    What is wrong with these Lads and not having any battery I be don’t understand yeah the front four I think this is the front four SE seal deal unless you have a safety care I don’t really see how anyone for P5 down going even touch that FR for you know the way

    You you burn the battery to the absolute death if you’re fighting to get into someone’s St ass or something or like that I cannot understand what these Lads are doing I just don’t know I don’t understand this BN into zero when you’re sitting in a DRS train

    Like yeah it is it is quite interesting it is a quite interesting tactic by the way Spider-Man’s F on the half I think he’s going to the end of the race all was saying oh I saying that struggling here look yeah looking in that about Spiderman actually

    Don’t think he’s in anyone’s pit window SP is just chilling you know yeah he’s there I think we could see the first couple of P stop soon enough to be honest with you lap 18 would you say for anybody who wants to go on the hard I I need a

    Medium going to the Head they want to be P very soon yeah I don’t think they need to I I think you sex that they getting a mega switch back on D what a move as K up the inside of d no he’s not no not anymore that was a

    Beautiful trackway section oh Colin has oh Colin oh now he is up the inside he’s going to break late no he’s not not today col does have a house of Port well not a house but he has somewhere he goes over the Portugal quite a lot I reckon I

    Reckon he’s only a few JS to this track you know I’d say so col as well to see this track I love the elevation though it’ be a great track to actually watch some formul one play the game on it isn’t that isn’t that one it’s real

    Racing tracks it is ah look it’s aead right yeah 100% it’s uphill breaking downhill breaking fast Corners slow Corners mid speeed Corners it’s a very good track like great to watch really yeah it is 100% like now I’m saying that not a whole lot has actually happened here but I

    Mean underrated one I think we’re see good I’m the dynamic here going see changes lead this this is what they should this is what yeah under well not the the cars P four but like this is what the car’s behind the c oh op gam going pass Colin

    Colin’s going to try no he’s not he T about it very difficult when there’s a car on the inside you can do that as I think section there by the way oh no I I mean this is what the LI should have been doing Rea Rea Fano have

    Been trading positions on the main straight only they haven’t been fighting in the middle sector they’ve been trading on the Main and that’s how they’re not losing time here that’s how they’re able to pull away look sandag’s just sitting there the he’s Ching yeah he’s chilling and Andy as well sure Andy

    Look at the Gap and listen when I forget about never how how can we forget Andy’s just been chilling there put himself in Prime position here I think under over sorry cuz Andy be later not well these are are going to go medium soft Andy’s going to go have

    Medium I mean it’s when you want to do it I’d say I’d expect one of if the if these three mediums are going I’m guessing by now they’re going soft if we don’t see one of them in now I think they are going soft to be

    Honest with you but if I was Andy I’d go soon um no trust me I will be blowing out go f again look it’s exactly what they need to do they don’t need to be fighting they not any as op gam it goes through you you don’t want to

    Um you don’t want to be on Fresh mediums fighting fresh softs you need to get some kind of Advantage out of your medium it’s Andy though I know but he has to do it there’s no way he’s going to fight the softs why you mad Andy Bing it on sandbags there it’s Andy

    To be fair he’s prob doing it I I I think I know what he’s doing he’s Bing on the exits just to make sure he doesn’t do track cuz I think he knows he is a slower care I don’t think he has the true PA compared to at the moment

    Now again his strategy could come to life on the the compound his pace could come to life because I think he’s just been sitting now actually I think Andy’s in a very sweet spot on them hair tires but again he kind of has to make a walk

    Doesn’t he what I’m confused about is why has the medium had the jump on the hards for the entire race now like we’re now going to yeah we haven’t seen a crossover when when is the medium the better tire is what I want to know or when is the hard

    The better Tire like cuz looks like nothing here by the way s bought a whole lot battery yeah I think so Andy’s just oh we know look we know Andy just en jooy it but Andy’s also here to win the race there no doubt about it Andy’s here

    To win and that’s a fact and he’s not here to just piss around and chill at the back in the middle he’s here to win no worries about it section on the mediums so that’s slightly surprising I will say from him this is the strategy I

    Think D’s going to have him I think D’s going to have him isn’t he he is yeah he is Comfortably as well oh very comfortably how far back is he 2 seconds ts are is on that hard compound yeah so you should see section closing that Gap

    Very very quickly as Dylan it’s still St to struggle a bit he’s born a more and more battery compared to the front two look at I think his batter’s been between 20 and 30 from he dropped to about 10 there if you a couple corners

    Ago so I think you may be say to struggle with traction oh what the story how things oh look at the front four who who would rather be in you know the battery situation before I don’t even need to go on to the battery the front two are full

    Battery the next two don’t who shs you want to be in I think you just want to be one or two because I think it’s almost like the her TI is pointless here when the it’s so hard yeah exactly if the mediums are going to go this long what’s the point Colin’s

    In Colin has entered the pit Lane he’s worried about that that I think I think it’s a it’s a Bounder it’s done it’s done on call hasn’t even got to the pit box yet P1 or P2 yeah that’s true and to be fair that trading the battery I wouldn’t

    Touch hard on this track no it’s taken D sets a fast lap so D going it’s Colin’s G soft that’s early isn’t it little bit yeah that’s very early 14 Laps on the soft my God they’ll do it as well though feel like you can do anything it just seems to not matter

    Here God 14 15 racing Laps on them s that’s going to be sure he take some to on them TI as will we see any different I don’t really expect them in to be honest with r is sitting there with 100% battery believe or not which is baffing to see

    No pressure for these Lads just chilling rain is Bing F’s in F’s in rain’s going to BN you’ll see rain born about me now watch 100% I think I I think he BS the about a box at the end of this lap I think he

    Has to let’s see where frano he’s on the soft is frano oh I think it’s really to go with the soft that again we could be very Rong here Dylan’s gone soft as well Dylan’s gone soft as well I just think it’s R Bor re coming in the end of the clap

    Look yeah I think he has no choice now where’s D how much did D make up anytime relative not really well he did makebe he did actually he made up about two seconds but again it’s not really he’s not going to’s not going to have the

    Pace in 5 seconds to close the gap now with these on South High we’re going to see that Gap grow well actually’s yeah he’s made a lot of time up hasn’t he he made up about 4 seconds on them but again we’ll see sof will make I mean I

    Think they they’re Mega but how comfortable will they be that’s the other side of it oh section oh he went for a dive he actually sent a dummy on D there nice yellows Red Bull op gamer again oh disaster it’s not his day is it he’s out the spinning again oh he’s not

    Ghosted oh my God it C didn’t go through but we go back forward I expect to see re in he’s in yeah don’t get 5 Seconds whatever you do oh that was close I’m Dy re will go soft oh brendon’s in as well yeah Brendon has to

    React Bron has to come in R go soft yeah so obviously say they have nothing to here they right where’s re out in P3 is he he is Comfortably oh no he’s not Fano Fano and have him oh I missed that very interes wow wow wow he’s got work to do now oh

    That’s surprised now saying that I did I think green should have born more of the battery on the on his inlp there because we know we we’ve seen already d d do had n he was in the championship Brandon H Brandon if section wins the race Brendon

    Has to be P if section does not win the race it’s over anyway Brendon wins so this is all depending on Section winning and he’s already out position so it’s unlik looking unlikely but anything can happen at the moment as the re B he knows he needs

    That DRS knows he can’t lose track so we’re going to see him b a little bit more now trying to catch catch up I think think I’ll be honest it’s early days yet but I think section has a little bit too much work on his hands

    But he is in that P4 I think no chance no I know it’s it’s it’s hardly unlikely that he wins going to happen for fanjo here now who is this who the Alp who’s the Alp by the way my God which way is D’s going to be in the

    Pit I think oh had to come off the TR going to have run run now look at this straight down the middle and he’s got no battery cuz he’s are all agits I look we back to where we were my God silly sound bikes oh Str in

    Head Dam had half finish I didn’t didn’t realize what I said there how far ahead is Andy he 7 Seconds ahead of f he’s obviously not in over cut range so he has a long long way to go there but I mean Andy could be he’s obviously I

    Wish Andy would go s just to see it but I don’t think so much he did for the crack have a your sandbag brother looky says dan mull with apparently [ __ ] up yeah as R is close I think R wants to lead to this race looky I think he has a

    Bit of pace in hand I think he’s Andy’s in it’s a bit early for Andy actually I’m going to sit here and watch what he puts on the I’m going to watch fanjo and re battle because I think we could see an exchanger lead I don’t think so 23 2

    No of course it is 23 24 second pissed up that was really slow what he wasn’t ready uh when he press X didn’t I don’t know he wasn’t ready and the car was just sitting there that’s weird he’s ahead of D he lost that position to column B because

    Of up the inside yeah they’re going to have the grip oh get back oh D distraction there did they did they touch h d are hit Andy and then oh yeah yeah interesting so so Andy’s falling out the Train by staying out that long massive is off the

    Lead and Andy been under extra three or four laps Andy’s been undercut by three k he two sorry twoo eight seconds off the lead for just hanging on for an extra three laps that’s interesting I wouldn’t that’s I mean look we knew what he was going to do anyway yes own is

    This is where the our famous F defensive incident happened Dan is stopped on track he’s let everyone through out okay yeah he’s I think his race Maybe fin might go for fastest lap now but that’s it I think his race is finished but I say I think he’s actually

    I don’t he can’t even I think them hards are just done we’re going to see rain into the lead yeah off he goes has rain got PA to Gap Fano I don’t think so not from what we’ve seen so D’s going to be retiring surely yeah yeah sad to see good little

    Mid the SE I but again not to be not to be to be or not to be as there is again this FR tree I think I got to pull away very comfortably here so what you I can look who do you think is taking taking the LW in the

    Last R season I think we’re I think we’re settled down now um my money would probably be on fan job to be honest he seems to control his battery a little I I my money’s on r be Hest yellows that’s D okay but you know

    What I would love C what that sbes the blitz parts to T them and go on and win the final race I was just about to say I think I agree with um oh it’s colum be and Andy having a scrap I think green might be able to G

    Hand out to the middle Tor and I think green should notic that and I think he should born a little bit of battery to maybe make sure because FR just yeah he needs to get out that the if he’s got to win this race I think um yeah I mean I

    Think in the middle sector rain is clearly quicker but it’s down the straight yeah look he’s clearly quicker to all the corners look he’s getting he’s getting two10 there around what happens here now with Andy cruising up to the back of section here I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

    Know either look at the the it’s it’s already our section t brenon St in the championship position whatever happens and he’s a gap he’s a massive Gap behind sections not winning the race anyway so let them race let them race and I think that’s exactly what

    They’re going to do but we go back look at the cap look at the cap re is pushing her to the middle sector he knows he can cap him in the middle and I think he has to as well if your Bor in the exit here

    Make sure he’s not DS which he’s got knock on to me I think I don’t don’t think f are going to have the RS I think that’s that looky I think we see pull away now no he hasn’t got the RS just made a little bit of a mistake there

    That’s that I think I think that’s this bar a mistake from RE I think that’s his race over it it might not be cuz P had the B had the B it no Dylan hasn’t got R’s Pace here not not not at the moment anyway he hasn’t got the pace ran has

    The pace to win this race very comfortably I think B in it there we go there’s the alpha swap and this just for just just I didn’t the injury Brandon Al making overt so again look there’s seven laps left obviously anything can happen in seven laps like these FR Tre could just

    All clatter into each other and cause chaos they’ve been twoo sensible the whole race to even touch each other so far so I don’t anticipate anything crazy is going to happen so again we’ll see but I think we can get the Bron can maybe St to get the old champagne ready

    Watch you back looky yeah I’d imagine you’re right the NXX is can find the CH they came in last week to have a little have a little Gander and hopefully cheer along but fortunately it wasn’t done last week thanks know Al Romo assistance but um we’ll see we’ll see a

    Lot a lot could still happen here it is has all that pace gone from fanjo it looked like R did this effortlessly I think I honestly I think this is what there they did the they honestly they did the smart thing in the first in just tra

    They didn’t need the fight they were they were Sim similarly placed on the medium here go Dylan by the way Dylan’s going for this a great camera angle I love that a two go sandbags he’s been in this position before look looky who has oh yeah I didn’t even know was that good

    Come on Jesus not that that makes any it does no it does at this L yeah it do 100% yellows what’s the yellows Spider-Man yeah this is this suy oh Jesus we go back forward don’t cuse the safety can out back yeah the lap F Tire Plus uh sau’s

    Gone two cork Lads and one clear lad retired in the pits oh God it’s a Pity and yeah I think I think I think that’s honestly raced over it I I don’t see how the lads can get back into the DRS now look re’s cruising with the

    Battery now as well I think that’s science delivered look it yeah I don’t think there’s much to change now a hasn’t made one mistake the whole race a can’t see make them now again comment as course I hope not but I I’d be shocked if we seen anything

    Happen that that car is going to distract them oh my God that that reti car came straight AC oh my God what is this game doing man the retire K wasn’t ghosted in the middle of the racing line that’s a joke that’s honestly a piss games honestly why does RTI have to

    Come out with the pits anyway it’s been a bug for like four games now joke that nearly round this race I don’t know if you know was that look did you yeah I was coming through one at full speed and he had to go offline to avoid the car

    Yeah no I I seen Dylan made a mess of his line then as well worked out quite even yeah I mean I mean look imagine imagine the car had to come right across r as he’s in the middle of turn one face over I’d be snapping I’d go like you

    Know I mean like I’d go bleeding berser no I I don’t think it would have a it it might not come up as ghosted by I don’t think if you hit it I’d say you’d go straight through it imag it’s not a I really hope so to be

    Honest you just don’t want to take the chance do you no I mean definitely no as we’re going to have the Ferrari back into the P2 I think these Lads are looking behind them a little bit wa way yeah I’ve just noticed that that has closed the Gap

    Ever so SL is closing even with the DRS and the mediums but again now it is but we are at the T now the mediums should be better than M SS I think it’s just those mediums are so fresh they five lap three laps fresher yeah but now I think rain

    Is looking ever so comfortable now the fresher tires the more more I F has a bit battery but not as much as R um four lap racing to go nobody’s there’s only one and the D of the car in front and that’s and’s done a second on them that lap

    Yeah could we see Andy having I don’t he he has done a second on them on that lap can Andy get catch a can he catch can he Catch Re and he’s he’s still gone he’s got four he’s got four seconds to rain a

    Four laps can he can he get r i I don’t think he can get rain but I think he can get these two comfortably get these two he’s making I don’t know if it would be comfortable what you mean he’s making two three t a corner I know but I these

    Two draging others it’s not going to be easy they’re about to overt Dylan’s about to go for a move here so Andy’s definitely going to catch him no now again look he’s at to loseing three1 there alone but wait till the middle second where the grip actually makes a

    Difference they’re being smart though they’re just Trading Places doesn’t make a difference every everyone said you see Andy in your mirrors and you think oh [ __ ] it’s it has a presence at this stage Andy like he’s not someone you want behind on especially on Fresh H

    Yeah look look he’s he’s gting a Time straight straight ah yeah he’s definitely catchy I think he over both as well hug he the as well but the issue is still dropping off from rain a yeah he won’t catch rain now that’s a no no that’s he’s still 4 seconds behind R

    San I don’t know just about the reference there yeah not I feel like a bit of day oh excuse me he needs more battery Andy come on that’s like talking to W Andy in hiss battery yeah but he does I don’t know how he moves here the tires for

    Andy are always a big thing and and he spells it and he can look at this your bottle yeah I’m not there to do the B around the outside not now he’s not now not now not now you’re waitting another La wait another La bit battery he did for it oh look

    He’s kind of got the inside here T Tre isn’t he definitely going to the inside T Tre no about it oh he’s setting himself up here for turn five yeah but F like that I think that’s that I think and’s going to have him up the inside

    It’s a it was a good line from fanjo I think that Andy got a s is is he is oh no I think Fel turned in a bit too off the track F off the track uh he’s not done he is not this could be bad Lads oh he’s bumped Andy oh

    Lad give him space ah you can’t do that Fano Andy and f p man no history at all I think Andy’s going to have about the three seconds after killing Andy now no no that’s removed I mean look at it doesn’t really make too much of a difference I don’t think

    But that was not that didn’t need to happen no I think the move was okay but it was yeah the look at this the reaction from come on just keep it clean oh look at this lingot and he’s going surely up the oh my God he just

    Can’t do it can he well Dylan’s just sitting up there laughing by the way yeah he’s piss oh Andy’s W all over the place now I don’t think Andy be sending up the inside here it was all stmed from Andy Light breaking up the inside of the hair pan and them taing I

    Think to be fair like the Runnings they’ve had like AAR from Portugal they’ve been oh my God they have been majority clean like there has been the penalty between them but like I expect clean driving 100% And I think I should expect C driver I shouldn’t expect two

    Drivers to come to each other and that there should be a collision I mean I know a lot of drivers can get history with each other and it could be a coincidence these two are Championship drivers for two seasons on the Spain a couple of seasons ago I think Andy’s

    Going to have there out but I mean look I I never expect anyone to drive like any different I should I don’t think I should expect that I really don’t I don’t think oh is f out DRS he doesn’t a that’s that now oh he does he

    Does he’s got to go he’s got to go carrying a straight line now this time yeah he does yeah look Andy can’t get there well we know what’s going to oh my God we know what’s going to happen here and he’s going to send into turn five no doubt about

    It by the way it is Championship season it is Championship R and sealed and delivered I think it’s Dylan’s playing the playing the game here just making sure he gives F the DRS but St board oh find moved a little bit he knows he he wants

    This oh ambitious oh he’s still born it he’s still boring it look the inside he’s going to the inside oh my God what a move what a move he was always going to make the move wasn’t he is going throw up the inside again I tell you what that was

    That was a very nice move Dylan is doing the thr Singapore we go forward look is’s already celebrated look cheeky B cheeky bollocks well very nicely driven very very nicely driven as R wins the Portuguese Grand Prix which and look at P2 S as Fano takes Andy Podium position as

    That does mean fora Brendan is a tier one world champion well driven my friend he knew what he had to do he didn’t drive outside of any limits well done my friend very well deserved although he was pushed very hard at the N by section

    Very late Push by section to win the to win the championship three races in a row but brenon early season Walk done the job and made made her very comfortable for himself coming towards the back end of the season so we’ve had three seasons and three Champions looky

    I just grabbing your big party here together now cuz so do me a favor get get the podium and get Andy and Brandon please and so sorry just rain is it R and rjo uh Andy and Brendon please we won’t we won’t actually drag these videos out

    Too long well just do a quick for them I’m me to typing in sandbags to the [Laughter] search [ __ ] sakey there he is right that’s everyone there’s Fano there’s tboard so much fun Happ quick round sure you know we got to help the teammate out you

    Know there’s S bages no no back to back instructors unfortunately I your former teammate was in the chat don’t worry about it he was he was R I’ll take a down the running order ran I would say dominates the second half of that race as soon as you

    Got pass friends or the second time there was no coming back Dylan sandbags finally gets the podium it’s been a long time coming he’s made made a BS with a few times don’t be interrupting me run down your my God F comes home and take the final Podium position Andy in his final

    Race in League of Ireland takes P4 after track limits uh section and a valiant effort takes P5 in the champion in the race and solidifies the P2 in the championship Colin B takes P6 Brendan secures the championship in p7 dildar p8 C books P9 op gaming RS out the points in P10 and

    Spider-Man Susy and Dan and KH at the other finishers in the race so looky tell me who we’ve got because I’m about to seen about five people join the party and you’ve got everyone bar the title winner all right so we kick off with uh we go Andy and brenon last so we’ll

    Kick off with Fano that’s the crack well man like CH here before the race I wouldn’t you you wouldn’t think you were as comfortable sitting on the podium as you were because you looked very comfortable sitting up there with ring the whole race and fairness re was really quick

    This race In fairness and he completely deserved the win um he had fresher tired on us by I think a lap or two yeah saw so he kind of got out of my TRS I was like [ __ ] hell he’s quick so couldn’t catch up with him but uh yeah myself and

    J drove a good race I thought so yeah happy enough so we got now qualifying talking TR quickly how’s your feel and obviously it was a ridiculously close qualifying and I think three 10 separated the top 10 so something crazy like that yeah I think I kind of 10 new

    Me limits I thought I could only do a 164 or something so I only I went for balance approach and only wanted to use two SS um so I didn’t okay banker and I knew had a bit of time in the first sector and I was very happy with the the

    The uh the last lap so GG to lads who qualified head that’s [ __ ] brilliant yeah I mean look very the qualifying was unbelievably close again I say it every week I sh myself watching this because it’s terrifying how quick this can go but um the race St you got a rocket of a

    St I think you jump from P6 to P3 in two corners something like that and how’ you feel how’ you feel down once you got I think once you s them to the front four is are pretty comfortable there yeah exactly I think section was on the hards

    I think so I of I knew i’ get him but op gamer I think a go myself and him a go ding-dong battle I think I nearly spun into the turn one but I kept it together and but yeah then it was kind of good racing between the top fers uh and I

    Think Andy start in the hard so I tried to get past him quickly enough but he had really good pace and that was hard so that was good first int I thought and um then obviously when you both like we me and looki we kind of figured out pretty quickly that he’s

    Like our medium soft so once you got to the sou did you feel good did you did you think you were on the right strategy and why you comfortable what you were doing um well I think section pitting a few laps before has kind of forced her hand to

    Pit like lap 19 massive yeah yeah I would have prefer to go a lap later or two but uh cuz I had a bit more tire wear I think than the lads but um no it was all right I I think myself and Dylan chose to put in the same lap try and

    Keep in the DRS of each other so that worked out okay and yeah yeah yeah I mean look to be honest he drove the whole there was a brilliant race really really good race to watch um a lot of action lot of lot of tactical stuff going on so again very well done

    Last race of the Season you stick yourself on the podium again and I imagine next season going for going for the tro next season anyway Championship B next season I know it was a good good ding dong batt the last few laps I must say had to give Andy a good battle um

    Make sure he didn’t he can’t just P people off the road so uh was good it’s good sh luck F fa play I’m sure we’ll be chatting again shortly um lucky if you want to take away with o Theo sandbags number one sandbags sandag older [Laughter] sandbags qualifying you took them sandbags

    Off uh pretty much so what you C I took off took on the medians for the first run because of what you call see how it feels with it and the what you call the soft on Incredibly Close a fair play to the lads In fairness to

    You so yeah these were all incredibly close in that qualifying anyway especially at the top it was unbelievable the amount of time that was separated by but um your race was maybe a little bit boring from your perspective was it bit boring are you in FA no know joke

    All uh what you call similar situation with f on early go had to overtake what you call the hard Runners to get me what you call keep within the medium Runners The Front Runners and had to get gamer because what you called yeah what you call more great run

    On the on the final turn or to the turn whatever you like to call it so so I pretty much it on the first stint it was a good s backing race have to say I was impressed very much so so what on to this second uh what you call me and Fel

    Were pretty much stuck together the whole race then we just zoomed off in the distant In fairness to to him too quick so too quick In fairness so yeah what you call were you a little um worried at the end with seeing Andy fast approaching were you just kind of

    That’s just keep fanjo and the DRS and let him deal with it or what was call there was a lot of tactical B In fairness because like I want to keep Fano within my DRS because what you call it I want them to have it Go W beforeand it heads off so that’s

    It aspirations for next season tell me what you want he definitely want a race definitely he’s got the yeah going to win the race for it’s slow step but you see how he goes the race win is on the cards for time time being anything bigger

    Now nah no you don’t think so no you you think you’re on the top five championships or just load the sandbags on no worries just slow them all on that’s a your usual no no top five Jesus that it be a oh yeah we’ll see we’ll see

    There’s a lucky what called playing top five Dylan yeah oh fair play on the podium another one on list sh Lu we move dlan Dylan very well done my man are we here we are here he finally gets his win long awaited took it’s funny you know

    What that winner is only going to move you up one place in the championship I was about to say one that just that just shows you how bad decion was it’s funny you would have moved up three you would have moved up three positions had P2 and

    Three not been F yeah great great but so look anyway talk me true you’re qualifying how did you feel again I was unbelievably close were you happy way put I think you were p w you yeah course I was happy I’m P I forgot that till I

    Said I’m surprised I got P though because in the middle sector on me uh going around out that sausage C on the right hander yeah yeah yeah I caught that and the car was airborne and I don’t know how it kept in the straight line um but some managed to find some

    Time in the last sector and pop and Paul and I think Andy invalidated his lap so yeah yeah I was happy out with it I mean yeah look to be honest it was a very close qualifying I think from you down at the P10 there was three1 three and a

    Half t or something [ __ ] so it was good it was good watching honestly I came up a at the last second as you took P I was like [ __ ] where’s he full this from but if you oh [ __ ] me stream me race didn’t even stream I was going to say if

    You go back and watch me La you’ll see I lumped thead s how but um then into your race you got away pretty well you stayed in P1 and then obviously the first was just yourself and Found You exchanging P1 were you happy enough doing that I

    Thought that was a smart play anyway rather than F in the middle sector I we just trying to I was just trying to work together with f cuz I know one these tires that fire up well um fortunately for us I I had someone in me ear telling

    Me Andy was dting the whole point Andy was D from in the lap one that’s why that’s why I decided to go that that extra lap longer just cuz I knew I could probably push and get him out of the DRS even though he had the better tires at that point

    But um no it was very good work with me and F Jo just switching positions now for and keeping it clean and building a bigger Gap to the lads in P5 67 yeah look it was again I think and then obviously by the time you came to your

    Piss stop you presume you’re always setting go to the SS ium were pretty comfortable with that strategy and yeah it was it was to um the I was definitely going to do medium soft uh I wanted to extend longer than I did but it was

    Around 72% on the the lad’s pit so I was a puncture territory I said longer if I get a puncture I get a puncture it walked out Happ it walked out very well obviously you came back and I didn’t and S you and didn’t got past you what you thinking oh [ __ ] that

    AG I did you know the tires will come back yeah I knew I knew the the extra lap around here on toy is huge so I knew I could get them back and uh I was running pretty low wings I think compared to the two Lads so oh yeah

    Interesting I knew I could get byy and then it was just Carnage with whatever that Alan was and what yeah he was on he was on 22 lap tires and just came up to him I don’t know what was happening there but somehow I managed to get

    Through I don’t know how but I managed it well once you get past ranjo it was as clear cut as they come really you walked away with it then would you say you you’re able to it was just a bit pushing then but it was on two warning

    So it was a bit skatey so but the second I think it was the last four or five laps I think uh Theo was uh slowing down a bit in the last sector I to F out the the DRS so I’m fine I’m fine to get a penalty now so yeah cuz

    I was just straightforward pretty much it was very well driven yeah I mean exactly what kajo said last week you’re looking like you’re looking a lot like a man who wants wants a championship before you throw this game to being M that’s the plan that’s the plan that’s

    The plan next season I presume that’s that’s that’s the master plan and hopefully I mean obviously we know we know what you want we know how quick you at so um I expect to see you in here a lot more yeah it be going for that Championship next season that be Brandon

    But uh AB for P9 in the championship never mind win I don’t need it so fair and very well driven and you dominated that race realistically so Bron as well on the championship yeah man thank you look if you want to have the final interview Mr I car Andy at least in race

    Stre are we here Andy hello ch WIP them tears away Andy WIP them tears away tell me is an emotional day um as M hack once said I’m so sad sad um no no it’s uh yeah that’s it’s an end voice I mean honestly it’s very poetic that you ended it the way

    You ended it with we were B on the last Tre laps it’s very poetic well like I mean I mean it was written in the stars wasn’t it hly I swear to God that’s all anybody in the comments can talk about it’s all anybody can talk about in the comments

    Look where and’s coming up look who going up behind leave I leave I had a flick yeah just to see what was going on so I’m not not surprised so uh yeah yeah no of course had to have uh one last sh on didn’t we so yeah do you think there you

    Go well won well like I mean I think I think people can look for themselves and that penalty was wasn’t a penalty no I I I thought I honest to God I said it at the time and I said no that’s that’s not Andy’s fault Andy’s got the

    Position but yeah with better man one so do you even want to talk about the race or do you want to just spale about something else honestly we still on stre let’s talk about just tell us it like as a whole the season wasn’t the best for you but I

    Mean was it a good end to it all or are you happy I enjoyed it like like I mean at the end of the day um I I I knew um just with the way just the way Fortune’s gone gone gone this season um yeah just a lot of

    Things didn’t work out whether it be badly time safety cars you know and Haven had an incident earlier on in the r like I remember abui were for his first on track and then obviously po TR didn’t get didn’t get any points because of a penalty just cuz yeah it was like a

    Safety car like two laps from the end then uh Baku is kind of similar and then yeah just few few other things as well but look these things happen don’t this so um yeah know what I mean I have no regrets like like I mean it’s five years

    And you know two championships and um being pretty much in contention in old and like so I mean it was more than more than what I could have ever hoped whenever you know I started here back in 22 like yeah season N9 Australia same as me Jesus long long

    Time long long time ago yeah even though a year and a half ago but we’ll CL you know what you’re going to do now um yeah few few ideas so um yeah probably be either something probably either be NASCAR um or indie car but um

    A aie plan plan to do some Aussie super cars as well so probably be on iRacing or something like that so yeah I want to do a few events like B firster 1000 and uh things like that so yeah we we’ll see but yeah a lot planned nice yeah well

    Good luck in the future and I’m sure at some stage we might see it back well if if if if if India ever comes back I will I will finish my career where I start where I started it many years ago on in 2013 so ever comes

    Back yeah but that’s that’s the only time yeah but if it comes I’ll be there we we’ll be waiting uhuh anyway let the main man have his time well here we go Fair Play Andy it’s been a ride it’s been great to have you as always in plenty of chats plenty of

    Good for great racing so you’ll be sorely missed but um yeah we we s to see you go and again thanks for thanks for the many many many great streams of watching you dominate and have fun battle so we’ll move on Brendon my my man the championship winner finally he gets

    There how do you feel um what that comes to mind oh [ __ ] me man I’m I was like a [ __ ] nervous rack that whole race it was so bad that was the worst race I’ve ever done in my [ __ ] life like like honestly like of

    All of the times to have that type of race like it was just kind of I I don’t know what it was like I just kind of I just couldn’t remember like anything where the breaking zones were and where the traction zones are it just was like a Non-Stop roller coaster ride that

    Whole race but honestly I’m just [ __ ] glad it’s over to be honest I really am I mean could you not relax a little bit now on the prier knowing that if section wasn’t in P1 that was a d deal anyway could you not at least have a little bit

    Like I I was watching your race and you weren’t making obviously as defensive move as maybe you would have been different races did you know what what all you had to do was finish race now the section wasn’t with np1 yeah pretty much like I mean I saw

    Um like I saw that section was starting on the hards as well so like my uh my main plan was to like I go in the mediums and um the uh yeah the hard tires just really were were so bad at the start and then the mediums felt just

    Absolutely like unreal and that’s where I could kind of do do my uh normal race after that but like um like I saw the uh the gaps in qualifying and I just knew like n there’s no chance of me getting up there and ran as well was probably he he was

    Probably the main man of the day like he like like as soon as I saw his Pace in the wrist and everything like that and he was pulling away like I kind of knew like right that’s it like there’s no chance but um there were two trains

    Going on so there was like the medium train up ahead and then there was our train with with section and it was just a case of just not making any mistakes because I really feel like since Christmas I’ve really just gotten my own way like this like it

    Hasn’t really been the best way to end the season personally for me in terms of like the results and everything I I done enough in the end but I feel like Australia probably I let that one get away from me and and uh Baku as well probably was a golden opportunity to

    Like uh take the win there and like really like got like I guess I jump out ahead in the championship and um I just kind of had to rely on I guess Andy safety car restarts and everything to help me out so like was kind of uh that

    Was kind of the the Killer really I think but uh section as well like done great like it was just a case of he he was there to pick up the pieces when I wasn’t and I think that was the difference really so um I I think

    Earlier on in the season I probably was in my best form in this game and then after Christmas I think I just yeah I yeah for sure it was that those extra carbs well no look I think what made it a lot more difficult for you was the

    Fact you gave yourself a cheeky little race band from last season I think honestly had you not had you not had the race band this this honestly I think you would think you would have been a different animal St the season I think this this Championship could have

    Wrapped up two rounds ago without that race ban and I mean I think you know that I think you knew coming in what you wanted and you you set the story by winning the couple of races and really showing the pace so did you feel like

    This was the season it was either this season or never you were going to win it obviously obviously we’ll get to whatever later but yeah did you know that you are going to give it a proper run this season yeah absolutely um for me like last season when I joined I

    Don’t really think I gave it my all I felt like I could have probably have done a bit better better like I know Owen was there he was really good he’s a psgl sweat but like that’s that’s to be expected um but I think I like gave him

    Like a good run for his money in a few races and and that was a good sign because like you know if I could take that pce and going into the next season uh like I knew I probably stood a chance my main thing was just stay as

    Consistent as I like I can I think I got a podium in every race uh before the Christmas break and that was great like that was always one of my objectives obviously I want to win as many races as I can but like I think that’s the way

    I’ve won uh titles in the past like is I stayed consistent like I was never the quickest I was never the best I was never you know the best qualifier but I knew how to win and I knew how to like I like stay out ahead and I think that’s

    Something when I started League racing that was something I always admired about um different drivers and all that stuff that I’d watched uh growing up and then like like currently as well and I wanted to you know take that and and really apply it to like I guess I what I love doing

    Which is uh racing as well and and you know obviously the F1 games aren’t aren’t great but like they offer up a level like like of competition that yeah uh you may not get elsewhere so um yeah that’s really it like it just had to be consistent and not get as many front

    Wing uh damages as I did last season which seemed to happen a lot in uh lap one or two but uh this season was all about just trying to keep it clean and uh yeah just trying to stay ahead as much as I could you doing what you

    Needed to do really you just race around race and we everyone knows you have to pce you are backed by I think of quite a few people deci the season to take the championship and I mean you lived up to the expectation I think you had your own

    Expectations so I think you know yourself you wanted to do it and you did it I would say in style but SE really gave the crank on the last year races and Andy obviously had the pressure all the way up until when he got the penalty

    And dropped him out from the win all the way out of points so I think yeah really last thing about section um as well he was always there at the start of the season I think probably results didn’t go his way but he was always up at the

    Top of the grid and I think Al like IMO Was a Race where he was on the mediums and me and Andy were on the hards and he was just a pain in the ass mostes race life which is which is a compliment like you know he is that type of driver he’s

    He’s like he may not have like the raw pacing quality but he’s got great like uh Pace in the race and all that stuff and he’s able to hang in there and he’s able to you know in this case he was able to pick up the pieces when uh like

    Got like me or Andy weren’t so you know that’s a great like uh Hallmark as well of a driver as well you know no matter how fast or now you know it doesn’t matter where you fit in the like in the tier like that is a great way to drive a

    Race and and you know so and then Andy was just a great like uh he he was just always just rapid and those bloody overcuts that he would do in the pit stops like they’re so [ __ ] annoying that’s signature I know but it it was so stressful at times and then um it’

    Always burn his energy yeah yeah no but it it’s it’s amazing like I I never raced anybody that has done that before in any league and you know obviously it’s like it is a risky uh like strategy but it worked out a lot of the time and

    And so it was a real good challenge to uh meet those kind of drivers and like everyone’s different everyone brings their own strengths and to kind of match that as well was always a challenge like absolutely um I don’t know if obviously we’ve got the last season of this game

    Starting shortly I don’t know if obviously Andy’s an that he’s leaving I leave the floorida to you if you want to sign the season off us um yeah like so for me I I won’t be driving next year or next year and next season um I’ve I’ve kind of reached my

    Limit as well with these games really and to me I knew this was an opportunity to win and go out at the top as well which I didn’t do in the past I made that mistake where I’d won titles before and I always was like oh I can keep

    Going I can keep going that next level but you know I kind of regretted that and I don’t want to make that same mistake L time and I feel like I’ve just done everything I can I’ve this is my third title now that I’ve won um ladies and gentlemen this is Nick

    Rosberg speaking Yeah yeah um yeah I just I just am happy and and I’m like I’ve honestly had such a good time in this league you know like obviously I won’t be racing but I do want to you know stick around and um like I probably

    Will take a break for a while but like like it’ll take something pretty special to uh bring me back a good game 24 yeah yeah if 24 isn’t a a revolution like in terms of its entire [ __ ] existence like I swear to God like I am worried

    About the future of these games and and the racing scene like I think you’ve alluded to it a few times in uh commentary like it’s just um I I think it’s probably as bad as it’s as it’s ever been and know is like in saying that I think the racing like

    The Cs have been okay the dve just of the game has been the worst I’ve ever seen in any game honestly like like there was one St was cruising cruising and then a retired car comes out the pits straight through the Apex of 21 and wasn’t GH it wasn’t ghost to the M

    Screen just went held me balls and gos if I hit this car I swear to God boys I couldn’t get the warning I couldn’t I would have got the 100% but it’s stuff like that like and then and then d about had to avoid because it kept going it turned back onto the

    Racing line in the middle of turn two coming out in front of me said it’s coming out in front me I don’t care if I if I get the one and I get the W I get milk yeah 100% but it St like that that made the experience so un enjoyable and

    Like like for for you to be able to keep the standard like it’s a testament I think yeah like we still have Lads in the comment who they’ve been with us last season you brought a few Lads Montana and there’s a few NX NS Expos yeah but um they’ve they’ve been with us

    Last season and they’ve seen the like the like one one one one not [ __ ] we’re not super we noce said that the season was pretty rough but we can’t do that actually yeah yeah sorry I just want to say uh the NSX guys that they had the team I’m with they absolutely

    Love the commentary that you guys have they are like they’ve fallen in love with it because like they’re all from like different parts of Europe so like to hear a fullon like Irish commentary it’s [ __ ] brilliant they’re like going this is like the best commentary lineup we’ve ever [ __ ] heard so

    That’s that’s a nice yeah yeah no they they [ __ ] they’re just like they are just so not used to like that type of that type of humor and that type of bluntness and I’ll explain I’ll actually I made a comment I made a reference ear early on

    The race I think I don’t know what it was qu on the race but I made a comment compar Ser kill said I said Here Comes Brandon like something like choing on a cereal not not not cere section become a bit of a serial winner

    And I me the ball of cial I in more like the cial killer it was something like that it was just in the moment you were just what the [ __ ] did he just say but yeah honestly like it’s listen I’m a WAFF I can waffle like the best of

    Them I highl real M yeah there should be you’re Brandon you’re not the for man to ask for that believe it or not I’ve had a few requests I’ve had a few requests dying for that one you look on my YouTube online on on me uploads like

    A l who dk1 has commented on a you asking for an end of season car compilation of comments yeah cuz I just come out with anyway that’s that’s a chaffer after the stream but um on the winning one gets framed that’s it yeah that’s it it goes

    On me while wove me Telly so I can have inspiration how angry was K that night but um yeah look we’ll sign off for that one L it’s been a pleasure Brandon Andy be well honestly it’s been a pleasure to watch this race every that the season

    That You’ been here Andy since season now and Brendon since last season it’s been great to see great to see his drive and injected whole another life in the league in my opinion two one as quick as it’s ever been and I’ve said that openly

    For a long time I think we’ve never had as many quick drivers as we have now and I think rain coming up section thir de the colum be always always consistent D the former Champion suy push everyone like s divide opinion I’m sure but look

    Um we all do cooks C Book on a bit of pace towards the end there I sorry if I’m not mentioning any but honestly it’s been a great watch to watch really high level drivers watch so it’s been a really good season for me to

    Watch P ly I think has a very similar opinion of watching is so um yeah no disrespect respect to the to the lads here but I’m going to love it next season it’s going to be brilliant next season it’s going to be very wi so wide open so many drivers can

    Win on their day and like where you two are kind of just maybe just a little bit of a level above nearly you’re nearly de we’ll continue we’ll continue bouncing off each other now 2 seconds um it’s been a pleasure fair play for tonight and the previous rounds and we

    See it very shortly again for season 14 and the final season of this garbage game so been a pleasure L thanks for it thanks very much we’ll update the Instagram soon enough when we’re going to announce the next season so thanks a lot

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