I’m sure you know the feeling, you’re cruising the highway feeling the flow and then you get to a town with a few old buildings and a few old stoplights, bummer. You get upset because it kills your vibe and makes you slow down but maybe slowing down and exploring a town like that is exactly what you should be doing. Welcome to Giddings!

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    I’m sure you know the feeling you’re cruising the highway feeling the flow and then you get to a town with a few old buildings and a few stop lights bomber you get upset because it kills your Vibe and makes you slow down but maybe slowing down and exploring a town

    Like that is exactly what you should be doing gettings or I guess if you speak proper English Giddings but that’s boring let’s Go this episode was made for y’all with the help of our awesome Partners check the caption for more Info Giddings Texas sits in a day trip and sweet spot because it’s less than two hours from Austin Houston and San Antonio and right in the middle of all of them welcome to gettings the heart of Lee County you want some Texas history you got it as this entire area was

    Originally part of Steven F Austin’s Texas Colony years later the entire town site was owned by a man named William Marsh rice you know Rice University and then after the Civil War it became a place for freed slaves Jewish German even Windish immigrants to settle and

    Lay claim to their part of the Texas dream so there’s a lot to cover and we better get it while the get’s good a great place to start is the Lee County Museum inside this old 1870s home that was actually the first Texas campus of what would become Concordia

    University but we can’t learn anything on an empty stomach which is why we’re going to start the day get in some lunch at City Meat Market and since they treat everyone like family around here well you can just skip the front door and go straight to the back also because I’m

    Pretty sure the front door’s been broken for like 20 years oh man I love stepping into this place it is just so old school that you feel like you’re stepping back in time City Meat Market is a taste of barbecue history just a smoky pit located in the back of a smalltown

    Butcher shop owner Brook kovar carries on the Proud tradition so I think I first stepped in this building would have been 25 years ago and I don’t think it’s changed that much it hasn’t and I mean that as a compliment my dad’s biggest thing was uh don’t change

    Anything how I was raised so that is kind of how I stick with it there it goes Brook’s father Gerald was a legend he bought this joint in the early ‘ 80s and ran it for over 40 years I started working with him when I was 13 years old

    So this is all I’ve ever done that’s amazing so he passed away two and a half years ago and I’ve continuing on his legacy well that’s cool that you got a way to keep the fires burning right trying to yeah oh that’s amazing no you’re doing a great job thank you for

    Decades City Meat Market has done their own butchering and while the fresh meat counter is quieter these days the pits are still burning strong chicken ribs pork steak pork uhuh and then y’all housemade sausage sausage yes the Heart of Texas barbecue is in pits just like

    This right simp we are simple so here we go we got the Texas briskets going strong in true Meat Market fashion they cook brisket hot and fast in about 5 hours but after the pit they go into a hot tub of deliciousness oh wow they’re in a broth woo can’t wait drink that

    With a spoon can you get a cup of that I’ll give you a cup and you can help yourself the lunch crowd is mostly locals and so I’ve invited one of my favorite Giddings residents and Texans for that matter to join me for lunch Tootsie hello Chad so good to see you I

    Am very happy to see you it’s great seeing you you hungry I’m hungry let’s go get some let’s go get upd if you don’t already know this is Miss Tootsie toets the queen of Texas barbecue and legendary pitmas of Snow’s barbecue of the road all right what’s your normal

    Order the best way is to get a little of everything then you can decide what you like the better sure now you know how to cook a pork steak how do yours compare to this one very much the same same kind of much the same salt pepper and smoke

    Oh yes Texas’s finest China right there too all right who’s carrying I am I am I am W it up W it up ah the Royal procession goes this Way I think we did this right I think we do we’ll see we we’ll see if Daniel approves of it Danel thumbs up we might have to eat this and then eat it all over again if we get him Miss Tootsie knows this place well and actually

    Worked here with her late husband Edward before moving up the road to run their own joint in Lexington I started at the pit then I learned the fresh meat counter and before I left I also worked the slaughterhouse doing slaughtering with my husband wow you’re not just showing up sprinkle little salt and

    Pepper on something I mean you know the whole process the whole process hoof to pit that’s great there’s something about the Nostalgia of the real traditional barbecue places that just hits me different I mean places like this I feel like we’re losing them a little bit what

    You we losing I think we’re losing them fast nowaday we have the pits that you can put the pellets in set the temperature go about your business people say yeah I put a brisket on and set it and then I went to sleep so I cooked a brisket all night well the

    Brisket cooked all night but I’m not going to say you were cooking then there’s fighting words to some people toy watch out fighting words watch out I’m still from the old school amen of that the older I get the more old school I become too my gosh

    That sausage is a champion there’s some of that good juice coming out yeah oh like gravy all over that right there at 88 years young Miss Tootsie is one of the hardest workers in Texas and even keeps a day job on the janitorial staff at Giddings High School truly Cut From a

    Different Cloth I was raised up to work hard and to appreciate the work I do and I just can’t quit I’ve got it in me that’s awesome that’s awesome I kind of wish I could spend the rest of this day just sitting here talking with you and

    Eat barbecue thank you for having me over and inviting me to join y’all anytime privilege and the school will be very proud of me knowing that you I’m with you well if you ever do need to play hookie just say the day trier’s back in town that’ll do the

    Trick where’ yall think of City Market so good incredible hits me right in my Texas Soul one of my favorite things is get in the butcher paper and just like walking to the table with like 20 lounds of meat yes you feel like a caveman but

    You’re like most of the times after I eat I don’t wash my hands but you have to there like it’s a given wait you don’t wash your hands never like probably five 10 times in my whole life okay this this this changes St just took a really know where this is going why

    Are you still alive I wash my hands like 30 times a day you D you you’re an overwater I’m surprised you have skin on your hands don’t shake hands with Luke now getting is an interesting Town change comes slowly around here or not at all when the population has been all

    But Frozen at about 5,000 folks for the past 25 years however some change is inevitable and for the better take for instance Giddings 100-year-old train depot and while it used to ship goods to the far reaches of the globe today it ships only one thing six Street Spirits

    As the home of getting Z Dime Box distill this is whiskey boss Britain Kish understand you’re the one they call Master distiller that’ be me oh that’s awesome before we get into what y’all are doing here the depot so the train depot actually used to be on the other

    Side of town they moved it over here the tracks they moved it over here are still sitting outside it was a feed store now it’s a Distillery I like it I say that’s years of improvement oh it’s always an improvement yeah well hey man uh y’all

    Do tastings we do tasting let’s go all right so I’m going to start you out with the four-year-old bourbon okay okay this is this is our bread and butter this is our go-to Dime Box was started by Brothers Mike and Peter Liddell Who Loved great spirits and live music hence the rocking

    Guitar bottle now bourbon was their first hit single but now well they’ve added a few other popular Tunes we do whiskies we do vodkas um we do soos and then we do um really small batch artists and stuff that we do out of local fruits brandies we got some other things that

    We’re coming out with this year we’re going to probably do a muscadine wine and turn that into a brandy oh that’s cool like that local country boy stuff too that’s it that’s it that’s it appropriate as this Distillery gets its name from the tiny Country Town of dimebox Texas in East Lee County

    Britain’s brandies sell out as soon as he makes them but he might have a secret stash might have one hid oh not open there we go he pulled some strings this was the very first batch that Mike and I did together so I just take regular strawberries mash them in fer in them

    Make wine and then distill the wine wind down and make brandy real stuff yeah it’s I mean it’s it’s made with 100% fruit juice it’s basically a smoothie oh wow that’s fun pinkies up y’all unfortunately Mike passed away in 2022 leaving behind a large group of

    Friends and fans but also what of the largest collections of swizzle sticks on Earth seriously but in the back of the def is where the production happens and today I’ve been asked to jump in and help the owners and local store Liquor Depot pick their own private barrel of

    Six Street ride you going to buy the whole thing of course okay all right all right this is number one because every tree is different every barrel is different and therefore imparts different flavors into the whiskey that nose on this one is now this is where I

    Nod and think and pretend I’m having profound thoughts CU my favorite I like that one better one we have many barrels to choose from but there can only be one pick that’s my six it is [Applause] six thanks for letting me join you on this that’s fine yeah thank you I don’t

    Know of another place in Texas where you can sip old whiskey sitting in an even older train depot and that’s worth pulling your own engine right here to this station we now interrupt this programming to remind you to like And subscribe now back to the road all right

    So I mentioned the history of Lee County and most Texans know about our Rich German and Czech Heritage but what about the winds never heard of them well you’re not alone luckily there’s a place we can learn together the Texas Windish Heritage Museum in nearby serban and this is Museum director Chelsea Beck

    Vachi Kanab okay is that howdy and Windish yes all right okay say it again vachi Canam vachi Canam there you go all right that’s awesome thanks for touring us around I’ve got a first really silly question who the wins that’s the most common question we get that’s the

    Sorbian or sbish people from Germany but they’re not German but they live in what’s now Germany it causes a lot of confusion confusion okay but this predates the country of Germany absolutely jump back to the year 1000 and a group of tribes live on the Spree River they become the winds the country

    Of Germany forms around them but the Winds Don’t assimilate they’re winds after all and want to stay Windish and so in the 1840s and 50s they decide like the Germans and Czechs to follow their dreams to Texas when they moved here in mass that was when it was like oh we

    Have this little windland our little place they had their own cultures their own Foods Traditions Fates art all of that all of that they went to Texas and Australia at the same time okay on a ship called the bin Nevis 600 winds came over to Texas and settled Their Own Wind

    Topia the winds have a culture all their own including their own music check this dude out he’s the dude that plays the doodle sack the what the doodle sack and it’s like a Windish bagpipe except instead of blowing into it you fill it with this uh Vell like a pump I think

    You have to be dressed in full costume in order to play it well you’re playing you’re pumping you’re grooving you’re doodle sacking baby oh yeah but the world is a very different place now and Windish Customs are facing even greater challenges the reason that this Society of Museum exists is because we’ve lost

    So much of culture that’s what they were trying to maintain one of our volunteers likes to say something along the lines of we’ve lost our language we’re working on the culture part but we haven’t lost our religion to this day many winds are practicing Lutheran a denomination of

    Christianity and as a testament to their strong and constant Faith the St Paul Lutheran Church still stands as a Cornerstone of this community hi this is Jack wider hold he’s been a member of this church almost all his life this is the third Church the first

    Church is still standing a log cabin in 1866 they decided to build the Stone Church did he preach from up here originally still does wow wow we have the highest pulpit in Texas that’s something a l claim to and then I understand you’re usually on this

    Side yes how long have you played the organ a long time would you play us something today sure sure oh I’d love to hear it okay this organ was built in 1904 in Austin ever Oregon was hand pumped you need someone to pump it today yes would you please do that okay okay

    Go ahead if anyone asks I’m totally telling them I can play the organ now so good Jack oh that sounded amazing well thank you for pumping you’re a good pumper I’m glad we only did the first verse yes the church and the museum are amazing stops for anyone who wants to

    Learn about the cultures that built Texas and I got to say I am a little jealous of the costumes Chad I know how much you love costumes guilty I’ve got something in this box for you really yeah and when you get it on you’re going to need this beer picture yes this is

    Museum coordinator Jan slack and I’m going to go change uh Jen I don’t think I did this right Chad you pulled the wrong box oh is there yes go look okay this feels much better oh that’s much better Chad now you’re a Windish Braska aashka is a Windish wedding

    Coordinator who makes your folks have full plates of food and full glasses of beer I could do that job you can do that job I can definitely do that job and speaking of food the Windish know how to eat and are actually known for their noodles and Marion here has whips some

    Up fresh off the line here we go these look great oh that’s good thank you you want to know how to say that’s good in wendish of course toy Dar toy Dar sounds good to me y’all have totally schooled me on Windish Heritage and tradition I might

    Just move down here I think I’m wind there’s got it’s got to be somewhere in there well the winds are definitely one of the most hospitable people in Texas and since they sell these noodles at the gift shop Bo y’all noodles to go woohoo if I learned anything today I

    Learned that winds make amazing noodles yeah those that was delicious it was kind of um kind of like a spaghetti but also like a chow mixed with an egg noodle I mean you know it’s kind of yeah uh similar to a Linguini but also like a tortillini when you say are you just

    Naming different noodles yeah that’s y cuz I’m like I don’t think it was anything like that actually yeah so my noodle knowledge is a little limited but I do know a place where we can work off some noodles because down the road in the community of Warda well you’ll find

    One of the best mountain biking courses in all of Texas this is Breck Powers owner of Bluff Creek Ranch so you mention W to anybody in the mountain bike World they know exactly what you’re talking about oh yeah but mention it to folks in getting so like huh where’s

    That it’s like it’s funny this is both like a a true destination and completely under the radar at the same time it really is you know cuz mountain biking is kind of a specialty and but we have people from all over the state Oklahoma I mean Minnesota other places like that

    So I over her this working cattle ranch boasts 9 and2 miles of single track trails that are easy enough for beginners but challenging enough to attract even the most skilled bikers I mean there’s areas that if you go fast it’s going to be real technical we’ll

    See when we ride but uh oh we’re going to ride with me oh yeah yeah yes all right fantastic now brick rote Pro for a number of years so we’re lucky to have him showing us the ropes I did I rode some Pro yeah wow I was lucky enough to

    Have a father that kind of you know allowed me to do it which is really what it’s all about whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa doggy what in the world so this is uh the first challenge of the day this is what we call Gas Pass so it’s a pretty steep

    Downhill oh dang the Santo here is not a good Sign here goes nothing this Ranch includes a bluff and a creek bed making for some unexpectedly intense topography uh-oh trouble Ahead oh my go good job that a thrill I don’t know why you call it Gas Pass although there might be more than just gas in my shorts right now after that the Bluff Creek changes from Limestone Hill Country to Blackland Prairie to areas that feel like the piny

    Woods wo and there’s no shortage of man-built elements that brex added for Entertainment ah now I told y’all Breck was way better than me there it is what happens when you fall well you get back in the saddle but the most exciting obstacle out here all right coming through yield the right away I know you’re not supposed to go to the business end of a Cow bre when you drive by on the road you have no idea that you guys have the elevation man this is gorgeous you know for not being in the true Hill Country it’s got a lot of variation dude yeah you don’t know it’s here that’s it’s

    Sneaky this part of Texas is sneaky oh yeah yeah man it’ll wear you out dude no kidding you put so much love and care into these Trails man this is one of the most fun places to mountain bike in the steak thanks coming out yeah guess we

    Got to ride out now oh yeah if you’ve been holding anything back let’s do it all Right you get like 3 fet air that time really no well it turns out my jumps aren’t as sweet as I thought that’s okay because I’m really good at what we’re doing next and with the sun setting it’s time to head back into Giddings to dine at one of their newest restaurants bringing

    Fresh Bites and cold bruise to this country Town welcome to the Giddings brew house and if the name didn’t give it away this is indeed a German inspired beer hall serving a mix of both German Classics and American favorites sometimes at the same time and this is

    Owner Robert Zach so I’ve got a couple of beers I want you to try some of our local beers here that we we make we also have some great pretzels pretzels large pretzels hey thank y’all cheers salute thanks for hosting us thanks for coming in oh that’s great are these all like

    Sort of traditional German type beers we do try to follow the standards and then uh stick with with the German way of making things traditional stuff German indeed like the house Zach Bach or Bob’s pills named after Robert’s business partner and father but their most impressive accomplishment isn’t the beer

    It’s how they renovated this old building it was originally a an old movie theater you’re kidding silent movie movie theater it would have been a lot cheaper to just go ahead and tear it down and build a building but the Nostalgia is there you know the community knows about this building it’s

    A major transformation oh I’m sure so it’s a bar in a restaurant right but what it is more than that it’s a safe place for the community together familyfriendly and maybe you’re just there to watch the game but before you know it you’ve made friends with the N

    Guy sitting next to you and you realize he’s your neighbor or whatever you know it’s just a catalyst right absolutely all right so what what should I get for dinner what do you think man I tell you I think you ought to try uh we have a

    German Pizza okay and then our hot wings I mean we’ve got great hot wings we got some pretty good sauces our our extra hot is is uh fairly hot depends on what your flavors like you guys are killing it that that was delicious the beer’s delicious and more more so than that

    This a place for the community yeah it’s what German beer hauls have always been although I’m not sure there’s a hall in dechand serving what I’m about to have for dinner a pizza topped with German mustard sauerkraut sausage and cheese thank you very much and of course some hot wangs here we go

    That works it kind of works the same way a pickle works like on a hamburger if it’s too greasy and Rich you know you need that little sour bite that’s it what would the Germans say h that’s good what would the wind say yarin Baron I can’t remember that wasn’t it I’ve

    Forgotten everything to DAR oh that’s good all right CH now you need to man up oh no these are extra hot oh what are you doing to me well I get the child’s plate out of the way and I’ll bring in this one cheers okay okay strong Buffalo

    Flavor and there it comes okay all right that’s hot you want one of these oh I’m I’m good I’m good you never know what you’ll get in a small town will it be amazing barbecue incredible stories or even epic rides well if you’ll simply slow down and explore the town of Giddings well

    You can know for certain that you’re getting something good oh yes yes yes yes that’s much necessary I will see all y’all out on the road fire deal samig go howdy y’all follow along with my Adventures @ chett Tripper on Instagram and at the daytripper TV on Facebook and

    YouTube or head to the daytripper.com for travel guides p last episodes and info on our mobile app and team Day Tripper this episode was made for y’all with the help of our awesome Partners check the caption for more info how do y’all chat the Day Tripper

    Here thanks so much for tripping with us uh remember while you’re here like this video subscribe to our channel so that we can stay out there on the road and keep on tripping did we miss anything in this town leave us a comment let us know

    We love finding out about new stops with all of your tips and and if you love epic Texas day trips remember to check our Channel we got a lot of them on there also don’t forget if you want some sweet Day Tripper merch or another cool Texas made product come see us in

    Georgetown at the Day Tripper World Headquarters you can also shop online if you check the link down there in the caption all right y’all bye conos Amigos


    1. I Dime Box was my second home since the 70's. Giddings was the place to get ice at the ice house and BBQ at the City Meat market with my Dad. Introduced my wife ( girlfriend in the 80's now wife) She enjoyed everything about it. Mom and Dad retired near Thorndale. Love your show and YT. Keep up the great work Chet!!! πŸ‘

    2. Great episode Chet. You have a great production team. Had a great chat with you and crew at the Brewhaus. Good to see it all turned out so well.

    3. Another great visit. Learned something new…this time the Wends. Must be really smart people as they settled in Texas instead of the Dakotas which also have large numbers of Czech and German immigrants.

    4. I really enjoyed this video. It was 1984 when my father and I visited Giddings, TX at the county fair showing some cattle. Don't remember much, but do recall the downtown area though. Need to go back for a day or two to visit and see what you saw.

    5. Before I watch I just wanna say. YES!
      Really one of your best Chet. Treasures like the BBQ place, Miss Tootsie and the Wendish heritage. I really want to check this place out. Great work overall as well. The shots, editing and the interactions were all great. Top tier. Been watching your show since I saw it on Omaha public TV in 2016-17. Getting better all the time.
      Via Con Dios

    6. Close by Fedor was our Houston city slicker weekend property bought in 1961. Those were the good times. Still miss Schuberts road cafe on 290. Get the sausage at City Market.

    7. Great video! My parents are from Serbin and Warda, and I'm Wendish! I also graduated from Concordia University but never knew they started in Giddings. I remember eating at the bbq place probably 60 years ago, and yes on the butcher paper!

    8. My 5x great uncle started the town!! Went there with my dad 3 summers ago. My great uncle sent me this video last night. I know a little bit of the history. What up tootsie!!


    10. It’s been 15 years since I’ve been there. I have eaten sausage all over Texas. But the City Market was the best. Heard it not the same anymore. But it was amazing. Checs

    11. Wow, they didn't go to the Taqueria Guadalajara?! Missed opportunity! Suuuch tasty tacos, there is literally always a huge line. It isn't fancy though and wouldn't make for good TV I suppose, but we HAVE TO stop every time we pass through pretty regularly between Houston and Austin.

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