The 10 gadgets I’d run back into a burning building for (or at least ask a fireman to go get for me 😂 )

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    #running #fitnessmotivation # marklewis

    Health and fitness gadgets can be such an unnecessary distraction a crutch you become Reliant upon or a timec consuming expense that just gets between you and your actual Fitness objectives but they’re normally pretty cool so here’s my favorites from last Year I am an adult male a YouTuber and have a little spare cash thanks to my previous career I wasn’t wearing that suit for fun those three facts shout I gadgets louder than any other threesome almost any other that’s a different video different gadgets so here is a quick

    Blast through my 10 most used over the last 12 months I have many more than these but these are the ones that if the house was on fire I’m going back in to grab first obviously after my wife and the dogs and probably the bike I’m then

    Going to have to double check on my wife okay the gadgets are going to burn this is my most expensive Gadget and it might even be stretching the definition a little but it is also probably the cheapest when you divide the cost by the hours I spend benefiting from it and

    It’s got built-in Bluetooth so it’s a bargain and a gadget I must use this thing at least four times a week sometimes I will come straight in here after a Zone 2 run or a cycle cuz it’s such an easy way to bolt on another half hour of elevated heart rate but without

    The physical impact of actually exercising it’s basically low-level cardiovascular work for free and other times I will use it in isolation of anything else I’ll just sit in there for 30 sometimes 40 minutes and just unwind in fact it’s where I do a lot of my writing for these videos does it offer

    All the woooo benefits that some people suggest sauna might I’ve got no idea while there is definitely a lot of properly researched science pointing to real longevity improvements from regular Sona use there’s just as much nonsense spouted by people normally trying to flog the things typically if you see one

    Of those advertised with a burns calories as a primary benefit you can assume you are deep into snake oil territory if the sauner in question is basically a heated sleeping bag you’re in danger of drowning in that oil but for me the properly researched stuff combined with simply how it makes me

    Feel means it is one of my favorite health and fitness pastimes and every time I question how much it cost I stick my head into the SAA at my local gym yeah it wasn’t that expensive Apple watch Ultra now before the Garmin fanboy boys throw their hands

    Up in horror Don’t Panic Apple watch might be Gadget number two but my Garmin is number three basically because I can’t pick between them and that is primarily because of how I use them or rather don’t use them I don’t wear one of these 247 mainly cuz I’m a watch fan

    And so day-to-day could be wearing any number of my other watches these go on to track exercise only and that frees me up to pick whichever suits the task best and that really just comes down to this am I taking my mobile phone with me

    Maybe it’s a Ultra 50k where I have to have a full-on working phone with me a rule of the race or maybe I’m in the gym where I’m following a program off an app on my phone in that case I’m probably taking the Garmin no question is the

    Better outright sports watch and despite an initial reluctance to move away from the Garmin Phoenix model that I’d been using for years I am now 100% sold on the beautiful display that comes on this epic pro model but if my activity doesn’t require my phone I’m going Apple

    Because then I have it just in case if it’s an hour maybe a 2hour training run I can take this take my airpods and I’ve got all the sports tracking I need I’ve got music I’ve got podcast and an emergency I can be got hold of or I can

    Get hold of anyone I need to and I’m not needing to carry anything extra at this point some people occasionally suggest those armband things to carry my phone the day I wear one of those I would also start carrying the little bottle with the hole through the middle now all of

    The gadgets on this list are things I have purchased myself with my money we Flatout refuse to make adverts for others so that limits the freebies that we might otherwise get doing this job how many Yachts can you water ski behind how much is enough on the plus side I

    Don’t need to pretend that a whoop strap is going to be lifechanging two weeks with a whoop strap was all it took all the athletic greens is worth remortgaging your house to use regularly but every now and then a company says have it anyway talk about it don’t talk

    About it say nice things say bad things we don’t care we just want you to have a play with it and let us know what you think most of those are pieces of junk that I end up giving away it’s why my granddaughter goes to school on a folding Chinese scooter that represents

    A significant fire hazard and is finished in a carcinogenic paint but this this is a freebie that appears to not be junk it’s the Kenan move plus Pro LED laser red light therapy y device the idea is it helps relieve joint pain reduces inflammation stimulates healing

    Of damaged tissues I’m 50 years old very heavy and run around a lot so I’ve got an abundance of places on my body right could test this thing and when I started doing so I’ve got to be honest I felt like an idiot I’d be

    Sat on the sofa next to my wife watching TV in the evening with this strapped around my knee while she laughed and called me a biohacking idiot which is ironic because the only thing that stopped her chuckling was when I tried mouth taping she’d take it off once I

    Let go of her arms but I persevered mainly because I started reading some of the science on red light therapy which goes back to the 60s and to my jimb brro mind it seemed to make sense and then my knees stopped hurting and my knees are a

    Mess in fact I’d resorted to having hyaluronic acid injections into them to reduce pain to manageable levels which it did but it didn’t remove pain completely this oddly did I can aggravate them a bit by doing things like heavy squats and fast Sprints that will leave me aching the next day but I

    Continue to use this 15 minutes on each knee every day while watching TV and for the most part my knees now just feel fine is it a coincidence they stopped hurting at the same time as I started using this is it that they just stopped hurting as a delayed reaction to those

    Injections or did this just work as advertised I don’t know but of all my G it’s probably the simplest to incorporate into my daily routine and I enjoy not aching are the results miraculous no a miracle would be that that Scooter’s not yet blown up but the results are very

    Good this is a fun one mainly because it involved me having a complete change of opinion on a particular subject and I always enjoy that it’s a nice reminder that you should never get too entrenched in your ways and should remain flexible to new ideas if I’d stubbornly stuck to

    My guns I would would never own bright pink shoes now I learned to run from scratch and got reasonably good Allin zero drop minimal support running shoes designed to let my foot become strong resilient the body part that it should be and could therefore do the thing it

    Was designed to do as a result touch wood I never get foot injuries I never roll ankles my feet are rock solid and the shoe upon them it just doesn’t need to do much more than stop me stepping on something sharp in short I didn’t need

    Nonsense like this and then I had a gate analysis done where I was told exactly what I knew that my foot was strong and healthy and I ran with good form using a midfoot landing and also told something I didn’t know which was that because my

    Foot was so good it would be able to take advantage of something like this in a way others might not so I bought a pair and I will now never race in anything else than this type of shoe High stack carbon plated Super Shoe whether I’m doing park run half

    Marathons duathlons I even wear these carbon plated shoes for H rocks and I’m faster in these than anything else a combination of the extreme cushioning that means my excess body weight doesn’t start to hammer me to the point where my form breaks down and the bouncy propulsion offered by the carbon plate

    Simply add up to me going quicker would they benefit me if I was not in need of such cushioning would they benefit me if my foot was weaker and to rolling around which on a shoe like this if it happens it’s not going to stop I don’t know but

    Having leared to run in stuff like this putting on stuff like this just for race day has been a revelation they simply work next up is pretty much my entire indoor cycling setup which is really lots of gadgets combined but I’m just treating them here as one big one being

    Able to exercise indoors and still get decent long cardio sessions done gamechanging and when I mov the setup from the garage to the top floor of the house I made sure I had it exactly the way I wanted it dual screen setup so I can run zift and watch Netflix at the

    Same time or put zift onto the big screen if I’m in a race and I want the full immersive experience I got the Wahoo kicker sat on a turbo Rock plate and the whole thing running off of the spoke PC that gives me as good graphics as possible from the zift software and

    If I get bored cycling I can jump onto the rower and run the exr rowing software through the setup instead given the choice I’d always exercise outside but having this as an option when the weather is bad or I simply want to squeeze a quick ride in in the evening

    Maybe jump on a Race So I get warmed up before going in the sauna it’s very hard to beat the convenience offered by that room most of the things that I buy I research so extensively first that they end up just being boringly exactly what

    I expected them to be but the tank was a bit of a gamble I was genuinely concerned as I was handing over my money it’ll be a waste of it yet it has turned out to be brilliant shoving that thing up and down the street might look ridiculous but the workout is awesome

    And it’s pretty much full body obviously your legs are doing the bulk of the activity but your core stabilizing muscles your arms and shoulders have to work incredibly hard to keep you in position it’s got variable resistance so I can make it easy and move fast or Jack

    It up so it’s a real lump to push it’s low impact it puts my heart rate through the roof and when it comes to Simply being an all round athlete I like being able to shove heavy things out the way it just feels very satisfying to be competent at that it’s

    Different to a regular sled but that does not mean it is not as good it is certainly way easier to use and that alone means you’re more likely to take advantage of it I used it loads for my hyrox training which is an event with stead pushing and stead pulling

    Featuring a lot this was not the same as their sleds but for the purpose of training I found it just as good I just rocked up and shoved the thing no drama time for a gadget from my wife’s collection she has some more fun but none more practical than this and I’ve

    Included it because it’s in the background of so many videos especially where I’m making shakes and people ask about it bizarrely often so here it is and it is an absolute Beast it gets used daily and if I ever broke it I would replace it immediately if you’re

    Thinking it’s just a blender no it’s not I’ve destroyed more blenders than I can remember mainly CU I like to add huge amounts of ice to my Pro shakes or heel shakes and because you can then turn them into effectively a slush puppy it makes so much more filling and that

    Overcomes the big problem drinking your calories that you can rattle through lots and feel like you’ve not had actual food with this I stuff as much ice in the thing as I like doesn’t miss a beat produces a thick shake that is much more satisfying to

    Consume and last of all this little guy I’ve done quite a bit of cycling outdoors in the last 12 months and I never go out without this obious obviously it’s a rear light but it’s more than that it’s a radar to pick up traffic from approaching from behind and

    It does it perfectly displays it on my little Garin head unit tells me how far away the cars are how many there are even and even an approximate indication of their speed of approach there’s no substitute for looking over your shoulder when you need to but it allows

    Me to ride with way more confidence than i’ would ever do otherwise I’m never surprised by a car suddenly flying past me out of nowhere and as happens often on small country lanes if a car approaches quite slowly from behind I don’t hear it I’ll know it’s there I can

    Then get out of the way and let them pass as an indication of how vital I regard it Jenna has just got her first bike and one of these is on order for her right now for me it’s up there with a helmet in terms of vital kit when

    Cycling that is it my nine favorite gadgets no discount codes no special deals buy them don’t buy them I don’t care they’re simply what I use and if you’re thinking I thought this was going to be 10 gadgets originally yes because I started with our vibrating massage devices but I made a

    Couple of jokey callbacks to the threesome joke and my wife refused to approve that section of the Script


    1. Links to some of the harder to find gadgets in the description – DISCLAIMER…If you use the links I still make no money, so watch this video 3 times and share it with your friends to compensate 😂

    2. I´m quite heavy myself, and have max cushion running shoes because my kness started to hurt in the minimalist ones. No carbon plate or fancy tech, just lots of squishy foam to dampen the impact. Much better on my knees. Don´t have a sports or smart watch, i feel absolutely no need for it. I carry my phone and keys in a fannypack, have GPS in there for tracking pace and distance. I do wear a cheap CASIO to time rest in the gym. I´d love to have a full home gym or a sauna, unfortunately don´t have the space for them so i´m stuck with a gym membership. Maybe in 15-20 years i can convert the kids´s rooms 😀

    3. "Most of the things that I buy I research so extensively first that they just end up just being boringly exactly what I expected them to be." my life on fit gadgets 😀

    4. Great video. Chuffed to see Andy Cornelius at Fitstuff Run Clinic Guildford who pops up 7:35 on the gait analysis. He saved my knees with Sport therapy and advice. Apr 2023 I couldn't walk down the stairs in the mornings… too painful. Saw him, performed the exercises and by October I had done 2 triathlons, a 10k race and back training in the Surrey hills. Recommend this small business!

    5. I liked the video overall but I really love the fact that your wife has to script approve. (I also assume she approves the half naked pics being used!) Hah!

    6. Apparently the sauna is only splash proof not weather proof and needs to be protected from rain according to the official website – don’t think it will suit the UK weather

    7. I also cannot settle on my two gadgets— Ultra Watch 2 and Fenix 7. I guess that’s not a bad position to be in. Though, I like to wear one of them as my daily watch either way.

    8. I disagree on the distraction part. I like tracking it and I see it as motivation. Im 43, running 25km pw, jiu jitsu and strength work 3 times per week. I use my underarmour running shoes which connect to the app which track my running plus the myzone heart rate moniter. You get an average MEPS per month plus in my gym it connects on the screen and tracks your calorie count, etc. I try to burn on average 500 cals per session and 1000 cals per running session.
      Keep it simple. I dont need no $1000 Garmin watch.

    9. Thanks a lot for the great vid. Inspiring to think about some new gadgets 😉

      Short question. The red watch and for your Apple Watch Ultra is nice – which brand is it?


    10. Just came here to say that I was sceptical on Kineon initially especially when it’s not cheap. Then I thought like you said, it’s ease to use while I watch tv. Only been using it for a week and I can see improvements already! Good one Mark! Keep up the good work!

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