Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is bicycle touring England on 30th January 2024. Horam to Bognor Regis. It’s the last day of Garry’s mini tour as he leaves Horam and heads home.

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    Stay safe and keep peddling.

    #travelsonabike2 #bicycletouring #england

    Morning all um when did I last speak I think it was as we was coming into oh um the campsite last night hold on wow that was what a pain in the butt that was um I got there um I got there uh nobody was on uh

    Reception um so it said uh to ring this number well I rang it it just kept ringing I could hear the phone ringing in the office I mean I tried it I me four or five times but still no answer uh so in the end after quite a long wait I hastened

    To ad I went this going to be fun I went and found a um a pitch and well we managed to leave this morning without um paying which is always good let see if we can get out there thank I don’t know what happened then

    You just cut out um I’m not too sure whether it’s the battery or the memory card um probably the battery to be honest cuz it is one of the older ones and I did buy um some new ones which seem to be quite good um yeah we’re just uh heading

    Home today um hopefully if that wind’s not too strong and against us we will cycle all the way but if it’s against us we might get the train from Brighton we’ll see as we get closer um yeah I think I was saying about the campsite yeah well there was nobody

    There so I went and found a pitch and nobody there this morning so yay you got a freebie Serv them right I’m quite happily PID but hey if there’s nobody there that’s their problem I had actually been to that campsite um before I remember it when I

    Remembered it when I was went around looking for somebody it was years ago I think we was going to a party in kobra anyway yeah I say I remember stopping there place was team bling kids which was F fine except they were all running around tripping over the guy ropes which really annoyed

    Me but so I suppose I got my payback today with a free night right we go right here right turn you around an old o house little differ there we’ve been there’s another good name for a place scrap as hell wonder where all these names come from

    Scrap that’s fighting isn’t it having a scrap maybe they held fights on the hill in Years Gone by hence the name scrap as hell got an argument we’ll go up the hill and sort it out wow this was a mistake for rather it isn’t I should have stopped can’t get back on the

    Road I’m have to go hopefully it won’t get me oh I think we’re on the a22 um it’s only well literally up to this turning up here it to the it be 224 but there’s quite a few cars turning down [Applause] there that’s it right oh yeah somebody’s been a naughty

    Way of course to the left of us side you something you can see um we’ve got uh cross the Blum in South TOS although there are a few gaps in it I think I don’t know whether we’ll go into uh Brighton uh the way we came out

    Um oh it must have been last year I suppose now or was it maybe yeah I think it was last year we shall see I say I haven’t really looked as normal I’ve just put it in the phone and we’ll see where we end up and then regret not looking cuz we

    End up going over some stupid Hill but I don’t remember seeing ring all right I thought we gone the wrong way but we haven’t those South Towns are looking ominously close a l luckily I think we just turn right and skirt along the side of them and head to

    Lewis I think I did have a brief look a minute ago um I think we do go back it on so into Brighton that way uh past the colleges I think you know if I remember right oh now then get this one right I remember this from sorry from last

    Time there’s a cycle path there ouch that’s it I remember this one from last time I don’t like this um where they cut all these um bushes and all this rubbish on the floor end up getting them in punches we found L castle should have stopped a picture I you guess we may

    Have you might have guessed we’re in Lew um I went a different way to way the cycle thing say think IDE the hills but we didn’t take a couple of pictures we’ll go back now back down the hill yeah we just taken a few pictures I just need to get through that

    Sort of Castle keep Gateway whatever you want to call it and take a picture then we’ll get going I think the next stop will be um Brighton look this is quite a nice little town don’t think we’ve been through this way uh before normally we go all the way around

    The outside in the houses maybe we had been this way I think just around this corner is a school yeah because we just we turned off just before coming down here now I think about it but we all know what I’m like when I think I know something oh we should see come

    On yeah I think we went down there right it there you go s clear house that’s it glad the memory is not all bad there’s a burger van up here that I stopped at last time might stop today and a nice bacon [Applause] roll on this side sure we do

    How nice to be next to the old a27 oh I’m as predicted we have got a headwind there’s that burger V I can smell the bacon already um we’ve only been on the road so 2 hours we’ve been fatting around for a bit that so I don’t really

    Know whether I want to stop or not bike car but I done it last time we’ll be good we’ll keep going we’ll silent anything on the road probably cycling an hour and a half maybe so little too early and going I think we got a bit

    Of not a big hill but a steady gradient and last thing I want is a vacon roll sitting on the tummy you know what if there is such a thing as a second life or or when I return whatever I’m I fancy being a farmer hard work I

    Know but outside all the time with animals CU I say I know it’s a hard graft and to be honest there’s probably not many traditional Farms left these days they’ve all been oh taken in under these big Farms yeah it’s all right we just came

    Past the Cow Shed just made me think of it as we went past anyway there’s today’s random thought for you I just had a thought um there’s another Stadium um Brighton and H elium see you goes seem to be actually might see it a little bit better out of these trees if

    We think about it there you go she goes that’s it cuz I remember I think I called it the AMX Stadium last time but it’s now the American Express Stadium more advertising this might be downhill me it Nots work there a Str strong old breeze hopefully it’s a suly

    One when we oh yeah we we just coming into Brighton sorry and when we get down onto the sea front hopefully it’ll be blowing on our side but I don’t think so somehow might be getting the train home not likeing the look of that direction of those flags blowing on the right

    There oh no see there we are right in palace here I’m not too sure how much more filming we’ll do on the way home oh it wasn’t that long ago that we uh cycle to brighten and back on see how this windy as a thought

    There’s only 30 odd miles to go so I might just persevere with it we’ll see I can always jump on a train further down it’s not a an issue right I’m going to stop talking now is this is hard worked we’re just coming into um shorum

    I’m debating whether to go uh the cycle route or the road basically I want to go the way that’s most protected from this wind we finny enough we got to come here and back here in 2 days time I’ve got a Hospital appointment over

    Here shame we got to go all the way home and come back but heyo but yeah well I got a Hospital appointment tomorrow but that’s in um chichy Stu right I think I will go the cycle route there’ll be less busy of me this road will be quite

    Busy today and the roads aren’t exactly uh brilliant these class screens all the way it’s well shouted snily dressed there men it’s certainly a bit Breezy but to be honest I find cycling Against the Wind easier than going uphill for some reason I really do struggle with the hills never been

    Brilliant but even more so now I always used to say I prefer the hill to the wind cuz at least you knew when the hill was finished maybe we changed our mind on that one of course being midweek is not too busy along here gets rather crowded at the weekends and I think

    When we uh came to Brighton a few weeks ago uh we stuck to the road CU of um all the frost and the ice everywhere well we we come through Goring and we decided not to go up the hill and or well over the Railway Bridge

    And um come on the old road to the crossing but but I’ve been here 5 minutes already and nothing’s happening oh I can hear a train ah maybe it’ll lift up now Ah that’s the train I could have been long Come Along come on really go oh before another train

    Comes we must be nearly home there’s rain in the air come on surely we can to till we get home without although I think there’s only a very brief passing shower or anything at all looks a bit wet over the Downs over there hey ho what we

    Got mile and half two to go if that rain now blooming sun sun come out just as I getting home there that was handy we’ve been home for well a few hours now we’ve uh put everything away um yeah um I went I’ve just been and got

    My fish and chips as I mentioned uh last time but never did so I have um this time so yeah um what do we do um 48 miles today um I think and it’s 266 over the three or four days four days five days maybe that we’ve been

    Away um I’m definitely home for a couple of weeks uh I’ve got Hospital appointment tomorrow and and one on Friday and I’ve also got one next week um I’d like to think I go away after that but who knows I suppose again being a time of year it depends on the weather

    But yeah hopefully we’ll go away and well I shall speak to you all in a week or two goodbye


    1. Great video did you ever think of getting a e bike great for the hills normal bike has all the low gears for climbing and granny gear it works good to anyway keep cycling.

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