Liechtenstein is a small country situated on the banks of the River Rhine between Switzerland and Austria. Their official language is German. The country’s population is around 38000 as of 2020.

    This travel guide will cover

    HISTORY Of Liechtenstein
    ECONOMY Of Liechtenstein

    Liechtenstein! Oh, Liechtenstein! What will I say about you, you gem of a micro country! The country Liechtenstein was named after a family who themselves were named after a castle they lived in in Austria, you guessed it right, the name of the castle was Castle Liechtenstein!

    With its picturesque hiking trails, cute little city centre, and a ski resort town Liechtenstein is a perfect little country to add to your bucket list on your way to Switzerland. Three to five days should be more than enough to cover all the regions of this country. Allow me to briefly touch on the history of this beautiful tiny country.

    Liechtenstein is the one and only remaining kingdom from The Holy Roman Empire and I’ll tell you exactly how that happened. Once upon a time there was a Holy Roman Emperor called Joseph I and he suddenly died of smallpox in 1711 and unexpectedly his younger brother Charles 6th succeeded him and became the next Holy Roman Emperor who happen to have this random dude called Anton Florian of Liechtenstein as his Chief Intendant during the War of the Spanish Succession. So ofcourse Florian was there for Charles’ coronation, the best buddies they were.
    Now this Mr. Anton Florian couldn’t be admitted to the Reichstag, which required that all members had land that was subordinate only to the Emperor as opposed to land held in fief by higher nobles. So, Anton Florian locally known as Anton Florian of Liechtenstein since he lived in a meideval castle in Austria called Liechtenstein Castle, bought some properties like the Lordship of Schellenberg and Count of Vaduz, and Charles 6th The Holy Roman Emperor decreed that Vaduz and Schellenberg be united and elevated to the dignity of Principality honouring his true servant Anton Florian of Liechtenstein, and thus came the Alpine country of Liechtenstein into existence, now being the only monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire that exists.

    Watch the video for further information on this beautiful country. Hope this guide helps you to master your overall knowledge of Liechtenstein.

    Mirza Columbus

    Hi guys today we’re gonna learn everything and anything possible to learn about linkage time by the end of the video you should consider yourself a Lichtenstein specialist top 5 attractions of the country top 5 restaurants top 5 cafes to satisfy your sweet tooth places at best views things

    To do when in Liechtenstein its food its history the geography the economy you name it we shall cover and the best bit is all the attractions best restaurants and cafes that’ll list you I’m not just selected by me but also by advise it sounds good let’s go but first from my

    First alright I guess the drama’s over so let’s carry on so top 5 attractions of Liechtenstein and one whose Castle number 2 very good bag number 3 castle ruins of schellenberg national museum number five kunst museum so let’s first talk about wooden whose castle if you are in desperate need of a

    Profile photo with the most picture-perfect castle in most picturesque setting then it’s search no more take a short hike Tuvalu’s castle and voila but whose castle was constructed in twelve century and over hopes the capital city of reduce which you guessed it is named after castle it

    Isn’t open to the public because the wall family of Liechtenstein still lives in it that just makes this castle that much more exciting number two burg Guttenberg I had the opportunity of renting a bike and cycling all the way to this beautiful castle from the it overlooks the small town of Balls’s and

    Is very well preserved the castle is open to general public and provides guided tours but the best bit of it is that you can’t even rent it out for your wedding or any special event maybe then you turn 18 or something like that archeologists actually discovered with

    The hill the castle is located on has been inhabited since the Neolithic period which refers to the last stage of the Stone Age that could be ten thousand years ago or even before number three console wars in schellenberg there are actually are two castle ones here the OL

    Burg upper castle was built in and as a showcase for how a medieval castle looked like and the winter bag the law castle constructed around 450 after 1500 the castles were abandoned and fell into disrepair but it’s worth a wizard once you’re in Liechtenstein because being in such a small country

    You should definitely take advantage of checking out all of its different radians than just staying in the capital reduce number for Victor time National Museum it’s a must-see for history lovers it is located smack in vaduz housed in a beautifully preserved 15th century former in there was once visited by

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1788 Lichtenstein national museum focuses on the country’s prehistory and early history visiting it could be a nice little cultural enrichment right before you grab lunch I’ve spawned with views of castles and it’s magical surroundings number five the Kunstmuseum if you are

    Into art you are in luck the capital has it’s very own state-of-the-art facility a fine arts museum for Modern and Contemporary Art in addition to frequent temporary exhibits its primary collection includes pieces from 19th century sculptures and works from the collection with the Prince of Liechtenstein aside from these

    Attractions if you have a little more time on your hand you can check out the red house which is a landmark in the capital cathedral of st. Florin this Catholic new gothic church was constructed in 1874 and is the most recognized that mark of a deuce and then you can

    Check out the treasure chamber of the Principality of Liechtenstein you’ll love it if you love tube Raider that consists of artworks and other treasures from the Royal Family’s 400 years old private collection you can find works from the likes of famous carl fabergé and johan ludvig boiler you can also

    Check out rocks from the moon thanks to literature islands good relationship with NASA another Museum you can visit during your stay in Liechtenstein could be the calculator and typewriter museum this unique collection houses more than 250 important rare pieces many dating back to eighteen hundreds here you can witness the world’s smallest mechanical

    Calculator and an original World War two and nygma & Co a machine used by the German military and famously solved by the British now let’s talk about where to stay when you’re in which time and that actually depends on how you get to make this time if you have a car I

    Highly recommend you to stay at Camp me toques pizza the one and only camping ground and liters time it has got one of the most beautiful settings I ever stayed in surrounded by mountains and apple trees from which you can have the day and keep them nurses away that is of course if

    You want to keep the nurses away especially if they’re beautiful I’m just kidding so it’s got a beautiful swimming pool and a nice little restaurant with an outdoor terrace and short it’s just perfect but in case you’re traveling to Liechtenstein by bus and I highly recommend staying in the vaduz city

    Centre from where it’s gonna be much easier for you to catch buses to different regions of the country so now let’s talk a little bit about the restaurants the best ones in less time so the top five restaurants in later stein would be number one burg Brasserie which is located in buhdeuce

    Number two restaurant Adler which is also in vaduz number three restaurant Marie which is also in reduced and it’s got a beautiful view number four restaurant torkoal in Vaduz then amazing view and number five a little difficult for me to pronounce it’s Berg restaurant sir race your yolk which is

    In Melbourne it’s got a stunning new let’s talk a little bit about these restaurants so Berg Brasserie the number one restaurant it’s smack at the city centre and at the foot of the hill that’s home to Vaduz castle there ain’t no convenient place than Berg Brasserie it’s a perfect place to

    Grab lunch during the days you found checking out the museum’s because everything would be in walking distance from this place Berg Brasserie serves international cuisine dominated by Italian flavors number two restaurant Adler which is in vaduz now this one with its wooden interior would give you

    The authentic feel of being in an Alpine country it’s rustic it’s charming it’s dimly lit it’s romantic but most of all it’s famous for its fresh products number three restaurant Murry which is in buhdeuce with the stunning view it’s part of the Park Hotel sawn in half and this restaurant is a michelin-starred

    Restaurant with a view that will blow your mind away this place is just perfect for a romantic dinner and I bet you’ll get a five star from your partner if you can you know make this a surprise dining venue after promising McDonald’s number-4 restaurant torkoal which is in

    Vaduz with another stunning view this place has a romantic terrace with a view over a garden with valleys in the distant background this is a fabulous restaurant with a very famous chef number 5 bike restaurant sir razor yo which is in Melbourne with another stunning view it’s a classic

    Lichtenstein ish restaurant with one of the more traditional surroundings it’s got a proper stone fireplace in the center of the room the menu has dishes such as soups meat and cheese fondue this too has a breathtaking terrace view of Lichtenstein’s mountains if you are into Instagram or photography this restaurant

    Looking for you now let’s talk about the top five cafes in Liechtenstein number one Ballu bakery which is in vaduz number two american bagel and coffee which is in Vaduz number three Venini cafe bar in vaduz number four cafe condor torre cuff lena it’s in threesome

    Bag and it’s got a very beautiful view number five cafe wine now let’s talk a little bit about the food of Lichtenstein so situated between Austria and Switzerland dictor science cuisine is influenced by these two countries the most and the most traditional food that you can try would be Cusco knopfler and

    Ribble so check them out if you are into checking out traditional food of the countries you Wiz it now let’s move on to the popular hiking trails because that might be one of the reasons that you go to lick each time so there’s one hiking trail it’s called princess way

    Hike if you’re up for a challenge and some amazing views it should definitely take on Prince’s away it’s one of the most famous paths winding its way through the Vatican mountains the Hayek starting point offers view from our gaff lay and an altitude of 1400 meters throughout the hike the path climbs

    While revealing more breathtaking views as well as sections with fixed wire ropes to grip you’ll have the chance to see the three sisters in the distance at gaff lay saddle the hike then continues below hell Wang’s peak – chimney and wanders down to bar gala saddle with

    More views of the valleys and mountains and litters time you finish back that you’ve started having completed a hike of six kilometers the next one would be the s Newberg trail the Ashna burg trail created between 1972 and 75 unveils the history of lecture time leading hikers to the

    Ancient settlements of Milan’s ax and lutes in Kirtland signs along the way include information on archeology and local legends and myths so that could be quite interesting walkers find themselves roaming to the forest of schellenberg with impressive views of the rhine valley as well as summit of

    The alps teen and Ratigan mountains at the end of the trail hikers experience the town of schellenberg this is the location of the b-daman house the oldest house at this farmhouse was built during the 16th century and offers a look into the farming culture of nineteen hundreds

    Now let’s move on to the economy of Liechtenstein as we mentioned earlier the population of Liechtenstein as of today is around 38,000 it’s got a nominal GDP of 6.8 billion u.s. dollars in 2017 it was the 147th biggest economy out of 192 countries so it’s a super

    Tiny economy with literally no power in the global platform but its gdp per capita is around hundred and seventy nine thousand US dollars which is one of the highest in the world and which means they’re living standard is quite high and individuals per head has very high

    Salary but that is just natural being neighbors to switzerland and having such a small population now let’s move on to the history of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein is a small country situated on the banks of the River Rhine between Switzerland and Austria their official language is German and the country’s population is around 38,000 as

    Our 2020 lecture Stein Oh lectures time what should I say about it it’s a gem of a country the country was named after a family who themselves were named after a castle they lived in in Austria you guys to ride the name of the castle was Castle Liechtenstein Liechtenstein is

    The one and only remaining kingdom from the Holy Roman Empire and I’ll tell you exactly how that happened once upon a time there was a holy roman emperor called joseph the first and he suddenly died of smallpox in 1711 and i unexpectedly his younger brother Charles 2-6 succeeded him and became the next

    Holy Roman Emperor who happened to have this random dude called Anton Florian of Liechtenstein as his chief Intendant during the war of the Spanish Succession so of course Florian was there for Charles coronation and they were quite good buddies now this mr. Anton Florian couldn’t be admitted to the Reichstag

    Which required that all the members had land that was subordinate only to the Emperor as opposed to the land held in fief by higher Nobles so Anton Florian locally known as Anton Florian of little time since he lived in a medieval castle in Austria called lacustrine Castle bought some properties like the lordship

    Of schellenberg and count of vaduz and Charles 2/6 the Holy Roman Emperor decreed that vaduz and schellenberg be united and elevated to the dignity of principality honoring his true servant Anton Florian of later time and thus came the Alpine country of Liechtenstein into existence but they’re not for once

    Thing that the royal family smoothly stem down till date I’m gonna tell you beforehand that some of the dates will overlap one another I think it’s because some of the royal family members might have decided to abdicate the throne in favour of their successor beforehand so

    Bear with me on that so let me begin with Anton Florian Prince of Liechtenstein he ruled from 1656 to 1721 Josef Johann Adam 1692 1732 Joseph Wenzel the first 1696 to 1770 he had no children so his nephew Franz Joseph the first became his heir Franz Joseph first 1726 to 1781

    Louise the first 1759 to 1805 Johann the first Joseph 1760 to 1836 ha Louise the second 1796 to 1858 Johann the second 1840 to 1929 the second longest reigning monarch in European history after louis xiv of france then came France first 1853 to 1938 youngest son of Eloise the

    Second Franz did not have children so his heir presumptive was his nephew Prince Alois but Prince always removed himself from the line of succession in favor of his son franz joseph ii in 1923 franz joseph ii from 1906 to 1989 and then hands adams 2nd 1945 to present and

    Is currently Prince of Liechtenstein now and his heir apparent Regent is Prince Louise such is the complicated family line where right now the throne has now gone to the nephew of the nephew of Liechtenstein family but Frankie it’s best not to think much about all this

    And be lost in the beauty of this majestic Alpine country and it’s beautiful castles unfortunately you can’t visit Baloo’s castle as the Prince of Liechtenstein still lives in it which is Mac in the center of the city of vaduz which has a population of around 5,000 only possible

    In a country which has a population of 38,000 but it’s highly recommended to visit Guttenberg castle built during the Middle Ages in the village of Moses everything – Stein is a 20 minutes bike ride away or half an hour bus ride away since the country is just 160 square kilometers so

    While you’re here hike bike and lose yourself behind the blue blue mountains alright guys now I’m gonna wrap it up after giving you guys a description of the regions in later time let’s start with the capital reduce so one of the most pictures capitals in Europe and certainly the smallest reduces home to

    The liquorice Science Centre the tourist information center offering everything the traveler needs to get the most out of their wizard you can also get your passport stamped if you want popular things do in vaduz include shopping and dining as well as exploring the city’s historic toddler the small town with its

    Many attractions one of the most wizard attraction here is the country’s parliament building near the banks of the River Rhine in Peter Kaiser plots also worth seeing is the rathausplatz home to the historic town house brat house and the new gothic parish church the far kirkin built in 1873 also known

    As the Cathedral of st. flora now let’s move on to the ski region of Melbourne the stunning Alpine region is a paradise for skiing enthusiasts it’s not overly crowded so the pristine natural scenery remains intact visitors are treated to some of the best views of vaduz and the Rhine from an altitude of

    1600 meters the stunning scenery and reasonable prices are a treat for seasoned skiers but this is also an excellent area for those who are new to skiing the skiing facilities are well maintained and the mountainous landscape is stunning famous as liquorice town’s only winter resort the small town of

    Melbourne once only inhabited in summer is now a draw for winter sports enthusiasts now let’s move on to the largest municipality in Liechtenstein which is tree sandbag it lies in a beautiful location in the middle of an alpine valley just six kilometers from the capital of our dues the pictures

    Village itself is known for its food festival the Tristan burger walkin held each year from mid-october to the end of November during the festival locals restaurants and hotels serve up traditional dishes of walls of people many of them centuries-old and unique to the village there’s no shortage of beautiful vistas from the

    Cute charli’s hotels and small ends making tree sandberg a great place from which to explore little time okay now let’s move on to Sean just three kilometers north of reduce the foot of the device Western massive the three sisters mountain is Sean a visited Lee industrial town notable for its old

    Roman Ford Foundation’s located in a beautiful spot perched above the town is the 18th century pilgrimage Church of Mario’s own trust notable for its fine views one of the oldest towns in Liechtenstein Sean is home to the Domus center with its exhibits of local history and art and interesting copper

    Spits workshop and the fascinating calculator and Sean is also a good place to begin a hike and includes a number of well-marked trails of very difficulty it’s also home to the Liechtenstein Festival a two-day celebration of music entertainment and food now let’s move on to the towns of Nan down and ashen the

    Small towns of Mendel and ashen are the principal communities of the lowland area of latest time and a well worth of wizard Nando is notable for its old foundations from a Roman villa as well as the Scheidler pottery established in 1836 and the oldest craft workshop in the country famous for its stoneware

    Crockery and traditional tiled stoves this art related attraction offers guided tours of the workshop glazing area and kill room of interest in ashen are the proof front house a 14th century building used to display local art and attractive Holy Cross Chapel SN is also the starting place of an easy one and a

    Half hour hike offering superb views of the surrounding area alright it and congratulations if you are still with me because that just makes you our liechtenstein specialist and trust me that is a rare thing to be I hope you’ve noted down all the things I mentioned so you can make the most of

    Your wizard to Liechtenstein if you have enjoyed the video don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more detailed videos like this and hit the bell button so you don’t miss out on my future videos since I am on a mission to travel to every country in this world so

    This is Musa Columbus signing out see you in your timezone You


    1. Great video about Liechtenstein. 🇱🇮😍😊

      Liechtenstein is my dream country/destination and I'm also planning to visit the entire 11 municipalities by 2023. 😅😁

      Have high hopes that it will come true. So excited to check out the Principality. 😍😊

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