We’re joined by Rowell Graham-Bell, with a brief appearance form Raphell Thomas-Edwards on this week’s episode of the Bristol Flyers Podcast.

    On this week’s show – proudly sponsored by Webgains:

    – Raph and Rowe share their experience of trying basketball commentary for the very first time

    – Rowell gives us an update on his return to play

    – Rowe tells us how him and Raph first met at junior level

    – We learn more about Rowell’s new sweet business – Soak and Drip Candy

    – Keddy Johnson receives a milky bar from our podcast listeners

    – The Flyers Supporters Club have made their own customised air horn and cow bell

    – Rowell takes on our quickfire questions

    – A roundup of the latest news over the past week, including the Flyers home tripleheader

    – Rowe answers the questions from the mailbag

    The Bristol Flyers Podcast brings supporters a unique perspective from behind the scenes, and is available to listen on all major podcast providers, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

    The Flyers Podcast is proudly sponsored by Webgains – if any of our listeners want to learn more about affiliate marketing and add it into their marketing strategy – head to webgains.com/public/en/bristol-flyers/ to find out more.

    This is the Bristol Flyers podcast hello welcome to the Bristol Flyers podcast powered by web gains this is episode number 66 66 click click uh I’m Joel Osborne this is Sam Hardy we need to start finding the Bingo names for all of those um numbers Joe so it’s

    All 66 any ideas Dan oh you ain’t got microphones there tell you cuz we got of guest in the studio or he’s still been he’s still in trouble from the last time is that what it is Dan is back from the naughty step we haven’t quite given him

    A microphone just yet but maybe we’ll give a microphone later on in the show who knows uh thanks for tuning in uh whether be listening on all major podcast providers on YouTube We’re very happy to have you with us as always uh we’ve got episodes coming your way every

    Single week but the days of the week uh all all over the place at the moment we’re actually recording this on a Monday aren’t we Sam yeah that’s my bad though mate I’m I’m heading off to Dublin for 3 days so we had to fit one

    In before got my Guinness on yep so we are recording off the back of that weekend triple header at home which talk about later on in the show uh coming up on this week’s show uh we’ve got not one but two guests in the house we’re talking Flyers home triple header

    Including the capacity crowd for Flyers women which is great to see uh we got quick fire questions rounding up the latest news plus we’ll be diving into some of the questions from the mailbag but without further Ado Sam it’s time for us to introduce this week’s guests

    And we’ve got not one but two of the flyers for first team players in the house we are very pleased to be joined by none other than Bristol players Captain Rafael Thomas Edwards and flyers forward roel Gram Bell the boys how you doing good gentlemen are we doing all

    Right good good we’re good thanks for joining us uh on the podcast as always uh rap this is your second podcast in as many weeks because of course we’re on the J and Drew podcast last week yeah yeah I mean I guess close to the microphone R come

    On say I do it all the time but yeah you’ve been on a couple podcasts over the last couple days couple couple days was it a week ago it was a week ago yeah yeah how did you find it yeah it was good it’s not as good as you know the Bristol flyes

    Podcast but this guy they did what they had there you go see I heard Joel was slagging me off on that podcast saying I do any they set us up because this first question before even asking my name was who would I pick between the two of you

    And Joel was there L that’s the first question and who did you pick I picked you of course no you did not I can confirm you actually picked me yeah I know he did and I don’t know why because um I we all know the truth we know the

    Truth we know the truth yeah uh so we we’ve got around 15 minutes with you Raph because uh in a in a moment you are actually going off and doing some work with our partners at the sales trainer aren’t you yeah yeah you know basketball isn’t going to last forever so we’re

    Going to put a bit of hands there hands there put my foot in everywhere like you know like you’ve seen where the commentating and stuff so we’re going to try and learn as much as I can today yeah what sort of things you sort of

    Diving into do you have a rough idea it was all very much a surprise to you it’s a surprise you know I had to I tried to figure out what we were going to talk about and apparently it’s going to be a surprise but I’m looking forward to it

    Yeah uh obviously you mentioned there about the um the commentary side of things obvious that was a big topic talking point from the Jay and Drew podcast uh last week um but you two both have something in common because you’ve both sort of dipped your toe into the

    Commentary Waters in recent weeks of course Raph you’ve done games of us at the British basball League Studios and uh and Ro you were recently a guest on Flyers TV for our game against sorg weren’t you yeah that was fun how do you find it obviously it’s uh

    It’s very uh new to you guys is that something that you guys would be interested in pursuing post playing career or is just to see what it’s like sort of thing uh dabbl in it not scared to really try anything and um yeah it was fun like it wasn’t um stressful or

    Anything like that I feel like it was definitely easier doing like focus and especially as my team and I know the guys like on and off the court so yeah like um get into dabbl and try it out definitely like I definitely have something I would try yeah you don’t

    Have to do much research do you really for Flyers TV because you just know you just know you just know the guys ready right you you if you’ve not seen it you need to go back and watch it because you were so funny you just like chill and

    You were saying random things that I suppose media trained commentators would always say you just say like I don’t know and it was actually well fun it it it was funny cuz we had him as like guest commentator for the game and every time like tryan Jacob was like doing a

    Dunk we had to like mute Rose’s mic because he was like going as you should likeing itan he was absolutely loving it should but obviously rap you’ve done the games with us up up an eing haven’t you this season yeah yeah yeah I think um anyone that

    Knows me for years um is not in my personality um but I think it’s something that I’m kind of growing into which I think is interesting cuz if I was to pick one person who could be like that person personality and do the the commentary I think it would be real well

    Like knowing him speaking to him this guy loves to talk loves to talk so like I think it’s interesting but I definitely think when you do it there’s so many like intricate things that just come from the experience of doing it so I think if it is something that you know

    Either one of us end up doing it’s going to take you know a couple cycles of you know trying it out and figuring out how to get better what was the biggest learning cve for you going in and doing ining like what’s some of the things you

    Weren’t expecting and you know that sort of thing um if I like again if I was sitting there just talking to my friends I could probably tell you okay this is happening this is happening but then it’s the timing of certain things it’s realizing

    That you know if I cut Joel off or I say something at the wrong time I don’t think it flows as well as it should um some of it it’s an entertainment piece I think right now I’m kind of missing the conversational thing I could go back and

    Forth with Joel a bit more but you know it’s just a work in progress there’s probably things I’m not even thinking about that could be way better that just just come with doing it over and over and over how’s the producer in your ear as well you have to listen to them as

    Well and then try and talk it’s crazy I was about to say because obviously for Flyers TV we have producer Dan but he’s very quiet he doesn’t really say much in R for Flyers TV when we do the British B League games I mean just like a bit bit

    Of context for The Listener like you have like a lot of voices going on don’t you so essentially just to sort of put it into perspective you have a director but basically talk who talks to the camera operators so he saying like two one 2 three okay three now live things

    Like that in your ear and then you got someone doing countdowns for you usually your female voice so you can differentiate the two so it’s basically saying how long you have on this on this uh graphic how long you have countdown to the break and they’ll literally count

    You down break in five four three and you having to basically finish your link to the ab break or the VT before you get to zero I’d love to be able to like show like put this into a bit more concept because it’s really hard to understand

    Just r and I would be able to know you’ll know about it but like when you actually watch TV you don’t realize how many voices there are in your ear and then there’s like more more voices even saying things like okay we got um fixtures coming up on screen now talk

    Through the fixtures things like that I like we we did one with um our producer Sammy does the stuff at the British basketball league and he was like we’re going to do um there was like a Josh steel dunk before it was it was a game

    You and I did he put on Tik Tok actually like behind the scenes and it’s like him in the studio and it was like okay we’re going to do a hard count off the back of this break cuz Jos steel just got a dunk against Sheffield um and they wanted to

    Run the replay but they wanted to run the replay into the ad break so then like right you going to do um uh hard count into this AB break uh eight seconds last shot is kids so basically you got to keep talking until you see kids on the screen celebrating and

    That’s your link to best Bas your que to R whilst you got the countdown going on your ear it’s it’s mental isn’t it it is crazy it is crazy you think about it Dan do you I need to have a mic so you can just have to stick your thumb up if so

    But how easy would it be to record the voices of The Producers as well so you could hear what sort of is happening in the background he’s he’s he’s nodding he’s kind of half shaking his nodding his head like yeah you can probably do it maybe we’ll do it for Flyers TV

    Potentially yeah behind the scenes why not yeah a little bit behind the scenes it’d be very good um and obviously WRA the new thing for you guys this season as well when you you do the games is that you’re doing it you’re not even in

    The arena you’re doing it you know in a booth AR aren’t you it’s it’s really hard to sort of create that excitement and sort of be able to see what’s going on because essentially you’re watching the same thing on screen as the viewers at home yeah yeah I’m uh I don’t have

    The experience of the other side so I couldn’t tell you exactly what the difference would be but definitely when I’m playing you feel the crowd you like feel like the tense moments but when you’re kind of in a booth it’s like you’re watching game film back but like

    You can’t pause it it’s just it’s just a weird dynamic but I think it’s one of those things that you know you just got to you got to deal with we we have it where Aaron um who on the day is like the match manager is that what it is and

    He’s got the headset speaking to the producers in eing and we have it sometimes where we’re talking to the referees or listening in to try and work out and then I’m relaying to him so that he can tell the producers CU you guys don’t even always know what’s happening

    What the call was or what’s going on do you know the the big one is like technical fouls I think like if there’s a technical foul it’s it can get like you know because you can’t see it all the time sometimes it’s called off

    Screen on a coach or a bench uh and the camera is pointing at another player so then Aaron in the headset would say say to the producer okay there’s been a technical foul on Sur bench for example and then which there was yesterday and we had no idea what yeah where it’s

    Technical F on sorry bench um and then they would relay that into my ear and then I would be able to say what’s happening you see what I mean so there is a lot of like moving Parts there to make that work but if you’re in the

    Arena it’s easier because you can sit there you can feed off the energy and then you can look around and sort of see what’s going on as well it’s pretty cool what’s been the biggest challenge do you think Raph for like doing the the commentary side of thing for you what’s

    Been the toughest thing about it um I think playing as well I’m going to have to see these guys like the next week or a couple weeks so it’s finding the balance between you know staying competitive staying in that player role and like a he couldn’t do that he

    Couldn’t do this or he shouldn’t be doing that and like actually being uh you know taking my emotions out of it and saying okay this that was a good shot for this guy he’s he’s actually really good at this and they’re not giving them so much confidence that when

    You play them now they’re like looking to kind of go at you he saying you bum yeah I heard you talking about me on the broadcast last week you said my go is rubbish honest people the people that spoke about it the most are the refs

    They be like oh you know I saw you w the commentary and which I can deal with that but when it’s if it’s a player again you don’t know how they’re going to react to it so it’s just about uh actually I think just the thought of

    That does it really matter like are they really being that intent but you know as a player myself all it takes is a little moment someone said something a little out of character I got to see him again I’m going to use that when I’m playing him

    So like I don’t want to give them any F yeah it’s a weird one like last night uh or yesterday sorry Aaron Ry was doing the commentary for our game against Su and he just played against us the day before on the Saturday that must have

    Been a bit weird for him or even quite nice to have the Insight of like how you guys will play what do you reckon yeah yeah it’s definitely when you just played a team I know the first time we uh the first time I did it was Newcastle and

    And do you remember the first game uh Newcastle and Plymouth I think no no it wasn’t Sheffield Sheffield Manchester that’s right and we just played them I know a lot of the guys it’s easier to kind of figure out this guy does this this is the kind of play they’re going

    To play but then we went shefield sorry and we haven’t played Sheffield for a while sorry we hadn’t played for a while and I hadn’t been really watching their games as intently as I should have so then I I can do research before but it’s

    Not the same insight as I had when we just played this team and I know the guys know the Tendencies so like they’re to mind as opposed to like have to look in the sheet by the time looked in the sheet you know Joe’s already on to the

    Next thing and like Joel does a great job of doing the research and because you know he’s doing so many games the flows better but like I’m still trying to figure out you know where I can pull from so yeah if if we’re uh in the flow

    Of the Season or if I were to do this uh you know over and over I think I would have to watch every single game intently which again then I’d have to figure it around like uh our schedule like cuz we got to look at the team we’re playing

    Which is more important than the team I’m commentating for so you know so balance yeah you’ve done two games so far um uh and a bunch of the players around the league have actually had this opportunity so obviously you speak about Aaron ry’s done it Jordan Taylor’s done

    It I’ve actually got a game with Evan Walsh this Friday Evan Walsh fromant yeah be interesting but it’s good giving these guys opportunities and we spoke about it well on the you can go listen to The Drew and Jay podcast but like giving players opportunities to be able

    To try this while still playing because a lot of them would move into that sort of field post their playing career yeah anyway Raph is it’s almost time for you Raph to go do your sales trainer training so uh we will let you uh get off and enjoy that is there anything

    Else you want to say to the Flyers fans before you hit the road um no I mean they just kind of Point me on a spot I thought had a couple more minutes but you know I got well yeah like you said he can uh he can take over enjoy yeah

    We’re going to RGB with us in the studio but uh Raph enjoy your sales training uh and we actually we want to we should probably get him back on at some point and hear all about it right yeah I want it yeah that’ be good no pressure no

    Pressure no pressure that’ be great right Raph we’ll let you go and then we’ll do the rest of this pod with RGB this is the Bristol Flyers podcast welcome back to the Bristol Flyers podcast and Raph Thomas Edwards is gone to do his sales training with the guys

    From sales trainer shout out to them by the way they were the game day sponsor for our game on Friday uh Saturday weren’t they they absolutely were he was actually in the room and having a little listen while we were just doing that first little segment so little behind

    The scenes look at the podcast before it comes out unique little special little behind the scenes look Joel we’ve got bran back now by the way he’s got a microphone again I’m back how are you yeah I’m okay off the nauy step from last week mate yeah I’m off the bench

    Now I’m back in yeah cuz of course uh if you are listening to the podcast um Dan made a boo boo on our key Johnson episode what is it you actually did it’s like an override I just left a button on that means we can do stuff in the

    Background so nobody can see what we’re doing in the studio it’s bit like a putting a pulling the curtains over the over the window so nobody can see inside and i’ left the curtains closed so um have you learned your lesson though yeah I have learned my lesson and I can only

    Apologize there we go apology accepted by the flyes family we got RGB back with us in the studio by the way he’s with us now for the duration of the episode uh Ro we were just talking off air weren’t we uh we’re going to get tickets to

    Sam’s comedy chest pretty soon yeah yeah there we go yeah why are you nervous like I want to come to the last not nervous it’s not that I’ve said it before it’s a different version of me when I’m on the stage that’s what I want

    To see I feel like I know where it is that’s what I want to see it that’s it GIS Dan’s going to come out you yep yep me and you are going to be there Joel I think if you even try and Heckle me Dan

    What are you going to do what you going to do he’s going to ruin you I have the microphone you’ll be this feeble little man in the middle of the crowd and I will shout things at you is this the side of Sam we’re seeing already here

    This is quite it’s quite aggressive from you yes sorry uh Dan how’s your CH a package coming on you done some Lithuania research oh yeah I’m looking forward to this so we found out about this at the end of last week that’s right Chay yeah I’m looking forward to finding out all

    About Lithuania so obviously we have our two games against cholet coming up in the European North basketball league um we’ve put some dates to them for the home game which we’re expecting to be in March I can’t say much more than that um but watch this space we’re hoping to

    Actually announce it this week and then obviously they’ll go on sale keep an eye on the Bristol Flyers website Bristol flyers. co.uk there’ll be a priority period for season ticket holders and members to get their tickets first before General sale because of course it won’t be a season ticketed game because

    It’s a European game so keep it on the website and you’ll find out very very soon indeed and do we think it’s going to be a sellout Joel it will be a sellout yes we do yes it will it will be it will be a sellout um Ro let’s talk a

    Little bit about yourself of course um you’re in the boot still get it up on get it up there go can you get it can you show us or not no no no you don’t want he’s still in the boot though I’m out I’m out this

    Week I hope you out this week I believe so yeah so how was the obviously a lot of fans would have seen you walking around putting weight on it now at the games of the weekend good signs the amount they’re seeing I’m doing they’re like why are you in the boot and then

    I’m just like I’m you know like I’m doing good I’m doing good did you get to choose the color of the boot I did it was red originally um had to get it changed due to like a crack in it or whatever um changed it to Blue and I was

    Going to go pink just to pee some people off I’ll be honest like I was I was to go I was to just do something while cuz like it’s only a week left yeah yeah well Flyers Flyers pink Works isn’t it matches matches the home home kit it was pink with glitter

    Okay maybe not then maybe not then um so talk us through the next steps then so the boot comes off what happens next um I believe it just well I get my results on M and um that’s on Thursday I believe so so is that to determine any ligament

    Damage and things like that all that other stuff just the extent of what’s going on but everything else in terms of bone Wes is perfectly fine and um that’s the main thing yeah your results does that mean you’ve you’ve had it you’re not going to have another one on

    Thursday yeah I’ve had results on the bone situation had x-ray like and CT scans um but yeah then I’ll be having I had the MRI and that’s the results now coming back for that just the the final check yeah and um and then rehab starts I mean it started already it started

    Already yeah it started already I’ve been in the gym like religiously is it yeah probably a bit too much what sort of things you what sort of things you doing right now he’s obviously doing his RAB isn’t he I’m doing yeah I mean I like that one I like

    That that’s why going to be there um where I’m on the bike already like and he was surprised on that but he just put the cost in the like the holster and you just go like that’s it um everything else like normal honestly um believe it

    Or not I’m doing a form of squats so oh really yeah not like original like regular squats but I’m doing the formal squats any you is that cuz you’re not the actually putting weight through it in a in a One Direction is not the issue it’s the rotation which is the issue uh

    Even that that might not be an issue which we’re going to find out so this is what I’m say you know what I mean so it’s just like it could be like we take the car off and it’s like let’s just get to the rehab and go through the process

    Have you thought about like documenting your journey at all like vlogging or anything like that I have I’ve kind kind of I haven’t oh let’s discuss this off a bit more yeah I mean yeah I’m I’m probably going to get let’s go we can talk we can talk about it I’m going to

    Get killed because so like I’ve had people tell me like yo like do it and I’m just like okay what then no hey hey you got cont you got media team here we can hit to help we can bring it to life we can make it quality you can yeah be I

    Don’t know I just don’t want it to be cringey if I was to do hey I don’t do cringey he listened to the podcast have you seen some of his Tik talks he does do cringy oh yeah see see don’t want don’t want cringy we can make it he won

    Do that like yeah I just want something cool relax like that is me and if I to do it yeah it’s never too late so we can still do that yeah cool we we’ll talk about it have a discussion off all right let go um here’s the big question I

    Imagine a lot of Flyers fans have been asking you any idea of a return to play or you going to give me the PC answer pc pc answer I thought it would be yeah PC um we’ll just wait and see what’re going with the time and process ah love the

    Answer well media trained right there isn’t he Sam yeah he is but we also all understand that like at the end of the day there’s no point rushing it back if it’s not 100% ready like this is your future your career your you know whatever even the rest of your life if

    You do something even worse it could do something that’s really long term and you just don’t want that do you yeah 100% that’s definitely getting taken into consideration but we’re going to take time and follow the process fingers crossed we will see PC yeah Great PC

    Answer can’t wait to have you back no in three weeks time he’s well in the meantime mate you’re always welcome on Flyers TV of course we just spoke about the old broadcast stuff so you know we’ve got the got the dam uh was it the cholet series coming up as

    Well so if you’re not back in time for cholet I don’t know when you’re coming back back so if you’re not you’re not going to Lithuania or you you might travel or you not travel potentially so if if he obviously you know go with the team but if you’re not traveling for

    Whatever reason then you’re welcome to be here on Flyers TV as always thank you thank you we need to find out whether they actually sing that um that song surely I don’t think they they might though just for the maybe just for cuz like why not I heard they’ve got a big

    Arena like 5,000 fans have you seen it yeah but when we went to lbl they had 5,000 fans side Arena about 100 people there that is true that is true we will see midweek Hoops who knows yeah um Ro right let’s bring it back to um growing

    Up because that was one of my sections to talk about on the on the old segment with and originally we were going you when are you going to grow up if only you knew originally we were going to talk about this with um with with Raph but of

    Course uh you and Raph actually first met each other did you first meet each other at the under 20s or did you play each other at junior level before that no yeah you was definitely both asking this question when ref was here uh um uh what he’s a year older than me

    Right yeah uh you play against each other at Juniors we we did Juniors we I think I first met him was at butel Camp which is a camp that happens in the summertime um for junior athletes and so what team so obviously he was playing with leester Leicester he was with a Leicester

    And um yeah his Camp came together with our camp and we worked out in the summer together we we like got along him um Elliot sentence and a few other guys pack my guys you know there’s a few of them I don’t want to say all their names

    But um yeah we just got along and for that whole summer we was hooping together like we liked each other that was my first year like playing basketball I think first summer like yeah how old were you when you first started then uh 15 15 you’re late really

    To the party very late very late were you were you you must have been like a footballer or something before that though uh I did boxing boxing yeah like I even now I like boxing like that’s to it’s that even that’s weird that like you relate to like a team sport sort of

    Thing cuz some people come a bit later but they’ve been doing team sport but you obviously no I did football I did football like I feel everyone in London does like just generally England generally yeah I feel like I I wanted to say that but yeah I feel like there’s a

    Few English people who said that they never did so I just they’re not English not engl say less I’m saying that from now on um but yeah no there was a I did football for a long like pretty much the my whole life and um I found boxing and

    I was like yeah I want to do that I think it was Rocky when I watched Rocky yes yeah it was I watched Rocky and I was like you know what let me let me give it a try and then I was like I was really rocking with it but then I always

    Wanted to do basketball it’s just there was nowhere to go for it like no one directed me in the UK like no one directs you like even though now we’re in the basball community we know everywhere to go you can like click your fingers I can find somewhere for you in

    This city but if if you don’t know people or from that like culture of basketball you have no idea where to go and I think even till now that’s probably still a problem so what team did you play for at junior level um Lucian funer but now they’ve converted their name to London

    Funer yeah so there’s a lot about that I mean how can they be London F see I knew I saw your face and I was like yeah why I honestly I still see it as Lucian funer um probably always will but um I guess for marketing reasons oh yeah I

    Mean everyone knows London yeah you know exactly like London yeah to the rest of the you know we to the rest of the world we might as well be the near London Flyers because we’re only two hours away Bristol Flyers is definitely on a sick

    Name in it we’re so bad in the UK at Travel like in America if they’re like I’m going to go see my favorite band they’re com to near my town and they’re like a 4our driveway and they’re so happy to do that we’re so bad here

    Aren’t we yeah we 30 minutes max no no no there’s a few people I’d say who have who’ve told me they’ve traveled like fans and stuff who said they’ve traveled like hour and a half to come to a Bristol flers game two hours on a regular basis some I’ll give a shout out

    By the way to the Morland family um they actually reached out to me ahead of the weekend double header uh Julie Morland um and her son uh Sam Morland um he is actually one of the fans that is in our little you know our gifts we do it’s a

    Gift of him like going yeah like celebrating but I think think they’re based up north and they watch all of our games on sort of the you know anything Manchester sort of side of the country they they’ll go to watch our away games because it’s local to them they actually

    Came down to Bristol for the weekend to watch both games back to back are they like were they from Bristol and then like moved away I’m not too sure I haven’t really had a chance to speak to them properly but um but obviously Julie reached out because Sam um has at his

    Photo club and he wanted to get some practice and taking photos so I said to him yeah cool you can have a camera and you can sit Courtside and get some practice and shoot the two games at the weekend no have you seen any of the pictures yet uh they said they’re going

    To send some through to us so I’ll see if they can send them through and I’ll run them here on the podcast so uh yeah Ro just moved us on quite nicely to um obviously we spoke about your injury and sort of your road to recovery um as part

    Of that I imagine you have a fair bit of spare time now you’re not actually playing or training right nowart from rehab um but um you have started your own little side hustle in your spare time now haven’t you yeah what no I don’t have any free

    Time Ro never has free time there’s no no he always finds the funny thing is yeah I did start the sweet company let me get get on there for you you know what I’m saying so for the listener I’m saying Grand Fus you know zoom in on that Dan

    For The Listener roal Gran Bell has started his own sweet company called soak and drip candy that’s for you guys by the way we love sweets on the podcast these are oh look at that Joel you got the little snakes in there I genuinely sweets are my kryptonite in the best way

    That’s good that’s good that’s good that’s open [Applause] much what we got in here Dan do you want some in yeah I got it got it firstly he had a nice smooth ripoff at the top like that and then the reable bag very nice packaging you got here thank you thank

    You we do low speaks in the podcast don’t we Sam right d what do you fancy snackman as well snackman M be you’ll get hopefully you get something not a lace don’t check a lace that’s not going to reach me yeah that’s good you know what you should have oh good catch good

    Catch there for you I know I’m good I’m good I’ve still having to take care of my body is it do do you like the issue is do you package all this yourself or do you have something do it for you um I’m Packaging myself having to do it in

    A like I have to do the whole sanitary stuff and clean stuff obviously you you know yeah obviously want obviously so a lot that takes a lot of time um but in terms of the sweets the funny thing is I actually had the sweet preparing before the injury a lot of like so

    That’s the thing so that kind of put me off also wanting to like launch it like afterwards cuz it just happened like and I was just like now people are going to think um doing it just because of this he’s like no that was already on

    Go I had like tons of sweets like Brands and whatever else that like companies reaching out and trying to get stuff going on and yeah it just got put on pause like honestly how Okay do you mind if I ask a bunch of questions that right

    If you ask the prayers go to the site what is the website bro let’s plug it um so and drip candy uh.com there we go soen drip candy.com goe head head to website get some sweets you going to put Cory Samuels out of business at this rate no man there’s definitely collabs

    Coming I definitely want to work with him man got going on yeah 100% so you um did you order all the different varieties of sweets to your place then so it was I only want to make like combinations of sweets and bags that I liked growing up in school and stuff

    Like that and combination so that’s like a sour and sweet peack like oo the one I had was just very sour by the way like but it is sour if you get a sour that’s what they all hit like yeah there you go and um there’s also American type

    Suets in there too like Mikes um ones that you find hard to get over here or if you find them over here they’re well expensive yeah they’ll be ridiculously expensive if you was to buy like a bag yourself and um yeah so you can buy them

    You can buy them in these like mixed packs and they’re about I mean they are don’t worry they areund I know it’s a weird number one 760 so 760 G you can buy them in 760 G bags yeah they will be bigger coming so the website is

    Launching on Valentine’s Day so if you do want to get a loved one some soak and drip candy you can do over at soak and drip candy.com yeah and uh yeah you can go get a love one a nice bag of sweets for Valentine’s Day to show them how

    Much you love them uh speaking of snacks by the way uh Sam here’s a funny story for you um so a couple of weeks ago we had KY Johnson on the podcast and we were talking snacks as you do cuz we love snacks here on the podcast and he

    Told us that he loved white chocolate but he never had a Milky bar yeah you brought it up didn’t you you mentioned that he the Milky bone he’s like what even is that so uh so we said to the fans we called we put a call out to the

    Podcast listeners if you want to get key Johnson a gift uh get him a Milky bar because he’s never had a Milky bar before now our fans are amazing Sam uh because last weekend’s home double header KY received not one not two but three three milky bars from three

    Different fans at our home triple header really after they listened to our podcast I saw them I saw them did you taste any no no no he was like collecting milky bar I said they for Kitty in he was yeah so our fans are amazing and our podcast Community has

    Come together to make sure that KY uh samples of Milky bar for the very first time because it’s absolutely ludicrous how he’s never had one before now here’s uh one from Young Flyers fan Henry uh get up on screen Dan and now he spent his pocket money to get KY a Milky bar

    And here’s a video of him on screen now giving him said milky bar Legend they got a post game photo together there they are in their Flyers away jerseys incredible Flyers away J Jersey at home this week Joe well that’s cuz we had to

    Head was it but uh that’s so nice of him now I love that the only thing is and there no this is amazing that he did it but I growing up I remember the M kids were the weirdest little like do you remember the rectang the thinnest little

    Chocolate was it what the cowboy in it the Milky bar kid yeah the Milky bar kid is strong do they use him anymore I don’t think they do it’s now the Milky bar keed E Johnson get him on the stage get him on the stage no no you didn’t like that one the

    Milky bar ke hey he he ain’t going to like that NE you’re going have to call him this yo you can take that one about to the practice free damn here’s something else that caught my eye this past weekend uh Sam and this one is from the Bristol

    Flyers supporters club uh Sam and Amy now Sam and Amy have featured on the Pod a number of times uh we’ve had them on our supporters Club end of season awards episode over the last couple of years uh but they have customized their own airhorn and cowbell but they’ve given it

    A bit of a Bristol Flyers twist get up on screen Dan uh here you can see I love a good pun so they’ve got an air horn and they got a bell uh the air horn is the te the air horn is the te olis horn and

    The cow bell is the roel gry and Bell what do you think of that Ro I’m taking a picture he’s taking a picture’s taking a picture he loves it so much Ro what do you think of the roel gr Bell it’s it’s creative it’s creative I haven’t I haven’t seen that I’ve heard

    All the other stuff but I haven’t seen that so yeah yeah I like that one love it I like that one I the horn is I’m trying to think of there any other other any other puns in the team there’s more I got I could fig I mean kitty one’s

    Easy I think the M keid no not that are you kiding are you king we need we need to finger some more that was so good we absolutely love pictures like this on the podcast so if you’ve got uh some pictures that you want to share with the

    Bristol Flyers podcast uh you can send it into to us on socials at Bristol flyers on every social media platform you can also email us hello Bristol flyers. co.uk uh and we’ll feature your pictures on next week’s show um is there anything that um you know KY getting all

    The presents any presents you’d like to be brought Row from anyone yeah because I feel like the podcast is our platform you know we say ky ky likes milky bars and all of a sudden he gets three mili bars is there anything you like you know like a Ferrari

    Or jokes uh no I’m I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good let not good there we go by the sweet yeah go by the S go by the sweets that’s what that’s what Ro wants right roow it’s time for us to get to our quick fire question segment and obviously we

    Had you do this last time you were on the Pod however we’ve given a little of a tweak this time and that is because uh this quickfire questions is all about your fellow teammates uh every answer to one of these questions is one of your teammates uh super simple as that we had

    Corey and pasquali do this on last week’s show they were able to tie the high score of 11 uh did you get 11 earlier in the season as well I feel like I had the most yeah I think you did get 11 I think maybe you

    Tied the high school I thought 11 was mik Miller from last season I think row got 10 oh did get 10 one off yeah it was 10 you’re right did you deduct one I didn’t deduct anything all so let’s let’s see if we can beat 11 anyway if

    You do beat 11 you get the high score here and I think this is quite easy to do however I’ve only written 13 questions down so hopefully don’t get more than 13 uh right answer we’re going to we’re going to do the thing is what’s hard is we’re going to do the questions

    Quick but you must answer quick as well okay yeah you got did everyone else well no they did but i’ you know if we want to beat the record I know you’re real competitive right so if we want to be the record we’re going to be on our game

    As well cuz if we were there like being slow you would never get it okay okay okay D get the lights down please right row you’ve got 30 seconds to answer as many of these quickfire questions as possible uh your time are you ready I’m ready your time starts Now

    Who is the best shooter on the team TJ who is the best singer Tevin who’s got the best dance moves T who is the most forgetful ref who is the locker room DJ uh anyone who has the worst fashion sense next who is the most intelligent player on the team

    T and that is your time yeah that’s yo those yo see yeah you the thing is you don’t it doesn’t have to be the truth though but if you do but I I ain’t just going to blam out no you know that you know we’re going to clip that up and put

    It on Instagram and then they’re going to see it or I just choose one player Cory Cory Cory Cory but that’s cheating that’s definitely cheating but would have broken the high SCH what’s the rest of the questions though I want to know uh what else do I have who’s the worst

    Free throw shooter um actually no that yeah that that’s I could answer those no I mean that’s on paper you know that so that’s easy what else who spends the most time on their appearance who do you think not too sure not too sure that’s that’s good cuz

    You’re putting it back on us yeah yeah who who do you think who do I think from what you see who do you think SP Sam Sam Hardy no not me look at me no no no on go on yeah who spends the most time on their parents yeah tjan okay what’s the

    Next question the questions I haven’t answered I feel like son right you guys do I go teison for that Tevin yeah okay I reckon he spends a lot of time getting his haircut H what about Les Les does surely Les spends hours getting his hair Twisted yeah but there’s only so much

    You can twist your hair so you got to let it grow too see know what I’m saying yeah true I did have more questions there but it’s time for us Sam to get to the news this is the Bristol Flyers podcast hey fans this is the part of the show

    Where we give a huge thank you to our podcast sponsor web gains we’ve got Rob over there in the house and without their support this podcast would not be possible now web games is the Smart affiliate marketing Network who have an unbelievable track record when it comes to empowering advertisers and Publishing

    Partners to reach their potential and Achieve gamechanging results they connect businesses with top Affiliates who can promote your products and services reaching a wider audience and driving more revenue and here’s the best bit Flyers fans web games provides you with detailed reports and analytics to track the performance of your affiliate

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    Marketing by advertisers also known in our Channel as retailers returned an average of 12240 Pence that is actually crazy when you spend one pound get 12 pound back 1240 back it’s so good it’s a good deal isn’t it and not only a web gain sponsors of the Bristol Flyers podcast

    But their company logo is also once again on the front of our home and away playing shorts inspiring the team to make smarter connections just like they do for thousands of brands on their International affiliate Network so if you’re ready to Skyrocket your online presence and drive more sales visit web

    Games.com and see how they can assist you in the world of affiliate marketing that’s web gain.com web G ns.com give your business the assisted needs with web gains affiliate Network this is the Bristol Flyers podcast right here’s look at what’s been going on around the British basketball league this past week

    And we have to start by talking about the home triple header sound oh my goodness me it was amazing Joel it was a real good experience it was a lot of work wasn’t it three sellout crowds at sgs1 wise campus in under 24 hours uh let’s start by talking about the women’s

    Game first because it is an incredible win for the women’s side um over ler Riders huge congratulations to them 7162 the final score in front of a packed house Hannah Wallace mhm 30 points she tore it up didn’t she Joel incredible uh yeah she had where is it

    In my notes 32 points six rebounds and five steals it was officially on the UN real isn’t it was B out I think at the time we said 30 but on the live stats it actually was 32 well I was counting up 32 and then everyone kept saying 30 and

    I was like all right I think you’re right um but these fulltime scenes get it up on screen producer Dan big packed house at the uh the SGS College Arena it’s the first time we’ve ever had a crowd like this for a women’s NBL division one game um it just shows

    Doesn’t it Sam the real appetite that there is for uh for basketball in the City and the potential that the women’s program has for us to really Push It Forward you know I look at this program and I sort of think this is where Flyers was probably 2013 just before we entered

    The British basketball league you know getting crowds like this um a solid fan base already in place it just needs the infrastructure it just needs the um it just needs the funding uh pumped into it to be able to you know enter the women’s British basketball league and I really

    Really really hope and I know Lisa Knights has been been pushing this as well but I really hope that um people at Bristol sport were sort of seeing the crowds there and being like look you know this is a real opportunity to to grow uh the women’s program because you

    See how Bears women’s grown as well over the last since the co pandemic as well so hopefully you know we can do this with the women’s program too similar to how we did with the men’s program 10 years ago the atmosphere as well was amazing like there had so many and

    There’s so many new faces I think part of the um Beauty and the problem with SGS is we we sell out and and it’s hard to get new fans through the door well loads of new fans through but this was a great opportunity and selling it out and

    There was just so many people I’ve never seen before loads of families and and they were well into it it was so good wasn’t it so we actually looked at the numbers here because we did it as a ticket event on the Bristol Sports site

    So tickets were free but you had to go onto the site to to buy you know a ticket to claim a free ticket uh and the data shows that the majority of those fans hadn’t got a ticket for the ches game or the Sur game that weekend as

    Well um marotti 12 points nine rebounds she was bullying people inside wasn’t she Joel yeah and uh have to give a shout out to Christina beika as well 12 points Off the Bench six rebounds absolutely smashed it she was rolling around she was like diving all over

    Every loose ball and everything yeah she was it was really good it was uh it was fantastic and of course Oram Mii with seven points and 13 rebounds that’s crazy yeah rebounding machines it’s like Bristol Flyers the DNA is just rebounds the men’s and women’s sides um it

    Happens but if you want to come if you enjoyed the women’s game and you wanted to watch more the women’s team team play uh you can watch their next home fixture at SGS it’s Saturday February 24th against the reading Rockets tip off is at 5:00 P p.m entry is free but you

    Don’t need to go onto the Bristol sport site this time to get your ticket you can just rock up to the game uh if you enjoyed the game you know enjoyed the atmosphere um let’s see if we can recreate again for reading Rockets um in a couple weeks

    Time uh Sam should we talk about the men’s double-headed now nah uh so I guess kind of all started on Saturday uh ches Phoenix coming to town um Saturday hurt man Satur didn’t Saturday hurt it real hurt like twoo loss was it twoo end it was two point l

    Two point loss they were it it wasn’t even just that fourth quarter man we were we were down 20 to4 at one in after 6 minutes in that fourth quar yeah 20 to four and we were looking really good though so this first half up to a 12

    Point uh 12 12 four lead race out the blocks uh cam chren carried them back into the game is a onepoint lead at the half of Flyers we held laquincy rido scoreless for like the first two quarters who is like the trophy final MVP yeah um so you know we did a great

    Job on him we sort of did it apart from Kristen sort of scoring more most of their points yeah we you know it’s one of those ones where if one person goes off but everyone else has a quiet game it’s not too bad it’s okay it can be

    Okay as long as it’s not too bad of a like killing spree like you if they go like have like a scoring record then it can still be bad but yeah they you know it’s just one it was one of those endings where they saved the they were

    The superheroes I guess yeah do you know what they did and not including um not just threes but they had one and one play and then also that annoying foul on um Skyler yeah they had seven threep point plays in a row so I think they hit

    Five threes and then they hit one and one and then the three free throws as well in a row yeah it started with um white didn’t it yeah so Skyler white hit three straight three to start that yeah um and after being doing nothing the whole absolutely nothing so

    Frustrating because when I spoke to coach in the interview and he was talking about sort of concentration and knowing personnel and we did a great job of that and for 30 minutes and then you sort of you you you know you switch off for literally you know two minutes and

    That’s all it takes for these matchups and the Tendencies You Know playing Tendencies You Know white is going to shoot that three-point jump shot at the top of the key he did it in the trophy final um that’s what cost us games however saying that with with the lapsing concentration we were still

    Right in there at the end with the chance to win it on the buzzer do you know what and one thing you can you can only ask for in that situation is a good look right and Levi had like an unbelievably good look he had an open

    Free 100% boom and it’s it’s like you know people going to miss like that’s part of the game and um I think anyone our team would trust him to shoot that shot again like you know there’s no doubt in that what you reckon should we could have been a foul

    In there reckon oh can I say am I I mean you can it’s all post game now we’re not we’re not yeah white F him I mean you could said straight after the game he’s like yeah him you could easily like he like yeah I like but that’s the game is it it

    Happens that’s the game do you knowy thing though I say yeah he fouled him but the one that Levi fouled him and he got the fre free throws it was almost like ran out to him ran past him and on the way past he actually he gave him a

    Tap on the back did you notice that playing as a like a sort of asno past him and that’s what the fouls called for not for like oh yeah he didn’t like go out and hit him it was just like a little like bound him they hit him on if

    I’m playing Devil’s Advocate as well though there’s a Tron Jacob screen before that as he as Ton’s bringing the ball up so the ball gets inbounded to tjon tr Jacob sets the screen and he sort of turns so you could have easily called that as an offensive foul yeah

    The moving screen well don’t play Devil’s Advocate okay like you know no there there was a lot of but I know that’s been a big so I’ve been in meetings with officials this year and they briefed commentators and said look here’s the things we’re looking out for

    This season and the landing space foul is was one of the things that they really were trying to push um that and the UN Sportsman like clear path foul was the two areas where they wanted to sort of really create some clarity on um but obviously it didn’t turn out that

    Way it’s all hypothetical because eventually you know if we had let Skyler white shoot those threes and yeah we wouldn’t be in that position anyway you sort of when it comes down to the last possession of a game you’re always going to put it in the hands of basketball

    Gods you know what I mean so it was a frustrating one 76-78 the final score te Ellison 23 points eight rebounds four assists Brad green 11 Point 16 rebounds ton Lucas 14 points and six assists 16 rebounds is a joke it just is a joke he eats him up

    For breakfast he I think it was one game he had like a double double before halftime like with five minutes to go in the half was it last week we talking about last week we literally he had a double up uh and also in this game I

    Think he had in one of these games he was on something like 10 and N by the half yeah that’s crazy um so that kind of takes us on to Sunday uh Sunday s scorches um less than 24-hour turn around between these two games we

    Finished our game I think I got home by about quar past 11 I was back in SGS at um 11:00 a.m. because of the women’s game to L 12:30 but then obviously the men’s scam were at what 2:30 4:30 4:30 um Flyers ending their double head of

    Weekend 91 94 81 lost S scorches and S put together um a boners three-point shooting display really I’m sorry six from six from Quinn Cooper that’s that’s horrible but you know but we was fig this in the way up though like the you know a player like Quinn Cooper that’s

    What he does he catches and shoots freeze and that again it’s Tendencies and playing Tendencies you’ve got to overplay that in that situation like yeah but no one expected to go six from six I mean he he came straight in Off the Bench and just hit a fade in threo

    From a corner but it’s not like he hasn’t done this to us what he does it’s not like he hasn’t done this to us in the first two times we met them do you know what I mean yeah if it was like if it was like some random if if you

    Playing Manchester and flipping what’s the legend Roberton starts hitting five from five3 You’ be like guy you know that’s no no disrespect but he’s not shooting a free is he that’s my gay that’s my gay but like but you know like I mean I mean Raph and I did a game the

    Week before s versus Sheffield we were commentating on it in Quinn Cooper’s hitting threes so we know we’re all seeing exactly yeah but the percentages we played you played percentages right I get it I hear what you’re saying and the trouble is when they hit those percentages the chance of us winning a

    Game is going to be low well so little little stat for you at the end of the third quarter they were shooting 60% from three at the end of the third and that’s when they had the lead they only turned the ball over twice in the second

    Half you know when they shoot threes like that at high clip regardless of what how the defense is playing you and they’re not turning the ball over and we can’t get out and break it’s going to be a long night for any for any team I

    Think any team that shoots 60% on you and doesn’t turn the ball over it’s going to be a long night yeah we there was moments where we’d like we we were actually playing okay we were getting but they were hitting a three then we come back and hit a two 32 like we

    Weren’t not scoring at points it was just like they weren’t missing anything at moment yeah we wasn’t really hitting our shots yesterday but that’s what they do that’s what they do though they are they take the most threes in a game and sometimes they but when they are on they

    Are on so and they’ve actually Str together a bunch of wins haven’t they MH yeah they have what’s their uh win record well let’s take a look at itan you can get up on screen here’s what the results have done to the weekend’s schedule uh this was after the calonia

    Leicester game so that’s why they’re highlighted on screen um but the pair of wins for S brings them up to 10 and 15 flies a pair of defeats at the weekend puts them on 11 and 14 and 7th so s are now just one win behind the Flyers they

    Also have the head to head now because obviously winning that game Over Bristol so uh Flyers are still tied on wins with Sheffield who are in sixth pair of wins for Newcastle at the weekend puts them up to fifth on 13 and 11 London lions by

    The way are just two results away from winning the league title right now uh of course it is London Lions on uh Saturday SGS College wise Arena 8:00 pm tip off if you haven’t got a ticket you can always watch the game on YouTube 8:00

    P.M uh there’s also by the way Sam and I got to go through a ticket info here because this is ridiculous I was looking at tickets for the rest of the season season there’s only 60 tickets left for the following game against Sur scorches on March 2nd 8:00 p.m. and there’s only

    12 tickets left for the following game against leester Riders on Sunday March 10th then after that there’s only 60 tickets left for the game against Plymouth on March 30th then after that there’s only 50 tickets left for the game against London on April 7th then just 20 tickets left for the game

    Against Manchester on April 13th and finally there’s just 70 tickets left for our last home game of the regular season and breathe that is actually me so basically the moral of story is if you want to get tickets to watch Bristol Flyers go get them right now because

    They will sell out um and they will sell out quick and if you remember last year we’ sold out our last six games of the regular season by around this sort of time so um they are going to sell so just if you want to go watch flyers and

    You haven’t got a ticket and you’re not a season ticket holder just pick the games you want to go watch now I can’t stress it enough and yeah Bristol flyers. co.uk uh other news we got to get through Allstar voting this week is the last week to get your Allstar votes in

    Before voting ends on February 15th you can still have your say on who makes the allstar starting lineups for team north and team South our Flyers players need your support Brad green still leads the way at the center position Sam how do you think Brad will get on in the

    Allstar game see him shooting some three balls allar game be surprised you know he does shoot it my god listen the man can shoot I’ll give it to him y I don’t like yeah don’t don’t don’t doubt his free and I’m not saying that he should

    Go out there and shoot freaking 10 I’m just saying he might hit one uh right and Sam on that note it’s time for us to get to the mailbag you’re listening to the Bristol Flyers podcast right time for us to round out this week’s episode quite a

    Long one this week Sam uh but how long is it I don’t know I’m not counting uh but uh we got time for us to get to the mailbag we Deep dive into the questions uh producer Dan have a think about a question to ask for a Roy G Bell um but

    First question is from nathan. R 11 on Instagram what’s the best thing about playing basketball great question playing what’s the best thing about playing playing playing no just honestly I mean like you just think about like you get to do what you love as a job is

    It like that’s a lot of people wish they could do that and you know you appreciate it oh yeah that’ be nice wouldn’t it yeah uh I tell you he’s been in touch Mita Emanuel Carr has been in touch with us on Instagram come on where’s she playing now uh sharks is he

    Yeah sheff Shar Che Hatters yeah that’s what they called just had a big game actually is is it uh she’s been in touch with a couple questions first one what’s your favorite childhood memory in basketball favorite yeah I started at 15 so childhood memory still a child of you know what my first

    Yeah I guess but uh first my first dunk probably like yeah like I I dun to what like 13 I think but so yeah theying that for the first time was like yeah hyped what situation was it was it just like you going against the I just kind of said like cuz I

    Didn’t really play basketball didn’t ever anything and then um one time we just did basketball in school and I was like you know what let me see if I could dunk this like I said they make it look easy I was like let me try and I did it

    I was like okay were you tall it’s 13 as well uh probably like 6 foot that is crazy that’s a big 13y old the other question she asks was what’s your favorite dunk you’ve ever done so I guess that kind of uh answers both questions uh honey dip the Honey Dip

    Honey Dip in a game oh in a game no I did no uh reverse windmill on someone’s head was it yeah what was where his that was like under 16 okay know is I did that in in Spain I did that yeah I’ve done that a few times actually you got

    Tape yeah it’ll be there somewhere I’ve done it a few times if you can find it for us after we’ll put that on the we’ll put that on the tape right now yeah yeah same that’s my favorite dun I’ve ever done that’s cuz you don’t really realize you’re doing it you’re

    Just doing a reverse and then you’re you’re right you don’t realize you’re going to do a reverse 360 wom really realiz I’m up here cuz you’re not trying to do the trick you’re try to make the hoop and then the basket and then you’re like oh actually you watch it back and that’s

    When you’re like oh that’s why everyone got like it looked like I fully committed to that yeah yeah amazing hate it when you trip over John you accidentally when you trip over an accidentally windmill reverse on someone’s head uh Schnack man Matt shout out Schnack man Matt you’ll love them

    Sweets uh he wants to know um what’s your favorite place to eat out in Bristol uh rice and things rice and oh my goodness that’s where I’m at that’s where I’m at have you shown all the boys that yeah everyone what everyone’s already on it Les put me on to that of

    Course Les do Les been going for years I said it from the rip like when I got here I was like yo can I go get some some real food Le has been yeah Les’s always down there that place is I don’t know it’s crazy how good it is if you’ve

    Never been it’s like sort of right at the bottom of um chelam Road near gluster Road and it’s next to I don’t really know it’s there’s a pub next to it but it’s like just the corner of like a traffic light it’s so good it’s a bit

    Weird if you’ve never been before how you order but you’ll just go in and be fine yeah yeah yeah it’s not a big deal who would win in a fight Batman or Superman we actually had this conversation on the bus didn’t we yo this conversation so many times and it gets heated

    Oh is obvious yeah Superman it’s Superman I don’t know what it’s even an argument what do you think just dancing Superman or Batman it is Superman like I’m sorry you talk about if you talk about scenarios majority of the time it will be Superman but if we’re going to talk

    About like Batman’s prepared yeah yeah yeah Batman’s winning well Superman’s got super human powers Batman is ridiculously intelligent Super Rich yeah and he has a utility belt that if he’s prepared for his suit is probably Kryptonite no if he’s that’s why I said if he’s prepared like if he’s sleeping in his

    Bed no then he’s done yeah exactly exactly that’s what I’m saying so majority of situations he’s losing but if he’s prepared I don’t see him losing yeah but what about how far away does Superman’s laser eyes work cuz if he’s like his Kryptonite wouldn’t hit him first right surely the laser eyes go

    Further than the Kryptonite yeah but Superman’s stupid have you seen the times how he’s been like beat up come on man he literally runs up to the guy like oh you have something green he’s it’s always like the same thing so I don’t see him beating when it comes to

    Intelligence okay I got you I got you yeah here’s a question for you um last question before we get to one for Juan will you be staying next season um there’s a possibility we just have to wait and see oo I mean that’s not a yes or no that’s just never say

    Never but also the future is Big yeah yeah that’s like that’s like the out there question so just have the PC in it yeah there we go so watch this space who knows I don’t know Sam doesn’t know but we’ll no in the summer when the season’s

    Over and that’s when we talk about that sort of stuff yes yeah exactly P Dizzle producer Dan what you got for us now earlier on we were talking boxing and you on about how much you enjoy boxing yeah I just got to know two things who’s your favorite boxer yeah first off yeah

    Currently currently yeah oh um damn probably javante Davis okay the tank nice yeah yeah yeah and then finally there’s a big fight on the horizon yeah Fury usk yeah if it happens yeah he’s not it’s currently been I think postponed he he postponed they’ve arranged it for May yeah he got his face

    Bust though training fully fit who wins I think us yeah yeah yeah I do think so I think usk um I think Jake Paul wins oh come on man I don’t I knew that get you don’t I knew don’t even man I don’t even like when people talk about that in him in

    The form of boxing I just leave it let it be man like it’s whatever it’s just whatever man well should we end the podcast on that note then shall we yeah pa uh Ro thank you so much for joining us in the studio uh best of luck the

    Rest of you recovery fingers cross see back on court ASAP we need you out there my man uh Sam thanks for joining us on the podcast good episode anytime Joe yeah he’s not he not going to be here he’s got too Fair he’s he’s off to

    Dublin now a you well my flight my flight is at 7 so yeah I got got a few hours left yeah Dan thank you for pushing the buttons as always uh thanks to rap Thomas Edwards for joining us very briefly at the start of this week’s

    Show um anything else do want to add before we wrap up this show no no good um that’s going to do it don’t forget to like comment and subscribe you’re listen on all major podcast providers um and on YouTube as well uh Sam and I be back what next week back

    Next week for another episode of the Bristol Flyers podcast so from Joel Sam and produc Dan we’ll see you next time thanks to web Gains

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