Mikey Rainsford, a young skateboarder from Liverpool, tragically lost his life in a case that garnered significant media attention and public outcry. On the night of April 7th 2020, Michael Rainsford, affectionately known as Mikey, was shot in the back by a gunman who concealed themselves in the shadows outside Mikey’s kitchen window and fired two shots into the house.

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    [Applause] side Police emergency my brother’s just being slot okay what do name Michael R being shot in the house yes yes Chris please he being shot by we don’t know M mik wake up for me your my name is Josh I’m his brother I’m I’m brother we don’t even know if

    We’re safe we don’t know if we’re safe could be here right now are you in the house are yeah Nia Josh Josh Josh a murder inquiries underway after a 20-year-old man was shot dead on Mercy side police were to Harrington Road in litherland shortly after 11:00 last

    Night the victim was taken to hospital but pronounced dead a short time Later yeah very very we were just going a about at night me and my dad sat there on the couch watching tell tra a team already had puppies from the Northwest Mikey came in about 11:00 I was just getting ready for bed almost fallen asleep she comes in and he

    Goes you’re right Dad would you be able to take me to me girlfriends please she says hry up son it’s getting late I want to go to bed so he went in the kitchen and then he started to fill his bag with u what he always does biscuits crisps

    You know drinks stuff for them to have a picnic you know me dad stood up took go out into the kitchen and I’ve I’ve followed behind and I walked into the kitchen and I got through the door for him and I said uh will you H up Michael

    I’m wait to go to bed and I never finish that Sentence the loudest bangs I’ve I’ve ever heard and you you’ve gone from half asleep you know to being in the war zone Michael ran across me startled probably not knowing what has happened we just um we got into the hall and uh we were just trying to be somewhere

    Where there was no windows and I thought everything was okay cuz obviously he’s running and so first thing I do as soon as I see that just holes in the window is I get a phone I guess she’s on the phone so no me and Micha look got old to each other just

    Huddling you know and then he said that and then he slumped he just fell backwards and kind of like just slouched down the wall and I told me realized he being Shot all right what introdu is he go where is he being shot where’s he being shot he’s doing off he’s being shot in his side oh okaye he told us to check for little shirter and we could see one hole in his chest and one hole in his

    Back I I I lost I lost the plot then I grabbed a cloth to turn name coverage gunshot wounds and that wasn’t effective though I had the 999 on on the phone on the speaker and shouting on the phone telling me what to do because of the

    Commotion and what was going on heing me brother trying to breathe and my dad screaming and me crying and it it was a lot to takeen at the moment so we were just doing what we could yeah no no that’s the exit wi where the Eng with he think

    Sh and I started to give Michael chest coms and uh he just uh made this noise and it was like a roar of somebody that didn’t want to die I looked at him he was terrified he was terrified there was nothing I could do about it and then

    The the color just rained from him he just died in front of me it’s just I rolled back in his head and his color went and he just just died right FR to Me my house was now full of armed police officers uh guns and rifles and they just uh asked me if I knew what had G on we just couldn’t even speak I didn’t know what had G on and we were escorted from our house we were told that it was now a crime

    Scene and we were able to to retrieve any of our personal belongings or anything like that we were just told if you have got somewhere to stay just going to have to go day Now and we left the property and there was ambulances police cast down his little quiet street all with the blue lights flashing look not sounds a 20-year-old man was shot dead on Mercy side talented skateboard Michael reinford was hit by two bullets in his litherland home the victim was taken to

    Hospital but pronounced dead a short time later everyone was really shocked especially people living in that area it could easily have been any of their sons or daughters no one could comprehend why it was in no one could Comprehend I first became aware of this murder probably about half 5 6:00 in the morning I got a call call from my senior officer upon attending the scene the initial thought is that whosoever had carried out this attack meant to kill Mikey Mikey was executed in his

    Kitchen the reason why I came to that conclusion was the spacings between the two shots the shooter was actually tracking Mikey which meant that the first shot was discharged and when Mikey ran the person would have had to physically change their direction to point in the firearm and shot at Mikey

    Again 20-year-old Michael rainford was shot dead in liand on Tuesday Mery side police are continuing to ask anyone with in a series of raids this morning merys side police tried to track down some of those behind the violence the fear for the public though is that these

    Gangs clearly have no regard for their own lives let alone these young children or anybody else on the streets of Mercy side Michael’s murder occurred in the litherland C4 area of sefon because of the area that it’s taken place in and the firearm being used you can’t help

    But have one of your l in quiry being is this a gang related murder like a lot of places you have the the street gangs the people that are involved in lowlevel drug dealing and things like that but I think one thing that is the case on

    Mercy side is perhaps more of them have access to guns I wanted to have a look in Mikey’s room to see was there evidence of wealth there were no large sums of money lying around there were definitely no drugs and there were no guns all in all there was nothing to

    Suggest he was involved in serious criminality he was an innocent person you know and he wasn’t involved in gangs and that’s all I can Say I’ve got like a little surprise for from jail it was like cat and dog it was your your normal brother relationship you love each other and you hate each other no what you do he was the glue to our family I was proud I looked up to him he was my role

    Model in life for everything really I am who I am today because of him there’s no one that can think of Mikey where was he everyone will say Frw I used to like watching other children watching him because he was the next level over these kids he definitely had an ability um maybe a lack of fear Mikey at 13 was that far Advanced he was skating with us at 21 to 25 there’s not a word for it Prodigy it’s call

    Me it’s this AR because you think about what he could be now even a couple of years on yeah there was potential massive potential I definitely reckon he could be up there with the big dogs and definitely represent England in the Olympics Mery side police say a man who was shot dead in litherland on Tuesday was 20-year-old Michael rainford officers are continuing to ask anyone with dash cam or CCTV footage from Harrington Road to contact them the police struggle to solve these crimes because there’s a wall assy

    Grass culture I think they call it or Whatever people are reluctant to come forward and give you information for fear that they will be dragged into those events themselves as the SI I will speak to neighbors myself the thing that stood out to me was a lot of them were fearful a lot of them were

    Shocked we cannot resolve these problems on our own we’re desperately in need of our community’s Help everyone’s heartbroken when he found out it was him I got loads of messages on my PlayStation from Friends saying is it is it true is he is is he actually died the social media side of things and like with Snapchat and Instagram I was waking up to 200 messages on Snapchat

    Alone usually when it comes to things like this in our area yeah people don’t talk but when words got around that that has happened to Michael literally everyone in the community was speaking out about everything they knew because they loved Him there was rumors floating around about certain things you know people putting up on Snapchat that’s hi nicknames one was wh and one was P that was within hours of the M that came through lots of people on social media just you know saying it’s it’s pip it’s pip we didn’t know pip

    Was My brother’s just being shot okay what’s his name Michael raford you’re being shot by we don’t Know people were telling us about Communications that were on social media we started getting names and the two of the names that K featured a lot were pip and worm we needed to know who they were most investigations uh however serious they are will often find pleasing turning to social

    Media people live their lives on social media and it’s the same for for people that are involved in in gangs a big part of their psyche is trying to make themselves look credible boost their own reputation make themselves look Stronger what we’ve seen since September is an unprecedented rise in the number of shootings the third fatal shooting in Liverpool in the last week the gang’s activities left the people who live here and this is the word the police use petrified there’s a lot of bravado there

    Part of the bravado when it comes to to Gangland is the temptation to get himself involved with feuds pick fights try to look hard try to build your credibility as part of my role as crime reporter covered quite a significant number of stories in the South seon area which incorporates se4 incorporates

    Liander is an area where there have been pockets of Gangland activity and those involved in it have had quite serious impact and influence on you know the many many innocent people living around Them we lived on kstone which is known to people as a gang area but the part where we lived was kind of secluded from what was going on are you reading the echo that there’s the name of this gang but that’s not something that you would say oh there’s one there never anything

    Like that we were aware if these two separate factions both concentrated around the south end of seon which is only relatively small one was known as the kirkstone riot Squad KRS and then you had the Lin Yung guns the Lin Yung guns was more of an organized group sadly

    What sat at the center of some of these gang and gang violence was control of turf Liverpool has had over the years a couple of cases that have resonated on a national and international level we have chaotic disenfranchised young men with access to Firearms who just don’t care

    About the consequence of them and just more than comfortable with using them to solve the most minor of disputes as a result of that innocent people are exposed to their crime and their you know vindictiveness and we see that time and time again reys had been shot in the

    Neck and was dying in the car park still in his football kit a 9-year-old girl Olivia Pratt Corbell has lost her life shot in her own home talented skateboarder Michael reinford was never in any trouble says his heartbroken dad the dad of tragic Michael reinford this evening spoke of

    His grief about the murder of his son 4 days ago most criminal offenses and not committed with a Firearms so the Killer is going to be further up in any level of criminality you do land yourself towards um thinking that this probably is going to be a gang related

    Murder we had Witnesses gave us vital Clues one of which was the perpetrators plurals in two had arrived at the scene on an electric motorbike and that they had left on this electric motor bike and we had a possible color which was either bronze or reddish

    Color we knew that social media would be alive with this and that started to provide names for us we started getting Intel suggesting that pip and worm were brothers namely James and Michael Foy i’ never heard of the voice before no NOP never heard of them I’ve never heard

    Of them didn’t know who they were I just know that it was two kids the fo Brothers don’t really know the names didn’t really know any of the people and that I just knew the areas that were sort of rif with the gangs and stuff and you just thought of either just nip

    Through or just stay away but you never sort of linger in them areas just in case I was aware of the voice because 3 years earlier I’d sat in Liverpool Crown Court with one of those Brothers with Michael Foy you know I was there for you

    For the echo covering a you know they had arrested and charged Michael Foy for drug dealing after you know he was repeatedly caught dealing to undercover police so he was already kind of on my raadar essentially because I literally sat there watched him get jailed James is in his late teens

    Michael is in his early 20s Associated to gang life and gang life lifestyle these were two boys that like to ride off-road bikes cause a lot of issues for the people that that live nearby they are individuals who we’ve arrested previously uh for a multitude

    Of offenses so we were aware of the fo uh we were aware of the criminal activities was there something that Mikey had done to upset someone that we weren’t aware of On the night of the murder the local PC was patrolling the area fatuously Constable grer a local police officer was in that vicinity when she noticed two youngsters with what she thought was a Scrambler bike so her immediate thought was well that bike looks like trouble you had loads of issues with

    Scrambler bite causing disorder criminality Etc so she immediately put a call in for backup and her idea was to basically cordon off that road and prevent the bike getting out and while she was waiting for backup the bike disappeared PC gr noticed the broken window and this is the home address of

    Joyce Smith and the two sons she spoke to Joyce who explained to the officer that unknown person or persons had caused damage to the window she remarked that one of the bricks had nearly hit Her yeah I’m just taking a statement from Joyce now all the glass came fing through the Blind and that F the found the face break in um two yeah inside the living room sorry the obviously you said about the boys coming back might done well you said to me before that

    They had come back well they hadn’t come in no but they’d been back they hadn’t come in yeah they hadn’t come in so how long after was it did you text the boys and tell them yeah yeah what are your son’s names my brother

    Yeah I know who the are M but I have to obiously I don’t want to put words into your mouth the officer asked about the two males who were on this bike and she was told by Smith that oh yes it was her sons who were using the bike namely James and

    Michael Foy we knew that they would been made aware by their mom that her Windows had been smashed so it gave us a possible motive was the Smashing of the window using a brick a precursor to this particularly because the times of that were were quite close together uh the

    Window is smashed at around qu 10 in the evening Michael was murdered at within the hour clearly we’re thinking do the foes know something that we don’t that it was Michael who’ smashed the window 20-year-old Michael reinford was hit by two bullets in his litherland home murder Squad detectives are urging the

    Public to contact them to help solve the tragic and violent [Applause] crime we’re interested in finding the firearm we want to get that dangerous weapon off the streets but we’re also want to find the orange color San bik as the investigation starts to gather Pace we have key Intelligence Officers who are looking at social media posts we were aware that Michael and

    James Foy had access to a number of electric bikes one in particular a sort of orangey bronze colored electric bike we conducted CCTV and inquiries in the locality of where the voice lived we were able to get evidence of them using said bike or similar bike

    Over a period of time leading up to the murder about 2 days after the murder we had sufficient evidence to obtain a warrant which we executed at the home address if the The Voice we searched that property and we did not find a gun we did not find the bike and

    Coincidentally all of them so James Michael and Joyce their mother just happened to lose their phones about the same time the bike that was used has never been recovered the gun that was used used to kill Michael has never been recovered having no gun having no Witnesses uh does cause us a

    Problem individual police forces try and do what they can there have been a series of operations here in Mery side against fire police say the violence was fueled by postcode Tribalism unfortunately it seems to be you can have a community of people where you got 98 99 % of the community are all just getting on with the lives and then there just 1% you know that are involved in criminality I don’t think it was ever gr

    Up it was a concern because me me children w’t part of that world something happened which kind of P my heat off live and where we lived I was downstairs one night just watching T go with the dog and I he this really really loud Angel

    Reev my he was at a block of flat just chilling with his friends as you normally would and he was sat on the on a ped bike and this mopeds come onto the estat and bumped up onto the cab and he drove that the for of

    Them there’s been two people on it and the person on the back has had a machete in his hand everybody ran into the flap up because my brother had a pedal bike he’s had to Pedal off Michael got on his bike and pedal home and he followed

    Him mik he just managed to get into the front garden threw the bike into the bushes and he’s jumped over the back gate ran in he actually heard them trying to and kick the door go through to try and get a hold of him his face is

    Pale white he’s he’s out of breath you can tell that he’s being shut up he was just shouting for the police for the police and all we could hear was a a roaring of a motorbike Engine outside the house he looked out the window to see them with the bike on his

    Shoulder on the back of the moped and de took the bike and and left and then we found the police and they came out quite quickly to ask questions we didn’t know who it was the two of them had B CLS and he were wearing all

    Black they scared him he was pet ofat you know as you rightly would be somebody coming after you with a machete you know um you know he did indicate that he wanted to move after that the kirkstone Road North area of litherland has been a flasho for crime

    And disorder over recent years with locals complaining about a feared local gang called the kirkstone riot Squad Mikey has grown up in an area you know where there are Lads at the same age as him that are involved in in criminal activity he might be nothing to do with

    Them but growing up in the same area he’d go to the same school as them you know it’d be at the same Community clubs they’d have mutual friends never ever sudden you’d see Mikey involved in but it could be for something you’ve been accused of doing it’s as soon as

    Your name comes out of someone’s mouth it’s not just words anymore it’s it’s hard to describe but once someone says something about you to get about it’s the way it spreads quick it’s Chinese Whispers all all around that area all I know is that he wanted to get

    Away and just go somewhere safer cuz he knew it wasn’t safe I wish that’s one of me mared that I didn’t act on it but you know we we just I just thought it was an nicent Incident if we look with any investigation we’ll start to try to build the timeline or a chronology of how the events took place um and who was involved and in our early stages um we obviously knew that at about quarter 10 that evening on the 7th of April that

    The foy’s window had been smashed by somebody using a brick immediately after this window was smashed Joyce had contacted her sons James and Michael Foy why category rised the suspects even though we haven’t got the physical handsets your phone will believe in a history it will be telling the mass

    Which one it was talking to when it was talking to the movement of the phone it’s there that’s the footprint we were able to get the expert to show us which phone masks James and Michael’s phones were tied to during the journey from Joyce’s call and after the

    Murder cell site data is absolutely fantastic but it’s not perfect so cell site data won’t put you directly on this road or in this house it will give us an idea the vicinity the general direction of Travel you said about the boys coming back they might done well you said to me before that they had come back well they hadn’t come in no but they’d been back they hadn’t come in you and they have a red was it a red electric scooter you said electric

    Bike we know from Constable G’s statement and some CCTV evidence that the bike traveled to the mom’s address at the relevant time and again the CCTV show the two figures on the bike leaving Rini the the family seat Four Brothers Michael and James and going towards Harrington Road the location of

    Mikey’s house I would say it was almost like they were predators they were hunting somebody it’s clear that that same bike was what was caught on the CCV going to Mikey reinford address sadly you could hear the gunshot on the CCTV you could hear the twool

    Shots after the murder we were able to create a compilation of them taking the Journey Back Home Prosecuting any murder is often very very challenging I looked at the evidence I think have I missed anything although we had the cell site although we had the CCTV somebody could look at it in go these are circumstantial I knew those weren’t just the evidence needed to Prove Michael Foy who’s 22 and James Foy who’s 19 are accused of killing 20-year-old Michael reinford who is shot in his home in litherland in April last year I won’t lie I am always really nervous it’s my case I am the siio the boook stops with

    Me there was always a sense of Jeopardy around the case because it was largely one that was based on circumstantial evidence there is no ma weapon there is no bike so you just no nothing you can actually you know show to the jury 20-year-old Michael reinford was shot

    Dead in Le Brothers Michael and James Foy deny killing him Mike’s family were quite somber probably really nervous it’s not every day you walk into the Crown Court it lasted for 4 weeks it was very hard because this is all alien the whole thing was alien you

    Know I went through about half of the trial and um it kind of got too much for me so and I stopped going I just had my dad come home and tell me the updates I went to all of the trial that was traumatic seeing those faces every day

    And just thinking they show no remorse you’re sitting there wondering what’s what’s the jury thinking because they sounded almost plausible they denied having anything to do with mik’s murder they just denied everything we’ve seen when people have been found not guilty uh at trials and

    The impact that that then can have on a Family that was a key piece of evidence um that Snapchat Information we have done a number of warrants and arrests at various people’s home addresses we seized a an individual’s phone a download of that recovered a Snapchat video an account we believe were controlled by James Foy had posted this message and the picture that we knew were posted onto Snapchat was somebody

    Sitting arride the orange San motorcycle this electric bike and they took a picture so you could see the key fob and you could see bits of the frame there was only ever one orange bike every other bike was black and that was a key that was a Key what the person then wrote tell your ma doc don’t use braks and then there were two emojis bang bang Mikey was killed by Two Shots by then that is saying you know what you’ve thrown a brick through our house this is what we’re going to do I could not believe that somebody

    Body would be so Blas to brag literally minutes before taking somebody’s life and posting it on social media but there it was I think most users of Snapchat think that what they post gets automatically deleted after 24 hours I think that’s probably what James Foy for in this case

    It wasn’t on James phone that the the damning message was found it’s on somebody else by virtue of them deciding to reply to a message that James had sent their phone had retained the Image the person posting the message James probably would not think an a montha sunders that his mate would have had it on his device but luckily for us he was there Michael and James Foy who have gang links to Lin young guns were found guilty of gunning down the 20-year-old in his kitchen

    The Snapchat message linked to James foy’s account was the most damning piece of evidence that the police had and ultimately that was a crucial piece of of evidence that you know helped convict the fo Michael was sentenced to life imprisonment 30 years minimum 30 years to serve and James even though just 18

    Is sentenced to 28 years it was a Shard of relief But it was it wasn’t I knew that all through that trial wasn’t going to bring that’s the most important thing is Michael and it’s not going to bring Michael Back it was as the verdict came back guilty and everybody will leaving the court and few of the defendants would shouting and trying to intimidate uh members of the jury you started shouting they showout the two colors that you know punching walls and threatening you know making threats and things like that

    I blocking out the stuff they were saying cuz it was vile he looked over at the family and Michael Foy said I’ll be out in 20 years but my he still be in the M my conclusion was Mikey had nothing to do with that window being smashed he had categorically nothing to do with the broken window he used uh Michael’s pH so they were able to track him right through the day right through the night um and the last time they took

    A reading was in the Mory at entry hospital that’s where Michael’s phone was in his pocket It was aever castle that’s what it was it was a lovely Big M garden and we had lovely neighbors uh lovely Street that’s where we made a million memories you know from Halloween birthdays Christmas Easter uh trampolines you know you jump that High we tried we lived there for a few months but ridic death threats through social media and I think that was a TI point you’re going to be in a DAT like your brother and I’m going to put holes in your chest and leave you in a box and stuff like That but we had to take we take the heaviest ever decision to leave and we couldn’t even tell the neighbors we had had to leave and not tell anybody which was heartbreaking we just left in the night it’s impossible to say why Mikey we believe that in Old Friends of

    My horse he received a phone call from the Four Brothers asking for somebody’s dress on a cake down because and they went I was bricked and this person’s gave Michael’s name in we believe that that is um that’s the reason he was chosen and somebody threw his name in the Hat and

    He was chosen I think that third party all knew both miky and had contact with the fo that person would have known where Mikey resides um that person would have known who Mikey hang around with and I believe that person betrayed Mikey on the Night by telling the

    Fo where he lived there’s no justification you know at all there’s you know even through they wared gangster World there there’s no justification for what they’ve done it’s just evil visited our home that night and S away you know our lovely Son my head


    1. So the person that smashed The Foyes window is the cause of Michaels death!! Have they been charged with the crime of smashing the window and causing Michaels death? My Condolences to Michaels family, he seemed like a beautiful amazing young man❤ The person who told the Foye brothers Michaels name should be charged also!!!

    2. To Mike's dad. You gave him a beautiful life and you taught him to have good morals and respect for others.
      You gave him so much through word and deed. I know you miss him every minute of every day. Just know that you are a wonderful father.

    3. Mmmm definitely seems like there’s more to this story they didn’t shoot him for no reason also these kids are riding round on £4000 bikes with £4000 guns what is that all about

    4. So terribly sad. It must be a mountain to climb for the family having to pick up the pieces and carry-on with life. I think for me the rage would tear me inside-out, and i cannot even contemplate the grief.

    5. Mikeys dad had it right when he said there’s no justification.. their son, brother, cousin, nephew was murdered in cold blood yet they received death threats and had to leave during the night… how sick is that!!
      My heart goes out to the whole Family 💙

    6. As a father I can’t begin to imagine the pain of the loss this gentleman is enduring along with his family. It must be also more devastating having to deal with cowardly keyboard warrior trolls who make threats that in real life wouldn’t have the balls to back them up, But you have to take them at face value to protect your family. I hate these sick and weak minded idiots.

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