See my bike from here coffee shops open can see the weather not that it’s cable got foot on at the moment got myself coffee just had uh two two cups of coffee um I asked for one of them to be FTE e Grande e can’t even think um and I had

    Tortilla um second tortilla of the trip funnily enough last two in the last uh couple of days well I’ve got a whole bag of almonds here um these are the ones I’ve already done a few peanuts in there for good measure at the discarded shells got myself off of Rock I’m Just smashing

    Them against the floor and uh seeming to do the trick well the sun’s come out I’ve got some uh pomegranate juice from uh I think four or five pomegranates got some uh armonds here and uh got some epic views perfect perfect way to end the trip I

    Think got some graffiti behind some nice art yeah feel good there’s a Britney’s ferry ferry over there don’t know it’s the same one that I’m getting on I’m going to slowly make my way over the Banco D santand there that seems to be what uh sensible people do they um do the

    Trip by motorcycle I only see one other bike down there mostly camper fans old people before before what got this funky looking puding got cycling magazine for the boredom of a boat the uh boats really swearing at the moment I’ve walked into the wall a couple of times it’s so all good Fun the music well I’m back in the UK back in Portsmouth um and it’s a lot busier uh the roads are narrower there’s a lot more going on uh car drivers are revving their engines behind me um people are driving faster yeah it’s just generally it’s not as chilled out as Spain

    Um people there were more relaxed I think people up here are a bit tense uh anyway I’m going to try and get train back home keep on cycling on the right hand side nearly cycled into some cyclist there uh this is a cycle path not just

    An noral path I would have had to wait around for about an hour for my train so I thought I would just uh cycle it instead got some energy I’ve had some rest really busy here Rush Hour U going up kosum hill I think don’t

    Know if it’s called Kum Hill but it’s a bit of a bastard yeah a nice Hill to greet you into the UK Monday the 15th of October it’s half 5 in the evening and um I’ve just been chatting to the guy that works in the

    Ice cream van at the top of um kosam Hill overlooking Portsmouth we had a good old chat for ages he was telling me about his fishing trip he’s doing in Sweden and his time in the military and all this stuff um and then we were talking about music cuz he plays the

    Harmonica and I asked him how you did that I’m going to put my phone away for a sec probably shouldn’t have put my phone away cuz that would have been a good demonstration of what the drivers are like here he just revved his engine up and went past me that didn’t happen

    Once in the hold of Spain um granted though the roads here are a lot narrower um people drive a lot faster here um it’s a lot less chilled out but here in the countryside it’s luscious and green uh nice green fields it is gorgeous here uh I’m not cold wearing my

    Jacket in a trackies though it’s not warm like Spain anyway yeah so I was chatting to this um ice cream dude and he was telling me how to do the vibe vibr thing on the harmonica and stuff like that and uh that was cool anyway I was chatting to him for so so

    Long that it’s starting to get dark so I’m going to start heading back thick luscious green grass the car will wheel spined past in front of me I’m going to have to film I’m going to have to film something this is this is just funny oh someone’s sing something here

    Oh eggs can’t wait to get some eggs when I get home um I have I have had a few eggs I had some for breakfast today but I haven’t had like I normally eat about four a day so I for get the way road ahead a lot narrower than Spain

    So can’t get past and this is why UK motorists hate cyclists more because the roads just aren’t they’re not even built for two cars look at this l oh looks like I haven’t missed the apple season still apple is about that’s good That feels very strange after a month and a half looking all that luscious long grass it’s really weird holy crap I was cycling on the wrong side of the road I totally forgot and and the car was like beep it wasn’t like man get out of the way it was like

    Be what are you doing oh what am I doing oh man Jesus let’s see if the uh shop in sherian is open get some flap Jacks it’s probably not open might be um I’m not that hungry but they don’t really do flat well they do they do like musly bars I mean I’ve

    Had a lot of those but they don’t do like proper flat Jacks over there well I didn’t see any let’s get some flat Jack FL Cottage don’t see any of those out there well shop shut so no Flapjacks for me there are some apples here well my front lights will run out

    And it’s dark the most important thing is my back light’s still on that’s important um hopefully there’s not too many potholes I’m just going to keep going should be able to make it hopefully it doesn’t rain it’s 11:00 at night very close to home now just got a few more

    Country Roads to cycle down um I stupidly didn’t get enough water or enough food um and what was the other thing oh yeah I got so tired I fell asleep in a bus stop uh oh yeah to recharge my lights I needed to charge my lights up cuz they

    Were completely flat both so I just slept for a while and let the things charge and just kept warm had a little nap micro naap and got back on the bike and it’s just gone back down from powerful back down to dim but I know my way from here so I’m just going

    To roll it Gently Home

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