Join Dan and Sean (@LiftHillsandThrills) as they break down the monthy theme park news from around the world in this video!

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    Yeah Sean welcome back to uh you know this discussion this news rumors we did it in January did it in February it’s like once a month we did thank you very much for having me back thank you for everybody out there who watched the the first episode it was some good feedback

    It was it was really good fact you helped us I remember that week going oh my God we’re counting down the subscribers going up and up and up and was like oh my we’re going to do it boom I was like don’t worry I got you you got

    Me you got us um so obviously the park what the heck has been going on in February oh there’s a lot going on in February isn’t there all the thies are flocking down to Nemesis now that doton Towers is open for pirate take over but

    Yes I was there an opening day for for a kids event right I say this for a kids event I think I had more fun than all the kids that actually went they’ve stepped it up so it’s only a mutiny Bay yeah obviously Mutiny Bay goes to battle

    Gallion that’s included cbbs land is kind of doing its own thing out of the way but the Pirates area it’s all just Mutiny Bay get your little treasure map and you’ve got to go around to different stalls that have got actors in each Stall oh cool and you have to either

    Take part in a game solve a riddle or just do some sort of Challenge and as soon as you complete either one of those three things you get revealed either a letter or a number depending on what mission you’re doing right you have to do you have to collect can’t remember

    How many letters are in the in the word now that yet to unlock but bet pirate treasure or something like that you’re on the right Tre I think you might have got one there is it is for kids at the end of the day but they had two different variant difficulties so you

    Could do an easy one which what the kids would do but then there’s a more difficult one for the adults and one of the adult ones we me and Haley and Chris are looking at each other like yeah we we don’t know how to do this one there’s

    A there’s a little something for everybody and we spent a whole day on Park just in mutin E Bay I don’t think I’ve ever done that no they’ve stepped it up it was it was immersive it gets you in there sea life the ad actors and sea life didn’t really worked too much

    For me but the whole kind of mutiny Bay they stepped it up the little cabins you know like all cabins at Christmas yes had all the market storees so they themed all of them with actors in and that’s where the challenges would be so so that was a nice touch tell me please

    Tell me did they put a pirate in the first room you know what on about you know when on sea life yeah yeah so you know because it’s a shipwreck isn’t it yeah did they have a pirate there they had a wanding there was some guy with like um he like he had

    Like the ghilly net on and like like a fishing net and he was like walking around speaking to people but the thing is it didn’t work too well because the acttiv were kind of walking through and following you as you were going through rather than keeping them in one room

    It’s like do you know when you go into the skeleton Bay bit and it’s like two floors and it one it once built like a ship into you got the ship and you got like the ray tank underneath get one of the actors up there I am the captain of

    The ship welcome you know and they didn’t do that so I think sea life was kind of maybe an afterthought we were walking through and some actors were still learning about the fish from some of the sea life stuff I was like we shouldn’t be seeing this

    So it was kind of that was a bit of a mess but everything else in Mutiny Bay was I love it I heard really good feedback from it all from watching some people’s videos and everyone said it’s great for the kids they spent a few hours there as well considering there’s

    Not much in that area there isn’t um but people were spend like yeah they spent a good like four or five hours there do you know say this is really good the actors were great they had a skeleton bar so there’s like a bar that did theme

    So do you know where the Mutiny Bay Courtyard is and when you go through Mutiny Bay you come through and on where where people meet Santa that sort of area they they turn that into a bar so it’s all like the facade of a bar and

    You go in and you’re in the dark and you have to follow these arrows in the dark and this these arrows you’re following them tracing them around in the dark and you find a button when you press the button it reveals one of the letters that’s on your map now okay that’s

    Effort like to build a little I know it’s just a butt in that trick but to put it into like a themed facade like when volon Tower’s gone the extra mile with anything that so it’s the first indication that they’re making an there events on for what 15 days and they’ve

    Put that much effort into it you know when you went cuzz I’m one of these where I don’t really like CU my kids are grown up is it one of these where you need your kids with you otherwise you feel a bit weird well me

    Hay and Chris went and we had a great time someone asked someone come up to us and for talking to us and I said well 33 year olds have been in here for over two hours now and we’re not bored so um there’s there’s something there for

    Everybody I don’t think you need kids you definitely don’t need kids it’s just a fun experience and if that’s the kind of bench mark for a lesser event just imagine what October Fest scare fest could be like maybe even Christmas this year as well I felt so sorry for Towers

    When cuz it was screaming that something needs to be put on that lawn at the front the towers and I said when that happens that’s it you’re going to get tons and tons of people and then eventually I think they h a lot of feedback saying that that’s where they

    Brought the stage on and all the chairs on and everything and then made that lawn to this incredible like October Fest style but no we never went to it and I felt like oh so clearly they’ve listened hasn’t worked I say it hasn’t I imagine it to be literally Heaven maybe

    Is it worth then probably doing it after the park has closed maybe just have a full event for that a bit like Europa Park yeah uh I remember doing that they closed the part after six o’cl at Europa they closed it and then October Fest started yeah similar to what they do

    With traumatic like a completely different are yes maybe maybe that’s what they need to look into whether they can do that because obviously where it’s situated I know that a lot of people I think it’s ER because I mean a lot of the shows last year everything on the

    Stage was either a singing show or a dancing show I think there was no variety there see you come around about an hour later and nether someone was singing or somebody was dancing uh and um the one at pirate takeover they had their Mutiny Bay stage so in the

    Courtyard where you got the bar and the seats in the under cover bit they had a stage all nicely themed and they had more of like a panto and that was something different cuz normally that’s in the the hotels so it it was definitely more of a a panto sort of

    Production don’t get me wrong like some of the the Pirates was when we come I think earlier in the day Pirates were singing Harry Styles like you know that good old classic pirate Melody so I don’t get that uh you should do like sea shanties and stuff like that that would

    Be decent uh but obviously they got suppose got to keep it relevant for everybody I suppose but uh know they had like a little panto and and that was a nice little thing cuz I hadn’t seen anything like that actually in towers for a long time like I said it’s just

    Singing or dancing there’s real proper show but it felt like a better produced show like more effort had gone into choreographing everything and making it more of a production so there positives hats after all Towers I’ve always said listen I’ll be the first to criticize and I’ll be the first to

    Congratulate when things go well when they put their efforts into it I’d say last year I criticized Alon towers as much as I did Blackpool and everyone knows my opinions of Blackpool that’s well documented and I think Alon Towers was right up there with how much

    Complaint and disgust I had at some of the events but it’s a transitional period And I knew it was a transitional period And every review I’d keep that in mind and make sure to remind people of that whereas this year I feel as though Bianca’s got that control to to send it

    Forward in a positive direction good luck to her good luck to her that’s what I’m saying you know you can’t Slater someone who’s just new to the job and then yeah you know well that’s the thing she she was on Pok so much less every

    Time I went which was a lot of times last year she was just walking around with a l picker cuz obviously all the members of Staff have to have a picker to go around hours and uh yeah she was just going around soaking it all in what

    Can we change what can we do just taking everything in and like um we’ve already found out like runaway M trainers had like a new LW added to the website so there could be some new additions there in the tunnel yeah so they’ve done like a proper backstory of this mining

    Company so that’s just like popped up out of nowhere so obviously runaway mind trains going to have a bit of tender loving care spinal wizard was getting a jet wash the other day wasn’t that Bloody needs but it’s just these little things that just seem to be cropping up

    And all of the attention is focused from Runaway mind train all the way down to Nemesis now with all the new work so I think that’ll be 2024 that’s the focus 2025 they might bring it to other areas as well well I think Galactica will be

    The first gender it needs to in 2025 needs to be needs to especially if project ocean materializes into what me and you have been discussing regarding what could be next and the speculation of what that could be going forward I mean you’ve already made a video about

    It go watch it if you haven’t already but for the viewers that haven’t it’s case of just um and I believe that where the car park is down there they’ve had plan and permissions for ages now to build a coaster on there so why not Implement obviously Galactica I remember people

    Laughing at me when I said this yeah me included yeah laughing at me saying well Ang I knew that area would be I knew the Cara has got potential to because obviously look at the Cara space I mean I only stayed at the Woodland lodges for

    The first time I’ve say my first Al Towers night stay Dan it’s a magical experience the M was down it was beautiful The Hobbit H yeah it was beautiful I loved it but there was a carpart that I didn’t even know existed by the stargazing pods it was huge I was

    Like it’s ridiculously massive so I was thinking they’ve got so much space that that carpot by Galactica would technically be Expendable because it’s never entirely full unless there’s a big scarefest event or you know something it’s an Expendable space where they could build something so if project

    Ocean and this is just mere speculation because it’s called ocean uh and the fact that Galactica now will be on its own as gests come through a tunnel and usually tunnels are utilized in theme parks to segregate different areas come out into Galactica and if they Dow the

    Years back to the Glory Days of Al towers and turn a like Galactica into what air was originally in the concept rocks waterfalls ocean Sur you know Serenity and all that sort of thing like an oasis that could be a really cool thing stretching into the carpot with a

    New ride and what’s at the end of that Splash land Splash Landing yeah I must uh the minute they put that portal down we’re going to call it a portal yes I’m thinking straight away you’re splitting Galactica away from forbidden Valley which I remember stating ages ago

    Galactica will have its own area we’ll have to insert the footage later and I lit I literally said Galactica will have its own area does not fit forbidden Valley and some people were saying no way it will stay cuz it just needs a jet wash or or color scheme but how does

    That how does that theme now fit in with this brand new well I say this law expansion of the Nemesis story makes no sense it’s like suddenly what we’re going back out of space why are we going back out of space Nemesis is here it’s taking over it’s killing people

    Destroying things why are we going Galactica is that a little Escape pod away to another planet it doesn’t make sense whereas uh if it was a different area keep it as the same color scheme or maybe just tart it up a bit so it actually looks like a coaster that isn’t

    ESPN I must well I was about to say a lot of the park and to be fair it is closed a lot of the areas it looks like it’s under construction the whole part there’s always scaffolding everywhere which in my eyes is a good thing nice look at EUR

    Op par man do you know like the the entrance where you just walk in they’ve dug it up like now it’s all dug up they they’re completely replacing the paving all the paving around where that Epcot replica yes they’re doing all stuff there is that where the bean bag yeah

    Europa Pock is just a one big scaffold in construction set but it’s good because they’re constantly doing stuff like look how quickly the turn around for their log FL was in this M Train that’s coming back they just brought the rides back they’ve built a whole new expansion and like this interactive

    Walkway around the themed area it’s like it’s the extra mile so to even see hints of scaffolding just on The Smiler station alone doesn’t matter if that still looks as tired and boring as it’s always done but you just seeing that little bit of effort that just has been

    Neglected for a long time but yeah hats off hats off with this sparkling project they’re doing really well but it’s not just Al Towers oh look at Porton with like Splash Lagoon like that ride it’s like oh it’s a kids log flume but Porton theming like tornado Springs is probably

    One of the best themed areas in the country by a long long stretch and you’ve got just a standard log flu Splash Lagoon and everyone’s like oh it’s going to be like submarine Splash at Dron but it’s it’s Porton they’ve built like a watchtower there’s like there’s figures and jeeps they’ve got a

    Whole Jeep themed up for this little kid and then now new news with the the dark ride that should be going in the old for so they got one Street in Porton is like a bad street for me you walk through there nothing open it’s desolate there’s

    Nothing there I’m like this this thing need something and they’re scaffolding everywhere now and they’re getting something and I must admit talking of Porton Park let’s just move on with this mate cuz I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Porton Park it’s beautiful Park

    And it is it’s I mean the gardens are ridiculous um just the rides are not the biggest and the best and they’re not it’s not that’s not what it’s you know for but I just think it is so underrated and stormchaser when I ridden that I was like this this this coaster should

    Belong like in [ __ ] D Man all oh to this ride is insane and like you said with the theming it’s probably one of the best theming areas in the UK just steps it that’s when you walk through you just think oh this is something Disney would do

    How many places in the UK can you say that you know what I mean not at all mate but um but yeah for this dark ride like you said and to be fair I like how ports are working it they’re not every year putting a new ride in M they’re

    Kind of like investing what do people want what what do we need in that Park and I’ve always said it lacks in dark rides I think UK itself lacks in dark rides like C alter Mana it’s the best in the UK but put that up against any other

    European Dark Ride and and even fantos land’s little dark ride that me and Jake absolutely hated probably wipes the flow with it in terms of longevity and immersion it’s just true it’s it’s just that in the UK we haven’t got much to compare it to but if you’re getting a

    Dark ride at Pon they know it’s their first Dark Ride I mean heck look what they added to tornado Springs they added farmyard flyer and it’s the most simplest little ride you can think of but the theming I’m walking through like I’m fully immersed like this is a ride

    For little kids and I’m on it and it’s like the propeller’s moving on the end of the train as you’re going around and you got the audio and you’re going around and there’s like crash planes around you and stuff it’s just IM the gy swing on that one called I can’t what

    It’s called C is that what yeah the little and I’ll tell you what that’s one of the most intense thing I’ve ever been on and that’s supp is it I preferred that over malstrom at TR man all day every day I always feel more like I’ve been through the the mill cycling it

    Yeah good that’s a good one it’s good plug and uh yeah mom is a bit tame for me but H yeah that’s the one that always gets me I’m wondering alt Tower’s next flat ride well obviously apart from this one what’s yeah everyone is saying is it

    Ripsa or not I’m going to I’ve seen your videos you are probably you’re putting all your chips on this saying it is going to be like a Ripa 2.0 wish wishful thinking with some hints yeah the dimensions just add up perfectly and if the supports of because the structure

    That people walk through is actually sunken down and the steps down to it if they hadn’t have been sunk then there’s no way that a Top Spin would fit on that structure and still meet the height requirements of those 18 MERS knowing it’s sunk and knowing there’s enough

    Room either side to sink the support of that R that’s that’s why you lost me that’s because possible the size of it isn’t it it’s fairly wide rip Sor is yeah so this is a smaller version of rip because now they’ve built a shop yeah on that as well so it’s even

    Smaller of a footprint yeah I mean there’s different there’s I know hus of I’ve can’t not sure about this like so don’t you know I’m trying to think of how to word that just say it man you’re in sa H I’m not sure if Huss are a company now because obviously they

    They’ve changed hands aren’t they or they something happened to them and they acted you go in a different direction and I think they’re more of a company now that they are a pay per manufacturer company so it’s more custom used to I’m not it’s just how that AC when I’m on it

    It seems as there’s more options there if needed but the dimensions for a Flawless Top Spin there I think there’s a few little twiggles either side but it’s possible for that to go in there I don’t know what’s coming as I haven’t seen any construction documents nothing’s been leaked and as Bianca

    Keeps telling me I’m diving down every Rabbit Hole possible but um I’m I’m going to get something right eventually have they said there is definitely a flat ride coming to forbidden Valley if you look into the documentation on the planning permission it it specifically says a more permanent Edition flat you

    Know a permanent Edition ride uh in comparison to funken fly with that being a temporary traveling funfare ride this is something more permanent and a flat and for about 10 minutes someone told me it was a HB Leisure climbing wall and for that 10 minutes I was almost adamant

    It was going to be because I know I was thinking this is the company that put hanging bars in there for Christ’s sake well listen when I was there mate in Forbidden Valley we had what they called lava the lava something and it was a a

    Climb they got the jumping thing as well well where Subterra was that they had like an area and uh yeah they had a climbing wall lava lava Sumit lava lava lamp but it’s crazy isn’t it like cuz I actually believed it but then again people believe that the block on the

    Planning permission like yourself I like what am I playing it it’s [ __ ] road block but that’s the thing that confused me because I’m like why would you build that but it’s it’s for secrecy and it’s just to like plan out the width and the height and stuff but that there doesn’t

    Tell me as a secret yeah I it’s a pointless it’s more the parameters of what it can go in I think just for them to look at and be like right we’ve got this height limit bloody bloody BL but with Pon they’ve got a massive building that 4D theater and

    That whole stretch where that construction fencing is now is massive so you get Porton theming God forbid we need trap start rides in this UK like theme po landscape cabri World getting a trackless dark ride I was more excited about that than any other Dark Ride news I’ve seen

    Around the world this year what do ride is it it’s I can’t remember the bloody name now but it’s like it’s replacing Kadabra it’ll be a shooting Dark Ride and the story follows Fredo who takes you through and you have to shoot at ingredients or on your journey and when

    You collect all the ingredients at the end of the ride they give you another chocolate bar so it’s just another excuse to get another bar of chocolate but it’s a shooting do ride and that’s good um another trackless do ride we’ve got Harrington flints at fancy Island

    Which is good yeah what else we got we got the medieval one at the Legoland Discovery Center in Manchester so that’s another trackless one and the incredible one that’s only open at Christmas time in Sundown adventur land which is a Santa slay that you sit on go through a

    Christmas Wonderland and when you stop you go into a Hut and go meet Santa and it’s Ace I love that mate it was Ace all I needed is Will Ferell in an elf costume sitting next to me and and I I was in I was in Wonderland honestly

    Sundown Adventure Land or yeah it’s got some of the best theming and you only have to go with a child so we may Ash went with his daughter he said you do you want to come I was like I kind of do cuz the theming looks sick and when I

    Went I was not disappointed and still to this day it’s one of the best themed it’s up there with pton it really is not too too far from here is it what Porton no Sundown oh Sundowns not now not not all but Porton is mileage it’s Southampton is it yeah I remember going

    For the opening day of tornado Springs and I was on the train for like three and a half hours from Stoke and I was like I’m going I’m excited so far away so so far away but it’s it’s the poulton is a park that’s got some exciting

    Things coming um I knew about the dark ride I was told about that late last year but there’s no proof I got people tell me stuff I kind of need proof before I tell other people uh just like I need proof that there’s a massive massive ride coming the other side of

    Cobra at pton Park because they’re already getting up already and it’s going to be their biggest ride but do I have proof do I ex so another video is not going to happen do you think I can’t imagine it being a big coaster it’s going to be a big ride I’ll say that

    Much their biggest but you’ve got to understand that port’s not for The Thrill Seekers no so I wonder what it be a big family ride yeah yeah big big family right well well this year’s crazy at the moment with obviously the Lego Land coasters and also drayton’s yeah

    Spinning can we do that the spinning that isn’t a spinning that was denied as spinning that’s still not spinning where two povs for that ride actually exist there’s one there’s one that the manufacturers made and then there was one that an animation company made and um I’ve seen both and it’s

    Exciting really yeah well people have seen it other people have seen it now so I hav seen it I need to go and see that this is this is where we need Jake you got to dig yeah Jake um but yeah so no it’s exciting times for portons and yeah I would love

    A track this Dark Ride it’s meant to be spooky themed is it as well they’ve got like laser guns on there it’s got like a little picture of a ghost on there the marketing sheets with like so it’ll be like a little shooting D ride it’ll be

    Family themed and the theming of portons gets me excited for what that dark ride’s going to look like inside it’s got a big space Big Foot footprint get it trackless get it pton themed it’ll be quality I need to I need to put my family head back on because I obviously

    I’ve got kids and that the first thing I do is look for Family theme parks M theme park family so obviously when my kids grw up it was more of a it’s all about you know me what what what do I enjoy but then I I you kind of forget

    Like do you know what actually you need to cater for the family yeah and I know that I not bash do towers for this whole new blue thing what the [ __ ] is cracking off I don’t know big up to Bluey but I I get why they’re doing that um

    100% because families won’t go to these Parks yeah so um can’t fly a drone over Porton either show building in it are we moving on with that then yeah no drone flying over over Porton right I think I think I think what’s happened here is there’s two conversations going off at

    The same time with this whole why why there wasn’t Shan I’m going to say it straight up right flew his drone yeah legally y across a forbidden Valley now the arguments what people are saying are saying like well you know spoilers which but my argument with that

    Is and this is no like sticking up for the you know a and sticking up for B it’s nothing like that I fly drones a lot and if you have that I S ey whatever you want to call it then you can fly your drone pretty much everywhere Al

    Towers do not own the airspace it’s very difficult at thought part because due to the fact of they have a he throw right next to it so and you need permission don’t you from the tower to be able to absolutely absolutely and if you get caught thousands of pounds comeing its

    Way I can’t imagine sha breaking the law he doesn’t seem to be that kind of guy I don’t know him personally so I don’t know um but he knows the area inside of that so he probably knows the best way to fly his drone um I just think it just

    Exploded the thing is though this is what got me is that everyone was looking at this Universal epic Universal from drone shots from drone shots nobody better Den Island not one single person didn’t I posted Nemesis testing its first ever lap aerial drone shot nobody

    Give me any stick for it because I’m not Mr sruk I’m and this is the argument you got people who don’t like him and then you got people who don’t want to get the spoilers and it’s like mingling into this situation course it is and it’s just exploded

    Now also with his video people said yeah but he had a YouTube you know on the thumbnail it you can’t see anything on that thumbnail no it’s just a drone shot I can’t I physically can’t unless you click onto it and then watch it for yourself than faires which is another

    Thing because you don’t have to if you don’t want spoilers why would you go out of your way to click on spoil there’s there’s I I AG there’s certain things from both arguments that people that hated on him and the people that supported him cuz there’s both arguments

    From both sides of point that make sense to me but and it’s a big but the people that are giving him stick for filming and flying that drone over some are doing it out of a bias because of who he is and being the big Target because he’s got a big Channel

    There’s that little Target there and then the John Burton when he came out and discussed it that didn’t help that didn’t help but at the same time if you do not want spoilers of a construction site where there is like a legal fly zone over the top there’s no ban there

    It’s perfectly legal doesn’t matter what weight your drone is as long as your drone aders to certain rate requirements 249 G is it 249 yeah that’s the one what I’ve got yeah that’s say 249 250 so if that hasn’t got a camera on it and it’s

    Classed as a toy you don’t need any license you can fly that anywhere if it’s got a camera and it’s still clashed as a toy um I think you have to apply for one of the licenses there’s like a flyer ID and an operator ID isn’t there

    As well it has to be registered with the ca uh and then if it’s above a certain weight you need both of those licenses rather than one or the other uh I’m not 100% sure which one’s which but um at the same time if you don’t want anything

    Spoiled why you leaving it out in the open you fly a drone over the car park you know when someone come out a page come out and said oh the Tail’s out it’s brand new information it’s been on that car Par 3 weeks before you posted it

    Mate it’s been on that car par sitting there for 3 weeks posting it mate and it’s just one of them situations where if you don’t want anything to be spoiled just cover it cover the helicopter with some top um cover the other theming piece that’s going where the gun is with

    A top or a little you know like the little tense they put up when there’s a crime scene get one of them up if if you don’t want anything spoiled so at the same time yes John I agree the creative side of things I wouldn’t say spoiling anybody’s work because people are on

    Site now looking at the work and I’m sure they took photos and sent it to their friend there stuff behind like when you go on sites now and taking photos like are you spoiling the work now from looking at it from the car park but and taking a photo of the tail

    That’s now in place and installed someone posted it this morning uh is that spoiling no cuz it’s you can see it with your own eyes so I think that’s where the other argument comes in because he’s physically flown a drone over where you wouldn’t be able to see

    It with your own eyes so there is that there’s there’s pros and cons for everything but when it comes to drone he’s not in the wrong he’s perfectly legal to do so um I’ve spoken to people at Alton Tower’s Resort who have told me themselves there’s nothing they can do

    They can’t do anything so there is nothing that can be done he hasn’t done anything wrong he definitely hasn’t done anything illegal um one of my friends Ash he flew a drone over a pub that was on fire perfectly legal to do so it was

    A fly zone as soon as that fire was suspected as arson he was then questioned for flying over a crime scene that’s when it becomes murky Waters when you’re flying over a theme park in the middle of the gun side I think you’re absolutely fine if you don’t want any

    Spoilers cover them up look how good Cur Al Mana was all the stuff outside was you’d see little bits of Jewel stuff in the Skip and that’s about it everything else was covered who who saw big Emily going through the roof was that captured no cuz they did it perfectly at the

    Right time at the right hours and out of line of sight speaking of line of sight you can actually see over forbidden Valley from outside the park you don’t need to physically be on the park to fly a drone over it’s possible you can still see that drone so uh anybody who’s going

    Over saying it’s illegal this and that the problem what I’ve got is when someone says I want to see documentations I’ve seen it on a tweet I I’ll you know and I was like this guy doesn’t have to show you [ __ ] [ __ ] who are you who are you for me to say

    Here is my documentations I don’t care if you believe me or not and that’s the truth I don’t have to show you nothing I don’t what so so you can sleep at night so so so I look great no it’s what are you going to do send them

    I think it’s like a digit code is it for your registration for your ID what you going to do just send them random numbers and they’ll be like okay proof I’ve got proof it’s just it’s just like you know what it just sometimes it it makes me laugh Arguments for the sake of

    Arguments yes I think that’s what it is Arguments for the sake of arguments get that drone shot slap a watermark thing over it and you own it we can talk about that all day long make watermarks and this and that Jesus Christ but um in all

    Honesty and uh I know that there’s no beef between alt towers and Sean because it was Charlotte’s birthday from what I saw on a tweet and then alt TOS whatever one of the management directors whatever said uh Happy Birthday Charlotte so I don’t think though that helped what John

    Put on of course not but John is a creative person and obviously if you’re putting a lot of work in you want that opening day to be a big surprise for everybody so having that stuff online is obviously not great and it’s like me with the helicopter I said specifically

    To a certain person at the park um who’s quite high up I said I’ll share the helicopter that is it no more from me no more on the channel they’re like okay no more done it’s out there even use Drone footage no backlash surprise and then that’s crazy yeah so I

    Just maybe maybe if we put an and and he doesn’t have to he doesn’t have to do anything the thing is though this guy does it for a living it’s full time yeah um he doesn’t have to bow down to anyone he gets a little money and you’re going

    To watch it regardless if anything that particular tweet has probably gained in more viewers and watch time on that particular video if anything that’s actually helped him out but maybe put in something like spoiler alert on the image but then like a little do you know when like Twitter like hides the image

    Yeah something something like that something like that if you want to see this this is what Nemesis Maybe maybe he could have helped himself but he doesn’t have to no Sean has the creative he doesn’t owe he doesn’t owe anyone to anyone he just does what he does he’s

    Got the creative freedom to create that content it’s just I wouldn’t say morality I don’t think it’s a moral dilemma but it’s the choice of does he want to spoil that for a par that he loves versus do I post this for money and for views it’s that that’s his dilem

    Whereas on this other side is from the creative angle of the people who’ve made it saying we kind of want to keep this a secret to reveal it at all on opening day and for the marketing campaign understand both sides completely there yeah but that’s Sean’s decision whether or not he

    Does decide to do that and at the same time if your creative Integrity is that high then cover your [ __ ] up people were saying like oh Sean’s not going to get invited now to these press events he will be invited of course he’ll be invited 100% what what what other

    Creator is out there is going to benefit them from a marketing angle that’s if they have a press day in the first place cuz I definitely haven’t heard any more but about that what’s going to what’s going to happen he’s always going to be number one on the list and he always

    Forever will be but with that number one becomes the biggest Target no matter what if he even says something just out of line on a video it’ll be the next Twitter feed or I just I just flick through it now go the price of thusy

    Fame isn’t it I I just I just can’t be Hest with it and that’s the truth mate when I see when I see it I’m just like really and it’s bringing up [ __ ] and I like oh my gosh guys yeah been to bed since then like come on

    Um but yeah so always the same 12 people is I know always so come on guys jack Ben all them shout out but no it’s um it’s interesting though because I know that it did it exploded for approximately three days 72 hours and then everyone forgot about it

    Of course it is until it’s the next thing yeah until the next thing what happens um but you know like I said he doesn’t have to show anything to anyone doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone he does what he does hey end he he stays

    Away from it that’s what I love the he never addresses it he’ll copy and paste it and he winds people he copy and pastes his answers and it winds people up and I love that because it’s not bowing down to those people no who want to make everybody else as miserable as

    They are so he just copy and paste his answer he said what he needs to say doesn’t need to just defy himself move on this guy goes on holiday goes to these theme parks for a living yeah comes back and goes on a cruise mean I

    Mean people say that is not jealous man but isn’t that not the life of course it is course if if is not just like say if you’ve been a Creator I don’t know let’s just slap a 5ye time frame say if you’ve been doing your channel five six years

    And and you haven’t seen the growth that you want to see and then you see I don’t know someone sets up their channel two months ago and then now on more subscribers than you and more views you telling me you’re not going to have just that little inclination of a what am I

    Doing wrong B what makes them better than me you know what I mean it’s but at the same time there’s a very little number of people out there who actually celebrate other people’s work it all feels like a competition and I don’t like that it’s like you have to support

    The people around you and yes there are a lot of Muppets in the theme park space and try and stay out of it as much as possible but for the people who deserve it support them where you can it’s like I think I think I think what people get

    Confused with is an opinion and a fact it’s like when you have your opinions about something everyone jumps down your it’s like when we uh Dr we did Nemesis versus Nemesis iner and people like Nemesis all over Nemesis Nemesis Nemesis some people are all right with it some

    People joking about it and some people were fine with it but some people were quite not nasty with it but that how can you say that it’s kind of like because it’s an opinion it’s not a fact it’s not the fact that Nemesis when we go down to

    Thorp and you’re like well this is this is better than Nei and I’m like it’s not better than Nei what do you mean why do you think it’s better you tell me your reasons I tell you why but it’s it’s a discussion you can as long as you respect the other person’s opinion

    That’s that’s one thing people don’t no they don’t it’s more like my opinion is more value than yours and that’s it and where you go full stop yeah oh that’s it block done with it it’s like okay that’s a bit weird but we’ll go with that yeah

    But anyway any other topics dude there’s quite a bit going on there’s quite a we’ll stay away from like Voltron and all that good stuff um but um for for we’ll do that for March every month I think every month you should come on here and find out what’s cracking off

    I’ve got some news about Real Madrid World Danny there’s a lot of news coming out about the world’s first football theme park I they haven’t posted well they posted it and then they took it down very quickly but nice it’s cuz it’s an Abid yes it’s Dubai sorry yeah and um it

    Was originally a park which only had like four guests a year closed on I don’t understand why though because it looked like a really good park it well themed world’s tally star flyer some great simulators motion simulators best flying theater I’ve ever done uh and

    When me and Jim went we were the only two people on Park all day and I was like it’s out the way though Dubai parks and Resorts is that what it is like when Sean and Charlotte went not long ago they it was empty the whole time motion

    Gate was empty Legoland was empty uh when me and Jim W blin Bollywood was open I think it was like two weeks before it closed we actually went it’s dead it’s just out of the way you go to Dubai Mall and it’s heaving it’s just because Dubai parks and Resorts is on

    The outskirts but the thing with Real Madrid world is they’re reskinning Bollywood so they’re not really adding a great deal extra on top of what’s already I think building a disco coaster maybe like a rocking tug and extra bits and and Bobs but the the kind of reskinning Bollywood Park which is a

    Surprise because Bollywood is a big appeal over in that part of the world especially with India close by and obviously that was a big draw for people to come but it just never hit those visitor numbers it feels like that space is like Niche Park Central because they’ve gone from Bollywood which is

    Another Niche to specifically not just football as a whole Real Madrid world it’s like I know it’s failed a few times there’s been other projects that have wanted a real Madrid theme POG that’s failed but why not just have a football theme POG why specifically Real Madrid

    Because Real Madrid is it’s always I know they’re a big brand but you know what I mean it’s it’s like instantly Barcelona fans aren’t going to want to go and visit Real Madrid world yeah they have literally yeah it’s like me if they built a Stoke City world like I’d go to

    Drop litter and trash the toilets but un who was going to want to pay 40 quid or 100 durhams to go and do that you know what I mean so it’s it’s one of them where it’s a strange one why don’t they just theme it to football as a whole but

    There’s a lot of details that have come out I’m not entirely sure of how much I can say cuz that all that documentation was taken down very quickly but uh it seems to me as though the park is kind of focusing on the success of Real Madrid it’s focusing on the history of

    The club and it’s not just a football club it’ll be focusing on it’s the basketball team as well I didn’t even know Real Madrid had a basketball team apparently they’re very successful and they’re focusing on the sort of that winning mentality that the club has so

    For example I think I can get away with sharing this there’s like a a little rocking tug where everyone sits in a football boot and they go around the ride and then on the next the star players going to be linked to the the players so you soar in high with the

    Successes of the players and um I can say this one cuz it was on LinkedIn it was posted um the GCI coaster that was the Bombay Express has started testing again now and that’ll be called the hell Madrid coaster and the station’s built with all like banners like all the

    Champions League banners so I think that’s pretty cool but I’m not sure how that’s going to work on a roller coaster you just kind of the the description of the ride was riding the success of Real Madrid football can’t do anything else I mean when I heard of this and I remember

    Doing a podcast was it two years ago about it it was in the it was in the wind about it all and I just and I still have my concerns then I was like a a football theme park it’s strange one is it it’s like the documentation still out there

    So if you want to find it people have have posted it now so that’s why I can I think I can get away with it more cuz it’s out there in the public already and it hasn’t been taken down in a couple of weeks but there’s like a a disco coaster

    And it’s into there’s a building and the Disco coaster and one half of it is one team and one half of the ride is the other team but when you go through the building there’s something interactive in the building where you’re competing against the other half of the ride right

    So that’s something different a disco coaster in a building uh similar to The Joker one at Abu Dhabi at Warner Brothers well but I don’t know how that’s going to work when you go through the building you got to compete against the other half of the ride so it makes

    That disco coaster which is quite boring to me more interactive uh there’s going to like indoor skills Arenas where you can have like basketball competitions little indoor football Arenas I think there’s an academy Cafe there’s a shooting ride where you randomly shoot players on a football pitch I’m not sure

    How that works I think someone’s taken over the club maybe you’re shooting at terrible players don’t know Real Madrid’s have quite a few of them over the years what is but um yeah it’s one of them that’s a weird one um yeah there’s a few little bits and Bs there’s

    Like an academy Cafe which has kind of got all the memorabilia and stuff in but yeah it’s just a complete reskin of what Bollywood was and lots of simulator rides as well but it it looks different it looks cool I mean it’ll be the world’s first football theme park I

    Can’t wrap my head around why it’s just Real Madrid World though I can’t wrap my head around that it’s like right how can we guarantee that only Real Madrid fans show up of nobody else I don’t get it I generally think it’s it’s money hugely about but then

    I’m confused because Dubai itself is not the most it’s not it’s far from it but to run something like this I reckon Madrid was like you know what I’m going to put let’s just inject all this money in why not and and they have got money Real Madrid have and I just

    Can’t I probably why they didn’t do a Barcelona pot because Barcelona can’t even afford to keep a roof over there at the moment so a theme Po’s probably out the question I I just can’t I can’t imagine this lasting is it going to be one of them Parts where every four four

    Years things get a resin yeah yeah it is like something on like theme poot world or Planet coaster or whatever it’s like right I need a reskin I’ll just keep all the rides cuz I can’t be bothered to build one from scratch and just it’s like the whole it’s like still there’s a

    Big Palace in Bollywood park it was like a big Taj Mahal replica that’s still there they haven’t demolished that it’s a big indoor like events thing and that’s still there so on all the construction photos for Real Madrid World they still got a tge mahall so I

    Don’t know if that’s I don’t know if they’re just going to board that off or if they’re going to try and when’s this out when when is this park out someone the the actual I don’t know if it’s out when it when it when’s it out coming to

    Stores very soon open the person who’s in charge of the project said um very soon but they always say very soon like Harry Potter at Warner Brothers World in Abu Dhabi has been coming soon for the last three and a half years it’s like when’s that coming that’s going to be interesting

    That Harry Potter one is going to be the best I think that’s going to wipe the floor with universal and that’s a big bold statement to make but there’s a reason they’re taking the time with it they want to make it so much more different than every other the Harry

    Potter themed Orlando Universal W work that’s what makes it they they they’re going to go completely is it fantastic Beast you reckon they’re going to go down that rout they’ve got some they got fantastic beast land coming to is it epic universe is having some fantastic yeah some of it

    I don’t know much about that project you know I’m I’m not that well hopefully in March we can sit down and I’ll have to read up about it because I know absolutely nothing to be fair I’m kind of staying away from it as much as I can

    Do um which is difficult really when you’re a theme par podcast I’m trying to do that with universal just un UK project I’m just trying to stay out the way because because residents have been given ndas of that yeah and and that’s kind of a good sign of it happening so

    We all know it’s going to happen yeah of course it is I really do it better it’s to I swear to God I’ll be so pissed off they I’m genuinely excited I’m feel like a kid at Christmas again oh my god do you know when you had Haley and Chris on the

    Podcast Haley mentioned about houses could be purchased yes she wasn’t wrong she was SP on the money like un that’s already happening right now that is that is the sign of a project that is and I think something come out in the news last week but it was actually on I think

    It was ITV or BBC or whatever it was um is it Jeremy hun or one of the politicians I try and get involved with that too much but they were actually discussing that being a feasible thing for tourism in the country so everyone’s talking about it like it’s pretty much a

    Done deal without it being officially confirmed true as a done deal it’s positive well I I I remember putting something out on Tik Tok one of our shorts and I I didn’t even think of this and I’m always saying like it’s going to it’s going to damage the UK it’s going

    To damage the UK theme parks and and that and someone put in the comments it’s not really about the UK theme parks it’s about Europe yeah and and I and I literally stood back and I went oh my God that would make sense like where it

    Is like cuz obviously go across the pond you’ve got Disney mhm do you know what I mean like you would do if you was in Florida you know you drive to these certain destinations you got Germany got some of the best theme parks in Germany yeah like two or three hours down the

    Road so I’m like you know what okay I I I can see it now why they use that spot like a hub yeah yeah absolutely it’s easy to get to for people flying in to London especially M uh obviously the UK you only need to

    Drive what 4 hours you can get from top to bottom give or take minus Coral sorry people who live in cor they’re kind of out the way down there a little bit bless bless uh but because it’s only 3 hours from Belgium is it Belgium to

    From what plops is to from yeah from you know London just drive to the tunnel don’t you and then from from the tunnel to plopsaland I think it’s only like an hour and a bit or give or take I think that’s how long it took us to get to

    Blops I just can’t believe and I bet the other Parks now are going not UK but I think the other Parks like Germany or France are like damn it damn it although saying that though France never wanted Disney they didn’t want Disney they were like w i remember watching a documentary

    About that saying no they literally even the uh residents and um a lot of the French people were saying well I don’t want a Disney park here not a chance M it was like yeah but think about the revenue think about you know the same with universal tourism think of the

    Tourism like people who are in Europe now Germany Belgium France whatever who cannot pay because it’s getting far out this way and paying more money to go to Orlando or why not visit it in the UK it’s like why we go to Disneyland Paris because not all of us have got three or

    Four grand to Splash the cash on an Orlando trip or Shanghai or Tokyo or the big question is I’m going to say this right and this is nowhere to lie right imagine it gets built y it opens next year right yeah are you now going to

    Spend 5 to 6,000 now go to I say that’s really expensive say two grand yeah now go to Florida would you still do it for me yes because I’m a nerd and I’ve not been to that space in Florida and I want to check out all those Parks but for the

    Most general public absolutely not they’re not going to justify that spend of course they’re not they’re going to be like it’s on the doorstep you know we can hop in a car and drive to it rather than going to their own airport waiting through airport security Wai for yeah I

    Can’t wait for it mate I’ll be the first there mate I’m not I’ll be there first one with a drone getting up there got some really good shots I’m going take photos yeah we’re go mad or I’m going to take somebody else’s more toart them with the lifts because apparently you

    Can own them if you put your own water oh dear did you just say that did yeah mate well that that’s a whole new that’s a whole new story that is mate people just need to [ __ ] grow up M with that yeah I don’t I mean as soon as

    Me and a few other people had the legal statement was [ __ ] ridiculous the statement I didn’t do it I can’t go into it too much because uh there’s a lot of respect there for the very well written article that was very detailed informative and dissected everything that everybody needed to know it was

    Just how that information was then delivered thereafter and then calling out another Target oh so happens to be the same Target just because that was incl it just there was no need I haven’t got time to go through a too for now with every single Creator Jesus Christ

    Man I’ve got things to do in life I ain’t got times to go like oh this person’s point out or that person saying this I my life is 100 miles an hour I ain’t got time to sit around and flip through Twitter for two hours 3 hours

    Going oh such and such said this copyright is no joke as as a media site owner 100% copyright is no joke I get that me and very recently I was very very Twitchy for a certain um I can’t even say the name of the a very very big multi-billion dollar company that’s on

    The verge of a merger I’ll give you that as a hint and we’re actually on the same side because a photographer claimed an image on my website to be their copyright and years ago a PR Company had actually sent it to me to use to promote an event and

    This photographer was like you got to pay the money or I’m going to sue you for six figures six figures Sean hasn’t got and I you get it so much as a media site owner so you’ve got to do your due diligence in research so I don’t know

    Everything about copyright but for how many times I’ve had a Twitchy bum over the last 10 years I sure as hell know a lot more than most now just to protect myself cuz you don’t know what your like you have to make sure 100% every time that you post you have got permission

    From the owners Studios whoever that I’m dealing with I have to have that permission and yeah so that was a little Twitchy bum thing of a couple of weeks ago but it’s all sorted now and uh thank God for that but yeah just don’t do it just don’t claim other people’s work as

    Your own don’t slap watermarks around someone else’s copyright it’s just not big it’s not clever I know I know the intention but even though it was a very strange justifiable reason is why they did it it doesn’t make any sense to me just just leave copyrighted stuff over there that’s why it exists

    Just leave it alone I just don’t get copyright [ __ ] I don’t maybe that’s just because I’m just too old and it’s I just I’m just got that mentality and I just remember I remember doing I think it was Jewel I remember saying this there was a jewel

    Picture what I took and then it went all over Twitter not once not one and I never got credited for it not once that I have that bitterness in me to kind of go like H and I know what people are going to say people say yeah but people

    Have took their time to go there and drive you [ __ ] chose to be there that is the job you did take a [ __ ] photo right I’m just soone nicked one of our Museum photos the other day no one b in an eyelid I messaged the photographer

    Said oh it’s on this way oh don’t care it’s promotion is it well yeah so I wish all photographers were like well yeah M yeah there is and and I get it there is there is you know two sides and all that lot and and

    I do and I do get it and some people can get be cheesed off with it and some people like myself who just couldn’t really give a [ __ ] rat’s ass but we’re all different and I suppose that’s what makes us uh who we are really I’m happy for the museum promotion okay um

    Moving on uh how is the museum live because obviously it’s not just YouTube you do and it’s not just I am an attractions owner now well co-owner they own it I’ve just got a percentage of it how’s it Go how’s it Go mate I need to get myself

    Done you do so so October we opened and October was incredible but of course it’s it’s a horror attraction so we were thinking people still come after October because um when you go on our Pages it’s all the actors and actor days are only once or twice a month so I’m thinking

    Right what we do daily guided tours as well so I’m thinking well people come for the daily guided tours but no they they are coming and leaving very very good reviews and waiting for I’m waiting for people to come in and give us negative feedback so we know what to

    Change but all three of us Craig and Gemma they own a haunted Museum paranormal investigators and have been for many years and just around the corner is our horror Museum so they’re very close by it’s nice and easy for to get from one attraction to the other and

    Um they had the idea brought me on board and obviously I’m a big move prop collector and I’ve worked on a lot of films I added up how many films the other day it was eyew waterer and I’m like I don’t even remember off the films

    That I’ve done like marketing work on on producing or whatever and um I’ve amassed a lot of props over the years especially with my movie website and all the other stuff I collect so we just dumped all the props in that Museum and then we’ve got other people that have

    Sent us props and we work with Studios and things to to get bits and Bobs in the museum on display in an attraction that you wouldn’t expect to see in Stoke every single person who’s coming said this needs to be in London yeah cuz you know me and me

    Theming right I we haven’t got a massive budget far from and if I told people how much each room cost no one would ever believe me anyway so that stays between us three but this was an attraction that was done on a ridiculously small budget and when people walk in they’re like oh

    It’s like this and they’re comparing it to bigger budget attractions I’m like that’s the response I want wow so as long as it looks good that’s the main thing but on your daily guided tours you get um I think it’s around 90 minutes give or take obviously with different

    Groups and you’re talking and stuff that could be different so um for up to um I think it’s five people now we’ve changed it it used to be six but it’s quite a small building we want it more tailored so five people for daily guided tours and you go around themed rooms that’ll

    Be full of artifacts talking point so you’ve got a true crime room where you sit down at a table and become investigators and not only are you you know go in a museum you got cabinets you look everything behind a cabin you can handle True Crime evidence that has been

    Linked and used by police departments in some of the world’s biggest and most notorious like serial killer cases you can read letters that serial killers have written you can handle crime scene evidence you can handle stuff that’s been used by serial killers warned by serial killers we have a piece of

    Charles Manson in stoon Trent which is ridiculous we’ve got like hair samples and all with like DNA sample backups all all Providence um we had um a gentleman called Nico clous I won’t go into too much of his history it’s quite gruesome he painted a Ouija board for us with his

    Own blood just creepy stuff like that and it’s a blend of True Crime um we got movie TV um and there’s a bit of paranormal and exorcism related stuff in there as well so it’s kind of a nice blend of stuff on the daily guided tours

    And then for the actor days um each room each themed room within the building will have actors in there and you have a normal actor experience where you’re dumped into the set of a theme space uh and you’re watching a scene unfold and before your very eyes and you’re

    Immersed and you’re taking part and then you get on into the basement which every single person who’s done it has said it’s the most intense experience in the UK for a horror attraction and I think that’s a a good it was a nice compliment so

    What we did is we made it even worse and we stepped up so have extreme option so you have your normal acad days but if you really want to test your metal and me and Mr McCain man we have our we have our conversations I’ve spoke to the man

    A few times he’s he’s a lovely bloke but he ain’t all there when it comes to so I’m I’m opposed to shaving people’s heads and pulling teeth out and all the rest of the rumors but I wanted a UK experience that people would remember and come out and they’d feel like they’d

    Been in a horror movie but in a fun friendly and like controlled environment so that’s why we did the extreme stuff and some of the photos that have come out from that event people have been through the ring I’ve been like you know I’ve done all the extreme stuff in the

    UK we did a NOA War scare meze and it’s not a horror experience it’s more how much can we make you feel uncomfortable and let us shave a bit of your hair off it’s it’s more of a more of a mind [ __ ] than a than a horror experience then we

    Did the container the container in Sheffield was really good it was like a shipping container that you sit in and you go through what victims of real life serial killers went through and they kind of recreate things they went so that was a bit more intense but I wanted

    To kind of step it up and stretch it across the building so the extreme ones are for the brave so get yourself down D I need to get myself down bring a change of clothes anyone who’s coming you need a change of clothes is that cuz I’m

    [ __ ] myself or it just in case whether you [ __ ] yourself or not is completely your prerogative my friend because when you come out that museum you are not clean maybe mentally and physically oh my God you making me nervous now usually I’m quiet the the team behind it central Legion the actors

    Their costumes mate they cost hundreds of pounds we’re not talking about cheap B yeah these are expensive custom made so already you’re in experience where someone’s made the effort and these Lads come in and girls with fully dressed to the nines ready to put on a show and

    It’s great because each room is tailored to a different fear so one minute you’ll be in your true crime room where you’ll actually be face to face with a killer and then the next minute you kind of witnessing an exorcism there’s loads of little things tailored to what the

    Room’s themed around and it just it’s a fully immersive experience and everyone so far has really enjoyed it and that’s great just need to step it up it’s like what can we do next I cuz I’m the test dummy so every time they do their new

    Extreme version I’m the one who’s like I volunteer is tribute because I want to see just how extreme it is I know my limits I’ll never say that safe word we do have a safe word and people have used it many many times but uh I I know that

    I’d never say it so they keep pushing me and doing more stuff and more stuff more stuff and I’m like well I’ll be okay but I know that a great deal of the general public probably won’t be because they’ve come into the attraction thinking it’s going to be like scarefest and it’s not

    Like scarefest that’s so interesting yeah I’m really intrigued really intrigued to coming down I think it be awesome there’s not many places in the country horror wise where you can push your boundaries people go into a horror experience and there’s that element of safety and we push past that limit to

    The point where it’s still controlled yeah if you say that safe word you will be removed safely and securely but if you want to push your boundaries I’m so in tre it’s it’s something different and when when because because with that stuff the actors they do they plan all

    That I come in and I’m I do me a little creative thing like and Craig and JMA do the same for this this over this whatever but there isn’t many attractions that will push your boundaries and not many attractions where you feel like you’re making me nervous now you’re making me nervous

    It’s fly if you come out of it that’s the thing you don’t come out of it scared shaking you know one woman screamed and ran out the building but I think she was just overacting to be but um you know you do get some of them one

    Bloke come out oh mate he was brilliant he came out and you end up in the store which is like the first bit you come in and he’s like he was tripping out he was like oh my they come and get me are they still down there like he was proper like

    Yeah he go and he cool down and he cool down and then he goes and buys three bottles of hot sauce I was like where’s the I was like thanks for C but it doesn’t really doesn’t really cool you down so I don’t know where he was coming

    From with that but it’s great seeing the reactions I know like when Haley and Chris came down and they did the tame active version and I say tame because that’s that’s an attraction that you for the most part of the experience it’s what you’d expect but a little bit more

    So other attractions have kind of done similar and then there’s the bit rack at the end that nobody’s done in this country and then the extreme just kind of plays on that and amplifies it throughout the attraction but yeah there was there was one where I wouldn’t say

    Tapped out but there was one situation that I was going to be in where I needed to readjust myself to make it more comfortable because I was like if I stay in this position for too long I’m you know felt a little bit uncomfortable so

    I just had to readjust myself but no I’m never saying that safe word and they keep trying to say oh we’re going to make it tapen I love it I love it obviously tell people where it is yeah so Museum of Horrors Fenton Stoke on Trent and as of

    Yesterday got a brand new website museumof horrors. put in the description go and at the same time we should have the booking system live within a few days this is all new to me getting a booking system and turn it into a proper attraction where people

    Can see at the face a proper website proper booking system so I’m sure we’ll have a few teething issues with the booking system we’re all doing it for the first time can I D EXA exactly so if a company like that I’m sure as as long as it doesn’t take everybody’s money and

    Then we’re just kind of like well we haven’t received it where’s that money I don’t want that situation so um hopefully the the system is is okay when that goes live but yeah that that the boooking system will be live in a couple of days but the website’s up now yeah

    And yeah it looks it looks good I can’t wait I can’t wait like I said to you uh you know off camera like we I need to get down there I think there’s a few OT Lads want to go down so if you’re happy

    With it we we we’ll come down and uh you know what would you do would you do the daily guidy tours 12250 per person would you do the ACT to day would be the ACT to day because me or the extreme act to

    Day I do the ex I know that Lee is not a big fan Rob is me and Rob is well Rob would just be looking at your props because you know what he’s like you won’t see him on the ACT that’s the great thing about it everyone who’s come

    Out the ACT to day they’ve walked past items they’ve seen items but because the actors are guiding them in certain ways they’ve come out and be like so where are all the items in the museum they haven’t seen a thing that’s m um we do close one of the showrooms off that’s

    Only open for daily guided tours that’s the one that’s got all the prop but people have been walking past pieces of history and they haven’t even realized it because the actors are too busy distracting so I love that it gives them a reason to come back yeah and vice

    Versa when people go around and do the normal tour they’re like oh what would this place be like with that whole how how are they going to yeah so that’s what we wanted so so we get it both ways clever but yeah mate hopefully this year

    I’ll be there mate for sure mate and uh but yeah all done all wrapped up done all done guys let us know in the comments below did you like this kind of uh you know every month me and Sean sit down and talk about what’s cracked off

    In that month and I think March is going to be very very busy yeah it’s going to be a bumper episode that one it’s too much is kicking off in March I’m looking forward to March especially for certain Europa Park uh if they delivery schedules line up we’ll be back over

    There is it Mar opens not yet I’m confirmed but it does reply it does rely on I think it’s but yeah because we need to talk about that mate oh my God we could be it for hours it’s gonna be the best coaster in Europe 100% it looks incredible looks incredible guys don’t

    Forget to follow us on our social medias on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Tik Tok if you new to this Channel Make sure you do subscribe and hit this Bell icon every time we upload a new video you will be notified Sean thank you once again and as always happy riding that’s

    The one brother see you the next one Bye-bye


    1. I feel like Alton doesn't give the feeling of "wow i've walked into another world" when you go from say… forbidden valley to dark forest. They NEED to work on not just putting theme rides in and calling it "an area"…make the WHOLE zone feel like it. I love alton..always have…but these last few years have been….. questionable

    2. For sure the comment from John was a little dig at Shawn. but he never mentioned drones In his tweet. He just said “spying”. Spying in general is a pain for the creatives, but the fact that they covered the tail with a Camo net afterwards. Then, the likes of Towers Times etc still went ahead and took/shared images of it, with zero backlash. Further proves the point that all the up roar was just the “usual 12” on one of their TPWW witch hunts.

    3. 13:53 – I fully agree that the UK needs more good dark rides. We have some really fun ones here – Curse at Alton Manor, Hex, Valhalla and Gangaster Granny being particular favourites of mine – but i definitelynagree that compared to much of Europe, our dark ride offering is really lacking. And i really love dark rides, and would love some more!

    4. Hi Guys, a great discussion and a decent format, thank you for sharing your thoughts, I think there's definitely a possibility of a Gyroswing, possibly an Intamin for Alton Towers. Cheers Peter 🙂

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