Tercera etapa de la Vuelta Algarve 2024, hoy un día con varias complicaciones y mucha tensión previa a la Etapa de Contrarreloj Individual.

    🇵🇹 Terceira etapa da Vuelta Algarve 2024, hoje um dia com diversas complicações e muita tensão antes da Etapa Contrarrelógio Individual.

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    Vuelta Algarve
    Volta AlGarve
    Vuelta Algarve 2024
    Volta AlGarve 2024
    Etapa 3 Vuelta Algarve
    Vuelta Algarve 2024 en vivo
    Vuelta Algarve 2024 donde ver
    resumen Vuelta Algarve 2024
    Isaac del Toro
    Remco Evenepoel
    Wout Van Aert
    Daniel Felipe Martinez hoy
    Sergio Higuita
    Tomas Contte
    Sepp Kuss
    Leangel Linarez
    Ciclismo 2024
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    9. El domingo 22 de diciembre de 2024 se realizará el sorteo en una transmisión en vivo y la persona que salga ganadora deberá estar presente en el Chat, esto se hace con el motivo de premiar y así mismo verificar la fidelidad al Canal; en caso de no estar se podrá esperar 10 minutos hasta que escriba en el Chat, si no aparece al cabo de este tiempo se le da la oportunidad al siguiente en la lista de preseleccionados.

    10. El premio consiste en una bicicleta de ruta de la marca Trek Domane Al 2 por un valor comercial de $2.500.000 pesos colombianos o $639 dólares aproximadamente.

    11. El premio es de participación internacional

    12. En el caso de ganar una persona de Colombia se le entregará la Bicicleta con envío incluido a nivel nacional, en caso contrario y a menos que la persona no quiera la bicicleta y más bien desee el dinero en efectivo, este se le consignará mediante la plataforma que el ganador escoja y en caso de ganar una persona extranjera se le hará una transferencia internacional por el valor de la bicicleta (Esto debido a los altos costos de los envíos fuera del país).

    13. No se aceptarán comentarios de burla, grosería u ofensa al Canal, a los demás Suscriptores o a algún ciclista en particular.

    Mucha suerte para todos y gracias por apoyarme y hacer parte de esta familia ciclística.

    Welcome friends, to this the summary of stage number three of the Tour of Garbe 2024 today, starting from the royal town of San Antonio and arriving in Tavira, the runners would face 192.2 km. We saw Mr. Daniel Felipe Martínez, leader of that classification, on the screen. general, the Colombian from

    Borjas Groja, who yesterday had an excellent stage and facing a great arrenco ben nepul, because today we saw the neutralized start that would take them to a stage that in the route book was marked as predictable for the Sprint, but pay close attention because We had a

    Escape that gave us quite a lot of excitement and I’m ahead of you with a Latin American presence. So welcome to this the summary, this would be the altimetry with two mountain prizes and a Sprint with a special bonus, this would be the planimetry and this is the first mountain prize, La

    Alcaria. a third category prize and there is the fas Fato a third category prize also while that would be that last kilometer race situation that had left us there up to eight men who had tried to escape from those first kilometers that are formed

    But who we would be talking to would be of the Argentine Germán Nicolás Tivani who had escaped there at the head of the race, thus winning that first position from his teammates and then there we saw how Tivani passed four points first for the mountain, leading the race Frederico Figueredo Raúl rotates

    Carlos Salguero Alonso lalio Germán tiban the Argentine There would also be Antonio Ferrera and Francisco Morais of the eight. Only seven survived from this platoon that was completely launched, they had an advantage of up to one minute and 47 seconds where that platoon was being commanded by the education

    Also by the inter marché we had for Bora taking care of to their leader to Dani Martínez the Colombian but a lot of attention because the runner identified with the number 67 had stayed a bit esgan Thomas from lineos grenadiers a group There more of runners who had stayed a bit

    And also a lot of attention to what A fall occurred back there on the screen that today was a total disaster and especially for a team leader who from the education That’s right friends education Easy post there we see how up to two runners have gone on the floor, others who stopped

    Quickly But the two of them were very affected it would be rui Costa and also margin van derber there were the doctors attending to these runners unfortunate fall there we saw how he had burst his lip a little and rui Costa friends there we see that he has to

    Abandon Eh Apparently a fracture in the right clavicle So it’s complicated for the runner, prompt recovery while Marin van derber, another of those who had fallen, because after the medical check-up he has to do a great job and continue in the competition, there we see

    How Bora is pulling for Catching up with these men at the head of the race, another of those who had remained as a result of the fall was Team Arensman from Lineos, while now here ahead in the second mountain prize of the day, this is the Argentine Germán Nicolas Tivani, who once

    Again scores those first excellent position for him, only Federico fegredo, Carlos salgueiro and Germán tivani, the only three survivors who practically escaped in those first 2 km of the day, are left. So spectacular for them, the peloton completely launched, the advantage has fallen to 51 seconds with 27 left km

    When we are going to see here the men at the head of the race passing through a town where and the road is a little cobbled because they are going to be So neutralized there we saw them as the main platoon already has them in

    Sight they do not want to let themselves be defeated But it would be one who had tried to escape, which was Carlos Salgueiro, there we see him. He is already neutralized by the main platoon and now, friends, we are going to go to the emotions of the last

    Kilometers. I also want to tell you that in 2024 I will be delivering this spectacular road bike. from the trek brand totally free to participate you just have to give this video a like, subscribe to the Channel activate the notification bell and leave me a comment for more

    Information in the description of this video you will find the legal bases of the contest we continue with the summary and it’s coming the final emotion last kilometers pay close attention the speed trains are totally launched the machines on those legs are totally at full speed last

    Kilometer and there is a fall with a runner we crashed on that curve to the right but that It is already fully launched, trains of the speed of what uae teams of the tudor of the intermarché of the 1x of the

    Education of Team bisman are beginning to be positioned. Also a lot of attention that he had tried there launching runner of The intermarché there we saw gerben tysen but in this center From your screens, look in the Red Bull helmet, Mr. Wood bana begins to position himself there behind the

    Tudor runners when he is going to launch the attack wbir here on the left side of your screens wbir wbir yes gentlemen win wbir from Team bisma Lisa bike there he passes first, achieving his first spectacular victory of the season for Mr. Bana, the Belgian from Team Bisma, look at that

    Spectacular comeback he made and that blow to his kidney, giving him a spectacular victory over Rui Oliveira and Maus Mehoffer, spectacular what he achieved, friends, spectacular for him For Mr. Bu Bana, we are going to see the stage classification. But first, I will show you the technical data sheet

    Of Bu Bana. He is 29 years old, born in Erent Alss, Belgium on September 15, 1994. He weighs 78 kg and 1 m90 cm. He has been a professional since 2013 and has achieved his Victory number 45 This is his first Victory in the 2024 season. Spectacular for him,

    Mr. Buban did it with a time of 4 hours 50 minutes and 57 seconds, the same time that they would have that top 10, closing with Santiago Mesa, the spectacular Colombian from Efapel. There being the best Latin American of the day we are going to see other classifications

    Such as that of El Señor le Ángel Rubén Linares Venezuelan runner position 21 to 15 seconds we were also going to have Francisco Joel Peñuela Venezuelan position 33 to 35 seconds then we were also going to have Carlos Iván oyarzun position 47 also at 15 seconds there we had adner González

    Position 60 at 48 seconds position also for Sergio yita it would be in the stage position 74 then we are going to see others like Daniel Felipe Martínez position 91 there entering with that group with Isaac del Toro position 99 also with renco pul all of them entering there so

    Without modifications in that general classification Thomas conte position 155 Germán Nicolás tiani position 156 friends a very nice stage that leaves us then that general classification with Daniel Felipe Martínez who continues to be the leader of the boras groja at 4 seconds Ren and third at 12 seconds fourth fifth

    Trn pitc rose one position in delos places 18 seconds with this Victory If he changes his position he rises seven positions and is at 22 seconds team bisma eighth Team arisman ninth mikel Landa and tenth Cristian scaroni They do not modify their positions, thus closing the top 10 of the

    General classification and at the end of making this summary I only had up to position number 15 in the general classification with Mr. Ben Hiny the Irishman from the education Easy post, which until then we had that classification. points germ tysen the mountain Daniel Felipe Martínez tomorrow is a

    22 km individual time trial test with start and finish at bufferia This will be the route with two intermediate timing points So stay tuned because tomorrow we have a very good stage where we are going to see renco benepol maximum Favorite but also with a Filipo wins and other

    Top exponents and a Daniel Felipe Martínez Colombian national time trial champion So let’s see what happens and in his defense of the title that we are going to see tomorrow see you on the next occasion My name It’s William Porra and from Colombia it’s been a pleasure to have informed you bye

    Bye Thank you very much for reaching the end of the video here I’m going to recommend another one that I know you’ll like


    1. Xbueniisimo tu resume.nn. felicitaciones y Abrazos desde LONDRESSS.. ME GUSTA TU BICY Y YA LA VEO EN MIS MANOS. .
      MARTINEZ MANANA SABADO bueniisima la contrareloj..disputando con algunos de lo maximos exponents a nivel Mundial.

    2. Excelente etapa. Por otra parte, le sugiero quitar los cintillos de la información escrita ya que, además de no incorporar nada nuevo, contienen una considerable cantidad de errores ortográficos.

    3. Etapa a mi parecer muy tranquila, todos los favoritos guardando para la etapa 4 de contrarreloj, bien por Van Aert que se le va bien este tipo de finales. La Crono es una prueba de fuego y Daniel se tendrá que enfrentar a dos especialistas Remco y Wout, esperemos que mañana Martinez sepa defender y termine por ganar por segundo año consecutivo está Vuelta Ao Algarve. Bendiciones y saludos.

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