Segunda etapa de la Vuelta Algarve 2024, hoy la montaña hizo presencia y vivimos una espectácular batalla entre Daniel Felipe Martinez y Remco Evenepoel.


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    Vuelta Algarve
    Volta AlGarve
    Vuelta Algarve 2024
    Volta AlGarve 2024
    Etapa 2 Vuelta Algarve
    Vuelta Algarve 2024 en vivo
    Vuelta Algarve 2024 donde ver
    resumen Vuelta Algarve 2024
    Isaac del Toro
    Remco Evenepoel
    Wout Van Aert
    Daniel Felipe Martinez hoy
    Sergio Higuita
    Tomas Contte
    Sepp Kuss
    Leangel Linarez
    Ciclismo 2024
    biciglifos hoy
    Dany pro cycling
    dany pro cycling hoy
    Ciclismo hoy
    Ciclismo de ruta
    resumen de Ciclismo

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    Las siguientes son las condiciones para participar en el sorteo de la bicicleta de Ruta Trek Domane Al 2

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    5. Solo podrán participar Suscriptores mínimo con dos meses de antigüedad en el canal (esto con el propósito de premiar la fidelidad del canal que tienen cada uno de los usuarios del mismo)

    6. Todos los Suscriptores del canal pueden participar incluso si han ganado en anteriores oportunidades, esto se establece así con el ánimo de incentivar a todos a participar y que tengan las mismas condiciones.

    7. No se tendrá en cuenta los comentarios que se publiquen luego del 30 de Noviembre de 2024.

    8. Se hará una lista de preseleccionados mediante el programa de gestión de comentarios, con cada uno de los vídeos resúmenes del año, es decir que si se hicieron por ejemplo 300 Vídeo Resumen; este será el mismo número de preseleccionados para el sorteo final.


    9. El domingo 22 de diciembre de 2024 se realizará el sorteo en una transmisión en vivo y la persona que salga ganadora deberá estar presente en el Chat, esto se hace con el motivo de premiar y así mismo verificar la fidelidad al Canal; en caso de no estar se podrá esperar 10 minutos hasta que escriba en el Chat, si no aparece al cabo de este tiempo se le da la oportunidad al siguiente en la lista de preseleccionados.

    10. El premio consiste en una bicicleta de ruta de la marca Trek Domane Al 2 por un valor comercial de $2.500.000 pesos colombianos o $639 dólares aproximadamente.

    11. El premio es de participación internacional

    12. En el caso de ganar una persona de Colombia se le entregará la Bicicleta con envío incluido a nivel nacional, en caso contrario y a menos que la persona no quiera la bicicleta y más bien desee el dinero en efectivo, este se le consignará mediante la plataforma que el ganador escoja y en caso de ganar una persona extranjera se le hará una transferencia internacional por el valor de la bicicleta (Esto debido a los altos costos de los envíos fuera del país).

    13. No se aceptarán comentarios de burla, grosería u ofensa al Canal, a los demás Suscriptores o a algún ciclista en particular.

    Mucha suerte para todos y gracias por apoyarme y hacer parte de esta familia ciclística.

    Welcome friends to this the summary of stage number two of the return to garbe 2024 today with a mountain stage like the one we like previous images of what happened to that start neutralized with renko benepol signing there the autographs great Thomas that they were going to give him

    Pay a good tribute today Wood baner one of the great favorites for this day also Ben hindley one of the men called to give a show And the list is very long of the great favorites for today head saar

    To Sergio illita Daniel Felipe Martínez to Isaac del Toro also that we saw him on screen we also had others like Mr. Renco Benepol Better said the squad is given and today we are going to have a show very early the enlistment

    In lagoa and we saw the images of the leader of gerben tysen of the intermarché How He got ready along with his other running mates to take the neutralized start. They paid tribute to Guá Thomas for his dedication and sportsmanship towards the return to the garbe. This would be the profile:

    171.99 km, starting from Goa and arriving at the top of the of the [ __ ] like this would be the four mountain prizes with a bonus Sprint in the middle of them this is the planimetry and the following mountain prizes the height of shock

    A fourth category prize then we are going to have the alfers a third prize third prize mountain will be the Pomba a second-rate prize and this is the fourth and last mountain prize of the day the alto de la [ __ ] a first-

    Class prize and so the last kilometer everything upwards friends so welcome to this the summary kilometer c0 of a Sometimes there were escape attempts by up to eight runners who had passed through that first mountain prize, the height of La Choca, where Alexander Grigoreva then took that first position and

    There we saw Gregory Wal, we also had Maren Bush Pedro Silva Rubén Alexander Grigor Oliver ris and César Martí Hill, the latter being Portuguese, who had an advantage of up to 5 minutes with respect to the peloton. With 74 km to go to

    The finish line, the peloton that was being pulled by the soual doing a good job for its lame leader while friends were missing Listen carefully, 70 km, these two 1x runners launch an attack. They are Andreas Leun and Johas Abram

    Hensen. They then go alone, that is, as a duo, to catch up with the leader of the race and put on a show today. And that head is mounted there. of the race that are on a descent before starting that second

    Mountain prize where they have already been joined by the men of the 1x race situation with 49 km to go to the finish line the advantage had fallen to 3 minutes and the peloton was no longer It is being pulled by the soual but multiple attacks in

    The main platoon to position and begin to take time off the men at the head of the race. Let’s see how they were hunting them. The bisma also pulled the soual. The archae all want to join together to take time off

    The Head of the race there We see the 1x runners doing a good job for today, so why not be able to compete in this stage so much that in the climb of this second mountain prize, Germen Tysen remains, who is the leader of the

    General classification runner of the intermarché there with a group while we had a mechanical problem for a lidl trek runner there we saw him then with his problem that the mechanic quickly brought him a bicycle Now the race situation with 26 km to go left us with

    An advantage of 2 seconds there are only six runners left while we saw Alexander Gorev who then passed in the first position for this second mountain prize tied all 100 points with the Argentine Thomas Conte who had not been in the race situation today and here he turns to the right

    And They are going to head for those last two mountain prizes. There we see how they start along that narrow path where Oliver Ris is already staying on the climb. The last four runners who survive at the head of the race are left

    With 18 km. This gets exciting because it would be the runner Andreas leeson who there in the background we can see the runner who previously escaped with 70 km to go, surprising these men from the main platoon. There they

    Are at the head of the race we can see there in the background how mikel Landa renko is also Wood vaner Thomas pitc ccos eh Also Isaac del Toro Daniel Felipe Martínez Sergio illita great runners who today want to devour

    This stage And the advantage that Andreas leeson has here in this mountain pass With 14 km remaining is only 54 seconds, pay close attention because The main peloton wants to come at them Andreas Leeson they have already married most of the runners who had broken away from that head of the race

    While the emotions are going to remain in those last 10 km I also want to tell you that in 2024 I will be delivering this spectacular trek brand road bike totally free to participate you just have to like this video subscribe to the Channel

    Activate the notification bell and leave me a comment for more information in the description of this video you will find the legal bases of the contest we continue with the summary and that’s it friends there we saw the passage

    With 9 km left to go how Andreas Legnum passes through the flying finish line of the day today winning those valuable seconds for the general classification but he is reached With 6 km left and the peloton remains compact pulled by the soudal a

    Good rhythm that the sdal runners had set there with there pulling for their lame leader who is beginning to stay. Even the man with the mustache there we see him then magnus cornelsen who already knows what it is like to win at the top of

    [ __ ] her today is not the day and a lot of attention for Mexico that we have left So Mr. Isaac del Toro With 4 km to go he had a good day today but it ‘s all learning So be strong Mexican brother and let’s move forward it’s

    Only now beginning Your career in the elite we are going with everything while moving forward with that last kilometer to go we see how Mikel Landa is pulling friends a lot of attention pulling Mikel Landa when he responds it is an

    Attack Mr. Renko vpol and there they know who Daniel Felipe Martínez the Colombian throws The wheel gets stuck Dani the Felipe Martínez Boras Groja runner Renco Benepol can’t believe it and he ca n’t reach it The wheel doesn’t get stuck

    Renco Leaves a few valuable seconds which Daniel Felipe Martínez will take advantage of To pass in the first position achieving a new Victory for Colombia for Latin America And especially for the spectacular boras groja Daniel Felipe Martínez attacking not his last 500 m very good for the Colombian congratulations A great surprise that

    Brings us let’s see how the classifications turned out today stage classification left us as the winner Daniel Felipe Martínez Colombian runner from Borjas Groja, this 27 year old runner born in the municipality of Suacha in the department of Cundinamarca here in Colombia on April 25,

    1996 weighs 63 kg and measures 1.72 cm professional since 2014 So spectacular for this runner Daniel Felipe Martínez who is there totally plugged in So he gets the Dani as we affectionately call him his 14th victory as a professional So welcome to one more stage for

    Colombia who did it with 4 hours 40 minutes and 21 seconds second position renco deepol with the same time ccos would pass third at 6 seconds Sergio uita the monster his teammate the Colombian fourth at 7 seconds tragni was fifth sixth pitc seventh eighth gegen eighth Team arensman ninth mikel

    Landa tenth Cristian escaria 17 seconds more stage positions for example for W baner position 16 to 26 seconds we were also going to have Francisco Joel Peñuela in position number 35 Venezuelan runner 4 minutes 8 seconds adner González position 39 we were also going to have in

    Position number 92 at the end of make this summary with Bruno Silva from taffer ovos matin at 12 minutes 36 seconds and we had no more classifications of the stage for the moment general classification leaves us Daniel Felipe Martínez who dresses

    As leader climbs 81 positions with a time of 9 hours 32 minutes 14 seconds Renco Benepol is 4 seconds in second position ccos is third at 12 seconds Sergio and guita is fourth at 16 seconds fifth J tragik we

    Also had sixth position Tao gegen seventh Tomás picop eighth Team Ares Man ninth Mikel Landa and tenth Cristian escari at 28 seconds closing the general classification in position number 15 with magnus cornelsen at 32 seconds and had no further classifications at the end of this summary the points led

    By gerben tysen la Montaña Daniel Felipe Martínez is now also the leader of this classification with 10 points the The best young man is called Antonio Morgado from White Tetin Emirates, the best team at the moment is Boras Groja. Tomorrow we will have stage number three, a stage where we

    Will face 192.2 km, starting from the royal town of San Antonio and arriving in Tavira. This is what the altimetry will be like, let’s see what happens friends, thank you very much for joining me in this summary and how good it is that Daniel Felipe Martínez has won

    A victory to celebrate in Latin America My name is William Porras and from Colombia it has been a pleasure to have informed you bye bye Thank you very much for having reached the end of the video here I recommend another one that I know you will like


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