Super excited to say I am a British TriathlonAmbassador for 2024, powered by Yellow Jersey Insurance ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

    Six of us got selected out of hundreds of applicants, Iโ€™m currently in Austria but have a Vlog coming out next week called โ€˜The Age Group Diariesโ€™ which will follow my journey to representing GB at Age Group level ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

    Stay tuned for more! ๐Ÿ‘€

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    How to race for Age Group GB:

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    So just checked into Travel Lodge this is where I’m staying for tonight nice and chilled nice and easy um probably going to head into town to have a little explore and probably get some food most slightly going to be Nando like always um but you’re probably asking yourself

    Whilst you’re watching this video why am I going to British trelon headquarters why is he going all the way up to Leb just to go have a visit well well I’m lucky enough to be selected as a British Triathlon age group Ambassador so last year I entered the Barry Sprint

    Triathlon and the Balor Triathlon Balor did turn into a duflon but from those races I managed to qualify for the European championships this year in v in France which is happening in September I’m doing a double header weekend so I’m racing on on the Saturday and the Sunday

    Which is going to be really interesting so from that uh they sent out an email asking for applicants and ambassadors on board to share their Journey share their um training to share some of the opportunities and also how to qualify for an age group uh slot so um me being

    Me I put my name in the Hat luckily I got selected there’s a couple of people selected I don’t know who any of the others are I will be meeting them all tomorrow for the first time it’s going to be really interesting to be honest I didn’t know that British traon had a

    Headquarters so this is a bit of behind the scenes for a lot of us I think which we’ll be really interesting they’ve got sort of a a day set up for us and we got a track session as well with one of the British Tron coaches so it’s going to be

    A really full on day tomorrow as well and a lot of learning but I thought this would be good to start the age group Diaries series with episode one come into British traon headquarters and see what all the Fest is about so hopefully you’ll join me on this journey so I ah

    Head into town get some food come back get some rest and I’ll see you all in the Morning So the morning we spent having a little wander around British traff on HQ and getting to know the other ambassadors and people involved after that we looked at some of the partners who helped British Triathlon and then how the age group system works what I didn’t realize

    Was when you submit a time or your interest for a age group race that payment actually goes towards a coach for that uh race wherever it may be and I thought that was really Interesting amazing I’m glad we did do too much I said think it could Be the afternoon we spent uh over in left University we had some food in the athlet center uh and there was a lot of other high quality teams there which really shows the level of talent they have There and then we went over to the athlet center and the indoor and outdoor flatus track just for a track session and just to work on some areas of stretching which we may not have thought of well certainly I didn’t anyway but it was a really good experience and a good

    Eye opener for me in terms of how we should warm up as athletes and also take into consideration our bodies before we actually start our Workout straight over rather than to ground yeah who wants to go first go On By I went for the highs all right Good [Applause] So that’s the end of episode one of the age group Diaries by the time this video has been released uh it would be confirmed that I would be an age group Ambassador which is partnered by yellow Jersey it’s been such an exciting day going around British Tri in HQ and also

    Leur University see some of the quality in terms of athletes they have here and facilities it’s um such an eye opener and um yeah really looking forward to working with these guys for the rest of the year um and bringing you some exciting content and probably content

    That you probably have a lot of questions to ask about so episode two will probably go through some of my training but also how you can possibly get yourself um into that age group um sort of mentality and probably trying to qualify for an age group event and how

    You can represent um age group GB at some of the um distances which you may cover in Tron or do aflon anlon there’s plenty of options so we’ll go through all of them maybe in a separate uh episode to this one so like I said this year we’re going

    To be um working our way up to the European spring championships and standard championships in vich this year and um yeah going to be wearing that H group GB truit which can be really exciting so please follow this content um there’ll be episode two coming out in

    A couple of months time and building up the content so please keep following if you’re inspired I got some links below uh to check out and um yeah see you in the next episode


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