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    “Welcome to Exam Winner, your premier resource for Plus One Biology! In this video, we dive into the fascinating world of “”Plus One Biology we Dive into the botanical realm with “”Plus One Biology | Respiration in Plants | Chapter 14 | Exam Winner.”” 🌱 Explore the intricacies of plant respiration and unlock the secrets of their metabolic processes.Whether you’re a student preparing for your Plus One exams or someone with a keen interest in biology, this video is a valuable resource.

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    Hello good evening yes yes yes good evening yes yes ready good morning all good evening okay ready yes yes complants okay okay in plants okay simply okay breathing energy synthesis energy production cellation very good carbo okay gas G okay okay syat system do plants have a respiratory system respirat system okay

    Each cell meet their own needs for gases for okay with the surface yes each take care of its own gas little transport of gases do not present do not have great demands for ox do not have do not have great demand do not have great demands of oxygen

    The distance they must diffuse in large wood trees okay why plants do not have a respirator system very okay cellular respiration cellular respiration very good yes congrats okay breakdown of material breakdown of carbon bonds breakdown of carbon bonds carbon carbon bonds in substances in materials oxidation oxidation of material oxidation of

    Substances oxidation of substance release phot certain amount of energy okay ready release energy energy releas energy bur am very very Goodell respiration the substances which are oxidized during respiration very good respiratory substrates respiratory substrates okay respiratory substrates the substances substrates which are oxidized during respiration substrates substrates which are oxidized which are

    Oxidized during respiration during respiration cellular respiration okay yes very good oxidation of food materials breaking down of carbon carbon bonds within a cell to release energy enery releas matb break respiratory substrates carbohydrates F Organics substrates enery currency of a cell okay okay ready set break down carbon dioxide water plus energy

    Okay respiration can be divided into two anob respiration div okay ah very good aerobic respiration anerobic respiration okay anob respiration okay involved in respiration aerobic respiration respiration steps very good glycolysis oxidative decarbox silation oxidative decarbox silation the CP cycle electron transport system in okay glycolysis oxidative decarbox C cycle and electron transport system

    GCO is an anob process anob process anob GCO it is a universal pathway universalis is called a universal pathway aerobic respiration ready gemp mayis ois very good partial oxidation of glucose okay partial oxidation of glucose to produce two molecules of pyic acid oxidation partial oxidation of glucose partial oxidation of glucose

    Into two molecules of pyic acid two molecules of of pyate two molecules of pyate okay it is called mayor glycolysis is called Universal pathway Universal why glycolysis is called Universal pathway okay unival it OCC it occur both in it occur both in aerobic and anerobic organisms and all organisms anerobic respiration aerobic respiration

    Loation GIS very goodas ready okay okay phot for transport andr is aose fructose monac okay in for For trios okay glucose six phosphate glucose six phosphate UC okay phos fructose Six B phosphate okay frose six phos okay carbon molecules SP phosphoglyceride three phosphoglyceride carbon compound for glyceride dihydroxy aceton phosphate dihydroxy aceton phosphate dihydroxy aceton phosph comp 3 PG dihydroxy aceton phosphate dap okay carbon compound two Moes of glycer glycer Glyceride of hen H okay three phosphoglyceric acid okay three foros for glyceric acid phosphos forcer bycer okay okay 1 phospher 1 phosphoglyceric phor glyceric acid okay ready three phosy 13c ready ready okay REM phos [Applause] okayer phos enol py phos enol pyate phos pH pyic acid two molecules of three carbon pyic

    Phos dihydroxy aceton phospher phos 13 bis phosphoglyceric acid 13 bis phosphoglyceric phosphoglyceric phosphos okay phospher okay clear yes pic ready okay ready okay ready used very good comp okay ATP into two into two 3 into 2 six two 3 into 2 6 ATP 2 ATP 2 ATP twoes clear done yes p Mo

    Okay respiration okay done okay respiration still anob respiration car p okay alcohol fermentation alcohol fermentation fermentation partial breakdown aob respiration fation okay electron transport Deo pyic acid decarbox Ethan alol dehydrogen dehydrogen transport okay done bacteria okay RP okayer okaying of lactic acid foration acid fermentation and dehydrogen lactate dehydrogen invol en lactate

    Dehydrogen okay lactic acid fermentation lactate dehydrogen important important very very important gcer phosphos gcer phos pyro pyic acid Pyro okay done very good okay six carbon glucose molecules of three carbon molecules of three car glucose bre compl break okay okay yes compound okayy carbon compound okayo okay

    It is the stepwise removal of hydrogen atoms Al and pass it on to the oxygen molecule and along with the carbon dioxide okay so stepwise removal stepwise removal of hydrogen atoms leaving three molecules of carbon dioxide leaving three molecules of carbon dioxide molecules carbon Dio ready cyop glyco okay GCO layer

    MBR that ISP cycle hand cycle citric acid ccle stable compound of the cycle is citric acid first stable product stable stable citric has three axic acid cycle TCA cycle carboxilic acid cycle okay Tri carboxilic acid cycle okay done yes pyic acid okay pic acid okay pyic acid is a three carbon

    Compound okay a pyic acid okay n+ n+ is hydrogen acceptor hydrogen ions okay hydrogen okay compile Co AC coenzyme atile coenzyme a which is a two comp Co coenzyme a okay done link reaction reaction oxidative decarbox oxidative decarbox okay Cal pyate dehydrogenase enzyme yes already oxy atic acid mitochondri matx space already o

    A o comp stable product that is citric acid citric acid now first stable product which is a six carbon compound six carbon okay and the cataly Sy syn synthesis citrate synthes okay done REM REM n okayo glutaric acid alpha ketoglutaric acid done alpha ketoglutaric acid which is a five carbon

    Compound okay five carbon compound ready five carbon compound Remo REM Co of ready ready coin phosphos GT okay substrate level for foration phosphorilation ATP synthesis substrate level phosphorilation okay Suc malic H cycle complete clear okay ready carbo REM carbon Dio remove okay comp G okay okay hydrogen accept ready okay C3 C done FP fad plus 3 ATP okay comp malic acid F very good [Applause] GP and F equal okay okay ATP gluc pyic acid molecule of pyic acid two molecules

    Of pyic acid into 308p okay into 308 ready 38 okay done okay okay ready okay ready okay okay respiration oond is the PowerHouse of cell mhammad ibim B Ms oxygen o in MBR of mitochondria inner membrane of mitochondria inner membrane of mitochondria ready okay space okay in MBR inner membrane inner

    Membrane inner membrane outer membrane then the mitochondria outer membrane mitochondria Matrix mitochondri Matrix in the inner membrane inner membrane outer membrane intermembrane space ready N2 F2 complex complex okay comp ready complex hydrogenase uh Sile dehydrogenase cytochrome bc1 complex cytochrome a A3 complex a complex one complex one nadh dehydrogen dehydrogen comp

    Comp cyome bc1 complex okay Sile dehydrogenase dehydrogenase Sile dehydrogenase okay comple complex two complex four cytochrome a A3 complex ATP synthes complex okay C1 okay okay N2 f2g ELR El okay photosythesis chotic hypothesis texbook ATP synthesis okay hydrogen ion very good Aran yes harishankar very good Leah very good hydrogen ions concentration gradient

    Yes F FN electron acceptors okay UB El okay elect C C1 okay okay UB ubol electron acceptors okay and cyto cyto okay okay hen okay and B okay2 okay El fourth complex 22y importance okay oxygen importance hydren I AC okay F1 particle F particle F1 particle comp ATP syn enzy

    ACP plus inorganic phosphate ATP okay okay electron transport system electron transport system System okay FN fub ubol cyto B C1 Cyr c cyr a Cy A3 same okay F F1 ready hydogen okay GTP already okay step glycolysis oxida phosphorilation CLE electron transport system phosphorilation why it is called oxida phosphorilation oid phosphation phosphation photo phosphorilation photo phosphorilation phosphation phosphation ATP synthis syis

    Photo ruction reaction oxidation and reduction of compounds of compounds result in the formation result ATP synthesis oxidative for yes okay1 zp synthis ADP plus inorganic phosph comp ready okay aerobic respiration down okay breaking reaction breaking reaction reaction respiration isic pathway why okay glycolysis is amphibolic why ready breaking reaction breaking

    Reaction what is called breaking reaction breaking reaction reaction catabolism catabolic reaction catabolism breaking breaking destruction carbohydrate glucose lactose fructose breaking reaction okay okaying stab that means reaction reaction AOL okay bothi amphibolic pathway catabolic reaction anabolic reaction why since respiration involve breakdown of substrates okay the catabolic pathway it involve breakdown of substrate example

    Glucoses break down into pyic acid and when the organism need to synthesize fatty acid astile coenzyme would be hence the respiratory pathway comes into picture both during synthesis of fatty acid similarly during the breakdown of protein breat pathway involve both anabolism and catabolism it is called sit ready okay last topic respiratory respiratory

    Respiratory equation what is respiratory quti respiratory it is the ratio it is the ratio of car Caron dioxide evolved carbon dioxide to the ratio of oxygen Consumed okay it is the ratio of carbon dioxide evolved to the ratio of oxygen consumed of carbon dioxide evolved to the volume of oxygen consumed okay and respiratory of carbohydrate and F less than one okay ready your value okay glucose okay less one okay important okay complete respiration in plants complete ADL okay

    Okay thank you so much good night


    1. 00:07 Plants do not have a respiratory system
      16:02 Respiration in plants involves oxidation of substrates to release energy
      23:07 Glycolysis is called the Universal pathway
      34:08 Respiration in Plants – Key Points
      46:27 Respiration in Plants involves dehydrogenation and lactic acid fermentation.
      56:46 Summary of Respiration in Plants
      1:05:49 Respiration in Plants
      1:17:12 Summary of respiration in plants
      1:27:24 Respiration in plants involves oxidative phosphorylation
      1:35:47 Respiration in plants involves catabolic pathway and anabolic pathway.

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