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    Hello, wonderful viewers! Mario here from Mario Lab, and today’s video is a game-changer for those looking to shed those extra pounds without hitting the gym. Discover the natural secrets that dissolve all stubborn fat deposits. 🌿💪 If you’re ready to embrace a healthier you without vigorous workouts, this video is a must-watch. Hit subscribe, share the wisdom, and let’s embark on a journey to a lighter, healthier life together! 🚀🌈

    ➡️ Visit my practice: 🏥 MarioLAB CENTER ZAGREB, Oreškovićeva 1 (Croatia) and
    🏥 AURA HEALTH CENTER VALPOVO, M. Gupca 37 (Croatia)
    ☎️ CONTACT US BY PHONE (📳 Viber or WhatsApp):
    098 9179 200 ( CROATIA ) or +385 98 9179 200 ( ABROAD )
    📱🖥️WEBSITE: http://www.mariolab.eu/ (BOOK WEBSHOP)
    ➡️About me:
    Mario Labudović, age 46 , (entrepreneur, author of the book “INTERMITTENT FASTING: THE SECRET OF HEALTH AND LONGEVITY”, YouTube creator, social media influencer, owner of Aura center Valpovo, MarioLAB center Zagreb,bacc.occup. therapy).
    My goal in life was to help patients to cure their diseases in a natural and safe way. I have been working with patients from all over the world for over 25 years. And I wanted to transfer my knowledge and experience to everyone to improve their health.On my channel you will find thousands of videos that will help you in your daily life and in the fight against diseases…
    Find out how to improve your health, recognize the symptoms of diseases, how to apply the best natural ways for a long, healthy and happy life!
    ➡️ Disclaimer:
    “MarioLAB YouTube channel uploads videos for general informational purposes only. They should not be used for self-diagnosis and are not a substitute for a doctor’s examination, treatment, diagnosis and prescription or recommendation. You should not change your health regime or diet before you contact your chosen doctor or medical expert and ask them for a medical examination, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a doctor or other health professional if you have questions about your health condition.”

    ❤️Thanks for watching!
    👋See you in the next video

    Today I will give you tips on how to lose weight, safely and healthily, without exercise. Excess body weight has become a big problem all over the world. It often leads to heart attack and stroke, diabetes, digestive problems… The bad way of life of today’s man has led to the current situation.

    We eat too much bad food, exercise too little, have a sedentary lifestyle, a lot of stress… When we talk about healthy weight loss and exercise, I can tell you that 90% of weight loss is due to proper nutrition and 10% to exercise. The first recommendation is self-evident.

    PROPER DIET will be the key to permanent and healthy weight loss. A healthy way to lose weight means 1-2 kilos less in 7 days. No more! This is an exception to the recommendation

    , because in this way our body will adapt more easily to losing weight. By far the best natural way to lose weight is the correct practice of the healthiest diet in the world called “intermittent fasting”! it is the best tool in the world to lose weight naturally and healthily…how to practice intermittent fasting,

    You have everything in my first book called “intermittent fasting – the secret of health and longevity”. But about that at the end of the show… One of my favorite recommendations is to drink MATCHA GREEN TEA in the morning, which is extremely healthy, of course

    Without any additives, or Turkish black (or similar) types of coffee. And of course a lot of water. Foods that you must exclude from your diet are: simple processed carbohydrates, sugars, everything based on white flour, white rice, white pasta, juices, alcohol, unhealthy fats and the like.

    Fast food, processed meat products are extremely bad for our body. We simply have to eliminate the bad foods that make us fat! What do you want to eat?

    First of all, a lot of vegetables (at least 60-70% of the plate you eat). Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber… let them be the main food every day. Next, consume healthy fats every day: extra virgin coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, walnut oil… They are loaded with healthy fats

    And omega 3 fatty acids. They make you full and healthy… Eat whole grains regularly: buckwheat, rye, millet, barley, couscous, whole grain oatmeal, whole grain rice, whole grain pasta… They have a great effect on health and digestion.

    As for fruit, don’t overdo it, 1-2 pieces of fruit in those 8 hours that you are allowed to eat are enough. As for meat, eat a lot of fish, which is extremely healthy, at

    Least 2x a week. Then, on 7 days a week, 3-4 days don’t eat at all meat. In 2 days, eat fish, with lots of vegetables and other healthy supplements. Which nutritional supplements

    Will help tremendously? These are primarily PSILLIUM PLANTS. IN 200 ML OF WATER, MIX 1 SMALL SPOON OF PLANTS, MIX AND DRINK 30 MINUTES BEFORE EATING…regularly takes CHROMIUM PICOLINATE (200-600 MCG DAILY). This mineral reduces the feeling of hunger and is particularly good for controlling

    Blood sugar and insulin. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, for example from linseed oil, evening primrose oil or salmon oil, are of great help. They are taken in the form of a dietary supplement according to

    The instructions on the packaging… Another food supplement is very important and it is called LECITIN! It dissolves fats and helps them to break down better in the body, and you really want that

    If you want to remove the accumulation of fat from the body in a faster and healthier way… Plants like alfalfa, dandelion, hindrangea, parsley or tiniana have strong diuretic properties that will help you remove excess accumulated fluid from the body…!If we want to lose weight properly, eat nuts and seeds daily,

    If possible organic, as much as can fit in the palm of one hand (ALMONDS, WALNUTS, CHIA, SESAME, FLAX…). losing weight without exercise is key to HEALTHY SLEEP. A minimum of 7 hours of deep sleep per night will allow us to lose weight, if you sleep poorly it

    Will be very difficult for you to lose weight. And you must take care of the proper control of STRESS in your everyday life

    . it will be difficult for you to lose weight properly. And be sure to drink at least 2-3 liters of water every day! This is my advice to everyone if you want to lose weight without exercising.

    Please adopt my advice and you will have the best chance to lose weight in a healthy way. You must fast on a daily basis for at least 16 hours, eat two meals a day, which will be

    Rich in vegetables, healthy fats, and quality meat. Do not eat meat two days a week. Whole grains , seeds and nuts are very healthy, in moderation with fruit. don’t eat food quickly, enjoy it. Get rid of all the bad foods that make you fat, and observe INTERMITTENT FAST!

    And don’t lose more than 1-2 kilograms per week, control stress, sleep and you will be on the best way to lose weight properly. My first book “intermittent fasting: the secret to health and longevity” is officially on sale! This book will teach you what

    A healthy life is and how to protect yourself naturally from a large number of diseases. It contains my knowledge that I have acquired over the last 25 years of studying and working with patients.

    The book has been translated into Croatian, English and German. It is available as an e-book, audio book and printed book. How to buy a book? Visit the webshop to buy the book at www.mariolab.eu (the link is below the video)!

    Or contact us on our phone numbers that you see on the screen, and we will give you instructions on buying the book. What else will help remove excess weight? find out here…See you!


    1. All the orders that Almighty Allah has placed on the Islamic Religion is that people bring beauty to themselves, to humanity and to the world, and that they will be rewarded with heaven when they die. One of the 5 conditions of the Islamic Religion is that it is ordered to fast for 1 month every year. The body is taken to rest, health is gained, and the body rejuvenates itself every year and we earn sevak.

    2. Milijon puta vam hvala na ovom.. imala sam pre 3 Godine Baypass zeludca smrsala_62 kile.. zivotna situacija mi je nanjela ogromno stresa mešanice zeludac mi se pomako sa mjesta poremecaj štitne. Ugojila sam se 16 kila.. SVE je otislo U masnoce . Moram to skinuti ne osjecam se dobro.❤

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