Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss Ukraine’s plan to drop 5,000 more citizens. #Russia #Zelensky

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    Chilling news from Ukraine as another wave of forc drafts look to be incoming with a Draconian enforcement mechanism forcing compliance Reuters reports that Ukraine intends on drafting 500,000 more citizens as Jordan shakel adds ke’s Parliament which now Outlaws opposition parties will soon allow for bank account seizures as a punishment for

    Non-compliance ukrainians abroad will have their assets free Frozen if they don’t report for duty this news comes as Ukrainian president vadir zalinski confirmed that he’s mulling over dismissing the country’s top military commander Valerie zni zalinsky told an Italian Outlet earlier this week quote I have something serious in mind which

    Does not concern a single person but if the direction of the country’s leadership there could be a replacement of a series of State leaders not just in a single sector like the military American and foreign media has reported on the frosty relationship between zalinski and zush

    As the two have budded heads on the best direction for the country in light of the war with Russia jalo seemingly being the figure who’s been a little bit more cleared about the likelihood of Ukraine prevailing in this military uh the defense of their country against Russia

    Um zalinski on the other hand still very much saying at least in public that he expects to win he’s you desperate still for the support of Western Nations including the US and uh is is upset and you know puts this in East first West you know great this is the great

    Conflict of our times unless we we give them more money obviously more funding being part of the bipartisan border Bill uh that is not at all likely to pass right well the Senate is supposed to convene today to vote on a standalone package for Ukraine I don’t expect that

    To be uh especially successful uh but we will see obviously there’s a lot more Unity on this particular issue than there is on some of these other ones there aren’t as many peel away progressives that would object to funding for Ukraine as there are voting for uh funding uh Israel and of course

    The it’s much less divisive than the the Border issues but the question of uh whether or not this particular Bank app this D Bank app is playing a kind of Nefarious role in the context of Ukraine having to conscript more soldiers to continue to fight this war obviously

    There’s a lot of fatigue in the country they’ve been going through this for a very long time the argument that’s being made here is that this Dia app was arguably pushed and promoted within Ukraine as a banking app that would make not just banking easier but reporting um

    War-based damage to buildings you could report um seeing Russian troops advancing um you could access your personal documents if you had to flee or if the building where they were stored was damaged it was it’s its own website pushes it as having all of those kind of applications and being very useful but

    Others are arguing now that because people’s assets are tied to this app and that they are banking predominantly through this app it makes it easier for the government to freeze their assets if they try to dodge the draft right and I can see why a lot of what was promised

    With the app would in fact be helpful some way to crowdsource um on the ground knowledge about yeah troop locations where it’s safe to be what’s going on I mean you know we do that in much obviously much less serious much less Stark uh conditions you in the US with

    You know like traffic apps that help Uber drivers lift drivers taxi drivers know you know what highways are blocked up that kind of thing is the same principle so that sounds great but if it can be used by an in frankly increasingly authoritarian central government in Ukraine to draft people to

    You know to debank people if they’re not compliant you know we’ve been talking about this what in the context of the Canadian truckers and some um Kanye West other people being you know becoming problematic and because of this tremendous ability to you know centralize these things through through

    Apps that can be control you know in governments that have less Ironclad protections for civil liberties and Free Speech than the US does they can you can really see how they could be used in kind of like a Black Mirror dystopian sense yeah I mean and it’s tough I mean

    The the new mobilization bill could lead to drafting up to 500,000 additional troops these are not insubstantial numbers of people that are being called up and of course imag that many able BBY people left some well there was reporting about a month or so ago about

    Um women you know looking at the draft pool and there being so many women and older men um when you’re looking at the room of folks and that I mean that’s that’s a really tough situation and that argument there’s an argument very strong argument there that zalinski is well out

    Over his skis and that he’s not contending with with the realities of the limitations of his fighting for is in front of him and what his means are in front of him and that frankly even a bailout uh funding bill from the United States of America is only going to

    Prolong the inevitable which is why and also who’s sorry go ahead who’s going to be using these even we send them more Aid more Weaponry I mean who is actually going to be the people using this equipment are we now you know are we now recruiting the women and the elderly

    People and the people under it like is that going to be an effective fighting force even if they’re equipped with the you know the best um stuff the American Military has to offer yes and so it comes back to this question of whether in the month or two after Russia first

    Invaded when there were negotiations a foot that were thwarted by the United States and the UK was Ukraine at that time in a better bargaining position because it was not looking at these depleted forces and it was not looking at um uh kind of territorial losses that it thought it

    Was going to be able to recoup um and did the United States intervention ultimately really really really push him up the creek I’m I’m trying to use an expression that I can use on on television but all of them are filled with exploitive because it’s a really

    Terrible situation to be in and is that guilt frankly part of what is driving so many uh Congress members to want to continue Aid yeah I don’t know it seems like an increasingly unpopular cause here certainly is in Republican circles and you know while repu you Republicans

    Are more I mean well the establishments of both parties are supportive of sending more funding to both the Ukraine and Israel and then you have um a substantial portion of of the Republican base and then exerting pressure on some members of Congress to not support on the Ukraine side and then

    For Democrats you have some much more Progressive members who don’t want to do the Israel funding but overall it it does Translate to a kind of I think Rising non-interventionist sentiment among the electorate that I I I think is going to make increased funding continued funding for Ukraine very

    Difficult to come by sure I mean the National Review just published an article called pass the Ukraine an Israel funding bill even separate from the border bill I mean I I I apprciate that’s them I appreciate that there are a handful of you know kind of Freedom

    Caucus types that are that do object to the uh war in Ukraine but it does increasingly seem to me as they decline to object to funding to Israel that it was about Ukraine feeling like Biden’s war and a it felt like a way to oppose Biden as opposed to a principal stance against

    Non-interventionism or not spinning American dollar just generally speaking or as I would hope a kind of principled a humanitarian position about the value of various conflicts and whether or not we’re just doing um world building in a proxy war with Russia or whether or not we would be intervening to stop a cataclysmic

    Humanitarian tragedy so we’ll continue to follow that and give you updates as they emerge more Rising right after This


    1. I feel sorry for the young men, especially, but all the citizens throughout Ukraine who will die in a bloody war that common sense people can see is a stalemate that should be ended with a negotiation. Ukraine has lost the territory that Biden helped cede when he made his comment about the US response depending on how far Russia goes. It's amazing how Democrats have been chicken hawks going after the guy they think cost them the 2016 election.

    2. This isn't Ukraine defending their country, THAT IS A LIE!
      This is about criminals who took over Ukraine who are using the idea that its Ukraine needing to be defended when its really criminals who took over Ukraine who are using it as a trafficking hub of all kinds including, women, children and drugs and much more like bio-labs which are admitted!

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