馬林號無人艇可作為海上平臺參與軍事和偵察行動。它能夠壓制通信設備和各種無線電信號。該無人艇配備了雷達系統和衛星導航系統,可以部署在港口,也可由大型軍艦攜帶。同時入役的還有首艘國產伊斯坦布爾級護衛艦、Arif Ekmekci(艾克梅奇)後勤支援艦和Derya號補給艦

    The Marlin, the world’s first unmanned boat equipped with a fully automatic electronic warfare system , has officially entered service with the Turkish Navy. At the same time, the first domestically produced Istanbul-class frigate and two supply ships have entered Turkey’s future use in the field of electronic countermeasures.

    The Navy will significantly improve its “information control power” and “electromagnetic control power” in the maritime battlefield, giving priority to “discovering the enemy first” and “firing the enemy first” and other advantages. In this issue, we will learn more about the world’s first electronic warfare unmanned boat. Advantages and functions

    Of unmanned boats. I believe everyone has a certain understanding of them through the Ukrainian army’s operations in the Black Sea. It is a surface platform weapon with certain autonomous capabilities that can sail autonomously without human beings and complete certain combat and operational tasks.

    It has low cost, Features such as concealed action and flexible maneuvering have caused damage to many ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet or caused damage to the Kerch Bridge traffic terminal, etc. Now Turkey has successfully combined it with electronic warfare technology to create the Marlin electronic warfare unmanned vessel. (ECUSV)

    Will play a huge role in maritime intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, surface information attack and defense, etc. The world’s first fully automatic electronic warfare unmanned vessel Marin was jointly developed by Assam and Saigon under the coordination of the Turkish Defense Industry Agency. Jointly developed by the Finnish Shipyard

    , according to data, it has a total length of about 15 meters, a maximum range of 400 nautical miles , can sail non-stop for 24 hours, and a top speed of 36 knots. It can be used as a offshore platform to participate in military and reconnaissance operations . In terms of weapons,

    The Marin is equipped with a 12.7mm The machine gun remote-controlled weapon station can be equipped with missiles or torpedoes according to mission needs to perform anti-ship and anti-submarine strike missions. In May 2023, it successfully tested the KUZGUN medium-range missile for the first time. Although not much information has been revealed

    In terms of electronic warfare , It is reported that it is equipped with radar, satellite navigation and sonar systems with adjustable detection frequencies and automatic information processing. It can carry out maritime military reconnaissance, monitoring and suppression, interfere with communication equipment and various radio signals. Combined with weapon systems,

    It will achieve integrated reconnaissance and attack attacks. It can operate autonomously, carry out long-term target alert, and can also provide electronic and anti-ship and anti-submarine protection in long-sea operations by accompanying fleet operations . The Turkish Ministry of Defense even announced that the Marin is the world’s first

    Unmanned surface ship with comprehensive electronic warfare capabilities. It may also be the most powerful unmanned surface ship that Turkey has developed so far. It is reported that the unmanned ship will participate in the NATO exercise held in Portugal in September . So what are the advantages and functions of electronic warfare unmanned ships?

    The essence of electronic countermeasures is to fight for the “power to control electromagnetic forces.” How to ensure the right to control electromagnetic forces in today’s complex electromagnetic environment , dense clutter, and multiple targets. Mastering the right to control information is a difficult problem. Whoever masters them

    Is equivalent to mastering the battlefield. Control rights , and Turkey’s Marin electronic warfare unmanned vessel can play a key role in the fight for these rights at sea. One is that the most basic reconnaissance role is limited by the curvature of the earth. The reconnaissance range of sea-based reconnaissance platforms

    Is basically within visual range. At this time, the electronic warfare unmanned boat can be used as a ship-based reconnaissance platform to perform close reconnaissance on the target , and then get in touch with the mother ship through ship-based communication systems such as satellites, data links, etc. , to achieve data sharing

    And even use it by multiple electronic warfare unmanned ships. The manned boats form a cluster to form regional coverage and form a joint three-dimensional surveillance network with various reconnaissance systems of space-based, air, and surface manned/unmanned platforms to expand the fleet’s situational awareness capabilities so that they can detect threats in time

    And provide information support for operations . Second It is an approaching electronic warfare unmanned ship that can jam the target . Its approaching jamming mode has a fatal interference effect on high-speed frequency hopping radio stations. It can effectively reduce the transmission delay advantage of frequency hopping radio stations and is used against enemy

    Aircraft. (Spaceborne) SAR/anti-submarine detection radar optical imaging reconnaissance , surface/shore-based radar surveillance, underwater listening network and other threats, the electronic warfare unmanned boat cluster can use electromagnetic interference, false target deception, smoke screen obscuration, underwater acoustic countermeasures, etc. This means to counter enemy reconnaissance and provide protection for the fleet.

    When monitoring and spying on enemy signal intelligence/electronic intelligence reconnaissance, the electronic warfare unmanned boat cluster can form strong interference in specific areas and frequency bands to prevent its snooping , and can also realistically simulate various types of surveillance. The electromagnetic radiation behavior of the ship

    Generates a false fleet, performing a “real and fake Monkey King” drama to confuse and disrupt the enemy. Moreover , the electronic warfare unmanned boat separates the electronic jamming function from the mother ship , which not only reduces the radar and communication of its own surface ships. In addition , due to

    The increase in the strength of the approaching reconnaissance signal of the electronic warfare unmanned ship, the sensitivity requirements of the equipment will be reduced, and the manufacturing cost will be greatly reduced. If it encounters enemy missiles during combat, Electronic warfare unmanned boat clusters that attack high-value targets such as our own

    Aircraft carriers can implement accompanying protection. They can use microwave radio frequency and photoelectric countermeasures and other technical means combined with cross-flash, platform maneuvering and other tactics to interfere with or deflect incoming missiles, thereby reducing the risk of attack. The hit rate and damage effect of incoming missiles can be effectively electromagnetic counterattacked

    Even by the rising drone swarm saturation attack. The entire fleet’s protection capabilities will be significantly improved . In short, with the addition of electronic warfare unmanned boats The navy will have long-term reconnaissance and jamming capabilities, which can solve the current problem of poor endurance in maritime electronic countermeasures operations

    . Even with the development of battery technology, the development of various solar cells or new batteries will not only further improve endurance, but also reduce electromagnetic radiation and improve stealth. The ability thus has a greater advantage in obtaining electromagnetic control rights in the maritime battlefield.

    So what is the progress of the United States on such an important maritime platform ? The United States has the world’s largest navy and naturally attaches great importance to the development of maritime unmanned combat technology. Electronic warfare unmanned boats are just one of them. It is reported that

    The Tactical Electronic Warfare Division of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has developed a system that can be used for surface ship defense. The advanced electronic warfare attack technology is suitable for unmanned boats and can cooperate with shallow sea warships for joint operations. It has been integrated into the HS-USSV and tested.

    Its role is exactly the same as that of the Turkish Navy’s Marin, but it is relative to the development of electronic warfare unmanned boats. The U.S. Navy wants to build an unmanned surface fleet, also known as a ghost fleet. The Ghost Fleet project launched by the U.S. SCO is to build an

    Unmanned fleet composed of 10 large unmanned surface ships. Judging from the published information, the U.S. military The ghost fleet is like a moving radar and missile. It can not only detect targets in advance and perform the first wave of interception missions , but also notify the rear to prepare.

    According to the United States, this ghost fleet can perform electronic warfare, intelligence, anti-submarine, confrontation and even The existence of independent dynamic combat and anti-hyssonic weapons. At present, the ghost fleet already has two large unmanned surface vessels, the Nomad and the Ranger, and is already developing towards actual combat. For example, in December 2021,

    The Cavalry large unmanned surface craft successfully test-fired the Standard-6 missile . In addition, in order to increase the range of the unmanned surface craft and improve the sustained combat capabilities of the U.S. Navy fleet , DARPA also proposed the “Sea Train” and “Unattended” “Ship” (NOMARS)

    To ensure that the U.S. Navy’s unmanned surface ships maintain its leading advantage for more than ten years. The future development direction of its unmanned fleet should also be towards actual combat, clustering, and long-term cruise levels. Interested friends can search for “Ghost Fleet” in the Huolijun channel. There is a separate video introduction

    . As for why it is necessary to build an unmanned boat fleet, one is because according to the US military’s vision, the medium-sized unmanned boat fleet will become the core of maritime operations in the future and be equipped with various sensors. To detect air and underwater targets,

    Large unmanned surface vessels are equipped with large solid phased array radars and vertical missile launchers to perform anti-submarine, anti-ship and other fire strike missions. This may give rise to a new maritime combat model and gain control of the sea. Currently, the U.S. Navy Secondly, it wants to quickly expand the fleet size

    By building an unmanned fleet to achieve goals such as distributed maritime operations. In the 30-year shipbuilding plan announced by the United States in December 2020, it was proposed to expand the fleet by the 2030s. The scale of up to 355 ships is difficult to achieve in the context of

    The current increase in ship operation and maintenance costs and the tightening of the US defense budget. However , the unmanned surface craft has good combat effectiveness and a short construction cycle. The most important thing is that the manufacturing and operating costs are low,

    Which is very suitable for the scale of the rapid force fleet. It is also in line with the concept of distributed maritime operations (DMO). Although the current unmanned surface vessels of the US military have only begun to have combat capabilities , as the related technologies of unmanned surface vessels continue to mature,

    Their combat capabilities and operational flexibility will be further improved. By then, they will be more powerful. Implementing the goal of “distributed maritime operations” and returning to the Turkish Navy. Joining the service with the Marin are Turkey’s first domestically produced Istanbul-class frigates and two supply ships. Today’s Turkish warships

    Will have 150 ships of various types by 2023, including 1 “aircraft carrier” – the amphibious assault ship Anadolu, 16 frigates, 9 frigates, 12 submarines, various types of missile boats, patrol boats, minesweepers, landing ships and auxiliary ships. The most advanced warships of the Turkish Navy in the past The Meco 200TN frigates

    And second-hand American Perry-class frigates were introduced from Germany. Later, as the level of shipbuilding improved, Turkey intended to change the embarrassing situation of long-term weapons imports, so it launched a national shipbuilding plan in 2007. The plan is roughly divided into three steps. Build 12 surface ships in batches, 4 in each batch,

    And require the ship type to be as versatile as possible to achieve gradual development and leap-forward upgrades, ultimately covering the goal of ranging from light anti-submarine patrol ships, medium-sized frigates to large-scale air defense ships. This time The Istanbul in service is the first ship of the Istanbul-class frigate of the plan.

    Three other ships of the same class are under construction. The second batch of four ships of this class in the plan have also been approved. They are mainly used to replace the old Yavez-class patrol ships. The Istanbul-class frigate is improved from the Island-class frigate. Compared with

    It, its fuel capacity and combat range have increased by about 50%. It is 113.2 meters long, has a full load displacement of 3100 tons, has a maximum speed of 29 knots and a maximum endurance of 5700 nautical miles. It is equipped with 2 MIDLAS, a domestic vertical launch system with 8 units,

    Can carry and launch a variety of ship-to-air missiles. 4 groups of 4-unit anti-ship missile launchers can be equipped with 16 Sparrowhawk anti-ship missiles. 2 units with 3 units of 324mm torpedo launchers can launch light anti-submarine weapons. Torpedoes such as Mk 46, Mk 50, etc. According to Turkish military industry sources,

    The localization rate of the Istanbul has reached 80%. It is the ship with the highest localization rate in Turkey. It was also praised by the CEO of STM Engineering Company of this class of ship. One of the five largest modern frigates in the world. As for the two newly commissioned supply ships,

    They are named Derya and Arif Ekmekci. Among them, Derya is a combat support ship whose tonnage is second only to the amphibious assault ship Anadolu. It is the second largest ship in the Turkish Navy. It has a displacement of 26,000 tons

    And can carry 10,000 tons of fuel, 750 tons of fresh water and 270 cubic meters of cargo. It can provide necessary supply support for combat troops during combat and help improve the combat efficiency of the fleet. In order to ensure smooth and rapid supply,

    The Derya supply ship is equipped with two diesel engines and one LM2500 gas turbine produced by the American General Electric Company. Its speed can reach 24 knots. In terms of weapons and equipment, it is also equipped with a close-in defense system and two 25mm cannons. The set

    Has a helicopter landing platform and two helicopter hangars, which can carry out accompanying supply and helicopter supply. The Arif Ekmekci (Ekmekci) is the second and last supply ship of the Turkish Navy’s “Logistics Support Ship” project. Displacement 8477 tons, with a maximum speed of 12.5 knots. It has a strong carrying capacity and

    Is also equipped with very advanced medical facilities. It can provide timely medical assistance and rear refueling services to other ships through the helicopter landing platform when needed. It can also provide combatants with what they need. of fuel, fresh water and food. In short, the commissioning of these four new ships

    Not only enhances the fleet strength of the Turkish Navy, but is also the latest achievement of the development of Turkey’s defense industry. Its purpose is to strengthen its strength in the Mediterranean. According to Erdogan’s words, Turkey will be committed to Developing diversified combat platforms for the Turkish Navy

    , including unmanned ships, submarines and aircraft carriers. However, Huolijun also saw from some reports that these four newly commissioned ships still need to rely on foreign procurement for many key technologies and equipment . This shows that the Turkish defense industry is in There are limitations in independent research and development

    , but I have to say that Turkey has taken the first step in becoming the first country to put electronic warfare unmanned ships into service. The follow-up results are very objective as long as it continues to develop . Regarding the world’s first electronic warfare ship

    Do you have anything to add about unmanned boats ? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. I am Huolijun. See you next time!


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