According to statistics in 2021, in the UK there are about 216,000 active farms spread across the country and the land area used for agricultural production here is about 23.2 million acres, accounting for 71%. the entire territory.
    In recent years, most of the crop farms are concentrated in the eastern region. Meanwhile, most of the livestock farms are concentrated in the western region of the UK.
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    Foreign s today we will visit  the United Kingdom a country   that is considered the best friend  of the United States in many fields   to see the Agriculture and livestock farming  processes of the farmers and how it happens according to statistics in 2021  in the UK there are about 216  

    000 active Farms spread across the country  and the land area used for agricultural   production here is about 23.2 million Acres  accounting for 71 of the entire territory in recent years most of the crop farms  are concentrated in the Eastern region  

    Meanwhile most of the livestock Farms are  concentrated in the western region of the UK currently the operations on farms in the UK are  mainly wheat barley fruit and vegetable production   in addition animal husbandry  is also very popular here   with a large number of farms raising  cattle pigs sheep and poultry

    We are currently on a sheep farm in the  county of Nottinghamshire east of England   it is home to more than 400 adult sheep every morning hundreds of sheep here will   be herded to the grasses right at  the foot of the hill to freely feed

    Currently in the UK there are more than  400 sheep farms operating with different   sizes and the number of sheep raised  across the country is 17.3 million heads in addition to sheep farms with large grazing  areas in the UK there are also millions of  

    Sheep kept in Barns and they are only allowed  to go Outdoors when they are eligible for sale this is a cattle market in  the county of North Yorkshire   here more than seven thousand sheep from  10 to 12 months will be auctioned off

    After the auction is over thousands of  sheep will be sent to slaughter houses   in addition a large number of them will also be  transferred to other Farms to start a new life this is what’s going on at a lamb Factory on  average 11 to 12 million sheep are slaughtered  

    Each year in the United Kingdom and the country’s  annual output of lamb is about 670 million pounds   five times more than the amount of land  produced in the United States thank you goodbye sheep farms we’re going to the American  style cattle ranch in County Norfolk east of the  

    UK to see how thousands of cattle are raised here  at this Farm about 400 cattle are raised in Barns   which Barn has an area of about one acre  that can be used to house 55 to 65 animals every day these workers will provide all the  

    Food for these cattle instead of  releasing them on the grasslands currently in the UK there are about  560 cattle Farms of different sizes   and the number of cattle Farms here is much less  than the 700 000 cattle farms in the United States

    Most of the Farms here only manage  about 200 to 400 cattle and calves   in addition in the UK there are  also 17 large-scale cattle Farms   each large-scale cattle farm supplies the  market with about 6 000 beef cattle per year

    This is another cattle ranch in Wales home to more  than 600 beef cattle special thing is that all the   cows here are bought at cattle markets in the east  of the UK when they are four to five months old

    Every day fresh grass will be used to feed  the hundreds of cows here and this work   will be done every day for about 30 months  before they are shipped to beef factories Mike cuddle in the United States millions  of cattle in the United Kingdom will also  

    Be sent to cattle markets for auction  when they are eligible for release each year around 2.6 million  cattle are slaughtered in the UK   and the average beef production  here is about 885 000 tons per year currently about 70 percent of forage  used in the UK is hay and silage  

    Thus the pastures for cattle are an  important part of the country’s agriculture   it is estimated that 15.2 billion pounds of hay is  produced in the UK each year for cattle ranchers   in addition about 11 billion pounds of silage  is produced each year for the livestock industry

    After being bailed thousands of bales of hay  will be moved to warehouses next to the farm   for storage and for each bale of hay like this  the farmers can earn around five to six dollars this is the ongoing Harvest on a sweet corn  farm in County Devon in Southwest England  

    August to September is the time when the  Harvest takes place in most of the sweet   corn fields in the UK unlike the sweet  corn farms in California or Florida of   the United States most sweet corn  in the UK is harvested by machines

    The manual harvesting of sweet corn is done only  on small-scale farms owned by the households according to statistics in 2021 sweet corn  production in the UK is about 3.7 million pounds   sweet corn production here  is modest when compared to   the 2.7 billion pounds produced  by the United States each year

    Next we’ll go to some barley fields in  the UK to see how the Harvest happens the UK’s barley growing areas are mainly  concentrated in the east of the country   particularly in Yorkshire and Eastern Scotland  according to statistics by mid-2022 in the  

    UK there will be 1.97 million Acres of  agricultural land used for Bali production   in 2021 Bali production in the UK was  around 15.6 billion pounds of that 1.8   billion pounds is exported to other countries and  the rest is mainly used in the Brewing industry

    Hello my friends today we are going to the U.S  state of Alaska to see how farming and livestock   work here agriculture may not be the first thing  that comes to mind when you think of Alaska   snow-capped mountains and fast Glaciers are  what we often hear about in this remote state  

    Despite being the largest state in the United  States with 365 million Acres only about 883   000 acres are cultivated in Alaska according to  statistics in 2021 there are 513 farms in Alaska   operating on these Farms are mainly vegetable  farming cattle raising reindeer pigs and goats  

    In addition farming and fishing is also  a very famous industry in this state   currently most of the farms in Alaska are  concentrated in the northeast of Anchorage City thank you this is a bison Farm in the city of Delta  Junction in the Southeastern part of Alaska  

    Here about 65 bison are grazing on fenced pastures   currently Alaska has about 915 bison  distributed on 34 different Farms   most of the Bison here are raised for meat and  some other recreational purposes such as hunting morning dozens of Bison at this Farm will  be herded to the grasslands to freely feed  

    Around these fast grasslands is a  protective fence system so there   are almost no predators that can attack the Bison   a full-grown bison has an average weight of 1800  pounds and females an average weight of 960 pounds   each day each bison here needs to eat food  equivalent to about four percent of their  

    Body weight every year in Alaska about 230  bison are slaughtered for meat meanwhile   the number of Bison slaws at each year  across the country is more than 20 000 head here are the cattle ranches  in Alaska’s Kanai peninsula  

    Because of the cold weather herds in Alaska  usually spend up to three quarters of the   Year living indoors and each year they only  spend about 100 days foraging in the grasslands according to the USDA statistics each year  about 6 800 calves are born in Alaska and  

    The state’s cattle population has  always remained at around 25 000. the main forage used for the herds here  is grass and hay in Winter fodder will   be spread on the snow-covered ground and  hundreds of cattle will feed here all day

    Due to living in a harsh environment  the quality of beef in Alaska is also   appreciated compared to other  places in the United States in addition to bison and cattle the Musk Oxen is  also a famous animal in Alaska this is an animal  

    That was once considered extinct in Alaska due  to over hunting by 1930 34 mux Austin had been   shipped to Alaska from Canada and today their  number has grown to more than five thousand this is a musk oxygen Farm in the city of  Fairbanks it is home to more than 60 Musk Oxen  

    Light cattle Musk Oxen spend most of the Year  living on the farm in the summer when the weather   is warmer they will be herded by ranchers to  the fields and cliffs to feed freely basically   the behavior of the Musk Oxen is similar to the  Bison living in this state on average an adult  

    Male musk ox weighs between 800 and 900 pounds  and the weight of the females is about 600 pounds goodbye livestock Farms now we will  go to Vegetable Farms in Alaska to   see how the process of cultivating and  harvesting vegetables takes place foreign this is a nursery with millions of lettuce plants

    After about two weeks in the nursery  millions of these lettuce plants will   be moved to the fields to start a new life  basically the process of growing lettuce   in Alaska is similar to other states  like Arizona Florida or California

    Thank you in nearly two months since planting  millions of lettuce plants here will be harvested   in early October the process of harvesting  lettuce is done Everywhere by dozens of farmhands   which is similar to the process of vegetable  harvesting in Arizona and California

    In addition to lettuce cabbage carrots and  pumpkin are also vegetables grown in Alaska foreign next we’ll head to the Southeastern Waters  of Alaska to see how the fishing of millions of   salmon goes on from mid-may to September  is the best time to catch salmon in Alaska  

    Every year about 9 000 boats flock to this area  to fish and about 34 of these boats sink or have   accidents in 2021 about 223 million seven  have been caught in this sea and the revenue   of this fish is about 745 million dollars after  thousands of salmon have entered a net they will  

    Be pulled by these fishermen onto a boat and  transferred to the storage tank below the boat   currently salmon Court in Alaska accounts for  93 of sound production in the United States   the remaining salmon is mainly farmed  in the waters of Washington and Maine   according to the Alaska fishing  employment center trout fishes  

    Typically earn about seventeen thousand  dollars within a three months of working


    1. Thank you for the video, I usually watch with interest. However, much of the footage in the video was not from the UK at all, and can be seen clearly in the terrain and the systems used to ID tag the animals. Nottinghamshire does not have mountains or that breed of sheep and we don't wear cowboy hats whilst waving flags at cows in auction rings…. 🙄

    2. Lest we forget…..UK farmers are paid £3.4 billions per year in subsidies, this is more than all other UK industries combined! We pay farmers to grow the food, then we pay supermarkets to buy the food once processed! In New Zealand, the government stopped subsidies to their farming community. This led to a serious transition, whereby NZ farmers were forced to rethink.They looked for markets outside their local area & turned to Asia. This has resulted in a leaner, healthier farming industry which has benefited the NZ, to the extent it is cheaper to produce a leg of lamb in NZ and transport to the UK than it is to produce in the UK!! Do not believe the stuff you hear from Countryfile, it's not true!

    3. Assalamu Allaykum Halal Lets everything that has breath praise the Lord. may you enjoy a day filled with blessing enjoy any drinks. Exodu 11.7 no problem my farm residence of Valencia Anacion .keep healthy

    4. It seems like all those creatures are isolated from each other, human beings became middle medias or walls of them, the animal and plant creatures could help each other grow stronger and more energetic, human beings can also participate to manage or maintain and enjoy they grows and gratitudes in human beings’ lands.

    5. In large-scale agriculture, the coordination of harvest logistics, including transportation and storage, is vital to prevent waste and ensure a smooth supply chain.

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