Let us explore the least known of Trier’s UNESCO sites, our Roman bridge from the second century

    Hi guys I hope you can see something I hope you can hear me I’m standing under our Bridge today it’s quite gray it’s raining so so that’s why you are seeing the water the bridge and not myself I need to cover myself with an umbrella

    So I need an extra hand and hi everyone I hope everybody is fine today so what did everybody do did you go to some nice tours yeah we are still waiting another minute to start officially I hope I can start in one minute so let’s slowly

    Move because I want to show you the other side of the bridge I just took some cover over here not so cold today just just wet and yeah not so nice nice but at least no thunderstorm Today and trying not not to fall over and trying not to include my umbrella so I guess we can start now so welcome to Tria I’m yulani you’re guide here for Tria for Germany’s oldest town also for Luxembourg yeah and today we are looking at Germany’s oldest

    Bridge or at least at parts of it so our town was founded in 17 BC by the Romans and when they found at our town they already decided they need a bridge so the first Bridge was a wooden one and it was to our left hand side so you

    Don’t see anything from our wooden bridge left so quite soon realized they need a stone bridge so they built a second one also a little bit to the left of this bridge we are not sure why it got destroyed but in 144 they decided they need a better one

    So yeah it’s a great day but at least um no hail and no thunderstorm so yeah and this bridge at least the pillars they are from um around 150 140 uh so quite old over 18800 years old and it’s UNESCO side which people usually don’t believe because we still use it for

    Traffic you’re not allowed to drive over it with a bus except for our city buses and our city buses um sometimes use it so the black stuff the pillars that’s Roman the top is not Roman any longer the top um they changed it during medieval times so they actually made it

    A little bit smaller the first stone arches on top were from um 13th century probably got destroyed and those Stone arches here are now 18th century and The Pedestrian part on Top is 20th century but it still counts as Germany’s oldest bridge so really an interesting

    Building and what I don’t like and I love graffiti some people use it for graffi but let’s have a look big boat is coming and you see it looks the pillars look a bit like triangles on this side well the water is Flowing to the left meaning when it’s cold and it was

    Cold in former times when we had ice it was used as an ice breaker so quite clever and would everything could just pass so really a good idea to build it like this and here one of our big mosle boats is coming so it’s still used um yeah for

    Transport the Romans um used it for transport and that’s why they actually made our town here and if we got a Peter here that’s yours yeah maximum length something a little bit around 110 M so this would also be more or less the length of your average mle um cruise

    Ship if you go on one and Cesar even takes a car with them yep it’s the mosle river here and we are standing on the old retaining wall but as it is muddy down here I’m not taking you down here because it would end with me probably

    Annoying yeah our little ducks down here because I’m sure I would slip and fall in our River and it’s too cold and not clean and I have some really bad currents around here so I would not advise you to swim here but those Beauties they love it

    Here and I’m going to take you over to the bridge to the other side but I first want you to show the the bridge from this side yeah you see those ladders just for bridge maintenance and they’ve got something on top to cover it so that you can’t climb down and get Stuck and here you see how strong it was I mean it’s really old over 18800 years and still working and they’re a little bit angry down here and here our so-called soer fans added graffiti usually they avoid our UNESCO buildings but somehow people forget that this is an UNESCO building as

    Well but here you see it’s round the pillars are round on this side meaning you don’t need a triangle here here because the ice and everything is coming from the other side so they made it quite cleverly and before we go to the other side I try to zoom in

    Trying and you see two muscle graines the first one to the right hand side it’s from the 18th century and the one to the left that’s 15th century so we’ve seen I’m on another tour already they’re quite cleverly built the roof turns around and inside they had a

    Huge uh wheel like a hamster wheel and that’s how they managed um to unload and load the boats so we believe our Roman Harbor was probably all over here and even in later times this was our Harbor so this bridge also was our main entrance into

    Town and let me see um how are we time wise um we are going it’s a long way there are some stairs here but they are extremely slippery today so we are taking the long way and you get a nice view of our Bridge from this side before we cross

    It and go into our town well into our Roman town today’s this is still part of Tria but during Roman times this would have been outside So you probably had a city gate on the other side and a gate for the bridge on this side because you also had to defend uh your Bridge you didn’t want an enemy to get your Bridge and in Roman times um the bridge was actually longer when they did build the streets on the other side and the dam two pillers disappeared so it was about 300 M long during Roman times and they did build it so high that they could use it um when everything was

    Flooded and I mean you needed um to be able to get your ships under it today we have a ship traffic until about 6 M so if it’s too high um Everybody tries to get um out of Tria because well yeah you don’t want an topless boat especially our cruise ships

    Um they are quite High high so they can’t drive when it’s too high so they decide to sail back or they stay in Tria yeah and here modern buildings and you see lots of graffiti not the best ones I will show you better ones on my graffi tour and those are illegal

    Ones we all also got legal ones but those are just Illegal and here you got a hotel with a nice view and it’s not so far into town it’s about yeah 15 minutes walk but you’re going to walk uphill I means the Romans were clever and most important buildings on the other side we’re a little bit uphill because our emperor didn’t want

    To get red feet and at a moment it’s shortly after 5: so we got Rush Hour meaning everybody is going Home and here part of Tria vest one of um the poorer parts of Town and all river side was always like a barrier I mean you had the bridge but still we had um not a lot of pups anything directly next to the river so our River really divided our town and they’re building a new train stop that’s by diverted

    Traffic and why people are walking up here coming up really pretty graffiti really a neur and they did win a competition when they made it so it’s some local butterflies the blue ones and some abstract things so we will be a little bit in traffic I hope you can still understand me because

    Yeah I admit I messed up my timing I thought 5:00 is a nice time for you guys so and it was an empty spot but I forgot we had to rush hour oops and here’s a they plan to restructure this whole area just to make it

    Nicer and I mean look better for UNESCO side but now we are going to walk over our olders bridge and it’s actually the only one that didn’t get destroyed during the second world war all our mle p just got destroyed the Germans wanted to destroy this one as

    Well we have no idea why it didn’t explode so we were really lucky and we were also lucky because a guy named um General pattern came he actually took Trio with only two divisions so he managed to liberate us a few days before eisenh hor wanted him to do

    It and there is this nice story that Eisenhower wrote to Paton told him well you have to wait to take Tria you can’t take it you need four divisions and patton wrote back to him sorry sir I already did it with two should I give it back and try it again with

    Four and I mean that was one of the reasons yeah why this bridge is still standing didn’t explode and the Americans came in time and for us here it was really a Liberation as well so I mean we were glad when everything ended you’re going to see a model of the

    Bridge quite soon of the Roman bridge in the middle of our bridge and some people wanting to be famous and here you get a nice view oops bit windy on top of the hill quite tiny you see our virgin Mary she is from the middle of the 19th

    Century during that time we’ve been part of Russia they were Protestants we are Catholics and well she was built after the Protestant King decided let’s turn our own old Roman audience Hall into a Protestant church people didn’t like it so shortly afterwards Virgin Mary got

    Built and let me see if I can zoom in here yeah so you see a street going up some houses that’s our old Roman Street that was really difficult uh to travel quite Steep and imagine you had to carry everything or you had an ox wagon so not really comfortable

    And if you walked you walked perhaps um 30 km per day so it took you quite a long time to travel except for the Roman soldiers they were trained to travel much faster and I always ask myself how did they manage to get this graffiti up Here ambulance coming we got a hospital over here and where’s this hospital is they did find lots of Roman gold coins about 40 years ago 30 years Ago I guess he’s going to the hospital Yeah because that’s one way here and I wasn’t sure if he wanted to come here or not but let’s have a look at this first so it is in German it tells you about as US Army and who actually was one of them who got uh the

    Bridge and it really um says uh yeah that was the end of the war for which made everybody really happy because it saved a lot of um lives when it stopped and here a model which is not correct as you can see because on our left hand side it has

    Triangles it looks like a cone here as well it should be round on our left hand side so that’s how they imagined the Roman Bridge looked like but this side here is wrong and my colleagues already told it to our town but nobody listens to the guides and our Roman prge

    It was not much smaller than today’s Bridge so we had probably um 11 M and today it’s about 13 M and hang on I want to give you a better view of our tiny tiny tower here so this this um to measure how high the river is so in former times before we build um the dam where the street is today our River came up to the wall and let me see

    If I can take you to the other side we will be in traffic but you will get a nice view of the bridge so and you’re going to see emperor Constantine he got a little statue during the 19th century he was a Roman Emperor and he

    Did quite a lot for our town he made it residence again and J ROM times where the car is Oh I thought it was one way I changed it so here was our main entrance into town so we had a huge gate here probably like our black gate which I’m going to

    Show you on Friday here a river sometimes Flats so our path down down here our bike path pedestrian path where I’ve been standing that usually flat several times per season per winter season but our town only Flats when it’s 11 M 32 I believe so luckily it doesn’t

    Flat but some of our other parts of town uh our other quarters um got flooded a few years ago but it was not the M it was the small river that came from the other side that actually flooded the town part so we lost a hospital because it was flooded but luckily nobody

    Died so yeah the traffic here is annoying it’s our main road around town but we are lucky that we got this street here because it’s our dam and without it we would be flooded at least once or twice per year on top here that Constantine it’s a Roman guy

    And let me see yep it’s open I’m taking you down here as well because I have to walk into the other direction and it’s not so loud I just give you a nice view from here and then we are going down again but here you have really a nice view view

    Oops of our bridge and in the middle bit difficult to see trying to zoom in the Statue he is St Nicholas he is the one we celebrate in December and he’s also petent of our Boatman here and that’s why he is on a bridge and we are going down here I just

    Need to watch my steps quite slippery So and we are back here nice and well quieter and here you see we still got plastic in the trees so this was from 3 weeks ago when our River got quite High it wasn’t dangerous but it was quite high but I’m glad that it’s open here because I’ve gotten in person group

    In one and a half weeks for down here and I can’t take some on a closed uh walkway so you will get a nice view of Tria West from this side and I’m already at 29 minutes so let’s give you a nice view over here and I apologize for the traffic

    Noise I really um realized too late that it’s maybe a bad idea to do it during rush hour but I wanted it to make to make it at a time when people from North America are able to watch and time zones and myself are not the best friends so here is our Bridge

    Again we got Tria West on this side oh and if you like this tour please um like the video uh subscribe to my channel if you can buy me a coffee because we don’t get paid I will add more tours I added modern Tria and I added uh street

    Art and I will be testing more in Luxembourg and around orar River in the next few days so you might get something quite nice next to our side River in the next few days I’m not sure if I got signal or not that’s what I why I want to test

    That before I add anything so stay tuned and please say hi um to whoever is after me I haven’t checked check out uh my other colleagues we want to make this uh work so we can only do it with your support if you like our videos If you subscribe and tell

    Everybody how great a TV is much better than your cable TV actually so thanks for coming guys and bye

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